Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_normal_rand():
    with raises(ValueError):
        NormalRand(1.0, 0.0)

    with raises(ValueError):
        NormalRand(1.0, -1.0)

    v = NormalRand(0.05, 0.2)
    assert v.generate(0) == v.generate(0)
    assert v.generate(0) != v.generate(1)
    res = v.generate_many(100000, 0)
    t = stats.kstest(res, "norm", args=(0.05, 0.2))
    assert t.pvalue > 0.4

    v = NormalRand(0.05, 0.2, q=0.1)
    assert v.generate(0) == v.generate(0)
    assert v.generate(0) != v.generate(1)
    actual = [
        x for x in v.generate_many(1000, 0) if x >= -0.155 and x <= 0.255
    assert_close([-0.15, -0.05, 0.05, 0.15, 0.25], actual)

    v2 = NormalRand(0.05, 0.2, q=0.1)
    v3 = Rand(0.05, 0.2, q=0.1)
    assert to_uuid(v) == to_uuid(v2)
    assert to_uuid(v) != to_uuid(v3)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_randint():
    with raises(ValueError):
        RandInt(0, 10, log=True)  # for log, low>=1.0

    v = RandInt(10, 20, log=False)
    assert v.generate(0) == v.generate(0)
    assert v.generate(0) != v.generate(1)
    actual = set(v.generate_many(100, 0))
    assert set(range(10, 21)) == actual

    v = RandInt(10, 20, include_high=False)
    actual = set(v.generate_many(100, 0))
    assert set(range(10, 20)) == actual

    v = RandInt(10, 20, q=5, include_high=False)
    actual = set(v.generate_many(100, 0))
    assert set([10, 15]) == actual

    v = RandInt(10, 20, q=5, include_high=True)
    actual = set(v.generate_many(100, 0))
    assert set([10, 15, 20]) == actual

    v = RandInt(3, 20, log=True)
    assert v.generate(0) == v.generate(0)
    assert v.generate(0) != v.generate(1)
    actual = set(v.generate_many(1000, 0))
    assert set(range(3, 21)) == actual

    v1 = RandInt(1, 20, q=2)
    v2 = RandInt(1, 20, q=2)
    v3 = Rand(1, 20, q=2)
    assert to_uuid(v1) == to_uuid(v2)
    assert to_uuid(v1) != to_uuid(v3)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, func: Callable):
     assert_or_throw(callable(func), lambda: ValueError(func))
     self._func = func
     if isinstance(func, LambdaType):
         self._uuid = to_uuid("lambda")
         self._uuid = to_uuid(get_full_type_path(func))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_grid():
    v = Grid("a", "b")
    assert ["a", "b"] == list(v)

    v2 = Grid("b", "a")
    assert v == v and v != v2
    assert to_uuid(v) != to_uuid(v2)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Grid())
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_rand():
    with raises(ValueError):
        Rand(1.0, 0.9)

    with raises(ValueError):
        Rand(1.0, 10, q=-0.1)

    with raises(ValueError):
        Rand(1.0, 1.0, include_high=False)

    with raises(ValueError):
        Rand(0.0, 1.0, log=True)  # for log, low>=1.0

    v = Rand(0.1, 0.1, q=0.1, log=False)
    assert 0.1 == v.generate()
    assert 0.1 == v.generate(10)

    v = Rand(1.0, 1.0, q=0.1, log=True)
    assert 1.0 == v.generate()
    assert 1.0 == v.generate(10)

    v = Rand(1.0, 2.0, q=0.1, log=False)
    assert v.generate(0) == v.generate(0)
    assert v.generate(0) != v.generate(1)
    assert_close([x / 10 for x in range(10, 21)], v.generate_many(100, 0))

    v = Rand(1.0, 2.09999, q=0.1, log=False)
    assert v.generate(0) == v.generate(0)
    assert v.generate(0) != v.generate(1)
    assert_close([x / 10 for x in range(10, 21)], v.generate_many(100, 0))

    v = Rand(1.0, 2.0, q=0.1, log=False, include_high=False)
    assert v.generate(0) == v.generate(0)
    assert v.generate(0) != v.generate(1)
    assert_close([x / 10 for x in range(10, 20)], v.generate_many(100, 0))

    v = Rand(1.0, 2.09999, q=0.1, log=False, include_high=False)
    assert v.generate(0) == v.generate(0)
    assert v.generate(0) != v.generate(1)
    assert_close([x / 10 for x in range(10, 21)], v.generate_many(100, 0))

    v = Rand(0.1, 2.0, log=True, include_high=False)
    assert v.generate(0) == v.generate(0)
    assert v.generate(0) != v.generate(1)
    res = v.generate_many(10000, 0)
    for x in res:
        assert x >= 0.1 and x <= 2.0
    t = stats.kstest(np.log(res),
                     args=(np.log(0.1), np.log(2) - np.log(0.1)))
    assert t.pvalue > 0.4

    v1 = Rand(1.0, 2.0, q=0.1, log=False)
    v2 = Rand(1.0, 2.0, log=False, q=0.1)
    v3 = Rand(1.0, 2.0, log=False)
    assert to_uuid(v1) == to_uuid(v2)
    assert to_uuid(v1) != to_uuid(v3)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_rpc_func():
    def f1(a: str) -> str:
        return "1"

    d1 = RPCFunc(f1)
    d2 = to_rpc_handler(f1)
    assert to_uuid(d1) == to_uuid(d2)
    assert to_uuid(d1) == to_uuid(to_rpc_handler(d1))
    assert "1" == d1("x")
    with raises(ValueError):
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_named_col():
    assert "*" == str(col("*"))
    assert col("*").wildcard
    assert "" == col("*").infer_alias().output_name
    raises(ValueError, lambda: col("*").alias("x"))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: col("*").cast("long"))

    assert "a" == str(col("a"))
    assert not col("a").wildcard
    assert "a" == str(col(col("a")))
    assert "ab AS xx" == str(col("ab").alias("xx"))
    assert "ab AS xx" == str(col("ab", "xx").cast(None))
    assert "CAST(ab AS long) AS xx" == str(col("ab", "xx").cast("long"))

    assert "ab AS xx" == str(col("ab").alias("xx"))

    assert "ab AS xx" == str(col("ab").alias("xx"))
    assert "CAST(ab AS long) AS xx" == str(col("ab").alias("xx").cast(int))

    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: col([1, 2]))

    assert to_uuid(col("a")) != to_uuid(col("b"))
    assert to_uuid(col("a")) != to_uuid(col("a").alias("v"))
    assert to_uuid(col("a")) != to_uuid(col("a").cast(int))
    assert to_uuid(col("a").cast(int).alias("v")) == to_uuid(

    assert "" == col("a").infer_alias().as_name
    assert "a" == str(col("a").infer_alias())
    assert "a" == col("a").cast(int).infer_alias().as_name
    c = col("a").cast(int).infer_alias()
    assert "CAST(a AS long) AS a" == str(c)
    c = col("a").cast(int).alias("x").infer_alias()
    assert "CAST(a AS long) AS x" == str(c)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_unary_op():
    assert "-(a)" == str(-col("a"))
    assert "a" == (-col("a")).infer_alias().output_name
    assert "a" == str(+col("a"))
    assert "~(a)" == str(~col("a"))
    assert "IS_NULL(a)" == str(col("a").is_null())
    assert "NOT_NULL(a)" == str(col("a").not_null())

    assert "NOT_NULL(a) AS xx" == str(col("a").not_null().alias("xx"))
    assert "NOT_NULL(a)" == str(col("a").not_null())
    assert "NOT_NULL(a) AS xx" == str(col("a").not_null().alias("xx"))

    assert "a" == col("a").not_null().infer_alias().output_name
    assert "NOT_NULL(a) AS a" == str(col("a").not_null().infer_alias())

    assert to_uuid(col("a").not_null()) == to_uuid(col("a").not_null())
    assert to_uuid(col("a").not_null()) != to_uuid(col("a").is_null())
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_func_param():
    def tf(*args, x, y):
        return sum(args) + x + y

    f1 = FuncParam(tf, 4, x=1, y=2)
    assert 7 == f1()
    f2 = FuncParam(tf, 4, x=1, y=2)
    f3 = FuncParam(tf, 5, x=1, y=2)
    assert f1 == f2
    assert f1 != f3
    assert to_uuid(f1) == to_uuid(f2)
    assert to_uuid(f1) != to_uuid(f3)
    f1[0] = 5
    f1["y"] = 3
    assert 5 == f1[0]
    assert 3 == f1["y"]
    assert 9 == f1()
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_choice():
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Choice())
    v = Choice("a", "b", "c")
    assert v.generate(0) == v.generate(0)
    assert v.generate(0) != v.generate(1)
    assert v.generate_many(20, 0) == v.generate_many(20, 0)
    assert v.generate_many(20, 0) != v.generate_many(20, 1)
    actual = set(v.generate_many(20, 0))
    assert set(["a", "b", "c"]) == actual

    assert to_uuid(v) != to_uuid(Grid("a", "b", "c"))
    assert v != Grid("a", "b", "c")

    v = Choice(1, 2, 3)
    assert json.loads(json.dumps({"x": v.generate(0)}))["x"] <= 3

    v = Choice("a", "b", "c")
    assert isinstance(json.loads(json.dumps({"x": v.generate(0)}))["x"], str)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __uuid__(self) -> str:
        """The unique id of this instance

        :return: the unique id
        return to_uuid(
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_normal_randint():
    v = NormalRandInt(5, 2)
    assert v.generate(0) == v.generate(0)
    assert v.generate(0) != v.generate(1)
    actual = set(v.generate_many(50, 0))
    for x in [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]:
        assert x in actual

    v = NormalRandInt(5, 2, q=3)
    assert v.generate(0) == v.generate(0)
    assert v.generate(0) != v.generate(2)
    actual = set(v.generate_many(50, 0))
    for x in [-1, 2, 5, 8, 11]:
        assert x in actual
    assert 6 not in actual

    v2 = NormalRandInt(5, 2, q=3)
    v3 = NormalRand(5, 2, q=3)
    assert to_uuid(v) == to_uuid(v2)
    assert to_uuid(v) != to_uuid(v3)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def _to_trail_row(data: Dict[str, Any], metadata: Dict[str,
                                                       Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    key_names = sorted(k for k in data.keys() if not k.startswith(TUNE_PREFIX))
    keys = [data[k] for k in key_names]
    trials: Dict[str, Trial] = {}
    for params in pickle.loads(data[TUNE_DATASET_PARAMS_PREFIX]):
        tid = to_uuid(keys, params)
        trials[tid] = Trial(trial_id=tid,
    data[TUNE_DATASET_TRIALS] = to_base64(list(trials.values()))
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _to_trail_row(data: Dict[str, Any], metadata: Dict[str,
                                                       Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    key_names = sorted(k for k in data.keys() if not k.startswith(TUNE_PREFIX))
    keys = [data[k] for k in key_names]
    trials: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
    for param in pickle.loads(data[TUNE_DATASET_PARAMS_PREFIX]):
        p = ParamDict(
            sorted(((k, v) for k, v in param.items()), key=lambda x: x[0]))
        tid = to_uuid(keys, p)
        trials[tid] = Trial(trial_id=tid,
    data[TUNE_DATASET_TRIALS] = json.dumps(list(trials.values()))
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_template_misc():
    # to_template
    t = to_template(dict(a=1, b=Grid(0, 1)))
    assert isinstance(t, TuningParametersTemplate)
    t2 = to_template(t)
    assert t is t2
    t3 = to_template(t.encode())
    assert t == t3

    raises(ValueError, lambda: to_template(123))

    # uuid
    u = Grid(0, 1)
    t1 = make_template(dict(a=1, b=u, c=Grid(0, 1)))
    t2 = make_template(dict(a=1, b=u, c=Grid(0, 1)))
    t3 = make_template(dict(a=1, b=u, c=u))
    t4 = make_template(dict(a=1, b=u, c=u))
    assert to_uuid(t1) == to_uuid(t2)
    assert to_uuid(t2) != to_uuid(t3)
    assert to_uuid(t3) == to_uuid(t4)

    # simple value
    u = Grid(0, 1)
    t1 = make_template(
        dict(a=1, b=u, c=Grid(0, 1), d=FuncParam(lambda x: x + 1, u)))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: t1.simple_value)
    assert [
        dict(a=1, b=0, c=0, d=1),
        dict(a=1, b=0, c=1, d=1),
        dict(a=1, b=1, c=0, d=2),
        dict(a=1, b=1, c=1, d=2),
    ] == list(t1.product_grid())

    t2 = make_template(dict(a=1, b=2))
    dict(a=1, b=2) == t2.simple_value

    t2 = make_template(dict(a=1, b=FuncParam(lambda x: x + 1, x=2)))
    assert dict(a=1, b=3) == t2.simple_value
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __uuid__(self):
     """The unique id representing this template"""
     if self._uuid == "":
         self._uuid = to_uuid(self._units, self._template)
     return self._uuid
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def __uuid__(self) -> str:
     return to_uuid(self.jsondict)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def __uuid__(self) -> str:
     return to_uuid("grid", self._values)
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: sql.py Proyecto: gityow/fugue
 def __uuid__(self):
     """Unique id for this collection"""
     return to_uuid(self._distinct, self.all_cols)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_lit_col():
    assert "NULL" == str(lit(None))
    assert "TRUE" == str(null().is_null())
    assert "FALSE" == str(null().not_null())

    assert "'a'" == str(lit("a"))
    assert "'a\"\\'\\\\'" == str(lit("a\"'\\"))
    assert "'a' AS x" == str(lit("a", "x"))
    assert "TRUE" == str(lit("a").not_null())
    assert "FALSE" == str(lit("a").is_null())

    assert "1.1" == str(lit(1.1))
    assert "11" == str(lit(11))
    assert "TRUE" == str(lit(True))
    assert "FALSE" == str(lit(False))

    assert "1 AS xx" == str(lit(1).alias("xx"))
    assert "'ab' AS xx" == str(lit("ab").alias("xx"))

    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: lit([1, 2]))

    assert to_uuid(lit("a")) != to_uuid(col("a"))
    assert to_uuid(lit(1)) != to_uuid(lit("1"))
    assert to_uuid(null()) == to_uuid(null())
    assert to_uuid(null()) != to_uuid(lit(1))
    assert to_uuid(lit("a")) != to_uuid(lit("a").alias("v"))
    assert to_uuid(lit("a")) != to_uuid(lit("a").cast(int))
    assert to_uuid(lit("a").cast(int).alias("v")) == to_uuid(
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def __uuid__(self) -> str:
     """Unique id for this expression"""
     return to_uuid(get_full_type_path(self._func), self._args,
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_determinism():
    def _f1(a: str) -> str:
        return "1"

    assert to_uuid(RPCFunc(_f1)) == to_uuid(to_rpc_handler(_f1))
    assert to_uuid(RPCFunc(lambda x: x)) == to_uuid(RPCFunc(lambda x: x + 1))
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def __uuid__(self) -> str:
     return to_uuid(self.expr, self.positions)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def _get_judge(self, trial: Trial) -> _PerPartition:
     key = to_uuid(trial.keys)
     with self._lock:
         if key not in self._data:
             self._data[key] = _PerPartition(self, trial.keys)
         return self._data[key]
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def __uuid__(self) -> str:
     """Unique id for the expression"""
     return to_uuid(self.jsondict)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_select_columns():
    # not all with names
    cols = SelectColumns(col("a"), lit(1, "b"),
                         col("bb") + col("cc"), f.first(col("c")))
    assert to_uuid(cols) == to_uuid(cols)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: cols.assert_all_with_names())

    # distinct
    cols2 = SelectColumns(
        lit(1, "b"),
        col("bb") + col("cc"),
    assert to_uuid(cols) != to_uuid(cols2)

    # duplicated names
    cols = SelectColumns(col("a").alias("b"), lit(1, "b"))
    assert to_uuid(cols) != to_uuid(
        SelectColumns(col("a").alias("b"), lit(1, "c")))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: cols.assert_all_with_names())

    # with *, all cols must have alias
    cols = SelectColumns(col("*"), col("a")).assert_no_agg()
    raises(ValueError, lambda: cols.assert_all_with_names())

    # * can be used at most once
    raises(ValueError, lambda: SelectColumns(col("*"), col("*"),

    # * can't be used with aggregation
    raises(ValueError, lambda: SelectColumns(col("*"),

    cols = SelectColumns(
        lit(1, "b"),
        (col("bb") + col("cc")).alias("c"),
    raises(AssertionError, lambda: cols.assert_no_agg())
    assert not cols.simple
    assert 1 == len(cols.simple_cols)
    assert "CAST(aa AS long) AS a" == str(cols.simple_cols[0])
    assert cols.has_literals
    assert 1 == len(cols.literals)
    assert "1 AS b" == str(cols.literals[0])
    assert cols.has_agg
    assert 1 == len(cols.non_agg_funcs)
    assert "+(bb,cc) AS c" == str(cols.non_agg_funcs[0])
    assert 1 == len(cols.agg_funcs)
    assert "FIRST(c) AS d" == str(cols.agg_funcs[0])
    assert 2 == len(cols.group_keys)  # a, c
    assert "aa" == cols.group_keys[0].output_name
    assert "" == cols.group_keys[1].output_name
    assert isinstance(cols.group_keys[1], _BinaryOpExpr)

    cols = SelectColumns(col("a")).assert_no_wildcard()
    assert cols.simple
    assert not cols.has_literals
    assert not cols.has_agg

    cols = SelectColumns(col("x"), col("*"), col("y") + col("z"))
    cols = cols.replace_wildcard(Schema("a:int,b:int"))
    assert "x" == str(cols.all_cols[0])