Ejemplo n.º 1
 def change_passwords(self, users):
     for user in users:
         # Use the model to check validity.
         username = user['name']
         hostname = user['host']
         password = user['password']
         if (username, hostname) not in self.users:
             raise rd_exception.UserNotFound(
                 "User %s@%s cannot be found on the instance." %
                 (username, hostname))
         self.users[(username, hostname)]['password'] = password
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def revoke_access(self, username, hostname, database):
     """Remove a database from a users's grant list."""
     if (username, hostname) not in self.users:
         raise rd_exception.UserNotFound(
             "User %s cannot be found on the instance." % username)
     if database not in self.grants.get((username, hostname), set()):
         raise rd_exception.DatabaseNotFound(
             "Database %s cannot be found on the instance." % database)
     current_grants = self.grants.get((username, hostname), set())
     if database in current_grants:
     self.grants[(username, hostname)] = current_grants
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def update(self, req, body, tenant_id, instance_id, user_id):
     """Grant access for a user to one or more databases."""
     LOG.info(_("Granting user access for instance '%s'") % instance_id)
     LOG.info(_("req : '%s'\n\n") % req)
     context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
     user = self._get_user(context, instance_id, user_id)
     if not user:
         LOG.error(_("No such user: %(user)s " % {'user': user}))
         raise exception.UserNotFound(uuid=user)
     username, hostname = unquote_user_host(user_id)
     databases = [db['name'] for db in body['databases']]
     models.User.grant(context, instance_id, username, hostname, databases)
     return wsgi.Result(None, 202)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _find_user(self, context, username):
        """Lookup a user with a given username.
        Return a new Postgres user instance or raise if no match is found.
        results = pgutil.query(

        if results:
            return self._build_user(context, username)

        raise exception.UserNotFound()
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def index(self, req, tenant_id, instance_id, user_id):
     """Show permissions for the given user."""
     LOG.info(_("Showing user access for instance '%s'") % instance_id)
     LOG.info(_("req : '%s'\n\n") % req)
     context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
     # Make sure this user exists.
     user = self._get_user(context, instance_id, user_id)
     if not user:
         LOG.error(_("No such user: %(user)s " % {'user': user}))
         raise exception.UserNotFound(uuid=user)
     username, hostname = unquote_user_host(user_id)
     access = models.User.access(context, instance_id, username, hostname)
     view = views.UserAccessView(access.databases)
     return wsgi.Result(view.data(), 200)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def show(self, req, tenant_id, instance_id, id):
     """Return a single user."""
     LOG.info(_("Showing a user for instance '%s'") % instance_id)
     LOG.info(_("req : '%s'\n\n") % req)
     context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
     username, host = unquote_user_host(id)
     user = None
         user = models.User.load(context, instance_id, username, host)
     except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e:
         raise exception.BadRequest(msg=str(e))
     if not user:
         raise exception.UserNotFound(uuid=id)
     view = views.UserView(user)
     return wsgi.Result(view.data(), 200)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def root_delete(self, req, tenant_id, instance_id, is_cluster):
     if is_cluster:
         raise exception.ClusterOperationNotSupported(
     LOG.info(_LI("Disabling root for instance '%s'.") % instance_id)
     LOG.info(_LI("req : '%s'\n\n") % req)
     context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
         found_user = self._find_root_user(context, instance_id)
     except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e:
         raise exception.BadRequest(msg=str(e))
     if not found_user:
         raise exception.UserNotFound(uuid="root")
     models.Root.delete(context, instance_id)
     return wsgi.Result(None, 200)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def delete(self, req, tenant_id, instance_id, user_id, id):
     """Revoke access for a user."""
     LOG.info(_("Revoking user access for instance '%s'") % instance_id)
     LOG.info(_("req : '%s'\n\n") % req)
     context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
     user = self._get_user(context, instance_id, user_id)
     if not user:
         LOG.error(_("No such user: %(user)s " % {'user': user}))
         raise exception.UserNotFound(uuid=user)
     username, hostname = unquote_user_host(user_id)
     access = models.User.access(context, instance_id, username, hostname)
     databases = [db.name for db in access.databases]
     if id not in databases:
         raise exception.DatabaseNotFound(uuid=id)
     models.User.revoke(context, instance_id, username, hostname, id)
     return wsgi.Result(None, 202)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def update(self, req, body, tenant_id, instance_id, id):
     """Change attributes for one user."""
     LOG.info(_("Updating user attributes for instance '%s'") % instance_id)
     LOG.info(_("req : '%s'\n\n") % req)
     context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
     username, hostname = unquote_user_host(id)
     user = None
     user_attrs = body['user']
         user = models.User.load(context, instance_id, username, hostname)
     except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e:
         raise exception.BadRequest(msg=str(e))
     if not user:
         raise exception.UserNotFound(uuid=id)
     models.User.update_attributes(context, instance_id, username, hostname,
     return wsgi.Result(None, 202)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def delete(self, req, tenant_id, instance_id, id):
     LOG.info(_("Deleting user for instance '%s'") % instance_id)
     LOG.info(_("req : '%s'\n\n") % req)
     context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
     username, host = unquote_user_host(id)
     user = None
         user = guest_models.MySQLUser()
         user.name = username
         user.host = host
         found_user = models.User.load(context, instance_id, username, host)
         if not found_user:
             user = None
     except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e:
         raise exception.BadRequest(msg=str(e))
     if not user:
         raise exception.UserNotFound(uuid=id)
     models.User.delete(context, instance_id, user.serialize())
     return wsgi.Result(None, 202)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def index(self, req, tenant_id, instance_id, user_id):
        """Show permissions for the given user."""
        LOG.info("Showing user access for instance '%(id)s'\n"
                 "req : '%(req)s'\n\n",
                 {"id": instance_id, "req": req})

        context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
            context, 'user_access:index', instance_id)
        # Make sure this user exists.
        user_id = correct_id_with_req(user_id, req)
        user = self._get_user(context, instance_id, user_id)
        if not user:
            LOG.error("No such user: %(user)s ", {'user': user})
            raise exception.UserNotFound(uuid=user)
        username, hostname = unquote_user_host(user_id)
        access = models.User.access(context, instance_id, username, hostname)
        view = views.UserAccessView(access.databases)
        return wsgi.Result(view.data(), 200)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def show(self, req, tenant_id, instance_id, id):
     """Return a single user."""
     LOG.info("Showing a user for instance '%(id)s'\n"
              "req : '%(req)s'\n\n",
              {"id": instance_id, "req": req})
     context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
     self.authorize_target_action(context, 'user:show', instance_id)
     id = correct_id_with_req(id, req)
     username, host = unquote_user_host(id)
     user = None
         user = models.User.load(context, instance_id, username, host)
     except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e:
         raise exception.BadRequest(_("User show error: %(e)s")
                                    % {'e': e})
     if not user:
         raise exception.UserNotFound(uuid=id)
     view = views.UserView(user)
     return wsgi.Result(view.data(), 200)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def update_all(self, req, body, tenant_id, instance_id):
     """Change the password of one or more users."""
         _("Updating user password for instance '%(id)s'\n"
           "req : '%(req)s'\n\n") % {
               "id": instance_id,
               "req": strutils.mask_password(req)
     context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
     self.authorize_target_action(context, 'user:update_all', instance_id)
     context.notification = notification.DBaaSUserChangePassword(
         context, request=req)
     users = body['users']
     model_users = []
     with StartNotification(context,
                                [user['name'] for user in users])):
         for user in users:
                 mu = guest_models.MySQLUser(name=user['name'],
                 found_user = models.User.load(context, instance_id,
                                               mu.name, mu.host)
                 if not found_user:
                     user_and_host = mu.name
                     if mu.host:
                         user_and_host += '@' + mu.host
                     raise exception.UserNotFound(uuid=user_and_host)
             except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e:
                 raise exception.BadRequest(
                     _("Error loading user: %(e)s") % {'e': e})
             models.User.change_password(context, instance_id, model_users)
         except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e:
             raise exception.BadRequest(
                 _("User password update error: "
                   "%(e)s") % {'e': e})
     return wsgi.Result(None, 202)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def update(self, req, body, tenant_id, instance_id, user_id):
     """Grant access for a user to one or more databases."""
     LOG.info("Granting user access for instance '%(id)s'\n"
              "req : '%(req)s'\n\n",
              {"id": instance_id, "req": req})
     context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
         context, 'user_access:update', instance_id)
     context.notification = notification.DBaaSUserGrant(
         context, request=req)
     user_id = correct_id_with_req(user_id, req)
     user = self._get_user(context, instance_id, user_id)
     if not user:
         LOG.error("No such user: %(user)s ", {'user': user})
         raise exception.UserNotFound(uuid=user)
     username, hostname = unquote_user_host(user_id)
     databases = [db['name'] for db in body['databases']]
     with StartNotification(context, instance_id=instance_id,
                            username=username, database=databases):
         models.User.grant(context, instance_id, username, hostname,
     return wsgi.Result(None, 202)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def delete(self, req, tenant_id, instance_id, user_id, id):
     """Revoke access for a user."""
     LOG.info("Revoking user access for instance '%(id)s'\n"
              "req : '%(req)s'\n\n",
              {"id": instance_id, "req": req})
     context = req.environ[wsgi.CONTEXT_KEY]
         context, 'user_access:delete', instance_id)
     context.notification = notification.DBaaSUserRevoke(
         context, request=req)
     user_id = correct_id_with_req(user_id, req)
     user = self._get_user(context, instance_id, user_id)
     if not user:
         LOG.error("No such user: %(user)s ", {'user': user})
         raise exception.UserNotFound(uuid=user)
     username, hostname = unquote_user_host(user_id)
     access = models.User.access(context, instance_id, username, hostname)
     databases = [db.name for db in access.databases]
     with StartNotification(context, instance_id=instance_id,
                            username=username, database=databases):
         if id not in databases:
             raise exception.DatabaseNotFound(uuid=id)
         models.User.revoke(context, instance_id, username, hostname, id)
     return wsgi.Result(None, 202)