Ejemplo n.º 1
def solve_lattice_bse(parm, momsus=False):

    print('--> solve_lattice_bse')

    print('nw =', parm.nw)
    print('nwf =', parm.nwf)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Setup lattice

    bl = BravaisLattice([(1,0,0), (0,1,0)])

    bz = BrillouinZone(bl)    
    bzmesh = MeshBrZone(bz, n_k=1) # only one k-point
    e_k = Gf(mesh=bzmesh, target_shape=[1, 1])
    e_k *= 0.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Lattice single-particle Green's function

    mesh = MeshImFreq(beta=parm.beta, S='Fermion', n_max=parm.nwf_gf)

    parm.Sigma_iw = parm.G_iw.copy()
    G0_iw = parm.G_iw.copy()

    G0_iw << inverse(iOmega_n + 0.5*parm.U)
    parm.Sigma_iw << inverse(G0_iw) - inverse(parm.G_iw)
    parm.mu = 0.5*parm.U
    g_wk = lattice_dyson_g_wk(mu=parm.mu, e_k=e_k, sigma_w=parm.Sigma_iw)
    g_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(g_wk)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Non-interacting generalized lattice susceptibility

    chi0_wr = chi0r_from_gr_PH(nw=parm.nw, nnu=parm.nwf, gr=g_wr) 
    chi0_wk = chi0q_from_chi0r(chi0_wr)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Solve lattice BSE

    parm.chi_wk = chiq_from_chi0q_and_gamma_PH(chi0_wk, parm.gamma_m)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Store results and static results
    num = np.squeeze(parm.chi_wk.data.real)
    ref = np.squeeze(parm.chi_m.data.real)
    diff = np.max(np.abs(num - ref))
    print('diff =', diff)
    parm.chi_w = chiq_sum_nu_q(parm.chi_wk) # static suscept
    return parm
Ejemplo n.º 2
def delta_inv(beta, nw, nk=100):

    mesh = MeshImFreq(beta, 'Fermion', n_max=nw)

    Sigma0, Sigma1 = 1.337, 3.5235
    ek = 2.*np.random.random(nk) - 1.

    G = Gf(mesh=mesh, target_shape=[1, 1])
    Sig = G.copy()
    for w in Sig.mesh:
        Sig[w][:] = Sigma0 + Sigma1 /w
    for e in ek: G << G + inverse(iOmega_n - e - Sig)

    G /= nk

    Delta = G.copy()
    Delta << inverse(G) - iOmega_n + Sig

    sum_ek = - np.sum(ek) / nk

    Roo = np.abs(Sigma0) + 1.

    w = [ w for w in mesh ]
    wmax = np.abs(w[-1].value)

    tail, err = Delta.fit_tail()

    order = len(tail)

    trunc_err_anal = (Roo / (0.8 * wmax))**order

    ratio = tail[0] / sum_ek
    diff = np.abs(1 - ratio)

    print('-' * 72)
    print('beta =', beta)
    print('nw =', nw)
    print('wmax =', wmax)
    print('tail_fit order =', len(tail))
    print('tail_fit err =', err)
    #print sum_ek
    print('trunc_err_anal =', trunc_err_anal)
    print('ratio =', ratio)
    print('diff =', diff)

    return diff[0, 0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def dmft_self_consistent_step(p):

    p = copy.deepcopy(p)
    p.iter += 1

    p.g_w = lattice_dyson_g_w(p.mu, p.e_k, p.sigma_w - np.diag([p.B, -p.B]))
    p.g0_w = p.g_w.copy()
    p.g0_w << inverse(inverse(p.g_w) + p.sigma_w)

    cthyb = triqs_cthyb.Solver(**p.init.dict())

    # -- set impurity from lattice
    cthyb.G0_iw['up'][0, 0] << p.g0_w[0, 0]
    cthyb.G0_iw['do'][0, 0] << p.g0_w[1, 1]


    p.dG_l = np.max(np.abs(BlockGf_data(cthyb.G_l - p.G_l))) if hasattr(
        p, 'G_l') else float('nan')
    p.G_l = cthyb.G_l

    p.G_tau, p.G_tau_raw = cthyb.G_tau.copy(), cthyb.G_tau.copy()
    p.G0_w, p.G_w, p.Sigma_w = cthyb.G0_iw.copy(), cthyb.G0_iw.copy(
    ), cthyb.G0_iw.copy()

    p.G_tau << LegendreToMatsubara(p.G_l)
    p.G_w << Fourier(p.G_tau)
    p.Sigma_w << inverse(p.G0_w) - inverse(p.G_w)

    # -- set lattice from impurity
    p.sigma_w[0, 0] << p.Sigma_w['up'][0, 0]
    p.sigma_w[1, 1] << p.Sigma_w['do'][0, 0]

    # -- local observables
    p.rho = p.g_w.density()
    M_old = p.M if hasattr(p, 'M') else float('nan')
    p.M = 0.5 * (p.rho[0, 0] - p.rho[1, 1])
    p.dM = np.abs(p.M - M_old)

    return p
Ejemplo n.º 4
def extract_deltaiw_and_tij_from_G0(G0_iw, gf_struct):

    iw_mesh = G0_iw.mesh
    Delta_iw = BlockGf(mesh=iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)
    H_loc_block = []

    for block, g0_iw in G0_iw:

        tail, err = g0_iw.fit_hermitian_tail()
        #print "---------------"
        #print "tail", tail
        H_loc = tail[2]
        #print "---------------"
        #print "H_loc", H_loc
        Delta_iw[block] << iOmega_n - H_loc - inverse(g0_iw)


    return Delta_iw, H_loc_block
Ejemplo n.º 5
# Import the Green's functions
from triqs.gf import GfImFreq, iOmega_n, inverse

# Create the Matsubara-frequency Green's function and initialize it
g = GfImFreq(indices=[1], beta=50, n_points=1000, name="$G_\mathrm{imp}$")
g << inverse(iOmega_n + 0.5)

from triqs.plot.mpl_interface import oplot
oplot(g, '-o', x_window=(0, 10))
Ejemplo n.º 6
orb_names  = [0]

# ==== Local Hamiltonian ====
h_0 = - mu*( n('up',0) + n('dn',0) ) - h*( n('up',0) - n('dn',0) )
h_int = U * n('up',0) * n('dn',0)
h_imp = h_0 + h_int

# ==== Bath & Coupling Hamiltonian ====
h_bath, h_coup = 0, 0
for i, E_i, V_i in zip([0, 1], E, V):
    for sig in ['up','dn']:
        h_bath += E_i * n(sig,'b_' + str(i))
        h_coup += V_i * (c_dag(sig,0) * c(sig,'b_' + str(i)) + c_dag(sig,'b_' + str(i)) * c(sig,0))

# ==== Total impurity hamiltonian and fundamental operators ====
h_tot = h_imp + h_coup + h_bath

# ==== Green function structure ====
gf_struct = [ [s, orb_names] for s in spin_names ]

# ==== Hybridization Function ====
n_iw = int(10 * beta)
iw_mesh = MeshImFreq(beta, 'Fermion', n_iw)
Delta = BlockGf(mesh=iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)
Delta << sum([V_i*V_i * inverse(iOmega_n - E_i) for V_i,E_i in zip(V, E)]);

# ==== Non-Interacting Impurity Green function  ====
G0_iw = BlockGf(mesh=iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)
G0_iw['up'] << inverse(iOmega_n + mu + h - Delta['up'])
G0_iw['dn'] << inverse(iOmega_n + mu - h - Delta['dn'])
Ejemplo n.º 7
mu = 2.             # Chemical potential
U = 5.              # On-site density-density interaction
h = 0.2             # Local magnetic field
Gamma = 1.          # Hybridization energy

spin_names = ['up', 'dn']
orb_names  = [0]

# ==== Local Hamiltonian ====
h_0 = - mu*( n('up',0) + n('dn',0) ) - h*( n('up',0) - n('dn',0) )
h_int = U * n('up',0) * n('dn',0)
h_imp = h_0 + h_int

# ==== Green function structure ====
gf_struct = [ [s, orb_names] for s in spin_names ]

# ==== Hybridization Function ====
n_iw = int(10 * beta)
iw_mesh = MeshImFreq(beta, 'Fermion', n_iw)
Delta = BlockGf(mesh=iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)
Delta << 0.;

for iw in Delta['up'].mesh:
    Delta['up'][iw] = -1j * Gamma * sign(iw.imag)
    Delta['dn'][iw] = -1j * Gamma * sign(iw.imag)

# ==== Non-Interacting Impurity Green function  ====
G0_iw = BlockGf(mesh=iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)
G0_iw['up'] << inverse(iOmega_n + mu + h - Delta['up'])
G0_iw['dn'] << inverse(iOmega_n + mu - h - Delta['dn'])
Ejemplo n.º 8
    # -- Total impurity hamiltonian and interaction part

    p.H_0 = -p.mu * (n('up', 0) + n('dn', 0)) - p.h * (n('up', 0) - n('dn', 0))
    p.H_int = p.U * n('up', 0) * n('dn', 0)
    p.H = p.H_0 + p.H_int
    p.solve.h_int = p.H_int

    # -- Non-Interacting Impurity Green function

    iw_mesh = MeshImFreq(p.beta, 'Fermion', p.n_iw)
    p.G0_iw = Gf_from_struct(mesh=iw_mesh, struct=p.gf_struct)

    h_field_dict = dict(up=p.h, dn=-p.h)
    for name, g0_iw in p.G0_iw:
        h_field = h_field_dict[name]
        g0_iw << inverse(iOmega_n + p.mu + h_field)

    # -- CTINT

    S = SolverCore(**p.solver_core.dict())
    S.G0_iw << p.G0_iw

    # -- Store to hdf5 archive

    p.grab_attribs(S, p.store_list)

    if mpi.is_master_node():
        with HDFArchive("data_ctint.h5", 'w') as results:
            results["p"] = p
Ejemplo n.º 9
from triqs.plot.mpl_interface import oplot
from triqs.gf import GfImFreq, Omega, inverse

g = GfImFreq(indices=[0], beta=300, n_points=1000, name="g")
g << inverse(Omega + 0.5)

# the data we want to fit...
# The green function for omega \in [0,0.2]
X, Y = g.x_data_view(x_window=(0, 0.2), flatten_y=True)

from triqs.fit import Fit, linear, quadratic

fitl = Fit(X, Y.imag, linear)
fitq = Fit(X, Y.imag, quadratic)

oplot(g, '-o', x_window=(0, 5))
oplot(fitl, '-x', x_window=(0, 0.5))
oplot(fitq, '-x', x_window=(0, 1))

# a bit more complex, we want to fit with a one fermion level ....
# Cf the definition of linear and quadratic in the lib
one_fermion_level = lambda X, a, b: 1 / (a * X * 1j + b
                                         ), r"${1}/(%f x + %f)$", (1, 1)

fit1 = Fit(X, Y, one_fermion_level)
oplot(fit1, '-x', x_window=(0, 3))
Ejemplo n.º 10
h_imp = h_0 + h_int

# ==== Bath & Coupling hamiltonian ====
orb_bath_names = ['b_' + str(o) for o in orb_names]
c_dag_bath_vec = { s: matrix([[c_dag(s, o) for o in orb_bath_names]]) for s in spin_names }
c_bath_vec =     { s: matrix([[c(s, o)] for o in orb_bath_names]) for s in spin_names }

h_bath = sum(c_dag_bath_vec[s] * h_bath_mat * c_bath_vec[s] for s in spin_names)[0,0]
h_coup = sum(c_dag_vec[s] * V_mat * c_bath_vec[s] + c_dag_bath_vec[s] * V_mat * c_vec[s] for s in spin_names)[0,0] # FIXME Adjoint

# ==== Total impurity hamiltonian ====
h_tot = h_imp + h_coup + h_bath

# ==== Green function structure ====
gf_struct = [ [s, orb_names] for s in spin_names ]

# ==== Non-Interacting Impurity Green function  ====
n_iw = int(10 * beta)
iw_mesh = MeshImFreq(beta, 'Fermion', n_iw)
G0_iw = BlockGf(mesh=iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)
h_tot_mat = block([[h_0_mat, V_mat     ],
                   [V_mat.H, h_bath_mat]])
for bl, iw in product(spin_names, iw_mesh):
    G0_iw[bl][iw] = inv(iw.value * eye(2*n_orb) - h_tot_mat)[:n_orb, :n_orb]

# ==== Hybridization Function ====
Delta = G0_iw.copy()
Delta['up'] << iOmega_n - h_0_mat - inverse(G0_iw['up'])
Delta['dn'] << iOmega_n - h_0_mat - inverse(G0_iw['dn'])
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_cf_G_tau_and_G_iw_nonint(verbose=False):

    beta = 3.22
    eps = 1.234

    niw = 64
    ntau = 2 * niw + 1

    H = eps * c_dag(0, 0) * c(0, 0)

    fundamental_operators = [c(0, 0)]

    ed = TriqsExactDiagonalization(H, fundamental_operators, beta)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Single-particle Green's functions

    G_tau = GfImTime(beta=beta,
                     target_shape=(1, 1))
    G_iw = GfImFreq(beta=beta,
                    target_shape=(1, 1))

    G_iw << inverse(iOmega_n - eps)
    G_tau << Fourier(G_iw)

    G_tau_ed = GfImTime(beta=beta,
                        target_shape=(1, 1))
    G_iw_ed = GfImFreq(beta=beta,
                       target_shape=(1, 1))

    ed.set_g2_tau(G_tau_ed[0, 0], c(0, 0), c_dag(0, 0))
    ed.set_g2_iwn(G_iw_ed[0, 0], c(0, 0), c_dag(0, 0))

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Compare gfs

    from triqs.utility.comparison_tests import assert_gfs_are_close

    assert_gfs_are_close(G_tau, G_tau_ed)
    assert_gfs_are_close(G_iw, G_iw_ed)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Plotting

    if verbose:
        from triqs.plot.mpl_interface import oplot, plt
        subp = [3, 1, 1]
        subp[-1] += 1

        subp[-1] += 1
        diff = G_tau - G_tau_ed

        subp[-1] += 1

Ejemplo n.º 12
orb_names = [i for i in range(norb)]
gf_struct = [[s, orb_names] for s in spin_names]

### generate hybridisation function
iw_mesh = MeshImFreq(beta, 'Fermion', niw)
Delta_iw = BlockGf(mesh=iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)

### generate random values for hybridisation function
for block, delta_iw in Delta_iw:

    ### generate random hermitian bath energies
    s = (norb, norb)
    eps = 5.0 * (np.random.random(s) - 0.5) + 3.j * (np.random.random(s) - 0.5)
    eps = eps + np.conjugate(eps.T)

    delta_block = inverse(iOmega_n - eps)
    delta_iw << delta_block

    ### multiply everything (element-wise) with hermitian matrix
    ### since Delta(iw) does not have high frequency tail of 1
    randmat = 5.0 * (np.random.random(s) - 0.5) + 3.j * (np.random.random(s) -
    randmat = randmat + np.conjugate(randmat.T)

    for ni, i in enumerate(delta_iw.data):
        delta_iw.data[ni, :, :, ] = np.multiply(i, randmat)

### generate G0
G0_iw = BlockGf(mesh=iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)
H_0_original = []
Ejemplo n.º 13
def make_calc():
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Read precomputed ED data

    filename = "bse_and_rpa_loc_vs_latt.tar.gz"
    p = read_TarGZ_HDFArchive(filename)['p']
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- RPA tensor
    from triqs_tprf.rpa_tensor import get_rpa_tensor
    from triqs_tprf.rpa_tensor import fundamental_operators_from_gf_struct
    fundamental_operators = fundamental_operators_from_gf_struct(p.gf_struct)
    p.U_abcd = get_rpa_tensor(p.H_int, fundamental_operators)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Generalized PH susceptibility
    loc_bse = ParameterCollection()
    loc_bse.chi_wnn = chi_from_gg2_PH(p.G_iw, p.G2_iw_ph)
    loc_bse.chi0_wnn = chi0_from_gg2_PH(p.G_iw, p.G2_iw_ph)
    loc_bse.gamma_wnn = inverse_PH(loc_bse.chi0_wnn) - inverse_PH(loc_bse.chi_wnn)
    loc_bse.chi_wnn_ref = inverse_PH( inverse_PH(loc_bse.chi0_wnn) - loc_bse.gamma_wnn )

        loc_bse.chi_wnn.data, loc_bse.chi_wnn_ref.data)

    from triqs_tprf.bse import solve_local_bse
    loc_bse.gamma_wnn_ref = solve_local_bse(loc_bse.chi0_wnn, loc_bse.chi_wnn)

        loc_bse.gamma_wnn.data, loc_bse.gamma_wnn_ref.data)
    loc_bse.chi0_w = trace_nn(loc_bse.chi0_wnn)
    loc_bse.chi_w = trace_nn(loc_bse.chi_wnn)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- RPA, using BSE inverses and constant Gamma

    loc_rpa = ParameterCollection()

    loc_rpa.chi0_wnn = loc_bse.chi0_wnn
    loc_rpa.chi0_w = loc_bse.chi0_w

    loc_rpa.U_abcd = p.U_abcd
    # -- Build constant gamma
    from triqs_tprf.rpa_tensor import get_gamma_rpa
    loc_rpa.gamma_wnn = get_gamma_rpa(loc_rpa.chi0_wnn, loc_rpa.U_abcd)
    # -- Solve RPA
    loc_rpa.chi_wnn = inverse_PH( inverse_PH(loc_rpa.chi0_wnn) - loc_rpa.gamma_wnn )
    loc_rpa.chi_w = trace_nn(loc_rpa.chi_wnn)
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Bubble RPA on lattice

    lat_rpa = ParameterCollection()
    # -- Setup dummy lattice Green's function equal to local Green's function
    bz = BrillouinZone(BravaisLattice(units=np.eye(3), orbital_positions=[(0,0,0)]))
    periodization_matrix = np.diag(np.array(list([1]*3), dtype=int))
    kmesh = MeshBrZone(bz, periodization_matrix)    
    wmesh = MeshImFreq(beta=p.beta, S='Fermion', n_max=p.nwf_gf)

    lat_rpa.g_wk = Gf(mesh=MeshProduct(wmesh, kmesh), target_shape=p.G_iw.target_shape)
    lat_rpa.g_wk[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)] = p.G_iw

    # -- chi0_wk bubble and chi_wk_rpa bubble RPA

    from triqs_tprf.lattice_utils import imtime_bubble_chi0_wk
    lat_rpa.chi0_wk = imtime_bubble_chi0_wk(lat_rpa.g_wk, nw=1)

    from triqs_tprf.lattice import solve_rpa_PH
    lat_rpa.chi_wk = solve_rpa_PH(lat_rpa.chi0_wk, p.U_abcd)

    lat_rpa.chi0_w = lat_rpa.chi0_wk[:, Idx(0,0,0)]
    lat_rpa.chi_w = lat_rpa.chi_wk[:, Idx(0,0,0)]

    print('--> cf Tr[chi0] and chi0_wk')
    print(loc_rpa.chi0_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real)
    print(lat_rpa.chi0_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real)

        loc_rpa.chi0_w.data, lat_rpa.chi0_w.data, decimal=2)


    print('--> cf Tr[chi_rpa] and chi_wk_rpa')
    print(loc_rpa.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real)
    print(lat_rpa.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real)

        loc_rpa.chi_w.data, lat_rpa.chi_w.data, decimal=2)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Lattice BSE

    lat_bse = ParameterCollection()

    lat_bse.g_wk = lat_rpa.g_wk
    lat_bse.mu = p.mu

    lat_bse.e_k = Gf(mesh=kmesh, target_shape=p.G_iw.target_shape)
    lat_bse.e_k[Idx(0,0,0)] = np.eye(2)

    lat_bse.sigma_w = p.G_iw.copy()
    lat_bse.sigma_w << iOmega_n + lat_bse.mu * np.eye(2) - lat_bse.e_k[Idx(0,0,0)] - inverse(p.G_iw)

    lat_bse.g_wk_ref = lat_bse.g_wk.copy()
    lat_bse.g_wk_ref[:,Idx(0,0,0)] << inverse(
        iOmega_n + lat_bse.mu * np.eye(2) - lat_bse.e_k[Idx(0,0,0)] - lat_bse.sigma_w)

    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(lat_bse.g_wk.data, lat_bse.g_wk_ref.data)

    #for w in lat_bse.g_wk.mesh.components[0]:
    #    print w, lat_bse.g_wk[w, Idx(0,0,0)][0, 0]

    from triqs_tprf.lattice import fourier_wk_to_wr
    lat_bse.g_wr = fourier_wk_to_wr(lat_bse.g_wk)

    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chi0r_from_gr_PH
    lat_bse.chi0_wnr = chi0r_from_gr_PH(nw=1, nn=p.nwf, g_nr=lat_bse.g_wr)

    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chi0q_from_chi0r
    lat_bse.chi0_wnk = chi0q_from_chi0r(lat_bse.chi0_wnr)

    #for n in lat_bse.chi0_wnk.mesh.components[1]:
    #    print n.value, lat_bse.chi0_wnk[Idx(0), n, Idx(0,0,0)][0,0,0,0]

    # -- Lattice BSE calc
    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chiq_from_chi0q_and_gamma_PH
    lat_bse.chi_kwnn = chiq_from_chi0q_and_gamma_PH(lat_bse.chi0_wnk, loc_bse.gamma_wnn)

    # -- Lattice BSE calc with built in trace
    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chiq_sum_nu_from_chi0q_and_gamma_PH
    lat_bse.chi_kw_ref = chiq_sum_nu_from_chi0q_and_gamma_PH(lat_bse.chi0_wnk, loc_bse.gamma_wnn)

    # -- Lattice BSE calc with built in trace using g_wk
    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chiq_sum_nu_from_g_wk_and_gamma_PH
    lat_bse.chi_kw_tail_corr_ref = chiq_sum_nu_from_g_wk_and_gamma_PH(lat_bse.g_wk, loc_bse.gamma_wnn)
    # -- Trace results
    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chi0q_sum_nu_tail_corr_PH
    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chi0q_sum_nu
    lat_bse.chi0_wk_tail_corr = chi0q_sum_nu_tail_corr_PH(lat_bse.chi0_wnk)
    lat_bse.chi0_wk = chi0q_sum_nu(lat_bse.chi0_wnk)

    from triqs_tprf.lattice import chiq_sum_nu, chiq_sum_nu_q
    lat_bse.chi_kw = chiq_sum_nu(lat_bse.chi_kwnn)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(lat_bse.chi_kw.data, lat_bse.chi_kw_ref.data)

    from triqs_tprf.bse import solve_lattice_bse
    lat_bse.chi_kw_tail_corr, tmp = solve_lattice_bse(lat_bse.g_wk, loc_bse.gamma_wnn)

    from triqs_tprf.bse import solve_lattice_bse_e_k_sigma_w
    lat_bse.chi_kw_tail_corr_new = solve_lattice_bse_e_k_sigma_w(lat_bse.mu, lat_bse.e_k, lat_bse.sigma_w, loc_bse.gamma_wnn)

    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(lat_bse.chi_kw_tail_corr.data, lat_bse.chi_kw_tail_corr_ref.data)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(lat_bse.chi_kw_tail_corr.data, lat_bse.chi_kw_tail_corr_new.data)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(lat_bse.chi_kw_tail_corr_ref.data, lat_bse.chi_kw_tail_corr_new.data)
    lat_bse.chi0_w_tail_corr = lat_bse.chi0_wk_tail_corr[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)]
    lat_bse.chi0_w = lat_bse.chi0_wk[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)]
    lat_bse.chi_w_tail_corr = lat_bse.chi_kw_tail_corr[Idx(0, 0, 0), :]
    lat_bse.chi_w = lat_bse.chi_kw[Idx(0, 0, 0), :]

    print('--> cf Tr[chi0_wnk] and chi0_wk')
    print(lat_bse.chi0_w_tail_corr.data.reshape((4, 4)).real)
    print(lat_bse.chi0_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real)
    print(lat_rpa.chi0_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real)

        lat_bse.chi0_w_tail_corr.data, lat_rpa.chi0_w.data)

        lat_bse.chi0_w.data, lat_rpa.chi0_w.data, decimal=2)
    print('--> cf Tr[chi_kwnn] and chi_wk (without chi0 tail corr)')
    print(lat_bse.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real)
    print(loc_bse.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real)

        lat_bse.chi_w.data, loc_bse.chi_w.data)


    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Use chi0 tail corrected trace to correct chi_rpa cf bubble

    dchi_wk = lat_bse.chi0_wk_tail_corr - lat_bse.chi0_wk
    dchi_w = dchi_wk[:, Idx(0, 0, 0)]
    loc_rpa.chi_w_tail_corr = loc_rpa.chi_w + dchi_w

    # -- this will be the same, but it will be close to the real physical value
    lat_bse.chi_w_tail_corr_ref = lat_bse.chi_w + dchi_w
    loc_bse.chi_w_tail_corr_ref = loc_bse.chi_w + dchi_w
    print('--> cf Tr[chi_rpa] and chi_wk_rpa')
    print(loc_rpa.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real)
    print(loc_rpa.chi_w_tail_corr.data.reshape((4, 4)).real)
    print(lat_rpa.chi_w.data.reshape((4, 4)).real)

        loc_rpa.chi_w_tail_corr.data, lat_rpa.chi_w.data, decimal=3)

    print('--> cf Tr[chi_kwnn] with tail corr (from chi0_wnk)')
    print(lat_bse.chi_w_tail_corr.data.reshape((4, 4)).real)
    print(lat_bse.chi_w_tail_corr_ref.data.reshape((4, 4)).real)

        lat_bse.chi_w_tail_corr.data, lat_bse.chi_w_tail_corr_ref.data)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -- Store to hdf5
    filename = 'data_bse_rpa.h5'
    with HDFArchive(filename,'w') as res:
        res['p'] = p
Ejemplo n.º 14
h_imp = h_0 + h_int

# ==== Bath & Coupling hamiltonian ====
c_dag_bath_vec = matrix(
    [[c_dag('bl', o) for o in range(n_orb, n_orb + n_orb_bath)]])
c_bath_vec = matrix([[c('bl', o)] for o in range(n_orb, n_orb + n_orb_bath)])

h_bath = (c_dag_bath_vec * h_bath_mat * c_bath_vec)[0, 0]
h_coup = (c_dag_vec * V_mat * c_bath_vec +
          c_dag_bath_vec * V_mat * c_vec)[0, 0]  # FIXME Adjoint

# ==== Total impurity hamiltonian ====
h_tot = h_imp + h_coup + h_bath

# ==== Green function structure ====
gf_struct = [('bl', n_orb)]

# ==== Hybridization Function ====
n_iw = int(10 * beta)
iw_mesh = MeshImFreq(beta, 'Fermion', n_iw)
Delta = BlockGf(mesh=iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)
# FIXME Delta['bl'] << V_mat * inverse(iOmega_n - h_bath_mat) * V_mat.transpose()
for iw in iw_mesh:
    Delta['bl'][iw] = V_mat * inv(iw.value * eye(n_orb) -
                                  h_bath_mat) * V_mat.transpose()

# ==== Non-Interacting Impurity Green function  ====
G0_iw = Delta.copy()
G0_iw['bl'] << inverse(iOmega_n - h_0_mat - Delta['bl'])
Ejemplo n.º 15
h_int = h_int_kanamori(block_names,
h_imp = h_0 + h_int

# ==== Non-Interacting Impurity Green function  ====
iw_mesh = MeshImFreq(beta, 'Fermion', n_iw)
k_mesh = MeshBrZone(TBL.bz, n_k)
k_iw_mesh = MeshProduct(k_mesh, iw_mesh)

G0_k_iw = BlockGf(mesh=k_iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)
G0_iw = BlockGf(mesh=iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)

iw_vec = array([iw.value * np.eye(n_idx) for iw in iw_mesh])
k_vec = array([k.value for k in k_mesh])
e_k_vec = TBL.hopping(k_vec.T.copy() / 2. / pi).transpose(2, 0, 1)
mu_mat = mu * np.eye(n_idx)

G0_k_iw['bl'].data[:] = linalg.inv(iw_vec[None, ...] +
                                   mu_mat[None, None, ...] -
                                   e_k_vec[::, None, ...])
G0_iw['bl'].data[:] = np.sum(G0_k_iw['bl'].data[:], axis=0) / len(k_mesh)

# ==== Hybridization Function ====
Delta = G0_iw.copy()
Delta['bl'] << iOmega_n + mu_mat - h_0_mat - inverse(G0_iw['bl'])
Ejemplo n.º 16
def run_test(t1, filename):
    dptkeys = [
        'verbosity', 'calculate_sigma', 'calculate_sigma1', 'calculate_sigma2'

    parms = {
        # Solver parameters
        'n_iw': 100,
        # Physical parameters
        'U': 0.5,
        't1': t1,
        'beta': 10,
        # DMFT loop control parameters
        'calculate_sigma': True,
        'calculate_sigma1': True,
        'calculate_sigma2': True,
        'measure_G2_iw_ph': True,
        "measure_G2_n_bosonic": 10,
        "measure_G2_n_fermionic": 10,
        "verbosity": 4,

    parms["N_x"] = 2
    parms["N_y"] = 1
    parms["N_z"] = 1
    parms["ksi_delta"] = 1.0

    # Chemical potential depends on the definition of H(k) that is used
    parms['chemical_potential_bare'] = 0.
    parms['chemical_potential'] = parms['U'] / 2. + parms[

    n_orbs = 1  # Number of orbitals
    off_diag = True
    spin_names = ['up', 'dn']  # Outer (non-hybridizing) blocks
    orb_names = ['%s' % i for i in range(n_orbs)]  # Orbital indices
    gf_struct = op.set_operator_structure(spin_names,

    if haspomerol:
        # Reference: 4 site cluster, calculate only G, not G2
        def calc_reference():

            ref_orbs = [
                '%s' % i for i in range(n_orbs * parms['N_x'] * parms['N_y'])
            ref_gf_struct = op.set_operator_structure(spin_names,
            ref_index_converter = {(sn, o): ("loc", int(o),
                                             "down" if sn == "dn" else "up")
                                   for sn, o in product(spin_names, ref_orbs)}
            #print ref_index_converter,ref_orbs
            ref_ed = PomerolED(ref_index_converter, verbose=True)
            ref_N = sum(
                ops.n(sn, o) for sn, o in product(spin_names, ref_orbs))
            #  2 3
            #  0 1
            ref_H = (parms["U"] * (ops.n('up', '0') * ops.n('dn', '0') +
                                   ops.n('up', '1') * ops.n('dn', '1')) -
                     2. * parms['t1'] *
                     (ops.c_dag('up', '0') * ops.c('up', '1') +
                      ops.c_dag('up', '1') * ops.c('up', '0') +
                      ops.c_dag('dn', '0') * ops.c('dn', '1') +
                      ops.c_dag('dn', '1') * ops.c('dn', '0')) -
                     parms['chemical_potential'] * ref_N)
            # Run the solver
            # Compute G(i\omega)
            ref_G_iw = ref_ed.G_iw(ref_gf_struct, parms['beta'], parms['n_iw'])
            return ref_G_iw

        ref_G_iw = calc_reference()
        ref = ref_G_iw[ref_spin]

        g2_blocks = set([("up", "up"), ("up", "dn"), ("dn", "up"),
                         ("dn", "dn")])
        index_converter = {(sn, o):
                           ("loc", int(o), "down" if sn == "dn" else "up")
                           for sn, o in product(spin_names, orb_names)}

        # 1 Bath degree of freedom
        # Level of the bath sites
        epsilon = [
            ("B%i_%s" % (k, sn), 0):
            ("bath" + str(k), 0, "down" if sn == "dn" else "up")
            for k, sn in product(range(len(epsilon)), spin_names)

        # Make PomerolED solver object
        ed = PomerolED(index_converter, verbose=True)
        N = sum(ops.n(sn, o) for sn, o in product(spin_names, orb_names))
        H_loc = (parms["U"] * (ops.n('up', '0') * ops.n('dn', '0')) -
                 parms['chemical_potential'] * N)

        # Bath Hamiltonian: levels
        H_bath = sum(eps * ops.n("B%i_%s" % (k, sn), 0)
                     for sn, (k,
                              eps) in product(spin_names, enumerate(epsilon)))

        # Hybridization Hamiltonian
        # Bath-impurity hybridization
        V = [
            -2 * bath_prefactor * t1,
        H_hyb = ops.Operator()
        for k, v in enumerate(V):
            H_hyb += sum(
                v * ops.c_dag("B%i_%s" % (k, sn), 0) * ops.c(sn, '0') +
                np.conj(v) * ops.c_dag(sn, '0') * ops.c("B%i_%s" % (k, sn), 0)
                for sn in spin_names)

        # Obtain bath sites from Delta and create H_ED
        H_ED = H_loc + H_bath + H_hyb

        # Run the solver
        # Compute G(i\omega)
        G_iw = ed.G_iw(gf_struct, parms['beta'], parms['n_iw'])

        if parms["measure_G2_iw_ph"]:
            common_g2_params = {
                'gf_struct': gf_struct,
                'beta': parms['beta'],
                'blocks': g2_blocks,
                'n_iw': parms['measure_G2_n_bosonic']
            G2_iw = ed.G2_iw_inu_inup(channel="PH",

        if mpi.is_master_node():
            with ar.HDFArchive(filename, 'w') as arch:
                arch["parms"] = parms
                arch["G_iw"] = G_iw
                arch["G2_iw"] = G2_iw
                arch["ref"] = ref
    else:  # haspomerol is False
        with ar.HDFArchive(filename, 'r') as arch:
            ref = arch['ref']
            G_iw = arch['G_iw']
            G2_iw = arch['G2_iw']

    BL = lattice.BravaisLattice(units=[
        (1, 0, 0),
    ])  #linear lattice
    kmesh = gf.MeshBrillouinZone(lattice.BrillouinZone(BL), parms["N_x"])
    Hk_blocks = [gf.Gf(indices=orb_names, mesh=kmesh) for spin in spin_names]
    Hk = gf.BlockGf(name_list=spin_names, block_list=Hk_blocks)

    def Hk_f(k):
        return -2 * parms['t1'] * (np.cos(k[0])) * np.eye(1)

    for spin, _ in Hk:
        for k in Hk.mesh:
            Hk[spin][k] = Hk_f(k.value)

    # Construct the DF2 program
    X = dualfermion.Dpt(beta=parms['beta'],

    for name, g0 in X.Delta:
        X.Delta[name] << gf.inverse(
            gf.iOmega_n +
            parms['chemical_potential_bare']) * bath_prefactor**2 * 4 * t1**2

    X.G2_iw << G2_iw

    # Run the dual perturbation theory
    X.gimp << G_iw  # Load G from impurity solver
    dpt_parms = {key: parms[key] for key in parms if key in dptkeys}
Ejemplo n.º 17
from triqs.gf import GfReFreq, Omega, Wilson, inverse
import numpy

eps_d, t = 0.3, 0.2

# Create the real-frequency Green's function and initialize it
g = GfReFreq(indices=['s', 'd'],
             window=(-2, 2),
g['d', 'd'] = Omega - eps_d
g['d', 's'] = t
g['s', 'd'] = t
g['s', 's'] = inverse(Wilson(1.0))

# Plot it with matplotlib. 'S' means: spectral function ( -1/pi Imag (g) )
from triqs.plot.mpl_interface import oplot, plt
oplot(g['d', 'd'], '-o', mode='S', x_window=(-1.8, 1.8), name="Impurity")
oplot(g['s', 's'], '-x', mode='S', x_window=(-1.8, 1.8), name="Bath")
# ==== Green function structure ====
gf_struct = [[s, orb_names] for s in spin_names]

# ==== Hybridization Function ====
n_iw = int(10 * beta)
iw_mesh = MeshImFreq(beta, 'Fermion', n_iw)
Delta = BlockGf(mesh=iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)
# FIXME Delta['up'] << V_mat.transpose() * inverse(iOmega_n - h_bath_mat) * V_mat
for bl, iw in product(spin_names, iw_mesh):
    Delta[bl][iw] = V_mat * inv(iw.value * eye(len(orb_bath_names)) -
                                h_bath_mat) * V_mat.transpose()

# ==== Non-Interacting Impurity Green function  ====
G0_iw = Delta.copy()
G0_iw['up'] << inverse(
    iOmega_n - h_0_mat - Delta['up'])  # FIXME Should work for BlockGf
G0_iw['dn'] << inverse(iOmega_n - h_0_mat - Delta['dn'])

# ==== Construct the CTHYB solver using the G0_iw Interface ====
constr_params = {
    'beta': beta,
    'gf_struct': gf_struct,
    'n_iw': n_iw,
    'n_tau': 10000
from w2dyn_cthyb import Solver
S = Solver(**constr_params)

# --------- Initialize G0_iw ----------
S.G0_iw << G0_iw
Ejemplo n.º 19

    beta = Delta_tau.mesh.beta
    n_iw = 100
    n_tau = 1000

    ### generate a hybridisation function
    iw_mesh = MeshImFreq(beta, 'Fermion', n_iw)
    Delta_iw = BlockGf(mesh=iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)

    for block, delta_iw in Delta_iw:
        s = (3, 3)
        eps = np.random.random(s) + 1.j * np.random.random(s)
        eps = eps + np.conjugate(eps.T)

        delta_block = inverse(iOmega_n - 0.3 * eps)
        delta_iw << delta_block

    ### generate the corresponding hybridisation function and hopping matrix
    G0_iw = BlockGf(mesh=iw_mesh, gf_struct=gf_struct)
    H_loc_original = []

    for block, g0_iw in G0_iw:
        #print "block", block
        s = (3, 3)
        H = np.random.random(s) + 1.j * np.random.random(s)
        H = H + np.conjugate(H.T)
        #print ""
        #print "H", H
        g0_iw << inverse(iOmega_n - H - Delta_iw[block])