Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setup_datetime(self, index=None):
            Setup the int based matplotlib x-index to translate
            to datetime

            Separated out here to share between plot and candlestick
        if index is None:
            index = self.index

        is_datetime = self.is_datetime()
        if self.formatter is None and self.skip_na and is_datetime:
            self.locator = TimestampLocator(index)
            self.formatter = TimestampFormatter(index, self.locator)

        # reupdate index
        self.locator.index = index
        self.formatter.index = index
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def setup_datetime(self, index=None):
            Setup the int based matplotlib x-index to translate
            to datetime

            Separated out here to share between plot and candlestick
        if index is None:
            index = self.index

        is_datetime = self.is_datetime()
        if self.formatter is None and self.skip_na and is_datetime:
            self.locator = TimestampLocator(index)
            self.formatter = TimestampFormatter(index, self.locator)

        # reupdate index
        self.locator.index = index
        self.formatter.index = index
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Grapher(object):
    def __init__(self, ax, skip_na=True, sharex=None):
        self.index = None
        self.formatter = None
        self.locator = None
        self.ax = ax
        self.skip_na = skip_na
        self.sharex = sharex
        self.styler = cstyler.styler()
        self.yaxes = {}

    def right_ax(self):
        return self.yaxes.get('right', None)

    def is_datetime(self):
        return self.index.inferred_type in ('datetime', 'date', 'datetime64')

    def find_ax(self, secondary_y, kwargs):
        multiple y-axis support. stay backward compatible with secondary_y
        Note: we take in the actual kwargs because we want to pop('yax')
        to affect the callers kwargs
        yax = kwargs.pop('yax', None)
        if yax and secondary_y:
            raise Exception('yax and secondary_y should not both be set')
        if secondary_y:
            yax = 'right'

        ax = self.ax
        if yax:
            ax = self.get_yax(yax)
        return ax

    def plot(self, label, series, index=None, method=None, secondary_y=False, 

        # use default styler if one is not passed in
        styler = kwargs.pop('styler', self.styler)
        if styler:
            style_dict = next(styler)
            # note we do it this way so explicit args passed in kwargs
            # override style_dict
            kwargs = dict(style_dict.items() + kwargs.items())

        plot_index = self.index
        if self.sharex is not None:
            plot_index = self.sharex

        series = process_series(series, plot_index, series_index=index, method=method)

        # first plot, set index
        if self.index is None:
            self.index = series.index
        is_datetime = self.is_datetime()
        if is_datetime:

        plot_series = series

        if label is not None:
            kwargs['label'] = label

        xax = self.index
        if self.skip_na and is_datetime:
            xax = np.arange(len(self.index))
            self.formatter.index = self.index
        ax = self.find_ax(secondary_y, kwargs)
        ax.plot(xax, plot_series, **kwargs)

        # generate combined legend
        lines, labels = self.consolidate_legend()
        self.ax.legend(lines, labels, loc=0)

        if is_datetime: 
            # plot empty space for leading NaN and trailing NaN
            # not sure if I should only call this for is_datetime
            plt.xlim(0, len(self.index)-1)

    def consolidate_legend(self):
        consolidate the legends from all axes and merge into one
        lines, labels = self.ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
        for k, ax in self.yaxes.iteritems():
            new_lines, new_labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
            lines = lines + new_lines
            labels = labels + new_labels
        return lines, labels

    def get_right_ax(self):
        return self.get_yax('right')

    def get_yax(self, name):
        Get a yaxis keyed by name. Returns a newly
        generted twinx if it doesn't exist
        def make_patch_spines_invisible(ax):
            for sp in ax.spines.itervalues():

        size = len(self.yaxes)
        if name not in self.yaxes:
            ax = self.ax.twinx()
            self.yaxes[name] = ax
            # set spine 
            ax.spines["right"].set_position(("outward", 50 * size))    

        return self.yaxes[name]

    def setup_datetime(self, index=None):
            Setup the int based matplotlib x-index to translate
            to datetime

            Separated out here to share between plot and candlestick
        if index is None:
            index = self.index

        is_datetime = self.is_datetime()
        if self.formatter is None and self.skip_na and is_datetime:
            self.locator = TimestampLocator(index)
            self.formatter = TimestampFormatter(index, self.locator)

        # reupdate index
        self.locator.index = index
        self.formatter.index = index

    def set_index(self, index):
        if self.index is not None:
            raise Exception("Cannot set index if index already exists")
        self.index = index

    def set_formatter(self):
        """ quick call to reset locator/formatter when lost. i.e. boxplot """
        if self.formatter:
            # set to xaxis
            ax = self.ax

    def set_xticks(self, xticks):
        # freq
        if isinstance(xticks, basestring):
            self.locator.freq = xticks
            self.locator.freq = None

    def plot_markers(self, label, series, yvalues=None, xindex=None, **kwargs):
        if yvalues is not None:
            series = process_signal(series, yvalues)
        props = {}
        props['linestyle'] = 'None'
        props['marker'] = 'o'
        props['markersize'] = 10

        if xindex is not None:
            series = series.copy()
            series.index = xindex

        self.plot(label, series, **props)

    def line(self, val, *args, **kwargs):
        """ print horizontal line """
        self.plot(None, val, *args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Grapher(object):
    def __init__(self, ax, skip_na=True, sharex=None):
        self.index = None
        self.formatter = None
        self.locator = None
        self.ax = ax
        self.skip_na = skip_na
        self.sharex = sharex
        self.styler = cstyler.styler()
        self.yaxes = {}

    def right_ax(self):
        return self.yaxes.get('right', None)

    def is_datetime(self):
        return self.index.inferred_type in ('datetime', 'date', 'datetime64')

    def find_ax(self, secondary_y, kwargs):
        multiple y-axis support. stay backward compatible with secondary_y
        Note: we take in the actual kwargs because we want to pop('yax')
        to affect the callers kwargs
        yax = kwargs.pop('yax', None)
        if yax and secondary_y:
            raise Exception('yax and secondary_y should not both be set')
        if secondary_y:
            yax = 'right'

        ax = self.ax
        if yax:
            ax = self.get_yax(yax)
        return ax

    def plot(self,

        # use default styler if one is not passed in
        styler = kwargs.pop('styler', self.styler)
        if styler:
            style_dict = next(styler)
            # note we do it this way so explicit args passed in kwargs
            # override style_dict
            kwargs = dict(style_dict.items() + kwargs.items())

        plot_index = self.index
        if self.sharex is not None:
            plot_index = self.sharex

        series = process_series(series,

        # first plot, set index
        if self.index is None:
            self.index = series.index

        is_datetime = self.is_datetime()
        if is_datetime:

        plot_series = series

        if label is not None:
            kwargs['label'] = label

        xax = self.index
        if self.skip_na and is_datetime:
            xax = np.arange(len(self.index))
            self.formatter.index = self.index

        ax = self.find_ax(secondary_y, kwargs)
        ax.plot(xax, plot_series, **kwargs)

        # generate combined legend
        lines, labels = self.consolidate_legend()
        self.ax.legend(lines, labels, loc=0)

        if is_datetime:
            # plot empty space for leading NaN and trailing NaN
            # not sure if I should only call this for is_datetime
            plt.xlim(0, len(self.index) - 1)

    def consolidate_legend(self):
        consolidate the legends from all axes and merge into one
        lines, labels = self.ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
        for k, ax in self.yaxes.iteritems():
            new_lines, new_labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
            lines = lines + new_lines
            labels = labels + new_labels
        return lines, labels

    def get_right_ax(self):
        return self.get_yax('right')

    def get_yax(self, name):
        Get a yaxis keyed by name. Returns a newly
        generted twinx if it doesn't exist
        def make_patch_spines_invisible(ax):
            for sp in ax.spines.itervalues():

        size = len(self.yaxes)
        if name not in self.yaxes:
            ax = self.ax.twinx()
            self.yaxes[name] = ax
            # set spine
            ax.spines["right"].set_position(("outward", 50 * size))

        return self.yaxes[name]

    def setup_datetime(self, index=None):
            Setup the int based matplotlib x-index to translate
            to datetime

            Separated out here to share between plot and candlestick
        if index is None:
            index = self.index

        is_datetime = self.is_datetime()
        if self.formatter is None and self.skip_na and is_datetime:
            self.locator = TimestampLocator(index)
            self.formatter = TimestampFormatter(index, self.locator)

        # reupdate index
        self.locator.index = index
        self.formatter.index = index

    def set_index(self, index):
        if self.index is not None:
            raise Exception("Cannot set index if index already exists")
        self.index = index

    def set_formatter(self):
        """ quick call to reset locator/formatter when lost. i.e. boxplot """
        if self.formatter:
            # set to xaxis
            ax = self.ax

    def set_xticks(self, xticks):
        # freq
        if isinstance(xticks, basestring):
            self.locator.freq = xticks
            self.locator.freq = None

    def plot_markers(self, label, series, yvalues=None, xindex=None, **kwargs):
        if yvalues is not None:
            series = process_signal(series, yvalues)
        props = {}
        props['linestyle'] = 'None'
        props['marker'] = 'o'
        props['markersize'] = 10

        if xindex is not None:
            series = series.copy()
            series.index = xindex

        self.plot(label, series, **props)

    def line(self, val, *args, **kwargs):
        """ print horizontal line """
        self.plot(None, val, *args, **kwargs)