Ejemplo n.º 1
 def onMenuItemEvent(self, schid, atype, menuItemID, selectedItemID):
     if menuItemID != 0 or atype != ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_GLOBAL:
     cid = self.getChannel(schid)
     if not cid: return
     ts3lib.requestChannelDelete(schid, cid, True)
     self.supchan = 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def onMenuItemEvent(self, schid, atype, menuItemID, selectedItemID):
         if atype == ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_GLOBAL:
             if menuItemID == 1: # Message all Clients
                 (error, clients) = ts3lib.getClientList(schid)
                 msgs = self.getText(multiline=True,title="Message all %s clients on this server"%len(clients),text="Enter Private Message")
                 if bool(self.ok) != True:return
                 (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid)
                 for c in clients:
                     if c == ownID: continue
                     for msg in msgs: ts3lib.requestSendPrivateTextMsg(schid, msg, c)
             elif menuItemID == 2: # OffineMessage all Clients
                 (error, clients) = ts3lib.getClientList(schid)
                 (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid)
                 uids = []
                 for c in clients:
                     if c == ownID: continue
                     (error, uid) = ts3lib.getClientVariableAsString(schid, c, ts3defines.ClientProperties.CLIENT_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER)
                 if not self.dlg: self.dlg = MessageDialog(schid, uids)
             elif menuItemID == 3: # Message all Channels
                 (error, channels) = ts3lib.getChannelList(schid)
                 msgs = self.getText(multiline=True,title="Message all %s channels on this server"%len(channels),text="Enter Channel Message")
                 (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid)
                 for c in channels:
                     error = ts3lib.requestClientMove(schid, ownID, c, "123")
                     if not error == ts3defines.ERROR_ok: continue
                     for msg in msgs: ts3lib.requestSendChannelTextMsg(schid, msg, c)
             elif menuItemID == 4: # Poke all Clients
                 (error, clients) = ts3lib.getClientList(schid)
                 msgs = self.getText(title="Poke all %s clients on this server"%len(clients),text="Enter Poke Message",max=100)
                 if bool(self.ok) != True:return
                 (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid)
                 for c in clients:
                     if c == ownID: continue
                     for msg in msgs: ts3lib.requestClientPoke(schid, c, msg)
             elif menuItemID == 5: # ChannelKick all Clients
                 (error, clients) = ts3lib.getClientList(schid)
                 msg = self.getText(title="Kick all %s clients on this server from their channel"%len(clients),text="Enter Kick Reason",multimsg=False,max=80)
                 if bool(self.ok) != True:return
                 (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid)
                 for c in clients:
                     if c == ownID: continue
                     ts3lib.requestClientKickFromChannel(schid, c, msg)
             elif menuItemID == 6: # ChannelBan all Clients
                 (error, clients) = ts3lib.getClientList(schid)
                 msg = self.getText(title="ChannelBan all %s clients on this server"%len(clients),text="Enter Kick Reason",multimsg=False,max=80)
                 if bool(self.ok) != True:return
                 (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid)
                 for c in clients:
                     if c == ownID: continue
                     (error, chan) = ts3lib.getChannelOfClient(schid, selectedItemID)
                     (error, dbid) = ts3lib.getClientVariableAsUInt64(schid, c, ts3defines.ClientPropertiesRare.CLIENT_DATABASE_ID)
                     ts3lib.requestSetClientChannelGroup(schid, [self.sbgroup], [chan], [dbid])
                     ts3lib.requestClientKickFromChannel(schid, c, msg)
             elif menuItemID == 7: # Kick all Clients
                 (error, clients) = ts3lib.getClientList(schid)
                 msg = self.getText(title="Kick all %s clients from this server"%len(clients),text="Enter Kick Reason",multimsg=False,max=80)
                 if bool(self.ok) != True:return
                 (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid)
                 for c in clients:
                     if c == ownID: continue
                     ts3lib.requestClientKickFromServer(schid, c, msg)
             elif menuItemID == 8: # Ban all Clients
                 (error, clients) = ts3lib.getClientList(schid)
                 msg = self.getText(title="Ban all %s clients from this server"%len(clients),text="Enter Ban Reason",multimsg=False,max=80)
                 if bool(self.ok) != True:return
                 (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid)
                 for c in clients:
                     if c == ownID: continue
                     ts3lib.banclient(schid, c, -1, msg)
             elif menuItemID == 9: # Delete all Channels
                 (error, channels) = ts3lib.getChannelList(schid)
                 confirmation = self.confirm('Delete all Channels', 'Do you really want to delete all {0} channels on this server?'.format(len(channels)))
                 if not confirmation: return
                 for c in channels: ts3lib.requestChannelDelete(schid, c, True)
         elif atype == ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_CHANNEL:
             if menuItemID == 1: # Message all Clients
                 (error, clients) = ts3lib.getChannelClientList(schid, selectedItemID)
                 (err, name) = ts3lib.getChannelVariableAsString(schid, selectedItemID, ts3defines.ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_NAME)
                 msgs = self.getText(multiline=True,title="Message to all %s clients in channel \"%s\""%(len(clients),name),text="Enter Private Message")
                 if bool(self.ok) != True:return
                 (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid)
                 for c in clients:
                     if c == ownID: continue
                     for msg in msgs: ts3lib.requestSendPrivateTextMsg(schid, msg, c)
             if menuItemID == 2: # OfflineMessage all Clients
                 (error, clients) = ts3lib.getChannelClientList(schid, selectedItemID)
                 (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid)
                 uids = []
                 for c in clients:
                     if c == ownID: continue
                     (error, uid) = ts3lib.getClientVariableAsString(schid, c, ts3defines.ClientProperties.CLIENT_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER)
                 if not self.dlg: self.dlg = MessageDialog(schid, uids)
             elif menuItemID == 3: # Poke all Clients
                 (error, clients) = ts3lib.getChannelClientList(schid, selectedItemID)
                 (err, name) = ts3lib.getChannelVariableAsString(schid, selectedItemID, ts3defines.ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_NAME)
                 msgs = self.getText(title="Poke all %s clients in channel \"%s\""%(len(clients),name),text="Enter Poke Message",max=100)
                 if bool(self.ok) != True:return
                 (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid)
                 for c in clients:
                     if c == ownID: continue
                     for msg in msgs: ts3lib.requestClientPoke(schid, c, msg)
             elif menuItemID == 4: # ChannelKick all Clients
                 (error, clients) = ts3lib.getChannelClientList(schid,selectedItemID)
                 (err, name) = ts3lib.getChannelVariableAsString(schid, selectedItemID, ts3defines.ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_NAME)
                 msg = self.getText(title="Kick all %s clients from channel \"%s\""%(len(clients),name),text="Enter Kick Reason",multimsg=False,max=80)
                 if bool(self.ok) != True:return
                 (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid)
                 for c in clients:
                     if c == ownID: continue
                     ts3lib.requestClientKickFromChannel(schid, c, msg)
             elif menuItemID == 5: # ChannelBan all Clients
                 (error, clients) = ts3lib.getChannelClientList(schid,selectedItemID)
                 (err, name) = ts3lib.getChannelVariableAsString(schid, selectedItemID, ts3defines.ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_NAME)
                 msg = self.getText(title="ChannelBan all %s clients from channel \"%s\""%(len(clients),name),text="Enter Kick Reason",multimsg=False,max=80)
                 if bool(self.ok) != True:return
                 (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid)
                 for c in clients:
                     if c == ownID: continue
                     (error, dbid) = ts3lib.getClientVariableAsUInt64(schid, c, ts3defines.ClientPropertiesRare.CLIENT_DATABASE_ID)
                     ts3lib.requestSetClientChannelGroup(schid, [self.sbgroup], [selectedItemID], [dbid])
                     ts3lib.requestClientKickFromChannel(schid, c, msg)
             elif menuItemID == 6: # Kick all Clients
                 (error, clients) = ts3lib.getChannelClientList(schid,selectedItemID)
                 (err, name) = ts3lib.getChannelVariableAsString(schid, selectedItemID, ts3defines.ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_NAME)
                 msg = self.getText(title="Kick all %s clients in channel \"%s\" from this server"%(len(clients),name),text="Enter Kick Reason",multimsg=False,max=80)
                 if bool(self.ok) != True:return
                 (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid)
                 for c in clients:
                     if c == ownID: continue
                     ts3lib.requestClientKickFromServer(schid, c, msg)
             elif menuItemID == 7: # Ban all Clients
                 (error, clients) = ts3lib.getChannelClientList(schid,selectedItemID)
                 (err, name) = ts3lib.getChannelVariableAsString(schid, selectedItemID, ts3defines.ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_NAME)
                 msg = self.getText(title="Ban all %s clients in channel \"%s\""%(len(clients),name),text="Enter Ban Reason",multimsg=False,max=80)
                 if bool(self.ok) != True:return
                 (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid)
                 for c in clients:
                     if c == ownID: continue
                     ts3lib.banclient(schid, c, -1, msg)
     except: from traceback import format_exc;ts3lib.logMessage(format_exc(), ts3defines.LogLevel.LogLevel_ERROR, "pyTSon", 0)