Ejemplo n.º 1
class TrelloTests( unittest.TestCase ):

    def setUp( self ):
        self.client = Client( api_key, user_auth_token )
        self.org = Organisation( self.client, organisation )
        self.board = Board( self.client, board_id )
        self.list = List( self.client, list_id )
        self.card = Card( self.client, card_id )
        self.checklist = Checklist( self.client, checklist_id )
        self.member = Member( self.client, member_id )

    def tearDown( self ):

    def test_org_01_getBoardInfo( self ):
        result = self.org.getOrganisationInformation()
        self.assertIsNotNone( result, 'JSON was empty' )

    def test_org_02_getBoards( self ):
        for board in self.org.getBoards():
            self.assertIsNotNone( board.id, msg = "ID has not been provided" )
            self.assertIsNotNone( board.name, msg = "Name has not been provided" )

    def test_org_03_getMembers( self ):
        for member in self.org.getMembers():
            self.assertIsNotNone( member.id, msg = "ID has not been provided" )
            self.assertIsNotNone( member.name, msg = "Name has not been provided" )

    def test_org_04_updateOrganisation( self ):
        description = str( uuid.uuid1() )
        new_organisation = self.org.updateOrganisation( { 'desc': description } )
        new_description = new_organisation.getOrganisationInformation()['desc']

        self.assertEqual( description, new_description, msg = "Descriptions don't match. Update Organisation didn't work!" )

    def test_boa_01_getBoardInformation( self ):
        result = self.board.getBoardInformation()
        self.assertIsNotNone( result, 'JSON was empty' )

    def test_boa_02_getLists( self ):
        for lis in self.board.getLists():
            self.assertIsNotNone( lis.id, msg = "ID has not been provided" )
            self.assertIsNotNone( lis.name, msg = "Name has not been provided" )

    def test_boa_03_getCards( self ):
        for card in self.board.getCards():
            self.assertIsNotNone( card.id, msg = "ID has not been provided" )
            self.assertIsNotNone( card.name, msg = "Name has not been provided" )

    def test_boa_04_getCard( self ):
        card = self.board.getCard( card_id )
        self.assertIsNotNone( card.id, msg = "ID has not been provided" )
        self.assertIsNotNone( card.name, msg = "Name has not been provided" )

    def test_boa_05_getMembers( self ):
        for member in self.board.getMembers():
            self.assertIsNotNone( member.id, msg = "ID has not been provided" )
            self.assertIsNotNone( member.name, msg = "Name has not been provided" )

    def test_boa_06_getOrganisation( self ):
        organisation = self.board.getOrganisation()
        self.assertIsNotNone( organisation.id, msg = "ID has not been provided" )
        self.assertIsNotNone( organisation.name, msg = "Name has not been provided" )

    def test_boa_07_updateBoard( self ):
        description = str( uuid.uuid1() )
        new_board = self.board.updateBoard( { 'desc': description } )
        new_description = new_board.getBoardInformation()['desc']

        self.assertEqual( description, new_description, msg = "Descriptions don't match. Update Board didn't work!" )

    def test_boa_08_addList( self ):
        name = str( uuid.uuid1() )
        new_list = self.board.addList( { 'name': name } )
        new_list_name = new_list.name

        self.assertEqual( name, new_list_name, msg = "Names don't match. Add list didn't work!" )

    def test_lis_01_getListInformation( self ):
        result = self.list.getListInformation()
        self.assertIsNotNone( result, 'JSON was empty' )

    def test_lis_02_getBoard( self ):
        board = self.list.getBoard()
        self.assertIsNotNone( board.id, msg = "ID has not been provided" )
        self.assertIsNotNone( board.name, msg = "Name has not been provided" )

    def test_lis_03_getCards( self ):
        for card in self.list.getCards():
            self.assertIsNotNone( card.id, msg = "ID has not been provided" )
            self.assertIsNotNone( card.name, msg = "Name has not been provided" )

    def test_lis_04_updateList( self ):
        name = str( uuid.uuid1() )
        new_list = self.list.updateList( { 'name': name } )
        new_list_name = new_list.name

        self.assertEqual( name, new_list_name, msg = "Names don't match. Update list didn't work!" )

    def test_lis_05_addCard( self ):
        name = str( uuid.uuid1() )
        new_card = self.list.addCard( { 'name': name } )
        new_card_name = new_card.name

        self.assertEqual( name, new_card_name, msg = "Names don't match. Add card didn't work!" )

    def test_car_01_getCardInformation( self ):
        result = self.card.getCardInformation()
        self.assertIsNotNone( result, 'JSON was empty' )

    def test_car_02_getBoard( self ):
        board = self.card.getBoard()
        self.assertIsNotNone( board.id, msg = "ID has not been provided" )
        self.assertIsNotNone( board.name, msg = "Name has not been provided" )

    def test_car_03_getList( self ):
        lis = self.card.getList()
        self.assertIsNotNone( lis.id, msg = "ID has not been provided" )
        self.assertIsNotNone( lis.name, msg = "Name has not been provided" )

    def test_car_04_getChecklists( self ):
        for checklist in self.card.getChecklists():
            self.assertIsNotNone( checklist.id, msg = "ID has not been provided" )
            self.assertIsNotNone( checklist.name, msg = "Name has not been provided" )

    def test_car_05_getMembers( self ):
        for member in self.card.getMembers():
            self.assertIsNotNone( member.id, msg = "ID has not been provided" )
            self.assertIsNotNone( member.name, msg = "Name has not been provided" )

    def test_car_06_updateCard( self ):
        description = str( uuid.uuid1() )
        new_card = self.card.updateCard( { 'desc': description } )
        new_description = new_card.getCardInformation()['desc']

        self.assertEqual( description, new_description, msg = "Descriptions don't match. Update Card didn't work!" )

    def test_car_07_addComments( self ):
        comment = str( uuid.uuid1() )
        result = self.card.addComments( comment )
        new_comment = result['data']['text']

        self.assertEqual( comment, new_comment, msg = "Comments don't match. Add comment didn't work!" )

    def test_car_08_addAttachment( self ):
        f = open( 'test/test.txt', 'r' ).read()
        result = self.card.addAttachment( 'text.txt', f )
        self.assertIsNotNone( result, "Got nothing back, doesn't look like it worked!" )

    def test_car_09_addChecklists( self ):
        name = str( uuid.uuid1() )
        new_checklist = self.card.addChecklists( { 'name': name } )
        new_checklist_name = new_checklist.name

        self.assertEqual( name, new_checklist_name, "Names don't match. Add Checklist failed!" )

    def test_car_10_addLabels( self ):

            label_colour = 'green'
            result = self.card.addLabels( { 'value': label_colour } )

            found_label = False

            for label in result:
                if label['color'] == label_colour:
                    found_label = True

            self.assertTrue( found_label, "Label wasn't added!" )

        except ResourceUnavailable:
            # Label already added

    def test_car_11_addMember( self ):

            result = self.card.addMember( member_id )

            found_member = False

            for member in result:
                if member.id == member_id:
                    found_member = True

            self.assertTrue( found_member, "Member wasn't added to card!" )

        except ResourceUnavailable:
            # Member is already on the card

    def test_car_12_removeMember( self ):

            result = self.card.removeMember( member_id )

            self.assertIsNotNone( result, "JSON failure! Nothing was returned" )

            for member in result:
                self.assertNotEqual( member['id'], member_id, "Member was not removed!" )

        except ResourceUnavailable:
            # Member isn't attached to card

    def test_che_01_getChecklistInformation( self ):
        result = self.checklist.getChecklistInformation()
        self.assertIsNotNone( result, 'JSON was empty' )

    def test_che_02_getItems( self ):
        result = self.checklist.getItems()
        self.assertIsNotNone( result, 'JSON was empty' )

    def test_che_03_updateChecklist( self ):
        name = str( uuid.uuid1() )
        new_checklist = self.checklist.updateChecklist( name )
        new_name = new_checklist.name

        self.assertEqual( name, new_name, msg = "Names don't match. Update didn't work!" )

    def test_che_04_addItem( self ):
        name = str( uuid.uuid1() )
        result = self.checklist.addItem( {'name': name } )
        new_item_name = result[ len( result ) - 1 ]['name']

        self.assertEqual( name, new_item_name, "Names don't match! Add item failed" )

    def test_che_05_removeItem( self ):
        items = self.checklist.getItems()

        if len( items ) > 0:
            item_id = items[0]['id']

            result = self.checklist.removeItem( item_id )
            self.assertIsNotNone( result, "JSON was empty!" )

    def test_mem_01_getMemberInformation( self ):
        result = self.member.getMemberInformation()
        self.assertIsNotNone( result, 'JSON was empty' )

    def test_mem_02_getBoards( self ):
        for board in self.member.getBoards():
            self.assertIsNotNone( board.id, msg = "ID has not been provided" )
            self.assertIsNotNone( board.name, msg = "Name has not been provided" )

    def test_mem_03_getCards( self ):
        for cards in self.member.getCards():
            self.assertIsNotNone( cards.id, msg = "ID has not been provided" )
            self.assertIsNotNone( cards.name, msg = "Name has not been provided" )
Ejemplo n.º 2
class TrelloClient(object):
    """Manages a connection to Trello and loads the desired boards"""
    def __init__(self, trConfig):
        super(TrelloClient, self).__init__()
        self.trConfig = trConfig
        self.trClient = Client(self.trConfig['key'], self.trConfig['token'])
        self.org = Organisation(self.trClient, self.trConfig['orgid'])

    def getOrgInfo(self):
        orginfo = self.org.getOrganisationInformation()
        return orginfo

    def getBoards(self, names=[]):
        # caches the board information in self.boards
        self.boards = dict()
        boards = self.org.getBoards()
        for b in boards:
            binfo = b.getBoardInformation()
            if binfo['name'] in names:
                self.boards[binfo['name']] = b
            elif binfo['id'] in names:
                # you can specify the hex id instead of the name in case someone edits the name
                self.boards[binfo['id']] = b
        return self.boards

    def getLists(self, boardId):
        exclude = self.trConfig['boards'][boardId].get('exclude', [])
        include = self.trConfig['boards'][boardId].get('include', [])
        board = self.boards[boardId]
        # print dir(board)
        lists = board.getLists()

        def isIncluded(l):
            return ((include and l.name in include)
                    or (exclude and l.name not in exclude)
                    or (not (include or exclude)))

        return [l for l in lists if isIncluded(l)]

    def getCards(self, list):
        cards = list.getCards()
        return cards

    def dumpCard(self, card):
        print card.getCardInformation()  #['shortUrl']

    def getCommentsForCard(self, card):
        mc = MyCard(card)
        return mc.getComments()

    def updateLinksToGit(self, card, repos, gitClient):
        This fetches all the comments and the card description, and then parses them
        all for things that look like github links or references. If it finds any, it
        adds a link to the description (if it doesn't already exist). A link is a normal
        url, while a reference looks like hub #23 -- reponame #number. Only repos that
        are listed in the repos parameter are used.
        allrepos = '|'.join(repos)
        comments = '\n'.join(self.getCommentsForCard(card))
        # https://github.com/tidepool-org/hub/issues/20
        longonly = re.compile(
            % allrepos)
        longandshort = re.compile(
            "(?:https?://github.com/tidepool-org/)?(?P<repo>%s)(?:/issues/|[ ]*#)(?P<issue>[0-9]+)"
            % allrepos)
        hits = longandshort.findall(comments)
        if hits:
            info = card.getCardInformation()
            desc = info['desc']
            links = longonly.findall(desc)
            changed = False
            for h in hits:
                gitClient.backlinkToTrello(h[0], h[1], info['shortUrl'],
                if h not in links:
                    desc += '\nhttps://github.com/tidepool-org/%s/issues/%s' % h
                    changed = True
            if changed:
                card.updateCard({"desc": desc})
                print "    Updated '%s'" % info['name']
Ejemplo n.º 3
class TrelloClient(object):
    """Manages a connection to Trello and loads the desired boards"""

    def __init__(self, trConfig):
        super(TrelloClient, self).__init__()
        self.trConfig = trConfig
        self.trClient = Client(self.trConfig["key"], self.trConfig["token"])
        self.org = Organisation(self.trClient, self.trConfig["orgid"])

    def getOrgInfo(self):
        orginfo = self.org.getOrganisationInformation()
        return orginfo

    def getBoards(self, names=[]):
        # caches the board information in self.boards
        self.boards = dict()
        boards = self.org.getBoards()
        for b in boards:
            binfo = b.getBoardInformation()
            if binfo["name"] in names:
                self.boards[binfo["name"]] = b
            elif binfo["id"] in names:
                # you can specify the hex id instead of the name in case someone edits the name
                self.boards[binfo["id"]] = b
        return self.boards

    def getLists(self, boardId):
        exclude = self.trConfig["boards"][boardId].get("exclude", [])
        include = self.trConfig["boards"][boardId].get("include", [])
        board = self.boards[boardId]
        # print dir(board)
        lists = board.getLists()

        def isIncluded(l):
            return (include and l.name in include) or (exclude and l.name not in exclude) or (not (include or exclude))

        return [l for l in lists if isIncluded(l)]

    def getCards(self, list):
        cards = list.getCards()
        return cards

    def dumpCard(self, card):
        print card.getCardInformation()  # ['shortUrl']

    def getCommentsForCard(self, card):
        mc = MyCard(card)
        return mc.getComments()

    def updateLinksToGit(self, card, repos, gitClient):
        This fetches all the comments and the card description, and then parses them
        all for things that look like github links or references. If it finds any, it
        adds a link to the description (if it doesn't already exist). A link is a normal
        url, while a reference looks like hub #23 -- reponame #number. Only repos that
        are listed in the repos parameter are used.
        allrepos = "|".join(repos)
        comments = "\n".join(self.getCommentsForCard(card))
        # https://github.com/tidepool-org/hub/issues/20
        longonly = re.compile("https?://github.com/tidepool-org/(?P<repo>%s)/issues/(?P<issue>[0-9]+)" % allrepos)
        longandshort = re.compile(
            "(?:https?://github.com/tidepool-org/)?(?P<repo>%s)(?:/issues/|[ ]*#)(?P<issue>[0-9]+)" % allrepos
        hits = longandshort.findall(comments)
        if hits:
            info = card.getCardInformation()
            desc = info["desc"]
            links = longonly.findall(desc)
            changed = False
            for h in hits:
                gitClient.backlinkToTrello(h[0], h[1], info["shortUrl"], info["name"])
                if h not in links:
                    desc += "\nhttps://github.com/tidepool-org/%s/issues/%s" % h
                    changed = True
            if changed:
                card.updateCard({"desc": desc})
                print "    Updated '%s'" % info["name"]