Ejemplo n.º 1
def verify_nonownership(
    proof: bytes,
    script_pubkey: bytes,
    commitment_data: bytes | None,
    keychain: Keychain,
    coin: CoinInfo,
) -> bool:
        r = utils.BufferReader(proof)
        if r.read_memoryview(4) != _VERSION_MAGIC:
            raise wire.DataError("Unknown format of proof of ownership")

        flags = r.get()
        if flags & 0b1111_1110:
            raise wire.DataError("Unknown flags in proof of ownership")

        # Determine whether our ownership ID appears in the proof.
        id_count = read_bitcoin_varint(r)
        ownership_id = get_identifier(script_pubkey, keychain)
        not_owned = True
        for _ in range(id_count):
            if utils.consteq(ownership_id,
                not_owned = False

        # Verify the BIP-322 SignatureProof.

        proof_body = proof[:r.offset]
        sighash = hashlib.sha256(proof_body)
        if commitment_data:
        script_sig, witness = read_bip322_signature_proof(r)

        # We don't call verifier.ensure_hash_type() to avoid possible compatibility
        # issues between implementations, because the hash type doesn't influence
        # the digest and the value to use is not defined in BIP-322.
        verifier = SignatureVerifier(script_pubkey, script_sig, witness, coin)
    except (ValueError, EOFError):
        raise wire.DataError("Invalid proof of ownership")

    return not_owned
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generate_proof(
    node: bip32.HDNode,
    script_type: InputScriptType,
    multisig: MultisigRedeemScriptType | None,
    coin: CoinInfo,
    user_confirmed: bool,
    ownership_ids: list[bytes],
    script_pubkey: bytes,
    commitment_data: bytes,
) -> tuple[bytes, bytes]:
    flags = 0
    if user_confirmed:
        flags |= _FLAG_USER_CONFIRMED

    proof = utils.empty_bytearray(4 + 1 + 1 +
                                  len(ownership_ids) * _OWNERSHIP_ID_LEN)

    write_bytes_fixed(proof, _VERSION_MAGIC, 4)
    write_uint8(proof, flags)
    write_bitcoin_varint(proof, len(ownership_ids))
    for ownership_id in ownership_ids:
        write_bytes_fixed(proof, ownership_id, _OWNERSHIP_ID_LEN)

    sighash = HashWriter(sha256(proof))
    write_bytes_prefixed(sighash, script_pubkey)
    write_bytes_prefixed(sighash, commitment_data)
    if script_type in (
        signature = common.ecdsa_sign(node, sighash.get_digest())
    elif script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDTAPROOT:
        signature = common.bip340_sign(node, sighash.get_digest())
        raise wire.DataError("Unsupported script type.")
    public_key = node.public_key()
    write_bip322_signature_proof(proof, script_type, multisig, coin,
                                 public_key, signature)

    return proof, signature
Ejemplo n.º 3
def address_from_public_key(pubkey: bytes) -> str:
    """Extracts public key from an address

    Ripple address is in format:
    <1-byte ripple flag> <20-bytes account id> <4-bytes dSHA-256 checksum>

    - 1-byte flag is 0x00 which is 'r' (Ripple uses its own base58 alphabet)
    - 20-bytes account id is a ripemd160(sha256(pubkey))
    - checksum is first 4 bytes of double sha256(data)

    see https://developers.ripple.com/accounts.html#address-encoding
    """Returns the Ripple address created using base58"""
    h = sha256(pubkey).digest()
    h = ripemd160(h).digest()

    address = bytearray()
    address.append(0x00)  # 'r'
    return base58_ripple.encode_check(bytes(address))
Ejemplo n.º 4
async def sign_tx(ctx, msg: StellarSignTx):
    if msg.num_operations == 0:
        raise ProcessError("Stellar: At least one operation is required")

    node = await seed.derive_node(ctx, msg.address_n, consts.STELLAR_CURVE)
    pubkey = seed.remove_ed25519_prefix(node.public_key())

    w = bytearray()
    await _init(ctx, w, pubkey, msg)
    _timebounds(w, msg.timebounds_start, msg.timebounds_end)
    await _memo(ctx, w, msg)
    await _operations(ctx, w, msg.num_operations)
    await _final(ctx, w, msg)

    # sign
    digest = sha256(w).digest()
    signature = ed25519.sign(node.private_key(), digest)

    # Add the public key for verification that the right account was used for signing
    return StellarSignedTx(pubkey, signature)
Ejemplo n.º 5
async def confirm_manage_data_op(ctx: Context,
                                 op: StellarManageDataOp) -> None:
    from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha256

    if op.value:
        digest = sha256(op.value).digest()
        await confirm_properties(
            "Set data",
            props=(("Key:", op.key), ("Value (SHA-256):", digest)),
        await confirm_metadata(
            "Clear data",
            "Do you want to clear value key {}?",
Ejemplo n.º 6
async def sign_tx(ctx, msg):
    pubkey, seckey = await _get_keys(ctx, msg)
    transaction = _update_raw_tx(msg.transaction, pubkey)

        await _require_confirm_by_type(ctx, transaction)
    except AttributeError:
        raise wire.DataError("The transaction has invalid asset data field")

    await layout.require_confirm_fee(ctx, transaction.amount, transaction.fee)

    txbytes = _get_transaction_bytes(transaction)
    txhash = HashWriter(sha256())
    for field in txbytes:
    digest = txhash.get_digest()

    signature = ed25519.sign(seckey, digest)

    return LiskSignedTx(signature=signature)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def from_cred_id(cred_id: bytes,
                     rp_id_hash: bytes) -> Optional["Fido2Credential"]:
        if len(cred_id
               ) < _CRED_ID_MIN_LENGTH or cred_id[0:4] != _CRED_ID_VERSION:
            return None

        key = seed.derive_slip21_node_without_passphrase(
            [b"SLIP-0022", cred_id[0:4], b"Encryption key"]).key()
        iv = cred_id[4:16]
        ciphertext = cred_id[16:-16]
        tag = cred_id[-16:]
        ctx = chacha20poly1305(key, iv)
        data = ctx.decrypt(ciphertext)
        if not utils.consteq(ctx.finish(), tag):
            return None

            data = cbor.decode(data)
        except Exception:
            return None

        if not isinstance(data, dict):
            return None

        cred = Fido2Credential()
        cred.rp_id = data.get(_CRED_ID_RP_ID, None)
        cred.rp_id_hash = rp_id_hash
        cred.rp_name = data.get(_CRED_ID_RP_NAME, None)
        cred.user_id = data.get(_CRED_ID_USER_ID, None)
        cred.user_name = data.get(_CRED_ID_USER_NAME, None)
        cred.user_display_name = data.get(_CRED_ID_USER_DISPLAY_NAME, None)
        cred._creation_time = data.get(_CRED_ID_CREATION_TIME, 0)
        cred.hmac_secret = data.get(_CRED_ID_HMAC_SECRET, False)
        cred.id = cred_id

        if (not cred.check_required_fields() or not cred.check_data_types()
                or hashlib.sha256(cred.rp_id).digest() != rp_id_hash):
            return None

        return cred
Ejemplo n.º 8
async def sign_tx(ctx, msg: StellarSignTx, keychain):
    await paths.validate_path(ctx, keychain, msg.address_n)

    node = keychain.derive(msg.address_n)
    pubkey = seed.remove_ed25519_prefix(node.public_key())

    if msg.num_operations == 0:
        raise ProcessError("Stellar: At least one operation is required")

    w = bytearray()
    await _init(ctx, w, pubkey, msg)
    await _timebounds(ctx, w, msg.timebounds_start, msg.timebounds_end)
    await _memo(ctx, w, msg)
    await _operations(ctx, w, msg.num_operations)
    await _final(ctx, w, msg)

    # sign
    digest = sha256(w).digest()
    signature = ed25519.sign(node.private_key(), digest)

    # Add the public key for verification that the right account was used for signing
    return StellarSignedTx(public_key=pubkey, signature=signature)
Ejemplo n.º 9
async def sign_tx(ctx, msg: TronSignTx):
    """Parse and sign TRX transaction"""

    address_n = msg.address_n or ()
    node = await seed.derive_node(ctx, address_n)
    seckey = node.private_key()
    public_key = secp256k1.publickey(seckey, False)
    address = get_address_from_public_key(public_key[:65])

        await _require_confirm_by_type(ctx, msg, address)
    except AttributeError:
        raise wire.DataError("The transaction has invalid asset data field")

    raw_data = serialize(msg, address)
    data_hash = sha256(raw_data).digest()

    signature = secp256k1.sign(seckey, data_hash, False)

    signature = signature[1:65] + bytes([~signature[0] & 0x01])
    return TronSignedTx(signature=signature, serialized_tx=raw_data)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, signer: Signer, tx: SignTx | PrevTx) -> None:
        # Checksum of multisig inputs, used to validate change-output.
        self.multisig_fingerprint = MultisigFingerprintChecker()

        # Common prefix of input paths, used to validate change-output.
        self.wallet_path = WalletPathChecker()

        # h_tx_check is used to make sure that the inputs and outputs streamed in
        # different steps are the same every time, e.g. the ones streamed for approval
        # in Steps 1 and 2 and the ones streamed for signing legacy inputs in Step 4.
        self.h_tx_check = HashWriter(sha256())  # not a real tx hash

        # The digests of the inputs streamed for approval in Step 1. These are used to
        # ensure that the inputs streamed for verification in Step 3 are the same as
        # those in Step 1.
        self.h_inputs_check: bytes | None = None

        # BIP-0143 transaction hashing.
        self.sig_hasher = signer.create_sig_hasher(tx)

        # The minimum nSequence of all inputs.
        self.min_sequence = _SEQUENCE_FINAL
Ejemplo n.º 11
def input_derive_script(
    script_type: EnumTypeInputScriptType,
    multisig: Optional[MultisigRedeemScriptType],
    coin: CoinInfo,
    hash_type: int,
    pubkey: bytes,
    signature: bytes,
) -> bytes:
    if script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS:
        # p2pkh or p2sh
        return input_script_p2pkh_or_p2sh(pubkey, signature, hash_type)

    if script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS:
        # p2wpkh or p2wsh using p2sh

        if multisig is not None:
            # p2wsh in p2sh
            pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(multisig)
            witness_script_hasher = utils.HashWriter(sha256())
            write_output_script_multisig(witness_script_hasher, pubkeys,
            witness_script_hash = witness_script_hasher.get_digest()
            return input_script_p2wsh_in_p2sh(witness_script_hash)

        # p2wpkh in p2sh
        return input_script_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(
            common.ecdsa_hash_pubkey(pubkey, coin))
    elif script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS:
        # native p2wpkh or p2wsh
        return input_script_native_p2wpkh_or_p2wsh()
    elif script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG:
        # p2sh multisig
        assert multisig is not None  # checked in sanitize_tx_input
        signature_index = multisig_pubkey_index(multisig, pubkey)
        return input_script_multisig(multisig, signature, signature_index,
                                     hash_type, coin)
        raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid script type")
Ejemplo n.º 12
def input_derive_script(coin: coininfo.CoinInfo,
                        i: TxInputType,
                        pubkey: bytes,
                        signature: bytes = None) -> bytes:
    if i.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS:
        # p2pkh or p2sh
        return scripts.input_script_p2pkh_or_p2sh(pubkey, signature,

    if i.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS:
        # p2wpkh or p2wsh using p2sh

        if i.multisig:
            # p2wsh in p2sh
            pubkeys = multisig.multisig_get_pubkeys(i.multisig)
            witness_script_hasher = utils.HashWriter(sha256())
            scripts.output_script_multisig(pubkeys, i.multisig.m,
            witness_script_hash = witness_script_hasher.get_digest()
            return scripts.input_script_p2wsh_in_p2sh(witness_script_hash)

        # p2wpkh in p2sh
        return scripts.input_script_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(
            addresses.ecdsa_hash_pubkey(pubkey, coin))

    elif i.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS:
        # native p2wpkh or p2wsh
        return scripts.input_script_native_p2wpkh_or_p2wsh()

    elif i.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG:
        # p2sh multisig
        signature_index = multisig.multisig_pubkey_index(i.multisig, pubkey)
        return scripts.input_script_multisig(i.multisig, signature,
                                             get_hash_type(coin), coin)

        raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError, "Invalid script type")
Ejemplo n.º 13
async def sign_tx(ctx: wire.Context, msg: EosSignTx,
                  keychain: Keychain) -> EosSignedTx:
    if msg.chain_id is None:
        raise wire.DataError("No chain id")
    if msg.header is None:
        raise wire.DataError("No header")
    if msg.num_actions is None or msg.num_actions == 0:
        raise wire.DataError("No actions")

    await paths.validate_path(ctx, keychain, msg.address_n)

    node = keychain.derive(msg.address_n)
    sha = HashWriter(sha256())
    await _init(ctx, sha, msg)
    await _actions(ctx, sha, msg.num_actions)
    writers.write_variant32(sha, 0)
    writers.write_bytes_unchecked(sha, bytearray(32))

    digest = sha.get_digest()
    signature = secp256k1.sign(node.private_key(), digest, True,

    return EosSignedTx(signature=base58_encode("SIG_", "K1", signature))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    async def step3_verify_inputs(self) -> None:
        # should come out the same as h_inputs, checked before continuing
        h_check = HashWriter(sha256())

        for i in range(self.tx_info.tx.inputs_count):
            txi = await helpers.request_tx_input(self.tx_req, i, self.coin)

            writers.write_tx_input_check(h_check, txi)
            prev_amount, script_pubkey = await self.get_prevtx_output(
                txi.prev_hash, txi.prev_index)
            if prev_amount != txi.amount:
                raise wire.DataError("Invalid amount specified")

            if i in self.external:
                await self.verify_external_input(i, txi, script_pubkey)

        # check that the inputs were the same as those streamed for approval
        if h_check.get_digest() != self.h_inputs:
            raise wire.ProcessError("Transaction has changed during signing")

        # verify the signature of one SIGHASH_ALL input in each original transaction
        await self.verify_original_txs()
Ejemplo n.º 15
async def sign_tx(ctx, msg: EosSignTx, keychain):
    if msg.chain_id is None:
        raise wire.DataError("No chain id")
    if msg.header is None:
        raise wire.DataError("No header")
    if msg.num_actions is None or msg.num_actions == 0:
        raise wire.DataError("No actions")

    await paths.validate_path(ctx, validate_full_path, keychain, msg.address_n,

    node = keychain.derive(msg.address_n)
    sha = HashWriter(sha256())
    await _init(ctx, sha, msg)
    await _actions(ctx, sha, msg.num_actions)
    writers.write_variant32(sha, 0)
    writers.write_bytes(sha, bytearray(32))

    digest = sha.get_digest()
    signature = secp256k1.sign(node.private_key(), digest, True,

    return EosSignedTx(signature[0], signature[1:33], signature[33:])
Ejemplo n.º 16
async def verify_message(ctx, msg):
    message = msg.message
    address = msg.address
    signature = msg.signature
    coin_name = msg.coin_name or 'Bitcoin'
    coin = coins.by_name(coin_name)

    await confirm_verify_message(ctx, message)

    digest = message_digest(coin, message)
    pubkey = secp256k1.verify_recover(signature, digest)

    if not pubkey:
        raise wire.FailureError(ProcessError, 'Invalid signature')

    raw_address = base58.decode_check(address)
    _, pkh = address_type.split(coin, raw_address)
    pkh2 = ripemd160(sha256(pubkey).digest()).digest()

    if pkh != pkh2:
        raise wire.FailureError(ProcessError, 'Invalid signature')

    return Success(message='Message verified')
Ejemplo n.º 17
    async def step1_process_inputs(self) -> None:
        h_external_inputs_check = HashWriter(sha256())

        for i in range(self.tx_info.tx.inputs_count):
            # STAGE_REQUEST_1_INPUT in legacy
            txi = await helpers.request_tx_input(self.tx_req, i, self.coin)
            script_pubkey = self.input_derive_script(txi)
            self.tx_info.add_input(txi, script_pubkey)
            if txi.script_type not in (
                self.taproot_only = False

            if input_is_segwit(txi):

            if input_is_external(txi):
                writers.write_tx_input_check(h_external_inputs_check, txi)
                await self.process_external_input(txi)
                await self.process_internal_input(txi)

            if txi.orig_hash:
                await self.process_original_input(txi, script_pubkey)

        self.tx_info.h_inputs_check = self.tx_info.get_tx_check_digest()
        self.h_external_inputs = h_external_inputs_check.get_digest()

        # Finalize original inputs.
        for orig in self.orig_txs:
            orig.h_inputs_check = orig.get_tx_check_digest()
            if orig.index != orig.tx.inputs_count:
                raise wire.ProcessError("Removal of original inputs is not supported.")

            orig.index = 0  # Reset counter for outputs.
Ejemplo n.º 18
async def process_unknown_action(ctx, w, action):
    checksum = HashWriter(sha256())
    writers.write_variant32(checksum, action.unknown.data_size)

    writers.write_bytes(w, action.unknown.data_chunk)
    bytes_left = action.unknown.data_size - len(action.unknown.data_chunk)

    while bytes_left != 0:
        action = await ctx.call(EosTxActionRequest(data_size=bytes_left),

        if action.unknown is None:
            raise ValueError("Bad response. Unknown struct expected.")

        writers.write_bytes(w, action.unknown.data_chunk)

        bytes_left -= len(action.unknown.data_chunk)
        if bytes_left < 0:
            raise ValueError("Bad response. Buffer overflow.")

    await layout.confirm_action_unknown(ctx, action.common,
    def test_vectors(self):

        vectors = [
             "Satoshi Nakamoto",
             "Satoshi Nakamoto",
             "Alan Turing",
             "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...",
             "There is a computer disease that anybody who works with computers knows about. It's a very serious disease and it interferes completely with the work. The trouble with computers is that you 'play' with them!",

        for key, msg, k in vectors:
            rng = rfc6979(unhexlify(key), sha256(msg).digest())
            self.assertEqual(rng.next(), unhexlify(k))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def input_derive_script(
    txi: TxInputType,
    coin: CoinInfo,
    hash_type: int,
    pubkey: bytes,
    signature: Optional[bytes],
) -> bytes:
    if txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS:
        # p2pkh or p2sh
        return input_script_p2pkh_or_p2sh(pubkey, signature, hash_type)

    if txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS:
        # p2wpkh or p2wsh using p2sh

        if txi.multisig:
            # p2wsh in p2sh
            pubkeys = multisig_get_pubkeys(txi.multisig)
            witness_script_hasher = utils.HashWriter(sha256())
            write_output_script_multisig(witness_script_hasher, pubkeys,
            witness_script_hash = witness_script_hasher.get_digest()
            return input_script_p2wsh_in_p2sh(witness_script_hash)

        # p2wpkh in p2sh
        return input_script_p2wpkh_in_p2sh(
            common.ecdsa_hash_pubkey(pubkey, coin))
    elif txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS:
        # native p2wpkh or p2wsh
        return input_script_native_p2wpkh_or_p2wsh()
    elif txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG:
        # p2sh multisig
        signature_index = multisig_pubkey_index(txi.multisig, pubkey)
        return input_script_multisig(txi.multisig, signature, signature_index,
                                     hash_type, coin)
        raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid script type")
Ejemplo n.º 21
async def check_tx_fee(tx: SignTx, root: bip32.HDNode):
    coin = coins.by_name(tx.coin_name)

    # h_first is used to make sure the inputs and outputs streamed in Phase 1
    # are the same as in Phase 2.  it is thus not required to fully hash the
    # tx, as the SignTx info is streamed only once
    h_first = HashWriter(sha256())  # not a real tx hash

    if coin.decred:
        hash143 = DecredPrefixHasher(tx)  # pseudo bip143 prefix hashing
        tx_ser = TxRequestSerializedType()
    elif tx.overwintered:
        if tx.version == 3:
            hash143 = Zip143()  # ZIP-0143 transaction hashing
        elif tx.version == 4:
            hash143 = Zip243()  # ZIP-0243 transaction hashing
            raise SigningError(
                "Unsupported version for overwintered transaction",
        hash143 = Bip143()  # BIP-0143 transaction hashing

    multifp = MultisigFingerprint()  # control checksum of multisig inputs
    weight = TxWeightCalculator(tx.inputs_count, tx.outputs_count)

    total_in = 0  # sum of input amounts
    segwit_in = 0  # sum of segwit input amounts
    total_out = 0  # sum of output amounts
    change_out = 0  # change output amount
    wallet_path = []  # common prefix of input paths
    segwit = {}  # dict of booleans stating if input is segwit

    # output structures
    txo_bin = TxOutputBinType()
    tx_req = TxRequest()
    tx_req.details = TxRequestDetailsType()

    for i in range(tx.inputs_count):
        txi = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i)
        wallet_path = input_extract_wallet_path(txi, wallet_path)
        write_tx_input_check(h_first, txi)
            txi)  # all inputs are included (non-segwit as well)

        if not address_n_matches_coin(txi.address_n, coin):
            await confirm_foreign_address(txi.address_n, coin)

        if txi.multisig:

        if txi.script_type in (
            if not coin.segwit:
                raise SigningError(FailureType.DataError,
                                   "Segwit not enabled on this coin")
            if not txi.amount:
                raise SigningError(FailureType.DataError,
                                   "Segwit input without amount")
            segwit[i] = True
            segwit_in += txi.amount
            total_in += txi.amount

        elif txi.script_type in (
            if coin.force_bip143 or tx.overwintered:
                if not txi.amount:
                    raise SigningError(FailureType.DataError,
                                       "Expected input with amount")
                segwit[i] = False
                segwit_in += txi.amount
                total_in += txi.amount
                segwit[i] = False
                total_in += await get_prevtx_output_value(
                    coin, tx_req, txi.prev_hash, txi.prev_index)

            raise SigningError(FailureType.DataError,
                               "Wrong input script type")

        if coin.decred:
            w_txi = empty_bytearray(8 if i == 0 else 0 + 9 +
            if i == 0:  # serializing first input => prepend headers
                write_bytes(w_txi, get_tx_header(coin, tx))
            write_tx_input_decred(w_txi, txi)
            tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txi
            tx_req.serialized = tx_ser

    if coin.decred:

    for o in range(tx.outputs_count):
        txo = await request_tx_output(tx_req, o)
        txo_bin.amount = txo.amount
        txo_bin.script_pubkey = output_derive_script(txo, coin, root)

        if change_out == 0 and is_change(txo, wallet_path, segwit_in, multifp):
            # output is change and does not need confirmation
            change_out = txo.amount
        elif not await confirm_output(txo, coin):
            raise SigningError(FailureType.ActionCancelled, "Output cancelled")

        if coin.decred:
            if txo.decred_script_version is not None and txo.decred_script_version != 0:
                raise SigningError(
                    "Cannot send to output with script version != 0",
            txo_bin.decred_script_version = txo.decred_script_version

            w_txo_bin = empty_bytearray(4 + 8 + 2 + 4 +
            if o == 0:  # serializing first output => prepend outputs count
                write_varint(w_txo_bin, tx.outputs_count)
            write_tx_output(w_txo_bin, txo_bin)
            tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txo_bin
            tx_req.serialized = tx_ser

        write_tx_output(h_first, txo_bin)
        total_out += txo_bin.amount

    fee = total_in - total_out
    if fee < 0:
        raise SigningError(FailureType.NotEnoughFunds, "Not enough funds")

    # fee > (coin.maxfee per byte * tx size)
    if fee > (coin.maxfee_kb / 1000) * (weight.get_total() / 4):
        if not await confirm_feeoverthreshold(fee, coin):
            raise SigningError(FailureType.ActionCancelled,
                               "Signing cancelled")

    if not await confirm_total(total_in - change_out, fee, coin):
        raise SigningError(FailureType.ActionCancelled, "Total cancelled")

    if coin.decred:

    return h_first, hash143, segwit, total_in, wallet_path
Ejemplo n.º 22
async def sign_tx(tx: SignTx, root: bip32.HDNode):
    tx = sanitize_sign_tx(tx)

    progress.init(tx.inputs_count, tx.outputs_count)

    # Phase 1

    h_first, hash143, segwit, authorized_in, wallet_path = await check_tx_fee(
        tx, root)

    # Phase 2
    # - sign inputs
    # - check that nothing changed

    coin = coins.by_name(tx.coin_name)
    tx_ser = TxRequestSerializedType()

    txo_bin = TxOutputBinType()
    tx_req = TxRequest()
    tx_req.details = TxRequestDetailsType()
    tx_req.serialized = None

    if coin.decred:
        prefix_hash = hash143.prefix_hash()

    for i_sign in range(tx.inputs_count):
        txi_sign = None
        key_sign = None
        key_sign_pub = None

        if segwit[i_sign]:
            txi_sign = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i_sign)

            is_segwit = (txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS
                         or txi_sign.script_type
                         == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS)
            if not is_segwit:
                raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                                   "Transaction has changed during signing")
            input_check_wallet_path(txi_sign, wallet_path)

            key_sign = node_derive(root, txi_sign.address_n)
            key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key()
            txi_sign.script_sig = input_derive_script(coin, txi_sign,

            w_txi = empty_bytearray(7 + len(txi_sign.prev_hash) + 4 +
                                    len(txi_sign.script_sig) + 4)
            if i_sign == 0:  # serializing first input => prepend headers
                write_bytes(w_txi, get_tx_header(coin, tx, True))
            write_tx_input(w_txi, txi_sign)
            tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txi
            tx_req.serialized = tx_ser

        elif coin.force_bip143 or tx.overwintered:
            txi_sign = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i_sign)
            input_check_wallet_path(txi_sign, wallet_path)

            is_bip143 = (txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS
                         or txi_sign.script_type
                         == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG)
            if not is_bip143 or txi_sign.amount > authorized_in:
                raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                                   "Transaction has changed during signing")
            authorized_in -= txi_sign.amount

            key_sign = node_derive(root, txi_sign.address_n)
            key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key()
            hash143_hash = hash143.preimage_hash(
                ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub, coin),

            # if multisig, check if singing with a key that is included in multisig
            if txi_sign.multisig:
                multisig_pubkey_index(txi_sign.multisig, key_sign_pub)

            signature = ecdsa_sign(key_sign, hash143_hash)
            tx_ser.signature_index = i_sign
            tx_ser.signature = signature

            # serialize input with correct signature
            txi_sign.script_sig = input_derive_script(coin, txi_sign,
                                                      key_sign_pub, signature)
            w_txi_sign = empty_bytearray(5 + len(txi_sign.prev_hash) + 4 +
                                         len(txi_sign.script_sig) + 4)
            if i_sign == 0:  # serializing first input => prepend headers
                write_bytes(w_txi_sign, get_tx_header(coin, tx))
            write_tx_input(w_txi_sign, txi_sign)
            tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txi_sign

            tx_req.serialized = tx_ser

        elif coin.decred:
            txi_sign = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i_sign)

            input_check_wallet_path(txi_sign, wallet_path)

            key_sign = node_derive(root, txi_sign.address_n)
            key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key()

            if txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG:
                prev_pkscript = output_script_multisig(
            elif txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS:
                prev_pkscript = output_script_p2pkh(
                    ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub, coin))
                raise ValueError("Unknown input script type")

            h_witness = HashWriter(blake256())
                         tx.version | DECRED_SERIALIZE_WITNESS_SIGNING)
            write_varint(h_witness, tx.inputs_count)

            for ii in range(tx.inputs_count):
                if ii == i_sign:
                    write_varint(h_witness, len(prev_pkscript))
                    write_bytes(h_witness, prev_pkscript)
                    write_varint(h_witness, 0)

            witness_hash = get_tx_hash(h_witness,

            h_sign = HashWriter(blake256())
            write_uint32(h_sign, DECRED_SIGHASHALL)
            write_bytes(h_sign, prefix_hash)
            write_bytes(h_sign, witness_hash)

            sig_hash = get_tx_hash(h_sign, double=coin.sign_hash_double)
            signature = ecdsa_sign(key_sign, sig_hash)
            tx_ser.signature_index = i_sign
            tx_ser.signature = signature

            # serialize input with correct signature
            txi_sign.script_sig = input_derive_script(coin, txi_sign,
                                                      key_sign_pub, signature)
            w_txi_sign = empty_bytearray(
                8 + 4 +
                len(hash143.get_last_output_bytes()) if i_sign == 0 else 0 +
                16 + 4 + len(txi_sign.script_sig))

            if i_sign == 0:
                write_bytes(w_txi_sign, hash143.get_last_output_bytes())
                write_uint32(w_txi_sign, tx.lock_time)
                write_uint32(w_txi_sign, tx.expiry)
                write_varint(w_txi_sign, tx.inputs_count)

            write_tx_input_decred_witness(w_txi_sign, txi_sign)
            tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txi_sign
            tx_req.serialized = tx_ser

            # hash of what we are signing with this input
            h_sign = HashWriter(sha256())
            # same as h_first, checked before signing the digest
            h_second = HashWriter(sha256())

            if tx.overwintered:
                write_uint32(h_sign, tx.version
                             | OVERWINTERED)  # nVersion | fOverwintered
                write_uint32(h_sign, tx.version_group_id)  # nVersionGroupId
                write_uint32(h_sign, tx.version)  # nVersion

            write_varint(h_sign, tx.inputs_count)

            for i in range(tx.inputs_count):
                # STAGE_REQUEST_4_INPUT
                txi = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i)
                input_check_wallet_path(txi, wallet_path)
                write_tx_input_check(h_second, txi)
                if i == i_sign:
                    txi_sign = txi
                    key_sign = node_derive(root, txi.address_n)
                    key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key()
                    # for the signing process the script_sig is equal
                    # to the previous tx's scriptPubKey (P2PKH) or a redeem script (P2SH)
                    if txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG:
                        txi_sign.script_sig = output_script_multisig(
                    elif txi_sign.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS:
                        txi_sign.script_sig = output_script_p2pkh(
                            ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub, coin))
                        if coin.bip115:
                            txi_sign.script_sig += script_replay_protection_bip115(
                        raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                                           "Unknown transaction type")
                    txi.script_sig = bytes()
                write_tx_input(h_sign, txi)

            write_varint(h_sign, tx.outputs_count)

            for o in range(tx.outputs_count):
                # STAGE_REQUEST_4_OUTPUT
                txo = await request_tx_output(tx_req, o)
                txo_bin.amount = txo.amount
                txo_bin.script_pubkey = output_derive_script(txo, coin, root)
                write_tx_output(h_second, txo_bin)
                write_tx_output(h_sign, txo_bin)

            write_uint32(h_sign, tx.lock_time)
            if tx.overwintered:
                write_uint32(h_sign, tx.expiry)  # expiryHeight
                write_varint(h_sign, 0)  # nJoinSplit

            write_uint32(h_sign, get_hash_type(coin))

            # check the control digests
            if get_tx_hash(h_first, False) != get_tx_hash(h_second):
                raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                                   "Transaction has changed during signing")

            # if multisig, check if singing with a key that is included in multisig
            if txi_sign.multisig:
                multisig_pubkey_index(txi_sign.multisig, key_sign_pub)

            # compute the signature from the tx digest
            signature = ecdsa_sign(
                key_sign, get_tx_hash(h_sign, double=coin.sign_hash_double))
            tx_ser.signature_index = i_sign
            tx_ser.signature = signature

            # serialize input with correct signature
            txi_sign.script_sig = input_derive_script(coin, txi_sign,
                                                      key_sign_pub, signature)
            w_txi_sign = empty_bytearray(5 + len(txi_sign.prev_hash) + 4 +
                                         len(txi_sign.script_sig) + 4)
            if i_sign == 0:  # serializing first input => prepend headers
                write_bytes(w_txi_sign, get_tx_header(coin, tx))
            write_tx_input(w_txi_sign, txi_sign)
            tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txi_sign

            tx_req.serialized = tx_ser

    if coin.decred:
        return await request_tx_finish(tx_req)

    for o in range(tx.outputs_count):
        txo = await request_tx_output(tx_req, o)
        txo_bin.amount = txo.amount
        txo_bin.script_pubkey = output_derive_script(txo, coin, root)

        # serialize output
        w_txo_bin = empty_bytearray(5 + 8 + 5 + len(txo_bin.script_pubkey) + 4)
        if o == 0:  # serializing first output => prepend outputs count
            write_varint(w_txo_bin, tx.outputs_count)
        write_tx_output(w_txo_bin, txo_bin)

        tx_ser.signature_index = None
        tx_ser.signature = None
        tx_ser.serialized_tx = w_txo_bin

        tx_req.serialized = tx_ser

    any_segwit = True in segwit.values()

    for i in range(tx.inputs_count):
        if segwit[i]:
            txi = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i)
            input_check_wallet_path(txi, wallet_path)

            is_segwit = (txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDWITNESS or
                         txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDP2SHWITNESS)
            if not is_segwit or txi.amount > authorized_in:
                raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                                   "Transaction has changed during signing")
            authorized_in -= txi.amount

            key_sign = node_derive(root, txi.address_n)
            key_sign_pub = key_sign.public_key()
            hash143_hash = hash143.preimage_hash(
                ecdsa_hash_pubkey(key_sign_pub, coin),

            signature = ecdsa_sign(key_sign, hash143_hash)
            if txi.multisig:
                # find out place of our signature based on the pubkey
                signature_index = multisig_pubkey_index(
                    txi.multisig, key_sign_pub)
                witness = witness_p2wsh(txi.multisig, signature,
                                        signature_index, get_hash_type(coin))
                witness = witness_p2wpkh(signature, key_sign_pub,

            tx_ser.serialized_tx = witness
            tx_ser.signature_index = i
            tx_ser.signature = signature
        elif any_segwit:
            tx_ser.serialized_tx = bytearray(
                1)  # empty witness for non-segwit inputs
            tx_ser.signature_index = None
            tx_ser.signature = None

        tx_req.serialized = tx_ser

    write_uint32(tx_ser.serialized_tx, tx.lock_time)

    if tx.overwintered:
        if tx.version == 3:
            write_uint32(tx_ser.serialized_tx, tx.expiry)  # expiryHeight
            write_varint(tx_ser.serialized_tx, 0)  # nJoinSplit
        elif tx.version == 4:
            write_uint32(tx_ser.serialized_tx, tx.expiry)  # expiryHeight
            write_uint64(tx_ser.serialized_tx, 0)  # valueBalance
            write_varint(tx_ser.serialized_tx, 0)  # nShieldedSpend
            write_varint(tx_ser.serialized_tx, 0)  # nShieldedOutput
            write_varint(tx_ser.serialized_tx, 0)  # nJoinSplit
            raise SigningError(
                "Unsupported version for overwintered transaction",

    await request_tx_finish(tx_req)
Ejemplo n.º 23
async def get_prevtx_output_value(coin: CoinInfo, tx_req: TxRequest,
                                  prev_hash: bytes, prev_index: int) -> int:
    total_out = 0  # sum of output amounts

    tx = await request_tx_meta(tx_req, prev_hash)

    if coin.decred:
        txh = HashWriter(blake256())
        txh = HashWriter(sha256())

    if tx.overwintered:
                     tx.version | OVERWINTERED)  # nVersion | fOverwintered
        write_uint32(txh, tx.version_group_id)  # nVersionGroupId
    elif coin.decred:
        write_uint32(txh, tx.version | DECRED_SERIALIZE_NO_WITNESS)
        write_uint32(txh, tx.version)  # nVersion

    write_varint(txh, tx.inputs_cnt)

    for i in range(tx.inputs_cnt):
        txi = await request_tx_input(tx_req, i, prev_hash)
        if coin.decred:
            write_tx_input_decred(txh, txi)
            write_tx_input(txh, txi)

    write_varint(txh, tx.outputs_cnt)

    for o in range(tx.outputs_cnt):
        txo_bin = await request_tx_output(tx_req, o, prev_hash)
        write_tx_output(txh, txo_bin)
        if o == prev_index:
            total_out += txo_bin.amount
            if (coin.decred and txo_bin.decred_script_version is not None
                    and txo_bin.decred_script_version != 0):
                raise SigningError(
                    "Cannot use utxo that has script_version != 0",

    write_uint32(txh, tx.lock_time)

    if tx.overwintered or coin.decred:
        write_uint32(txh, tx.expiry)

    ofs = 0
    while ofs < tx.extra_data_len:
        size = min(1024, tx.extra_data_len - ofs)
        data = await request_tx_extra_data(tx_req, ofs, size, prev_hash)
        write_bytes(txh, data)
        ofs += len(data)

    if get_tx_hash(txh, double=coin.sign_hash_double,
                   reverse=True) != prev_hash:
        raise SigningError(FailureType.ProcessError,
                           "Encountered invalid prev_hash")

    return total_out
Ejemplo n.º 24
def generate_content_signature(json: bytes, private_key: bytes) -> bytes:
    msghash = sha256(json).digest()
    return secp256k1.sign(private_key, msghash)[1:65]
Ejemplo n.º 25
def address_multisig_p2wsh_in_p2sh(pubkeys: list[bytes], m: int, coin: CoinInfo) -> str:
    if coin.address_type_p2sh is None:
        raise wire.ProcessError("Multisig not enabled on this coin")
    witness_script_h = HashWriter(sha256())
    write_output_script_multisig(witness_script_h, pubkeys, m)
    return address_p2wsh_in_p2sh(witness_script_h.get_digest(), coin)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def sha256_ripemd160_digest(b: bytes) -> bytes:
    h = sha256(b).digest()
    h = ripemd160(h).digest()
    return h
Ejemplo n.º 27
    async def get_legacy_tx_digest(
        index: int,
        tx_info: Union[TxInfo, OriginalTxInfo],
        script_pubkey: Optional[bytes] = None,
    ) -> Tuple[bytes, TxInput, Optional[bip32.HDNode]]:
        tx_hash = tx_info.orig_hash if isinstance(tx_info,
                                                  OriginalTxInfo) else None

        # the transaction digest which gets signed for this input
        h_sign = self.create_hash_writer()
        # should come out the same as h_tx_check, checked before signing the digest
        h_check = HashWriter(sha256())

        self.write_tx_header(h_sign, tx_info.tx, witness_marker=False)
        write_bitcoin_varint(h_sign, tx_info.tx.inputs_count)

        for i in range(tx_info.tx.inputs_count):
            # STAGE_REQUEST_4_INPUT in legacy
            txi = await helpers.request_tx_input(self.tx_req, i, self.coin,
            writers.write_tx_input_check(h_check, txi)
            # Only the previous UTXO's scriptPubKey is included in h_sign.
            if i == index:
                txi_sign = txi
                node = None
                if not script_pubkey:
                    node = self.keychain.derive(txi.address_n)
                    key_sign_pub = node.public_key()
                    if txi.multisig:
                        # Sanity check to ensure we are signing with a key that is included in the multisig.

                    if txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDMULTISIG:
                        assert txi.multisig is not None  # checked in sanitize_tx_input
                        script_pubkey = scripts.output_script_multisig(
                    elif txi.script_type == InputScriptType.SPENDADDRESS:
                        script_pubkey = scripts.output_script_p2pkh(
                                key_sign_pub, self.coin))
                        raise wire.ProcessError("Unknown transaction type")
                self.write_tx_input(h_sign, txi, script_pubkey)
                self.write_tx_input(h_sign, txi, bytes())

        write_bitcoin_varint(h_sign, tx_info.tx.outputs_count)

        for i in range(tx_info.tx.outputs_count):
            # STAGE_REQUEST_4_OUTPUT in legacy
            txo = await helpers.request_tx_output(self.tx_req, i, self.coin,
            script_pubkey = self.output_derive_script(txo)
            self.write_tx_output(h_check, txo, script_pubkey)
            self.write_tx_output(h_sign, txo, script_pubkey)

        writers.write_uint32(h_sign, tx_info.tx.lock_time)
        writers.write_uint32(h_sign, self.get_sighash_type(txi_sign))

        # check that the inputs were the same as those streamed for approval
        if tx_info.get_tx_check_digest() != h_check.get_digest():
            raise wire.ProcessError("Transaction has changed during signing")

        tx_digest = writers.get_tx_hash(h_sign,
        return tx_digest, txi_sign, node
Ejemplo n.º 28
def address_multisig_p2wsh(pubkeys: list[bytes], m: int, hrp: str) -> str:
    if not hrp:
        raise wire.ProcessError("Multisig not enabled on this coin")
    witness_script_h = HashWriter(sha256())
    write_output_script_multisig(witness_script_h, pubkeys, m)
    return address_p2wsh(witness_script_h.get_digest(), hrp)
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def create_hash_writer(self) -> HashWriter:
     return HashWriter(sha256())
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def init_hash143(self) -> None:
     self.h_prevouts = HashWriter(sha256())
     self.h_sequence = HashWriter(sha256())
     self.h_outputs = HashWriter(sha256())