Ejemplo n.º 1
def withtau(n):
    plist = genprimelisttd(100000)
    t = triangular(n)
    while tau(t) < 500:
        # you must have at least 9 factors to have 500 divisors.
        incremented = False
        while (len(factorize(t, plist)) < 9):
            n += 1
            incremented = True
            t = triangular(n)
        if not incremented:
            n += 1
            t = triangular(n)
        print n

    print (list_divisors(t))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def least_squares(x, y, d, X):
    Least squares polynomial
      - x : x-axis known values
      - y : y-axis known values
      - d : degree of polynomial you want to use
      - X : query points x axis
      - Y : values of the least squares polynomial at the query points
    n = d + 1
    # Build the Vandermonde matrix
    A = np.ones((len(x), n))
    for i in range(1, n):
        A[:, i] = x * A[:, i - 1]
    # QR factorization
    (Q, R) = qr_factor(np.asmatrix(A))
    # Least squares vector is vector z such that T*z = g1
    g = Q.T * np.asmatrix(y).T
    g1 = g[0:n]
    T = R[0:n, 0:n]
    p = triangular(T, g1, 0)
    # Evaluation of polynomial in query points
    Y = np.polyval(np.flip(p, 0), X)
    return Y
Ejemplo n.º 3
def oldfashioned():
    plist = genprimelisttd(100000)
    n = 5025
    t = triangular(n)
    while count_divisors(t) < 500:
        # you must have at least 9 factors to have 500 divisors.
        incremented = False
        while (len(list_factors(t, plist)) < 11) or (len(set(list_factors(t, plist))) < 9): 
            n += 1
            incremented = True
            t = triangular(n)
        if not incremented:
            n += 1
            t = triangular(n)
        print n

    print (list_divisors(t))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def pivotamento(quantidade_equacoes, coeficientes):
    incognitas = [0 for i in range(quantidade_equacoes)]
    for coluna in range(quantidade_equacoes):
        p = menor_linha(quantidade_equacoes, coeficientes, coluna)
        if p == -1:
            return -1, incognitas
        if p != coluna:
            troca_elementos(coeficientes, coluna, p)
        for linha in range(coluna + 1, quantidade_equacoes):
            efetua_operacoes(quantidade_equacoes, coeficientes, linha, coluna)
    if coeficientes[quantidade_equacoes - 1][quantidade_equacoes - 1] == 0:
        return -1, incognitas
    incognitas = triangular.triangular(quantidade_equacoes, coeficientes)
    return 0, incognitas
Ejemplo n.º 5
import numpy as np
from triangular import triangular

# Lower triangular matrix
A = np.matrix('12  0  0  0  0;'
              '18 38  0  0  0;'
              '51  4 57  0  0;'
              '53  3  8  2  0;'
              '31 26 4 16  60', float)
# Known terms vector
b = np.matrix('68; 9; 46; 43; 35')
# Solve the system
x = triangular(A, b, 1)
# Check
if np.allclose(b, A*x) == False:
    raise Exception('Lower triangular test failure')


# Upper triangular matrix
A = np.matrix('12 48  2 51 49;'
              ' 0 38 32 51  5;'
              ' 0  0 57  2 31;'
              ' 0  0  0  2 53;'
              ' 0  0  0  0 60', float)
# Known terms vector
b = np.matrix('7; 31; 32; 34; 22')
# Solve the system
Ejemplo n.º 6
    '43 49 61 60 22 27;'
    '65 25 56 38 43 43;'
    '37  0 24 42 26 56;'
    '26 28 41 15 42 24;'
    '13 50 48 36 46 28 ', float)
print('A = \n', A)
# LU factorization (deep-copy of A because we need it or the "check")
B, p = palu_factor(np.matrix(A))
print('B = \n', B)
# Extract lower part
L = np.matrix(np.tril(B, -1) + np.identity(6))
print('L = \n', L)
# Extract upper part
U = np.matrix(np.triu(B))
print('U = \n', U)
# Check
if np.allclose(A[p], L * U) == False:
    raise Exception('LU factorization test failure')

# TEST: System Resolution
# Ax = b => PAx = Pb => LUx = Pb
# LUx = Pb
b = np.matrix('33; 35; 2; 49; 53; 21')
# Lk = Pb (note the permutation of b using the index vector p)
k = triangular(L, b[p], 1)
# Ux = k
x = triangular(U, k, 0)
# Check
if np.allclose(b, A * x) == False:
    raise Exception('System Resolution test failure')
Ejemplo n.º 7
# Symmetric positive definite matrix
A = np.matrix('5    1.2  0.3 -0.6;'
              '1.2  6   -0.4  0.9;'
              '0.3 -0.4  8    1.7;'
              '-0.6  0.9  1.7  10')
print('A = \n', A)
# Computation of the L factor
L = chol_factor(A)
print('L = \n', L)
# Check
if np.allclose(A, np.dot(L, L.transpose())) == False:
    raise Exception('QR factorizzation test failure')

# TEST: System Resolution

# Ax = LL'x = b
b = np.matrix("68; 9; 45; 35")
print('b = \n', b)
# Lk = b
k = triangular(L, b, 1)
print('k = \n', k)
# L'x = k
x = triangular(L.transpose(), k, 0)
print('x = \n', x)
# Check
b1 = np.dot(A, x)
print('b1 = \n', b1)
if np.allclose(b, b1) == False:
    raise Exception('System resolution failure')
Ejemplo n.º 8
A = np.matrix(
    '29 11 59  9 13;'
    '41 27  3 13  1;'
    '53 62 23 13 50;'
    '61 61 54 40 29;'
    '49 27  0 18 62', float)
print('A = \n', A)
# LU factorization (deep-copy of A because we need it or the "check")
B = lu_factor(np.matrix(A))
print('B = \n', B)
# Extract lower part
L = np.matrix(np.tril(B, -1) + np.identity(5))
print('L = \n', L)
# Extract upper part
U = np.matrix(np.triu(B))
print('U = \n', U)
# Check
if np.allclose(A, L * U) == False:
    raise Exception('LU factorizzation test failure')

# TEST: System Resolution
# Ax = LUx = b
b = np.matrix('68; 9; 45; 43; 35')
# Lk = b
k = triangular(L, b, 1)
# Ux = k
x = triangular(U, k, 0)
# Check
if np.allclose(b, A * x) == False:
    raise Exception('System resolution test failure')