Ejemplo n.º 1
def DiscreteFiniteHorizonLQR(system,
    mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system)
    dsys = discopt.DSystem(mvi, [0, DT])
    # create an A and B:
    Xt = np.vstack((X0, X0))
    Ut = np.array([X0[2:4]])
    A, B = dsys.linearize_trajectory(Xt, Ut)
    A = A[0]
    B = B[0]
    # now we can start solving Riccati equation:
    if Pk is None:
        Pk = Q
    Pkp1 = 1000 * Pk
    err = True
    for i in range(steps):
        Pkp1 = Q + MM(A.T, Pk, A) - MM(A.T, Pk, B,
                                           (R + MM(B.T, Pk, B))), B.T, Pk, A)
        if np.linalg.norm(Pkp1 - Pk, ord=2) < tol:
            err = False
        Pk = Pkp1
    # calc K
    K = MM(np.linalg.inv(R + MM(B.T, Pk, B)), B.T, Pk, A)
    return err, K, Pk
Ejemplo n.º 2
def LQROptimizer(system, X0, DT, Q=None, R=None, tol=1e-6, steps=1000):
    This class takes a system, an equilibrium state, a timestep, weighting
    matrices, an error tolerance. It then solves a discrete-time LQR problem
    to build a feedback regulator about the equilibrium point.
    # first let's build an MVI and dsystem
    mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system)
    tvec = np.arange(0.0, steps * DT, DT)  #np.array([0, DT])
    dsys = discopt.DSystem(mvi, tvec)

    # build reference trajectory:
    Xd = np.array([X0] * len(tvec))
    Ud = np.array([X0[system.nQd:system.nQ]] * (len(tvec) - 1))

    # build cost matrices:
    if Q is None: Q = np.identity(dsys.nX)
    if R is None: R = np.identity(dsys.nU)
    Qk = lambda k: Q
    Rk = lambda k: R

    (Kstab, A, B) = dsys.calc_feedback_controller(Xd,
    err = False
    if np.linalg.norm(Kstab[0] - Kstab[1], ord=2) > tol:
        rospy.logwarn("LQR stabilizing controller not settled!")
        err = True
    return err, Kstab[0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    # first let's build a system:
    sys = DeltaRobotTrep(L_base, L_platform, R_base, R_platform)

    dt = 0.05
    tf = 10.0

    # setup initial conditions
    _ = sys.forward(*(-0.2 * np.ones(3)))
    _ = sys.inverse(0.0, 0.0, 1.2)
    q0 = sys.q

    # add external force:
    trep.forces.BodyWrench(sys, sys.platform_center,
                           (0, 0, "external_z", 0, 0, 0))

    def f_func(t):
        if t > 3.0:
            return 50
            return 0
        # amp = 20
        # period = 1.0
        # return amp*np.sin(t*2*pi/period) + 40

    mvi = trep.MidpointVI(sys)
    mvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)
    q = [mvi.q2]
    t = [mvi.t2]
    while mvi.t1 < tf:
        mvi.step(mvi.t2 + dt, u1=[f_func(mvi.t2)])
    sys = DeltaRobotTrep(L_base, L_platform, R_base, R_platform)
    visual.visualize_3d([visual.VisualItem3D(sys, t, q)])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def simulate_system(system):

    system.satisfy_constraints(tolerance=1e-1, keep_kinematic=True)
    q0 = system.q
    tcur = 0.0

    mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system)
    mvi.initialize_from_configs(tcur, q0, dt, q0)

    T = [mvi.t1]
    Q = [mvi.q1]
    steps = 0

    while mvi.t1 < tf:
        #         system.satisfy_constraints(tolerance=1e-1, keep_kinematic=True)
        #         if mvi.t1 < (400*click):
        #             u = tuple([-19*kt, 19*kt])
        #         else:
        #             u = tuple([0,0])

        u = tuple([0 * kt, 0 * kt])
        mvi.step(mvi.t2 + dt, u, (), 5000)
        steps = steps + 1

    # while tcur < tf
    # stance for 100 clicks

    # flight

    # make sure tf is ~0.2 s

    return (T, Q)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def simulate_system(system):
    Simulates the system from its current configuration with no
    initial velocity for the duration and time step specified by global variables.
    # Extract the current configuration into a tuple to use as the two
    # initial configurations of the variational integrator.
    q0 = system.q

    # Create and initialize the variational integrator.
    mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system)
    mvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)

    # Run the simulation and save the results into the lists 't' and 'q'.
    q = [mvi.q1]
    t = [mvi.t1]
    while mvi.t1 < tf:
        mvi.step(mvi.t2 + dt)
        # Print out progress during the simulation.
        if abs(mvi.t1 - round(mvi.t1)) < dt / 2.0:
            print "t =", mvi.t1

    return (t, q)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def simulate_system(system, motor_angles):

    system.satisfy_constraints(tolerance=1e-1, keep_kinematic=True)
    q0 = system.q
    tcur = 0.0

    mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system)
    mvi.initialize_from_configs(tcur, q0, dt, q0)

    T = [mvi.t1]
    Q = [mvi.q1]
    steps = 0

    while mvi.t1 < tf:
        system.satisfy_constraints(tolerance=1e-1, keep_kinematic=True)
        mvi.step(mvi.t2 + dt, tuple([0, 0]), tuple(motor_angles[steps, :]),
        steps = steps + 1

        # TODO: determine force necessary to make the change specified by the change in motor angles
        # TODO: make motor1 a kinematic variable, that can be determined from system dynamics?

    return (T, Q)
def main(links, dt, tf, generalized_method, hybrid_wrenched):
    # Create the system and integrator
    system = make_pendulum(links, hybrid_wrenched)
    mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system)

    # Generate a reference trajectory
    (t_ref, q_ref, u_ref) = generate_reference(mvi, dt, tf)
    write_csv('ref.csv', t_ref, u_ref)

    # Uncomment to display the reference trajectory
    #visualize(system, t_ref, q_ref, u_ref)

    # Perform inverse dynamics
    if generalized_method:
        (t_sol, u_sol) = inverse_dynamics_generalized(mvi, t_ref, q_ref)
        (t_sol, u_sol) = inverse_dynamics_specialized(mvi, t_ref, q_ref)

    write_csv('sol.csv', t_sol, u_sol)

    # Simulate the system with the new inputs
    (t, q, u) = simulate_system(mvi, t_sol, u_sol, q_ref[0], q_ref[1])

    # Uncomment to display the reconstructed trajectory
    #visualize(system, t, q, u)

    verify_solution(q_ref, q)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     self.sys = kwargs.pop('sys', None)
     if self.sys == None:
         print "Must give trep system as kwarg!"
     super(VI_EKF, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.mvi = trep.MidpointVI(self.sys)
     self.dsys = discopt.DSystem(self.mvi, array([0, self.Dt]))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, system, t, beta=0.7, tolerance=1e-1, DT=None):
     # create a VI
     self.mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system)
     # create a dsys object:
     self.dsys = discopt.DSystem(self.mvi, t)
     # set default optimization props:
     self.beta = beta
     self.tolerance = tolerance
     if DT:
         self.DT = DT
         self.DT = t[1] - t[0]
     # setup parameters for estimating whether we have time to take a step:
     N = 3
     self.tsamps = deque([self.DT / 3.0] * N, maxlen=N)
     self.coeffs = [2, 4, 10]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def create_system(joint_forces=False, string_forces=False,
                  string_constraints=False, config_trajectory=False):
    # Creates the mechanical system, variational integrator, and discrete system
    # Creates a desired trajectory suitable for the mechanical system from the ik data

    system = Puppet(joint_forces=joint_forces,

    if not os.path.isfile('puppet-desired.mat'):

    (t,Qd,p,v,u,rho) = trep.load_trajectory('puppet-desired.mat', system)
    # Disregard all data except t,Q
    dsys = discopt.DSystem(trep.MidpointVI(system), t)
    xid = dsys.build_trajectory(Qd)

    return dsys, xid
Ejemplo n.º 11
def generate_vi_sim(system, q0):
    # Create and initialize the variational integrator
    mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system)
    mvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)

    # This is our simulation loop.  We save the results in two lists.
    q = [mvi.q2]
    t = [mvi.t2]
    while mvi.t1 < tf:
        qk2 = qk_func(system, mvi.t2)
            mvi.step(mvi.t2 + dt, (), qk2)
        except trep.ConvergenceError:
            print "VI integration failed at", mvi.t2 + dt, "seconds"
    return t, q
Ejemplo n.º 12
def simulate_system(system):
    # Now we'll extract the current configuration into a tuple to use as
    # initial conditions for a variational integrator.
    q0 = system.q

    # Create and initialize the variational integrator
    mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system)
    mvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)

    # This is our simulation loop.  We save the results in two lists.
    q = [mvi.q2]
    t = [mvi.t2]
    while mvi.t1 < tf:
        mvi.step(mvi.t2 + dt)

    return (t, q)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def generate_desired_trajectory():
    puppet = trep.puppets.Puppet(joint_forces=False, string_forces=False,

    puppet.q = {
        'torso_rx' : -0.05,
        #'torso_ry' : 0.1,
        'torso_tz' : 0.0,
        'lelbow_rx' : 1.57,
        'relbow_rx' : 1.57,
        'lhip_rx' : pi/2 - 0.6,
        'rhip_rx' : pi/2 - 0.6,
        'lknee_rx' : -pi/2 + 0.6,
        'rknee_rx' : -pi/2 + 0.6,
        ## 'Left Arm String' : 15.4,
        ## 'Right Arm String' : 15.4,
        ## 'Left Leg String' : 16.6,
        ## 'Right Leg String' : 16.6

    q0 = puppet.q
    u0 = tuple([0.0]*len(puppet.inputs))
    qk2_0 = puppet.qk
    dt = 0.01
    # Create and initialize a variational integrator for the system.
    mvi = trep.MidpointVI(puppet)
    mvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)

    #print qk2

    left_leg_index = puppet.get_config('left_leg_string-length').k_index
    right_leg_index = puppet.get_config('right_leg_string-length').k_index
    left_arm_index = puppet.get_config('left_arm_string-length').k_index
    right_arm_index = puppet.get_config('right_arm_string-length').k_index

    def calc_vk():
        v2 = [(q2-q1)/(mvi.t2 - mvi.t1) for (q2, q1) in zip(mvi.q2, mvi.q1)]
        v2 = v2[len(puppet.dyn_configs):]
        return v2

    q = [mvi.q2]
    p = [mvi.p2]
    v = [calc_vk()]
    rho = []
    t = [mvi.t2]
    while mvi.t1 < 10.0:
        # For our kinematic inputs, we first copy our starting position.
        qk2 = list(qk2_0) 
        # Now we want to move some of the strings up and down.
        qk2[left_leg_index] += -0.1*sin(0.6*pi*mvi.t1)
        qk2[right_leg_index] += 0.1*sin(0.6*pi*mvi.t1)
        qk2[left_arm_index] += 0.1*sin(0.6*pi*mvi.t1)
        qk2[right_arm_index] += -0.1*sin(0.6*pi*mvi.t1)
        qk2 = tuple(qk2)

        mvi.step(mvi.t2+dt, u0, qk2)
        # The puppet can take a while to simulate, so print out the time
        # occasionally to indicate our progress.
        if abs(mvi.t2 - round(mvi.t2)) < dt/2.0:
            print "t =",mvi.t2

    t = np.array(t)
    q = np.array(q)
    p = np.array(p)
    v = np.array(v)
    rho = np.array(rho)

                                puppet, t, q, p, v, None, rho)    
Ejemplo n.º 14
def QuadMain():

    quadcm_m = 1.0
    quadmotor_m = 1.0
    ball_m = 2.5

    dt = 0.01  # timestep set to 10ms

    # Create a new trep system - 6 generalized coordinates for quadrotor: x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw
    system = trep.System()
    trep.potentials.Gravity(system, name="Gravity")

    quadz = trep.Frame(system.world_frame, trep.TZ, "quadz")
    quady = trep.Frame(quadz, trep.TY, "quady")
    quadx = trep.Frame(quady, trep.TX, "quadx")

    quadrx = trep.Frame(quadx, trep.RX, "quadrx", kinematic=True)
    quadry = trep.Frame(quadrx, trep.RY, "quadry", kinematic=True)
    # quadrz = trep.Frame(quadry,trep.RZ,"quadrz")
    quadx.set_mass(quadcm_m)  # central point mass

    #    # define motor positions and mass
    #    quad1 = trep.Frame(quadrz,trep.CONST_SE3,((1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),(3,0,0)),"quad1")
    #    quad1.set_mass(quadmotor_m)
    #    quad2 = trep.Frame(quadrz,trep.CONST_SE3,((1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),(-3,0,0)),"quad2")
    #    quad2.set_mass(quadmotor_m)
    #    quad3 = trep.Frame(quadrz,trep.CONST_SE3,((1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),(0,3,0)),"quad3")
    #    quad3.set_mass(quadmotor_m)
    #    quad4 = trep.Frame(quadrz,trep.CONST_SE3,((1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),(0,-3,0)),"quad4")
    #    quad4.set_mass(quadmotor_m)

    # define ball frame
    ballrx = trep.Frame(quadx, trep.RX, "ballrx", kinematic=False)
    ballry = trep.Frame(ballrx, trep.RY, "ballry", kinematic=False)
    ball = trep.Frame(ballry, trep.CONST_SE3,
                      ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, -1)), "ballcm")

    # set thrust vector with input u1
                           quadry, (0, 0, 'u1', 0, 0, 0),

    #    # set four thrust vectors with inputs u1,u2,u3,u4
    #    trep.forces.BodyWrench(system,quad1,(0,0,'u1',0,0,0),name='wrench1')
    #    trep.forces.BodyWrench(system,quad2,(0,0,'u2',0,0,0),name='wrench2')
    #    trep.forces.BodyWrench(system,quad3,(0,0,'u3',0,0,0),name='wrench3')
    #    trep.forces.BodyWrench(system,quad4,(0,0,'u4',0,0,0),name='wrench4')

    # set quadrotor initial altitude at 3m
    system.get_config("quadz").q = 3.0

    # Now we'll extract the current configuration into a tuple to use as
    # initial conditions for a variational integrator.
    q0 = system.q

    # Create and initialize the variational integrator
    mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system)
    mvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)

    # These are our simulation variables.
    q = mvi.q2
    t = mvi.t2
    #    u0=tuple([(4*quadmotor_m+quadcm_m+ball_m)/4*9.8,(4*quadmotor_m+quadcm_m+ball_m)/4*9.8,(4*quadmotor_m+quadcm_m+ball_m)/4*9.8,(4*quadmotor_m+quadcm_m+ball_m)/4*9.8])
    #    u=[u0]

    u0 = np.array([(quadcm_m + ball_m) * 9.8])
    u = tuple(u0)

    # start ROS node to broadcast transforms to rviz
    broadcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
    pub = rospy.Publisher('config', Float32MultiArray)
    statepub = rospy.Publisher('joint_states', JointState)

    jointstates = JointState()
    configs = Float32MultiArray()

    # subscribe to joystick topic from joy_node
    rospy.Subscriber("joy", Joy, joycall)

    r = rospy.Rate(100)  # simulation rate set to 100Hz

    # PD control variables
    P = 200
    D = 20

    # Simulator Loop
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():

        # reset simulator if trigger pressed
        if buttons[0] == 1:
            mvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)

#        # calculate thrust inputs
#        u1 = u0[0] + P*(q[4]+0.1*axis[0]) + D*system.configs[4].dq - P*(q[0]-3.0) - D*system.configs[0].dq
#        u2 = u0[1] - P*(q[4]+0.1*axis[0]) - D*system.configs[4].dq - P*(q[0]-3.0) - D*system.configs[0].dq
#        u3 = u0[2] - P*(q[3]+0.1*axis[1]) - D*system.configs[3].dq - P*(q[0]-3.0) - D*system.configs[0].dq
#        u4 = u0[3] + P*(q[3]+0.1*axis[1]) + D*system.configs[3].dq - P*(q[0]-3.0) - D*system.configs[0].dq
#        u = tuple([u1,u2,u3,u4])

        k = np.array([0.1 * axis[1], 0.1 * axis[0]])

        # advance simluation one timestep using trep VI
        mvi.step(mvi.t2 + dt, u, k)
        q = mvi.q2
        t = mvi.t2
        configs.data = tuple(q) + u

        jointstates.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        jointstates.name = ["q1ballrx", "q1ballry"]
        jointstates.position = [q[3], q[4]]
        jointstates.velocity = [system.configs[5].dq, system.configs[6].dq]

        # send transform data to rviz
            (q[2], q[1], q[0]),
            tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0),
            rospy.Time.now(), "quad1", "world")
            (0, 0, 0), tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(q[5], q[6], 0),
            rospy.Time.now(), "quadr", "quad1")
Ejemplo n.º 15
def create_initial_trajectory():

    puppet = puppets.Puppet(joint_forces=False,

    puppet.q = {
        "torso_rx": -0.05,
        #"torso_ry" : 0.1,
        "torso_tz": 0.0,
        "lelbow_rx": 1.57,
        "relbow_rx": 1.57,
        "lhip_rx": pi / 2 - 0.6,
        "rhip_rx": pi / 2 - 0.6,
        "lknee_rx": -pi / 2 + 0.6,
        "rknee_rx": -pi / 2 + 0.6,

    q0 = puppet.q
    u0 = tuple([0.0] * len(puppet.inputs))
    qk2_0 = puppet.qk
    dt = 0.01
    # Create and initialize a variational integrator for the system.
    gmvi = trep.MidpointVI(puppet)
    gmvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)

    left_leg_index = puppet.get_config("left_leg_string-length").k_index
    right_leg_index = puppet.get_config("right_leg_string-length").k_index
    left_arm_index = puppet.get_config("left_arm_string-length").k_index
    right_arm_index = puppet.get_config("right_arm_string-length").k_index

    def calc_vk():
        v2 = [(q2 - q1) / (gmvi.t2 - gmvi.t1)
              for (q2, q1) in zip(gmvi.q2, gmvi.q1)]
        v2 = v2[len(puppet.dyn_configs):]
        return v2

    q = [gmvi.q2]
    p = [gmvi.p2]
    v = [calc_vk()]
    t = [gmvi.t2]
    while gmvi.t1 < 10.0:
        # For our kinematic inputs, we first copy our starting position.
        qk2 = list(qk2_0)
        # Now we want to move some of the strings up and down.
        qk2[left_leg_index] += -0.1 * sin(0.6 * pi * gmvi.t1)
        qk2[right_leg_index] += 0.1 * sin(0.6 * pi * gmvi.t1)
        qk2[left_arm_index] += 0.1 * sin(0.6 * pi * gmvi.t1)
        qk2[right_arm_index] += -0.1 * sin(0.6 * pi * gmvi.t1)
        qk2 = tuple(qk2)

        gmvi.step(gmvi.t2 + dt, u0, qk2)
        # The puppet can take a while to simulate, so print out the time
        # occasionally to indicate our progress.
        if abs(gmvi.t2 - round(gmvi.t2)) < dt / 2.0:
            print "t =", gmvi.t2

    dsys = discopt.DSystem(gmvi, t)

    q = np.array(q)
    rho = q[1:, puppet.nQd:]

    X, U = dsys.build_trajectory(q, p, v, None, rho)

    return puppet, dsys, t, X, U
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, sys):
        rospy.loginfo("Starting puppet simulator node")
        self.legs_bool = rospy.get_param('legs', False)
        self.shoulders_bool = rospy.get_param('shoulders', False)
        # first, let's just define the initial configuration of the system:
        self.sys = sys
        self.q0_guess = {
            # torso position
            'TorsoZ' : BODY_HEIGHT,
            # body robot
            'BodyRobotTheta' : -pi/2,
            'BodyRobotZ' : BODY_HEIGHT + SHOULDER_LENGTH,
            'LeftShoulderString' : SHOULDER_LENGTH,
            'RightShoulderString' : SHOULDER_LENGTH,
            # left robot
            'LeftRobotTheta' : -pi/2,
            'LeftRobotX' : pd.torso_width/2,
            'LeftRobotY' : -(pd.humerus_length + pd.radius_length),
            'LeftRobotZ' : BODY_HEIGHT + ARM_LENGTH,
            'LeftArmString' : ARM_LENGTH,
            # right robot
            'RightRobotTheta' : -pi/2,
            'RightRobotX' : -pd.torso_width/2,
            'RightRobotY' : -(pd.humerus_length + pd.radius_length),
            'RightRobotZ' : BODY_HEIGHT + ARM_LENGTH,
            'RightArmString' : ARM_LENGTH,
            # left arm
            'LShoulderPhi' : -pi/2,
            # right arm
            'RShoulderPhi' : -pi/2,
            # shoulder robots
            'LeftShoulderRobotTheta' : -pi/2,
            'LeftShoulderRobotZ' : BODY_HEIGHT + SHOULDER_LENGTH,
            'LeftShoulderRobotX' : pd.torso_width_1/2,
            'RightShoulderRobotTheta' : -pi/2,
            'RightShoulderRobotZ' : BODY_HEIGHT + SHOULDER_LENGTH,
            'RightShoulderRobotX' : -pd.torso_width_1/2,
        if self.legs_bool:
            self.q0_guess.update( {
                # left leg robot
                'LeftLegRobotTheta' : -pi/2,
                'LeftLegRobotX' : pd.torso_width/4,
                'LeftLegRobotY' : -(pd.humerus_length + pd.radius_length),
                'LeftLegRobotZ' : BODY_HEIGHT + LEG_LENGTH,
                'LeftLegString' : LEG_LENGTH,
                # right leg robot
                'RightLegRobotTheta' : -pi/2,
                'RightLegRobotX' : -pd.torso_width/4,
                'RightLegRobotY' : -(pd.humerus_length + pd.radius_length),
                'RightLegRobotZ' : BODY_HEIGHT + LEG_LENGTH,
                'RightLegString' : LEG_LENGTH,
        self.sys.q = 0
        self.sys.q = self.q0_guess
        self.q0 = self.sys.q
        self.mvi = trep.MidpointVI(self.sys)
        self.mvi.initialize_from_configs(0, self.sys.q, DT, self.sys.q)

        # fill out a message, and store it in the class so that I can update it
        # whenever necessary
        self.mappings = {
            'left_shoulder_psi' : 'LShoulderPsi',
            'left_shoulder_theta' : 'LShoulderTheta',
            'left_shoulder_phi' : 'LShoulderPhi',
            'right_shoulder_psi' : 'RShoulderPsi',
            'right_shoulder_theta' : 'RShoulderTheta',
            'right_shoulder_phi' : 'RShoulderPhi',
            'left_elbow_phi' : 'LElbowPhi',
            'right_elbow_phi' : 'RElbowPhi',
            'left_hip_psi' : 'LHipPsi',
            'left_hip_theta' : 'LHipTheta',
            'left_hip_phi' : 'LHipPhi',
            'right_hip_psi' : 'RHipPsi',
            'right_hip_theta' : 'RHipTheta',
            'right_hip_phi' : 'RHipPhi',
            'left_knee_phi' : 'LKneePhi',
            'right_knee_phi' : 'RKneePhi',
        self.js = JS()
        self.names = [x for x in self.mappings.keys()]
        self.js.name = self.names
        self.js.header.frame_id = 'world'
        self.count_exceptions = 0

        # define tf broadcaster and listener
        self.br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
        self.listener = tf.TransformListener()

        # add constraint visualization:
        self.con_vis = []
        # hands:
        for i in 4,5:
        if self.shoulders_bool: # shoulders
            for i in 2,3:
        else: # body
            for i in 0,1:
        if self.legs_bool: # legs
            for i in 6,7:
        # define a publisher for the joint states
        self.joint_pub = rospy.Publisher("joint_states", JS)
        # define a publisher for the constraint Markers
        self.con_pub = rospy.Publisher("visualization_markers", VM.MarkerArray)
        # define a timer for publishing the frames and tf's
        rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1.0/tf_freq), self.send_joint_states)
        # request that we get a service handler:
        rospy.loginfo("Waiting for reset handling service...")
        self.reset_srv_client = rospy.ServiceProxy("interface_reset", SS.Empty)
        # offer service to reset simulation
        self.reset_srv_provider = rospy.Service("simulator_reset", SS.Empty,
        # define a timer for integrating the state of the VI
        rospy.loginfo("Starting integration...")
        rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(DT), self.integrate_vi)
Ejemplo n.º 17

if __name__ == '__main__':
    puppet = Puppet(joint_forces=False,
    puppet.get_config('torso_rx').q = 0.1
    puppet.get_config('torso_ry').q = 0.1

    q0 = puppet.get_q()
    u0 = tuple([0.0] * len(puppet.inputs))
    qk2 = puppet.get_qk()
    dt = 0.01
    # Create and initialize a variational integrator for the system.
    gmvi = trep.MidpointVI(puppet)
    gmvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)

    q = [gmvi.q2]
    t = [gmvi.t2]
    while gmvi.t1 < 10.0:
        gmvi.step(gmvi.t2 + dt, u0, qk2)
        # The puppet can take a while to simulate, so print out the time
        # occasionally to indicate our progress.
        if abs(gmvi.t2 - round(gmvi.t2)) < dt / 2.0:
            print "t =", gmvi.t2

    visualize_3d([PuppetVisual(puppet, t, q)])
Ejemplo n.º 18
tf = 10.0
dt = 0.01

# Define a simple 2 link pendulum with a force input on the middle joint
system = trep.System()
frames = [
    tz(-1),  # Provided as an angle reference
    [tz(-2, mass=1), [ry("theta2"), [tz(-2, mass=1)]]]
trep.potentials.Gravity(system, (0, 0, -9.8))
trep.forces.Damping(system, 1.2)
trep.forces.ConfigForce(system, 'theta2', 'theta2-torque')
mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system)  # Create the variational integrator

# Define a function to run the simulation and return the result
def simulate(mvi, u_func, dt, tf):
    q = [mvi.q2]
    p = [mvi.p2]
    t = [mvi.t2]
    while mvi.t1 < tf:
        mvi.step(mvi.t2 + dt, u_func(mvi.t1))
    return t, q, p

Ejemplo n.º 19
amp  = np.radians(10)   # amplitude in radians
freq = 8                # frequency in Hz.
def h_func(t):
    return amp*np.sin(2*np.pi*freq*t)

def hdt_func(t):
    return 2*np.pi*freq*amp*np.cos(2*np.pi*freq*t)

base_motion = {'h': h_func, 'hdt': hdt_func}

# Create the whisker and the integrator.
fx = []
for a in [0, 10, 20, 30]:
    parameters['a'] = a
    whisker = ws.whisker.Whisker2D(parameters, base_motion)
    mvi = trep.MidpointVI(whisker)

    # Simulate and visualize the whisking.
    tf = 2.0
    dt = 0.005
    (t, q, lam) = ws.collisions.sim.simulate(mvi, tf, dt)

    base_forces = ws.simulation.simulate.get_base_forces_2d(whisker, lam, dt)

# Plot the results for each curvature.
N = 200
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
fig = plt.figure(facecolor='white',figsize=(12,5))
ax = plt.axes()
Ejemplo n.º 20
# There is no guarantee that the configuration we just set is
# consistent with the system's constraints.  We can call
# System.satisfy_constraints() to have trep find a configuration that
# is consistent.  This just uses a root-finding method to solve h(q) =
# 0 starting from the current configuration.  There is no guarantee
# that it will always converge and no guarantee the final
# configuration is close to the original one.

# Now we'll extract the current configuration into a tuple to use as
# initial conditions for a variational integrator.
q0 = system.q

# Create and initialize the variational integrator
mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system)
mvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)

# This is our simulation loop.  We save the results in two lists.
q = [mvi.q2]
t = [mvi.t2]
while mvi.t1 < tf:
    mvi.step(mvi.t2 + dt)

# After the simulation is finished, we can visualize the results.  The
# viewer can automatically draw a primitive representation for
# arbitrary systems from the tree structure.  print_instructions() has
# the viewer print out basic usage information to the console.
visual.visualize_3d([visual.VisualItem3D(system, t, q)])
Ejemplo n.º 21
def QuadMain(isjoy):
    def make_state_cost(dsys, base, x):
        weight = base * np.ones((dsys.nX, ))
        weight[system.get_config('ballx').index] = 50
        weight[system.get_config('bally').index] = 50
        weight[system.get_config('ballz').index] = 25
        weight[system.get_config('quad1bry').index] = 500
        weight[system.get_config('quad1brx').index] = 100
        weight[system.get_config('quad1ry').index] = 10
        weight[system.get_config('quad1rx').index] = 10
        weight[system.get_config('quad1rz').index] = 1
        weight[system.get_config('quad2bry').index] = 500
        weight[system.get_config('quad2brx').index] = 15
        weight[system.get_config('quad2ry').index] = 10
        weight[system.get_config('quad2rx').index] = 10
        weight[system.get_config('quad2rz').index] = 1
        return np.diag(weight)

    def make_input_cost(dsys, base, x):
        weight = base * np.ones((dsys.nU, ))
        # weight[system.get_input('x-force').index] = x
        return np.diag(weight)

    quad1cm_m = 1.0
    quadmotor1_m = 1.0
    quad2cm_m = 1.0
    quadmotor2_m = 1.0
    ball_m = 0.5

    dt = 0.01  # timestep set to 10ms

    # Create a new trep system - 6 generalized coordinates for quadrotor: x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw
    system = trep.System()
    trep.potentials.Gravity(system, name="Gravity")

    # define ball frame
    ballz = trep.Frame(system.world_frame, trep.TZ, "ballz")
    bally = trep.Frame(ballz, trep.TY, "bally")
    ballx = trep.Frame(bally, trep.TX, "ballx")

    # define quadrotor 1 frame
    quad1bry = trep.Frame(ballx, trep.RY, "quad1bry")
    quad1brx = trep.Frame(quad1bry, trep.RX, "quad1brx")
    quad1cm = trep.Frame(quad1brx, trep.CONST_SE3,
                         ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 2)),
    quad1ry = trep.Frame(quad1cm, trep.RY, "quad1ry")
    quad1rx = trep.Frame(quad1ry, trep.RX, "quad1rx")
    quad1rz = trep.Frame(quad1rx, trep.RZ, "quad1rz")

    quad1cm.set_mass(quad1cm_m)  # central point mass

    # define quadrotor 1 motor positions and mass
    quad1m1 = trep.Frame(quad1rz, trep.CONST_SE3,
                         ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0)),
    quad1m2 = trep.Frame(quad1rz, trep.CONST_SE3,
                         ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (-1, 0, 0)),
    quad1m3 = trep.Frame(quad1rz, trep.CONST_SE3,
                         ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0)),
    quad1m4 = trep.Frame(quad1rz, trep.CONST_SE3,
                         ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, -1, 0)),

    # set four thrust vectors with inputs u1,u2,u3,u4
                           quad1m1, (0, 0, 'u1q1', 0, 0, 0),
                           quad1m2, (0, 0, 'u2q1', 0, 0, 0),
                           quad1m3, (0, 0, 'u3q1', 0, 0, 0),
                           quad1m4, (0, 0, 'u4q1', 0, 0, 0),

    # define quadrotor 2 frame
    quad2bry = trep.Frame(ballx, trep.RY, "quad2bry")
    quad2brx = trep.Frame(quad2bry, trep.RX, "quad2brx")
    quad2cm = trep.Frame(quad2brx, trep.CONST_SE3,
                         ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 2)),
    quad2ry = trep.Frame(quad2cm, trep.RY, "quad2ry")
    quad2rx = trep.Frame(quad2ry, trep.RX, "quad2rx")
    quad2rz = trep.Frame(quad2rx, trep.RZ, "quad2rz")

    quad2cm.set_mass(quad2cm_m)  # central point mass

    # define quadrotor 2 motor positions and mass
    quad2m1 = trep.Frame(quad2rz, trep.CONST_SE3,
                         ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0)),
    quad2m2 = trep.Frame(quad2rz, trep.CONST_SE3,
                         ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (-1, 0, 0)),
    quad2m3 = trep.Frame(quad2rz, trep.CONST_SE3,
                         ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0)),
    quad2m4 = trep.Frame(quad2rz, trep.CONST_SE3,
                         ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, -1, 0)),

    # set four thrust vectors with inputs u1,u2,u3,u4
                           quad2m1, (0, 0, 'u1q2', 0, 0, 0),
                           quad2m2, (0, 0, 'u2q2', 0, 0, 0),
                           quad2m3, (0, 0, 'u3q2', 0, 0, 0),
                           quad2m4, (0, 0, 'u4q2', 0, 0, 0),

    # set quadrotor initial altitude at 5m
    system.get_config("ballz").q = 0.0

    system.get_config("quad1bry").q = (math.pi / 2 - math.acos(1.5 / 2.0))
    system.get_config("quad2bry").q = -(math.pi / 2 - math.acos(1.5 / 2.0))

    horzf = 0.5 * ball_m * 9.8 * math.tan((math.pi / 2 - math.acos(1.5 / 2.0)))
    vertf = (0.5 * ball_m + quad1cm_m + 4 * quadmotor1_m) * 9.8
    quad1ang = math.atan(horzf / ((quad1cm_m + 4 * quadmotor1_m) * 9.8))

        "quad1ry").q = -(math.pi / 2 - math.acos(1.5 / 2.0)) + quad1ang
    system.get_config("quad2ry").q = (math.pi / 2 -
                                      math.acos(1.5 / 2.0)) - quad1ang

    # Now we'll extract the current configuration into a tuple to use as
    # initial conditions for a variational integrator.
    q0 = system.q

    # Create the discrete system
    mvi = trep.MidpointVI(system)
    t = np.arange(0.0, 10.0, 0.01)
    dsys = discopt.DSystem(mvi, t)

    # Generate cost function
    Qcost = make_state_cost(dsys, 1, 0.00)
    Rcost = make_input_cost(dsys, 0.01, 0.01)

    totuf = math.sqrt(math.pow(horzf, 2) + math.pow(vertf, 2))
    u0 = np.array([
        totuf / 4, totuf / 4, totuf / 4, totuf / 4, totuf / 4, totuf / 4,
        totuf / 4, totuf / 4
    u = tuple(u0)

    mvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)
    pref = mvi.p2

    Uint = np.zeros((len(t) - 1, system.nu))
    qd = np.zeros((len(t), system.nQ))
    pd = np.zeros((len(t), system.nQ))
    for i, t in enumerate(t[:-1]):
        Uint[i, :] = u0
        qd[i, :] = q0
        pd[i, :] = pref
    qd[len(qd) - 1, :] = q0
    pd[len(pd) - 1, :] = pref

    Qk = lambda k: Qcost
    (X, U) = dsys.build_trajectory(Q=qd, p=pd, u=Uint)
    Kstab = dsys.calc_feedback_controller(X, U, Qk)

    #print Kstab[0]

    # Create and initialize the variational integrator)
    u = tuple(u0)
    #mvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)

    # These are our simulation variables.
    q = mvi.q2
    p = mvi.p2
    pref = p
    t = mvi.t2

    # start ROS node to broadcast transforms to rviz
    broadcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
    pub = rospy.Publisher('config', Float32MultiArray, queue_size=2)
    statepub = rospy.Publisher('joint_states', JointState, queue_size=2)

    jointstates = JointState()
    configs = Float32MultiArray()
    if isjoy == True:
        markerpub = rospy.Publisher('refmark', Marker, queue_size=2)
        refmark = Marker()

    if isjoy == False:
        ############### NEW ################################33
        # create an interactive marker server on the topic namespace simple_marker
        server = InteractiveMarkerServer("simple_marker")

        # create an interactive marker for our server
        int_marker = InteractiveMarker()
        int_marker.header.frame_id = "/world"
        int_marker.name = "my_marker"
        int_marker.description = "Simple 1-DOF Control"
        int_marker.pose.position.z = 2.0

        # create a grey box marker
        box_marker = Marker()
        box_marker.type = Marker.SPHERE
        box_marker.scale.x = 0.15
        box_marker.scale.y = 0.15
        box_marker.scale.z = 0.15
        box_marker.color.r = 0.0
        box_marker.color.g = 1.0
        box_marker.color.b = 0.0
        box_marker.color.a = 1.0

        # create a non-interactive control which contains the box
        box_control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
        box_control.orientation.w = 1
        box_control.orientation.x = 0
        box_control.orientation.y = 1
        box_control.orientation.z = 0
        box_control.name = "rotate_x"
        box_control.name = "move_x"
        box_control.always_visible = True
        box_control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.MOVE_PLANE

        box_control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
        box_control.orientation.w = 1
        box_control.orientation.x = 0
        box_control.orientation.y = 1
        box_control.orientation.z = 0
        box_control.name = "rotate_x"
        box_control.name = "move_x"
        box_control.always_visible = True
        box_control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.MOVE_PLANE

        # add the interactive marker to our collection &
        # tell the server to call processFeedback() when feedback arrives for it
        server.insert(int_marker, processFeedback)

        # 'commit' changes and send to all clients
############### END NEW ###############################
    if isjoy == True:
        # subscribe to joystick topic from joy_node
        rospy.Subscriber("joy", Joy, joycall)

    r = rospy.Rate(100)  # simulation rate set to 100Hz

    # Simulator Loop
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():

        # reset simulator if trigger pressed
        if buttons[0] == 1:
            mvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)

        qref = [0, axis[1], axis[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        u = tuple(u0 - np.dot(Kstab[0], np.append(q - q0 - qref, p - pref)))

        # advance simluation one timestep using trep VI

            mvi.step(mvi.t2 + dt, u)
        except trep.ConvergenceError:
            print 'Trep simulation error - system resetting...'
            mvi.initialize_from_configs(0.0, q0, dt, q0)

        q = mvi.q2
        p = mvi.p2
        t = mvi.t2
        configs.data = tuple(q) + u

        if isjoy == True:
            refmark.header.frame_id = "/world"
            refmark.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            refmark.type = 2
            refmark.scale.x = 0.15
            refmark.scale.y = 0.15
            refmark.scale.z = 0.15
            refmark.color.r = 0.0
            refmark.color.g = 1.0
            refmark.color.b = 0.0
            refmark.color.a = 1.0
            refmark.pose.position.y = axis[1]
            refmark.pose.position.x = axis[0]
            refmark.pose.position.z = 2.0

        jointstates.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        jointstates.name = [
            "quad1bry", "quad1brx", "quad1ry", "quad1rx", "quad1rz",
            "quad2bry", "quad2brx", "quad2ry", "quad2rx", "quad2rz"
        jointstates.position = [
            q[3], q[4], q[5], q[6], q[7], q[8], q[9], q[10], q[11], q[12]
        jointstates.velocity = [
            system.configs[3].dq, system.configs[4].dq, system.configs[5].dq,
            system.configs[6].dq, system.configs[7].dq, system.configs[8].dq,
            system.configs[9].dq, system.configs[10].dq, system.configs[11].dq,

        # send transform data to rviz
            (q[2], q[1], q[0] + 2),
            tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
            rospy.Time.now(), "ball", "world")
        if isjoy == True: