Ejemplo n.º 1
    def addCluster(self, protocol, rack_controller):
        """Add a new stub cluster using the given `protocol`.

        The `protocol` should be an instance of `amp.AMP`.

        :return: A `Deferred` that fires with the connected protocol
        endpoint = endpoints.UNIXClientEndpoint(reactor, self.sockfile)
        protocol = yield endpoints.connectProtocol(endpoint, protocol)

        # Mock the registration into the database, as the rack controller is
        # already created. We reset this once registration is complete so as
        # to not interfere with other tests.
        registered = rack_controller
        patcher = MonkeyPatcher()
        patcher.add_patch(rackcontrollers, "register",
                          (lambda *args, **kwargs: registered))

        # Register the rack controller with the region.
            yield protocol.callRemote(

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def connect(self, cluster, region):
        """Wire up a connection between cluster and region.

        Uses a UNIX socket to very rapidly connect the two ends.

        :type cluster: `twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocol`
        :type region: `twisted.internet.interfaces.IProtocol`
        # Wire up the region and cluster protocols via the sockfile.
        sockfile = path.join(self.sockdir.path, next(self.socknames))

        class RegionFactory(Factory):
            def buildProtocol(self, addr):
                return region

        # `doUpdate` has already been called, but with no connections the
        # mocked `_fetch_rpc_info` caused no `maas_url` to be set on the
        # RPC service. Set the `maas_url` to the one set on the fixture.
        self.rpc_service.maas_url = self.maas_url

        endpoint_region = endpoints.UNIXServerEndpoint(reactor, sockfile)
        port = yield endpoint_region.listen(RegionFactory())

        endpoint_cluster = endpoints.UNIXClientEndpoint(reactor, sockfile)
        client = yield endpoints.connectProtocol(endpoint_cluster, cluster)

        # Wait for the client to be fully connected. Because onReady will have
        # been capped-off by now (see ClusterClient.connectionMade) this will
        # not raise any exceptions. In some ways this is convenient because it
        # allows the resulting issues to be encountered within test code.
        yield client.ready.get()

        def shutdown():
            # We need to make sure that everything is shutdown correctly. TLS
            # seems to make this even more important: it complains loudly if
            # connections are not closed cleanly. An interesting article to
            # read now is Jono Lange's "How to Disconnect in Twisted, Really"
            # <http://mumak.net/stuff/twisted-disconnect.html>.
            yield port.loseConnection()
            yield port.deferred
            if region.transport is not None:
                yield region.transport.loseConnection()
                yield region.onConnectionLost
            if client.transport is not None:
                yield client.transport.loseConnection()
                yield client.onConnectionLost

        # Fixtures don't wait for deferred work in clean-up tasks (or anywhere
        # else), so we can't use `self.addCleanup(shutdown)` here. We need to
        # get the user to add `shutdown` to the clean-up tasks for the *test*,
        # on the assumption they're using a test framework that accommodates
        # deferred work (like testtools with `MAASTwistedRunTest`).
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def createClientEndpoint(self, reactor, clientFactory, **connectArgs):
        Create an L{UNIXClientEndpoint} and return the values needed to verify
        its behaviour.

        @param reactor: A fake L{IReactorUNIX} that L{UNIXClientEndpoint} can
            call L{IReactorUNIX.connectUNIX} on.
        @param clientFactory: The thing that we expect to be passed to our
            L{IStreamClientEndpoint.connect} implementation.
        @param connectArgs: Optional dictionary of arguments to
        address = UNIXAddress(self.mktemp())

        return (endpoints.UNIXClientEndpoint(reactor, address.name,
                (address.name, clientFactory, connectArgs.get('timeout', 30),
                 connectArgs.get('checkPID', 0)), address)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def connect_client(self):
     endpoint = endpoints.UNIXClientEndpoint(reactor, self.path)
     client_factory = drpc.ClientFactory(self.creds)
     client = yield endpoint.connect(client_factory)