Ejemplo n.º 1
    def transition_model(self, u, dt):
        Combined Turtlebot + map dynamics.
        Adapt this method from EkfLocalization.transition_model().
        g = np.copy(self.x)
        Gx = np.eye(self.x.size)
        Gu = np.zeros((self.x.size, 2))

        ########## Code starts here ##########
        # TODO: Compute g, Gx, Gu.
        # HINT: This should be very similar to EkfLocalization.transition_model() and take 1-5 lines of code.
        # HINT: Call tb.compute_dynamics() with the correct elements of self.x

        N = self.x.size

        g_l, Gx_l, Gu_l = tb.compute_dynamics(self.x[0:3], u, dt)

        g[0:3] = g_l

        Gx = scipy.linalg.block_diag(Gx_l, np.eye(N - 3))

        Gu[0:3, 0:2] = Gu_l

        ########## Code ends here ##########

        return g, Gx, Gu
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def transition_model(self, u, dt):
        Turtlebot dynamics (unicycle model).

        ########## Code starts here ##########
        # TODO: Compute g, Gx, Gu using tb.compute_dynamics().
        g, Gx, Gu = tb.compute_dynamics(self.x, u, dt)
        ########## Code ends here ##########

        return g, Gx, Gu
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def transition_model(self, u, dt):
        """Specifies how control input |u| updates the augmented state vector."""
        g = np.copy(self.x)
        Gx = np.eye(self.x.size)
        Gu = np.zeros((self.x.size, 2))
        ########## Code starts here ##########
        # TODO: Compute g, Gx, Gu.
        robot_pose = self.x[:3]
        g_robot, Gx_robot, Gu_robot = tb.compute_dynamics(robot_pose, u, dt)
        g[:3] = g_robot
        Gx[:3, :3] = Gx_robot
        Gu[:3, :3] = Gu_robot
        ########## Code ends here ##########

        return g, Gx, Gu
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def transition_model(self, u, dt):
        Combined Turtlebot + map dynamics.
        Adapt this method from EkfLocalization.transition_model().
        g = np.copy(self.x)
        Gx = np.eye(self.x.size)
        Gu = np.zeros((self.x.size, 2))

        ########## Code starts here ##########
        # TODO: Compute g, Gx, Gu.
        # HINT: This should be very similar to EkfLocalization.transition_model() and take 1-5 lines of code.
        # HINT: Call tb.compute_dynamics() with the correct elements of self.x
        g[:3], Gx[:3, :3], Gu[:3, :] = tb.compute_dynamics(self.x[:3], u, dt)
        ########## Code ends here ##########

        return g, Gx, Gu
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def transition_model(self, u, dt):
        Combined Turtlebot + map dynamics.
        Adapt this method from EkfLocalization.transition_model().
        g = np.copy(self.x)
        Gx = np.eye(self.x.size)
        Gu = np.zeros((self.x.size, 2))

        ########## Code starts here ##########
        g_tb, Gx_tb, Gu_tb = tb.compute_dynamics(self.x[:3], u, dt)
        g[0:3] = g_tb
        Gx[0:3, 0:3] = Gx_tb
        Gu[0:3, 0:2] = Gu_tb
        ########## Code ends here ##########

        return g, Gx, Gu
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def transition_model(self, u, dt):
        Combined Turtlebot + map dynamics.
        Adapt this method from EkfLocalization.transition_model().
        g = np.copy(self.x)
        Gx = np.eye(self.x.size)
        Gu = np.zeros((self.x.size, 2))

        ########## Code starts here ##########
        # TODO: Compute g, Gx, Gu.
        g_p, Gx_p, Gu_p = tb.compute_dynamics(self.x[:3], u, dt)
        g[:3] = g_p
        Gx[:3, :3] = Gx_p
        Gu[:3, :] = Gu_p
        ########## Code ends here ##########

        return g, Gx, Gu
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def transition_model(self, u, dt):
        Turtlebot dynamics (unicycle model).
        Propagates exact (nonlinear) state dynamics.

             u: np.array[2,] - zero-order hold control input.
            dt: float        - duration of discrete time step.
             g: np.array[n,]  - result of belief mean propagated according to the
                                system dynamics with control u for dt seconds.
            Gx: np.array[n,n] - Jacobian of g with respect to belief mean self.x.
            Gu: np.array[n,2] - Jacobian of g with respect to control u.

        ########## Code starts here ##########
        # TODO: Compute g, Gx, Gu using tb.compute_dynamics().
        g, Gx, Gu = tb.compute_dynamics(self.x, u, dt)

        ########## Code ends here ##########

        return g, Gx, Gu
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def transition_model(self, us, dt):
        Unicycle model dynamics.

            us: np.array[M,2] - zero-order hold control input for each particle.
            dt: float         - duration of discrete time step.
            g: np.array[M,3] - result of belief mean for each particle
                               propagated according to the system dynamics with
                               control u for dt seconds.

        ########## Code starts here ##########
        # TODO: Compute g.
        # Hint: We don't need Jacobians for particle filtering.
        # Hint: A simple solution can be using a for loop for each partical
        #       and a call to tb.compute_dynamics
        # Hint: To maximize speed, try to compute the dynamics without looping
        #       over the particles. If you do this, you should implement
        #       vectorized versions of the dynamics computations directly here
        #       (instead of modifying turtlebot_model). This results in a
        #       ~10x speedup.
        # Hint: This faster/better solution does not use loop and does 
        #       not call tb.compute_dynamics. You need to compute the idxs
        #       where abs(om) > EPSILON_OMEGA and the other idxs, then do separate 
        #       updates for them

        ########## Code ends here ##########
        g = np.empty([self.M,3])
        for i in range(self.M):
            xvec = self.xs[i]
            u = us[i]
            g_temp, Gx, Gu = tb.compute_dynamics(xvec, u, dt)
            g[i,:] = g_temp
        ########## Code ends here ##########
        return g