Ejemplo n.º 1
def run(games, ratings, use_default_rating=False):
    """Update ratings based on games, and return new ratings

    GAMES is a list of dict objects, containing the following keys:

    players: a list of player identifiers
    rank:  a list of places in the game

    RATINGS is a dictionary of player identifiers matched with their
    (mu, sigma) rating.  RATINGS is modified in this function.

    If USE_DEFAULT_RATING is False, an error is thrown if a player
    in games is not in RATINGS.  Otherwise, the default mu and sigma
    are used.

    for game in games:
        players = []
        for k in xrange(len(game['players'])):
            p = Player()
            p.id = game['players'][k]
            p.rank = game['rank'][k]

            if ratings.has_key(p.id):
                p.skill = ratings[p.id]
            elif use_default_rating:
                p.skill = (trueskill.INITIAL_MU, trueskill.INITIAL_SIGMA)
                raise Exception("Rating missing for: %s" % p.id)
        for p in players:
            ratings[p.id] = p.skill
Ejemplo n.º 2
def calculate(p1,p2,winconstant):
    # The output of this program should match the output of the TrueSkill
    # calculator at:
    #   http://atom.research.microsoft.com/trueskill/rankcalculator.aspx
    # (Select game mode "custom", create 2 players each on their own team,
    # check the second "Draw?" box to indicate a tie for second place,
    # then click "Recalculate Skill Level Distribution".  The mu and sigma
    # values in the "after game" section should match what this program
    # prints.

    # The objects we pass to AdjustPlayers can be anything with skill and
    # rank attributes.  We'll create a simple Player class that has
    # nothing else.

    class Player(object):

    # Create two players.  Assign each of them the default skill.  The
    # player ranking (their "level") is mu-3*sigma, so the default skill
    # value corresponds to a level of 0.

    #ermac = Player()
    #ermac.skill = (25.0, 25.0/3.0)

    # The two players play a game.  Orc wins, Hurda is
    # lost.  The actual numerical values of the
    # ranks don't matter, they could be (1, 2) or (1, 2) or
    # (23, 45).  All that matters is that a smaller rank beats a
    # larger one, and equal ranks indicate draws.

    #ermac.rank = 2

    # Do the computation to find each player's new skill estimate.

    trueskill.AdjustPlayers([p1, p2],winconstant)
    return (p1,p2)
    # Print the results.

    msg = " p1: mu={0[0]:.3f}  sigma={0[1]:.3f} <br>".format(p1.skill)
    msg += " p2: mu={0[0]:.3f}  sigma={0[1]:.3f}".format(p2.skill)
    return msg
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def calc_ranks_py(self, players, ranks, db):
        class TrueSkillPlayer(object):
            def __init__(self, name, skill, rank):
                self.name = name
                self.old_skill = skill
                self.skill = skill
                self.rank = rank

        ts_players = []
        for i, p in enumerate(players):
            pdata = db.get_player((p, ))
                TrueSkillPlayer(i, (pdata[0][6], pdata[0][7]), ranks[i]))

        except Exception, e:
            log.error("trueskill-py: " + e)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def process_replay(replayidx, replay):
    global NrGames

    if "error" in replay:
        return False

    botidx = [getbotidx(name) for name in replay["playernames"]]

    for gameidx in range(len(botidx)):
        bot = Bots[botidx[gameidx]]
        bot.addgame(replayidx, gameidx, replay["status"][gameidx])
        myscore = replay["score"][gameidx]
        myrank = replay["rank"][gameidx]
        for othergameidx in range(len(botidx)):
            otheridx = botidx[othergameidx]
            if botidx[gameidx] == otheridx:

            otherscore = replay["score"][othergameidx]
            otherrank = replay["rank"][othergameidx]

            if myscore > otherscore:
                assert myrank < otherrank
                bot.addmatch(otheridx, +1)
            elif myscore == otherscore:
                assert myrank == otherrank
                bot.addmatch(otheridx, 0)
                assert myrank > otherrank
                bot.addmatch(otheridx, -1)

    bots = [Bots[botidx[i]] for i in range(len(botidx))]
    for i in range(len(bots)):
        bots[i].rank = replay["rank"][i]

    NrGames += 1
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
# value corresponds to a level of 0.

orc = Player()
orc.skill = (25.0, 25.0 / 3.0)

hurda = Player()
hurda.skill = (25.0, 25.0 / 3.0)

#ermac = Player()
#ermac.skill = (25.0, 25.0/3.0)

# The two players play a game.  Orc wins, Hurda is
# lost.  The actual numerical values of the
# ranks don't matter, they could be (1, 2) or (1, 2) or
# (23, 45).  All that matters is that a smaller rank beats a
# larger one, and equal ranks indicate draws.

orc.rank = 1
hurda.rank = 2
#ermac.rank = 2

# Do the computation to find each player's new skill estimate.

trueskill.AdjustPlayers([orc, hurda])

# Print the results.

print(" Orc: mu={0[0]:.3f}  sigma={0[1]:.3f}".format(orc.skill))
print(" Hurda: mu={0[0]:.3f}  sigma={0[1]:.3f}".format(hurda.skill))
#print(" Ermac: mu={0[0]:.3f}  sigma={0[1]:.3f}".format(ermac.skill))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    parser.add_option("-s", "--shelf")
    opts, args = parser.parse_args()

    player_index = defaultdict(Player)

    if opts.shelf:
        with closing(shelve.open(opts.shelf)) as p:

    if opts.input:
        with open(opts.input) as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f)
            for row in reader:
                winner = int(row[4])
                p_objs = []
                for i, p in enumerate(row[:4]):
                    p_obj = player_index[p]
                    p_obj.rank = 1 if i == winner else 2

        if opts.shelf:
            with closing(shelve.open(opts.shelf)) as p:

    for p in sorted(player_index,
                    key=lambda l: player_index[l].skill,
        pl = player_index[p]
        print "{0}: mu={1[0]:.3f} sigma={1[1]:.3f}".format(p, pl.skill)
Ejemplo n.º 7
darren.skill = (25.0, 25.0/3.0)

# The four players play a game.  Alice wins, Bob and Chris tie for
# second, Darren comes in last.  The actual numerical values of the
# ranks don't matter, they could be (1, 2, 2, 4) or (1, 2, 2, 3) or
# (23, 45, 45, 67).  All that matters is that a smaller rank beats a
# larger one, and equal ranks indicate draws.

alice.rank = 1
bob.rank = 2
chris.rank = 2
darren.rank = 4

# Do the computation to find each player's new skill estimate.

trueskill.AdjustPlayers([alice, bob, chris, darren])

# Print the results.

print(" Alice: mu={0[0]:.3f}  sigma={0[1]:.3f}".format(alice.skill))
print("   Bob: mu={0[0]:.3f}  sigma={0[1]:.3f}".format(bob.skill))
print(" Chris: mu={0[0]:.3f}  sigma={0[1]:.3f}".format(chris.skill))
print("Darren: mu={0[0]:.3f}  sigma={0[1]:.3f}".format(darren.skill))

########NEW FILE########
__FILENAME__ = trueskill

# Copyright 2010 Doug Zongker
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
    global MINGAMES

    trueskill.SetParameters(beta=25.0 / 3.0, draw_probability=0.3)

    with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as filp:
        settings = json.load(filp)

    if "mingames" in settings:
        MINGAMES = settings["mingames"]

    maps = helpers.listmaps(settings["ants"] + "maps")
    gameid = getfirstgameid()

    staticbots = [StaticBot(cmd) for cmd in settings["static"]]
    tunegroups = [TuneGroup(group) for group in settings["tune"]]

    while True:
        seedbot = tunegroups[0].run()
        otherbots = staticbots + [
            bot for group in tunegroups
            for bot in group.population if bot != seedbot

        maprec = random.choice(maps)
        print "Game {gameid}: {maprec[players]} player map {maprec[path]}".format(

        mapbots = [seedbot] + random.sample(otherbots, maprec["players"] - 1)

        botcmds = [bot.getcmd() for bot in mapbots]
        for idx in range(len(botcmds)):
            cmd = botcmds[idx]
            skill = mapbots[idx].skill
            print "  ", "({mu:3}, {sigma:3}):".format(
                mu=skill[0], sigma=skill[1]), cmd[cmd.rfind('/') + 1:]

        args = [
            settings["ants"] + "playgame.py",
        ] + botcmds

        with open('tune_logs/{0}.replay'.format(gameid), 'r') as filp:
            replay = json.load(filp)
            if "error" in replay:
                print "An error occurred"
                print replay["error"]

            rank = replay["rank"]
            print "   Ranks:", ', '.join([str(r) for r in rank])
            for idx in range(len(rank)):
                mapbots[idx].rank = rank[idx]
                mapbots[idx].nrgames += 1

        print "  ", ', '.join("{name} ({mu:3}, {sigma:3})".format(
            name=bot.getname(), mu=bot.skill[0], sigma=bot.skill[1])
                              for bot in mapbots)

        gameid += 1
Ejemplo n.º 9
import sys
import trueskill
import json

class MyDict(dict):
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return self[name]

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        self[name] = value

data = json.loads(sys.argv[1])
data = [MyDict(j) for j in data]
print json.dumps(data)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        line_count = int(f.read())
    with open(play_log) as f:
        history = islice(f, line_count, line_count+BATCH_SIZE)
        i = 0
        for row in history:
            i += 1
            m = RE_LOGLINE.match(row)
            if m:
                winner = m.group('winner')
                players= []
                for p_name in ['player1','player2','player3','player4']:
                    p_obj = player_index[m.group(p_name)]
                    p_obj.rank = 1 if m.group(p_name) == winner else 2
    with open(P_LC,'w') as f:
    with closing(shelve.open(P_ESTIM)) as p:
body = ''
body += '<p>Previously processed {0} games. Now processed {1} new games. We have {2} players.</p>'.format(line_count,i,len(player_index))
for p in sorted(player_index, key=lambda l:player_index[l].skill, reverse=True):
    pl = player_index[p]
    body += "<p>{0}: mu={1[0]:.3f} sigma={1[1]:.3f}</p>".format(p, pl.skill)