def test_get_random_follower():
    test getting a random word from the trigrams dict
    # we only need one entry for this test
    tri_dict = {("one", "two"): ["four", "five", "six", "seven"]}

    # set the seed so the answer will be consistent
    word = trigrams.get_random_follower(tri_dict, ("one", "two"))
    print("got word:", word)
    assert word == "seven"
def test_get_random_follower_not_there():
    test what happens when the word pair is not there
    # we only need one entry for this test
    tri_dict = {("one", "two"): ["four", "five", "six", "seven"]}

    # here's a word pair that isn't there
    # make sure you get something back!
    word = trigrams.get_random_follower(tri_dict, ("one", "one"))
    print("got word:", word)
    assert word  # this asserts that you got a non-empty string