Ejemplo n.º 1
def run(coz_conn):
    '''The run method runs once Cozmo is connected.'''
    coz = coz_conn.wait_for_robot()

    twitter_api, twitter_auth = twitter_helpers.init_twitter(twitter_keys)
    stream_listener = CozmoReadsTweetsStreamListener(coz, twitter_api)
    twitter_stream = twitter_helpers.CozmoStream(twitter_auth, stream_listener)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run(coz_conn):
    '''The run method runs once Cozmo is connected.'''
    coz = coz_conn.wait_for_robot()

    # Turn on image receiving by the camera
    coz.camera.image_stream_enabled = True

    twitter_api, twitter_auth = twitter_helpers.init_twitter(twitter_keys)
    stream_listener = ReactToTweetsStreamListener(coz, twitter_api)
    twitter_stream = twitter_helpers.CozmoStream(twitter_auth, stream_listener)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run(coz_conn):
    '''The run method runs once Cozmo is connected.'''
    coz = coz_conn.wait_for_robot()
    stream_listener = CozmoReadsTweetsStreamListener(coz, twitter_api)    
    text_to_tweet = "I am now active on twitter"
    date_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%m-%d-%Y %I:%M")
    twitter_helpers.post_tweet(twitter_api, f"{text_to_tweet} at {date_time}")
    twitter_stream = twitter_helpers.CozmoStream(twitter_auth, stream_listener, coz, twitter_api)
async def desk_security_guard(robot):
    '''The core of the desk_security_guard program'''

    # Turn on image receiving by the camera
    robot.camera.image_stream_enabled = True

    # Connect Twitter, run async in the background
    twitter_api, twitter_auth = twitter_helpers.init_twitter(twitter_keys)
    stream_to_app_comms = TwitterStreamToAppCommunication()
    stream_listener = SecurityGuardStreamListener(twitter_api, stream_to_app_comms)
    twitter_stream = twitter_helpers.CozmoStream(twitter_auth, stream_listener)

    # Create our security guard
    dsg = DeskSecurityGuard(twitter_api)

    # Make sure Cozmo is clear of the charger
    if robot.is_on_charger:
        # Drive fully clear of charger (not just off the contacts)
        await robot.drive_off_charger_contacts().wait_for_completed()
        await robot.drive_straight(distance_mm(150), speed_mmps(50)).wait_for_completed()

    # Tilt head up to look for people
    await robot.set_head_angle(cozmo.robot.MAX_HEAD_ANGLE).wait_for_completed()

    initial_pose_angle = robot.pose_angle

    patrol_offset = 0  # middle
    max_pose_angle = 45  # offset from initial pose_angle (up to +45 or -45 from this)

    # Time to wait between each turn and patrol, in seconds
    time_between_turns = 2.5
    time_between_patrols = 20

    time_for_next_turn = time.time() + time_between_turns
    time_for_next_patrol = time.time() + time_between_patrols

    while True:

        # Handle any external requests to arm or disarm Cozmo
        if stream_to_app_comms.has_arm_request:
            stream_to_app_comms.has_arm_request = False
            if not dsg.is_armed:
                print("Alarm Armed")
                dsg.is_armed = True
        if stream_to_app_comms.has_disarm_request:
            stream_to_app_comms.has_disarm_request = False
            if dsg.is_armed:
                print("Alarm Disarmed")
                dsg.is_armed = False

        stream_to_app_comms.is_armed = dsg.is_armed

        # Turn head every few seconds to cover a wider field of view
        # Only do this if not currently investigating an intruder

        if (time.time() > time_for_next_turn) and not dsg.is_investigating_intruder():
            # pick a random amount to turn
            angle_to_turn = randint(10,40)

            # 50% chance of turning in either direction
            if randint(0,1) > 0:
                angle_to_turn = -angle_to_turn

            # Clamp the amount to turn

            face_angle = (robot.pose_angle - initial_pose_angle).degrees

            face_angle += angle_to_turn
            if face_angle > max_pose_angle:
                angle_to_turn -= (face_angle - max_pose_angle)
            elif face_angle < -max_pose_angle:
                angle_to_turn -= (face_angle + max_pose_angle)

            # Turn left/right
            await robot.turn_in_place(degrees(angle_to_turn)).wait_for_completed()

            # Tilt head up/down slightly
            await robot.set_head_angle(degrees(randint(30,44))).wait_for_completed()

            # Queue up the next time to look around
            time_for_next_turn = time.time() + time_between_turns

        # Every now and again patrol left and right between 3 patrol points

        if (time.time() > time_for_next_patrol) and not dsg.is_investigating_intruder():

            # Check which way robot is facing vs initial pose, pick a new patrol point

            face_angle = (robot.pose_angle - initial_pose_angle).degrees
            drive_right = (patrol_offset < 0) or ((patrol_offset == 0) and (face_angle > 0))

            # Turn to face the new patrol point

            if drive_right:
                await robot.turn_in_place(degrees(90 - face_angle)).wait_for_completed()
                patrol_offset += 1
                await robot.turn_in_place(degrees(-90 - face_angle)).wait_for_completed()
                patrol_offset -= 1

            # Drive to the patrol point, playing animations along the way

            await robot.drive_wheels(20, 20)
            for i in range(1,4):
                await robot.play_anim("anim_hiking_driving_loop_0" + str(i)).wait_for_completed()

            # Stop driving


            # Turn to face forwards again

            face_angle = (robot.pose_angle - initial_pose_angle).degrees
            if face_angle > 0:
                await robot.turn_in_place(degrees(-90)).wait_for_completed()
                await robot.turn_in_place(degrees(90)).wait_for_completed()

            # Queue up the next time to patrol
            time_for_next_patrol = time.time() + time_between_patrols

        # look for intruders

        await check_for_intruder(robot, dsg)

        # Sleep to allow other things to run

        await asyncio.sleep(0.05)