Ejemplo n.º 1
    def launch_synchronously(test_user, test_project, adapter_instance, view_model, algo_category=None):
        # Avoid the scheduled execution, as this is asynch, thus launch it immediately
        service = OperationService()
        algorithm = adapter_instance.stored_adapter
        if algo_category is None:
            algo_category = dao.get_category_by_id(algorithm.fk_category)
        operation = service.prepare_operations(test_user.id, test_project, algorithm, algo_category,
                                               True, view_model=view_model)[0][0]
        service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance)

        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operation.id)
        # Check that operation status after execution is success.
        assert STATUS_FINISHED == operation.status
        # Make sure at least one result exists for each BCT algorithm
        return dao.get_generic_entity(DataType, operation.id, 'fk_from_operation')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_bct_all(self):
        Iterate all BCT algorithms and execute them.
        service = OperationService()
        algo_category = dao.get_category_by_id(self.bct_adapters[0].stored_adapter.fk_category)
        for adapter_instance in self.bct_adapters:
            algorithm = adapter_instance.stored_adapter
            view_model = BaseBCTModel()
            view_model.connectivity = self.connectivity.gid

            # Avoid the scheduled execution, as this is asynch, thus launch it immediately
            operation = service.prepare_operations(self.test_user.id, self.test_project, algorithm, algo_category,
                                                   {}, True, view_model=view_model)[0][0]
            service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance)

            operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operation.id)
            # Check that operation status after execution is success.
            assert STATUS_FINISHED == operation.status
            # Make sure at least one result exists for each BCT algorithm
            results = dao.get_generic_entity(DataType, operation.id, 'fk_from_operation')
            assert len(results) > 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
class OperationServiceTest(BaseTestCase):
    Test class for the introspection module. Some tests from here do async launches. For those
    cases Transactional tests won't work.

    def setUp(self):
        Reset the database before each test.
        self.test_user = TestFactory.create_user()
        self.test_project = TestFactory.create_project(self.test_user)
        self.operation_service = OperationService()
        self.backup_hdd_size = TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE

    def tearDown(self):
        Reset the database when test is done.
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = self.backup_hdd_size

    def test_datatypes_groups(self):
        Tests if the dataType group is set correct on the dataTypes resulted from the same operation group.
        flow_service = FlowService()

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(self.test_project.id, None)
        self.assertEqual(len(all_operations), 0, "There should be no operation")

        algogroup = dao.find_group('tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3', 'TestAdapter3')
        group, _ = flow_service.prepare_adapter(self.test_project.id, algogroup)
        adapter_instance = flow_service.build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {model.RANGE_PARAMETER_1: 'param_5', 'param_5': [1, 2]}
        ## Create Group of operations
        flow_service.fire_operation(adapter_instance, self.test_user, self.test_project.id, **data)

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(self.test_project.id, None)
        self.assertEqual(len(all_operations), 1, "Expected one operation group")
        self.assertEqual(all_operations[0][2], 2, "Expected 2 operations in group")

        operation_group_id = all_operations[0][3]
        self.assertNotEquals(operation_group_id, None, "The operation should be part of a group.")

        ## Make sure operations are executed
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][0], False)
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][1], False)

        resulted_datatypes = dao.get_datatype_in_group(operation_group_id=operation_group_id)
        self.assertTrue(len(resulted_datatypes) >= 2, "Expected at least 2, but: " + str(len(resulted_datatypes)))

        dt = dao.get_datatype_by_id(resulted_datatypes[0].id)
        datatype_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(operation_group_id)
        self.assertEqual(dt.fk_datatype_group, datatype_group.id, "DataTypeGroup is incorrect")

    def test_initiate_operation(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1"
        class_name = "TestAdapter1"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        output = adapter.get_output()
        output_type = output[0].__name__
        data = {"test1_val1": 5, "test1_val2": 5}
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        res = self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter,
                                                        tmp_folder, method_name=ABCAdapter.LAUNCH_METHOD, **data)
        self.assertTrue(res.index("has finished.") > 10, "Operation didn't finish")
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        self.assertEqual(group.module, 'tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1', "Wrong data stored.")
        self.assertEqual(group.classname, 'TestAdapter1', "Wrong data stored.")
        dts, count = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id, Datatype1)
        self.assertEqual(count, 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(dts), 1)
        datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_id(dts[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(datatype.subject, DataTypeMetaData.DEFAULT_SUBJECT, "Wrong data stored.")
        self.assertEqual(datatype.type, output_type, "Wrong data stored.")

    def test_delete_dt_free_HDD_space(self):
        Launch two operations and give enough available space for user so that both should finish.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3"
        class_name = "TestAdapterHDDRequired"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        output = adapter.get_output()
        output_type = output[0].__name__
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data))
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")

        dts = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(dts), 0)
        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter,
                                                  tmp_folder, method_name=ABCAdapter.LAUNCH_METHOD, **data)
        dts = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(dts), 1)

        datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_id(dts[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(datatype.subject, DataTypeMetaData.DEFAULT_SUBJECT, "Wrong data stored.")
        self.assertEqual(datatype.type, output_type, "Wrong data stored.")

        #Now update the maximum disk size to be the size of the previously resulted datatypes (transform from kB to MB)
        #plus what is estimated to be required from the next one (transform from B to MB)
        ProjectService().remove_datatype(self.test_project.id, datatype.gid)
        dts = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(dts), 0)

        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter,
                                                  tmp_folder, method_name=ABCAdapter.LAUNCH_METHOD, **data)
        dts = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(dts), 1)
        datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_id(dts[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(datatype.subject, DataTypeMetaData.DEFAULT_SUBJECT, "Wrong data stored.")
        self.assertEqual(datatype.type, output_type, "Wrong data stored.")

    def test_launch_two_ops_HDD_with_space(self):
        Launch two operations and give enough available space for user so that both should finish.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3"
        class_name = "TestAdapterHDDRequired"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        output = adapter.get_output()
        output_type = output[0].__name__
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = 2 * float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data))
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter,
                                                  tmp_folder, method_name=ABCAdapter.LAUNCH_METHOD, **data)
        dts = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(dts), 1)
        datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_id(dts[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(datatype.subject, DataTypeMetaData.DEFAULT_SUBJECT, "Wrong data stored.")
        self.assertEqual(datatype.type, output_type, "Wrong data stored.")
        #Now update the maximum disk size to be the size of the previously resulted datatypes (transform from kB to MB)
        #plus what is estimated to be required from the next one (transform from B to MB)
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(datatype.disk_size) + float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data))

        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter,
                                                  tmp_folder, method_name=ABCAdapter.LAUNCH_METHOD, **data)
        dts = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(dts), 2)
        datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_id(dts[1][0])
        self.assertEqual(datatype.subject, DataTypeMetaData.DEFAULT_SUBJECT, "Wrong data stored.")
        self.assertEqual(datatype.type, output_type, "Wrong data stored.")

    def test_launch_two_ops_HDD_full_space(self):
        Launch two operations and give available space for user so that the first should finish,
        but after the update to the user hdd size the second should not.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3"
        class_name = "TestAdapterHDDRequired"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        output = adapter.get_output()
        output_type = output[0].__name__
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = (1 + float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data)))
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter,
                                                  tmp_folder, method_name=ABCAdapter.LAUNCH_METHOD, **data)
        dts = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(dts), 1)
        datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_id(dts[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(datatype.subject, DataTypeMetaData.DEFAULT_SUBJECT, "Wrong data stored.")
        self.assertEqual(datatype.type, output_type, "Wrong data stored.")
        #Now update the maximum disk size to be less than size of the previously resulted datatypes (transform kB to MB)
        #plus what is estimated to be required from the next one (transform from B to MB)
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(datatype.disk_size - 1) + \
                                                float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) - 1)

        self.assertRaises(NoMemoryAvailableException, self.operation_service.initiate_operation, self.test_user,
                          self.test_project.id, adapter,
                          tmp_folder, method_name=ABCAdapter.LAUNCH_METHOD, **data)
        dts = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(dts), 1)

    def test_launch_operation_HDD_with_space(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3"
        class_name = "TestAdapterHDDRequired"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        output = adapter.get_output()
        output_type = output[0].__name__
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data))
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter,
                                                  tmp_folder, method_name=ABCAdapter.LAUNCH_METHOD, **data)
        dts = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(dts), 1)
        datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_id(dts[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(datatype.subject, DataTypeMetaData.DEFAULT_SUBJECT, "Wrong data stored.")
        self.assertEqual(datatype.type, output_type, "Wrong data stored.")

    def test_launch_operation_HDD_with_space_started_ops(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        space_taken_by_started = 100
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3"
        class_name = "TestAdapterHDDRequired"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        started_operation = model.Operation(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, group.id, "",
                                            status=model.STATUS_STARTED, estimated_disk_size=space_taken_by_started)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        output = adapter.get_output()
        output_type = output[0].__name__
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) + space_taken_by_started)
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter,
                                                  tmp_folder, method_name=ABCAdapter.LAUNCH_METHOD, **data)
        dts = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(dts), 1)
        datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_id(dts[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(datatype.subject, DataTypeMetaData.DEFAULT_SUBJECT, "Wrong data stored.")
        self.assertEqual(datatype.type, output_type, "Wrong data stored.")

    def test_launch_operation_HDD_full_space(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3"
        class_name = "TestAdapterHDDRequired"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) - 1)
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        self.assertRaises(NoMemoryAvailableException, self.operation_service.initiate_operation, self.test_user,
                          self.test_project.id, adapter,
                          tmp_folder, method_name=ABCAdapter.LAUNCH_METHOD, **data)
        dts = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(dts), 0)

    def test_launch_operation_HDD_full_space_started_ops(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        space_taken_by_started = 100
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3"
        class_name = "TestAdapterHDDRequired"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        started_operation = model.Operation(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, group.id, "",
                                            status=model.STATUS_STARTED, estimated_disk_size=space_taken_by_started)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) + space_taken_by_started - 1)
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        self.assertRaises(NoMemoryAvailableException, self.operation_service.initiate_operation, self.test_user,
                          self.test_project.id, adapter,
                          tmp_folder, method_name=ABCAdapter.LAUNCH_METHOD, **data)
        dts = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(dts), 0)

    def test_stop_operation(self):
        Test that an operation is successfully stopped.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter2"
        class_name = "TestAdapter2"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {"test": 5}
        algo_group = adapter.algorithm_group
        algo_category = dao.get_category_by_id(algo_group.fk_category)
        algo = dao.get_algorithm_by_group(algo_group.id)
        operations, _ = self.operation_service.prepare_operations(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, algo,
                                                                  algo_category, {}, ABCAdapter.LAUNCH_METHOD, **data)
        self.operation_service._send_to_cluster(operations, adapter)
        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operations[0].id)
        self.assertEqual(operation.status, model.STATUS_CANCELED, "Operation should have been canceled!")

    def test_stop_operation_finished(self):
        Test that an operation that is already finished is not changed by the stop operation.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1"
        class_name = "TestAdapter1"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {"test1_val1": 5, 'test1_val2': 5}
        algo_group = adapter.algorithm_group
        algo_category = dao.get_category_by_id(algo_group.fk_category)
        algo = dao.get_algorithm_by_group(algo_group.id)
        operations, _ = self.operation_service.prepare_operations(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, algo,
                                                                  algo_category, {}, ABCAdapter.LAUNCH_METHOD, **data)
        self.operation_service._send_to_cluster(operations, adapter)
        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operations[0].id)
        operation.status = model.STATUS_FINISHED
        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operations[0].id)
        self.assertEqual(operation.status, model.STATUS_FINISHED, "Operation shouldn't have been canceled!")

    def test_array_from_string(self):
        Simple test for parse array on 1d, 2d and 3d array.
        row = {'description': 'test.',
               'default': 'None',
               'required': True,
               'label': 'test: ',
               'attributes': None,
               'quantifier': 'manual',
               'elementType': 'float',
               'type': 'array',
               'options': None,
               'name': 'test'}
        input_data_string = '[ [1 2 3] [4 5 6]]'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ' ', row['elementType'])
        self.assertEqual(output.shape, (2, 3), "Dimensions not properly parsed")
        for i in output[0]:
            self.assertTrue(i in [1, 2, 3])
        for i in output[1]:
            self.assertTrue(i in [4, 5, 6])
        input_data_string = '[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        self.assertEqual(output.shape, (6,), "Dimensions not properly parsed")
        for i in output:
            self.assertTrue(i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
        input_data_string = '[ [ [1,1], [2, 2] ], [ [3 ,3], [4,4] ] ]'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        self.assertEqual(output.shape, (2, 2, 2), "Wrong dimensions.")
        for i in output[0][0]:
            self.assertTrue(i == 1)
        for i in output[0][1]:
            self.assertTrue(i == 2)
        for i in output[1][0]:
            self.assertTrue(i == 3)
        for i in output[1][1]:
            self.assertTrue(i == 4)
        row = {'description': 'test.',
               'default': 'None',
               'required': True,
               'label': 'test: ',
               'attributes': None,
               'quantifier': 'manual',
               'elementType': 'str',
               'type': 'array',
               'options': None,
               'name': 'test'}
        input_data_string = '[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        for i in output:
            self.assertTrue(i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

    def test_wrong_array_from_string(self):
        """Test that parsing an array from string is throwing the expected 
        exception when wrong input string"""
        row = {'description': 'test.',
               'default': 'None',
               'required': True,
               'label': 'test: ',
               'attributes': None,
               'quantifier': 'manual',
               'elementType': 'float',
               'type': 'array',
               'options': None,
               'name': 'test'}
        input_data_string = '[ [1,2 3] [4,5,6]]'
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, string2array, input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        input_data_string = '[ [1,2,wrong], [4, 5, 6]]'
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, string2array, input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        row = {'description': 'test.',
               'default': 'None',
               'required': True,
               'label': 'test: ',
               'attributes': None,
               'quantifier': 'manual',
               'elementType': 'str',
               'type': 'array',
               'options': None,
               'name': 'test'}
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        self.assertEqual(output.shape, (2, 3))
        self.assertEqual(output[0][2], 'wrong', 'String data not converted properly')
        input_data_string = '[ [1,2 3] [4,5,6]]'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        self.assertEqual(output[0][1], '2 3')

    def test_reduce_dimension_component(self):
         This method tests if the data passed to the launch method of
         the NDimensionArrayAdapter adapter is correct. The passed data should be a list
         of arrays with one dimension.
        inserted_count = FlowService().get_available_datatypes(self.test_project.id,
        self.assertEqual(inserted_count, 0, "Expected to find no data.")
        #create an operation
        algorithm_id = FlowService().get_algorithm_by_module_and_class('tvb.tests.framework.adapters.ndimensionarrayadapter',
        operation = model.Operation(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, algorithm_id, 'test params',
                                    meta=json.dumps({DataTypeMetaData.KEY_STATE: "RAW_DATA"}),
                                    status=model.STATUS_FINISHED, method_name=ABCAdapter.LAUNCH_METHOD)
        operation = dao.store_entity(operation)
        #save the array wrapper in DB
        adapter_instance = NDimensionArrayAdapter()
        PARAMS = {}
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
        inserted_data = FlowService().get_available_datatypes(self.test_project.id,
        self.assertEqual(len(inserted_data), 1, "Problems when inserting data")
        gid = inserted_data[0][2]
        entity = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(gid)
        #from the 3D array do not select any array
        PARAMS = {"python_method": "reduce_dimension", "input_data": gid,
                  "input_data_dimensions_0": "requiredDim_1",
                  "input_data_dimensions_1": "",
                  "input_data_dimensions_2": ""}
            self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
            self.fail("Test should not pass. The resulted array should be a 1D array.")
        except Exception:
            # OK, do nothing; we were expecting to produce a 1D array
        #from the 3D array select only a 1D array
        first_dim = [gid + '_1_0', 'requiredDim_1']
        PARAMS = {"python_method": "reduce_dimension", "input_data": gid,
                  "input_data_dimensions_0": first_dim,
                  "input_data_dimensions_1": gid + "_2_1"}
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
        expected_result = entity.array_data[:, 0, 1]
        actual_result = adapter_instance.launch_param
        self.assertEqual(len(actual_result), len(expected_result), "Not the same size for results!")
        self.assertTrue(numpy.equal(actual_result, expected_result).all())

        #from the 3D array select a 2D array
        first_dim = [gid + '_1_0', gid + '_1_1', 'requiredDim_2']
        PARAMS = {"python_method": "reduce_dimension", "input_data": gid,
                  "input_data_dimensions_0": first_dim,
                  "input_data_dimensions_1": gid + "_2_1"}
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
        expected_result = entity.array_data[slice(0, None), [0, 1], 1]
        actual_result = adapter_instance.launch_param
        self.assertEqual(len(actual_result), len(expected_result), "Not the same size for results!")
        self.assertTrue(numpy.equal(actual_result, expected_result).all())

        #from 3D array select 1D array by applying SUM function on the first
        #dimension and average function on the second dimension
        PARAMS = {"python_method": "reduce_dimension", "input_data": gid,
                  "input_data_dimensions_0": ["requiredDim_1", "func_sum"],
                  "input_data_dimensions_1": "func_average",
                  "input_data_dimensions_2": ""}
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
        aux = numpy.sum(entity.array_data, axis=0)
        expected_result = numpy.average(aux, axis=0)
        actual_result = adapter_instance.launch_param
        self.assertEqual(len(actual_result), len(expected_result), "Not the same size of results!")
        self.assertTrue(numpy.equal(actual_result, expected_result).all())

        #from 3D array select a 2D array and apply op. on the second dimension
        PARAMS = {"python_method": "reduce_dimension", "input_data": gid,
                  "input_data_dimensions_0": ["requiredDim_2", "func_sum",
                                              "expected_shape_x,512", "operations_x,>"],
                  "input_data_dimensions_1": "",
                  "input_data_dimensions_2": ""}
            self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
            self.fail("Test should not pass! The second dimension of the array should be >512.")
        except Exception:
            # OK, do nothing;
Ejemplo n.º 4
class TestOperationService(BaseTestCase):
    Test class for the introspection module. Some tests from here do async launches. For those
    cases Transactional tests won't work.
    TODO: this is still to be refactored, for being huge, with duplicates and many irrelevant checks

    def setup_method(self):
        Reset the database before each test.
        self.test_user = TestFactory.create_user()
        self.test_project = TestFactory.create_project(self.test_user)
        self.operation_service = OperationService()
        self.backup_hdd_size = TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE

    def teardown_method(self):
        Reset the database when test is done.
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = self.backup_hdd_size

    def _assert_no_dt2(self):
        count = dao.count_datatypes(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)
        assert 0 == count

    def _assert_stored_dt2(self, expected_cnt=1):
        count = dao.count_datatypes(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)
        assert expected_cnt == count
        datatype = dao.try_load_last_entity_of_type(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)
        assert datatype.subject == DataTypeMetaData.DEFAULT_SUBJECT, "Wrong data stored."
        return datatype

    def test_datatypes_groups(self):
        Tests if the dataType group is set correct on the dataTypes resulted from the same operation group.
        flow_service = FlowService()

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(self.test_project.id, None)
        assert len(all_operations) == 0, "There should be no operation"

        adapter_instance = TestFactory.create_adapter('tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3', 'TestAdapter3')
        data = {model.RANGE_PARAMETER_1: 'param_5', 'param_5': [1, 2]}
        ## Create Group of operations
        flow_service.fire_operation(adapter_instance, self.test_user, self.test_project.id, **data)

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(self.test_project.id, None)
        assert len(all_operations) == 1, "Expected one operation group"
        assert all_operations[0][2] == 2, "Expected 2 operations in group"

        operation_group_id = all_operations[0][3]
        assert operation_group_id != None, "The operation should be part of a group."

        ## Make sure operations are executed
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][0], False)
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][1], False)

        resulted_datatypes = dao.get_datatype_in_group(operation_group_id=operation_group_id)
        assert len(resulted_datatypes) >= 2, "Expected at least 2, but: " + str(len(resulted_datatypes))

        dt = dao.get_datatype_by_id(resulted_datatypes[0].id)
        datatype_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(operation_group_id)
        assert dt.fk_datatype_group == datatype_group.id, "DataTypeGroup is incorrect"

    def test_initiate_operation(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1"
        class_name = "TestAdapter1"
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter(module, class_name)
        output = adapter.get_output()
        output_type = output[0].__name__
        data = {"test1_val1": 5, "test1_val2": 5}
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        res = self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter,
                                                        tmp_folder, **data)
        assert res.index("has finished.") > 10, "Operation didn't finish"
        group = dao.get_algorithm_by_module(module, class_name)
        assert group.module == 'tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1', "Wrong data stored."
        assert group.classname == 'TestAdapter1', "Wrong data stored."
        dts, count = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id, Datatype1)
        assert count == 1
        assert len(dts) == 1
        datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_id(dts[0][0])
        assert datatype.subject == DataTypeMetaData.DEFAULT_SUBJECT, "Wrong data stored."
        assert datatype.type == output_type, "Wrong data stored."

    def test_delete_dt_free_HDD_space(self):
        Launch two operations and give enough available space for user so that both should finish.
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter("tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3", "TestAdapterHDDRequired")
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data))
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")

        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)
        datatype = self._assert_stored_dt2()

        # Now free some space and relaunch
        ProjectService().remove_datatype(self.test_project.id, datatype.gid)
        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)

    def test_launch_two_ops_HDD_with_space(self):
        Launch two operations and give enough available space for user so that both should finish.
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter("tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3", "TestAdapterHDDRequired")
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = 2 * float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data))
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")

        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)
        datatype = self._assert_stored_dt2()

        #Now update the maximum disk size to be the size of the previously resulted datatypes (transform from kB to MB)
        #plus what is estimated to be required from the next one (transform from B to MB)
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(datatype.disk_size) + float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data))

        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)

    def test_launch_two_ops_HDD_full_space(self):
        Launch two operations and give available space for user so that the first should finish,
        but after the update to the user hdd size the second should not.
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter("tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3", "TestAdapterHDDRequired")
        data = {"test": 100}

        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = (1 + float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data)))
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)

        datatype = self._assert_stored_dt2()
        #Now update the maximum disk size to be less than size of the previously resulted datatypes (transform kB to MB)
        #plus what is estimated to be required from the next one (transform from B to MB)
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(datatype.disk_size - 1) + \
                                            float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) - 1)

        with pytest.raises(NoMemoryAvailableException):
            self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user,self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)

    def test_launch_operation_HDD_with_space(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter("tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3", "TestAdapterHDDRequired")
        data = {"test": 100}

        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data))
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)

    def test_launch_operation_HDD_with_space_started_ops(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        space_taken_by_started = 100
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter("tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3", "TestAdapterHDDRequired")
        started_operation = model.Operation(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, adapter.stored_adapter.id, "",
                                            status=model.STATUS_STARTED, estimated_disk_size=space_taken_by_started)
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) + space_taken_by_started)
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)

    def test_launch_operation_HDD_full_space(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter("tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3", "TestAdapterHDDRequired")
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) - 1)
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        with pytest.raises(NoMemoryAvailableException):
            self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)

    def test_launch_operation_HDD_full_space_started_ops(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        space_taken_by_started = 100
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter("tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3", "TestAdapterHDDRequired")
        started_operation = model.Operation(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, adapter.stored_adapter.id, "",
                                            status=model.STATUS_STARTED, estimated_disk_size=space_taken_by_started)
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) + space_taken_by_started - 1)
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        with pytest.raises(NoMemoryAvailableException):
            self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user,self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)

    def test_stop_operation(self):
        Test that an operation is successfully stopped.
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter("tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter2", "TestAdapter2")
        data = {"test": 5}
        algo = adapter.stored_adapter
        algo_category = dao.get_category_by_id(algo.fk_category)
        operations, _ = self.operation_service.prepare_operations(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, algo,
                                                                  algo_category, {}, **data)
        self.operation_service._send_to_cluster(operations, adapter)
        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operations[0].id)
        assert operation.status, model.STATUS_CANCELED == "Operation should have been canceled!"

    def test_stop_operation_finished(self):
        Test that an operation that is already finished is not changed by the stop operation.
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter("tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1", "TestAdapter1")
        data = {"test1_val1": 5, 'test1_val2': 5}
        algo = adapter.stored_adapter
        algo_category = dao.get_category_by_id(algo.fk_category)
        operations, _ = self.operation_service.prepare_operations(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, algo,
                                                                  algo_category, {}, **data)
        self.operation_service._send_to_cluster(operations, adapter)
        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operations[0].id)
        operation.status = model.STATUS_FINISHED
        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operations[0].id)
        assert operation.status, model.STATUS_FINISHED == "Operation shouldn't have been canceled!"

    def test_array_from_string(self):
        Simple test for parse array on 1d, 2d and 3d array.
        row = {'description': 'test.',
               'default': 'None',
               'required': True,
               'label': 'test: ',
               'attributes': None,
               'elementType': 'float',
               'type': 'array',
               'options': None,
               'name': 'test'}
        input_data_string = '[ [1 2 3] [4 5 6]]'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ' ', row['elementType'])
        assert output.shape, (2, 3) == "Dimensions not properly parsed"
        for i in output[0]:
            assert i in [1, 2, 3]
        for i in output[1]:
            assert i in [4, 5, 6]
        input_data_string = '[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        assert output.shape == (6,), "Dimensions not properly parsed"
        for i in output:
            assert i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
        input_data_string = '[ [ [1,1], [2, 2] ], [ [3 ,3], [4,4] ] ]'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        assert output.shape == (2, 2, 2), "Wrong dimensions."
        for i in output[0][0]:
            assert i == 1
        for i in output[0][1]:
            assert i == 2
        for i in output[1][0]:
            assert i == 3
        for i in output[1][1]:
            assert i == 4
        row = {'description': 'test.',
               'default': 'None',
               'required': True,
               'label': 'test: ',
               'attributes': None,
               'elementType': 'str',
               'type': 'array',
               'options': None,
               'name': 'test'}
        input_data_string = '[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        for i in output:
            assert i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

    def test_wrong_array_from_string(self):
        """Test that parsing an array from string is throwing the expected 
        exception when wrong input string"""
        row = {'description': 'test.',
               'default': 'None',
               'required': True,
               'label': 'test: ',
               'attributes': None,
               'elementType': 'float',
               'type': 'array',
               'options': None,
               'name': 'test'}
        input_data_string = '[ [1,2 3] [4,5,6]]'
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        input_data_string = '[ [1,2,wrong], [4, 5, 6]]'
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        row = {'description': 'test.',
               'default': 'None',
               'required': True,
               'label': 'test: ',
               'attributes': None,
               'elementType': 'str',
               'type': 'array',
               'options': None,
               'name': 'test'}
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        assert output.shape == (2, 3)
        assert output[0][2] == 'wrong', 'String data not converted properly'
        input_data_string = '[ [1,2 3] [4,5,6]]'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        assert output[0][1] == '2 3'

    def test_reduce_dimension_component(self):
         This method tests if the data passed to the launch method of
         the NDimensionArrayAdapter adapter is correct. The passed data should be a list
         of arrays with one dimension.
        inserted_count = FlowService().get_available_datatypes(self.test_project.id,
        assert inserted_count == 0, "Expected to find no data."
        #create an operation
        algorithm_id = FlowService().get_algorithm_by_module_and_class('tvb.tests.framework.adapters.ndimensionarrayadapter',
        operation = model.Operation(self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, algorithm_id, 'test params',
                                    meta=json.dumps({DataTypeMetaData.KEY_STATE: "RAW_DATA"}),
        operation = dao.store_entity(operation)
        #save the array wrapper in DB
        adapter_instance = NDimensionArrayAdapter()
        PARAMS = {}
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
        inserted_data = FlowService().get_available_datatypes(self.test_project.id,
        assert len(inserted_data) == 1, "Problems when inserting data"
        gid = inserted_data[0][2]
        entity = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(gid)
        #from the 3D array do not select any array
        PARAMS = {"python_method": "reduce_dimension", "input_data": gid,
                  "input_data_dimensions_0": "requiredDim_1",
                  "input_data_dimensions_1": "",
                  "input_data_dimensions_2": ""}
            self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
            raise AssertionError("Test should not pass. The resulted array should be a 1D array.")
        except Exception:
            # OK, do nothing; we were expecting to produce a 1D array
        #from the 3D array select only a 1D array
        first_dim = [gid + '_1_0', 'requiredDim_1']
        PARAMS = {"python_method": "reduce_dimension", "input_data": gid,
                  "input_data_dimensions_0": first_dim,
                  "input_data_dimensions_1": gid + "_2_1"}
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
        expected_result = entity.array_data[:, 0, 1]
        actual_result = adapter_instance.launch_param
        assert len(actual_result) == len(expected_result), "Not the same size for results!"
        assert numpy.equal(actual_result, expected_result).all()

        #from the 3D array select a 2D array
        first_dim = [gid + '_1_0', gid + '_1_1', 'requiredDim_2']
        PARAMS = {"python_method": "reduce_dimension", "input_data": gid,
                  "input_data_dimensions_0": first_dim,
                  "input_data_dimensions_1": gid + "_2_1"}
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
        expected_result = entity.array_data[slice(0, None), [0, 1], 1]
        actual_result = adapter_instance.launch_param
        assert len(actual_result) == len(expected_result), "Not the same size for results!"
        assert numpy.equal(actual_result, expected_result).all()

        #from 3D array select 1D array by applying SUM function on the first
        #dimension and average function on the second dimension
        PARAMS = {"python_method": "reduce_dimension", "input_data": gid,
                  "input_data_dimensions_0": ["requiredDim_1", "func_sum"],
                  "input_data_dimensions_1": "func_average",
                  "input_data_dimensions_2": ""}
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
        aux = numpy.sum(entity.array_data, axis=0)
        expected_result = numpy.average(aux, axis=0)
        actual_result = adapter_instance.launch_param
        assert len(actual_result) == len(expected_result), "Not the same size of results!"
        assert numpy.equal(actual_result, expected_result).all()

        #from 3D array select a 2D array and apply op. on the second dimension
        PARAMS = {"python_method": "reduce_dimension", "input_data": gid,
                  "input_data_dimensions_0": ["requiredDim_2", "func_sum",
                                              "expected_shape_x,512", "operations_x,>"],
                  "input_data_dimensions_1": "",
                  "input_data_dimensions_2": ""}
            self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
            raise AssertionError("Test should not pass! The second dimension of the array should be >512.")
        except Exception:
            # OK, do nothing;
class OperationServiceTest(BaseTestCase):
    Test class for the introspection module. Some tests from here do async launches. For those
    cases Transactional tests won't work.
    TODO: this is still to be refactored, for being huge, with duplicates and many irrelevant checks

    def setUp(self):
        Reset the database before each test.
        self.test_user = TestFactory.create_user()
        self.test_project = TestFactory.create_project(self.test_user)
        self.operation_service = OperationService()
        self.backup_hdd_size = TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE

    def tearDown(self):
        Reset the database when test is done.
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = self.backup_hdd_size

    def _assert_no_dt2(self):
        count = dao.count_datatypes(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)
        self.assertEqual(0, count)

    def _assert_stored_dt2(self, expected_cnt=1):
        count = dao.count_datatypes(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)
        self.assertEqual(expected_cnt, count)
        datatype = dao.try_load_last_entity_of_type(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)
        self.assertEqual(datatype.subject, DataTypeMetaData.DEFAULT_SUBJECT, "Wrong data stored.")
        return datatype

    def test_datatypes_groups(self):
        Tests if the dataType group is set correct on the dataTypes resulted from the same operation group.
        flow_service = FlowService()

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(self.test_project.id, None)
        self.assertEqual(len(all_operations), 0, "There should be no operation")

        algogroup = dao.find_group("tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3", "TestAdapter3")
        group, _ = flow_service.prepare_adapter(self.test_project.id, algogroup)
        adapter_instance = flow_service.build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {model.RANGE_PARAMETER_1: "param_5", "param_5": [1, 2]}
        ## Create Group of operations
        flow_service.fire_operation(adapter_instance, self.test_user, self.test_project.id, **data)

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(self.test_project.id, None)
        self.assertEqual(len(all_operations), 1, "Expected one operation group")
        self.assertEqual(all_operations[0][2], 2, "Expected 2 operations in group")

        operation_group_id = all_operations[0][3]
        self.assertNotEquals(operation_group_id, None, "The operation should be part of a group.")

        ## Make sure operations are executed
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][0], False)
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][1], False)

        resulted_datatypes = dao.get_datatype_in_group(operation_group_id=operation_group_id)
        self.assertTrue(len(resulted_datatypes) >= 2, "Expected at least 2, but: " + str(len(resulted_datatypes)))

        dt = dao.get_datatype_by_id(resulted_datatypes[0].id)
        datatype_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(operation_group_id)
        self.assertEqual(dt.fk_datatype_group, datatype_group.id, "DataTypeGroup is incorrect")

    def test_initiate_operation(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1"
        class_name = "TestAdapter1"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        output = adapter.get_output()
        output_type = output[0].__name__
        data = {"test1_val1": 5, "test1_val2": 5}
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        res = self.operation_service.initiate_operation(
            self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data
        self.assertTrue(res.index("has finished.") > 10, "Operation didn't finish")
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        self.assertEqual(group.module, "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1", "Wrong data stored.")
        self.assertEqual(group.classname, "TestAdapter1", "Wrong data stored.")
        dts, count = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id, Datatype1)
        self.assertEqual(count, 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(dts), 1)
        datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_id(dts[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(datatype.subject, DataTypeMetaData.DEFAULT_SUBJECT, "Wrong data stored.")
        self.assertEqual(datatype.type, output_type, "Wrong data stored.")

    def test_delete_dt_free_HDD_space(self):
        Launch two operations and give enough available space for user so that both should finish.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3"
        class_name = "TestAdapterHDDRequired"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data))
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")

        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)
        datatype = self._assert_stored_dt2()

        # Now free some space and relaunch
        ProjectService().remove_datatype(self.test_project.id, datatype.gid)
        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)

    def test_launch_two_ops_HDD_with_space(self):
        Launch two operations and give enough available space for user so that both should finish.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3"
        class_name = "TestAdapterHDDRequired"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = 2 * float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data))
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")

        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)
        datatype = self._assert_stored_dt2()

        # Now update the maximum disk size to be the size of the previously resulted datatypes (transform from kB to MB)
        # plus what is estimated to be required from the next one (transform from B to MB)
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(datatype.disk_size) + float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data))

        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)

    def test_launch_two_ops_HDD_full_space(self):
        Launch two operations and give available space for user so that the first should finish,
        but after the update to the user hdd size the second should not.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3"
        class_name = "TestAdapterHDDRequired"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)

        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = 1 + float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data))
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)

        datatype = self._assert_stored_dt2()
        # Now update the maximum disk size to be less than size of the previously resulted datatypes (transform kB to MB)
        # plus what is estimated to be required from the next one (transform from B to MB)
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(datatype.disk_size - 1) + float(
            adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) - 1


    def test_launch_operation_HDD_with_space(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3"
        class_name = "TestAdapterHDDRequired"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {"test": 100}

        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data))
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)

    def test_launch_operation_HDD_with_space_started_ops(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        space_taken_by_started = 100
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3"
        class_name = "TestAdapterHDDRequired"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        started_operation = model.Operation(
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) + space_taken_by_started)
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")
        self.operation_service.initiate_operation(self.test_user, self.test_project.id, adapter, tmp_folder, **data)

    def test_launch_operation_HDD_full_space(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3"
        class_name = "TestAdapterHDDRequired"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) - 1)
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")

    def test_launch_operation_HDD_full_space_started_ops(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        space_taken_by_started = 100
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3"
        class_name = "TestAdapterHDDRequired"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        started_operation = model.Operation(
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) + space_taken_by_started - 1)
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project, "TEMP")

    def test_stop_operation(self):
        Test that an operation is successfully stopped.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter2"
        class_name = "TestAdapter2"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {"test": 5}
        algo_group = adapter.algorithm_group
        algo_category = dao.get_category_by_id(algo_group.fk_category)
        algo = dao.get_algorithm_by_group(algo_group.id)
        operations, _ = self.operation_service.prepare_operations(
            self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, algo, algo_category, {}, **data
        self.operation_service._send_to_cluster(operations, adapter)
        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operations[0].id)
        self.assertEqual(operation.status, model.STATUS_CANCELED, "Operation should have been canceled!")

    def test_stop_operation_finished(self):
        Test that an operation that is already finished is not changed by the stop operation.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1"
        class_name = "TestAdapter1"
        group = dao.find_group(module, class_name)
        adapter = FlowService().build_adapter_instance(group)
        data = {"test1_val1": 5, "test1_val2": 5}
        algo_group = adapter.algorithm_group
        algo_category = dao.get_category_by_id(algo_group.fk_category)
        algo = dao.get_algorithm_by_group(algo_group.id)
        operations, _ = self.operation_service.prepare_operations(
            self.test_user.id, self.test_project.id, algo, algo_category, {}, **data
        self.operation_service._send_to_cluster(operations, adapter)
        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operations[0].id)
        operation.status = model.STATUS_FINISHED
        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operations[0].id)
        self.assertEqual(operation.status, model.STATUS_FINISHED, "Operation shouldn't have been canceled!")

    def test_array_from_string(self):
        Simple test for parse array on 1d, 2d and 3d array.
        row = {
            "description": "test.",
            "default": "None",
            "required": True,
            "label": "test: ",
            "attributes": None,
            "quantifier": "manual",
            "elementType": "float",
            "type": "array",
            "options": None,
            "name": "test",
        input_data_string = "[ [1 2 3] [4 5 6]]"
        output = string2array(input_data_string, " ", row["elementType"])
        self.assertEqual(output.shape, (2, 3), "Dimensions not properly parsed")
        for i in output[0]:
            self.assertTrue(i in [1, 2, 3])
        for i in output[1]:
            self.assertTrue(i in [4, 5, 6])
        input_data_string = "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]"
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ",", row["elementType"])
        self.assertEqual(output.shape, (6,), "Dimensions not properly parsed")
        for i in output:
            self.assertTrue(i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
        input_data_string = "[ [ [1,1], [2, 2] ], [ [3 ,3], [4,4] ] ]"
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ",", row["elementType"])
        self.assertEqual(output.shape, (2, 2, 2), "Wrong dimensions.")
        for i in output[0][0]:
            self.assertTrue(i == 1)
        for i in output[0][1]:
            self.assertTrue(i == 2)
        for i in output[1][0]:
            self.assertTrue(i == 3)
        for i in output[1][1]:
            self.assertTrue(i == 4)
        row = {
            "description": "test.",
            "default": "None",
            "required": True,
            "label": "test: ",
            "attributes": None,
            "quantifier": "manual",
            "elementType": "str",
            "type": "array",
            "options": None,
            "name": "test",
        input_data_string = "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]"
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ",", row["elementType"])
        for i in output:
            self.assertTrue(i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

    def test_wrong_array_from_string(self):
        """Test that parsing an array from string is throwing the expected 
        exception when wrong input string"""
        row = {
            "description": "test.",
            "default": "None",
            "required": True,
            "label": "test: ",
            "attributes": None,
            "quantifier": "manual",
            "elementType": "float",
            "type": "array",
            "options": None,
            "name": "test",
        input_data_string = "[ [1,2 3] [4,5,6]]"
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, string2array, input_data_string, ",", row["elementType"])
        input_data_string = "[ [1,2,wrong], [4, 5, 6]]"
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, string2array, input_data_string, ",", row["elementType"])
        row = {
            "description": "test.",
            "default": "None",
            "required": True,
            "label": "test: ",
            "attributes": None,
            "quantifier": "manual",
            "elementType": "str",
            "type": "array",
            "options": None,
            "name": "test",
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ",", row["elementType"])
        self.assertEqual(output.shape, (2, 3))
        self.assertEqual(output[0][2], "wrong", "String data not converted properly")
        input_data_string = "[ [1,2 3] [4,5,6]]"
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ",", row["elementType"])
        self.assertEqual(output[0][1], "2 3")

    def test_reduce_dimension_component(self):
         This method tests if the data passed to the launch method of
         the NDimensionArrayAdapter adapter is correct. The passed data should be a list
         of arrays with one dimension.
        inserted_count = FlowService().get_available_datatypes(
            self.test_project.id, "tvb.datatypes.arrays.MappedArray"
        self.assertEqual(inserted_count, 0, "Expected to find no data.")
        # create an operation
        algorithm_id = (
                "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.ndimensionarrayadapter", "NDimensionArrayAdapter"
        operation = model.Operation(
            "test params",
            meta=json.dumps({DataTypeMetaData.KEY_STATE: "RAW_DATA"}),
        operation = dao.store_entity(operation)
        # save the array wrapper in DB
        adapter_instance = NDimensionArrayAdapter()
        PARAMS = {}
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
        inserted_data = FlowService().get_available_datatypes(self.test_project.id, "tvb.datatypes.arrays.MappedArray")[
        self.assertEqual(len(inserted_data), 1, "Problems when inserting data")
        gid = inserted_data[0][2]
        entity = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(gid)
        # from the 3D array do not select any array
        PARAMS = {
            "python_method": "reduce_dimension",
            "input_data": gid,
            "input_data_dimensions_0": "requiredDim_1",
            "input_data_dimensions_1": "",
            "input_data_dimensions_2": "",
            self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
            self.fail("Test should not pass. The resulted array should be a 1D array.")
        except Exception:
            # OK, do nothing; we were expecting to produce a 1D array
        # from the 3D array select only a 1D array
        first_dim = [gid + "_1_0", "requiredDim_1"]
        PARAMS = {
            "python_method": "reduce_dimension",
            "input_data": gid,
            "input_data_dimensions_0": first_dim,
            "input_data_dimensions_1": gid + "_2_1",
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
        expected_result = entity.array_data[:, 0, 1]
        actual_result = adapter_instance.launch_param
        self.assertEqual(len(actual_result), len(expected_result), "Not the same size for results!")
        self.assertTrue(numpy.equal(actual_result, expected_result).all())

        # from the 3D array select a 2D array
        first_dim = [gid + "_1_0", gid + "_1_1", "requiredDim_2"]
        PARAMS = {
            "python_method": "reduce_dimension",
            "input_data": gid,
            "input_data_dimensions_0": first_dim,
            "input_data_dimensions_1": gid + "_2_1",
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
        expected_result = entity.array_data[slice(0, None), [0, 1], 1]
        actual_result = adapter_instance.launch_param
        self.assertEqual(len(actual_result), len(expected_result), "Not the same size for results!")
        self.assertTrue(numpy.equal(actual_result, expected_result).all())

        # from 3D array select 1D array by applying SUM function on the first
        # dimension and average function on the second dimension
        PARAMS = {
            "python_method": "reduce_dimension",
            "input_data": gid,
            "input_data_dimensions_0": ["requiredDim_1", "func_sum"],
            "input_data_dimensions_1": "func_average",
            "input_data_dimensions_2": "",
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
        aux = numpy.sum(entity.array_data, axis=0)
        expected_result = numpy.average(aux, axis=0)
        actual_result = adapter_instance.launch_param
        self.assertEqual(len(actual_result), len(expected_result), "Not the same size of results!")
        self.assertTrue(numpy.equal(actual_result, expected_result).all())

        # from 3D array select a 2D array and apply op. on the second dimension
        PARAMS = {
            "python_method": "reduce_dimension",
            "input_data": gid,
            "input_data_dimensions_0": ["requiredDim_2", "func_sum", "expected_shape_x,512", "operations_x,>"],
            "input_data_dimensions_1": "",
            "input_data_dimensions_2": "",
            self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance, {}, **PARAMS)
            self.fail("Test should not pass! The second dimension of the array should be >512.")
        except Exception:
            # OK, do nothing;
Ejemplo n.º 6
class TestOperationService(BaseTestCase):
    Test class for the introspection module. Some tests from here do async launches. For those
    cases Transactional tests won't work.
    TODO: this is still to be refactored, for being huge, with duplicates and many irrelevant checks
    def setup_method(self):
        Reset the database before each test.
        self.test_user = TestFactory.create_user()
        self.test_project = TestFactory.create_project(self.test_user)
        self.operation_service = OperationService()
        self.backup_hdd_size = TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE

    def teardown_method(self):
        Reset the database when test is done.
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = self.backup_hdd_size

    def _assert_no_dt2(self):
        count = dao.count_datatypes(self.test_project.id, DummyDataTypeIndex)
        assert 0 == count

    def _assert_stored_dt2(self, expected_cnt=1):
        count = dao.count_datatypes(self.test_project.id, Datatype2)
        assert expected_cnt == count
        datatype = dao.try_load_last_entity_of_type(self.test_project.id,
        assert datatype.subject == DataTypeMetaData.DEFAULT_SUBJECT, "Wrong data stored."
        return datatype

    def test_datatypes_groups(self, test_adapter_factory):
        Tests if the dataType group is set correct on the dataTypes resulted from the same operation group.

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(self.test_project.id,
        assert len(all_operations) == 0, "There should be no operation"

        algo = dao.get_algorithm_by_module(
            'tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3', 'TestAdapter3')
        adapter_instance = ABCAdapter.build_adapter(algo)
        data = {model_burst.RANGE_PARAMETER_1: 'param_5', 'param_5': [1, 2]}
        ## Create Group of operations
        FlowService().fire_operation(adapter_instance, self.test_user,
                                     self.test_project.id, **data)

        all_operations = dao.get_filtered_operations(self.test_project.id,
        assert len(all_operations) == 1, "Expected one operation group"
        assert all_operations[0][2] == 2, "Expected 2 operations in group"

        operation_group_id = all_operations[0][3]
        assert operation_group_id != None, "The operation should be part of a group."

        ## Make sure operations are executed
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][0], False)
        self.operation_service.launch_operation(all_operations[0][1], False)

        resulted_datatypes = dao.get_datatype_in_group(
        assert len(
            resulted_datatypes) >= 2, "Expected at least 2, but: " + str(

        dt = dao.get_datatype_by_id(resulted_datatypes[0].id)
        datatype_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(
        assert dt.fk_datatype_group == datatype_group.id, "DataTypeGroup is incorrect"

    def test_initiate_operation(self, test_adapter_factory):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        module = "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1"
        class_name = "TestAdapter1"
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter(module, class_name)
        output = adapter.get_output()
        output_type = output[0].__name__
        data = {"test1_val1": 5, "test1_val2": 5}
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project,
                                                  self.test_project, adapter,
                                                  tmp_folder, **data)

        group = dao.get_algorithm_by_module(module, class_name)
        assert group.module == 'tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1', "Wrong data stored."
        assert group.classname == 'TestAdapter1', "Wrong data stored."
        dts, count = dao.get_values_of_datatype(self.test_project.id,
        assert count == 1
        assert len(dts) == 1
        datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_id(dts[0][0])
        assert datatype.subject == DataTypeMetaData.DEFAULT_SUBJECT, "Wrong data stored."
        assert datatype.type == output_type, "Wrong data stored."

    def test_delete_dt_free_hdd_space(self, test_adapter_factory,
        Launch two operations and give enough available space for user so that both should finish.
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter(
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project,

                                                  self.test_project, adapter,
                                                  tmp_folder, **data)
        datatype = self._assert_stored_dt2()

        # Now free some space and relaunch
        ProjectService().remove_datatype(self.test_project.id, datatype.gid)
                                                  self.test_project, adapter,
                                                  tmp_folder, **data)

    def test_launch_two_ops_hdd_with_space(self):
        Launch two operations and give enough available space for user so that both should finish.
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter(
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = 2 * float(
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project,

                                                  self.test_project, adapter,
                                                  tmp_folder, **data)
        datatype = self._assert_stored_dt2()

        #Now update the maximum disk size to be the size of the previously resulted datatypes (transform from kB to MB)
        #plus what is estimated to be required from the next one (transform from B to MB)
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(datatype.disk_size) + float(

                                                  self.test_project, adapter,
                                                  tmp_folder, **data)

    def test_launch_two_ops_hdd_full_space(self):
        Launch two operations and give available space for user so that the first should finish,
        but after the update to the user hdd size the second should not.
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter(
        data = {"test": 100}

        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = (
            1 + float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data)))
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project,
                                                  self.test_project, adapter,
                                                  tmp_folder, **data)

        datatype = self._assert_stored_dt2()
        #Now update the maximum disk size to be less than size of the previously resulted datatypes (transform kB to MB)
        #plus what is estimated to be required from the next one (transform from B to MB)
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(datatype.disk_size - 1) + \
                                            float(adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) - 1)

        with pytest.raises(NoMemoryAvailableException):
                                                      adapter, tmp_folder,

    def test_launch_operation_hdd_with_space(self):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter(
        data = {"test": 100}

        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project,
                                                  self.test_project, adapter,
                                                  tmp_folder, **data)

    def test_launch_operation_hdd_with_space_started_ops(
            self, test_adapter_factory):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.

        space_taken_by_started = 100
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter(
        form = TestAdapterHDDRequiredForm()
        form.fill_from_post({'_test': "100"})
        started_operation = model_operation.Operation(
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(
            adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) + space_taken_by_started)
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project,
                                                  self.test_project, adapter,
                                                  tmp_folder, **data)

    def test_launch_operation_hdd_full_space(self, test_adapter_factory):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.

        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter(
        form = TestAdapterHDDRequiredForm()
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(
            adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) - 1)
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project,
        with pytest.raises(NoMemoryAvailableException):
                                                      adapter, tmp_folder,

    def test_launch_operation_hdd_full_space_started_ops(
            self, test_adapter_factory):
        Test the actual operation flow by executing a test adapter.

        space_taken_by_started = 100
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter(
        form = TestAdapterHDDRequiredForm()
        started_operation = model_operation.Operation(
        data = {"test": 100}
        TvbProfile.current.MAX_DISK_SPACE = float(
            adapter.get_required_disk_size(**data) + space_taken_by_started -
        tmp_folder = FilesHelper().get_project_folder(self.test_project,
        with pytest.raises(NoMemoryAvailableException):
                                                      adapter, tmp_folder,

    def test_stop_operation(self, test_adapter_factory):
        Test that an operation is successfully stopped.
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter(
            "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter2", "TestAdapter2")
        data = {"test": 5}
        algo = adapter.stored_adapter
        algo_category = dao.get_category_by_id(algo.fk_category)
        operations, _ = self.operation_service.prepare_operations(
            self.test_user.id, self.test_project, algo, algo_category, {},
        self.operation_service._send_to_cluster(operations, adapter)
        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operations[0].id)
        assert operation.status, model_operation.STATUS_CANCELED == "Operation should have been canceled!"

    def test_stop_operation_finished(self, test_adapter_factory):
        Test that an operation that is already finished is not changed by the stop operation.
        adapter = TestFactory.create_adapter(
            "tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1", "TestAdapter1")
        data = {"test1_val1": 5, 'test1_val2': 5}
        algo = adapter.stored_adapter
        algo_category = dao.get_category_by_id(algo.fk_category)
        operations, _ = self.operation_service.prepare_operations(
            self.test_user.id, self.test_project, algo, algo_category, {},
        self.operation_service._send_to_cluster(operations, adapter)
        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operations[0].id)
        operation.status = model_operation.STATUS_FINISHED
        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operations[0].id)
        assert operation.status, model_operation.STATUS_FINISHED == "Operation shouldn't have been canceled!"

    def test_array_from_string(self):
        Simple test for parse array on 1d, 2d and 3d array.
        row = {
            'description': 'test.',
            'default': 'None',
            'required': True,
            'label': 'test: ',
            'attributes': None,
            'elementType': 'float',
            'type': 'array',
            'options': None,
            'name': 'test'
        input_data_string = '[ [1 2 3] [4 5 6]]'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ' ', row['elementType'])
        assert output.shape, (2, 3) == "Dimensions not properly parsed"
        for i in output[0]:
            assert i in [1, 2, 3]
        for i in output[1]:
            assert i in [4, 5, 6]
        input_data_string = '[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        assert output.shape == (6, ), "Dimensions not properly parsed"
        for i in output:
            assert i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
        input_data_string = '[ [ [1,1], [2, 2] ], [ [3 ,3], [4,4] ] ]'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        assert output.shape == (2, 2, 2), "Wrong dimensions."
        for i in output[0][0]:
            assert i == 1
        for i in output[0][1]:
            assert i == 2
        for i in output[1][0]:
            assert i == 3
        for i in output[1][1]:
            assert i == 4
        row = {
            'description': 'test.',
            'default': 'None',
            'required': True,
            'label': 'test: ',
            'attributes': None,
            'elementType': 'str',
            'type': 'array',
            'options': None,
            'name': 'test'
        input_data_string = '[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        for i in output:
            assert i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

    def test_wrong_array_from_string(self):
        """Test that parsing an array from string is throwing the expected 
        exception when wrong input string"""
        row = {
            'description': 'test.',
            'default': 'None',
            'required': True,
            'label': 'test: ',
            'attributes': None,
            'elementType': 'float',
            'type': 'array',
            'options': None,
            'name': 'test'
        input_data_string = '[ [1,2 3] [4,5,6]]'
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        input_data_string = '[ [1,2,wrong], [4, 5, 6]]'
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        row = {
            'description': 'test.',
            'default': 'None',
            'required': True,
            'label': 'test: ',
            'attributes': None,
            'elementType': 'str',
            'type': 'array',
            'options': None,
            'name': 'test'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        assert output.shape == (2, 3)
        assert output[0][2] == 'wrong', 'String data not converted properly'
        input_data_string = '[ [1,2 3] [4,5,6]]'
        output = string2array(input_data_string, ',', row['elementType'])
        assert output[0][1] == '2 3'

    def test_reduce_dimension_component(self):
         This method tests if the data passed to the launch method of
         the NDimensionArrayAdapter adapter is correct. The passed data should be a list
         of arrays with one dimension.
        inserted_count = FlowService().get_available_datatypes(
            self.test_project.id, "tvb.datatypes.arrays.MappedArray")[1]
        assert inserted_count == 0, "Expected to find no data."
        #create an operation
        algorithm_id = FlowService().get_algorithm_by_module_and_class(
        operation = model_operation.Operation(
            'test params',
            meta=json.dumps({DataTypeMetaData.KEY_STATE: "RAW_DATA"}),
        operation = dao.store_entity(operation)
        #save the array wrapper in DB
        adapter_instance = NDimensionArrayAdapter()
        PARAMS = {}
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance,
                                                  {}, **PARAMS)
        inserted_data = FlowService().get_available_datatypes(
            self.test_project.id, "tvb.datatypes.arrays.MappedArray")[0]
        assert len(inserted_data) == 1, "Problems when inserting data"
        gid = inserted_data[0][2]
        entity = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(gid)
        #from the 3D array do not select any array
        PARAMS = {
            "python_method": "reduce_dimension",
            "input_data": gid,
            "input_data_dimensions_0": "requiredDim_1",
            "input_data_dimensions_1": "",
            "input_data_dimensions_2": ""
                                                      adapter_instance, {},
            raise AssertionError(
                "Test should not pass. The resulted array should be a 1D array."
        except Exception:
            # OK, do nothing; we were expecting to produce a 1D array
        #from the 3D array select only a 1D array
        first_dim = [gid + '_1_0', 'requiredDim_1']
        PARAMS = {
            "python_method": "reduce_dimension",
            "input_data": gid,
            "input_data_dimensions_0": first_dim,
            "input_data_dimensions_1": gid + "_2_1"
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance,
                                                  {}, **PARAMS)
        expected_result = entity.array_data[:, 0, 1]
        actual_result = adapter_instance.launch_param
        assert len(actual_result) == len(
            expected_result), "Not the same size for results!"
        assert numpy.equal(actual_result, expected_result).all()

        #from the 3D array select a 2D array
        first_dim = [gid + '_1_0', gid + '_1_1', 'requiredDim_2']
        PARAMS = {
            "python_method": "reduce_dimension",
            "input_data": gid,
            "input_data_dimensions_0": first_dim,
            "input_data_dimensions_1": gid + "_2_1"
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance,
                                                  {}, **PARAMS)
        expected_result = entity.array_data[slice(0, None), [0, 1], 1]
        actual_result = adapter_instance.launch_param
        assert len(actual_result) == len(
            expected_result), "Not the same size for results!"
        assert numpy.equal(actual_result, expected_result).all()

        #from 3D array select 1D array by applying SUM function on the first
        #dimension and average function on the second dimension
        PARAMS = {
            "python_method": "reduce_dimension",
            "input_data": gid,
            "input_data_dimensions_0": ["requiredDim_1", "func_sum"],
            "input_data_dimensions_1": "func_average",
            "input_data_dimensions_2": ""
        self.operation_service.initiate_prelaunch(operation, adapter_instance,
                                                  {}, **PARAMS)
        aux = numpy.sum(entity.array_data, axis=0)
        expected_result = numpy.average(aux, axis=0)
        actual_result = adapter_instance.launch_param
        assert len(actual_result) == len(
            expected_result), "Not the same size of results!"
        assert numpy.equal(actual_result, expected_result).all()

        #from 3D array select a 2D array and apply op. on the second dimension
        PARAMS = {
            "input_data_dimensions_0": [
                "requiredDim_2", "func_sum", "expected_shape_x,512",
                                                      adapter_instance, {},
            raise AssertionError(
                "Test should not pass! The second dimension of the array should be >512."
        except Exception:
            # OK, do nothing;