def decide_on_players( bot_ids: Iterable[BotID], rank_sys: RankingSystem, ticket_sys: TicketSystem) -> Tuple[List[BotID], List[BotID]]: """ Find two balanced teams. The TicketSystem and the RankingSystem to find a fair match up between some bots that haven't played for a while. """ limit = 200 tries_left = limit while tries_left > 0: tries_left -= 1 # Pick some bots that haven't played for a while picked = ticket_sys.pick_bots(bot_ids) shuffle(picked) ratings = [rank_sys.get(bot) for bot in picked] blue = tuple(ratings[0:3]) orange = tuple(ratings[3:6]) # Is this a fair match? required_fairness = min(tries_left / limit, MIN_REQ_FAIRNESS) if trueskill.quality([blue, orange]) >= required_fairness: print( f"Match: {picked[0:3]} vs {picked[3:6]}\nMatch quality: {trueskill.quality([blue, orange])}" ) ticket_sys.choose(picked, bot_ids) return picked[0:3], picked[3:6] raise Exception("Failed to find a fair match")
def match_quality(player_skills: {int: trueskill.TrueSkill}, team1: [Player], team2: [Player]) -> float: teams = ( [player_skills[player.player_id] for player in team1], [player_skills[player.player_id] for player in team2], ) return trueskill.quality(teams)
def suggest_match(players=p, team_size=3): teams = itertools.combinations(players, team_size) for player in players: if player not in p: p[player] = Player(player) elo_pred = [] ts_pred = [] for team in teams: t1_n = list(team) t2_n_comb = [x for x in players if x not in team] for t2_n in itertools.combinations(t2_n_comb, team_size): t2_n = list(t2_n) t1_elo = [p[x].last_rating(ELO_MODEL) for x in team] t2_elo = [ p[x].last_rating(ELO_MODEL) for x in players if x not in team ] t1_ts = [p[x].last_rating(TRUESKILL_MODEL) for x in team] t2_ts = [ p[x].last_rating(TRUESKILL_MODEL) for x in players if x not in team ] t1_p, t2_p = elo.predict_winner(t1_elo, t2_elo) elo_pred.append((abs(t1_p - t2_p), t1_n, t2_n)) ts_pred.append((ts.quality([t1_ts, t2_ts]), t1_n, t2_n)) return (min(elo_pred), max(ts_pred))
def matchmake(ratings, players): rated_a = [] rated_b = [] ties = [0] matches_a = [] matches_b = [] attempt = 0 for team_a in list(itertools.combinations(players, 5)): team_b = [x for x in players if x not in team_a] rated_a = [] rated_b = [] for player in team_a: rated_a.append(ratings[player]) for player in team_b: rated_b.append(ratings[player]) quality = trueskill.quality([rated_a, rated_b]) if quality > ties[0]: matches_a.insert(0, team_a) matches_b.insert(0, team_b) ties.insert(0, quality) debug("{}: {:.1%} chance to draw".format(attempt, ties[0])) attempt += 1 return matches_a, matches_b, ties
def quality_with(self, other: 'Search') -> float: assert all(other.raw_ratings) assert other.players team1 = [Rating(*rating) for rating in self.ratings] team2 = [Rating(*rating) for rating in other.ratings] return quality([team1, team2])
def calculate_quality_of_game_teams( team1: Iterable['Skill'], team2: Iterable['Skill']) -> (int, int): """ Calculate the quality of the game, which is the likelihood of the game being a draw (evenly balanced). Returns a tuple of ints -- percentages, - The first being the quality if team1 has their best roster on and team2 has their worst, - The second being the quality if team1 has their worst roster on and team2 has their best. """ favouring_team1 = trueskill.quality(rating_groups=[ Skill._get_maximum_clout_team_rating_group(team1), Skill._get_minimum_clout_team_rating_group(team2) ]) favouring_team2 = trueskill.quality(rating_groups=[ Skill._get_minimum_clout_team_rating_group(team1), Skill._get_maximum_clout_team_rating_group(team2) ]) return int(favouring_team1 * 100), int(favouring_team2 * 100)
def decide_on_players_2(bot_ids: Iterable[BotID], rank_sys: RankingSystem, ticket_sys: TicketSystem) -> Tuple[List[BotID], List[BotID]]: """ Find two balanced teams. The TicketSystem and the RankingSystem to find a fair match up between some bots that haven't played for a while. """ # Composing a team of the best player + the worst two players will likely yield a balanced match (0, 4, 5). # These represent a few arrangements like that which seem reasonable to try, they will be checked against # the trueskill system. likely_balances = [(0, 4, 5), (0, 3, 5), (0, 2, 5), (0, 3, 4)] # Experimental average quality based on limit: # 1000: 0.4615 # 400: 0.460 # 100: 0.457 # 10: 0.448 num_bot_groups_to_test = 400 # How much we value the tightness of rating distribution in a given match. # A higher number will yield matches with similarly skilled bots, but potentially lower probability of a draw. tightness_weight = 1.0 tries_left = num_bot_groups_to_test best_quality_found = 0 best_score_found = 0 best_match = None chosen_balance = None while tries_left > 0: tries_left -= 1 # Pick some bots that haven't played for a while picked = ticket_sys.pick_bots(bot_ids) candidates = [Candidate(bot, rank_sys.get(bot)) for bot in picked] candidates.sort(key=lambda c: float(c.rating), reverse=True) tightness = 1 / (numpy.std([float(c.rating) for c in candidates]) + 1) for balance in likely_balances: blue_candidates = candidates[balance[0]], candidates[balance[1]], candidates[balance[2]] orange_candidates = [c for c in candidates if c not in blue_candidates] quality = trueskill.quality([[c.rating for c in blue_candidates], [c.rating for c in orange_candidates]]) score = quality + tightness * tightness_weight if score > best_score_found: best_score_found = score best_quality_found = quality best_match = (blue_candidates, orange_candidates) chosen_balance = balance blue_ids = [c.bot_id for c in best_match[0]] orange_ids = [c.bot_id for c in best_match[1]] tickets_consumed = sum([ticket_sys.get_ensured(b) for b in blue_ids + orange_ids]) print(f"Match: {blue_ids} vs {orange_ids}\nMatch quality: {best_quality_found} score: {best_score_found} " f"Rank pattern: {chosen_balance}") ticket_sys.choose(blue_ids + orange_ids, bot_ids) return blue_ids, orange_ids
def quality(self, team_format): setup = [] for n, team in enumerate(team_format): setup.append([]) for m in team: player = self.players[m] setup[n].append( trueskill.Rating(, sigma=player.sigma)) return trueskill.quality(setup)
def test_compatibility_with_another_rating_systems(): """All rating system modules should implement ``rate_1vs1`` and ``quality_1vs1`` to provide shortcuts for 1 vs 1 simple competition games. """ r1, r2 = Rating(30, 3), Rating(20, 2) assert quality_1vs1(r1, r2) == quality([(r1, ), (r2, )]) rated = rate([(r1, ), (r2, )]) assert rate_1vs1(r1, r2) == (rated[0][0], rated[1][0]) rated = rate([(r1, ), (r2, )], [0, 0]) assert rate_1vs1(r1, r2, drawn=True) == (rated[0][0], rated[1][0])
def test_deprecated_individual_rating_groups(): r1, r2, r3 = Rating(50, 1), Rating(10, 5), Rating(15, 5) with raises(TypeError): deprecated_call(rate, [r1, r2, r3]) with raises(TypeError): deprecated_call(quality, [r1, r2, r3]) assert t.transform_ratings([r1, r2, r3]) == rate([(r1,), (r2,), (r3,)]) assert t.match_quality([r1, r2, r3]) == quality([(r1,), (r2,), (r3,)]) deprecated_call(t.transform_ratings, [r1, r2, r3]) deprecated_call(t.match_quality, [r1, r2, r3])
def save_to_database(self, winner_team, db, update=False): if update is False: db.add_game(self) # Ratings der einzelnen Spieler laden (mu und sigma können auch explizit übergeben werden) ratings = [ player.rating for player in [self.player1, self.player2, self.player3, self.player4] ] print("Initial player ratings:") for rating in ratings: print(rating) # Teams zuweisen # TODO: Teams variabel machen team1 = ratings[0:2] team2 = ratings[2:4] print('{:.1%} chance to draw'.format(trueskill.quality([team1, team2]))) if trueskill.quality([team1, team2]) < 0.50: print('This match seems to be not so fair') # neue Bewertungen anhand des Ergebnisses berechnen if winner_team == 1: (self.player1.rating, self.player2.rating), (self.player3.rating, self.player4.rating) = trueskill.rate( [team1, team2], ranks=[0, 1]) # Team1 wins (rank lower) elif winner_team == 2: (self.player1.rating, self.player2.rating), (self.player3.rating, self.player4.rating) = trueskill.rate( [team1, team2], ranks=[1, 0]) # Team2 wins (rank lower) # save updated skills to database for player in [self.player1, self.player2, self.player3, self.player4]: db.update_player_skill(player)
def test_compatibility_with_another_rating_systems(): """All rating system modules should implement ``rate_1vs1`` and ``quality_1vs1`` to provide shortcuts for 1 vs 1 simple competition games. """ r1, r2 = Rating(30, 3), Rating(20, 2) assert quality_1vs1(r1, r2) == quality([(r1,), (r2,)]) rated = rate([(r1,), (r2,)]) assert rate_1vs1(r1, r2) == (rated[0][0], rated[1][0]) rated = rate([(r1,), (r2,)], [0, 0]) assert rate_1vs1(r1, r2, drawn=True) == (rated[0][0], rated[1][0])
def test_deprecated_individual_rating_groups(): r1, r2, r3 = Rating(50, 1), Rating(10, 5), Rating(15, 5) with raises(TypeError): deprecated_call(rate, [r1, r2, r3]) with raises(TypeError): deprecated_call(quality, [r1, r2, r3]) assert t.transform_ratings([r1, r2, r3]) == rate([(r1, ), (r2, ), (r3, )]) assert t.match_quality([r1, r2, r3]) == quality([(r1, ), (r2, ), (r3, )]) deprecated_call(t.transform_ratings, [r1, r2, r3]) deprecated_call(t.match_quality, [r1, r2, r3])
def balance(queue): size = len(queue) // 2 best_score = 0 best_teams = None for team1 in itertools.combinations(queue[1:], size - 1): team1 = queue[:1] + list(team1) team2 = [x for x in queue if x not in team1] team1_rating = list(map(lambda id: state.get_rating(id), team1)) team2_rating = list(map(lambda id: state.get_rating(id), team2)) score = trueskill.quality([team1_rating, team2_rating]) if score > best_score: best_score = score best_teams = (team1, team2) return best_teams
def skill_is_match_fair(team_1_elo, team_2_elo, fairness_threshold): # Ensure order is enforced before stripping values from keys team_1_elo_sort = OrderedDict(sorted(team_1_elo.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])) team_2_elo_sort = OrderedDict(sorted(team_2_elo.items(), key=lambda t: t[1])) # Holds stripped ratings team_1_ratings = skill_to_rating_array(team_1_elo_sort) team_2_ratings = skill_to_rating_array(team_2_elo_sort) fairness = quality([team_1_ratings, team_2_ratings]) if fairness >= fairness_threshold: return True return False
def get_match_quality(self, match): team_a, team_b = match[0], match[1] # Two teams in one match, number of rounds ignored if len(match[0]) == len(match[1]): team_a_skills = [self.get_player_skill(p) for p in team_a] team_a_skills = self.__modify_team_sigmas_by_mu_ratio(team_a_skills) team_b_skills = [self.get_player_skill(p) for p in team_b] team_b_skills = self.__modify_team_sigmas_by_mu_ratio(team_b_skills) return quality([team_a_skills, team_b_skills]) else: # Unmatched teams, aggregate team skill and rate as 1vs1 skill_team_a = self.get_team_skill(team_a) skill_team_b = self.get_team_skill(team_b) return quality_1vs1(skill_team_a, skill_team_b)
def create_match(available_players): if len(available_players)>=4: games_list=[] #berechne alle moeglichen paarungen for player_1 in available_players: for player_2 in available_players: if player_2==player_1: continue for player_3 in available_players: if player_3==player_1 or player_3==player_2: continue for player_4 in available_players: if player_4==player_1 or player_4==player_2 or player_4==player_3: continue games_list.append([[player_1,player_2],[player_3,player_4]]) best_game=games_list[0] for game in games_list: if quality(game)>quality(best_game): best_game=game #waehle alle spiele, welche in der qualitaet nur um 0% vom besten spiel abweichen best_games=[] for game in games_list: if quality(game)>(quality(best_game)-1*quality(best_game)): best_games.append(game) #print(len(games_list),len(best_games)) #waehle aus dieser liste die spiele aus, wo in summe am seltensten gespielt wurde best_number=(best_game[0][0].number_games+best_game[0][1].number_games+best_game[1][1].number_games+best_game[1][0].number_games) for game in best_games: game_number=(game[0][0].number_games+game[0][1].number_games+game[1][1].number_games+game[1][0].number_games) if game_number<best_number: best_game=game games_list=[best_game] for game in best_games: game_number=(game[0][0].number_games+game[0][1].number_games+game[1][1].number_games+game[1][0].number_games) if (game_number-game_number)<(best_number): games_list.append(game) return games_list
def extract_team_from_combinations_of_team(self): """ 4:4チームの全組み合わせのうち、team1の勝率が3-7割のものを抽出 """ for t1, t2 in zip(self.c_team1, self.c_team2): t1_rate=[] t2_rate=[] for name1, name2 in zip(t1, t2): t1_rate.append(Rating(self.player_d[name1])) t2_rate.append(Rating(self.player_d[name2])) win_rate = float(win_probability(t1_rate, t2_rate)) draw_rate = float(quality([(t1_rate), (t2_rate)])) if (win_rate >= 0.3) & (win_rate <= 0.7): self.possible_team1.append(list(t1)) self.possible_team2.append(list(t2)) self.possible_team1_win_rate.append(win_rate)
def calculate_ratings(ratings, player_list, games): for i, row in games.iterrows(): team_a = [] team_b = [] result = 2 # 2 is tie in the csv for j, column in row.iteritems(): if j.startswith("TeamA"): team_a.append(column) elif j.startswith("TeamB"): team_b.append(column) elif j == "Winner": result = column else: raise (Exception) rated_a = [] rated_b = [] for player in team_a: rated_a.append(ratings[player]) for player in team_b: rated_b.append(ratings[player]) debug('{:.1%} chance to draw'.format( trueskill.quality([rated_a, rated_b]))) if result == 0: rated_a, rated_b = trueskill.rate([rated_a, rated_b], ranks=[0, 1]) elif result == 1: rated_a, rated_b = trueskill.rate([rated_a, rated_b], ranks=[1, 0]) else: rated_a, rated_b = trueskill.rate([rated_a, rated_b], ranks=[0, 0]) for player, rating in zip(team_a, rated_a): ratings[player] = rating for player, rating in zip(team_b, rated_b): ratings[player] = rating return ratings
def make_teams(players, guildid, pool=10): ''' Make teams based on rating. :param players: list of userid of participating players :param pool: number of matches to generate from which the best is chosen :return: t (list of userids), ct (list of userids), predicted quality of match ''' player_ratings = {id: get_skill(id, guildid) for id in players} t = ct = [] best_quality = 0.0 for i in range(pool): random.shuffle(players) team_size = len(players) // 2 t1 = {id: player_ratings[id] for id in players[:team_size]} t2 = {id: player_ratings[id] for id in players[team_size:]} quality = ts.quality([t1, t2]) if quality > best_quality: t = list(t1.keys()) ct = list(t2.keys()) best_quality = quality return t, ct, best_quality
def suggest_teams(player_skills: {int: trueskill.Rating}): players = frozenset(player_skills.keys()) max_team_size = min(len(players) // 2, MAX_PLAYERS_PER_TEAM) min_team_size = max(1, len(players) - MAX_PLAYERS_PER_TEAM) teams_seen = set() for r in range(min_team_size, max_team_size + 1): for team1 in itertools.combinations(players, r): team2 = tuple(players - frozenset(team1)) if team1 in teams_seen or team2 in teams_seen: continue teams_seen.add(team1) teams_seen.add(team2) team1_skills = [player_skills[player_id] for player_id in team1] team2_skills = [player_skills[player_id] for player_id in team2] quality = trueskill.quality((team1_skills, team2_skills)) p_win = win_probability(trueskill.global_env(), team1_skills, team2_skills) yield team1, team2, quality, p_win
def get_match_qualities(self, players_present): players_per_team = int(len(players_present) / 2) teams = list(itertools.combinations(players_present, players_per_team)) seen_matches = set() match_qualities = [] # TODO(edgard): Instead of hardcoding IDs, we should support setting # a cvar (e.g. "seta qlx_oloraculoDontMix 1234:5678,1234:9987"). This # can be done in the client and doesn't require restarting. # toro = 76561198282206581 # mandiok = 76561198257902041 for team_a in teams: for team_b in teams: match_key = repr(sorted((sorted(team_a), sorted(team_b)))) if list(set(team_a) & set(team_b)) or match_key in seen_matches: continue # if ((toro in team_a and mandiok in team_a) or # (toro in team_b and mandiok in team_b)): # continue seen_matches.add(match_key) team_a_ratings = [ self.get_player_ratings(player_id) for player_id in team_a ] team_b_ratings = [ self.get_player_ratings(player_id) for player_id in team_b ] quality = trueskill.quality([team_a_ratings, team_b_ratings]) match_qualities.append([quality, [team_a, team_b]]) return match_qualities
def match_quality(team1, team2): t1_elo, t2_elo, t1_ts, t2_ts = [], [], [], [] for player in team1: if player not in p: t1_elo.append(ELO_DEFAULT_RATING) t1_ts.append(Rating()) else: t1_elo.append(p[player].last_rating(ELO_MODEL)) t1_ts.append(p[player].last_rating(TRUESKILL_MODEL)) for player in team2: if player not in p: t2_elo.append(ELO_DEFAULT_RATING) t2_ts.append(Rating()) else: t2_elo.append(p[player].last_rating(ELO_MODEL)) t2_ts.append(p[player].last_rating(TRUESKILL_MODEL)) elo_pred = elo.predict_winner(t1_elo, t2_elo) elo_quality = 1 - abs(elo_pred[0] - elo_pred[1]) ts_quality = ts.quality([t1_ts, t2_ts]) return (elo_quality, ts_quality)
def trueskill(df): """ creates trueskill ratings ... Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame games dataframe Returns ------- df: pd.DataFrame with trueskill ratings added """ ratings = {} for x in df.home_team.unique(): ratings[x] = Rating(25) for x in df.away_team.unique(): ratings[x] = Rating(25) for x in df.home_goalie_id.unique(): ratings[x] = Rating(25) for x in df.away_goalie_id.unique(): ratings[x] = Rating(25) ts_quality = [] goalie_ts_diff = [] team_ts_diff = [] home_goalie_ts = [] away_goalie_ts = [] home_team_ts = [] away_team_ts = [] df = df.sort_values(by='date').copy() for i, r in df.iterrows(): # get pre-match trueskill ratings from dict match = [(ratings[r.home_team], ratings[r.home_goalie_id]), (ratings[r.away_team], ratings[r.away_goalie_id])] ts_quality.append(quality(match)) goalie_ts_diff.append(ratings[r.home_goalie_id].mu - ratings[r.away_goalie_id].mu) team_ts_diff.append(ratings[r.home_team].mu - ratings[r.away_team].mu) home_goalie_ts.append(ratings[r.home_goalie_id].mu) away_goalie_ts.append(ratings[r.away_goalie_id].mu) home_team_ts.append(ratings[r.home_team].mu) away_team_ts.append(ratings[r.away_team].mu) if < # update ratings dictionary with post-match ratings if r.home_team_win: match = [(ratings[r.home_team], ratings[r.home_goalie_id]), (ratings[r.away_team], ratings[r.away_goalie_id])] [(ratings[r.home_team], ratings[r.home_goalie_id]), (ratings[r.away_team], ratings[r.away_goalie_id])] = rate(match) else: match = [(ratings[r.away_team], ratings[r.away_goalie_id]), (ratings[r.home_team], ratings[r.home_goalie_id])] [(ratings[r.away_team], ratings[r.away_goalie_id]), (ratings[r.home_team], ratings[r.home_goalie_id])] = rate(match) df['ts_game_quality'] = ts_quality df['goalie_ts_diff'] = goalie_ts_diff df['team_ts_diff'] = team_ts_diff df['home_goalie_ts'] = home_goalie_ts df['away_goalie_ts'] = away_goalie_ts df['home_team_ts'] = home_team_ts df['away_team_ts'] = away_team_ts return df
alice, bob = Rating(25), Rating(30) # assign Alice and Bob's ratings if quality_1vs1(alice, bob) < 0.50: print('This match seems to be not so fair') alice, bob = rate_1vs1(alice, bob) # update the ratings after the match print('\n\nHey there') r1 = Rating() r2 = Rating() print('{:.1%} chance to draw'.format(quality_1vs1(r1, r2))) new_r1, new_r2 = rate_1vs1(r1, r2, drawn=True) print(new_r1) print(new_r2) r1 = Rating() # 1P's skill r2 = Rating() # 2P's skill r3 = Rating() # 3P's skill t1 = [r1] # Team A contains just 1P t2 = [r2, r3] # Team B contains 2P and 3P print('{:.1%} chance to draw'.format(quality([t1, t2]))) #13.5% chance to draw (new_r1, ), (new_r2, new_r3) = rate([t1, t2], ranks=[0, 1]) print(new_r1) #trueskill.Rating(mu=33.731, sigma=7.317) print(new_r2) #trueskill.Rating(mu=16.269, sigma=7.317) print(new_r3)
def truelearn_model(records, init_skill=0., def_var=None, tau=0., beta_sqr=0., threshold=0.5, engage_func=None, draw_probability="static", draw_factor=.1, positive_only=True): """This model calculates trueskill given all positive skill using the real trueskill factorgraph. Args: records [[val]]: list of vectors for each event of the user. Format of vector [session, time, timeframe_id, topic_id, topic_cov ..., label] Returns: accuracy (float): accuracy for all observations concordance ([bool]): the concordance between actual and predicted values """ num_records = float(len(records)) if num_records <= 1: return 0., [], int(num_records), False user_model = {"mean": {}, "variance": {}} topics_covered = set() actual = [1 / 1000000000] # as the draw probability cant be zero predicted = [] stats = defaultdict(int) prev_label = None for idx, event in enumerate(records): # calculate if the user is going to engage with this resource topic_vec = event[1:-1] topic_dict = get_topic_dict(topic_vec) # setup trueskill environment if draw_probability == "static": # _draw_probability = float(0.5932538086581619) # population success rate _draw_probability = 1. else: # compute novelty prob _draw_probability = float(np.mean(actual)) # _draw_probability = float(novel_prob) # individual.. majority model _draw_probability *= draw_factor _draw_probability = 1 - 1 / 1000000000 if _draw_probability == 1. else _draw_probability trueskill.setup(mu=0.0, sigma=1 / 1000000000, beta=float(np.sqrt(beta_sqr)), tau=tau, draw_probability=_draw_probability, backend="mpmath") # track unique topic encountered topics_covered |= set(topic_dict.keys()) # create_teams team_learner = tuple() team_mean_learner = [] team_content = tuple() team_mean_content = [] topic_seq = [] for topic, coverage in topic_dict.items(): topic_seq.append(topic) # get user skill rating tmp_learner_skill = user_model["mean"].get(topic, init_skill) learner_skill = trueskill.Rating( mu=tmp_learner_skill, sigma=np.sqrt(user_model["variance"].get(topic, def_var))) team_learner += (learner_skill, ) team_mean_learner.append(tmp_learner_skill) # get skill coverage tmp_content_topic = coverage topic_cov = trueskill.Rating(mu=tmp_content_topic, sigma=1 / 1000000000) team_content += (topic_cov, ) team_mean_content.append(tmp_content_topic) # check if user engages pred_prob = trueskill.quality([team_learner, team_content]) prediction = int(pred_prob >= threshold) # if user engages, update the model label = event[-1] # if label is negative and setting is positive only, skip updating if positive_only and label != 1: pass else: # if positive if label == 1: # learner wins new_team_learner, _ = trueskill.rate( [team_learner, team_content], ranks=[0, 0]) else: # if the person is not engaged... # check if the winner is learner or content difference = np.sum(team_mean_learner) - np.sum( team_mean_content) if difference > 0.: # learner wins new_team_learner, _ = trueskill.rate( [team_learner, team_content], ranks=[0, 1]) elif difference < 0.: # learner loses _, new_team_learner = trueskill.rate( [team_content, team_learner], ranks=[0, 1]) else: new_team_learner = team_learner for _idx, topic in enumerate(topic_seq): user_model["mean"][topic], user_model["variance"][ topic] = new_team_learner[_idx].mu, new_team_learner[ _idx].sigma**2 # if not first element, calculate accuracy if idx != 0: if label != prev_label: stats["change_label"] += 1 actual.append(label) predicted.append(prediction) prev_label = label stats = dict(stats) stats["num_topics"] = len(topics_covered) accuracy, precision, recall, f1, stats = get_summary_stats( actual[1:], predicted, num_records, stats=stats, user_model=user_model) return accuracy, precision, recall, f1, int(num_records), stats
def draw_probability(self, team1, team2): r1 = [p.get_rating() for p in team1] r2 = [p.get_rating() for p in team2] return trueskill.quality([r1, r2], weights=self.team_weights(team1, team2))
def decide_on_players_3(bot_ids: Iterable[BotID], rank_sys: RankingSystem, ticket_sys: TicketSystem) -> Tuple[List[BotID], List[BotID]]: """ Find two balanced teams. The TicketSystem and the RankingSystem to find a fair match up between some bots that haven't played for a while. """ # Higher ticket strength produces a more uniform distribution of matches played, adjust by increments of 0.1 TICKET_STRENGTH = 1 # Higher MMR tolerance allows accurately rated bots to play in more "distant" MMR matches, adjust by increments of 1 MMR_TOLERANCE = 4 # Max attempts to build match of quality >= MIN_QUALITY MAX_ITERATIONS = 20 MIN_QUALITY = 0.4 rank_sys.ensure_all(bot_ids) ticket_sys.ensure(bot_ids) best_quality = 0 best_match = None max_tickets = max([ticket_sys.get(bot_id) for bot_id in bot_ids]) for i in range(MAX_ITERATIONS): # Get Leader Bot (choose randomly between bots with highest tickets) possible_leaders = [bot_id for bot_id, tickets in if tickets == max_tickets and bot_id in bot_ids] leader = numpy.random.choice(possible_leaders) # Get MU for Leader bot, that will be the match mmr match_mmr = rank_sys.get(leader).mu # Score all bots based on probability to perform at target mmr, scaled by amount of tickets candidates = [Candidate(bot_id, rank_sys.get(bot_id)) for bot_id in bot_ids if bot_id != leader] scores = [] for c in candidates: # Calculate probability to perform at desired mmr performance_prob = pdf(match_mmr,, sigma=math.sqrt(c.rating.sigma**2 + MMR_TOLERANCE**2)) # Calculate weighting factor based on tickets tickets = ticket_sys.get(c.bot_id) tickets_weight = tickets ** TICKET_STRENGTH # Calculate candidate score scores.append(performance_prob * tickets_weight) # Pick 5 bots randomly based on their score probs = numpy.asarray(scores) / sum(scores) players = list(numpy.random.choice(candidates, size=5, p=probs, replace=False)) players.append(Candidate(leader, rank_sys.get(leader))) # Get the highest quality match with the 6 chosen bots combinations = list(itertools.combinations(players, 3)) possible_matches = len(combinations) // 2 blue_combs = combinations[:possible_matches] orange_combs = combinations[:possible_matches-1:-1] for i in range(possible_matches): blue_team = blue_combs[i] orange_team = orange_combs[i] quality = trueskill.quality([[c.rating for c in blue_team], [c.rating for c in orange_team]]) if quality > best_quality: best_quality = quality best_match = (blue_team, orange_team) if best_quality >= MIN_QUALITY: break # We sort by get_mmr() because it considers sigma blue_ids = sorted([c.bot_id for c in best_match[0]], key=lambda id: rank_sys.get_mmr(id), reverse=True) orange_ids = sorted([c.bot_id for c in best_match[1]], key=lambda id: rank_sys.get_mmr(id), reverse=True) tickets_consumed = sum([ticket_sys.get_ensured(b) for b in blue_ids + orange_ids]) print(f"Match: {blue_ids} vs {orange_ids}\nMatch quality: {best_quality} Tickets consumed: {tickets_consumed}") ticket_sys.choose(blue_ids + orange_ids, bot_ids) return blue_ids, orange_ids
def test_list_instead_of_tuple(): r1, r2 = Rating(), Rating() assert rate([[r1], [r2]]) == rate([(r1, ), (r2, )]) assert quality([[r1], [r2]]) == quality([(r1, ), (r2, )])
def skill_calculate_match_quality(party_1_roster, party_2_roster): """ Calculates quality of match between 2 rosters - Takes 2 arrays of Rating objects """ return quality([tuple(party_1_roster), tuple(party_2_roster)])
def get_quality(): (ranked, _) = build_ranked() return {'quality': trueskill.quality(ranked) * 100}
def update(self, message, client): ''' Updates this item from the message dictionary supplied ''' self.client = client self.title = message['title'] = message['host'] # Maps integral team numbers (from 2, with 1 "none") to lists of names. teams_map = dict.copy(message['teams']) self.password_protected = message.get('password_protected', False) self.mod = message['featured_mod'] self.modVersion = message.get('featured_mod_versions', []) self.mods = message.get('sim_mods', {}) self.options = message.get('options', []) num_players = message.get('num_players', 0) self.slots = message.get('max_players', 12) oldstate = self.state self.state = message['state'] # Assemble a players & teams lists self.teamlist = [] self.observerlist = [] self.setHidden((self.state != 'open') or (self.mod in mod_invisible)) # Clear the status for all involved players (url may change, or players may have left, or game closed) for player in self.players: if player.login in client.urls: del client.urls[player.login] # Just jump out if we've left the game, but tell the client that all players need their states updated if self.state == "closed": client.usersUpdated.emit(self.players) return # Used to differentiate between newly added / removed and previously present players oldplayers = set(map(lambda p: p.login, self.players)) # Following the convention used by the game, a team value of 1 represents "No team". Let's # desugar those into "real" teams now (and convert the dict to a list) # Also, turn the lists of names into lists of players, and build a player name list. self.players = [] teams = [] for team_index, team in teams_map.iteritems(): if team_index == 1: for ffa_player in team: if ffa_player in self.client.players: self.players.append(self.client.players[ffa_player]) teams.append([self.client.players[ffa_player]]) else: real_team = [] for name in team: if name in self.client.players: self.players.append(self.client.players[name]) real_team.append(self.client.players[name]) teams.append(real_team) # Tuples for feeding into trueskill. rating_tuples = [] for team in teams: ratings_for_team = map(lambda player: Rating(player.rating_mean, player.rating_deviation), team) rating_tuples.append(tuple(ratings_for_team)) try: self.gamequality = 100*round(trueskill.quality(rating_tuples), 2) except ValueError: self.gamequality = 0 self.nTeams = len(teams) # Map preview code if self.mapname != message['mapname']: self.mapname = message['mapname'] self.mapdisplayname = maps.getDisplayName(self.mapname) refresh_icon = True else: refresh_icon = False #Alternate icon: If private game, use game_locked icon. Otherwise, use preview icon from map library. if refresh_icon: if self.password_protected: icon = util.icon("games/private_game.png") else: icon = maps.preview(self.mapname) if not icon: self.client.downloader.downloadMap(self.mapname, self) icon = util.icon("games/unknown_map.png") self.setIcon(icon) strQuality = "" if self.gamequality == 0 : strQuality = "? %" else : strQuality = str(self.gamequality)+" %" if num_players == 1: playerstring = "player" else: playerstring = "players" color = client.players.getUserColor( self.editTooltip(teams) self.setText(self.FORMATTER_FAF.format(color=color, mapslots = self.slots, mapdisplayname=self.mapdisplayname, title=self.title,, players=num_players, playerstring=playerstring, gamequality = strQuality)) #Spawn announcers: IF we had a gamestate change, show replay and hosting announcements if (oldstate != self.state): if (self.state == "playing"): QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(5*60000, self.announceReplay) #The delay is there because we have a 5 minutes delay in the livereplay server elif (self.state == "open"): QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(35000, self.announceHosting) #The delay is there because we currently the host needs time to choose a map # Update player URLs for player in self.players: client.urls[player.login] = self.url( # Determine which players are affected by this game's state change newplayers = set(map(lambda p: p.login, self.players)) affectedplayers = oldplayers | newplayers client.usersUpdated.emit(list(affectedplayers))
def test_list_instead_of_tuple(): r1, r2 = Rating(), Rating() assert rate([[r1], [r2]]) == rate([(r1,), (r2,)]) assert quality([[r1], [r2]]) == quality([(r1,), (r2,)])
def predict_matchup_quality(team_1, team_2): predicted_quality = quality([team_1.ratings, team_2.ratings]) return predicted_quality
def update(self, message, client): ''' Updates this item from the message dictionary supplied ''' self.client = client self.title = message['title'] = message['host'] # Maps integral team numbers (from 2, with 1 "none") to lists of names. teams_map = dict.copy(message['teams']) self.password_protected = message.get('password_protected', False) self.mod = message['featured_mod'] self.modVersion = message.get('featured_mod_versions', []) self.mods = message.get('sim_mods', {}) self.options = message.get('options', []) num_players = message.get('num_players', 0) self.slots = message.get('max_players', 12) oldstate = self.state self.state = message['state'] # Assemble a players & teams lists self.teamlist = [] self.observerlist = [] self.setHidden((self.state != 'open') or (self.mod in mod_invisible)) # Clear the status for all involved players (url may change, or players may have left, or game closed) for player in self.players: if player.login in client.urls: del client.urls[player.login] # Just jump out if we've left the game, but tell the client that all players need their states updated if self.state == "closed": client.usersUpdated.emit(self.players) return # Used to differentiate between newly added / removed and previously present players oldplayers = set(map(lambda p: p.login, self.players)) # Following the convention used by the game, a team value of 1 represents "No team". Let's # desugar those into "real" teams now (and convert the dict to a list) # Also, turn the lists of names into lists of players, and build a player name list. self.players = [] teams = [] for team_index, team in teams_map.iteritems(): if team_index == 1: for ffa_player in team: if ffa_player in self.client.players: self.players.append(self.client.players[ffa_player]) teams.append([self.client.players[ffa_player]]) else: real_team = [] for name in team: if name in self.client.players: self.players.append(self.client.players[name]) real_team.append(self.client.players[name]) teams.append(real_team) # Tuples for feeding into trueskill. rating_tuples = [] for team in teams: ratings_for_team = map( lambda player: Rating(player.rating_mean, player. rating_deviation), team) rating_tuples.append(tuple(ratings_for_team)) try: self.gamequality = 100 * round(trueskill.quality(rating_tuples), 2) except ValueError: self.gamequality = 0 self.nTeams = len(teams) # Map preview code if self.mapname != message['mapname']: self.mapname = message['mapname'] self.mapdisplayname = maps.getDisplayName(self.mapname) refresh_icon = True else: refresh_icon = False #Alternate icon: If private game, use game_locked icon. Otherwise, use preview icon from map library. if refresh_icon: if self.password_protected: icon = util.icon("games/private_game.png") else: icon = maps.preview(self.mapname) if not icon: self.client.downloader.downloadMap(self.mapname, self) icon = util.icon("games/unknown_map.png") self.setIcon(icon) strQuality = "" if self.gamequality == 0: strQuality = "? %" else: strQuality = str(self.gamequality) + " %" if num_players == 1: playerstring = "player" else: playerstring = "players" color = client.players.getUserColor( self.editTooltip(teams) self.setText( self.FORMATTER_FAF.format(color=color, mapslots=self.slots, mapdisplayname=self.mapdisplayname, title=self.title,, players=num_players, playerstring=playerstring, gamequality=strQuality)) #Spawn announcers: IF we had a gamestate change, show replay and hosting announcements if (oldstate != self.state): if (self.state == "playing"): QtCore.QTimer.singleShot( 5 * 60000, self.announceReplay ) #The delay is there because we have a 5 minutes delay in the livereplay server elif (self.state == "open"): QtCore.QTimer.singleShot( 35000, self.announceHosting ) #The delay is there because we currently the host needs time to choose a map # Update player URLs for player in self.players: client.urls[player.login] = self.url( # Determine which players are affected by this game's state change newplayers = set(map(lambda p: p.login, self.players)) affectedplayers = oldplayers | newplayers client.usersUpdated.emit(list(affectedplayers))
Bcomp = rating[Bteam] # Awin prob def win_probability(Acomp, Bcomp, env = trueskill.global_env()): delta_mu = sum(Acomp[r].mu for r in Acomp.keys()) - sum(Bcomp[r].mu for r in Bcomp.keys()) sum_sigma = sum(Acomp[r].sigma ** 2 for r in Acomp.keys()) + sum(Bcomp[r].sigma ** 2 for r in Bcomp.keys()) size = len(Acomp) + len(Bcomp) denom = math.sqrt(size * (env.beta * env.beta) + sum_sigma) ts = env return ts.cdf(delta_mu / denom) win_prob = win_probability(Acomp, Bcomp, env) print(Ateam + ' winning probability is ' + str(round(win_prob * 100, 2)) + "%") print(Bteam + ' winning probability is ' + str(round((1 - win_prob) * 100, 2)) + "%") # draw prob print('{:0.1%} chance to draw'.format(trueskill.quality([Acomp, Bcomp]))) # plot height = [win_prob, 1 - win_prob] bars = (Ateam, Bteam) y_pos = np.arange(len(bars)), height, color = ("#DE7A22", "#6AB187")) plt.title('Match-up winning probabilities based on TrueSkill rating') plt.xlabel('team') plt.ylabel('prob') plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.xticks(y_pos, bars)
import sys, json import trueskill from itertools import combinations players = [] for i in xrange(1, len(sys.argv), 2): players.append(trueskill.Rating(mu=float(sys.argv[i]), sigma=float(sys.argv[i + 1]))) if len(players) <= 2: result = [0, 1] print result indices = range(len(players)) halfLength = len(players) / 2 bestQuality = trueskill.quality([players[:halfLength], players[halfLength:]]) bestTeams = indices for combination in combinations(indices[1:], halfLength): team1Indices = list(combination) team2Indices = list(set(indices) - set(team1Indices)) team1 = [players[i] for i in team1Indices] team2 = [players[i] for i in team2Indices] quality = trueskill.quality([team1, team2]) if quality > bestQuality: bestQuality = quality bestTeams = team1Indices + team2Indices print bestTeams
def get_trueskill_quality(players: Tuple[List[BotID], List[BotID]], rank_sys: RankingSystem) -> float: blue_ratings = [rank_sys.get(bot) for bot in players[0]] orange_ratings = [rank_sys.get(bot) for bot in players[1]] return trueskill.quality([blue_ratings, orange_ratings])
confiance_joueurs = [float(x)/100 for x in table_joueurs["sigma"].tolist()] rating_joueurs = [ts.Rating(x,y) for x,y in zip(niveau_joueurs, confiance_joueurs)] Caracteristiques = dict(zip(pool_joueurs, rating_joueurs)) #In tagpro, maximum of 924 combinations, computation is quick. Best_quality = 0 Best_team_1 = [] Best_team_2 = [] for subset in itertools.combinations(pool_joueurs, len(pool_joueurs)/2): Joueurs_team_1 = list(subset) Joueurs_team_2 = [joueur for joueur in pool_joueurs if joueur not in subset] Ratings_team_1 = [Caracteristiques[x] for x in Joueurs_team_1] Ratings_team_2 = [Caracteristiques[x] for x in Joueurs_team_2] if ts.quality([Ratings_team_1, Ratings_team_2])>Best_quality: Best_quality = ts.quality([Ratings_team_1, Ratings_team_2]) Best_team_1 = Joueurs_team_1 Best_team_2 = Joueurs_team_2 conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() print Best_team_1 print Best_team_2 print Best_quality