Ejemplo n.º 1
def panoramio_ranking(city_id):
    cobj = getCityObject(id=city_id)
    if cobj is None: return None
    panoramio_resp = _open_panoramio_conn((cobj.coordinates.x,cobj.coordinates.y),1)
    if(panoramio_resp is None): return 0 
    return decimal.Decimal(str(panoramio_resp['count']))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _getClosestAirports(dfrom):
    city = getCityObject(id=dfrom)
    if city is None: return None
    #return HttpResponseNotFound('City Not Found')

    # up to 20 airprots, with a distance <= 300 km
    closest_airports = Station.objects.filter(

    # city representation
    jsonCity = {"name": city.name, 
                "x"   : city.coordinates.x, 
                "y"   : city.coordinates.y, 
                "id"  : city.id,
                "slug": city.slug}
    jsonSet = {"city"    : jsonCity,
               "airports": None}

    jsonObj = []
    minimumSelection = False
    minimumSelectionNum = 10
    if (len(closest_airports) < minimumSelectionNum):
        closest_airports = Station.objects.filter(coordinates__distance_lt=(city.coordinates,D(km=500))).distance(city.coordinates)
        #closest_airports.sort(lambda x,y: x.distance - y.distance)
        minimum_selection = True
    for c in closest_airports:
        jsonElem = {'code'    : c.code_alt, 
                    'name'    : unicode(urllib.quote(c.short_name.encode('utf8')," ,-")),
                    'distance': c.distance.km, 
                    'x'       : c.coordinates.x, 
                    'y'       : c.coordinates.y }

    jsonObj.sort(lambda x,y: int(math.floor(x['distance']-y['distance'])))
    if (minimumSelection): jsonObj = jsonObj[:minimumSelectionNum]
    jsonSet['airports'] = jsonObj

    #response = simplejson.dumps(jsonSet)
    #response = response.replace("{", "\n{")
    return jsonSet
Ejemplo n.º 3
def panoramio_set(city_id):
    cobj = getCityObject(id=city_id)
    if cobj is None: return None
    panoramio_resp = _open_panoramio_conn((cobj.coordinates.x,cobj.coordinates.y))
    if(panoramio_resp is None): return None
    response = []
    for p in panoramio_resp['photos']:
        this_entry = {'href': p['photo_url'],
                      'src' : p['photo_file_url'],
                      'alt' : p['photo_title'],
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _getCityFromName(dfrom):
    city = getCityObject(name=dfrom)
    response = None
    if city is None: 
        return None
        jsonObject = {
                      'city': unicode(urllib.quote(city.name.encode('utf8')," ,-")),
                      'latitude': float(city.latitude),
                      'longitude': float(city.longitude),
        #json_ser = serializers.get_serializer('json')()
        #return (json.write(jsonObject).encode("utf8"))
        return jsonObject
Ejemplo n.º 5
def yahootravel_ranking(city_id):
    cobj = getCityObject(id=city_id)

    query_array = cobj.name.lower().split(" ")
    if(cobj.region is not None): query_array.append("\""+cobj.region.name.lower()+"\"")
    my_wikiname = re.sub(ur"[,\.:();]", " ", cobj.wikiname)
    my_wikiname = re.sub(ur" {2,}", " ", my_wikiname)
    query_array = query_array + my_wikiname.split(" ")

    yt_query = " ".join(set(query_array))
    yt_url = """http://travel.yahooapis.com/TripService/V1.1/tripSearch?appid=%s&query=%s&results=%d&output=json""" % (YAHOO_DEVAPP_ID, urllib.quote(yt_query.encode('utf-8')), 10)
    httpsched = get_http_scheduler()
    httpwhat  = httpsched.urlopen(service="yahootravel",url=yt_url,json=True,alt_delta=2)
    if (not httpwhat.has_key('ResultSet')): return None
    if (not httpwhat['ResultSet'].has_key('totalResultsAvailable')): return None
    return int(httpwhat['ResultSet']['totalResultsAvailable'])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def weather_conditions(city_id): # weather conditions by Google
    cobj = getCityObject(id=city_id)
    if cobj is None: return None
    weather_url = u"http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=%s,%s&hl=en-gb" % (urllib.quote(cobj.name.encode('utf-8')), urllib.quote(cobj.country.name.encode('utf-8')))
    httpresp = urllib2.urlopen(weather_url)
    httpcont = httpresp.read()
    #the usual unicode mess
    httpwhat = httpcont.replace('<?xml version="1.0"?>','<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-15"?>').decode('latin1').encode('latin1')
    xmlresp  = minidom.parseString(httpwhat)
    success  = xmlresp.getElementsByTagName('problem_cause')
    dataresp = {} 
    if len(success) == 1: return None # unsuccessful response (city not found)
    current_cond  = xmlresp.getElementsByTagName('current_conditions')
    forecast_cond = xmlresp.getElementsByTagName('forecast_conditions')
    if (len(current_cond) == 0 or len(forecast_cond) == 0): return None # unsuccessful response (expected data not found)
    base_icon_url = 'http://www.google.com'
    # current conditions
    current_cond  = current_cond[0]
    dataresp['current'] = {'temp'     : current_cond.getElementsByTagName('temp_c')[0].getAttribute('data'),
                           'condition': current_cond.getElementsByTagName('condition')[0].getAttribute('data'),
                           'icon'     : base_icon_url+current_cond.getElementsByTagName('icon')[0].getAttribute('data'),
    forecast_resp = []
    # forecast conditions
    for fc in forecast_cond:
        this_entry = {'temp_low' : fc.getElementsByTagName('low')[0].getAttribute('data'),
                      'temp_high': fc.getElementsByTagName('high')[0].getAttribute('data'),
                      'condition': fc.getElementsByTagName('condition')[0].getAttribute('data'),
                      'icon'     : base_icon_url+fc.getElementsByTagName('icon')[0].getAttribute('data'),
                      'day'      : fc.getElementsByTagName('day_of_week')[0].getAttribute('data'),

    dataresp['forecast'] = forecast_resp
    return dataresp
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _wikipedia_article(city_id,more='City'):
    if(more == 'City'):
        cobj = getCityObject(id=city_id)
    elif(more == 'Country'):
        cobj = Country.objects.get(id=city_id)
        cobj = None
    if cobj is None: return None
    dab_re = "{{disambig}}"
    #step 1: tries to access the direct page article
    httpwhat = None
    if (cobj.wikiname is not None): httpwhat = _open_wiki_url(cobj.wikiname)
    if (httpwhat is None):
        httpwhat = _open_wiki_url(cobj.name)
        httpwikiname = None
        if(httpwhat is not None and re.search(dab_re,httpwhat['content']) is None): # Apparently FOUND
            httpwhat = None
            if(cobj.local_name is not None):
                httpwhat = _open_wiki_url(cobj.local_name)
            if(httpwhat is None):
                query_array = []
                query_array += cobj.name.split(" ")
                query_array += cobj.country.name.split(" ")
                base_url = 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&redirects&list=search&srsearch=%s&format=json' % "+".join(query_array) 
                httpsched = get_http_scheduler()
                jsonresp  = httpsched.urlopen(service="wikipedia",url=base_url.encode('utf-8'),json=True)
                if(not jsonresp.has_key('query')): return None
                if(not jsonresp['query'].has_key('search')): return None
                if(len(jsonresp['query']['search'])==0): return None
                httpwhat = _open_wiki_url(jsonresp['query']['search'][0]['title'])
    #if (httpwhat is None): return None
    return httpwhat
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _getClosestCities(dfrom,more=None):
    #city = __getCityObjectFromName(dfrom)
    city = getCityObject(id=dfrom)
    if city is None: return None
    c_distance  = 300
    c_limit     = 250
    c_randomize = False
    c_cycle     = True
    c_usecache  = False
    if(more is None):
        if(more.has_key('distance') and more['distance'] is not None): c_distance=more['distance']
        if(more.has_key('limit') and more['limit'] is not None): c_limit=more['limit']
        if(more.has_key('randomize') and more['randomize'] is not None): c_randomize=more['randomize']
        if(more.has_key('usecache') and more['usecache'] is True): c_usecache = True
    jsonObj = None
        # whole set of nearby cities can be cached - 
        # they are stored purely, with no randomization or selection
        c_cache_key = "remote.getClosestCities[%d]" % (dfrom)
        c_cache_timeout = 60*60*24*5 # 5 days
        jsonObj = cache.get(c_cache_key)
    if(jsonObj is None): # nothing cached yet
        # the big deal - retrieving all nearby cities
        c_distance_base = c_distance * 0.667
            closest_cities = City.objects.filter(coordinates__distance_lt=(city.coordinates,D(km=c_distance))).transform().distance(city.coordinates)
                c_distance = c_distance + c_distance_base
                c_cycle = False
        jsonObj  = []
        # selecting and converting to a proper format to be returned as json
        for c in closest_cities:
            if (c != city):       
                jsonElem = {"name": c.name, "country": c.country.name,
                            "x": c.coordinates.x, "y": c.coordinates.y,
                            "distance": c.distance.km, "slug": c.slug,
                            "id": c.pk }
                if (c.local_name is not None and c.local_name != ''):
                    jsonElem["local_name"] = c.local_name
    jsonCity = {"name": city.name, "x": city.coordinates.x, "y": city.coordinates.y}
    jsonSet  = {"city": jsonCity, "nearby_cities": None}

    if (c_usecache): cache.set(c_cache_key,jsonObj,c_cache_timeout) # store into cache
    if (c_randomize): random.shuffle(jsonObj)
    if (c_limit is not None and c_limit > 0): jsonObj = jsonObj[:c_limit]
    jsonObj.sort(lambda x,y: int(math.floor(x['distance']-y['distance'])))
    jsonSet['nearby_cities'] = jsonObj
    return jsonSet
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _getCityCoordinates(dfrom):
    city = getCityObject(name=dfrom)
    if city is None: return None
    return city.coordinates
Ejemplo n.º 10
def getCityObjectFromName(dfrom):
    return getCityObject(name=dfrom)