Ejemplo n.º 1
 def runTest(self):
     req = {}
     treexml.insert_node(req, 'value', '5.0')
     reqxml = treexml.encode('request', req)
     (root, resp) = treexml.decode(self.conn.post('/users/bob/items/teacup/rating', reqxml))
     self.assertEqual(resp['status'][0]['type'][0], 'OKAY')
     (root, resp) = treexml.decode(self.conn.post('/users/bob/items/teacup/rating', '3'))
     self.assertEqual(resp['status'][0]['type'][0], 'OKAY')
     (root, resp) = treexml.decode(self.conn.post('/users/sally/items/teacup/rating', '2'))
     self.assertEqual(resp['status'][0]['type'][0], 'OKAY')
     (root, resp) = treexml.decode(self.conn.post('/users/john/items/teacup/rating', '4'))
     self.assertEqual(resp['status'][0]['type'][0], 'OKAY')
     (root, resp) = treexml.decode(self.conn.get('/users/bob/items/teacup/rating'))
     #self.assertEqual(len(resp['history'][0]['record']), 2)
     #self.assertEqual(resp['history'][0]['record'][0]['value'][0], '3.0')
     #self.assertEqual(resp['history'][0]['record'][1]['value'][0], '5.0')
     #self.assertEqual(resp['prediction'][0]['value'][0], '3.5')
     (root, resp) = treexml.decode(self.conn.get('/users/sally/items/teacup/rating'))
     self.assertEqual(len(resp['history'][0]['record']), 1)
     self.assertEqual(resp['history'][0]['record'][0]['value'][0], '2')
     #self.assertEqual(resp['prediction'][0]['value'][0], '3.5')
     (root, resp) = treexml.decode(self.conn.get('/users/sally/items/nonexist/rating'))
     #self.assertEqual(resp['prediction'][0]['value'][0], '0.0')
     self.assertEqual(resp['history'][0]['num_records'][0], '0')
     (root, resp) = treexml.decode(self.conn.post('/users/john/items/basket/rating', '1'))
     self.assertEqual(resp['status'][0]['type'][0], 'OKAY')
     (root, resp) = treexml.decode(self.conn.get('/users'))
     self.assertEqual(resp['userlist'][0]['id'][0], 'bob')
     self.assertEqual(resp['userlist'][0]['id'][1], 'john')
     self.assertEqual(resp['userlist'][0]['id'][2], 'sally')
     self.assertEqual(len(resp['userlist'][0]['id']), 3)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def runTest(self):
     req = {}
     tags = {'name':'Bob', 'phone':'123-456-7890'}
     treexml.insert_node(req, 'meta', tags)
     reqxml = treexml.encode('request', req)
     (root, resp) = treexml.decode(self.conn.post('/users/bob', reqxml))
     self.assertEqual(resp['status'][0]['type'][0], 'OKAY')
     (root, resp) = treexml.decode(self.conn.get('/users/bob'))
     self.assertEqual(len(resp['user'][0]['meta'][0]), 2)
     self.assertEqual(resp['user'][0]['meta'][0]['phone'][0], '123-456-7890')
     self.assertEqual(resp['user'][0]['meta'][0]['name'][0], 'Bob')
     (root, resp) = treexml.decode(self.conn.post('/users/john/name', 'John'))
     (root, resp) = treexml.decode(self.conn.post('/users/sally/name', 'Sally'))
     (root, resp) = treexml.decode(self.conn.get('/users'))
     self.assertEqual(resp['userlist'][0]['id'][0], 'bob')
     self.assertEqual(resp['userlist'][0]['id'][1], 'john')
     self.assertEqual(resp['userlist'][0]['id'][2], 'sally')
     self.assertEqual(len(resp['userlist'][0]['id']), 3)
Ejemplo n.º 3
#!/usr/bin/env python

import treexml

if __name__ == '__main__':
    xml = ('<?xml version="1.0" ?><response><status><type>\nOKAY\n</type>' + 
           '<desc>Everything is just fine.</desc></status><empty/>' +
           '<time>2:08 AM</time><time>5:43 PM</time></response>')
    (root, doc) = treexml.decode(xml)
    print '\'%s\': %s' % (root, doc)
    print doc['status'][0]['desc'][0]
    print 'times: %s' % ', '.join(doc['time'])
    print treexml.encode(root, doc)
    print treexml.encode(root, doc['status'][0])
    r = {}
    print r
    msg = treexml.insert_node(r, 'message', {'text':['hello'],'language':['english']})
    print r
    #treexml.insert_node(r['message'], 'language', 'english')
    #print r
    print treexml.encode(root, r)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def run(self):
        processing_start_time = time.time()

        self.root = "response"
        self.response = {}

        if not self.headers:
            return self.failure("Header 'host' required for all requests.")
        hostname = self.headers["host"].partition(":")[0]
        hostname_matches = re.findall("(\w+).(rapidrec.com|localhost)", hostname)
        if not hostname_matches:
            return self.failure(
                "Could not determine sitename.  Please use " + "[sitename].rapidrec.com for all requests."
            self.sitename = hostname_matches[0][0]
        # Check the validity of the sitename
            self.sitename = filters.check_name(self.sitename, 32)
        except (filters.TypeError, filters.RangeError):
            return self.failure("Invalid site: %s" % self.sitename)
        # Check that the site exists by instantiating RapidRecSite
            rrsite = RapidRecSite(self.sitename)
        except RapidRecSite.ConnectionError:
            return self.failure("Unknown site: %s" % self.sitename)
        # Check the remote IP against the list of allowed IPs
        remoteip = self.request.getClientIP()
        # Break a comma-separated string into a list, with one tuple per IP ('IP', unused, 'cidr')
            iplist = str(rrsite.get_config_field("ip_allow")).split(",")
        except RapidRecSite.ConfigFieldNotFound:
            iplist = [""]
        while "" in iplist:
        if self.sitename.startswith("test"):
            iplist.append("")  # for development only
        if not ipfilter.is_ip_in_list(remoteip, iplist):
            return self.failure("Access forbidden from your IP: %s is not in { %s }" % (remoteip, ", ".join(iplist)))
        # At this point, the request is considered authentic.
        # We now proceed to process the request.
        # Find the path list and query (if any) by breaking up the QUERY_STRING
        # (fullpath, unused, query) = self.path.partition('?')
        fullpath = self.path
        path = fullpath.split("/")
        # Remove empty strings from the path list caused
        # by duplicate and unnecessary slashes in the path
        while "" in path:
        depth = 0
        args = {}
        if self.method == "post":
            if "content-length" not in self.headers:
                return self.failure("content-length required when POSTing")
            self.contentLength = int(self.headers["content-length"])
            self.request.content.seek(0, 0)
            args["postdata"] = self.request.content.read(self.contentLength)
        elif self.method != "get":
            return self.failure("Method not supported. Only GET and POST operations are allowed.")
        objtypes = ["users", "items", "movies"]
            if len(path) <= depth:
                raise (res.errors.UnimplementedError)
            elif path[depth] == "config":
                # /config...
                depth += 1
                raise (res.errors.UnimplementedError)
            elif path[depth] in objtypes:
                # /objs...
                args["type"] = "user" if path[depth] == "users" else "item"
                depth += 1
                if len(path) <= depth:
                    # /objs
                    Handler = res.objs.Handler
                    # /objs/{obj}...
                    args["name"] = path[depth]
                    depth += 1
                    if len(path) <= depth:
                        # /objs/{obj}
                        Handler = res.obj.Handler
                    elif path[depth] in objtypes:
                        # /objs/{obj}/objs...
                        args["tgt_type"] = "user" if path[depth] == "users" else "item"
                        depth += 1
                        if len(path) <= depth:
                            # /objs/{obj}/objs
                            raise (res.errors.UnimplementedError)
                            # /objs/{obj}/objs/{obj}...
                            args["tgt_name"] = path[depth]
                            depth += 1
                            if len(path) <= depth:
                                # /objs/{obj}/objs/{obj}
                                Handler = res.objobj.Handler
                                # /objs/{obj}/objs/{obj}/{resource}...
                                args["resource"] = path[depth]
                                depth += 1
                                if len(path) <= depth:
                                    # /objs/{obj}/objs/{obj}/{resource}
                                    Handler = res.objobjres.Handler
                                    # /objs/{obj}/objs/{obj}/{resource}/...
                                    raise (res.errors.UnsupportedError)
                        # /objs/{obj}/resource
                        args["resource"] = path[depth]
                        depth += 1
                        if len(path) <= depth:
                            # /objs/{obj}/{resource}
                            Handler = res.objres.Handler
                            # /objs/{obj}/{resource}/...
                            raise (res.errors.UnsupportedError)
                # /{not-supported}...
                raise (res.errors.UnsupportedError)
            # Here is where we actually service queries that look valid so far
            handler = Handler(rrsite, self.response, self.method, self.request.args, args)
            xmlext.set_status(self.response, "OKAY", "Query completed successfully.")
        except res.errors.ContentLengthMissingError:
            xmlext.set_status(self.response, "ERROR", "Content-length missing.")
        except res.errors.MethodError:
            xmlext.set_status(self.response, "ERROR", "Method not supported.")
        except res.errors.QueryError:
            xmlext.set_status(self.response, "ERROR", "Invalid query.")
        except res.errors.UnsupportedError:
            xmlext.set_status(self.response, "ERROR", "Resource not supported.")
        except res.errors.UnimplementedError:
            xmlext.set_status(self.response, "ERROR", "Resource not implemented.")
        except res.errors.PostError:
            xmlext.set_status(self.response, "ERROR", "Could not understand request body.")
        except res.errors.IdError:
            xmlext.set_status(self.response, "ERROR", "Invalid user or item identifier.")
        except res.errors.UnknownError:
            xmlext.set_status(self.response, "ERROR", "Unknown Error.")

        processing_finish_time = time.time()
        processing_time_elapsed = processing_finish_time - processing_start_time
        treexml.insert_node(self.response, "system_usage", "%f" % processing_time_elapsed)
        # print response
        self.send(treexml.encode(self.root, self.response))
        return self.finishreq()
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def failure(self, text):
     xmlext.set_status(self.response, "DENY", text)
     self.send(treexml.encode(self.root, self.response))
     return self.finishreq()
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def do_POST(self):
     if 'Content-length' not in self.headers:
     self.method = 'POST'
     self.resource = self.path
     contentLength = int(self.headers['Content-length'])
     reqxml = self.rfile.read(contentLength)
     (root, req) = treexml.decode(reqxml)
     data = req['data'][0]
     resp = {}
     startMoney = int(float(data['startMoney'][0]))
     endMoney = int(float(data['endMoney'][0]))
     startScore = int(float(data['startScore'][0]))
     endScore = int(float(data['endScore'][0]))
     startFrame = int(float(data['startFrame'][0]))
     endFrame = int(float(data['endFrame'][0]))
     sessionID = int(float(req['sessionID'][0]))
     gameNum = int(float(req['game'][0]['num'][0]))
     gamediff = int(float(req['game'][0]['diff'][0]))
     userName = req['id'][0]['name'][0]
     userGroup = req['id'][0]['group'][0]
     if userName == '':
         userName = '******'
     if userGroup == '':
         userGroup = 'River People'
     valid_ipstr = self.conn.getone("SELECT ip FROM session_ip WHERE session_id = %s", (sessionID,))
     if not valid_ipstr:
         self.conn.query("INSERT INTO session_ip SET ip = %s, username = %s, usergroup = %s, session_id = %s", (self.get_client_ip(), userName, userGroup, sessionID))
         sessionID = self.conn.lastid()
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'sessionID', str(sessionID))
         self.conn.query("UPDATE session_ip SET username = %s, usergroup = %s WHERE session_id = %s", (userName, userGroup, sessionID))
     #elif self.get_client_ip() != int(valid_ipstr):
     #    self.path = '/bad_session_number'
     #    self.respOK()
     #    #print 'Session IP mismatch, session %s does not belong to %s' % (sessionID, self.get_client_ip())
     #    return
     self.conn.query(("INSERT INTO scores " +
                      "SET session_id = %s, " +
                      "    game_num = %s, " +
                      "    game_type = %s, " +
                      "    score = %s, " +
                      "    score_delta = %s, " +
                      "    max_frame = %s, " +
                      "    start_time = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP " +
                      "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " +
                      "    score_delta = IF(%s - score > score_delta, %s - score, score_delta), " +
                      "    score = %s, " +
                      "    max_frame = %s"),
                     (sessionID, gameNum, gamediff, endScore, endScore, endFrame, 
                      endScore, endScore, endScore, endFrame)) 
     game_id = self.conn.getone("SELECT id FROM scores WHERE session_id = %s AND game_num = %s", (sessionID, gameNum))
     #print 'game id: %s, session id: %s, game num: %s' % (game_id, sessionID, gameNum)
     myrank = int(self.conn.getone("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scores WHERE game_type = %s AND score > %s AND score > 100", (gamediff, endScore))) + 1
     numranks = max(1, int(self.conn.getone("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scores WHERE game_type = %s AND score > 100", (gamediff,))))
     if data.has_key('frame'):
         for frame in data['frame']:
             id = int(frame['id'][0])
             if frame.has_key('buildGun'):
                 for rec in frame['buildGun']:
                     type = int(rec['type'][0])
                     self.conn.query("INSERT INTO guns SET game_id = %s, type = %s, build = 1 " +
                                "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE build = build + 1", (game_id, type))
             if frame.has_key('upGun'):
                 for rec in frame['upGun']:
                     type = int(rec['type'][0])
                     self.conn.query("INSERT INTO guns SET game_id = %s, type = %s, upgrade = 1 " +
                                     "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE upgrade = upgrade + 1", (game_id, type)) 
             if frame.has_key('sellGun'):
                 for rec in frame['sellGun']:
                     type = int(rec['type'][0])
                     self.conn.query("INSERT INTO guns SET game_id = %s, type = %s, sell = 1 " +
                                     "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sell = sell + 1", (game_id, type))
     self.conn.query("INSERT INTO replay SET game_id = %s, start_frame = %s, xml = %s", (game_id, startFrame, treexml.encode('data', data, None)))
     treexml.insert_node(resp, 'rank', str(myrank))
     percentile = max(1, min(99, 100.0 * (numranks - myrank) / numranks))
     treexml.insert_node(resp, 'percentile', '%.0f' % percentile)
     treexml.insert_node(resp, 'numplayers', str(self.get_num_online()))
     treexml.insert_node(resp, 'numspectators', '0')
     self.wfile.write(treexml.encode('rdresp', resp))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def do_GET(self):
     resp = {}
     if (self.path == '/crossdomain.xml'):
         self.wfile.write('<?xml version="1.0" ?><cross-domain-policy><allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="3456" /><site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only" /></cross-domain-policy>\0');
     if (self.path.startswith('/funstats')):
         self.path = '/funstats'
         global funFacts
         self.wfile.write('%s' % funFacts)
     if (self.path.startswith('/highscores')):
         self.wfile.write(open('highscores.html', 'r').read())
     if (self.path.startswith('/highscore.xsl')):
         self.wfile.write(open('highscore.xsl', 'r').read())
     if (self.path.startswith('/dojo.js')):
         self.wfile.write(open('dojo.js', 'r').read())
     if (self.path.startswith('/sessionID')):
         self.path = '/sessionID'
         self.conn.query("INSERT into session_ip SET ip = %s, username = '******', usergroup = 'River People'", (self.get_client_ip(),))
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'sessionID', str(self.conn.lastid()))
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'numplayers', str(self.get_num_online()))
     if (self.path.startswith('/randgame')):
         self.path = '/randgame'
         game_id = int(self.conn.getone('SELECT DISTINCT(game_id) FROM replay WHERE start_frame > 1800 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, timestamp, NOW()) < 3600 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1'))
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'gameID', str(game_id))
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'difficulty', str(self.conn.getone("SELECT game_type FROM scores WHERE id = %s", (game_id,))))
         sessionID = self.conn.getone("SELECT session_id FROM scores WHERE id = %s", (game_id,))
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'username', self.conn.getone("SELECT username FROM session_ip WHERE session_id = %s", (sessionID,)))
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'usergroup', self.conn.getone("SELECT usergroup FROM session_ip WHERE session_id = %s", (sessionID,)))
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'minutesago', str(self.conn.getone("SELECT timestampdiff(MINUTE, start_time, now()) FROM scores WHERE id = %s", (game_id,))))
     if (self.path.startswith('/hs')):
         category = self.path.split('/')[2]
         name = self.path.split('/')[3]
         type = self.path.split('/')[4]
         timestr = self.path.split('/')[5]
         offset = int(self.path.split('/')[6])
         num = int(self.path.split('/')[7])
         if timestr == 'week':
             seconds = 86400 * 7
         elif timestr == 'day':
             seconds = 86400
         elif timestr == 'hour':
             seconds = 3600
             seconds = 2000000000
         if category == 'self':
             qualifier = "WHERE session_ip.username = %s"
         elif category == 'group':
             qualifier = "WHERE session_ip.usergroup = %s"
             qualifier = "WHERE %s != 'dkjfhdskfjhdf'"
         rows = self.conn.getrows(("SELECT session_ip.username AS name, session_ip.usergroup AS gruppe, scores.score AS score, " +
                                   "start_time AS time FROM scores JOIN session_ip ON (session_ip.session_id = scores.session_id) " +
                                   qualifier + " AND scores.game_type = %s AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, start_time, now()) < %s ORDER BY scores.score DESC LIMIT %s OFFSET %s"),
                                  (name, type, seconds, num, offset))
         data = [{'name':[row['name']], 'group':[row['gruppe']], 'score':[str(row['score'])], 'time':[row['time'].ctime()]} for row in rows]
         for row in data:
             row['rank'] = [str(offset)]
             offset += 1
         for row in data:
             treexml.insert_node(resp, 'ranking', row)
     if (self.path.startswith('/replay')):
         game_id = int(self.path.split('/')[2])
         frame_num = int(self.path.split('/')[3])
         self.path = '/replay'
         frame = self.conn.getone('SELECT xml FROM replay WHERE game_id = %s AND start_frame = %s', (game_id, frame_num))
         if frame:
             treexml.insert_node(resp, 'available', 'yes')
             treexml.insert_node(resp, 'replay', frame)
             treexml.insert_node(resp, 'available', 'no')
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'numplayers', str(self.get_num_online()))
     self.wfile.write(treexml.encode('rdresp', resp))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def render_POST(self, request):
     self.startreq(request, 'POST')
     if 'content-length' not in self.headers:
         return '';
     contentLength = int(self.headers['content-length'])
     request.content.seek(0, 0)
     reqxml = request.content.read(contentLength)
     (root, req) = treexml.decode(reqxml)
     data = req['data'][0]
     resp = {}
     startMoney = int(float(data['startMoney'][0]))
     endMoney = int(float(data['endMoney'][0]))
     startScore = int(float(data['startScore'][0]))
     endScore = int(float(data['endScore'][0]))
     startFrame = int(float(data['startFrame'][0]))
     endFrame = int(float(data['endFrame'][0]))
     sessionID = int(float(req['sessionID'][0]))
     gameNum = int(float(req['game'][0]['num'][0]))
     gamediff = int(float(req['game'][0]['diff'][0]))
     userName = req['id'][0]['name'][0]
     userGroup = req['id'][0]['group'][0]
     if userName == '':
         userName = '******'
     if userGroup == '':
         userGroup = 'River People'
     valid_ipstr = self.conn.getone("SELECT ip FROM session_ip WHERE session_id = %s", (sessionID,))
     if not valid_ipstr:
         self.conn.cquery("INSERT INTO session_ip SET ip = %s, username = %s, usergroup = %s, session_id = %s", (self.get_client_ip(), userName, userGroup, sessionID))
         sessionID = self.conn.lastid()
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'sessionID', str(sessionID))
         row = self.conn.getrow("SELECT username, usergroup FROM session_ip WHERE session_id = %s", (sessionID,))
         if row['username'] != userName or row['usergroup'] != userGroup:
             self.conn.cquery("UPDATE session_ip SET username = %s, usergroup = %s WHERE session_id = %s", (userName, userGroup, sessionID))
     #elif self.get_client_ip() != int(valid_ipstr):
     #    self.path = '/bad_session_number'
     #    self.respOK()
     #    #print 'Session IP mismatch, session %s does not belong to %s' % (sessionID, self.get_client_ip())
     #    return
     row = self.conn.getrow("SELECT id, score, score_delta FROM scores WHERE session_id = %s AND game_num = %s", (sessionID, gameNum))
     if not row:
         self.conn.cquery(("INSERT INTO scores " +
                           "SET session_id = %s, " +
                           "    game_num = %s, " +
                           "    game_type = %s, " +
                           "    score = %s, " +
                           "    score_delta = %s, " +
                           "    max_frame = %s, " +
                           "    start_time = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP "),
                          (sessionID, gameNum, gamediff, endScore, endScore, endFrame))
         game_id = self.conn.lastid()
         game_id = row['id']
         lastScore = row['score']
         scoreDelta = row['score_delta']
         scoreDelta = max(scoreDelta, endScore - lastScore)
         self.conn.cquery(("UPDATE scores " +
                           "SET score_delta = %s, " +
                           "    score = %s, " +
                           "    max_frame = %s " +
                           "WHERE id = %s"),
                          (scoreDelta, endScore, endFrame, game_id))
     #print 'game id: %s, session id: %s, game num: %s' % (game_id, sessionID, gameNum)
     #myrank = int(self.conn.getone("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scores WHERE game_type = %s AND score > %s", (gamediff, endScore))) + 1
     #numranks = max(1, int(self.conn.getone("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scores WHERE game_type = %s", (gamediff,))))
     (myrank, numranks) = getMyRankAndNumRanks(gamediff, endScore)
     if data.has_key('frame'):
         for frame in data['frame']:
             id = int(frame['id'][0])
             if frame.has_key('buildGun'):
                 for rec in frame['buildGun']:
                     type = int(rec['type'][0])
                     self.conn.query("INSERT INTO guns SET game_id = %s, type = %s, build = 1 " +
                                      "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE build = build + 1", (game_id, type))
             if frame.has_key('upGun'):
                 for rec in frame['upGun']:
                     type = int(rec['type'][0])
                     self.conn.query("INSERT INTO guns SET game_id = %s, type = %s, upgrade = 1 " +
                                      "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE upgrade = upgrade + 1", (game_id, type))
             if frame.has_key('sellGun'):
                 for rec in frame['sellGun']:
                     type = int(rec['type'][0])
                     self.conn.query("INSERT INTO guns SET game_id = %s, type = %s, sell = 1 " +
                                      "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sell = sell + 1", (game_id, type))
         self.conn.commit('guns commit')
     del data['startMoney']
     del data['endMoney']
     del data['startScore']
     del data['endScore']
     self.conn.cquery("INSERT INTO replay SET game_id = %s, start_frame = %s, xml = compress(%s)", (game_id, startFrame, treexml.encode('data', data, None)))
     treexml.insert_node(resp, 'rank', str(myrank))
     percentile = max(1, min(99, 100.0 * (numranks - myrank) / numranks))
     treexml.insert_node(resp, 'percentile', '%.0f' % percentile)
     treexml.insert_node(resp, 'numplayers', str(self.get_num_online()))
     treexml.insert_node(resp, 'numspectators', '0')
     treexml.insert_node(resp, 'gameid', str(game_id))
     self.send(treexml.encode('rdresp', resp))
     return self.finishreq()
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def render_GET(self, request):
     self.startreq(request, 'GET')
     resp = {}
     if (self.path.startswith('/dojo') or self.path.startswith('/dijit')):
         self.send(open(self.path[1:], 'r').read())
         return self.finishreq()
     if (self.path == '/crossdomain.xml'):
         self.send('<?xml version="1.0" ?><cross-domain-policy><allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="3456" /><site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only" /></cross-domain-policy>\0');
         return self.finishreq()
     elif (self.path.startswith('/funstats')):
         self.path = '/funstats'
         global funFacts
         self.send('%s' % funFacts)
         return self.finishreq()
     elif (self.path.startswith('/highscores')):
         if len(self.path.split('/')) < 4:
             username = '******'
             usergroup = 'River People'
             username = self.path.split('/')[2]
             usergroup = self.path.split('/')[3]
         self.send(open('highscores.html', 'r').read().replace('__USERNAME__', username).replace('__USERGROUP__', usergroup))
         return self.finishreq()
     elif (self.path.startswith('/style.css')):
         self.send(open('style.css', 'r').read())
         return self.finishreq()
     elif (self.path.startswith('/dojo.js')):
         self.send(open('dojo.js', 'r').read())
         return self.finishreq()
     elif (self.path.startswith('/sessionID')):
         if len(self.path.split('/')) > 2:
             version = self.path.split('/')[2]
             version = '100'
         self.path = '/sessionID/%s' % version
         self.conn.cquery("INSERT into session_ip SET ip = %s, version = %s, username = '******', usergroup = 'River People'", (self.get_client_ip(), int(version)))
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'sessionID', str(self.conn.lastid()))
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'numplayers', str(self.get_num_online()))
     elif (self.path.startswith('/randgame') or self.path.startswith('/playgame') or self.path.startswith('/livegame')):
         if self.path.startswith('/livegame'):
             self.path = '/livegame'
             game_id = int(self.conn.getone('SELECT id FROM scores WHERE max_frame > 600 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, end_time, NOW()) < 40 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1'))
             if not game_id:
                 game_id = int(self.conn.getone('SELECT id FROM scores WHERE max_frame > 1800 ORDER BY end_time DESC LIMIT 1'))
         elif self.path.startswith('/randgame'):
             self.path = '/randgame'
             game_id = int(self.conn.getone('SELECT id FROM scores WHERE max_frame > 1800 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, end_time, NOW()) < 3600 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1'))
             game_id = int(self.path.split('/')[2])
             self.path = '/playgame'
         sessionID = self.conn.getone("SELECT session_id FROM scores WHERE id = %s", (game_id,))
         if not sessionID:
             game_id = int(self.conn.getone('SELECT id FROM scores WHERE max_frame > 1800 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, end_time, NOW()) < 3600 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1'))
             sessionID = self.conn.getone("SELECT session_id FROM scores WHERE id = %s", (game_id,))
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'gameID', str(game_id))
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'difficulty', str(self.conn.getone("SELECT game_type FROM scores WHERE id = %s", (game_id,))))
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'username', self.conn.getone("SELECT username FROM session_ip WHERE session_id = %s", (sessionID,)))
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'usergroup', self.conn.getone("SELECT usergroup FROM session_ip WHERE session_id = %s", (sessionID,)))
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'minutesago', str(self.conn.getone("SELECT timestampdiff(MINUTE, start_time, now()) FROM scores WHERE id = %s", (game_id,))))
     elif (self.path.startswith('/hs')):
         category = self.path.split('/')[2]
         name = self.path.split('/')[3]
         name = name.replace('%20', ' ')
         type = self.path.split('/')[4]
         timestr = self.path.split('/')[5]
         offset = int(self.path.split('/')[6])
         num = int(self.path.split('/')[7])
         self.path = '/hs'
         if timestr == 'week':
             seconds = 86400 * 7
         elif timestr == 'day':
             seconds = 86400
         elif timestr == 'hour':
             seconds = 3600
             seconds = 2000000000
         if category == 'self':
             qualifier = "WHERE session_ip.username = %s"
         elif category == 'group':
             qualifier = "WHERE session_ip.usergroup = %s"
             qualifier = "WHERE %s != 'dkjfhdskfjhdf'"
         rows = self.conn.getrows(("SELECT session_ip.username AS name, session_ip.usergroup AS gruppe, scores.score AS score, " +
                                   "start_time AS time, id FROM scores JOIN session_ip ON (session_ip.session_id = scores.session_id) " +
                                   qualifier + " AND scores.game_type = %s AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, start_time, now()) < %s ORDER BY scores.score DESC LIMIT %s OFFSET %s"),
                                  (name, type, seconds, num, offset))
         watchstr = '<a href="#" onClick="play(%s)">Watch</a>'
         data = [{'td':[row['name'], row['gruppe'], str(row['score']), row['time'].ctime(), watchstr % row['id']]} for row in rows]
         #for row in data:
         #    treexml.insert_node(row, 'td', str(offset))
         #    offset += 1
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'tr', {'td':['Name', 'Group', 'Score', 'Time', 'Video']})
         for row in data:
             treexml.insert_node(resp, 'tr', row)
         self.send('<head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css" /></head>')
         self.send('<body>%s</body>' % treexml.encode('table', resp, None))
         return self.finishreq()
     elif (self.path.startswith('/replay')):
         game_id = int(self.path.split('/')[2])
         frame_num = int(self.path.split('/')[3])
         self.path = '/replay'
         frame = self.conn.getone('SELECT uncompress(xml) FROM replay WHERE game_id = %s AND start_frame = %s', (game_id, frame_num))
         if frame:
             treexml.insert_node(resp, 'available', 'yes')
             treexml.insert_node(resp, 'replay', frame)
             treexml.insert_node(resp, 'available', 'no')
         treexml.insert_node(resp, 'numplayers', str(self.get_num_online()))
     self.send(treexml.encode('rdresp', resp))
     return self.finishreq()