Ejemplo n.º 1
class TimeSchedule:

    def __init__(self, lock, host='', port='6800'):
        config = Config()
        self.db = glv.get_value(key='sqlite_db')
        self.user_name = config.get('auth_username', '')
        self.user_password = config.get('auth_password', '')
        self.start_time = time.strftime("%Y %m %d %H %M %S", time.localtime())
        self.server_port = 'http://{}:{}/'.format(host, port)
        self.schedule_post_url = 'http://{}:{}/schedule.json'.format(host, port)
        self.listproject_url = 'http://{}:{}/listprojects.json'.format(host, port)
        self.spider_task_dic = dict()
        self.projects = None
        self.db_lock = lock
        self.ts_lock = threading.Lock()
        self._keys_set = {
        self._keys_dic = {
            "y": "year",
            "m": "month",
            "d": "day",
            "w": "week",
            "H": "hour",
            "M": "minute",
            "S": "second",
        self._keys_set_lis = [[y for y in x] for x in self._keys_set]
        self.CPU_THRESHOLD = 93
        self.MEMORY_THRESHOLD = 96
        self.schedule_logger = Logger(namespace='- Scheduler -')

    def run(self):
        self.projects = self.list_projects()
        self.schedule_logger.info('scheduler is running')
        count = 1
        while True:
            schedule_sta = self.task_scheduler()
            if not schedule_sta and count == 1:
                self.schedule_logger.info('No Scheduled Spider in Database')
                count += 1
            elif not schedule_sta and count != 1:
                count += 1
                count = 1

    def task_scheduler(self):
        db_result = self.db.get(model_name='SpiderScheduleModel',
                                key_list=['hash_str', 'project', 'spider', 'schedule', 'args', 'runtime', 'status'])
        schedule_list_raw = [
            {'hash_str': x.hash_str, 'project': x.project, 'spider': x.spider, 'schedule': x.schedule, 'args': x.args, 'runtime': x.runtime,
             'status': x.status}
            for x in db_result if int(x.status) != 0
        ] if db_result else []
        schedule_sta = False
        if schedule_list_raw:
            for each_schedule in schedule_list_raw:
                project = each_schedule.get('project')
                runtime = int(each_schedule.get('runtime'))
                if project in self.projects and runtime > 0:
                    schedule = each_schedule.get('schedule')

                    if any([x in schedule for x in self._keys_set]):
                            schedule = json.loads(schedule)
                            schedule = eval(schedule)
                        if isinstance(schedule, dict):
                            for key in schedule.keys():
                                if key not in self._keys_set:
                                    mean_key = self._check_key(key)
                                    raise ValueError(
                                        'found "{}" in your schedule dict, maybe you mean "{}"'.format(key, mean_key))
                                if key in self._keys_dic:
                                    val = schedule.pop(key)
                                    schedule[self._keys_dic[key]] = val
                            next_time_sep = self.cal_time_sep(**schedule)
                            next_time_sep = self.cal_time_sep(schedule_str=schedule, is_str=True)
                        next_time_sep = int(next_time_sep) + 1
                        if next_time_sep > 1:
                            each_schedule['schedule'] = next_time_sep
                            item = '{}-{}'.format(each_schedule['project'], each_schedule['spider'])
                            if self.spider_task_dic.get(item) != 'waiting':
                                self.spider_task_dic[item] = 'waiting'
                                t = threading.Thread(target=self.poster, args=(each_schedule,))
                                except Exception as THError:
                                    self.schedule_logger.warn('start new job error [ {} ]: {}'.format(item, THError))
                    except ValueError as V:
                        self.schedule_logger.error('spider runtime schedule error, please check the database: {}'.format(V))
            schedule_sta = True
        return schedule_sta

    def poster(self, dic):
        hash_str = dic.get('hash_str')
        status = int(dic.pop('status'))
        project = dic.get('project')
        spider = dic.get('spider')
        job_str = " %s-%s " % (project, spider)
        args = dic.get('args')
            args = json.loads(args)
            args = eval(args)
        wait_time = dic.get('schedule')
        item = '{}-{}'.format(project, spider)
        if project and spider:
            data = {'project': project, 'spider': spider, 'un': self.user_name, 'pwd': self.user_password}
            if args:
                args = self._spider_args_method(args, hash_str)
            self.schedule_logger.info('job {} is waiting, countdown {}s'.format(item, wait_time))
            time.sleep(wait_time - 1)
            another_wait_time = 0
            spider_runtime_avg = self.spiders_runtime(project=project, spider=spider)
            if status == 1:
                while not self.is_system_ok():
                    self.schedule_logger.warn('system is fully functioning, wait another 2 seconds to post schedule')
                    another_wait_time += 3
                    if another_wait_time >= (wait_time - spider_runtime_avg):
                        self.schedule_logger.warning('wait too long, cancel the job %s' % job_str)
                        return None
                res = json.loads(requests.post(url=self.schedule_post_url, data=data).content)
            elif status == 2:
                res = json.loads(requests.post(url=self.schedule_post_url, data=data).content)
            elif status == 3:
                res = json.loads(requests.post(url=self.schedule_post_url, data=data).content)
                res = json.loads(requests.post(url=self.schedule_post_url, data=data).content)
            spider_status = res.get('status')
            if spider_status != 'ok':
                spider_status = 'error'
            self.schedule_logger.error('job project: {}, spider: {} post fail!'.format(project, spider))
            spider_status = 'error'
        if spider_status == 'ok':
            self._run_countdown(project=project, spider=spider)
        self.spider_task_dic[item] = spider_status

    def _spider_args_method(self, args, hash_str):
        args_raw = args.copy()
        if args:
            method = args.pop('method', 'normal')
            if method == 'auto_increment':
                next_args = {k: str(int(v)+1) if isinstance(v, int) or (isinstance(v, str) and v.isdigit()) else v for k, v in args.items()}
            elif isinstance(method, dict):
                ex_md = method.get('expression')
                fc_md = method.get('function')
                if ex_md:
                    next_args = eval(ex_md)
                if fc_md:
                next_args = args
            next_args.update({'method': method})
            self.db.update('SpiderScheduleModel', update_dic={'args': next_args}, filter_dic={"hash_str": hash_str})
            return args
        return args_raw

    def spiders_runtime(self, project, spider):
        res = self.db.get(model_name='SpiderMonitor', key_list=['runtime'],
                          filter_dic={'project': project, 'spider': spider})
        spider_list = [int(x.runtime) for x in res if x.runtime.isdigit()] if res else [0]
        return sum(spider_list) / len(spider_list)

    def list_projects(self):
        res = requests.get(url=self.listproject_url)
        projects = {}
        if res:
            projects_list = json.loads(res.content).get('projects')
            if projects_list:
                projects = set(projects_list)
        return projects

    def cal_time_sep(self,
            "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %w"

        if is_str:
            s = [int(x.strip()) for x in schedule_str.split(',')]
            time_sep = (datetime.datetime(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4], s[5]) - datetime.datetime.now()).total_seconds()
            return time_sep
        y = int(time.strftime("%Y", time.localtime()))
        if year != '*' and '*' in year:
            y = int(year.split('/')[-1]) + y
        elif year.isdigit():
            y = int(year)

        if week == '*':
            m = int(time.strftime("%m", time.localtime()))
            if month != '*' and '*' in month:
                m_raw = int(month.split('/')[-1])
                if m_raw >= 12:
                    raise ValueError('month value is too large, please set the year instead')
                m = m_raw + m
                if m > 12:
                    y += m // 12
                    m = m % 12
            elif month.isdigit():
                m = int(month)

            days_in_this_month = self.how_many_days_in_this_month(y, m)
            d = int(time.strftime("%d", time.localtime()))
            if day != '*' and '*' in day:
                d_raw = int(day.split('/')[-1])
                if d_raw > days_in_this_month:
                    raise ValueError('day value is too large, please set the month or the year instead')
                d = d_raw + d
                if d > days_in_this_month:
                    d = d - days_in_this_month
                    m += 1
                    if m > 12:
                        y += 1
                        m = m - 12
            elif day.isdigit():
                d = int(day)

            days_in_this_month = self.how_many_days_in_this_month(y, m)
            H = int(time.strftime("%H", time.localtime()))
            if hour != '*' and '*' in hour:
                H_raw = int(hour.split('/')[-1])
                if H_raw > 24:
                    raise ValueError('hour value is too large, please set the day instead')
                H = H_raw + H
                if H >= 24:
                    H = H - 24
                    d += 1
                    if d > days_in_this_month:
                        d = d - days_in_this_month
                        m += 1
                        if m > 12:
                            y += 1
                            m = m - 12
            elif hour.isdigit():
                H = int(hour)

            days_in_this_month = self.how_many_days_in_this_month(y, m)
            M = int(time.strftime("%M", time.localtime()))
            if minute != '*' and '*' in minute:
                M_raw = int(minute.split('/')[-1])
                if M_raw > 60:
                    raise ValueError('minute value is too large, please set the hour instead')
                M = M_raw + M
                if M >= 60:
                    M = M - 60
                    H += 1
                    if H >= 24:
                        H = H - 24
                        d += 1
                        if d > days_in_this_month:
                            d = d - days_in_this_month
                            m += 1
                            if m > 12:
                                y += 1
                                m = m - 12
            elif minute.isdigit():
                M = int(minute)

            days_in_this_month = self.how_many_days_in_this_month(y, m)
            S = int(time.strftime("%S", time.localtime()))
            if second != '*' and '*' in second:
                S_raw = int(second.split('/')[-1])
                if S_raw > 60:
                    raise ValueError('second value is too large, please set the minute instead')
                S = S_raw + S
                if S >= 60:
                    S = S - 60
                    M += 1
                    if M >= 60:
                        M = M - 60
                        H += 1
                        if H >= 24:
                            H = H - 24
                            d += 1
                            if d > days_in_this_month:
                                d = d - days_in_this_month
                                m += 1
                                if m > 12:
                                    y += 1
                                    m = m - 12
            elif second.isdigit():
                S = int(second)
            time_sep = eval(
                "(datetime.datetime({},{},{}, {},{},{}) - datetime.datetime.now()).total_seconds()".format(y, m, d, H,
                                                                                                           M, S))

            week_in_this_year = int(time.strftime("%U", time.localtime()))
            w = int(time.strftime("%w", time.localtime()))
            if '*' in week:
                w_raw = int(week.split('/')[-1])
                if w_raw >= 7:
                    raise ValueError('week value is too large, please set the day or the month instead')
                if w_raw < w:
                    week_in_this_year += 1
                w = w_raw
                if week_in_this_year > 53:
                    y += 1
                    week_in_this_year = week_in_this_year - 53

            elif week.isdigit():
                w = int(week)
                if int(week) < w:
                    week_in_this_year += 1

            H = int(time.strftime("%H", time.localtime()))
            if hour != '*' and '*' in hour:
                H_raw = int(hour.split('/')[-1])
                if H_raw >= 24:
                    raise ValueError('hour value is too large, please set the day instead')
                H = H_raw + H
                if H >= 24:
                    H = H - 24
                    w += 1
                    if w >= 7:
                        w = w - 7
                        week_in_this_year += 1
                        if week_in_this_year > 53:
                            y += 1
                            week_in_this_year = week_in_this_year - 53
            elif hour.isdigit():
                H = int(hour)

            M = int(time.strftime("%M", time.localtime()))
            if minute != '*' and '*' in minute:
                M_raw = int(minute.split('/')[-1])
                if M_raw >= 60:
                    raise ValueError('minute value is too large, please set the hour instead')
                M = M_raw + M
                if M >= 60:
                    M = M - 60
                    H += 1
                    if H >= 24:
                        H = H - 24
                        w += 1
                        if w > 7:
                            w = w - 7
                            week_in_this_year += 1
                            if week_in_this_year > 53:
                                y += 1
                                week_in_this_year = week_in_this_year - 53
            elif minute.isdigit():
                M = int(minute)

            S = int(time.strftime("%S", time.localtime()))
            if second != '*' and '*' in second:
                S_raw = int(second.split('/')[-1])
                if S_raw >= 60:
                    raise ValueError('second value is too large, please set the minute instead')
                S = S_raw + S
                if S >= 60:
                    S = S - 60
                    M += 1
                    if M >= 60:
                        M = M - 60
                        H += 1
                        if H >= 24:
                            H = H - 24
                            w += 1
                            if w > 7:
                                w = w - 7
                                week_in_this_year += 1
                                if week_in_this_year > 53:
                                    y += 1
                                    week_in_this_year = week_in_this_year - 53
            elif second.isdigit():
                S = int(second)
            if S >= 60:
                S = S - 60
                M += 1
                if M >= 60:
                    M = M - 60
                    H += 1
                    if H >= 24:
                        H = H - 24
                        w += 1
                        if w > 7:
                            w = w - 7
                            week_in_this_year += 1
                            if week_in_this_year > 53:
                                y += 1
                                week_in_this_year = week_in_this_year - 53
            m, d = self.get_month_and_days_by_week(year=y, week_in_this_year=week_in_this_year, week=w)
            time_sep = eval(
                "(datetime.datetime({},{},{}, {},{},{}) - datetime.datetime.now()).total_seconds()".format(y, m, d, H,
                                                                                                           M, S))

        return time_sep

    def get_month_and_days_by_week(self, year, week_in_this_year, week):
        days = week_in_this_year * 7 + week
        if (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0) or (year % 400 == 0):
            Fe = 29
            Fe = 28
        month_lis = [31, Fe, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
        month_count = 1
        days_count = 0
        for month_days in month_lis:
            days = days - month_days
            if days > 0:
                month_count += 1
            elif days == 0:
                days_count = 0
                month_count += 1
                days_count = days + month_days
        return [month_count, days_count]

    def how_many_days_in_this_month(self, y, m):
        if m in (1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12):
            days = 31
        elif m in (4, 6, 9, 11):
            days = 30
            if (y % 4 == 0 and y % 100 != 0) or (y % 400 == 0):
                days = 29
                days = 28
        return days

    def is_system_ok(self):
        is_pass = True
        cpu_list = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1, percpu=True)
        memory_percent = psutil.virtual_memory().percent
        if cpu_list and memory_percent:
            is_cpu_ok = True
            if min(cpu_list) > self.CPU_THRESHOLD:
                is_cpu_ok = False
            is_memo_ok = True
            if memory_percent > self.MEMORY_THRESHOLD:
                is_memo_ok = False
            if not is_cpu_ok or not is_memo_ok:
                is_pass = False
        return is_pass

    def _check_key(self, key):
        key_lis = [x for x in key]
        count_dic = dict()
        for ksl in self._keys_set_lis:
            o_key = ''.join(ksl)
            score = 0
            for k in key_lis:
                if k in ksl:
                    score += 1
            count_dic[o_key] = score
        best_math = sorted(count_dic, key=count_dic.__getitem__, reverse=True)[0]
        return best_math

    def _run_countdown(self, project, spider):
        db_schedule = self.db.get(model_name='SpiderScheduleModel', key_list=['id', 'runtime'],
                                  filter_dic={'project': project, 'spider': spider})
        run_time_in_db = [x.runtime for x in db_schedule][0] if db_schedule else 0
        the_id = [x.id for x in db_schedule][0] if db_schedule else None
        if run_time_in_db > 0 and the_id is not None:
            rt = int(run_time_in_db) - 1
            self.db.update(model_name='SpiderScheduleModel', update_dic={"runtime": rt}, filter_dic={"id": the_id})
Ejemplo n.º 2
class FSProtocol(basic.LineReceiver):
    class State(Enum):
        IDLE = 0
        POLLING = 1
        POLLED = 2
        RAW = 3

    def __init__(self):
        self.log = Logger()

    def setIdleState(self):
        self.my_state = self.State.IDLE
        self.wait_for_list = None
        self.file_transfer_peer = None

    def connectionMade(self):
        self.log.info("New connection established: {peer!r}, {pid!s}",
        self.transport.write(b'Hello form server\r\n')

    def send(self, command, argument):
        if command != "":
            command += " "
        self.transport.write(command.upper().encode() + argument.encode() +
        #  self.log.info("Sending to {peer!r}: {command!s} {argument!s}",
        #          command=command, argument=argument)

    def doReject(self, line):
        self.log.error("We had to say no to {peer!r}: {line}",
        self.transport.write(b'REJECT ' + line.encode() + b'\r\n')

    #  def doRequest(self, regex):
    #      self.log.debug("server asks for files: {regex!s}", regex=regex)
    #      self.transport.write(b'REQUEST ' + regex.encode() + b'\r\n')

    def requestFiles(self, regex):
        Called by factory, if one of users requested a search
        if self.my_state != self.State.IDLE or self.wait_for_list is not None:
            return defer.fail(RuntimeError("Connection is busy"))

        # Go to POLLED state, so no one will interrupt us
        self.my_state = self.State.POLLED

        self.send("REQUEST", regex)

        def debuglogc(data):
            self.log.debug("wait_for_list:requestFiles:callback: {data!r}",
            return data

        def debugloge(err):
            self.log.debug("wait_for_list:requestFiles:errback: {err!r}",
            return err

        self.wait_for_list = defer.Deferred().addCallbacks(
            debuglogc, debugloge)
        # We create Deferred, that will be fired as the response comes from user
        return self.wait_for_list

    def trySetStateIdle(self):
        # Some operation has finished
        # Check if there is file request
        #  if len(self.outer_req) > 0:
        #      # Set state
        #      self.state = self.State.POLLED
        #      # Ask peer
        #      regex,d = self.outer_req[0]
        #      self.transport.write("TODO some message" + regex + b'\r\n')

    def handleFind(self, regex):
        Hanles the FIND request from user
        self.my_state = self.State.POLLING

        # The factory will ask all the others about our regexp
        # The result here is the string
        d = self.factory.getFiles(self, regex)

        def response(ans):
            self.log.info("FIND command returns next {filelist!s}",
            self.send('RESPONSE', ans)

        def error(e):

        def idle(ignore):
            self.my_state = self.State.IDLE

        d.addCallbacks(response, error)

    def lineReceived(self, line):
        self.log.info("lineReceived: {peer!r} got message: {line!s}",

        line = line.decode()
        data = cleanInput(line)

        if len(data) == 0 or data == '':
            self.log.info("Oh, never mind, it's gone")
            self.doReject("Seems like a bunch of tabs")

        command = data[0].upper()

        argument = data[1] if len(data) > 1 else None

        # Analize the command
        if command == 'FIND':  # Find files from other users
            if self.my_state != self.State.IDLE:
                self.doReject("Another operation is in run")
            if argument is None:
                self.doReject("Regex expected")

        elif command == 'FILES':  # Polled user returns list of files here
            if self.my_state != self.State.POLLED:
                    "Got list of files, but there is no request for them")
            #  self.log.debug("Got list of files from {peer!r}", peer=self.transport.getPeer())
            if argument is None:
                    RuntimeError("This peer has no such files"))
                # Return self id and list of files
            # Cleanup
            self.wait_for_list = None
            self.my_state = self.State.IDLE

        elif command == 'GET':  # User asks for file
            This is a routine of connection, whitch needs file
            # Check if we ready
            if self.my_state != self.State.IDLE:
                self.doReject("Can not give you file at the moment")
            # Get arguments
            if argument is None:
                self.doReject("Expected filename for GET operation")
                pid, filename = argument.split(':', 1)
            except (IndexError):
                self.doReject("not valid filename")

            # Find the peer
            peer = self.factory.findConnById(pid)

            # Check if we are ready
            if peer is None:
                self.doReject("Sorry, the peer seems afk")
            if peer.my_state != peer.State.IDLE:
                self.doReject("Sorry, the peer seems busy")

            # Ready to begin, don't interrupt us please
            peer.my_state = peer.State.RAW
            self.my_state = self.State.RAW

            peer.file_transfer_peer = self
            self.file_transfer_peer = peer

            peer.send("OBTAIN", filename)
            self.send("RAW", filename)


        elif command == 'ALICE':  # User remembers how this project started
            self.send('', "nice girl")

            self.doReject("not a protocol command: %s" % command)

    def rawDataReceived(self, data):
        Should be called, if user sends data to peer in response
        if self.file_transfer_peer is None:
            self.log.warning("RECIEVING RAW DATA WITHOUT PEER TO RESEND")
        peer = self.file_transfer_peer
        self.log.info("RAW: resending data: %d KB" % len(data))
        if not data.endswith(b'\r\n'):
            # Transmission not done yet
        self.log.info("RAW: Transmission complete")

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        self.log.info("Connection closed: {peer!r}, {reason!r}",
Ejemplo n.º 3
class TimeSchedule:
    def __init__(self, lock, host='', port='6800'):
        config = Config()
        self.db = glv.get_value(key='sqlite_db')
        self.user_name = config.get('auth_username', '')
        self.user_password = config.get('auth_password', '')
        self.start_time = time.strftime("%Y %m %d %H %M %S", time.localtime())
        self.server_port = 'http://{}:{}/'.format(host, port)
        self.schedule_post_url = 'http://{}:{}/schedule.json'.format(
            host, port)
        self.listproject_url = 'http://{}:{}/listprojects.json'.format(
            host, port)
        self.spider_task_dic = dict()
        self.projects = None
        self.db_lock = lock
        self.ts_lock = threading.Lock()
        self.CPU_THRESHOLD = 93
        self.MEMORY_THRESHOLD = 96
        self.schedule_logger = Logger(namespace='- Scheduler -')

    def run(self):
        self.projects = self.list_projects()
        self.schedule_logger.info('scheduler is running')
        count = 1
        while True:
            schedule_sta = self.task_scheduler()
            if not schedule_sta and count == 1:
                self.schedule_logger.info('No Scheduled Spider in Database')
                count += 1
            elif not schedule_sta and count != 1:
                count += 1
                count = 1

    def task_scheduler(self):
        db_result = self.db.get(
            key_list=['project', 'spider', 'schedule', 'args', 'status'])
        schedule_list_raw = [{
            'project': x.project,
            'spider': x.spider,
            'schedule': x.schedule,
            'args': x.args,
            'status': x.status
        } for x in db_result if int(x.status) != 0] if db_result else []
        schedule_sta = False
        if schedule_list_raw:
            for each_schedule in schedule_list_raw:
                project = each_schedule.get('project')
                if project in self.projects:
                    schedule = each_schedule.get('schedule').replace('\\', '')
                        schedule = json.loads(schedule)
                        schedule = eval(schedule)
                        next_time_sep = self.cal_time_sep(**schedule)
                        next_time_sep = int(next_time_sep) + 1
                        if next_time_sep > 1:
                            each_schedule['schedule'] = next_time_sep
                            item = '{}-{}'.format(each_schedule['project'],
                            if self.spider_task_dic.get(item) != 'waiting':
                                self.spider_task_dic[item] = 'waiting'
                                t = threading.Thread(target=self.poster,
                                                     args=(each_schedule, ))
                                except Exception as THError:
                                        'start new job error [ {} ]: {}'.
                                        format(item, THError))
                    except ValueError:
                            'spider runtime schedule error, please check the database'
            schedule_sta = True
        return schedule_sta

    def poster(self, dic):
        status = int(dic.pop('status'))
        project = dic.get('project')
        spider = dic.get('spider')
        job_str = " %s-%s " % (project, spider)
        args = dic.get('args').replace('\\', '')
        if args:
            args = eval(args)
        wait_time = dic.get('schedule')
        item = '{}-{}'.format(project, spider)
        if project and spider:
            data = {
                'project': project,
                'spider': spider,
                'un': self.user_name,
                'pwd': self.user_password
            if args:
                'job {} is waiting, countdown {}s'.format(item, wait_time))
            time.sleep(wait_time - 1)
            another_wait_time = 0
            spider_runtime_avg = self.spiders_runtime(project=project,
            if status == 1:
                while not self.is_system_ok():
                        'system is fully functioning, wait another 2 seconds to post schedule'
                    another_wait_time += 3
                    if another_wait_time >= (wait_time - spider_runtime_avg):
                            'wait too long, cancel the job %s' % job_str)
                        return None
                res = json.loads(
            elif status == 2:
                res = json.loads(
            elif status == 3:
                res = json.loads(
                res = json.loads(
            spider_status = res.get('status')
            if spider_status != 'ok':
                spider_status = 'error'
                'job project: {}, spider: {} post fail!'.format(
                    project, spider))
            spider_status = 'error'
        self.spider_task_dic[item] = spider_status

    def spiders_runtime(self, project, spider):
        res = self.db.get(model_name='SpiderMonitor',
                              'project': project,
                              'spider': spider
        spider_list = [int(x.runtime) for x in res
                       if x.runtime.isdigit()] if res else [0]
        return sum(spider_list) / len(spider_list)

    def list_projects(self):
        res = requests.get(url=self.listproject_url)
        projects = {}
        if res:
            projects_list = json.loads(res.content).get('projects')
            if projects_list:
                projects = set(projects_list)
        return projects

    def cal_time_sep(
            "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %w"


        y = int(time.strftime("%Y", time.localtime()))
        if year != '*' and '*' in year:
            y = int(year.split('/')[-1]) + y
        elif year.isdigit():
            y = int(year)

        if week == '*':
            m = int(time.strftime("%m", time.localtime()))
            if month != '*' and '*' in month:
                m_raw = int(month.split('/')[-1])
                if m_raw >= 12:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'month value is too large, please set the year instead'
                m = m_raw + m
                if m > 12:
                    y += m // 12
                    m = m % 12
            elif month.isdigit():
                m = int(month)

            days_in_this_month = self.how_many_days_in_this_month(y, m)
            d = int(time.strftime("%d", time.localtime()))
            if day != '*' and '*' in day:
                d_raw = int(day.split('/')[-1])
                if d_raw > days_in_this_month:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'day value is too large, please set the month or the year instead'
                d = d_raw + d
                if d > days_in_this_month:
                    d = d - days_in_this_month
                    m += 1
                    if m > 12:
                        y += 1
                        m = m - 12
            elif day.isdigit():
                d = int(day)

            days_in_this_month = self.how_many_days_in_this_month(y, m)
            H = int(time.strftime("%H", time.localtime()))
            if hour != '*' and '*' in hour:
                H_raw = int(hour.split('/')[-1])
                if H_raw > 24:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'hour value is too large, please set the day instead')
                H = H_raw + H
                if H >= 24:
                    H = H - 24
                    d += 1
                    if d > days_in_this_month:
                        d = d - days_in_this_month
                        m += 1
                        if m > 12:
                            y += 1
                            m = m - 12
            elif hour.isdigit():
                H = int(hour)

            days_in_this_month = self.how_many_days_in_this_month(y, m)
            M = int(time.strftime("%M", time.localtime()))
            if minute != '*' and '*' in minute:
                M_raw = int(minute.split('/')[-1])
                if M_raw > 60:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'minute value is too large, please set the hour instead'
                M = M_raw + M
                if M >= 60:
                    M = M - 60
                    H += 1
                    if H >= 24:
                        H = H - 24
                        d += 1
                        if d > days_in_this_month:
                            d = d - days_in_this_month
                            m += 1
                            if m > 12:
                                y += 1
                                m = m - 12
            elif minute.isdigit():
                M = int(minute)

            days_in_this_month = self.how_many_days_in_this_month(y, m)
            S = int(time.strftime("%S", time.localtime()))
            if second != '*' and '*' in second:
                S_raw = int(second.split('/')[-1])
                if S_raw > 60:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'second value is too large, please set the minute instead'
                S = S_raw + S
                if S >= 60:
                    S = S - 60
                    M += 1
                    if M >= 60:
                        M = M - 60
                        H += 1
                        if H >= 24:
                            H = H - 24
                            d += 1
                            if d > days_in_this_month:
                                d = d - days_in_this_month
                                m += 1
                                if m > 12:
                                    y += 1
                                    m = m - 12
            elif second.isdigit():
                S = int(second)
            time_sep = eval(
                "(datetime.datetime({},{},{}, {},{},{}) - datetime.datetime.now()).total_seconds()"
                .format(y, m, d, H, M, S))

            week_in_this_year = int(time.strftime("%U", time.localtime()))
            w = int(time.strftime("%w", time.localtime()))
            if '*' in week:
                w_raw = int(week.split('/')[-1])
                if w_raw >= 7:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'week value is too large, please set the day or the month instead'
                if w_raw < w:
                    week_in_this_year += 1
                w = w_raw
                if week_in_this_year > 53:
                    y += 1
                    week_in_this_year = week_in_this_year - 53

            elif week.isdigit():
                w = int(week)
                if int(week) < w:
                    week_in_this_year += 1

            H = int(time.strftime("%H", time.localtime()))
            if hour != '*' and '*' in hour:
                H_raw = int(hour.split('/')[-1])
                if H_raw >= 24:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'hour value is too large, please set the day instead')
                H = H_raw + H
                if H >= 24:
                    H = H - 24
                    w += 1
                    if w >= 7:
                        w = w - 7
                        week_in_this_year += 1
                        if week_in_this_year > 53:
                            y += 1
                            week_in_this_year = week_in_this_year - 53
            elif hour.isdigit():
                H = int(hour)

            M = int(time.strftime("%M", time.localtime()))
            if minute != '*' and '*' in minute:
                M_raw = int(minute.split('/')[-1])
                if M_raw >= 60:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'minute value is too large, please set the hour instead'
                M = M_raw + M
                if M >= 60:
                    M = M - 60
                    H += 1
                    if H >= 24:
                        H = H - 24
                        w += 1
                        if w > 7:
                            w = w - 7
                            week_in_this_year += 1
                            if week_in_this_year > 53:
                                y += 1
                                week_in_this_year = week_in_this_year - 53
            elif minute.isdigit():
                M = int(minute)

            S = int(time.strftime("%S", time.localtime()))
            if second != '*' and '*' in second:
                S_raw = int(second.split('/')[-1])
                if S_raw >= 60:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'second value is too large, please set the minute instead'
                S = S_raw + S
                if S >= 60:
                    S = S - 60
                    M += 1
                    if M >= 60:
                        M = M - 60
                        H += 1
                        if H >= 24:
                            H = H - 24
                            w += 1
                            if w > 7:
                                w = w - 7
                                week_in_this_year += 1
                                if week_in_this_year > 53:
                                    y += 1
                                    week_in_this_year = week_in_this_year - 53
            elif second.isdigit():
                S = int(second)
            if S >= 60:
                S = S - 60
                M += 1
                if M >= 60:
                    M = M - 60
                    H += 1
                    if H >= 24:
                        H = H - 24
                        w += 1
                        if w > 7:
                            w = w - 7
                            week_in_this_year += 1
                            if week_in_this_year > 53:
                                y += 1
                                week_in_this_year = week_in_this_year - 53
            m, d = self.get_month_and_days_by_week(
                year=y, week_in_this_year=week_in_this_year, week=w)
            time_sep = eval(
                "(datetime.datetime({},{},{}, {},{},{}) - datetime.datetime.now()).total_seconds()"
                .format(y, m, d, H, M, S))

        return time_sep

    def get_month_and_days_by_week(self, year, week_in_this_year, week):
        days = week_in_this_year * 7 + week
        if (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0) or (year % 400 == 0):
            Fe = 29
            Fe = 28
        month_lis = [31, Fe, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
        month_count = 1
        days_count = 0
        for month_days in month_lis:
            days = days - month_days
            if days > 0:
                month_count += 1
            elif days == 0:
                days_count = 0
                month_count += 1
                days_count = days + month_days
        return [month_count, days_count]

    def how_many_days_in_this_month(self, y, m):
        if m in (1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12):
            days = 31
        elif m in (4, 6, 9, 11):
            days = 30
            if (y % 4 == 0 and y % 100 != 0) or (y % 400 == 0):
                days = 29
                days = 28
        return days

    def is_system_ok(self):
        is_pass = True
        cpu_list = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1, percpu=True)
        memory_percent = psutil.virtual_memory().percent
        if cpu_list and memory_percent:
            is_cpu_ok = True
            if min(cpu_list) > self.CPU_THRESHOLD:
                is_cpu_ok = False
            is_memo_ok = True
            if memory_percent > self.MEMORY_THRESHOLD:
                is_memo_ok = False
            if not is_cpu_ok or not is_memo_ok:
                is_pass = False
        return is_pass