Ejemplo n.º 1
def corr_v(M, t, indices, avg=1, axes=['Ux', 'Ux'], p=1, average=False):
    C = []
    C_norm = []

    X, Y = chose_axe(M, t, axes)

    if average:
        Xmoy, Xstd = statP.average(X)  # Xmoy, Xstd: median and std of X
        Ymoy, Ystd = statP.average(Y)
        Xmoy = 0
        Xstd = 0
        Ymoy = 0
        Ystd = 0

    for i, j in indices.keys():
        # print(indices[i,j])
        k, l = indices[i, j]
        Sp = (X[i, j] - Xmoy)**p * (
            Y[k, l] -
            Ymoy)**p  # remove the average in space ?   -> remove by default
        C.append(Sp)  # for k,l in indices[(i,j)]])

        Sp_norm = (X[i, j] - Xmoy)**(2 * p)
        # substract the mean flow ? it shouldn't change the result so much, as there is no strong mean flow
        # -> to be checked
        # how to compute the mean flow : at which scale ? box size ? local average ?
        # Cmoy,Cstd=average(C)
    Cf = statP.average(C)[0] / statP.average(C_norm)[0]
    return Cf
Ejemplo n.º 2
def corr_d(M, frame, indices=None, dlist=None, axes=['Ux', 'Ux'], p=1, average=False):
    Compute the correlation function in time at a given instant
    M : Mdata object
    frame : int
        frame index
    indices : dict of 2 elements tuple (for both keys and values) 
        pairs of coordinates that defines the distance of computation. 
        Default value is None : compute the pair of indices directly
    dlist : list
        distances between points. defaut is None (goes with indices)
    axes : 2 element string list
        field names to be used
    p : int
        order of the correlation function
    dlist : list of distances beetween points
    C : correlation function (un-normalized)
    if indices is None:
        dlist, indices = get_indices(M)
    #    else:
    #        print('dlist ?')

    C = []
    X, Y = access.chose_axe(M, frame, axes)

    if average:
        Xmoy, Xstd = statP.average(X)
        Ymoy, Ystd = statP.average(Y)
        Xmoy = 0
        Xstd = 0
        Ymoy = 0
        Ystd = 0

    C = [[] for i in indices]
    for m, ind in enumerate(indices):
        for i, j in ind.keys():
            k, l = ind[i, j]
            Sp = (X[i, j] - Xmoy) ** p * (Y[k, l] - Ymoy) ** p  # remove the average in space ?   -> remove by default
            C[m].append(Sp)  # for k,l in indices[(i,j)]])

        C[m], std = statP.average(C[m])
    return dlist, C
Ejemplo n.º 3
def structure_function(M, t, indices, axes=['E', 'E'], p=2):
    Compute structure functions from a Mdata set
    M : Mdata object
    t : int 
        time index
    indices : list of tuple 
        list of pair of indices, used as the sample of Mdata to compute two points quantities
    axe : string. 
        Possible values are : 'E', 'xx', 'yy', 'xy'
        to be implemented :  'l' : longitudinal, 't' : transverse
    C : list of float
        list of evaluated structure functions on the positions specified by the list indices
    X, Y = chose_axe(M, t, axes)
    C = []
    for i, j in indices.keys():
        for k, l in zip(indices[(i, j)][0], indices[(i, j)][1]):
            C.append(X[i, j]**p - Y[k, l]**p)  # for k,l in indices[(i,j)]])
            #   print(len(C))
    Cmoy, Cstd = statP.average(C)
    return C
Ejemplo n.º 4
def compute(M, t, indices, avg=1, axes=['U', 'U'], p=1, average=False):
    C = []
    C_norm = []

    X, Y = chose_axe(M, t, axes)

    if average:
        Xmoy, Xstd = statP.average(X)
        Ymoy, Ystd = statP.average(Y)
        Xmoy = 0
        Xstd = 0
        Ymoy = 0
        Ystd = 0

    for i, j in indices.keys():
        # print(indices[i,j])
        k, l = indices[i, j]
        vec_t = [k - i, l - j]

        # Xl = project(X[i,j,...],vec_t,'l')
        # Yl = project(Y[k,l,...],vec_t,'l')

        # Xt = project(X[i,j,...],vec_t,'t')
        # Yt = project(Y[k,l,...],vec_t,'t')

        Sp = (X[i, j, ...] - Xmoy)**p * (
            Y[k, l, ...] -
            Ymoy)**p  # remove the average in space ?   -> remove by default
        C.append(Sp)  # for k,l in indices[(i,j)]])

        Sp_norm = ((X[i, j, ...] + Y[k, l, ...] - Xmoy - Ymoy) / 2)**(2 * p)
        # substract the mean flow ? it shouldn't change the result so much, as there is no strong mean flow
        # -> to be checked
        # how to compute the mean flow : at which scale ? box size ? local average ?
        # Cmoy,Cstd=average(C)
    Cf = statP.average(C)[0] / statP.average(C_norm)[0]
    return Cf
Ejemplo n.º 5
def corr_v_tn(M, t, indices, avg=1, p=1):
    Compute the correlation coefficient at time t for a collection of pair indices
        M : Mdata object
        t : time indice
        indices : dictionnary containing pair of indices
    C = []
    x = M.x
    y = M.y
    Ux = M.Ux[..., t]
    Uy = M.Uy[..., t]

    Xmoy, Xstd = statP.average(Ux)
    Ymoy, Ystd = statP.average(Uy)

    for i, j in indices.keys():
        k, l = indices[i, j]

        # tangent vector
        u = (x[k, l] - x[i, j], y[k, l] - y[i, j])
        theta, r = Smath.cart2pol(u)

        Sp = (X[i, j] - Xmoy)**p * (Y[k, l] -
                                    Ymoy)**p  # remove the average in space ?

        #                for k,l in zip(indices[(i,j)][0],indices[(i,j)][1]):
        C.append(Sp)  # for k,l in indices[(i,j)]])
        # substract the mean flow ? it shouldn't change the result so much
        # but it does change !
        # at which scale ? box size ? local average ?
    #        Cmoy,Cstd=average(C)
    return statP.average(C)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def corr_d_stat(M, N, indices=None, axes=['Ux', 'Ux'], p=1, average=False):
    Compute the correlation function from an ensemble N of time
    # select N times to compute the
    if indices is None:
        dlist, indices = get_indices(M)

    nx, ny, nt = M.shape()
    frames = range(0, nt, nt / N)

    Ctot = [[] for i in frames]
    for i, frame in enumerate(frames):
        d, Ctot[i] = corr_d(M, frame, indices=indices, dlist=dlist, axes=axes, p=p, average=average)

    Ctot = np.asarray(Ctot)
    Ctot, Cstd = statP.average(Ctot, axis=0)
    return dlist, Ctot
Ejemplo n.º 7
def corr_v_d(Mlist,
             axes=['Ux', 'Ux'],
    compute the correlation function in space at a given time. Average over space (ie along d-1 dimensions of Mlist[axes[0]]),and eventually over time
    M : Mdata object
        must have attributes : t, fields ('Ux','Uy', ...)
        must have method shape()
    t : int
        time index
    axes : 2 elements string list
        attributes of M to be used for the correlation function
    N : int
        Number of frames before and after time t.
    p : int. default value is 1
        power of the fields C_p(Dt) = U1**p * U2**p / <U1**2p >
    display : bool. default value is false
    #    Ct=[]
    # how to average ?? -> need a mean on several realization ? or just substract the average value (in space) ?
    M = Mlist[0]
    tlist = M.t
    # print("Compute mean values")
    tmin = max(0, t - N)
    tmax = min(len(tlist) - 1, t + N)
    # print(tmin)
    # print(tmax)
    t_c = np.asarray(M.t)[np.arange(tmin, tmax)]  # -M.t[t]
    # print(np.mean(np.diff(t_c)))
    # max number of time step
    #  print("Compute mean values 2")
    # Compute the average flow
    Xm = []
    Ym = []
    for M in Mlist:
        Xref, Yref = chose_axe(M, t, axes)

    Xm = np.asarray(Xm)
    Ym = np.asarray(Ym)
    #  print(Xm.shape)
    Xmoy_ref, Xstd_ref = statP.average(Xref, axis=())

    # idea : compute the flow average over several realizations (ensemble avg)
    Ct = []
    for tc in range(tmin, tmax):
        Sp = []
        Xt_moy = []
        XDt_moy = []
        for M in Mlist:
            Xref, Yref = chose_axe(M, t, axes)
            Xt_m, Xstd_ref = statP.average(Xref)

            X, Y = chose_axe(M, tc, axes)
            XDt_m, Xstd = statP.average(X)

        Xt_ref = statP.average(Xt_moy)
        XDt_ref = statP.average(XDt_moy)

        for M in Mlist:
            Xref, Yref = chose_axe(M, t, axes)
            #  Xmoy_ref,Xstd_ref=statP.average(Xref)
            X, Y = chose_axe(M, tc, axes)
            #  Xmoy,Xstd=statP.average(X)
            Sp.append((X - XDt_ref)**p * (Xref - XDt_ref)**p)
            #   print(np.shape(Sp))
        #   print(Ct)
    C0 = Ct[t - tmin]
    C_norm = np.asarray(Ct) / C0

    indices = np.argsort(t_c)
    t_c = t_c[indices] - M.t[t]
    C_norm = C_norm[indices]

    # plot distribution of Sp values ?
    figs = {}
    if display or save:
        field = axes[0]
        title = str(axes[0]) + ', ' + str(axes[1])
        graphes.graph(t_c, C_norm, fignum=fignum, label=label)
        figs.update(graphes.legende('$t (s)$', '$C$', title))

        if save:
            name = 'fx_' + str(int(np.floor(M.fx * 1000))) + 'm_t_' + str(
                int(np.floor(M.t[t] * 1000))) + 'm_'
                              prefix='./Stat_avg/Time_correlation/Serie/' +
                              field + '/' + name,
    return t_c, C_norm