def test_acceptance(self):
     logger.debug('starting acceptance test')
     with patch.multiple(
     ) as cls_mocks:
         # setup some return values
         cls_mocks['run_reactor'].side_effect = self.se_run_reactor
         cls_mocks['get_active_node'].return_value = 'foo:1234'
         cls_mocks['update_active_node'].side_effect = self.se_update_active
         # instantiate class
         self.cls = VaultRedirector('consul:1234', poll_interval=0.5)
         self.cls.log_enabled = False
         # make sure active is None (starting state)
         assert self.cls.active_node_ip_port is None
         self.cls.bind_port = self.get_open_port()
         self.cls.log_enabled = True
         # setup an async task to make the HTTP request
         self.cls.reactor.callLater(2.0, self.se_requester)
         # do this in case the callLater for self.stop_reactor fails...
         signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.stop_reactor)
         signal.alarm(20)  # send SIGALRM in 20 seconds, to stop runaway loop
         signal.alarm(0)  # disable SIGALRM
     assert self.cls.active_node_ip_port == 'bar:5678'  # from update_active
     assert self.update_active_called is True
     assert cls_mocks['update_active_node'].mock_calls[0] == call()
     assert cls_mocks['run_reactor'].mock_calls == [call()]
     assert cls_mocks['get_active_node'].mock_calls == [call()]
     # HTTP response checks
     resp = json.loads(self.response)
     # /bar/baz
     assert resp['/bar/baz']['headers'][
                'Server'] == "vault-redirector/%s/TwistedWeb/%s" % (
         _VERSION, twisted_version.short()
     assert resp['/bar/baz']['headers'][
                'Location'] == 'http://bar:5678/bar/baz'
     assert resp['/bar/baz']['status_code'] == 307
     # /vault-redirector-health
     assert resp['/vault-redirector-health']['status_code'] == 200
     health_info = json.loads(resp['/vault-redirector-health']['text'])
     assert resp['/vault-redirector-health']['headers'][
         'Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
     assert health_info['healthy'] is True
     assert health_info['application'] == 'vault-redirector'
     assert health_info['version'] == _VERSION
     assert health_info['source'] == _PROJECT_URL
     assert health_info['consul_host_port'] == 'consul:1234'
     assert health_info['active_vault'] == 'bar:5678'
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_acceptance(self):
     logger.debug('starting acceptance test')
     with patch.multiple(pb,
                         update_active_node=DEFAULT) as cls_mocks:
         # setup some return values
         cls_mocks['run_reactor'].side_effect = self.se_run_reactor
         cls_mocks['get_active_node'].return_value = 'foo:1234'
         cls_mocks['update_active_node'].side_effect = self.se_update_active
         # instantiate class
         self.cls = VaultRedirector('consul:1234', poll_interval=0.5)
         self.cls.log_enabled = False
         # make sure active is None (starting state)
         assert self.cls.active_node_ip_port is None
         self.cls.bind_port = self.get_open_port()
         self.cls.log_enabled = True
         # setup an async task to make the HTTP request
         self.cls.reactor.callLater(2.0, self.se_requester)
         # do this in case the callLater for self.stop_reactor fails...
         signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.stop_reactor)
             20)  # send SIGALRM in 20 seconds, to stop runaway loop
         signal.alarm(0)  # disable SIGALRM
     assert self.cls.active_node_ip_port == 'bar:5678'  # from update_active
     assert self.update_active_called is True
     assert cls_mocks['update_active_node'].mock_calls[0] == call()
     assert cls_mocks['run_reactor'].mock_calls == [call()]
     assert cls_mocks['get_active_node'].mock_calls == [call()]
     # HTTP response checks
     resp = json.loads(self.response)
     # /bar/baz
     assert resp['/bar/baz']['headers'][
         'Server'] == "vault-redirector/%s/TwistedWeb/%s" % (
             _VERSION, twisted_version.short())
     assert resp['/bar/baz']['headers'][
         'Location'] == 'http://bar:5678/bar/baz'
     assert resp['/bar/baz']['status_code'] == 307
     # /vault-redirector-health
     assert resp['/vault-redirector-health']['status_code'] == 200
     health_info = json.loads(resp['/vault-redirector-health']['text'])
     assert resp['/vault-redirector-health']['headers'][
         'Content-Type'] == 'application/json'
     assert health_info['healthy'] is True
     assert health_info['application'] == 'vault-redirector'
     assert health_info['version'] == _VERSION
     assert health_info['source'] == _PROJECT_URL
     assert health_info['consul_host_port'] == 'consul:1234'
     assert health_info['active_vault'] == 'bar:5678'
Ejemplo n.º 3
# -*- test-case-name: twisted -*-

# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Twisted: The Framework Of Your Internet.

# Ensure the user is running the version of python we require.
import sys
if not hasattr(sys, "version_info") or sys.version_info < (2, 4):
    raise RuntimeError("Twisted requires Python 2.4 or later.")
del sys

# Ensure compat gets imported
from twisted.python import compat
del compat

# setup version
from twisted._version import version
__version__ = version.short()

Ejemplo n.º 4
        # Try using the API that we need, which only works right with
        # zope.interface 3.6 (or 4.0 on Python 3)
        class IDummy(interface.Interface):

        class Dummy(object):
    except TypeError:
        # It is installed but not compatible with this version of Python.
        raise ImportError(required + ".")


# Ensure compat gets imported
from twisted.python import compat

# setup version
from twisted._version import version
__version__ = version.short()

del compat

# Deprecating lore.
from twisted.python.versions import Version
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute

deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version("Twisted", 14, 0, 0), "Use Sphinx instead.",
                          "twisted", "lore")
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def render_fillSlots(self, context, data):
     context.tag.fillSlots('twisted', twisted_version.short())
     context.tag.fillSlots('nevow', nevow_version.short())
     return context.tag