Ejemplo n.º 1
    def describe(self, channel, action):
        Strike a pose.

        @type   channel:    Destination, Hostmask or str
        @param  channel:    The user or channel to perform an action in.

        @type   action: str
        @param  action: The action to preform.
        if isinstance(channel, Destination):
            self._log.debug('Implicitly converting Destination to raw format for action performance: %s --> %s',
                            repr(channel), channel.raw)
            channel = channel.raw

        if isinstance(channel, Hostmask):
            self._log.debug('Implicitly converting Hostmask to nick format for action performance: %s --> %s',
                            repr(channel), channel.nick)
            channel = channel.nick

        IRCClient.describe(self, channel, action)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class ClientTests(TestCase):
    Tests for the protocol-level behavior of IRCClient methods intended to
    be called by application code.
    def setUp(self):
        Create and connect a new L{IRCClient} to a new L{StringTransport}.
        self.transport = StringTransport()
        self.protocol = IRCClient()
        self.protocol.performLogin = False

        # Sanity check - we don't want anything to have happened at this
        # point, since we're not in a test yet.
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value(), "")

    def getLastLine(self, transport):
        Return the last IRC message in the transport buffer.
        return transport.value().split('\r\n')[-2]

    def test_away(self):
        L{IRCCLient.away} sends an AWAY command with the specified message.
        message = "Sorry, I'm not here."
        expected = [
            'AWAY :%s' % (message, ),
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)

    def test_back(self):
        L{IRCClient.back} sends an AWAY command with an empty message.
        expected = [
            'AWAY :',
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)

    def test_whois(self):
        L{IRCClient.whois} sends a WHOIS message.
                          ['WHOIS alice', ''])

    def test_whoisWithServer(self):
        L{IRCClient.whois} sends a WHOIS message with a server name if a
        value is passed for the C{server} parameter.
        self.protocol.whois('alice', 'example.org')
                          ['WHOIS example.org alice', ''])

    def test_register(self):
        L{IRCClient.register} sends NICK and USER commands with the
        username, name, hostname, server name, and real name specified.
        username = '******'
        hostname = 'testhost'
        servername = 'testserver'
        self.protocol.realname = 'testname'
        self.protocol.password = None
        self.protocol.register(username, hostname, servername)
        expected = [
            'NICK %s' % (username, ),
            'USER %s %s %s :%s' %
            (username, hostname, servername, self.protocol.realname), ''
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)

    def test_registerWithPassword(self):
        If the C{password} attribute of L{IRCClient} is not C{None}, the
        C{register} method also sends a PASS command with it as the
        username = '******'
        hostname = 'testhost'
        servername = 'testserver'
        self.protocol.realname = 'testname'
        self.protocol.password = '******'
        self.protocol.register(username, hostname, servername)
        expected = [
            'PASS %s' % (self.protocol.password, ),
            'NICK %s' % (username, ),
            'USER %s %s %s :%s' %
            (username, hostname, servername, self.protocol.realname), ''
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)

    def test_registerWithTakenNick(self):
        Verify that the client repeats the L{IRCClient.setNick} method with a
        new value when presented with an C{ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE} while trying to
        username = '******'
        hostname = 'testhost'
        servername = 'testserver'
        self.protocol.realname = 'testname'
        self.protocol.password = '******'
        self.protocol.register(username, hostname, servername)
        self.protocol.irc_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE('prefix', ['param'])
        lastLine = self.getLastLine(self.transport)
        self.assertNotEquals(lastLine, 'NICK %s' % (username, ))

        # Keep chaining underscores for each collision
        self.protocol.irc_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE('prefix', ['param'])
        lastLine = self.getLastLine(self.transport)
        self.assertEquals(lastLine, 'NICK %s' % (username + '__', ))

    def test_overrideAlterCollidedNick(self):
        L{IRCClient.alterCollidedNick} determines how a nickname is altered upon
        collision while a user is trying to change to that nickname.
        nick = 'foo'
        self.protocol.alterCollidedNick = lambda nick: nick + '***'
        self.protocol.irc_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE('prefix', ['param'])
        lastLine = self.getLastLine(self.transport)
        self.assertEquals(lastLine, 'NICK %s' % (nick + '***', ))

    def test_nickChange(self):
        When a NICK command is sent after signon, C{IRCClient.nickname} is set
        to the new nickname I{after} the server sends an acknowledgement.
        oldnick = 'foo'
        newnick = 'bar'
        self.protocol.irc_RPL_WELCOME('prefix', ['param'])
        self.assertEquals(self.protocol.nickname, oldnick)
        self.protocol.irc_NICK('%s!quux@qux' % (oldnick, ), [newnick])
        self.assertEquals(self.protocol.nickname, newnick)

    def test_erroneousNick(self):
        Trying to register an illegal nickname results in the default legal
        nickname being set, and trying to change a nickname to an illegal
        nickname results in the old nickname being kept.
        # Registration case: change illegal nickname to erroneousNickFallback
        badnick = 'foo'
        self.assertEquals(self.protocol._registered, False)
        self.protocol.irc_ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME('prefix', ['param'])
        lastLine = self.getLastLine(self.transport)
                          'NICK %s' % (self.protocol.erroneousNickFallback, ))
        self.protocol.irc_RPL_WELCOME('prefix', ['param'])
        self.assertEquals(self.protocol._registered, True)

        # Illegal nick change attempt after registration. Fall back to the old
        # nickname instead of erroneousNickFallback.
        oldnick = self.protocol.nickname
        self.protocol.irc_ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME('prefix', ['param'])
        lastLine = self.getLastLine(self.transport)
        self.assertEquals(lastLine, 'NICK %s' % (badnick, ))
        self.assertEquals(self.protocol.nickname, oldnick)

    def test_describe(self):
        L{IRCClient.desrcibe} sends a CTCP ACTION message to the target
        target = 'foo'
        channel = '#bar'
        action = 'waves'
        self.protocol.describe(target, action)
        self.protocol.describe(channel, action)
        expected = [
            'PRIVMSG %s :\01ACTION %s\01' % (target, action),
            'PRIVMSG %s :\01ACTION %s\01' % (channel, action), ''
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)

    def test_me(self):
        L{IRCClient.me} sends a CTCP ACTION message to the target channel
        If the target does not begin with a standard channel prefix,
        '#' is prepended.
        target = 'foo'
        channel = '#bar'
        action = 'waves'
        self.protocol.me(target, action)
        self.protocol.me(channel, action)
        expected = [
            'PRIVMSG %s :\01ACTION %s\01' % ('#' + target, action),
            'PRIVMSG %s :\01ACTION %s\01' % (channel, action), ''
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)
        warnings = self.flushWarnings(offendingFunctions=[self.test_me])
            "me() is deprecated since Twisted 9.0. Use IRCClient.describe().")
        self.assertEquals(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
        self.assertEquals(len(warnings), 2)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ClientTests(TestCase):
    Tests for the protocol-level behavior of IRCClient methods intended to
    be called by application code.
    def setUp(self):
        Create and connect a new L{IRCClient} to a new L{StringTransport}.
        self.transport = StringTransport()
        self.protocol = IRCClient()
        self.protocol.performLogin = False

        # Sanity check - we don't want anything to have happened at this
        # point, since we're not in a test yet.
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value(), "")

    def test_away(self):
        L{IRCCLient.away} sends an AWAY command with the specified message.
        message = "Sorry, I'm not here."
        expected = [
            'AWAY :%s' % (message,),
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)

    def test_back(self):
        L{IRCClient.back} sends an AWAY command with an empty message.
        expected = [
            'AWAY :',
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)

    def test_whois(self):
        L{IRCClient.whois} sends a WHOIS message.
            ['WHOIS alice', ''])

    def test_whoisWithServer(self):
        L{IRCClient.whois} sends a WHOIS message with a server name if a
        value is passed for the C{server} parameter.
        self.protocol.whois('alice', 'example.org')
            ['WHOIS example.org alice', ''])

    def test_register(self):
        L{IRCClient.register} sends NICK and USER commands with the
        username, name, hostname, server name, and real name specified.
        username = '******'
        hostname = 'testhost'
        servername = 'testserver'
        self.protocol.realname = 'testname'
        self.protocol.password = None
        self.protocol.register(username, hostname, servername)
        expected = [
            'NICK %s' % (username,),
            'USER %s %s %s :%s' % (
                username, hostname, servername, self.protocol.realname),
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)

    def test_registerWithPassword(self):
        If the C{password} attribute of L{IRCClient} is not C{None}, the
        C{register} method also sends a PASS command with it as the
        username = '******'
        hostname = 'testhost'
        servername = 'testserver'
        self.protocol.realname = 'testname'
        self.protocol.password = '******'
        self.protocol.register(username, hostname, servername)
        expected = [
            'PASS %s' % (self.protocol.password,),
            'NICK %s' % (username,),
            'USER %s %s %s :%s' % (
                username, hostname, servername, self.protocol.realname),
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)

    def test_describe(self):
        L{IRCClient.desrcibe} sends a CTCP ACTION message to the target
        target = 'foo'
        channel = '#bar'
        action = 'waves'
        self.protocol.describe(target, action)
        self.protocol.describe(channel, action)
        expected = [
            'PRIVMSG %s :\01ACTION %s\01' % (target, action),
            'PRIVMSG %s :\01ACTION %s\01' % (channel, action),
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)

    def test_me(self):
        L{IRCClient.me} sends a CTCP ACTION message to the target channel
        If the target does not begin with a standard channel prefix,
        '#' is prepended.
        target = 'foo'
        channel = '#bar'
        action = 'waves'
        self.protocol.me(target, action)
        self.protocol.me(channel, action)
        expected = [
            'PRIVMSG %s :\01ACTION %s\01' % ('#' + target, action),
            'PRIVMSG %s :\01ACTION %s\01' % (channel, action),
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)
        warnings = self.flushWarnings(
            "me() is deprecated since Twisted 9.0. Use IRCClient.describe().")
        self.assertEquals(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
        self.assertEquals(len(warnings), 2)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ClientTests(TestCase):
    Tests for the protocol-level behavior of IRCClient methods intended to
    be called by application code.
    def setUp(self):
        Create and connect a new L{IRCClient} to a new L{StringTransport}.
        self.transport = StringTransport()
        self.protocol = IRCClient()
        self.protocol.performLogin = False

        # Sanity check - we don't want anything to have happened at this
        # point, since we're not in a test yet.
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value(), "")

    def getLastLine(self, transport):
        Return the last IRC message in the transport buffer.
        return transport.value().split('\r\n')[-2]

    def test_away(self):
        L{IRCCLient.away} sends an AWAY command with the specified message.
        message = "Sorry, I'm not here."
        expected = [
            'AWAY :%s' % (message,),
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)

    def test_back(self):
        L{IRCClient.back} sends an AWAY command with an empty message.
        expected = [
            'AWAY :',
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)

    def test_whois(self):
        L{IRCClient.whois} sends a WHOIS message.
            ['WHOIS alice', ''])

    def test_whoisWithServer(self):
        L{IRCClient.whois} sends a WHOIS message with a server name if a
        value is passed for the C{server} parameter.
        self.protocol.whois('alice', 'example.org')
            ['WHOIS example.org alice', ''])

    def test_register(self):
        L{IRCClient.register} sends NICK and USER commands with the
        username, name, hostname, server name, and real name specified.
        username = '******'
        hostname = 'testhost'
        servername = 'testserver'
        self.protocol.realname = 'testname'
        self.protocol.password = None
        self.protocol.register(username, hostname, servername)
        expected = [
            'NICK %s' % (username,),
            'USER %s %s %s :%s' % (
                username, hostname, servername, self.protocol.realname),
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)

    def test_registerWithPassword(self):
        If the C{password} attribute of L{IRCClient} is not C{None}, the
        C{register} method also sends a PASS command with it as the
        username = '******'
        hostname = 'testhost'
        servername = 'testserver'
        self.protocol.realname = 'testname'
        self.protocol.password = '******'
        self.protocol.register(username, hostname, servername)
        expected = [
            'PASS %s' % (self.protocol.password,),
            'NICK %s' % (username,),
            'USER %s %s %s :%s' % (
                username, hostname, servername, self.protocol.realname),
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)

    def test_registerWithTakenNick(self):
        Verify that the client repeats the L{IRCClient.setNick} method with a
        new value when presented with an C{ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE} while trying to
        username = '******'
        hostname = 'testhost'
        servername = 'testserver'
        self.protocol.realname = 'testname'
        self.protocol.password = '******'
        self.protocol.register(username, hostname, servername)
        self.protocol.irc_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE('prefix', ['param'])
        lastLine = self.getLastLine(self.transport)
        self.assertNotEquals(lastLine, 'NICK %s' % (username,))

        # Keep chaining underscores for each collision
        self.protocol.irc_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE('prefix', ['param'])
        lastLine = self.getLastLine(self.transport)
        self.assertEquals(lastLine, 'NICK %s' % (username + '__',))

    def test_overrideAlterCollidedNick(self):
        L{IRCClient.alterCollidedNick} determines how a nickname is altered upon
        collision while a user is trying to change to that nickname.
        nick = 'foo'
        self.protocol.alterCollidedNick = lambda nick: nick + '***'
        self.protocol.irc_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE('prefix', ['param'])
        lastLine = self.getLastLine(self.transport)
            lastLine, 'NICK %s' % (nick + '***',))

    def test_nickChange(self):
        When a NICK command is sent after signon, C{IRCClient.nickname} is set
        to the new nickname I{after} the server sends an acknowledgement.
        oldnick = 'foo'
        newnick = 'bar'
        self.protocol.irc_RPL_WELCOME('prefix', ['param'])
        self.assertEquals(self.protocol.nickname, oldnick)
        self.protocol.irc_NICK('%s!quux@qux' % (oldnick,), [newnick])
        self.assertEquals(self.protocol.nickname, newnick)

    def test_erroneousNick(self):
        Trying to register an illegal nickname results in the default legal
        nickname being set, and trying to change a nickname to an illegal
        nickname results in the old nickname being kept.
        # Registration case: change illegal nickname to erroneousNickFallback
        badnick = 'foo'
        self.assertEquals(self.protocol._registered, False)
        self.protocol.irc_ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME('prefix', ['param'])
        lastLine = self.getLastLine(self.transport)
            lastLine, 'NICK %s' % (self.protocol.erroneousNickFallback,))
        self.protocol.irc_RPL_WELCOME('prefix', ['param'])
        self.assertEquals(self.protocol._registered, True)
            self.protocol.nickname, self.protocol.erroneousNickFallback)

        # Illegal nick change attempt after registration. Fall back to the old
        # nickname instead of erroneousNickFallback.
        oldnick = self.protocol.nickname
        self.protocol.irc_ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME('prefix', ['param'])
        lastLine = self.getLastLine(self.transport)
            lastLine, 'NICK %s' % (badnick,))
        self.assertEquals(self.protocol.nickname, oldnick)

    def test_describe(self):
        L{IRCClient.desrcibe} sends a CTCP ACTION message to the target
        target = 'foo'
        channel = '#bar'
        action = 'waves'
        self.protocol.describe(target, action)
        self.protocol.describe(channel, action)
        expected = [
            'PRIVMSG %s :\01ACTION %s\01' % (target, action),
            'PRIVMSG %s :\01ACTION %s\01' % (channel, action),
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)

    def test_me(self):
        L{IRCClient.me} sends a CTCP ACTION message to the target channel
        If the target does not begin with a standard channel prefix,
        '#' is prepended.
        target = 'foo'
        channel = '#bar'
        action = 'waves'
        self.protocol.me(target, action)
        self.protocol.me(channel, action)
        expected = [
            'PRIVMSG %s :\01ACTION %s\01' % ('#' + target, action),
            'PRIVMSG %s :\01ACTION %s\01' % (channel, action),
        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value().split('\r\n'), expected)
        warnings = self.flushWarnings(
            "me() is deprecated since Twisted 9.0. Use IRCClient.describe().")
        self.assertEquals(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
        self.assertEquals(len(warnings), 2)