Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
	# Arguments and variables:
#	assert len(sys.argv) == 2
	n_inits = 0
	n_events = 0
	n_events_accepted = 0

	tags = ["event", "init"]
	controls = {}
	raws = {}
	for tag in tags:
		controls[tag] = {}
		controls[tag]["begin"] = False
		controls[tag]["end"] = False
		controls[tag]["inside"] = False
		raws[tag] = ""

	# Blank/create the output file:
	with open(lhe_out, "w") as file_out:
		file_out.write("<LesHouchesEvents version=\"1.0\">\n")

	# Start looping over the input file:
	with open(lhe_in, "r") as file_in:
		for line in file_in:                 # This method is good on memory, acting as an iterator.
	#		print line
			for tag, control in controls.iteritems():     # Tag is "event" or "init".
				if "<{}>".format(tag) in line:
					control["begin"] = True
					control["inside"] = True
					control["begin"] = False
				if "</{}>".format(tag) in line:
					control["end"] = True
					control["inside"] = False
					control["end"] = False
				if control["begin"]:
					raws[tag] = line
				elif control["inside"] or control["end"]:
					raws[tag] += line
			if controls["init"]["end"]:
				init = lhe.init(raws["init"])
				if init:
					if n_inits == 0:
						n_inits += 1
						with open(lhe_out, "a") as file_out:
							file_out.write(init.raw + "\n")
						print "ERROR: There is more than one \"init\" in the LHE file."
			if controls["event"]["end"]:
				event = lhe.event(raws["event"])
				if event:
					n_events += 1
					pts = [squark["pt"] for squark in event.squarks]
					ht = sum([quark["pt"] for quark in event.quarks])
					if cut_pt:
						if min(pts) > cut_pt:
							n_events_accepted += 1
							with open(lhe_out, "a") as file_out:
								file_out.write(event.raw + "\n")
					elif cut_ht:
						if ht >= cut_ht:
							n_events_accepted += 1
#							with open(lhe_out, "a") as file_out:
#								file_out.write(event.raw + "\n")

	with open(lhe_out, "a") as file_out:

	print n_inits, n_events, n_events_accepted, float(n_events_accepted)/n_events*100
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
	# Arguments and variables:
	assert len(sys.argv) == 2
	lhe_in = sys.argv[1]
	fname = lhe_in.split("/")[-1]
	if not os.path.exists(lhe_in):
		print "ERROR: There's no file called '{}'".format(lhe_in)
		return False
	cut_ht = 700
	cut_pt = 200
	n_total = 0
	n_passed_ht = 0
	n_passed_pt = 0
	tree = ET.parse(lhe_in)
	for i, event in enumerate(tree.findall("event")):
		e = lhe.event(event)
		n_total += 1
		if min([sq["pt"] for sq in e.squarks]) > cut_pt:
			n_passed_pt += 1
		if e.ht > cut_ht:
			n_passed_ht += 1
	print "Events:", n_total
	print "pT cut:", n_passed_pt
	print "HT cut:", n_passed_ht
	return True
	n_inits = 0
	n_events = 0
	n_events_accepted = 0

	tags = ["event", "init"]
	controls = {}
	raws = {}
	for tag in tags:
		controls[tag] = {}
		controls[tag]["begin"] = False
		controls[tag]["end"] = False
		controls[tag]["inside"] = False
		raws[tag] = ""
	# Start looping over the input file:
	with open(lhe_in, "r") as file_in:
		for line in file_in:                 # This method is good on memory, acting as an iterator.
	#		print line
			for tag, control in controls.iteritems():     # Tag is "event" or "init".
				if "<{}>".format(tag) in line:
					control["begin"] = True
					control["inside"] = True
					control["begin"] = False
				if "</{}>".format(tag) in line:
					control["end"] = True
					control["inside"] = False
					control["end"] = False
				if control["begin"]:
					raws[tag] = line
				elif control["inside"] or control["end"]:
					raws[tag] += line
			if controls["init"]["end"]:
				init = lhe.init(raws["init"])
				if init:
					if n_inits == 0:
						n_inits += 1
#						with open(lhe_out, "a") as file_out:
#							file_out.write(init.raw + "\n")
						print "ERROR: There is more than one \"init\" in the LHE file."
			if controls["event"]["end"]:
				event = lhe.event(raws["event"])
				if event:
					n_events += 1
					pts = [squark["pt"] for squark in event.squarks]
					ht = sum([quark["pt"] for quark in event.quarks])
					for pt in pts:
	print n_inits, n_events