Ejemplo n.º 1
    def joy_callback(self, joy_msg):
        # simple check for invalid joy_msg
        if len(joy_msg.axes) < 2:
            rospy.logerror("joy_msg axes array length (%d) has less than expected length (2)", len(joy_msg.axes))

        # convert the joystick message to a velocity
        cmd_vel_msg = Velocity()
        cmd_vel_msg.linear = joy_msg.axes[1]*self.linear_scale
        cmd_vel_msg.angular = joy_msg.axes[0]*self.angular_scale

        # publish the velocity command message
    def joy_callback(self, joy_msg):
        # simple check for invalid joy_msg
        if len(joy_msg.axes) < 2:
                "joy_msg axes array length (%d) has less than expected length (2)",

        # convert the joystick message to a velocity
        cmd_vel_msg = Velocity()
        cmd_vel_msg.linear = joy_msg.axes[1] * self.linear_scale
        cmd_vel_msg.angular = joy_msg.axes[0] * self.angular_scale

        # publish the velocity command message
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def joy_callback(self, joy_msg):
		if len(joy_msg.axes) < 2:
			rospy.logerror("bad array size")

		if joy_msg.buttons[1] & joy_msg.buttons[6]:
			# Trigger time reset, profile will begin on button up
			rospy.loginfo("Starting Lissajous:")
			self.t_start = 0
			self.profile = 3

		if joy_msg.buttons[1] & joy_msg.buttons[5]:
			# Trigger time reset, profile will begin on button up
			rospy.loginfo("Making Waves:")
			self.t_start = 0
			self.profile = 2

		if joy_msg.buttons[1] & joy_msg.buttons[4]:
			# Trigger time reset, profile will begin on button up
			rospy.loginfo("Making an L:")
			self.t_start = 0
			self.profile = 1

		if joy_msg.buttons[1]:
			self.run_ok = self.profile
			self.run_ok = 0
			self.t_start = 999.0

		# enable joystick control if push button zero instead
		if joy_msg.buttons[0] & ~joy_msg.buttons[1]:
			if sim:
				cmd_vel_msg = Velocity()
				cmd_vel_msg.linear = joy_msg.axes[1]*self.linear_scale		
				cmd_vel_msg.angular = joy_msg.axes[0]*self.angular_scale		
				cmd_vel_msg = Twist()
				cmd_vel_msg.linear.x = joy_msg.axes[1]*self.linear_scale		
				cmd_vel_msg.angular.z = joy_msg.axes[0]*self.angular_scale		

Ejemplo n.º 4
def pose_callback(data):
  # centre on 5,7
  dx = data.x - 5.0
  dy = data.y - 7.0
  # calculate radius
  radius = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
  # PID control for constant radius
  u = steering_pid.update(radius, 2.5, rospy.get_rostime().to_sec())
  # saturate
  u = rospidlib.saturate(u,0.3)
  # command
  v = Velocity()
  v.linear = 0.3
  v.angular = -u
  # send it
  # tell the world
  rospy.loginfo('Got pos = (%f,%f) rad=%f ctrl=%f', dx, dy, radius, u)
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def run_shape(self):

		while not rospy.is_shutdown():
			sleep_time = 0.1
			lin_cmd = 0.0
			ang_cmd = 0.0
			self.t_start = self.t_start + sleep_time	# assumes deteministic task execution

			if self.run_ok == 1:
				if self.t_start < 3.0:
					lin_cmd = self.linear_scale
				elif self.t_start < 4.0:
					ang_cmd = self.angular_scale
				elif self.t_start < 6.0:
					lin_cmd = self.linear_scale

			elif self.run_ok == 2:
				if self.t_start < 5.0:
					val = self.t_start
					lin_cmd = self.linear_scale
					ang_cmd = 0.9*math.sin(val*2)*self.angular_scale

			elif self.run_ok == 3:
				#rospy.loginfo("Running Shape Time: %f", self.t_start)

				time_scale = 4.5				# rate to execute (cannot exceed 0.5m/sec wheel speed) 
				lissa_dur = math.pi*2*time_scale

				xbox = 4.0/2;
				ybox = 5.0/2;
				corner = 1.0;

				if self.t_start < lissa_dur:
					a = 3.0/time_scale
					b = 4.0/time_scale

					mag_a = .4
					mag_b = .3

					offset = (math.pi/2/a)			# start near corner

					lastx = mag_a*math.sin( (self.t_start+offset-sleep_time)*a )
					xnow  = mag_a*math.sin( (self.t_start+offset)*a )
					nextx = mag_a*math.sin( (self.t_start+offset+sleep_time)*a )				
					lastdx = xnow-lastx;
					desdx  = nextx-xnow;
					#rospy.loginfo("%f %f %f :: %f %f",lastx,xnow,nextx,lastdx,desdx)

					lasty = mag_b*math.sin( (self.t_start+offset-sleep_time)*b )
					ynow  = mag_b*math.sin( (self.t_start+offset)*b )
					nexty = mag_b*math.sin( (self.t_start+offset+sleep_time)*b )				
					lastdy = ynow-lasty;
					desdy  = nexty-ynow;
					#rospy.loginfo("%f %f %f :: %f %f",lasty,ynow,nexty,lastdy,desdy)
					ang_cmd = math.atan2(desdy,desdx) - math.atan2(lastdy,lastdx)
					orig_ang = ang_cmd

					if abs(ang_cmd - self.last_ang_cmd) > math.pi:
						ang_cmd = ang_cmd-2*math.pi*self.signum(ang_cmd-self.last_ang_cmd)
						#rospy.loginfo("Unwrap: %f to %f",orig_ang*180/math.pi,ang_cmd*180/math.pi)

					self.last_ang_cmd = ang_cmd
					ang_cmd = ang_cmd / sleep_time
					lin_cmd = math.sqrt(desdy*desdy + desdx*desdx) / sleep_time
					#rospy.loginfo("%f %f",orig_ang*180/math.pi,ang_cmd*180/math.pi)
					#rospy.loginfo("Command: lin %f, ang %f at %f",lin_cmd,ang_cmd,self.t_start)
				elif self.t_start < lissa_dur+xbox:
					lin_cmd = 2*self.linear_scale
				elif self.t_start < lissa_dur+corner+xbox:
					ang_cmd = -self.angular_scale
				elif self.t_start < lissa_dur+ybox+corner+xbox:
					lin_cmd = 2*self.linear_scale
				elif self.t_start < lissa_dur+corner*2+ybox+xbox:
					ang_cmd = -self.angular_scale

				elif self.t_start < lissa_dur+xbox+2*corner+ybox+xbox:
					lin_cmd = 2*self.linear_scale
				elif self.t_start < lissa_dur+corner+xbox+2*corner+ybox+xbox:
					ang_cmd = -self.angular_scale
				elif self.t_start < lissa_dur+ybox+corner+xbox+2*corner+ybox+xbox:
					lin_cmd = 2*self.linear_scale
				elif self.t_start < lissa_dur+corner*2+ybox+xbox+2*corner+ybox+xbox:
					ang_cmd = -self.angular_scale

			if self.run_ok > 0:
				if sim:
					cmd_vel_msg = Velocity()
					cmd_vel_msg.linear = lin_cmd	
					cmd_vel_msg.angular = ang_cmd		
					cmd_vel_msg = Twist()
					cmd_vel_msg.linear.x = lin_cmd		
					cmd_vel_msg.angular.z = ang_cmd		

				# Keep this in run_ok to allow joy callback to be a joystick
