Ejemplo n.º 1
partnumstop = 641
stride = 10

mypath = 'particle_txt/sig.3_delgam0005/bguide.1_earlytime/'
c_omp = 3
istep = 12

va = np.sqrt(sigma/(1+sigma))

t_start = 1
t_stop = 25
fld_base = "../../tristan-mp_reconnection/guide_fields/sig.3/delgam0005/bguide.1/output/flds.tot.015"
myfld = h5py.File(fld_base,'r')
ez = get_val_filename('ez',myfld)[0,:,:]
bx = get_val_filename('bx',myfld)[0,:,:]
by = get_val_filename('by',myfld)[0,:,:]

xhlf = np.shape(ez)[1]/2
ylen = np.shape(ez)[0]
ez = ez[:,xhlf]
bx = bx[:,xhlf]
by = by[:,xhlf]

ez_bxy = ez /(va*np.sqrt(bx**2+by**2))
xarr = np.linspace(0,ylen*12, np.size(ez))

#fld_base = "/home/u21/davidrball/david/tristan-mp_reconnection/guide_fields/sig.3/simulation_matrix/delgam05/bguide.7/output/flds.tot."

#if len(tstr)==1:
#    fld_base += "00" + tstr
#elif len(tstr)==2:
#    fld_base += "0"+tstr

t0 = 50
tf = 51

for t in range(t0, tf):
    t_string = str(t)
    myfld = fld_base + t_string

    myfld = h5py.File(myfld, 'r')
    dens = get_val_filename('dens', myfld)[0, :, :]
    bdens = myfld['bdens'][0, :, :]

    vecpot = vecpot2(myfld, 12, 3)
    #fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3,1,sharex=True)
    fig, (ax0) = plt.subplots(1, 1, sharex=True)
    #identify midplane
    ax0.imshow(np.rot90(dens) / 4., origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=5)
Ejemplo n.º 3
px_std_list = []
py_std_list = []
pz_std_list = []
t_list = []

for t in range(t0, tf):
    t_str = str(t)
    if len(t_str) == 1:
        spec0 = spec_base + "0" + t_str
    elif len(t_str) == 2:
        spec0 = spec_base + t_str

    #spec0 = spec_base + str(t)
    myf = h5py.File(spec0, 'r')
    px = np.array(get_val_filename('pxelogsp', myf))  #[:,0:10]
    py = get_val_filename('pyelogsp', myf)  #[:,0:10]
    pz = get_val_filename('pzelogsp', myf)  #[:,0:10]

    pxb = np.array(get_val_filename('pxeblogsp', myf))
    px -= pxb

    pxbin = np.array(get_val_filename('pxbin', myf))
    pybin = np.array(get_val_filename('pybin', myf))
    pzbin = np.array(get_val_filename('pzbin', myf))
    #testbin = get_val_filename('nonsense',myf)
    px_spec = np.zeros(np.size(pxbin))
    py_spec = np.zeros(np.size(pybin))
    pz_spec = np.zeros(np.size(pzbin))
c_omp = 3

tscan= .5

xpoint_scan = tscan * interval * .45 / istep
xpoint_scan = 25

#myprtl = "../../tristan_acc-mec_Ez/8k_untriggered_bguide.3_stride1/output/prtl.tot.051"
#myprtl = "../../tristan_acc-mec_Ez/8k_bguide.1_allprts/output/prtl.tot.045"
myprtl = "../../tristan_acc-mec_Ez/bguide.1_wpar_zcomp/output/prtl.tot.055"

myprtl = h5py.File(myprtl,'r')

tcse = np.array(get_val_filename('tcse',myprtl))
ycse = np.array(get_val_filename('ycse',myprtl))/c_omp / 1000
gammae = np.array(get_val_filename('gammae',myprtl))
ez_bxy = -np.array(get_val_filename('ezbxye',myprtl))/va

prtnum = np.size(tcse)

t0 = 11
tf = 12

xpoint_prtl_ycs = []
xpoint_prtl_gam = []
import matplotlib.patches as patches

plt.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'stix'
plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'STIXGeneral'
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 15})

myfld_base = "../../accmec_withy/bguide.3_triggered/output/flds.tot."

prtl_final = "../../accmec_withy/bguide.3_triggered/output/prtl.tot.060"
prtl_base = "../../accmec_withy/bguide.3_triggered/output/prtl.tot."

f_prtl_final = h5py.File(prtl_final, 'r')

tcse = np.array(get_val_filename('tcse',f_prtl_final))
ycse = np.array(get_val_filename('ycse',f_prtl_final))
xcse = np.array(get_val_filename('xcse',f_prtl_final))
gammae = np.array(get_val_filename('gammae',f_prtl_final))
ez_bxy = -np.array(get_val_filename('ezbxye',f_prtl_final))

rstep_first = 12000
rstep_jump = 2000
rstep_interval = 2000
u_sh = .1

tcse_jump = (tcse-rstep_first)//rstep_interval+1
#axlist = [ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5, ax6 ,ax7, ax8, ax9, ax10, ax11, ax12, ax13, ax14, ax15]
betaeff_list = [
    .0003, .003, .03, .3, .01, .013, .043, .34, .09, .093, .12, .42, .49, .493,
    .52, .82

#mylen = len(axlist)

for i in range(len(matrix_namelist)):
    for j in range(len(
            matrix_namelist[0])):  #assuming that the matrix is square
        if matrix_namelist[i][j] == "pass":
            myfile = h5py.File(matrix_namelist[i][j], 'r')
            mydens = np.rot90(get_val_filename('dens', myfile)[0])

            myax_ind = 4 * i + j
            myax = plt.subplot(gs1[myax_ind])
            #myax = axlist[myax_ind]
            #title = str(betaeff_list[myax_ind])
            myax.imshow(mydens / 4, vmin=0, vmax=5, origin='lower')
Ejemplo n.º 7
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)

lap0 = t0 * interval
for t in range(t0, tf + 1):
    lap = t * interval
    #lap_index = lap-lap0
    t_str = str(t)
    if len(t_str) == 1:
        myfld = myfld_base + "00" + t_str
    elif len(t_str) == 2:
        myfld = myfld_base + "0" + t_str
    myfld = h5py.File(myfld, 'r')
    ez = get_val_filename('ez', myfld)[0, :, :]
    bx = get_val_filename('bx', myfld)[0, :, :]
    by = get_val_filename('by', myfld)[0, :, :]
    #in the first loop, identify size of array in y-direction
    if t == t0:
        mysizey = np.shape(ez)[0]
        yarr = np.linspace(0, mysizey * istep / c_omp, mysizey)
    mysizex = np.shape(ez)[1]
    xhlf = int(mysizex / 2)

    ez = ez[:, xhlf]
    bx = bx[:, xhlf]
    by = by[:, xhlf]
    ez_over_vabxy = ez / (va * np.sqrt(bx**2 + by**2))
Ejemplo n.º 8
        by = d['by'][i]
        bz = d['bz'][i]
        ex = d['ex'][i]
        ey = d['ey'][i]
        ez = d['ez'][i]
        gamma = d['gamma'][i]

        gamcol = np.log10(gamma / maxgam) / np.log10(mingam / maxgam)

        intx = int(x)
        inty = int(y)
        intx /= istep
        inty /= istep

        dens = np.array(get_val_filename("dens", f_fld))[0]

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 0), rowspan=1, colspan=1)
        ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 1), colspan=1)
        xhlf = np.shape(dens)[1] / 2
        xscan = 100
        xlow = int(xhlf - xscan)
        xup = int(xhlf + xscan)
        xext = istep * 2 * xscan / c_omp  # in electron skin depths
        yext = istep * np.shape(dens)[0] / c_omp
        ax1.imshow(dens[:, xlow:xup],
                   extent=[0, xext, 0, yext])
        ax1.set_xlabel('$c/\omega_{p}$', size=14)
scan = 10
interval = 2000.
istep = 12
c_omp = 3

tscan = .5

xpoint_scan = tscan * interval * .45 / istep
xpoint_scan = 25

myprtl = "../../tristan_acc-mec_Ez/highbeta/triggered_guide/output/prtl.tot.065"
#myprtl = "../../tristan_acc-mec_Ez/8k_bguide.1_allprts/output/prtl.tot.045"
myprtl = h5py.File(myprtl, 'r')

tcse = np.array(get_val_filename('tcse', myprtl)) / interval
ycse = np.array(get_val_filename('ycse', myprtl)) / istep
gammae = np.array(get_val_filename('gammae', myprtl))
ez_bxy = -np.array(get_val_filename('ezbxye', myprtl)) / va

prtnum = np.size(tcse)

t0 = 5
tf = 50

xpoint_prtl_ycs = []
xpoint_prtl_gam = []

else_prtl_ycs = []
else_prtl_gam = []
Ejemplo n.º 10
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 10})

#myprtl = "../../tristan-mp_reconnection/16k_triggered_finals/sig.3/deglam005/output/prtl.tot.030"

myprtl = "/home/u21/davidrball/david/tristan-mp_reconnection/16k_triggered_finals/sig.3/delgam005/output/prtl.tot.030"

#myprtl = "../../tristan_acc-mec/correct_gam/output/prtl.tot.001"
#myprtl = "../../tristan_acc-mec/comm_test/output/prtl.tot.001"
myprtl = h5py.File(myprtl, 'r')

#myfld = "../../tristan_acc-mec/test/output/flds.tot.009"
#myfld = h5py.File(myfld,'r')


inde = np.array(get_val_filename('inde', myprtl))
indi = np.array(get_val_filename('indi', myprtl))
gammae = np.array(get_val_filename('gammae', myprtl))
gammai = np.array(get_val_filename('gammai', myprtl))

xe = np.array(get_val_filename('xe', myprtl))
ue = np.array(get_val_filename('ue', myprtl))

exe = np.array(get_val_filename('exe', myprtl))
we = np.array(get_val_filename('we', myprtl))

#tcsi = np.array(get_val_filename('tcsi',myprtl))
#ycsi = np.array(get_val_filename('ycsi',myprtl))

bsynce = np.array(get_val_filename('bsynce', myprtl))
bsynci = np.array(get_val_filename('bsynci', myprtl))

t = 30
tstr = str(t)
fld_base = "../../tristan-mp_reconnection/guide_fields/sig.3/delgam0005/bguide2/output/flds.tot.0"

if len(tstr)==1:
    fld_base += "0" + tstr
elif len(tstr)==2:
    fld_base += tstr

myf = h5py.File(fld_base,'r')

dens = get_val_filename('dens',myf)[0,:,:]
ez = get_val_filename('ez',myf)[0,:,:]

bx = get_val_filename('bx',myf)[0,:,:]
by = get_val_filename('by',myf)[0,:,:]
bz = get_val_filename('bz',myf)[0,:,:]

ey = get_val_filename('ey',myf)[0,:,:]
ex = get_val_filename('ex',myf)[0,:,:]

#we want to make a small square around the center of the box

xhlf = np.shape(dens)[1]/2
yhlf = np.shape(dens)[0]/2
Ejemplo n.º 12
from tristan_funcs import get_val_filename, list_types
import h5py
import numpy as np

myprtl = "../../tristan-mp_reconnection/16k_triggered_finals/sig.3/deglam005/output/prtl.tot.030"
#myprtl = "../../tristan_acc-mec/test/output/prtl.tot.003"
myprtl = h5py.File(myprtl)


tcs = np.array(get_val_filename('tcs', myprtl))
ycs = np.array(get_val_filename('ycs', myprtl))

boolarray = ycs == 0

print(tcs, ycs)
print(False in boolarray)
plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'STIXGeneral'
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 15})

#myprtl = "../../tristan_acc-mec_Ez/8k_bguide.3_triggered_stride1_thresh2/output/prtl.tot.036"

myprtl = "../../accmec_withy/bguide.3_triggered_highthresh/output/prtl.tot.045"

myprtl = h5py.File(myprtl,'r')

xcse = np.array(myprtl['xcse'])
#print('min max xcse')

gammae = np.array(get_val_filename('gammae',myprtl))

tcse = np.array(get_val_filename('tcse',myprtl))
ycse = np.array(get_val_filename('ycse',myprtl))
ez_bxye = np.array(get_val_filename('ezbxye',myprtl))
xe = np.array(myprtl['xe'])
print('minmax of xe : ', np.min(xe), np.max(xe))

c = .45
rstep_first = 12000
rstep_interval = 2000
rstep_jump = 2000
u_sh = .1
btheta = 0.3
tcse_jump = (tcse - rstep_first)//rstep_interval+1 #how many jumps there are at this tcs
Ejemplo n.º 14
import numpy as np


prtl_final = "../../tristan_acc-mec_Ez/8k_run2/output/prtl.tot.035"
f_fld = "../../tristan_acc-mec_Ez/8k_run2/output/flds.tot.035"
spec_final = "../../tristan_acc-mec_Ez/8k_run2/output/spect.020"

f_prtl = h5py.File(prtl_final,'r')
f_fld = h5py.File(f_fld,'r')
f_spect = h5py.File(spec_final,'r')

specgam, specion, speclec = return_rspec([f_spect])
dens = np.rot90(get_val_filename('dens',f_fld)[0,:,:])
c_omp = 3
ycs_conv = c_omp * 1000 #just to convert ycse from cells to the units we show in the fld plots for easier comparison

istep = 12
xext = np.shape(dens)[1]*istep / ycs_conv

ycse = np.array(get_val_filename('ycse',f_prtl))
gammae = np.array(get_val_filename('gammae',f_prtl))
tcse = np.array(get_val_filename('tcse',f_prtl))
prtnum = np.size(gammae)

#make a list of gammas from the central region and from elsewhere
fig, ((ax0, ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4, ax5), (ax6, ax7,
                                         ax8)) = plt.subplots(3,

axlist = [ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5, ax6, ax7, ax8]
betaeff_list = [.0003, .003, .03, .01, .013, .043, .09, .093, .12]

mylen = len(axlist)

for i in range(len(matrix_namelist)):
    for j in range(len(
            matrix_namelist[0])):  #assuming that the matrix is square
        myfile = h5py.File(matrix_namelist[i][j], 'r')
        gam = np.array(get_val_filename('gamma', myfile))
        myspec = np.array(get_val_filename('rspece', myfile))[:, 0, :]
        summed_spec = np.zeros(np.size(gam))
        for k in range(np.size(summed_spec)):
            for l in range(np.shape(myspec)[1]):
                summed_spec[k] += myspec[k][l]

        myax_ind = 3 * i + j
        myax = axlist[myax_ind]
        title = str(betaeff_list[myax_ind])
        myax.plot(gam, gam * summed_spec)
        myax.set_title(title, size=10)
        myax.set_ylim(1e2, 1e7)