Ejemplo n.º 1
                alpha = minAlpha + t * (maxAlpha - minAlpha)
                color = vColor[n]
                color[3] = int(alpha)
                self.result[n] = color

            minValue = inputMetric.getEdgeDoubleMin(self.graph)
            maxValue = inputMetric.getEdgeDoubleMax(self.graph)

            for e in self.graph.edges():
                val = inputMetric[e]
                t = getFactor(val - minValue, maxValue - minValue)
                alpha = minAlpha + t * (maxAlpha - minAlpha)
                color = vColor[e]
                color[3] = int(alpha)
                self.result[e] = color

        return True

pluginDoc = """
Map metric values to alpha component of graph element colors.
In other words, it enables to compute the graph elements transparency
according to the values stored in a numeric property of a graph.

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin('AlphaMapping', 'Alpha Mapping', 'Antoine Lambert',
                            '20/04/2017', pluginDoc, '1.1')
Ejemplo n.º 2
		viewLabel[newClus] = name
		viewLabelPosition[newClus] = LabelPositionCluster
		viewSize[newClus] = tlp.Size(10,10,10)
		viewColor[newClus] = ColorMetanode
		TypeNode[newClus] = "Cluster"
		IdNeo4j[newClus] = str(remote(NewNeo4jClus)._id)
		viewBorderWidth[newClus] = BorderWidthCluster
		Nb_Track[newClus] = Nb_Total_Track
		image_file = open("temp_image/image_Texture_NewAnnotation" + str(name) + str(Nb_Total_Track) + ".jpg","wb")
		path_image = "temp_image/image_Texture_NewAnnotation" + str(name) + str(Nb_Total_Track) + ".jpg"
		viewTexture[newClus] = path_image
		viewBorderColor[newClus] = ColorBorderUnknow
		for node_to_connect in list_node_to_connect:
		parameter_dict = tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters('Fast Overlap Removal')
		parameter_dict["x border"] = 5
		parameter_dict["y border"] = 5
		self.graph.applyLayoutAlgorithm("Fast Overlap Removal", viewLayout,parameter_dict)
		return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("Main", "Neo4jAnnotation", "Adrien", "26/08/2016", "Neo4JCluster", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 3
from tulip import *
import tulipplugins

class Test(tlp.Algorithm):
    def init(self, context):
        tlp.Algorithm.init(self, context)
        self.addStringParameter("property", "the property to set", "", True,
                                True, True)

    def check(self):
        return (True, "")

    def run(self):
        return True

tulipplugins.registerPlugin("Test", "A simple Python plugin test", "",
                            "19/07/2016", "", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 4
        # set edge colors and border colors to be fully transparent
        colors.setAllEdgeValue(tlp.Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
        borderColors.setAllEdgeValue(tlp.Color(0, 0, 0, 0))

        # set new border color for nodes
        # ensure node borders are visible

        # set the square shape to all leaf nodes
        for n in self.graph.getNodes():
            if self.graph.outdeg(n) == 0:
                shapes[n] = tlp.NodeShape.Square

        return True

pluginDoc = '''
Enables to easily configure a treemap layout visualisation for a tree.
As the treemap layout is different from classical node link diagram representation, some
visual properties setup has to be done in order to get an aesthetic visualization of it in Tulip.
This plugin takes care of calling the 'Squarified Tree Map' layout algorithm and adjust
some visual properties to get a correct rendering of the treemap.

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
                            "Squarified Tree Map Helper", "Antoine Lambert",
                            "27/04/2017", pluginDoc, "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 5
    self.graph.applyLayoutAlgorithm('Squarified Tree Map', layout, params)

    # set edge colors and border colors to be fully transparent
    colors.setAllEdgeValue(tlp.Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
    borderColors.setAllEdgeValue(tlp.Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
    # set new border color for nodes
    # ensure node borders are visible
    # set the square shape to all leaf nodes
    for n in self.graph.getNodes():
      if self.graph.outdeg(n) == 0:
        shapes[n] = tlp.NodeShape.Square

    return True

Enables to easily configure a treemap layout visualisation for a tree.
As the treemap layout is different from classical node link diagram representation, some
visual properties setup has to be done in order to get an aesthetic visualization of it in Tulip.
This plugin takes care of calling the 'Squarified Tree Map' layout algorithm and adjust
some visual properties to get a correct rendering of the treemap.

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("SquarifiedTreeMapHelper", "Squarified Tree Map Helper", "Antoine Lambert", "27/04/2017", pluginDoc, "1.0")
                MainviewBorderWidth[NewMetaNode] = MainBorderWidthCluster

                image_file = open(
                    "temp_image/image_Texture_NewCluster" +
                    str(remote(Newclus)._id) + ".jpg", "wb")
                path_image = "temp_image/image_Texture_NewCluster" + str(
                    remote(Newclus)._id) + ".jpg"

                MainviewTexture[NewMetaNode] = path_image

                for node_adjacent in list_node_to_connect:
                    graphMain.addEdge(NewMetaNode, node_adjacent)

                parameter_dict = tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters(
                    'Fast Overlap Removal')
                parameter_dict["x border"] = 5
                parameter_dict["y border"] = 5
                graphMain.applyLayoutAlgorithm("Fast Overlap Removal",
                                               MainviewLayout, parameter_dict)

        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
                            "Neo4j Extract Tracks And Create New Cluster",
                            "Adrien", "31/08/2016", "", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 7
                    size = prop.getNodeStringValue(node)[1:-1].split(',')
                    size = (int(size[0]) + int(size[1])) / 2
                    os << '"size":%s, ' % size
                # node layout
                elif prop.getName() == "viewLayout":
                    coord = prop.getNodeStringValue(node)[1:-1].split(',')
                    os << '"x":%s, ' % coord[0]
                    os << '"y":%s, ' % (float(coord[1]) * (-1))
                # other
                elif prop.getNodeDefaultStringValue() != prop.getNodeStringValue(node) \
                        and prop.getNodeStringValue(node):
                    value = prop.getNodeStringValue(node).replace('\\', '\\\\')
                    value = value.replace('"', '\\\"')
#                        .replace('"', '\\\"')\
#                        .replace("\n", "")\
#                        .replace("\r", "")\
#                        .replace("\t", "")
                    os << '"%s":"%s", ' % (prop.getName(), value)
                # sigma id
            os << '"id":"%s"' % node.id
            os << ' }'
        os << ']} '
        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("ExportSigma", "SIGMA JSON Export", "Norbert Feron", "01/06/2016",
                            "Export to sigma.js JSON format", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 8
		for e in bipart_g.getEdges() :
		## init flow
		## compute the maximum matching in the bipartite graph using a maximum flow algorithm
		## get the results
		for e in bipart_g.getEdges() :
			if flow[e]>0 :
				if e not in map_oends.keys() :
					print "Error: unknown edge in maximum matching."
					return False;
#		for n in bipart_g.getNodes() :
#			self.graph.delNode(n);
#		self.graph.delAllSubGraphs(bipart_g);
		return True
# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("VertexCycleCover", "Vertex-Disjoint Cycle Cover", "Francois Queyroi", "30/11/2017", "Find a Vertex-Disjoint Cycle Cover", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 9
                    ## if the assignment is not secret (due to e1) we remove e1 and look for a new assignment
                    if not keep_e1:
                        result_found = False

        ## get the results
        if not self.oriented:
            for e in self.graph.getEdges():
                if not copy.isElement(e):
                    if self.result[e]:
                        s, t = self.graph.ends(e)
                        oe = self.graph.existEdge(t, s, True)
                        self.result[oe] = True
        if not result_found:
            self.pluginProgress.setError("Graph " + self.graph.getName() +
                                         " has no Secret Santa Assignment !")
        return result_found

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("SecretSanta", "Secret Santa", "Francois Queyroi",
                            "30/11/2017", "Find a Secret Santa Assignment",
Ejemplo n.º 10
                    idTrack = IdNeo4j[NodeTlp]
                    viewBorderColor[NodeTlp] = ColorBorderValide
                    statement = 'MATCH (clus) '\
                        'WHERE ID(clus)=' + str(idMeta) + \
                        ' MATCH (track) '\
                        'WHERE ID(track)=' + str(idTrack) + \
                        ' MATCH (clus)-[r:CLUSTERED]->(track) '\
                        'SET r.isValidated = "Valide"'
            #Sinon c'est qu'on est sur le graph Main. Seul les cluster peuvent etre valides
            for NodeTlp in viewSelection.getNodesEqualTo(True):
                if TypeNode[NodeTlp] == "Cluster":
                    idCluster = IdNeo4j[NodeTlp]
                    viewBorderColor[NodeTlp] = ColorBorderValide
                    statement = 'MATCH (algo:Algo {name:"' + 'user_defined' + '"}) '\
                        ' MATCH (clus) '\
                        'WHERE ID(clus)=' + str(idCluster) + \
                        ' OPTIONAL MATCH (clus)-[r:INVALIDATED_BY]->(algo) '\
                        'DELETE r '\
                        'MERGE (clus)-[:VALIDATED_BY]->(algo)'

        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("Main", "Neo4jValidate", "Adrien", "29/08/2016",
                            "Neo4JCluster", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 11
from tulip import *
from SqlReader import *
from GraphView import *
import tulipplugins
import ntpath

class SQLImport(tlp.ImportModule):
  def __init__(self, context):
    tlp.ImportModule.__init__(self, context)
    self.addStringParameter("file::SQL script", "Script SQL you want to add in a graph")
    # You can add parameters to the plugin here through the following syntax:
    # self.add<Type>Parameter("<paramName>", "<paramDoc>", "<paramDefaultValue>")
    # (see the documentation of class tlp.WithParameter to see what parameter types are supported).

  def importGraph(self):
    filename = self.dataSet["file::SQL script"];
    name = ntpath.basename(filename)
    sql_reader = SqlReader(filename, self.graph)
    g = GraphView(self.graph)
    return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("SQLImport", "Import SQL", "", "12/06/2017", "", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 12
        # Loop over all edges. If edge is a gap junction, then search for a gap junction going the other direction.
        for edge in graph.getEdges():
            edgeType = tp.utils.getEdgeType(edge, graph)
            if edgeType == self.dataSet[self._edgeTypeLabel]:
                source = graph.source(edge)
                target = graph.target(edge)
                links = linkedStructures[edge]

                if not self.findInverseEdge(graph, source, target, links):
                    output = str(tp.utils.getNodeId(
                        source, graph)) + "-" + tp.utils.getNodeType(
                            source, graph) + "; " + str(
                                    graph)) + "-" + tp.utils.getNodeType(
                                        target, graph) + "; " + links
                    viewSelection[edge] = True



        return True

# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
                            "Find Missing Bidirectional Synapses", "Kerzner",
                            "12/01/2017", "", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 13
from FindPathsPlugin import FindPathsPlugin
import tulipplugins

class FindPaths0(FindPathsPlugin):
    """ Tulip plugin algorithm which searches for 1-hop paths """
    def __init__(self, context):
        FindPathsPlugin.__init__(self, context, 0)

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("FindPaths0", "Find Nodes (Regex)", "Nathaniel Nelson", "9/3/2016", "", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 14
from FindPathsPlugin import FindPathsPlugin
import tulipplugins

class FindPaths0(FindPathsPlugin):
    """ Tulip plugin algorithm which searches for 1-hop paths """
    def __init__(self, context):
        FindPathsPlugin.__init__(self, context, 0)

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("FindPaths0", "Find Nodes (Regex)",
                            "Nathaniel Nelson", "9/3/2016", "", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 15
			day = int(dict(record[0][2])["name"])
			month = int(dict(record[0][3])["name"])
			year = int(dict(record[0][4])["name"])
			num_track = int(dict(record[0][1])["num_track"])
			num_shot = int(dict(record[0][1])["num_shot"])
			#infos = year + "_" + month + "_" + day + "_" + num_shot + "_" + num_track
			infos = "%04d_%02d_%02d_19_00-shot%02d_%d-Track%d"%(year,month,day,day,num_shot,num_track)
			dict_cluster[infos] = "Cluster " + str(num_clus)
		namefile = ""
		for d in dateStart:
			namefile += d + "_"
		namefile += "to_"
		for d in dateEnd:
			namefile += d + "_"
		namefile = namefile[0:-1]
		with open('Resultat_cluster/' + namefile + '.json', 'w') as f:
			json.dump(dict_cluster, f, indent=4,sort_keys=True)
		return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("Main", "neo4j Clusters to file", "Adrien", "07/09/2016", "", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 16
      for num in xrange(2, len(fieldnames)):
        patient = fieldnames[num]
        if row[patient] == '':
        if not patient in addedNodes:
          addedNodes[patient] = self.create_node(node, patient, createParams)
          createParams['coords'] -= tlp.Vec3f(10,0,0)
        edge = self.graph.addEdge(addedNodes[patient], node, {self.EDGE_TYPE_COL:row[patient], "viewColor":createParams['edgesColor']})
      self.pluginProgress.progress(i, rlen) 
    if self.pluginProgress.state() == tlp.TLP_CANCEL:
      self.graph.delNodes(addedNodes.values(), True)
    return 0;
  def getUserColor(self, param):
      c = self.dataSet[param]
      color = tlp.Color(c.getR(),c.getG(),c.getB(),c.getA())
      return color
    except Exception:
      return tlp.Color(0,0,0,255);
  def printerr(self, message):
    return True
# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("MergeSamples", "VisuDNA - Merge Samples", "SB", "27/11/2017", "", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 17
        for e in main_sub.getEdges():
            viewSize[e] = e2size[e]

        n2size = {n: viewSize[n] for n in main_sub.getNodes()}

        parameter_dict = tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters('Size Mapping')
        parameter_dict["result"] = viewSize
        parameter_dict["input"] = viewSize
        parameter_dict["property"] = Nb_Track
        parameter_dict["node/edge"] = False
        parameter_dict["min size"] = 0.2
        parameter_dict["max size"] = 3.0
        parameter_dict["area proportional"] = "Area Proportional"
        main_sub.applySizeAlgorithm("Size Mapping", viewSize, parameter_dict)
        for n in main_sub.getNodes():
            viewSize[n] = n2size[n]

        parameter_dict = tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters('Fast Overlap Removal')
        parameter_dict["x border"] = 5
        parameter_dict["y border"] = 5
        main_sub.applyLayoutAlgorithm("Fast Overlap Removal", viewLayout,

        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("Main", "Neo4jConnect", "Adrien", "16/08/2016",
                            "Neo4JCluster", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 18
                                    num_shot) + "_" + str(num_track) + ".jpg"
                        viewTexture[node_track] = path_image
                        viewLayout[node_track] = tlp.Coord(
                            ReferencePositionX + float(SizePicture / 2.0),
                            ReferencePositionY + float(SizePicture / 2.0), 0)

                    node_date = Rootgraph.addNode()
                    viewSize[node_date] = SizeYear
                    viewShape[node_date] = ShapeYear
                    viewColor[node_date] = ColorYear
                    viewLabel[node_date] = year
                    viewLayout[node_date] = tlp.Coord(
                        (ReferencePositionX + SizePicture +
                         ReferencePositionDebutYearX) / 2.0 + 30.0,
                        ReferencePositionDebutYearY - 80, 0)

                    ReferencePositionX = 0.0
                    ReferencePositionY = ReferencePositionDebutYearY + float(
                        MaxHauteur) * (float(SizePicture) +
                                       float(SizeInterPicture)) + 115.0
                AirtimeMeta[Metanode] = airtime

        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("Main", "Neo4jLoadHistogramme", "Adrien",
                            "24/08/2016", "Neo4JCluster", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 19
from FindPathsPlugin import FindPathsPlugin
import tulipplugins

class FindPaths1(FindPathsPlugin):
    """ Tulip plugin algorithm which searches for 1-hop paths """
    def __init__(self, context):
        FindPathsPlugin.__init__(self, context, 1)

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("FindPaths1", "Find 1-Hop Paths (Regex)",
                            "Nathaniel Nelson", "9/3/2016", "", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 20
                alpha = minAlpha + t * (maxAlpha - minAlpha)
                color = self.result[n]
                color[3] = int(alpha)
                self.result[n] = color

            minValue = inputMetric.getEdgeDoubleMin(self.graph)
            maxValue = inputMetric.getEdgeDoubleMax(self.graph)

            for e in self.graph.getEdges():
                val = inputMetric[e]
                t = getFactor(val - minValue, maxValue - minValue)
                alpha = minAlpha + t * (maxAlpha - minAlpha)
                color = self.result[e]
                color[3] = int(alpha)
                self.result[e] = color

        return True

pluginDoc = '''
Map metric values to alpha component of graph element colors.
In other words, it enables to compute the graph elements transparency according to the values
stored in a numeric property of a graph.

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("AlphaMapping", "Alpha Mapping", "Antoine Lambert",
                            "20/04/2017", pluginDoc, "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 21
                label = str(record.type())
                print label
                if label == "VALIDATED_BY":
                    viewBorderColor[NewNode] = ColorBorderValide
                elif label == "INVALIDATED_BY":
                    viewBorderColor[NewNode] = ColorBorderInvalide

            viewBorderColor[NewNode] = ColorBorderUnknow
            viewSize[NewNode] = tlp.Size(10, 10, 10)
            viewColor[NewNode] = ColorCluster
            if str(nameClus) != "":
                viewLabel[NewNode] = str(nameClus)
                viewLabelPosition[NewNode] = LabelPositionMetanode
                viewShape[NewNode] = ShapeMetanodeAnnote
                viewShape[NewNode] = ShapeMetanodeNotAnnote

        parameter_dict = tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters('Fast Overlap Removal')
        parameter_dict["x border"] = 5
        parameter_dict["y border"] = 5
        self.graph.applyLayoutAlgorithm("Fast Overlap Removal", viewLayout,

        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("Main", "Neo4jMerge", "Adrien", "26/08/2016",
                            "Neo4JCluster", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 22
from tulip import tlp
import tulipplugins

class Test(tlp.Algorithm):
	def init(self, context):
		tlp.Algorithm.init(self, context)
		self.addStringParameter("property", "the property to set", "", True, True, True)
	def check(self):
		return (True, "")
	def run(self):
		return True

tulipplugins.registerPlugin("Test", "A simple Python plugin test", "", "19/07/2016", "", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 23
                    self.simple = True

            def update_max(self):
                """Update max spinner value if min value is greater"""
                if self.max.get() < self.min.get():

            def update_min(self):
                """Update min spinner value if max value is lower"""
                if self.max.get() < self.min.get():

        init = Node()
        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("NeOmics", "Query Maker", "Eliot Ragueneau et Jean Clément Gallardo", "11/05/2019",
                            "Help to build a cypher query describing a neo4j graph that will be drawn on Tulip", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 24
                            year) + "_" + str(month) + "_" + str(
                                day) + "_" + str(num_shot) + "_" + str(
                                    num_track) + ".jpg"
                        viewTexture[track_node] = path_image

                parameter_dict = tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters('FM^3 (OGDF)')
                parameter_dict["Unit edge length"] = 3
                    "FM^3 (OGDF)", viewLayout, parameter_dict)
                Correction = viewLayout[NodeTlp] - initialLayout
                for node_to_modify in subgraphAlgoLayout.getNodes():
                    viewLayoutMain[node_to_modify] = tlp.Coord(
                        viewLayout[node_to_modify][0] - Correction[0],
                        viewLayout[node_to_modify][1] - Correction[1],
                        viewLayout[node_to_modify][2] - Correction[2])
                print viewLayout[NodeTlp]

        parameter_dict = tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters('Fast Overlap Removal')
        parameter_dict["x border"] = 1
        parameter_dict["y border"] = 1
        self.graph.applyLayoutAlgorithm("Fast Overlap Removal", viewLayout,
        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("Main", "Neo4j Explore Date", "Adrien",
                            "02/09/2016", "", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 25
                    idTrack = IdNeo4j[NodeTlp]
                    viewBorderColor[NodeTlp] = ColorBorderInvalide
                    statement = 'MATCH (clus) '\
                        'WHERE ID(clus)=' + str(idMeta) + \
                        ' MATCH (track) '\
                        'WHERE ID(track)=' + str(idTrack) + \
                        ' MATCH (clus)-[r:CLUSTERED]->(track) '\
                        'SET r.isValidated = "NotValide"'
            #Sinon c'est qu'on est sur le graph Main. Seul les cluster peuvent etre valides
            for NodeTlp in viewSelection.getNodesEqualTo(True):
                if TypeNode[NodeTlp] == "Cluster":
                    idCluster = IdNeo4j[NodeTlp]
                    viewBorderColor[NodeTlp] = ColorBorderInvalide
                    statement = 'MATCH (algo:Algo {name:"' + 'user_defined' + '"}) '\
                        ' MATCH (clus) '\
                        'WHERE ID(clus)=' + str(idCluster) + \
                        ' OPTIONAL MATCH (clus)-[r:VALIDATED_BY]->(algo) '\
                        'DELETE r '\
                        'MERGE (clus)-[:INVALIDATED_BY]->(algo)'
                    print statement
        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("Main", "Neo4jInvalidate", "Adrien", "29/08/2016",
                            "", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 26
        fm3Properties = tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters('FM^3 (OGDF)', graph=None)
        fm3Properties['Edge Length Property'] = self.distance
        self.graph.applyLayoutAlgorithm('FM^3 (OGDF)', self.viewLayout, fm3Properties)

    def colorLoci(self):
        self.colorLociByExpression('intergenic', tlp.Color(222, 212, 195, 80))
        self.colorLociByExpression('up', tlp.Color(0, 255, 0))
        self.colorLociByExpression('down', tlp.Color(255, 0, 0))
        self.colorLociByExpression('stable', tlp.Color(0, 0, 0, 80))
        self.colorLociByExpression('', tlp.Color(0, 0, 0, 80))
        self.colorLociByExpression('nan', tlp.Color(255, 230, 255, 80))

    def colorLociByExpression(self, expression, color):
        for loci in self.expression.getNodesEqualTo(expression):
            self.viewColor[loci] = color

    def colorInteractions(self):
        self.colorInteractionsByStatus('gain', tlp.Color(0, 255, 0))
        self.colorInteractionsByStatus('stable', tlp.Color(0, 0, 0, 80))
        self.colorInteractionsByStatus('loss', tlp.Color(255, 0, 0))

    def colorInteractionsByStatus(self, interactionStatus, color):
        for interaction in self.interactionStatus.getEdgesEqualTo(interactionStatus):
            self.viewColor[interaction] = color

    def setLociSize(self):
        self.viewSize.setAllNodeValue(tlp.Vec3f(1e5, 1e5, 0.5))

tulipplugins.registerPlugin("InteractionNetwork", "Interaction Network", "AM2E", "28/01/2020", "", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 27
            statement = 'MATCH (user_defined:User_Defined_Cluster) '\
                'MATCH (user_defined)-[r]-() '\
                'DELETE r '

            statement = 'MATCH (user_defined:User_Defined_Cluster) '\
                'DELETE user_defined'

            statement = 'MATCH ()-[r:CLUSTERED]->() '\
                'SET r.isValidated = "Unknow" '

            statement = 'MATCH (n) '\
                'WHERE size(labels(n)) = 0 '\
                'DELETE n'

        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("Main", "Neo4jClearAllModification", "Adrien",
                            "29/08/2016", "", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 28
from FindPathsPlugin import FindPathsPlugin
import tulipplugins

class FindPaths1(FindPathsPlugin):
    """ Tulip plugin algorithm which searches for 1-hop paths """
    def __init__(self, context):
        FindPathsPlugin.__init__(self, context, 1)

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin to the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("FindPaths1", "Find 1-Hop Paths (Regex)", "Nathaniel Nelson", "9/3/2016", "", "1.0")
			ancestors, stack, nb_paths = self.shortestPaths(src, chossen_iterator)
			while len(stack) > 0:
				w = stack.pop()
				flow_sw = self.flow_amount(src, w)/2.
				# flow divided by two since flows are undirected
				total_flow += flow_sw
				if w != src :
					self.result[w] += delta[w]
				for v in ancestors[w] :
					inc_delta = (nb_paths[v]/nb_paths[w])*(flow_sw + delta[w])
					delta[v] += inc_delta
					e = self.graph.existEdge(v, w, False)
					if self.dataSet["type"] == "Out":
						e = self.graph.existEdge(v, w, True)
					if self.dataSet["type"] == "In":
						e = self.graph.existEdge(w, v, True)
					self.result[e] += inc_delta
					val = 1.
					if self.cost is not None:
						val = self.cost[e]
					avg_path_length += val * inc_delta
		self.dataSet["average path length"] = avg_path_length
		self.dataSet["total flow"] = total_flow
		return True
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("BetweennessGravityModel", "Betweenness Gravity Model", "Francois Queyroi", "02/04/2019", "", "1.0")
Ejemplo n.º 30
        colors.setAllEdgeValue(tlp.Color(0, 0, 0, 0))
        borderColors.setAllEdgeValue(tlp.Color(0, 0, 0, 0))

        # set new border color for nodes
        # ensure node borders are visible

        # set the square shape to all leaf nodes
        for n in self.graph.getNodes():
            if self.graph.outdeg(n) == 0:
                shapes[n] = tlp.NodeShape.Square

        return True

pluginDoc = """
Enables to easily configure a treemap layout visualisation for a tree.
As the treemap layout is different from classical node link diagram
representation, some visual properties setup has to be done in order
to get an aesthetic visualization of it in Tulip.
This plugin takes care of calling the 'Squarified Tree Map' layout algorithm
and adjust some visual properties to get a correct rendering of the treemap.

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
                            'Squarified Tree Map Helper', 'Antoine Lambert',
                            '27/04/2017', pluginDoc, '1.0')
Ejemplo n.º 31
        val = inputMetric[n]
        t = getFactor(val - minValue, maxValue - minValue)
        alpha = minAlpha + t * (maxAlpha - minAlpha)
        color = vColor[n]
        color[3] = int(alpha)
        self.result[n] = color
      minValue = inputMetric.getEdgeDoubleMin(self.graph)
      maxValue = inputMetric.getEdgeDoubleMax(self.graph)
      for e in self.graph.edges():
        val = inputMetric[e]
        t = getFactor(val - minValue, maxValue - minValue)
        alpha = minAlpha + t * (maxAlpha - minAlpha)
        color = vColor[e]
        color[3] = int(alpha)
        self.result[e] = color  
    return True

pluginDoc = '''
Map metric values to alpha component of graph element colors.
In other words, it enables to compute the graph elements transparency according to the values
stored in a numeric property of a graph.

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("AlphaMapping", "Alpha Mapping", "Antoine Lambert", "20/04/2017", pluginDoc, "1.1")
Ejemplo n.º 32
                            'MATCH (label)-[allRel]-() '\
                            'DELETE r '
                        if nb_rel == 1:
                            statement += 'DELETE allRel '\
                                'DELETE label'
                    statement = 'MATCH (clus) '\
                       'WHERE ID(clus)='+ str(remote(clusNeo4j)._id) + \
                       ' MATCH (clus)-[r]-() '\
                       'DELETE r '\
                       'DELETE clus'

                    #We suprress the MetaCluster if there is no track left

                parameter_dict = tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters(
                    'Fast Overlap Removal')
                parameter_dict["x border"] = 5
                parameter_dict["y border"] = 5
                graphMain.applyLayoutAlgorithm("Fast Overlap Removal",
                                               MainviewLayout, parameter_dict)

        return True

# The line below does the magic to register the plugin into the plugin database
# and updates the GUI to make it accessible through the menus.
tulipplugins.registerPlugin("Main", "Neo4jRemoveFromCluster", "Adrien",
                            "29/08/2016", "", "1.0")