def TryChange(change_info, args, swallow_exception): """Create a diff file of change_info and send it to the try server.""" try: import trychange except ImportError: if swallow_exception: return ErrorExit("You need to install to use the try server.") if change_info: trychange_args = ['--name',] if change_info.issue: trychange_args.extend(["--issue", str(change_info.issue)]) if change_info.patchset: trychange_args.extend(["--patchset", str(change_info.patchset)]) trychange_args.extend(args) trychange.TryChange(trychange_args, file_list=change_info.GetFileNames(), swallow_exception=swallow_exception, prog='gcl try') else: trychange.TryChange(args, file_list=None, swallow_exception=swallow_exception, prog='gcl try')
def TryChange(change_info, args, swallow_exception=False, patchset=None): """Create a diff file of change_info and send it to the try server.""" try: import trychange except ImportError: if swallow_exception: return ErrorExit("You need to install to use the try server.") if change_info: trychange.TryChange(args,, change_info.FileList(), swallow_exception, patchset) else: trychange.TryChange(args)
def TryChange(change_info, args, swallow_exception): """Create a diff file of change_info and send it to the try server.""" try: import trychange except ImportError: if swallow_exception: return 1 ErrorExit("You need to install to use the try server.") trychange_args = [] if change_info: trychange_args.extend(['--name',]) if change_info.issue: trychange_args.extend(["--issue", str(change_info.issue)]) if change_info.patchset: trychange_args.extend(["--patchset", str(change_info.patchset)]) trychange_args.extend(args) file_list = change_info.GetFileNames() else: trychange_args.extend(args) file_list = None return trychange.TryChange( trychange_args, file_list=file_list, swallow_exception=swallow_exception, prog='gcl try', extra_epilog='\n' 'When called from gcl, use the format gcl try <change_name>.\n')
def main(args): patchset = GetRietveldPatchsetNumber() if patchset: args.extend([ '--issue', GetRietveldIssueNumber(), '--patchset', patchset, ]) else: rietveld_url = GetRietveldServerUrl() if rietveld_url: args.extend(['--rietveld_url', GetRietveldServerUrl()]) try: cl = git_cl.Changelist() change = cl.GetChange(cl.GetUpstreamBranch(), None) # Hack around a limitation in logging. logging.getLogger().handlers = [] sys.exit( trychange.TryChange( args, change, swallow_exception=False, prog='git try', extra_epilog='\n' 'git try will diff against your tracked branch and will ' 'detect your rietveld\n' 'code review if you are using git-cl\n')) except third_party.upload.ClientLoginError, e: print('Got an exception while trying to log in to Rietveld.') print(str(e))
def TryChange(change_info, args, swallow_exception): """Create a diff file of change_info and send it to the try server.""" try: import trychange except ImportError: if swallow_exception: return 1 ErrorExit("You need to install to use the try server.") trychange_args = [] if change_info: trychange_args.extend(['--name',]) if change_info.issue: trychange_args.extend(["--issue", str(change_info.issue)]) if change_info.patchset: trychange_args.extend(["--patchset", str(change_info.patchset)]) change = presubmit_support.SvnChange(, change_info.description, change_info.GetLocalRoot(), change_info.GetFiles(), change_info.issue, change_info.patchset, None) else: change = None trychange_args.extend(args) return trychange.TryChange( trychange_args, change=change, swallow_exception=swallow_exception, prog='gcl try', extra_epilog='\n' 'When called from gcl, use the format gcl try <change_name>.\n')
def TryChange(change_info, args): """Create a diff file of change_info and send it to the try server.""" try: import trychange except ImportError: ErrorExit("You need to install to use the try server.") trychange.TryChange(args,, change_info.FileList())
def main(argv): chromium_src_root = chromiumSrcRoot() os.chdir(chromium_src_root) argv = argv[1:] addLayoutBotsIfNeeded(argv) with ScopedTemporaryFile() as diff_file: generateDiff(diff_file, chromium_src_root) args = [ '--sub_rep', 'third_party/WebKit', '--root', 'src', '--rietveld_url', '', '--diff', diff_file, ] args.extend(argv) cl = git_cl.Changelist() change = cl.GetChange(cl.GetUpstreamBranch(), None) logging.getLogger().handlers = [] return trychange.TryChange(args, change, swallow_exception=False, prog='git wktry')
def _send_job(self, pending, revision, clobber, builders_and_tests, job_name): """Sends a try job.""" assert revision cmd = [ '--no_search', '--revision', '%s@%s' % (self.solution, revision), '--name', job_name, '--user', self.commit_user.split('@', 1)[0], '--email', self.commit_user, '--rietveld_url', self._patch_url(pending), '--issue', str(pending.issue), '--patchset', str(pending.patchset) ] cmd.extend(self.extra_flags) for builder in sorted(builders_and_tests): cmd.append('--bot') tests = builders_and_tests[builder] if tests: cmd.append('%s:%s' % (builder, ','.join(tests))) else: cmd.append(builder) if clobber: cmd.append('--clobber') # TODO(maruel): use GitChange when relevant. change = presubmit_support.SvnChange( job_name, pending.description, self.context.checkout.project_path, [('M', f) for f in pending.files], pending.issue, pending.patchset, pending.owner) prev_dir = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(self.context.checkout.project_path) trychange.TryChange(cmd, change, swallow_exception=True) except SystemExit, e: logging.error('_send_job(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) failed!' % (pending.pending_name(), revision, clobber, builders_and_tests, job_name)) raise base.DiscardPending( pending, 'Failed to send try job %s: %s' % (job_name, e))
patchset = GetRietveldPatchsetNumber() if patchset: args.extend([ '--issue', GetRietveldIssueNumber(), '--patchset', patchset, ]) else: rietveld_url = GetRietveldServerUrl() if rietveld_url: args.extend(['--rietveld_url', GetRietveldServerUrl()]) try: cl = git_cl.Changelist() change = cl.GetChange(cl.GetUpstreamBranch(), None) # Hack around a limitation in logging. logging.getLogger().handlers = [] sys.exit( trychange.TryChange( args, change, swallow_exception=False, prog='git try', extra_epilog='\n' 'git try will diff against your tracked branch and will ' 'detect your rietveld\n' 'code review if you are using git-cl\n')) except third_party.upload.ClientLoginError, e: print('Got an exception while trying to log in to Rietveld.') print(str(e))