Ejemplo n.º 1
 def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
     Claims a tutee, only accessible for tutors. 
     c = self.getContext(request)
     is_tutor = False
     if tutor(c['user'].username):
         is_tutor = True
         c.update({'tutor': is_tutor})
     msg = 'Good news, your request has been accepted by ' +\
             c['user'].first_name + " " + c['user'].last_name +\
             ". They should be contacting you directly shortly"
     request_user_and_id = request.POST['choice'].split('?^?')
     requests = Request.objects.all()
     for req in requests:
         if req.user == request_user_and_id[0]:
             if req.id == int(request_user_and_id[1]):
                 req.accepted_by = c['user'].username
                 usr = Tutee.objects.get(user__username=req.user).user
                 c.update({'target': req.user})
                 #Email the student
                 emailer = emails()
                 emailer.send_email(usr, msg, "Good News")
     return render_to_response('email_tutee.html', c)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Allow a tutee to submit a help request.
        c = self.getContext(request)
        validate = validate_help_request(request.POST)
        if validate is not None:
            return render_to_response('request_help.html', c)

        fc = request.POST['for_class']
        desc = request.POST['description']
        d = request.POST['day']
        t = request.POST['time']
        users_requests = Request.objects.filter(user=c['user'].username)
        valid = True
        If the user has ten requests, then they are not able to create a new one.
        If the user has already requested help for a specific class then they are not able to request help for that class again
        if len(users_requests) < 11:
            for req in users_requests:
                if req.for_class == fc:
                    c.update({'request_exists_error': 'A help request for this class already exists'})
                    valid = False
                    valid = True
        elif len(users_requests) > 10:
            c.update({'too_many_error': 'You have too many open requests'})
            valid = False

        if valid:
            helprequest = Request(user=c['user'].username, first_name=c['user'].first_name, last_name=c['user'].last_name, for_class=fc, description=desc, days=d, time=t)
            if a tutor is being specifically requested then they will recieve an email informing them of the request
            if 'specific_request' in request.POST:
                helprequest.requested = request.POST['requested']
                target = Tutee.objects.get(user__username=request.POST['requested']).user
                emailer = emails()
                message = 'You have been requested as a tutor by ' +\
                          c['user'].first_name + ' ' + c['user'].last_name +\
                          '.  Log in to RPI Tutor Time to view their request.'
                emailer.send_email(target, message, 'Tutor Request')
              'error': False,
              'message': 'Request successfully submitted.'
            return render_to_response('display_message.html', c)

        return render_to_response('request_help.html', c)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): 
        # Error messages
        c = {
            'password_error': '',
            'username_error': '',
            'email_error': '',
            'firstname_error': '',
            'lastname_error': ''
        # Check if data is ok
        valid = validate_creation(request.POST)

        # If there was a dictionary returned, load the template with the error messages
        if valid is not None:
            return render_to_response('create_account.html',
                                      context_instance=RequestContext(request, c))

        # Otherwise attempt to create an account and if we get an error, render the error message
            t = create_tutee(request.POST)
        except IntegrityError:
            c['username_error'] = 'Username already Exists'
            return render_to_response('create_account.html',
                                      context_instance=RequestContext(request, c))

        # Account creation a success! Make an email message and send it out!
        msg = """<br />
            Welcome to Tutor Time! Please click the link to verify your account.<br />
            <a href="http://localhost:8000/verify_account/{0}">Verify the account</a>.<br />
            If you cannot see the link above, please copy and paste the link below<br />
            http://localhost:8000/verify_account/{0}<br />
        emails().send_email(t.user, msg.format(t.verification_id), "Please verify your account")

        # Load success page
        c.update({'message': 'Success! Please check your email for activation', 'error': False})
        return render_to_response('display_message.html',
                                  context_instance=RequestContext(request, c))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
     """Page to allow a tutor to email their new tutee"""
     context = RequestContext(request)
     target = Tutee.objects.get(user__username=request.POST['tutee']).user
     message = request.POST['message']
     emailer = emails()
     emailer.send_email(target, message, "A Message from your Tutor")
       'error': False,
       'message': 'Email successfully sent!'
     return render_to_response('display_message.html', context)