Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_get_visible_objects_in():
    P = Variable("P")
    room = Variable("room", "r")
    chest = Variable("chest", "c")
    obj = Variable("obj", "o")

    # Closed chest.
    facts = [
        Proposition("at", [P, room]),
        Proposition("at", [chest, room]),
        Proposition("in", [obj, chest]),
        Proposition("closed", [chest])

    world = World.from_facts(facts)
    objects = world.get_visible_objects_in(world.player_room)
    assert obj in world.objects
    assert obj not in objects

    # Open chest.
    facts = [
        Proposition("at", [P, room]),
        Proposition("at", [chest, room]),
        Proposition("in", [obj, chest]),
        Proposition("open", [chest])

    world = World.from_facts(facts)
    objects = world.get_visible_objects_in(world.player_room)
    assert obj in world.objects
    assert obj in objects
Ejemplo n.º 2
def build_state(locked_door=False):
    # Set up a world with two rooms and a few objecs.
    P = Variable("P")
    I = Variable("I")
    bedroom = Variable("bedroom", "r")
    kitchen = Variable("kitchen", "r")
    rusty_key = Variable("rusty key", "k")
    small_key = Variable("small key", "k")
    wooden_door = Variable("wooden door", "d")
    chest = Variable("chest", "c")
    cabinet = Variable("cabinet", "c")
    robe = Variable("robe", "o")

    state = State([
        Proposition("at", [P, bedroom]),
        Proposition("south_of", [kitchen, bedroom]),
        Proposition("north_of", [bedroom, kitchen]),
        Proposition("link", [bedroom, wooden_door, kitchen]),
        Proposition("link", [kitchen, wooden_door, bedroom]),

        Proposition("locked" if locked_door else "closed", [wooden_door]),

        Proposition("in", [rusty_key, I]),
        Proposition("match", [rusty_key, chest]),
        Proposition("locked", [chest]),
        Proposition("at", [chest, kitchen]),
        Proposition("in", [small_key, chest]),

        Proposition("match", [small_key, cabinet]),
        Proposition("locked", [cabinet]),
        Proposition("at", [cabinet, bedroom]),
        Proposition("in", [robe, cabinet]),

    return state
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_going_through_door():
    P = Variable("P", "P")
    room = Variable("room", "r")
    kitchen = Variable("kitchen", "r")
    state = State()
        Proposition("at", [P, room]),
        Proposition("north_of", [kitchen, room]),
        Proposition("free", [kitchen, room]),
        Proposition("free", [room, kitchen]),
        Proposition("south_of", [room, kitchen])

    options = ChainingOptions()
    options.backward = True
    options.max_depth = 3
    options.subquests = True
    options.create_variables = True
    options.rules_per_depth = [
        [KnowledgeBase.default().rules["take/c"], KnowledgeBase.default().rules["take/s"]],

    chains = list(get_chains(state, options))
    assert len(chains) == 18
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_state():
    state = State()

    P = Variable.parse("P")
    kitchen = Variable.parse("kitchen: r")
    study = Variable.parse("study: r")
    stove = Variable.parse("stove: o")
    at_kitchen = Proposition.parse("at(P, kitchen: r)")
    in_kitchen = Proposition.parse("in(stove: o, kitchen: r)")
    at_study = Proposition.parse("at(P, study: r)")

    assert not state.is_fact(at_kitchen)
    assert not state.is_fact(in_kitchen)
    assert not state.is_fact(at_study)
    assert len(state.variables) == 0
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("P")) == 0
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("r")) == 0
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("o")) == 0

    assert state.is_fact(at_kitchen)
    assert state.is_fact(in_kitchen)
    assert not state.is_fact(at_study)
    assert set(state.variables) == {P, kitchen, stove}
    assert state.variables_of_type("P") == {P}
    assert state.variables_of_type("r") == {kitchen}
    assert state.variables_of_type("o") == {stove}

    assert not state.is_fact(at_kitchen)
    assert state.is_fact(in_kitchen)
    assert not state.is_fact(at_study)
    assert set(state.variables) == {kitchen, stove}
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("P")) == 0
    assert state.variables_of_type("r") == {kitchen}
    assert state.variables_of_type("o") == {stove}

    assert not state.is_fact(at_kitchen)
    assert not state.is_fact(in_kitchen)
    assert not state.is_fact(at_study)
    assert len(state.variables) == 0
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("P")) == 0
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("r")) == 0
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("o")) == 0

    assert not state.is_fact(at_kitchen)
    assert not state.is_fact(in_kitchen)
    assert state.is_fact(at_study)
    assert set(state.variables) == {P, study}
    assert state.variables_of_type("P") == {P}
    assert state.variables_of_type("r") == {study}
    assert len(state.variables_of_type("o")) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_serialization_deserialization():
    rule = KnowledgeBase.default().rules["go/east"]
    mapping = {
        Placeholder("r'"): Variable("room1", "r"),
        Placeholder("r"): Variable("room2"),
    action = rule.instantiate(mapping)
    infos = action.serialize()
    action2 = Action.deserialize(infos)
    assert action == action2
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_get_objects_in_inventory():
    P = Variable("P")
    I = Variable("I")
    room = Variable("room", "r")
    obj = Variable("obj", "o")

    # Closed chest.
    facts = [Proposition("at", [P, room]), Proposition("in", [obj, I])]

    world = World.from_facts(facts)
    objects = world.get_objects_in_inventory()
    assert obj in world.objects
    assert obj in objects
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def create_variable(self, state, ph, type_counts):
        """Create a new variable of the given type."""

        count = type_counts[ph.type]
        if not self.options.check_new_variable(state, ph.type, count):
            return None

        name = "{}_{}".format(ph.type, count)
        var = Variable(name, ph.type)
        while state.has_variable(var):
            name += "'"
            var = Variable(name, ph.type)

        type_counts[ph.type] += 1
        return var
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def new(self,
            type: str,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            desc: Optional[str] = None) -> Union[WorldEntity, WorldRoom]:
        """ Creates new entity given its type.

            type: The type of the entity.
            name: The name of the entity.
            desc: The description of the entity.

            The newly created entity.

            * If the `type` is `'r'`, then a `WorldRoom` object is returned.
            * Otherwise, a `WorldEntity` is returned.
        var_id = type
        if not KnowledgeBase.default().types.is_constant(type):
            var_id = get_new(type, self._types_counts)

        var = Variable(var_id, type)
        if type == "r":
            entity = WorldRoom(var, name, desc)
        elif KnowledgeBase.default().types.is_descendant_of(type, ["g"]):
            name = var_id
            desc = "A global variable."
            entity = WorldEntity(var, name, desc)
            entity = WorldEntity(var, name, desc)

        self._entities[var_id] = entity
        return entity
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_populate_with():
    # setup
    P = Variable('P')
    I = Variable('I')
    room = Variable('room', 'r')
    facts = [Proposition('at', [P, room])]

    world = World.from_facts(facts)

    # test
    obj = Variable('obj', 'o')

    assert obj in world.objects
    assert (Proposition('at', [obj, room]) in world.facts
            or Proposition('in', [obj, I]) in world.facts)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_type_hierarchy():
    assert list(a.ancestors) == []
    assert list(a.supertypes) == [a]
    assert list(a.descendants) == [b, c, d]
    assert list(a.subtypes) == [a, b, c, d]

    assert list(b.ancestors) == [a]
    assert list(b.supertypes) == [b, a]
    assert list(b.descendants) == [d]
    assert list(b.subtypes) == [b, d]

    assert list(c.ancestors) == [a]
    assert list(c.supertypes) == [c, a]
    assert list(c.descendants) == [d]
    assert list(c.subtypes) == [c, d]

    assert list(d.ancestors) == [b, c, a]
    assert list(d.supertypes) == [d, b, c, a]
    assert list(d.descendants) == []
    assert list(d.subtypes) == [d]

    va = Variable.parse("a")
    assert va.is_a(a)
    assert not va.is_a(b)
    assert not va.is_a(c)
    assert not va.is_a(d)

    vb = Variable.parse("b")
    assert vb.is_a(a)
    assert vb.is_a(b)
    assert not vb.is_a(c)
    assert not vb.is_a(d)

    vc = Variable.parse("c")
    assert vc.is_a(a)
    assert not vc.is_a(b)
    assert vc.is_a(c)
    assert not vc.is_a(d)

    vd = Variable.parse("d")
    assert vd.is_a(a)
    assert vd.is_a(b)
    assert vd.is_a(c)
    assert vd.is_a(d)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_automatically_positioning_rooms():
    P = Variable("P")
    r1 = Variable("Room1", "r")
    r2 = Variable("Room2", "r")
    d = Variable("door", "d")
    facts = [Proposition("at", [P, r1])]
    world = World.from_facts(facts)
    assert len(world.rooms) == 1
    assert len(world.find_room_by_id(r1.name).exits) == 0

    world.add_fact(Proposition("link", [r1, d, r2]))
    assert len(world.rooms) == 2
    r1_entity = world.find_room_by_id(r1.name)
    r2_entity = world.find_room_by_id(r2.name)
    assert len(r1_entity.exits) == 1
    assert len(r2_entity.exits) == 1

    assert list(r1_entity.exits.keys())[0] == reverse_direction(
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def from_tw_actions(self, actions: Iterable[Action]) -> DiGraph:
        """ Construct internal graph given a TextWorld Quest. """
        # TODO verify validity?
        from tw_textlabs.generator.quest_generator import convert_to_compact_action
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        action_vars = [convert_to_compact_action(a) for a in actions]
        for action_var in action_vars:
            action_name = action_var.name
            if action_name == 'op_o_obtain':
                # add change state var as arg to this action so it gets processed
                action_var.vars.insert(0, action_var.change_state_vars[0])
            ents = action_var.vars
            for e in ents:

            # ignore actions with single arg
            if len(ents) != 2:

            is_state_change_action = len(action_var.change_state_vars) > 0

            if not is_state_change_action:

            # assuming just one material changes state per action
                assert (len(action_var.change_state_vars) == 1)
                v = action_var.change_state_vars[0]
                assert (v == ents[0])

                # second argument is the source for new one (such as device)
                source = self.curr_state(ents[1])
                # Add a new state for the device, we assume that each operation
                # on a material is at a new state.
                if self.curr_state(v) in G.nodes():
                    # entity already exists in graph
                    target = self.add_new_state(v)
                    # entity doesn't exist yet in graph, connect init node
                    target = self.curr_state(v)

                # Add 'result' type edge which corresponds to 'obtain' action
                G.add_edge(source, target, action='obtain')

        # add Generator dummy node to be source of graph (cosmetic)
        self.generator = EntityNode(var=Variable(name='START',
        self.G = G
        materials = self.get_start_material_nodes()
        for m in materials:
            self.G.add_edge(self.generator, m, action='take')
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_count(self):
        rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)
        types_counts = {t: rng.randint(2, 10) for t in self.types.variables}

        state = State()
        for t in self.types.variables:
            v = Variable(get_new(t, types_counts), t)
            state.add_fact(Proposition("dummy", [v]))

        counts = self.types.count(state)
        for t in self.types.variables:
            assert counts[t] == types_counts[t], (counts[t], types_counts[t])
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_logic_parsing():
    P = Variable("P", "P")
    kitchen = Variable("kitchen", "r")
    egg = Variable("egg", "f")

    assert Variable.parse("P") == P
    assert Variable.parse("kitchen: r") == kitchen

    at_kitchen = Proposition("at", [P, kitchen])
    in_kitchen = Proposition("in", [egg, kitchen])
    raw_egg = Proposition("raw", [egg])
    cooked_egg = Proposition("cooked", [egg])

    assert Proposition.parse("at(P, kitchen: r)") == at_kitchen

    assert Signature.parse("at(P, r)") == at_kitchen.signature

    cook_egg = Action("cook", [at_kitchen, in_kitchen, raw_egg], [at_kitchen, in_kitchen, cooked_egg])
    assert Action.parse("cook :: $at(P, kitchen: r) & $in(egg: f, kitchen: r) & raw(egg: f) -> cooked(egg: f)") == cook_egg

    P = Placeholder("P", "P")
    r = Placeholder("r", "r")
    d = Placeholder("d", "d")
    rp = Placeholder("r'", "r")
    assert Placeholder.parse("P") == P
    assert Placeholder.parse("r") == r
    assert Placeholder.parse("d") == d
    assert Placeholder.parse("r'") == rp

    at_r = Predicate("at", [P, r])
    link = Predicate("link", [r, d, rp])
    unlocked = Predicate("unlocked", [d])
    at_rp = Predicate("at", [P, rp])
    assert Predicate.parse("link(r, d, r')") == link

    go = Rule("go", [at_r, link, unlocked], [link, unlocked, at_rp])
    assert Rule.parse("go :: at(P, r) & $link(r, d, r') & $unlocked(d) -> at(P, r')") == go

    # Make sure the types match in the whole expression
    assert_raises(ValueError, Rule.parse, "take :: $at(P, r) & $in(c, r) & in(o: k, c) -> in(o, I)")
Ejemplo n.º 15
def maybe_instantiate_variables(rule, mapping, state, max_types_counts=None):
    types_counts = KnowledgeBase.default().types.count(state)

    # Instantiate variables if needed
        for ph in rule.placeholders:
            if mapping.get(ph) is None:
                name = get_new(ph.type, types_counts, max_types_counts)
                mapping[ph] = Variable(name, ph.type)
    except NotEnoughNounsError:
        return None

    return rule.instantiate(mapping)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_backward_chaining():
    P = Variable("P", "P")
    room = Variable("room", "r")
    kitchen = Variable("kitchen", "r")
    state = State([
        Proposition("at", [P, room]),
        Proposition("north_of", [kitchen, room]),
        Proposition("south_of", [room, kitchen]),

    options = ChainingOptions()
    options.backward = True
    options.max_depth = 2
    options.subquests = True
    options.create_variables = True
    options.rules_per_depth = [
        [KnowledgeBase.default().rules["take/c"], KnowledgeBase.default().rules["take/s"]],
    options.restricted_types = {"d"}

    chains = list(get_chains(state, options))
    assert len(chains) == 3

    options = ChainingOptions()
    options.backward = True
    options.max_depth = 3
    options.subquests = True
    options.create_variables = True
    options.rules_per_depth = [
    options.restricted_types = {"d"}

    chains = list(get_chains(state, options))
    assert len(chains) == 3
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def from_map(cls, map: networkx.Graph) -> "World":
         map: Graph defining the structure of the world.
     world = cls()
     names = [
         d.get("name", "r_{}".format(i))
         for i, (n, d) in enumerate(map.nodes.items())
     rooms = OrderedDict(
         (n, Variable(names[i], "r")) for i, n in enumerate(map.nodes()))
     world.add_facts(graph2state(map, rooms))
     return world
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def _update(self) -> None:
        """ Update the internal representation of the world.

        This method will create new entities based on facts. It should be called whenever
        backing facts are changed.
        self._entities = OrderedDict()  # Clear entities.
        self.player = self._get_entity(Variable("P"))
        self.inventory = self._get_entity(Variable("I"))
        self._player_room = None
        self._rooms = [
            entity for entity in self._entities.values()
            if isinstance(entity, WorldRoom)
        self._objects = [
            entity for entity in self._entities.values()
            if isinstance(entity, WorldObject)

        self._entities_per_type = defaultdict(list)
        for entity in self._entities.values():
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_match():
    rule = Rule.parse("go :: at(P, r) & $link(r, d, r') & $free(r, r') & $free(r', r) -> at(P, r')")

    mapping = {
        Placeholder.parse("P"): Variable.parse("P"),
        Placeholder.parse("r"): Variable.parse("r1: r"),
        Placeholder.parse("r'"): Variable.parse("r2: r"),
        Placeholder.parse("d"): Variable.parse("d"),

    action = Action.parse("go :: at(P, r1: r) & $link(r1: r, d, r2: r) & $free(r1: r, r2: r) & $free(r2: r, r1: r) -> at(P, r2: r)")
    assert rule.match(action) == mapping

    # Order shouldn't matter

    action = Action.parse("go :: $link(r1: r, d, r2: r) & $free(r1: r, r2: r) & $free(r2: r, r1: r) & at(P, r1: r) -> at(P, r2: r)")
    assert rule.match(action) == mapping

    action = Action.parse("go :: at(P, r1: r) & $link(r1: r, d, r2: r) & $free(r2: r, r1: r) & $free(r1: r, r2: r) -> at(P, r2: r)")
    assert rule.match(action) == mapping

    # Predicate matches can't conflict
    action = Action.parse("go :: at(P, r1: r) & $link(r1: r, d, r2: r) & $free(r2: r, r1: r) & $free(r1: r, r2: r) -> at(P, r3: r)")
    assert rule.match(action) == None
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_cannot_automatically_positioning_rooms():
    P = Variable("P")
    r0 = Variable("Room0", "r")
    r1 = Variable("Room1", "r")
    r2 = Variable("Room2", "r")
    r3 = Variable("Room3", "r")
    r4 = Variable("Room4", "r")
    r5 = Variable("Room5", "r")
    d = Variable("door", "d")

    facts = [Proposition("at", [P, r0])]
    facts.extend(connect(r0, 'north', r1))
    facts.extend(connect(r0, 'east', r2))
    facts.extend(connect(r0, 'south', r3))
    facts.extend(connect(r0, 'west', r4))

    world = World.from_facts(facts)
    npt.assert_raises(NoFreeExitError, world.add_fact,
                      Proposition("link", [r0, d, r5]))
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, vtypes: List[VariableType]):
        self.variables_types = {vtype.type: vtype for vtype in vtypes}

        # Make some convenient attributes.
        self.types = [vt.type for vt in vtypes]
        self.names = [vt.name for vt in vtypes]
        self.constants = [t for t in self if self.is_constant(t)]
        self.variables = [t for t in self if not self.is_constant(t)]
        self.constants_mapping = {
            Placeholder(c): Variable(c)
            for c in self.constants

        # Adjust variable type's parent and children references.
        for vt in vtypes:
            if vt.parent is not None:
                vt_parent = self[vt.parent]
Ejemplo n.º 22
def graph2state(G: networkx.Graph, rooms: Dict[str,
                                               Variable]) -> List[Proposition]:
    """ Convert Graph object to a list of `Proposition`.

        G: Graph defining the structure of the world.
        rooms: information about the rooms in the world.
    state = []
    for src, dest in G.edges():
        d = direction(src, dest)

        d_r = direction(dest, src)
        e = G[src][dest]

        room_src = rooms[src]
        room_dest = rooms[dest]
        if e["has_door"]:
            door = Variable(e['door_name'], "d")
            pred1 = Proposition("{}_of".format(d), [room_dest, room_src])
            pred2 = Proposition("{}_of".format(d_r), [room_src, room_dest])
            state.append(Proposition(e["door_state"], [door]))
            state.append(Proposition("link", [room_src, door, room_dest]))
            state.append(Proposition("link", [room_dest, door, room_src]))
            if e["door_state"] == "open":
                state.append(Proposition("free", [room_dest, room_src]))
                state.append(Proposition("free", [room_src, room_dest]))
            pred1 = Proposition("{}_of".format(d), [room_dest, room_src])
            pred2 = Proposition("{}_of".format(d_r), [room_src, room_dest])
            state.append(Proposition("free", [room_dest, room_src]))
            state.append(Proposition("free", [room_src, room_dest]))


    return state
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_used_names_is_updated(verbose=False):
    # Make generation throughout the framework reproducible.

    # Generate a map that's shape in a cross with room0 in the middle.
    P = Variable('P')
    r = Variable('r_0', 'r')
    k1 = Variable('k_1', 'k')
    k2 = Variable('k_2', 'k')
    c1 = Variable('c_1', 'c')
    c2 = Variable('c_2', 'c')
    facts = [
        Proposition('at', [P, r]),
        Proposition('at', [k1, r]),
        Proposition('at', [k2, r]),
        Proposition('at', [c1, r]),
        Proposition('at', [c2, r]),
        Proposition('match', [k1, c1]),
        Proposition('match', [k2, c2])
    world = World.from_facts(facts)
    world.set_player_room()  # Set start room to the middle one.
                        world.player_room)  # Add objects to the starting room.

    # Generate the world representation.
    grammar = tw_textlabs.generator.make_grammar({},
    for k, v in grammar.grammar.items():
        grammar.grammar[k] = v[:2]  # Force reusing variables.

    game = tw_textlabs.generator.make_game_with(world, [], grammar)
    for entity_infos in game.infos.values():
        if entity_infos.name is None:

        assert entity_infos.name in grammar.used_names
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_make_world_with():
    r1 = Variable("r_0", "r")
    P = Variable('P')
    world = make_world_with(rooms=[r1])
    assert Proposition('at', [P, r1]) in world.facts
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_variables():
    for var in [P, bedroom, robe, counter, chest]:
        data = var.serialize()
        loaded_var = Variable.deserialize(data)
        assert loaded_var == var
Ejemplo n.º 26
def make_game(mode: str, options: GameOptions) -> tw_textlabs.Game:
    """ Make a Treasure Hunter game.

        mode: Mode for the game where

              * `'easy'`: rooms are all empty except where the two objects are
                placed. Also, connections between rooms have no door.
              * `'medium'`: adding closed doors and containers that might need
                to be open in order to find the object.
              * `'hard'`: adding locked doors and containers (necessary keys
                will in the inventory) that might need to be unlocked (and open)
                in order to find the object.
            For customizing the game generation (see
            :py:class:`tw_textlabs.GameOptions <tw_textlabs.generator.game.GameOptions>`
            for the list of available options).

        Generated game.
    kb = KnowledgeBase.default()

    metadata = {}  # Collect infos for reproducibility.
    metadata["desc"] = "Treasure Hunter"
    metadata["mode"] = mode
    metadata["seeds"] = options.seeds
    metadata["world_size"] = options.nb_rooms
    metadata["quest_length"] = options.quest_length

    rngs = options.rngs
    rng_map = rngs['map']
    rng_objects = rngs['objects']
    rng_quest = rngs['quest']
    rng_grammar = rngs['grammar']

    modes = ["easy", "medium", "hard"]
    if mode == "easy":
        door_states = None
        n_distractors = 0
    elif mode == "medium":
        door_states = ["open", "closed"]
        n_distractors = 10
    elif mode == "hard":
        door_states = ["open", "closed", "locked"]
        n_distractors = 20

    # Generate map.
    map_ = tw_textlabs.generator.make_map(n_rooms=options.nb_rooms, rng=rng_map,
    assert len(map_.nodes()) == options.nb_rooms

    world = World.from_map(map_)

    # Randomly place the player.
    starting_room = None
    if len(world.rooms) > 1:
        starting_room = rng_map.choice(world.rooms)

    # Add object the player has to pick up.
    types_counts = kb.types.count(world.state)
    obj_type = kb.types.sample(parent_type='o', rng=rng_objects,
    var_id = get_new(obj_type, types_counts)
    right_obj = Variable(var_id, obj_type)
    world.add_fact(Proposition("in", [right_obj, world.inventory]))

    # Add containers and supporters to the world.
    types_counts = kb.types.count(world.state)
    objects = []
    distractor_types = uniquify(['c', 's'] +
                                kb.types.descendants('c') +
    for i in range(n_distractors):
        obj_type = rng_objects.choice(distractor_types)
        var_id = get_new(obj_type, types_counts)  # This update the types_counts.
        objects.append(Variable(var_id, obj_type))

    world.populate_with(objects, rng=rng_objects)

    # Add object the player should not pick up.
    types_counts = kb.types.count(world.state)
    obj_type = kb.types.sample(parent_type='o', rng=rng_objects,
    var_id = get_new(obj_type, types_counts)
    wrong_obj = Variable(var_id, obj_type)
    # Place it anywhere in the world.
    world.populate_with([wrong_obj], rng=rng_objects)

    # Generate a quest that finishes by taking something (i.e. the right
    #  object since it's the only one in the inventory).
    options.chaining.rules_per_depth = [kb.rules.get_matching("take.*")]
    options.chaining.backward = True
    options.chaining.rng = rng_quest
    #options.chaining.restricted_types = exceptions
    #exceptions = ["r", "c", "s", "d"] if mode == "easy" else ["r"]
    chain = tw_textlabs.generator.sample_quest(world.state, options.chaining)

    # Add objects needed for the quest.
    world.state = chain.initial_state
    event = Event(chain.actions)
    quest = Quest(win_events=[event],
                  fail_events=[Event(conditions={Proposition("in", [wrong_obj, world.inventory])})])

    grammar = tw_textlabs.generator.make_grammar(options.grammar, rng=rng_grammar)
    game = tw_textlabs.generator.make_game_with(world, [quest], grammar)
    game.metadata = metadata
    mode_choice = modes.index(mode)
    uuid = "tw-treasure_hunter-{specs}-{grammar}-{seeds}"
    uuid = uuid.format(specs=encode_seeds((mode_choice, options.nb_rooms, options.quest_length)),
                       seeds=encode_seeds([options.seeds[k] for k in sorted(options.seeds)]))
    game.metadata["uuid"] = uuid
    return game
Ejemplo n.º 27
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from tw_textlabs.generator.data import KnowledgeBase
from tw_textlabs.generator.vtypes import NotEnoughNounsError, get_new
from tw_textlabs.logic import Action, Placeholder, Proposition, Rule, State, Variable

P = Variable("P", "P")
I = Variable("I", "I")
bedroom = Variable("bedroom", "r")
kitchen = Variable("kitchen", "r")
old_key = Variable("old key", "k")
rusty_key = Variable("rusty key", "k")
small_key = Variable("small key", "k")
wooden_door = Variable("wooden door", "d")
glass_door = Variable("glass door", "d")
chest = Variable("chest", "c")
cabinet = Variable("cabinet", "c")
counter = Variable("counter", "s")
robe = Variable("robe", "o")

def maybe_instantiate_variables(rule, mapping, state, max_types_counts=None):
    types_counts = KnowledgeBase.default().types.count(state)

    # Instantiate variables if needed
        for ph in rule.placeholders:
            if mapping.get(ph) is None:
                name = get_new(ph.type, types_counts, max_types_counts)
                mapping[ph] = Variable(name, ph.type)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_constraints():
    # Declare some variables.
    P = Variable("P", "P")
    I = Variable("I", "I")
    bedroom = Variable("bedroom", "r")
    kitchen = Variable("kitchen", "r")
    rusty_key = Variable("rusty key", "k")
    small_key = Variable("small key", "k")
    wooden_door = Variable("wooden door", "d")
    glass_door = Variable("glass door", "d")
    chest = Variable("chest", "c")
    cabinet = Variable("cabinet", "c")
    counter = Variable("counter", "s")
    robe = Variable("robe", "o")

    # Make sure the number of basic constraints matches the number
    # of constraints in constraints.txt
    basic_constraints = [
        k for k in KnowledgeBase.default().constraints.keys() if "-" not in k
    # assert len(basic_constraints) == 32

    # Doors can only have one state.
    door_states = ["open", "closed", "locked"]
    for door_state in door_states:
        state = State([Proposition(door_state, [wooden_door])])
        assert check_state(state)
        for door_state2 in door_states:
            if door_state == door_state2:

            state2 = state.copy()

            state2.add_fact(Proposition(door_state2, [glass_door]))  # New door
            assert check_state(state2)

            state2.add_fact(Proposition(door_state2, [wooden_door]))
            assert not check_state(state2)

    # Containers can only have one state.
    container_states = ["open", "closed", "locked"]
    for container_state in container_states:
        state = State([Proposition(container_state, [chest])])
        assert check_state(state)
        for container_state2 in container_states:
            if container_state == container_state2:

            state2 = state.copy()

                                        [cabinet]))  # New container
            assert check_state(state2)

            state2.add_fact(Proposition(container_state2, [chest]))
            assert not check_state(state2)

    # A player/supporter/container can only be at one place.
    for obj in [P, chest, counter]:
        assert check_state(State([Proposition("at", [obj, kitchen])]))
        assert check_state(State([Proposition("at", [obj, bedroom])]))
        assert not check_state(
                Proposition("at", [obj, kitchen]),
                Proposition("at", [obj, bedroom])

    # An object is either in the player's inventory, in a container or on a supporter
    obj_locations = [
        Proposition("in", [robe, I]),
        Proposition("in", [robe, chest]),
        Proposition("on", [robe, counter])
    for obj_location in obj_locations:
        assert check_state(State([obj_location]))
        for obj_location2 in obj_locations:
            if obj_location == obj_location2: break
            assert not check_state(State([obj_location, obj_location2
                                          ])), "{}, {}".format(
                                              obj_location, obj_location2)

    # Only one key can match a container and vice-versa.
    assert check_state(State([Proposition("match", [rusty_key, chest])]))
    assert not check_state(
            Proposition("match", [small_key, chest]),
            Proposition("match", [rusty_key, chest])
    assert not check_state(
            Proposition("match", [small_key, cabinet]),
            Proposition("match", [small_key, chest])

    # Only one key can match a door and vice-versa.
    assert check_state(State([Proposition("match", [rusty_key, chest])]))
    assert not check_state(
            Proposition("match", [small_key, wooden_door]),
            Proposition("match", [rusty_key, wooden_door])
    assert not check_state(
            Proposition("match", [small_key, glass_door]),
            Proposition("match", [small_key, wooden_door])

    # A door can't be used to link more than two rooms.
    door = Variable("door", "d")
    room1 = Variable("room1", "r")
    room2 = Variable("room2", "r")
    room3 = Variable("room3", "r")
    assert not check_state(
            Proposition("link", [room1, door, room2]),
            Proposition("link", [room1, door, room3]),

    door1 = Variable("door1", "d")
    door2 = Variable("door2", "d")
    room1 = Variable("room1", "r")
    room2 = Variable("room2", "r")
    assert not check_state(
            Proposition("link", [room1, door1, room2]),
            Proposition("link", [room1, door2, room2]),
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_room_connections():
    room0 = Variable("room0", "r")
    room1 = Variable("room1", "r")
    room2 = Variable("room2", "r")

    # Only one connection can exist between two rooms.
    # r1
    # |
    # r0 - r1
    state = State([
        Proposition("north_of", [room1, room0]),
        Proposition("south_of", [room0, room1]),
        Proposition("east_of", [room1, room0]),
        Proposition("west_of", [room0, room1])

    assert not check_state(state)

    # Non Cartesian layout are allowed.
    # r1
    # |
    # r0 - r2 - r1
    state = State([
        Proposition("north_of", [room1, room0]),
        Proposition("south_of", [room0, room1]),
        Proposition("east_of", [room2, room0]),
        Proposition("west_of", [room0, room2]),
        Proposition("east_of", [room1, room2]),
        Proposition("west_of", [room2, room1])

    assert check_state(state)

    # A room cannot have more than 4 'link' propositions.
    room3 = Variable("room3", "r")
    room4 = Variable("room4", "r")
    room5 = Variable("room5", "r")
    door1 = Variable("door1", "d")
    door2 = Variable("door2", "d")
    door3 = Variable("door3", "d")
    door4 = Variable("door4", "d")
    door5 = Variable("door5", "d")

    state = State([
        Proposition("link", [room0, door1, room1]),
        Proposition("link", [room0, door2, room2]),
        Proposition("link", [room0, door3, room3]),
        Proposition("link", [room0, door4, room4]),
        Proposition("link", [room0, door5, room5])

    assert not check_state(state)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_match_complex():
    rule = Rule.parse("combine/3 :: $at(P, r) & $correct_location(r) & $in(tool, I) & $in(tool', I) & $in(tool'', I) & in(o, I) & in(o', I) & in(o'', I) & $out(o''') & $used(slot) & used(slot') & used(slot'') -> in(o''', I) & free(slot') & free(slot'')")

    mapping = {
        Placeholder.parse("P"): Variable.parse("P"),
        Placeholder.parse("I"): Variable.parse("I"),
        Placeholder.parse("r"): Variable.parse("r"),
        Placeholder.parse("o"): Variable.parse("o1: o"),
        Placeholder.parse("o'"): Variable.parse("o2: o"),
        Placeholder.parse("o''"): Variable.parse("o3: o"),
        Placeholder.parse("o'''"): Variable.parse("o4: o"),
        Placeholder.parse("tool"): Variable.parse("tool1: tool"),
        Placeholder.parse("tool'"): Variable.parse("tool2: tool"),
        Placeholder.parse("tool''"): Variable.parse("tool3: tool"),
        Placeholder.parse("slot"): Variable.parse("slot1: slot"),
        Placeholder.parse("slot'"): Variable.parse("slot2: slot"),
        Placeholder.parse("slot''"): Variable.parse("slot3: slot"),

    action = Action.parse("combine/3 :: $at(P, r) & $correct_location(r) & $in(tool1: tool, I) & $in(tool2: tool, I) & $in(tool3: tool, I) & in(o1: o, I) & in(o2: o, I) & in(o3: o, I) & $out(o4: o) & $used(slot1: slot) & used(slot2: slot) & used(slot3: slot) -> in(o4: o, I) & free(slot2: slot) & free(slot3: slot)")
    for _ in range(10000):
        assert rule.match(action) == mapping