def drawBoard(): global b #actually draw the board :D turtle.width(5) turtle.up() turtle.goto(-3*b/2.0,b/2.0) turtle.down() turtle.seth(0) turtle.forward(3*b) turtle.up() turtle.goto(-3*b/2.0,-b/2.0) turtle.down() turtle.seth(0) turtle.forward(3*b) turtle.up() turtle.goto(-b/2.0,3*b/2.0) turtle.down() turtle.seth(270) turtle.forward(3*b) turtle.up() turtle.goto(b/2.0,3*b/2.0) turtle.down() turtle.seth(270) turtle.forward(3*b)
def ejes(): #################################### # Ejes Coordenados # # los ejes x e y van de -150 a 150 # #################################### turtle.delay(0) turtle.speed(0) turtle.pencolor('red') turtle.down() turtle.fd(301) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(1) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(300) turtle.fd(300) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(1) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(300) turtle.fd(300) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(1) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(300) turtle.fd(300) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(1) turtle.rt(90) turtle.fd(300) turtle.up() turtle.pencolor('blue')
def draw_l(word): turtle.up() turtle.clear() turtle.setposition(0, 0) turtle.setheading(0) turtle.bk(INITIAL_POS[0]) turtle.down() stack = [] for char in word: if char == '0': turtle.fd(SIZE[0]) if char == '1': turtle.fd(SIZE[0]) if char == '[': stack.append((turtle.position(), turtle.heading())) if char == ']': position, heading = stack.pop() turtle.up() turtle.setposition(position) turtle.setheading(heading) turtle.rt(45) turtle.down()
def turtle_init(): turtle.up() turtle.speed(0) turtle.left(90) turtle.backward(350) turtle.down()
def display( self, text ): """Display the finished graphic until the window is closed. Might be better to display until key click or mouse click. """ turtle.title( text )
def ttlinit(): turtle.setup(width=1080, height=540) turtle.title("Világtérkép 🌍") turtle.delay(0) turtle.bgcolor("#8ab5ea") turtle.setworldcoordinates(-180, -90, 180, 90) turtle.up()
def spirale2(): t.up() t.setposition((0, 0)) t.down() for i in range(90): t.right(60)
def spirale1(): t.up() t.setposition((0, 0)) t.down() for i in range(700): t.forward(i) t.left(91)
def main(): turtle.setup(1000, 600) turtle.up() turtle.goto(-200, 0) turtle.title("七段数码管") drawDate(time.strftime("%Y-%m=%d+", time.gmtime())) turtle.reset()
def make_circle(): m = 3 for p in range(120): turtle.left(3) turtle.forward(m) if p > 60: turtle.shape('turtle')
def make_smaller_square(): ''' This is a test for a document. that should be used for make_smaller_square''' m = 200 for p in range(22): turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(m) m -= 10
def __init__(self, data): = data self.t = turtle.Turtle() self.t.pu() self.t.tracer(0, 0) self.t.speed(0) turtle.onscreenclick(on_click)
def drawEdge(e): ((sx, sy), (ex, ey)) = e turtle.goto(sx * 300, sy * 300) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(ex * 300, ey * 300) turtle.penup()
def ready(rad): turtle.speed(0) turtle.up() turtle.goto(0,-rad) turtle.down() turtle.colormode(1) turtle.bgcolor('black') turtle.pensize(1.1)
def init_turtle(): turtle.up() turtle.speed(0) turtle.setpos(-500, -300) turtle.left(60) turtle.colormode(255) turtle.pencolor((150, 150, 0)) turtle.down()
def drawHomeWindow(): turtle.setup(width=510, height=510) #Opens up a 510x510 pixel window. turtle.clear() turtle.penup() turtle.color("red") turtle.goto(0,200) #Draws welcome text on screen turtle.write("Welcome! Click to begin...", align="center", font=(None, 25, "normal")) turtle.title("Ben Stones - Snake Game")
def f(degree): t.clear() t.reset() t.speed(1000) t.pensize(1) t.color('black') t.seth(degree) t.fd(250)
def main(): t.setup(800, 400) t.speed(0) t.up() t.goto(-300, -50) t.down() t.pensize(2) koch(600, 3)
def ready(rad): turtle.speed(0) turtle.up() turtle.goto(0, -rad) turtle.down() turtle.colormode(1) turtle.bgcolor('black') turtle.pensize(1.1)
def chess_board(li): turtle.tracer(0, 0) WIDTH = 40 turtle.pu() turtle.goto(-len(li) / 2 * WIDTH, len(li) / 2 * WIDTH) turtle.pd() turtle.setup(width=len(li) * WIDTH + WIDTH, height=len(li) * WIDTH + WIDTH) turtle.title("Solving N-Queen...") def square(coloring): if coloring: turtle.begin_fill() for h in range(4): turtle.fd(WIDTH) turtle.rt(90) turtle.end_fill() else: for k in range(4): turtle.fd(WIDTH) turtle.rt(90) for i in range(1, len(li) + 1): for j in range(1, len(li) + 1): if ((i + j) % 2 == 0) or (i % 2 != 0 and j % 2 != 0): square(True) turtle.fd(WIDTH) else: square(False) turtle.fd(WIDTH) turtle.pu() turtle.goto(-len(li) / 2 * WIDTH, -WIDTH * i + len(li) / 2 * WIDTH) turtle.pd() turtle.pu() for item in enumerate(li, 1): if item[0] <= len(li) / 2 and item[1] <= len(li) / 2: turtle.goto(-WIDTH * (len(li) / 2 + 1 - item[0]) + WIDTH / 2, WIDTH * (len(li) / 2 + 1 - item[1]) - WIDTH / 2) / 2, 'red') if item[1] <= len(li) / 2 < item[0]: turtle.goto(WIDTH * (item[0] - len(li) / 2) - WIDTH / 2, WIDTH * (len(li) / 2 + 1 - item[1]) - WIDTH / 2) / 2, 'red') if item[0] <= len(li) / 2 < item[1]: turtle.goto(-WIDTH * (len(li) / 2 + 1 - item[0]) + WIDTH / 2, -WIDTH * (item[1] - len(li) / 2) + WIDTH / 2) / 2, 'red') if item[0] > len(li) / 2 and item[1] > len(li) / 2: turtle.goto(WIDTH * (item[0] - len(li) / 2) - WIDTH / 2, -WIDTH * (item[1] - len(li) / 2) + WIDTH / 2) / 2, 'red') turtle.mainloop()
def init(): """ Initialize the turtle window :return: None """ t.up() t.setup(200, 200) t.setpos(0, 60) t.title("Font Options")
def draw(s): turtle.speed(0) for i in s: if i=='F': turtle.forward(10) elif i=='+': turtle.left(90) elif i=='-': turtle.right(90)
def Setup(): # Hide the turtle t.speed(0) t.tracer(0, 0) t.up() t.screensize(500, 500) t.bgcolor("black") t.color("white") t.setworldcoordinates(-50, -50, 450, 450) t.update()
def choose_items(): item = str( screen.textinput('Welcome to the house', "What item would you like to swap?")) check_item(item) item = str( screen.textinput('Choose more items, write no if you finished already', "What item would you like to swap?")) check_item(item)
def writeTxt(size, txt): t.clear() left = 0 - size / 2 top = 0 - size / 2 t.up() t.goto(left, top) t.down() t.pencolor('red') t.write(txt, font=('Times New Roman', size, ''))
def update(x, y): turtle.clear() turtle.tracer(0, 0) for bound in bounds: particle.goto(x, y) particle.look(bounds) turtle.update()
def main(): t.speed(20) t.shapesize(1000, 1000) t.up() t.goto(1000, 0) t.onkey(showTurtle, "a") t.listen() t.onclick(getPos) t.onrelease(hideTurtle)
def draw_circle(x: int, y: int, radius: int, color: str): turtle.pu() turtle.setx(x) turtle.sety(y) turtle.pd() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.fillcolor(color) turtle.end_fill()
def draw(sol): turtle.tracer(None) turtle.speed(0) turtle.clear() turtle.pu() turtle.goto(sol.solution[0][0], sol.solution[0][1]) turtle.pd() for x in range(1, len(sol.solution)): turtle.goto(sol.solution[x][0], sol.solution[x][1]) turtle.goto(sol.solution[0][0], sol.solution[0][1])
def rulepopup(): clearscreen() player.penup() rule_changecolor() rule_clear() rule_movement() rule_pendown() rule_penlarge() rule_clear_rules() eraser_rule()
def color_quad(pos_x, pos_y, side, cor): turtle.pu() turtle.goto(pos_x, pos_y) turtle.pd() turtle.fillcolor(cor) turtle.begin_fill() for i in range(4): turtle.fd(side) turtle.rt(90) turtle.end_fill()
def despliega_instrucciones(): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-320, -200) turtle.pendown() archivo = open("instrucciones.txt", "r") cadena = turtle.write(cadena, move=False, align="left", font=("Arial", 11, "normal"))
def black_quad(pos_x, pos_y, side): turtle.pu() turtle.goto(pos_x, pos_y) turtle.pd() turtle.fillcolor('black') turtle.begin_fill() for i in range(4): turtle.fd(side) turtle.rt(90) turtle.end_fill()
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, dy): Turtle.__init__(self) self.pu() self.goto(x, y) self.shape("platform.gif") #register shape of the platform and change it self.shapesize = 60 self.width = width self.height = height self.dy = dy
def winner(color, blackCount, whiteCount): turtle.pu() turtle.goto(4, 4) turtle.color('red') turtle.write(color, True, align='center', font=('Arial', 100, 'normal')) turtle.goto(4, 2) turtle.write('Black: ' + blackCount + ' White: ' + whiteCount, True, align='center', font=('Arial', 50, 'normal'))
def plot_by_magnitude(picture_size, coordinates_dict, magnitudes_dict): turtle.screensize(picture_size, picture_size) for i in coordinates_dict: turtle.penup() turtle.goto(coordinates_dict[i][0] * picture_size / 2, coordinates_dict[i][1] * picture_size / 2) star_size = round(10.0 / (magnitudes_dict[i] + 2)) if star_size > 8: star_size = 8 draw_square(star_size)
def trivia(fo, ft): def question(person, question, answer, points, turn): print("The next question is for ") print(person + ".") print(question) fq = input() if (fq == answer): print("RIGHT! One point for ") print(person) WASD(points) WASD("d") WASD("d") WASD(points) WASD(turn) WASD("wwww") WASD(turn) else: if (turn == "a"): turn = "d" else: turn = "a" print("WRONG!") WASD(turn) WASD("wwww") WASD(turn) WASD(turn) WASD(turn) print("The answer is " + answer) WASD("d") WASD("wwww") WASD("w") WASD("c") WASD("a") WASD("wwww") WASD("a") WASD("a") WASD("wwww") WASD("wwww") WASD("ss") WASD("d") print("Welcome to trivial persute!") question(ft, "2+2", "4", "ww", "a") question(fo, "9*3", "27", "ww", "d") question(ft, "10*10", "100", "w", "a") question(fo, "3**2", "9", "www", "d") question(ft, "3x**2 = 27, what is x?", "3", "www", "a") question(fo, "25ab/2b**3 * 4b/5a", "10/b", "wwww", "d") question( ft, "sqrt(-1) sqrt(64) 3.141592653589793238462643383279502... ' and it was good.'", "i ate pie and it was good.", "wwww", "a")
def pintar(x, y): ################################## # Función para Encender un Pixel # ################################## turtle.delay(0) turtle.speed(0) turtle.up() turtle.goto(2 * int(x), 2 * int(y)) turtle.down() turtle.fd(0) turtle.up()
def init_engine(delay=_ENGINEDELAY): ''' (Re)initializes the game engine. Only one game engine may exist at any one time. The optional parameter specifies a delay added to each game time step, in seconds; the value may be a floating point number. ''' global _e _e = _E(delay) turtle.pu() turtle.clear()
def __main__(): nodes = [] while True: numberOfNodes = int(raw_input("Number of nodes (Max = 8): ")) if numberOfNodes > 8 or numberOfNodes <= 1: print "The amount of nodes must be a number between 2 and 8." else: drawCircles(numberOfNodes) i = 1 while i <= numberOfNodes: nodes = nodes + ["Q" + str(i)] i += 1 break labelNodes(numberOfNodes) while True: startingNode = str(raw_input("Starting node: ")) if startingNode in nodes: entrance([-400 + 80 * nodes.index(startingNode), 20]) break else: print "That node does not exist please choose a node between Q1 and Q" + str(numberOfNodes) + "." while True: endingNodes = str( raw_input("Accepting state (Enter all accepting states put a comma between them ex. Q1,Q3): ") ) endingNodes = endingNodes.split(",") valid = True for x in endingNodes: if x not in nodes: valid = False break if valid == True: for x in endingNodes: final([-400 + 80 * nodes.index(x), 20]) break else: print "One of those nodes does not exist please try again" addT = "Jonathan" print "Transitions(Enter one transtion then press enter. After the last transition press enter twice. Format (StartingNode,Letter)=EndingNode *No spaces*)" while True: addT = str(raw_input()) if addT == "": break else: new = transitions(addT) if new[0] in nodes and new[2] in nodes: addLine(nodes.index(new[0]), nodes.index(new[2]), new[1]) else: print "Looks like their was an error with your format. Please try again." saveImg()
def disp(A, cellsize = 1 / 10.5): turtle.clear() turtle.shape("square") turtle.penup() turtle.speed(0) turtle.shapesize(0.5, 0.5, 1) top = len(A) / cellsize left = -len(A[0]) / cellsize for r in range(len(A)): for c in range(len(A[r])): if A[r][c]: turtle.goto(c * 10.5 + left, top - r * 10.5) turtle.stamp()
def hold(self): """ holds the screen open until the user clicks or types 'q' """ # have the turtle listen for events turtle.listen() # hide the turtle and update the screen turtle.update() # have the turtle listen for 'q' turtle.onkey( turtle.bye, 'q' ) # have the turtle listen for a click turtle.onscreenclick( lambda x,y: turtle.bye() ) # start the main loop until an event happens, then exit turtle.mainloop() exit()
def Sierpinsmod(size,mod,alto=1024,ancho=700,dx=4): r=1.0*dx pp=dx # Grueso de los puntos turtle.colormode(1) turtle.speed("fastest") turtle.tracer(False) turtle.penup() turtle.home() ox = -(turtle.window_width()/2)+2*dx oy = (turtle.window_height()/2)-2*dx P=Pascal(size,mod) turtle.setpos(ox,oy),clr(P[0][0],mod)) turtle.seth(90) for d in range(1,2*size-1): print("iniciando diagonal ",d), if d< size: initx=0 # Posiciones iniciales inity=d else: initx = d-size+1 inity = size-1 turtle.setpos(ox+initx*dx-dx,oy-inity*dx-dx) for k in range(initx,inity+1): # Recorremos la diagonal de suma d # Los puntos corresponden a (k, d-k) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(dx) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(dx) t=P[k][d-k] if t > 0:, clr(t,mod)) if d % 20 ==0: turtle.update()
def illustrate(self, color="red"): # if the tree is empty, exit program if self.is_empty(): print("Empty") return # set turtle settings turtle.pu() turtle.speed(0) # move turtle to near top of string turtle.goto(0, 250) # set color of the numbers on the nodes self.color = color # begin drawing the tree self.help_illustrate(self.root, turtle)
def drawFrame(self, i, j, colour=None): if colour is not None: turtle.color("red") else: turtle.color("black") turtle.up() turtle.tracer(10000,0) x = self.index_to_pixel(i, "x") y = self.index_to_pixel(j, "y") print("going to " + str(x) + " " + str(y)) turtle.setx(x) turtle.sety(y) turtle.down() turtle.forward(self.xside_box) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(self.yside_box) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(self.xside_box) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(self.yside_box) turtle.left(90) turtle.update()
# from here & import turtle import math # setup turtle.Screen() turtle.screensize(500,500) # make turtle invisible turtle.pensize(2) while True: answer = raw_input("would you like to draw a spirograph? y/n ") if answer == "y": # get user input r = float(raw_input("what radius do you want for the moving circle? ")) # classic = x R = float(raw_input("what radius do you want for the overall circle? ")) # classic = x - 10 p = float(raw_input("offset of pen from moving circle ")) # classic = x/2 color = raw_input("what pen color do you want? (in terms of color string) ") t = 0.0 turtle.penup() turtle.pencolor(color) turtle.fillcolor(color) turtle.goto(0,-300) turtle.write("parameters: %g, %g, %g" % (r, R, p), True, align="center", font=("Arial", 10, "normal")) while t < 50.0:
d = l / 3 vk(d, n - 1) t.left(60) vk(d, n - 1) t.right(120) vk(d, n - 1) t.left(60) vk(d, n - 1) def f(l, n): t.up() t.goto( - l / 2, l / 3 ) t.down() for i in rang(3): vk(l, n) t.right(120) f(300, 6) """ from tkinter import * import os ts = t.getscreen() ts.getcanvas().postscript(file="{0}.eps".format("van_koch")) t.mainloop() """
def __init__(self, filename=None): #, root=None): self.root = root = turtle._root = Tk() root.wm_protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self._destroy) root.resizable(width=FALSE, height=FALSE) ################# self.mBar = Frame(root, relief=RAISED, borderwidth=2) self.mBar.pack(fill=X) root.title('PonyGE GUI') ################# self.left_frame = left_frame = Frame(root) self.text_frame = text_frame = Frame(left_frame) self.vbar = vbar =Scrollbar(text_frame, name='vbar') self.text = text = Text(text_frame, name='text', padx=5, wrap='none', width=45) vbar['command'] = text.yview vbar.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) ##################### self.hbar = hbar =Scrollbar(text_frame, name='hbar', orient=HORIZONTAL) hbar['command'] = text.xview hbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) ##################### text['yscrollcommand'] = vbar.set text.config(font=txtfont) text.config(xscrollcommand=hbar.set) text.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y, expand=1) ##################### self.output_lbl = Label(left_frame, height= 1,text=" --- ", bg = "#ddf", font = ("Arial", 16, 'normal')) self.output_lbl.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=0, fill=X) ##################### text_frame.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=0) left_frame.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=0) self.graph_frame = g_frame = Frame(root) turtle._Screen._root = g_frame turtle._Screen._canvas = turtle.ScrolledCanvas(g_frame, 700, 700, 700, 700) #xturtle.Screen._canvas.pack(expand=1, fill="both") self.screen = _s_ = turtle.Screen() ##### turtle.TurtleScreen.__init__(_s_, _s_._canvas) ##### self.scanvas = _s_._canvas #xturtle.RawTurtle.canvases = [self.scanvas] turtle.RawTurtle.screens = [_s_] self.scanvas.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.btn_frame = btn_frame = Frame(g_frame, height=100) self.next_btn = Button(btn_frame, text=" NEXT ", font=btnfont, fg = "white", disabledforeground = "#fed", command=self.nextGeneration) self.next_btn.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1) self.save_btn = Button(btn_frame, text=" SAVE ", font=btnfont, fg = "white", disabledforeground = "#fed", command=self.savecb) self.save_btn.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1) self.redisplay_btn = Button(btn_frame, text=" REDISPLAY ", font=btnfont, fg = "white", disabledforeground = "#fed", command=self.redisplaycb) self.redisplay_btn.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1) self.stop_btn = Button(btn_frame, text=" STOP ", font=btnfont, fg = "white", disabledforeground = "#fed", command = self.stopIt) self.stop_btn.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=1) self.btn_frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=0) self.graph_frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=1) # Grid size, giving population self.n = 3 self.m = 3 # Set up PonyGE = GE(GRAMMAR_FILE) = [0.0 for i in range(self.n) for j in range(self.m)] Percolator(text).insertfilter(ColorDelegator()) self.dirty = False self.exitflag = False self.configGUI(NORMAL, DISABLED, DISABLED, DISABLED, DISABLED, DISABLED, INSTRUCTIONS) # bring the window to front root.attributes('-topmost', 1) root.attributes('-topmost', 0) # none of these succeeds in bringing to front # root.lift() # root.tkraise() # none of these succeeds in focussing # root.focus() # root.focus_force() # self.next_btn.focus_force() self.state = STARTUP self.nextGeneration()
# comment these two lines out for other examples myPile = googleMatrix() frame = googleMatrix() # Other examples # myPile = makePileMatrix(15,15) # the following line generates random values for the pile # myPile = RandomizePile(myPile) # the loop creates a line of grains 20 high across the center of the matrix # for i in range(0,15): # myPile[7][i]=20 # this puts a pile 80 grains high at the center of the matrix # myPile[7][7] = 80 # setScreen(myPile) # drawPile(myPile) # update() count = 1 while (isStable(myPile) == False): # switch the comment status of the next two lines when # not working with the googleMatrix() function myPile = fullStepSandpileNoWhite(myPile,frame) # myPile = fullStepSandpile(myPile) drawPile(myPile) update() print(count) count+=1 ht() done() # printMatrix(myPile)
def visualSim(width, xlist, ylist, attempts, distObj): """ Sets up screen for visual simulation of projectile motion Parameters: width: the distance to the landing zone (black area) xlist: the list of x-values from the traj function ylist: the list of y-values from the traj function attempts: indicates which attempt the game is on distObj: the object distance if on level 5; otherwise, false score: the current score possible Return value: none """ import turtle turtle = turtle.Turtle() screen = turtle.getscreen() screen.setworldcoordinates(-10, -10, width + 15, 1000) #sets edges of screen turtle.up() turtle.setposition(-10, 0) #drawing of ground turtle.down() turtle.pensize(5) turtle.pencolor("green") turtle.setposition(width,0) turtle.pencolor("black") turtle.setposition(width+15,0) turtle.up() #draws the object if distObj != False: turtle.pencolor("blue") turtle.setposition(distObj,0) turtle.down() turtle.setposition(distObj, 400) turtle.setposition(distObj+5,400) turtle.setposition(distObj+5,0) turtle.up() turtle.pensize(1) turtle.setposition(0,0) #drawing of trajectory begins here turtle.shape("circle") turtle.down() if attempts == 5: #changes color of path depending on which attempt it is...purely aesthetic turtle.pencolor("blue") elif attempts == 4: turtle.pencolor("orange") elif attempts == 3: turtle.pencolor("yellow") elif attempts == 2: turtle.pencolor("purple") else: turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.showturtle() #draws the trajectory with a turtle object; stops if the turtle goes off of the screen to the left or right for position in range(len(xlist)): turtle.setposition(xlist[position], ylist[position]) if xlist[position] > width + 15 or xlist[position] < 0: #line that stops an offscreen turtle turtle.hideturtle() break time.sleep(1.5) screen.bye()
drawTrunk("brown",90, -225) drawTriangle("green", 225, -50) drawTriangle("green", 190, 25) drawTriangle("green", 150, 75) drawBall("red", 20, 225, -50) drawBall("blue", 20, 190, 25) drawBall("pink", 20, 150, 75) drawStar("yellow", 90, 75) drawStars(100, 300, "white") drawStars(150, 279, "white") drawStars(200, 310, "white") drawStars(250, 280, "white") drawStars(300, 260, "white") drawStars(100, 350, "white") drawStars(350, 230, "white") t.title("A Tree!") t.speed(0) t.up() t.goto (0,-350) t.color("red") t.write("Merry Christmas From CS105!", True, align="center", font=("Arial", 24, "bold")) drawpicture() t.goto (0,-375) t.color("white") t.write("By: Tyler Wittreich, Casey Blair, Ryan Hillstead", True, align="center", font=("Arial", 16, "normal")) t.exitonclick()
def drawNodes(treeMin, eventDict, depth, nodeDict): """Takes as input treeMin - a list of the starting nodes of the best reconciliations eventDict - the DTL format dictionary depth - a starting y-coordinate nodeDict - a dictionary of nodes and their coordinates. This function recursively draws the nodes of the DTL format dictionary, then connects them using the connect function aboves""" numTips = 0 for key in eventDict.keys(): if eventDict[key][0][0] == "C": numTips+=1 width = numTips * 200 DISPLACE = width/2 dip = 15 if len(eventDict)<25: radius = 30 else: radius = 13 dip = 15 width = width/2 DISPLACE = DISPLACE/2 if treeMin == []: for key in nodeDict: for item in range(len(nodeDict[key][1:])): connect(turtle.Turtle(), nodeDict[key][0], nodeDict[key][item+1], radius) for thing in eventDict[key][item][1:-1]: if thing !=(None, None): connect(turtle.Turtle(), nodeDict[key][item+1], nodeDict[thing][0], radius) return difference = ((len(eventDict))*2)/numTips numSols = len(treeMin) turtle.speed(0) turtle.pen(pencolor = "black") eventList = [] newtreeMin = [] for x in range(len(treeMin)): if not treeMin[x] in nodeDict: nodeDict[treeMin[x]] = [((x+1)*width/(numSols + 1)-DISPLACE, depth + radius)] turtle.penup() turtle.setpos((x+1)*width/(numSols+1)-DISPLACE, depth) turtle.pendown() turtle.left(130) turtle.penup() turtle.forward(radius) turtle.pendown() turtle.right(130) turtle.write(treeMin[x], font = ("arial", 12, "normal")) for y in eventDict[treeMin[x]]: if type(y)== list: eventList.append((y[0], treeMin[x])) if y[1] !=(None, None) and not y[1] in newtreeMin: newtreeMin.append(y[1]) if y[2] !=(None, None) and not y[2] in newtreeMin: newtreeMin.append(y[2]) numEvents = len(eventList) for event in range(len(eventList)): turtle.penup() nodeDict[eventList[event][1]].append(((event+1)*width/(numEvents+1)-DISPLACE, depth -(difference-radius))) turtle.setpos(((event+1)*width/(numEvents+1))-DISPLACE, depth - difference) turtle.pendown() turtle.left(95) turtle.penup() turtle.forward(radius) turtle.pendown() turtle.right(95) turtle.write(eventList[event][0], font = ("arial", 12, "normal")) drawNodes(newtreeMin, eventDict, depth - 2*difference, nodeDict)
turtle.pu() turtle.setpos(x, y) turtle.pd() ''' Function: randomColor Description: This function returns a random color from a predefined list. ''' def randomColor(): return random.choice(['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'violet']) #================================================================================ # START OF MAIN #================================================================================ turtle.speed(0) # Speed the computation time up significantly, way to slow to draw # otherwise turtle.clear() turtle.home() turtle.bgcolor("black") # Makes the colors really stand out # Hide the turtle, makes the program run a little faster position(-300,0) rowOfShapes(8)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding : Utf-8 -*- import turtle as ttl import random as rd # Initialisations ln_lig = 20 ln_s = 15 nbl = 20 la = 45 # Point zéro for ll in range(nbl): ttl.pen(speed = 5) ttl.up() ttl.goto(0, 0) ttl.down() angles = [rd.random() * 2 * la - la for x in range(ln_lig)] ttl.color([0, 0, 0]) for n in range(ln_lig): ttl.left(angles[n]) ttl.forward(ln_s) ttl.color([1, 0, 0]) ttl.pen(speed = 0) ttl.begin_fill(); / 4); ttl.end_fill() # Fin ttl.mainloop()
def init_turtle(): turtle.up() turtle.speed(0) turtle.setpos(-500, 0) turtle.down()
def stamp(x,y): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x,y) turtle.pendown() turtle.stamp()
kochLine(depth-1, distance/3) turtle.rt(60) kochLine(depth-1, distance/3) kochLine(depth-1, distance/3) turtle.rt(60) kochLine(depth-1, distance/3) def koch(depth, distance): for x in range(3): kochLine(depth, distance) distance = 400.0 depth = 5 turtle.speed(0) #0 = fastest #hideturtle turtle.penup() turtle.setx(-distance/2) turtle.sety(-distance * math.sqrt(3) / 4) #1/2 way up triangle turtle.pendown() turtle.colormode(255) #koch(depth, distance) colorRef = ColorReference(depth) sherp(depth, distance, colorRef)
def f(length, depth, anti): if depth == 0: t.pd() # pendown t.fd(length) # forward t.pu() # penup return for angle in [60, -120, 60, 0]: f(length/3, depth-1, anti) * anti) # main t.reset() t.speed(0) # fast++ # hideturtle t.pu() # penup screen = t.getscreen() screen.bgcolor("black") sleep(1) for i in range(n): screen.tracer(49152, 0) # i # a b/w version cl = float(i+2) / float(n+2) t.color((cl, cl, cl)) t.fill(True) # snowflake(sz, 5, 1) # i+2 sz = sz - (sz / 8) # t.fill(False) #
import turtle turtle.speed(0) print("welcome to the paint progaram,") print("when you will click on the screen, a shape will appear.") print("to change the shape press on --->") print("Up - Circle, Down - Square, Left - Triangle, Right - Turtle.") print("to change the color of the shape press on --->") print("B - Blue, R - Red, G - Green, Y - Yellow, O - Orange, S - Black, W - White (eraser).") print("to change the size of the shape press on --->") print("size 1 - 1, size 2 - 2, size 3 - 3, size 4 - 4, size 5 - 5.") print("to clear the screen press - C.") print("ENJOY!") def size_1(): turtle.shapesize(1,1,1) turtle.getscreen().onkeypress(size_1,"1") turtle.getscreen().listen() def size_2(): turtle.shapesize(2,2,2) turtle.getscreen().onkeypress(size_2,"2") turtle.getscreen().listen() def size_3(): turtle.shapesize(3,3,3) turtle.getscreen().onkeypress(size_3,"3") turtle.getscreen().listen()
def __init__(self,pseudo,adv,*,x=600,y=400): super().__init__(pseudo,adversaire = adv) turtle.Screen().onkey(self.pleindre,'p') turtle.Screen().onkey(self.rule,'j') self.coord1 = None self.coord2 = None turtle.penup() turtle.bgpic("interface.gif") #charge le fond d'écran turtle.setup (width=x, height=y, startx=0, starty=0) turtle.Screen().onkey(,'m') turtle.goto(-170,115) turtle.write(self.adv,align="center",font=("Arial",25, "normal")) turtle.goto(140,115) turtle.write(pseudo,align="center", font=("Arial",25, "normal"))