def getSpaceTargetsNames(src):
	this procedure returns a 2-tuple: a list of all targets, and a list of user
	specified names - for the right click menus
    constraint = findConstraint(src)
    if constraint is None:
        return [], []

    space = findSpace(src, constraint)
    if space is None:
        return [], []

    constraintType = nodeType(constraint)
    constraintFunc = getattr(cmd, constraintType)

    targetsOnConstraint = constraintFunc(constraint, q=True, tl=True)
    trigger = Trigger(src)

    SPECIAL_STRING = 'parent to '

    tgts, names = [], []
    for slotIdx, slotName, slotCmd in trigger.iterMenus():
        if slotName.startswith(SPECIAL_STRING):

            cmdStrObj = ChangeSpaceCmd(slotCmd)
            cmdIndex = cmdStrObj.getIndex()

    return tgts, names
def removeSpace( src, tgt ):
	removes a target (or space) from a "space switching" object

	tgts, names = getSpaceTargetsNames( src )
	tgt_mobject = asMObject( tgt )

	name = None
	for index, (aTgt, aName) in enumerate( zip( tgts, names ) ):
		aTgt = asMObject( aTgt )
		if aTgt == tgt_mobject:
			name = aName

	if name is None:
		raise AttributeError( "no such target" )

	delete = False
	if len( tgts ) == 1:
		delete = True

	constraint = findConstraint( src )

	parentAttrOn = findSpaceAttrNode( src )
	space = findSpace( src )

	srcTrigger = Trigger( src )
	cmds = srcTrigger.iterMenus()

	if delete:
		delete( constraint )
		deleteAttr( '%s.parent' % src )
		constraintType = nodeType( constraint )
		constraintFunc = getattr( cmd, constraintType )
		constraintFunc( tgt, constraint, rm=True )

	for slot, cmdName, cmdStr in srcTrigger.iterMenus():
		if cmdName == ( "parent to %s" % name ):
			srcTrigger.removeMenu( slot )

		#rebuild the parent attribute
		newNames = names[:]
		newNames.pop( index )
		addAttr( '%s.parent' % parentAttrOn, e=True, enumName=':'.join( newNames ) )

	#now we need to update the indicies in the right click command - all targets that were beyond the one we
	#just removed need to have their indices decremented
	for slot, cmdName, cmdStr in srcTrigger.iterMenus():
		if not cmdName.startswith( 'parent to ' ):

		cmdStrObj = ChangeSpaceCmd( cmdStr )
		cmdIndex = cmdStrObj.getIndex()
		if cmdIndex < index:

		cmdStrObj = cmdStrObj.setIndex( cmdIndex-1 )
		srcTrigger.setMenuCmd( slot, cmdStrObj )
def findSpaceAttrNode(obj):
	returns the node that contains the parent attribute for the space switch
    parentAttrOn = ""
    trigger = Trigger(obj)

    for slotIdx, slotName, slotCmd in trigger.iterMenus():
        if slotName.startswith('parent to '):
            cmdStrObj = ChangeSpaceCmd(slotCmd)
            connectToken = cmdStrObj.getConnectToken()

            return trigger.resolve(connectToken)
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def _build( cls, **kw ):
		scale = kw.get( 'scale', skeletonBuilder.TYPICAL_HEIGHT )
		scale /= 1.5

		world = buildControl( 'main', shapeDesc=ShapeDesc( None, 'hex', AX_Y ), oriented=False, scale=scale, niceName='The World' )

		parts = group( empty=True, name='parts_grp' )
		qss = sets( empty=True, text="gCharacterSet", n="body_ctrls" )
		masterQss = sets( empty=True, text="gCharacterSet", n="all_ctrls" )

		exportRelative = buildControl( 'exportRelative', shapeDesc=ShapeDesc( None, 'cube', AX_Y_NEG ), pivotModeDesc=PivotModeDesc.BASE, oriented=False, size=(1, 0.5, 1), scale=scale )
		parentConstraint( world, exportRelative )
		attrState( exportRelative, ('t', 'r', 's'), *LOCK_HIDE )
		attrState( exportRelative, 'v', *HIDE )
		setAttr( '%s.v' % exportRelative, False )

		#turn scale segment compensation off for all joints in the scene
		for j in ls( type='joint' ):
			setAttr( '%s.ssc' % j, False )

		sets( qss, add=masterQss )

		attrState( world, 's', *NORMAL )
		connectAttr( '%s.scale' % world, '%s.scale' % parts )
		connectAttr( '%s.scaleX' % world, '%s.scaleY' % world )
		connectAttr( '%s.scaleX' % world, '%s.scaleZ' % world )

		#add right click items to the world controller menu
		worldTrigger = Trigger( str( world ) )
		qssIdx = worldTrigger.connect( str( masterQss ) )

		#add world control to master qss
		sets( world, add=masterQss )
		sets( exportRelative, add=masterQss )

		#turn unwanted transforms off, so that they are locked, and no longer keyable
		attrState( world, 's', *NO_KEY )
		attrState( world, ('sy', 'sz'), *LOCK_HIDE )
		attrState( parts, [ 't', 'r', 's', 'v' ], *LOCK_HIDE )

		controls = world, exportRelative
		namedNodes = parts, masterQss, qss

		return controls, namedNodes
Ejemplo n.º 5
def createLineOfActionMenu( controls, joints ):
	deals with adding a "draw line of action" menu to each control in the controls
	list.  the line is drawn through the list of joints passed
	if not joints: return
	if not isinstance( controls, (list, tuple) ):
		controls = [ controls ]

	joints = list( joints )
	jParent = getNodeParent( joints[ 0 ] )
	if jParent:
		joints.insert( 0, jParent )

	for c in controls:
		cTrigger = Trigger( c )
		spineConnects = [ cTrigger.connect( j ) for j in joints ]
		Trigger.CreateMenu( c,
		                    "draw line of action",
		                    "zooLineOfAction;\nzooLineOfAction_multi { %s } \"\";" % ', '.join( '"%%%d"'%idx for idx in spineConnects ) )
Ejemplo n.º 6
def getControlsFromObjs(control):
	attempts to retrieve the pole vector control, the ik handle and all fk controls given an ik rig control.  The
	information is returned in a 3 tuple containing:

	ikHandle, poleControl, fkControls
    errorValue = None, None, None, None

        part = rigPrimitives.RigPart.InitFromItem(control)

        return part.getControl('control'), part.getIkHandle(), part.getControl(
            'poleControl'), part.getFkControls()
    except rigPrimitives.RigPartError:

    #so if the control we've been given isn't a rig primitive, lets try to extract whatever information we can from right click commands - if any exist
    trigger = Trigger(ikControl)
    switchCmdStr = None
    for n, cmdName, cmdStr in trigger.iterMenus():
        if cmdName.lower() == _IK_CMD_NAME:
            switchCmdStr = trigger.resolve(cmdStr)

    if switchCmdStr is None:
        printWarningStr("Cannot find the %s command - aborting!" %
        return errorValue

    #extract the control handle from the switch command - it may or may not exist, depending on which
    rexStr = re.compile('-ikHandle \%([a-ZA-Z0-9_:|]+)',
                        re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
    match =
    if not match:
        if match.groups()[0]:
            control = match.groups()[0]

    #extract the ik handle from the switch command
    rexStr = re.compile('-ikHandle \%([a-ZA-Z0-9_:|]+)',
                        re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
    match =
    if not match:
            "Could not determine the ik handle from the given control")
        return errorValue

    handle = match.groups()[0]
    if handle is None:
            "Could not find the ik handle at the given connect index!")
        return errorValue

    #now extract the pole control from the switch command
    rexStr = re.compile('-pole \%([a-ZA-Z0-9_:|]+)',
                        re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
    match =
    if not match:
            "Could not determine the pole vector control from the given control"
        return errorValue

    poleControl = match.groups()[0]
    if poleControl is None:
            "Could not find the ik handle at the given connect index!")
        return errorValue

    return control, poleControl, handle, getJointsFromIkHandle(handle)