Ejemplo n.º 1
 def twodof_multi(conn):
     while True:
         par = conn.recv()
         pin, dea = twodof.calc_twodof_model(states=core_states[i],
         conn.send((pin, dea))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def psmc_temp(pars, times):
     par = dict(zip(PARNAMES, pars))
     if pars != cache['pars']:
         cache['1pin1at'], cache['1pdeaat'] = \
                                      tlm[0]['1pin1at'], tlm[0]['1pdeaat'],
                                      times, dt=300.0,
         cache['pars'] = pars
         print pars
     return cache[msid]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    mstate_file = 'states.txt'
    mtemp_file = '1pdeaat.txt'    
    mstates = Ska.Table.read_ascii_table(mstate_file)
    marray = []
    for state in mstates:
        state_list = list( state )

    matlab_states = np.core.records.fromrecords( marray, names ='datestart,datestop,obsid,simpos,ccd_count,fep_count,vid_board,clocking,power,pitch,tstart,tstop')
    matlab_pred = Ska.Table.read_ascii_table( mtemp_file )

    dates = matlab_pred['Time']
    state0 = matlab_states[0]
    msid_string = { '1pdeaat' : '1PDEAAT Prediction (degC)',
                    '1pin1at' : '1PIN1AT Prediction' }
    dea0 = matlab_pred[0][msid_string['1pdeaat']]
    pin0 = matlab_pred[0][msid_string['1pin1at']]
    times = DateTime( dates ).secs

    ( T_pin, T_dea ) = twodof.calc_twodof_model( matlab_states, pin0, dea0, times, characteristics.model_par)
    preds = np.core.records.fromarrays([ times, T_pin, T_dea], names='time,1pin1at,1pdeaat')

    pyt_file = open('python_temps.csv', 'w')

    pyt_file.write("Time\t%s\t%s\n" % ( msid_string['1pdeaat'], msid_string['1pin1at'] ))
    for pred in preds:
        pyt_file.write("%s\t%s\t%s\n" % ( DateTime(pred['time']).date, pred['1pdeaat'], pred['1pin1at']))

    for msid in ('1pdeaat', '1pin1at'):
        plot_cxctime( times, matlab_pred[msid_string[msid]], fmt='r.')
        plot_cxctime( times, preds[msid], fmt='b.')
        xlabel('CXC Time')
        ylabel('%s (Deg C)' % msid )
        savefig('%s.png' % msid )
        hist( matlab_pred[msid_string[msid]] - preds[msid], bins=20)
        xlabel('Diff (Deg C)')
        title("matlab - python")
        savefig('%s_hist.png' % msid )
Ejemplo n.º 4
date1 = Chandra.Time.DateTime('2008-12-01T00:00:00')

states = states08[ (states08['tstart'] > date0.secs) & (states08['tstop'] < date1.secs) ]
tstart = states[0].tstart
tstop = states[-1].tstop

tlm = tlm08[ (tlm08['date'] > tstart) & (tlm08['date'] < tstop) ]

dea0 = tlm[0]['1pdeaat']
pin0 = tlm[0]['1pin1at']
twomass = twodof.TwoDOF(states, pin0, dea0)
times = tlm['date']

clock0 = time.clock()
# T_dea = twomass.calc_model(times)
T_pin, T_dea = twodof.calc_twodof_model(states, pin0, dea0, times)
print 'Execution time:', time.clock() - clock0

hot = tlm['1pdeaat'] > 40

plot((times-tstart)/1000., tlm['1pdeaat'])
plot((times-tstart)/1000., T_dea)

figure(2, figsize=(6,4.5))
resid = tlm['1pdeaat'] - T_dea
hist(resid, bins=50, label='All')
title('1pdeaat: Actual - Model')
xlabel('Model error (degC)')
Ejemplo n.º 5
import numpy as np
import twodof
import characteristics as char

cols = 'tstart  tstop  power  pitch  simpos'.split()
states = []
states.append((    0., 10000.,  40., 150., -99162))
states.append((10000., 20000.,  80.,  90., -50360))
states.append((20000., 30000., 100., 130.,  75766))
states.append((30000., 40000., 120.,  55.,  93718))

states = np.rec.fromrecords(states, names=cols)

dea0 = 25.
pin0 = 35.
times = np.arange(states['tstart'][0], states['tstop'][-1], 32.8)

T_pin, T_dea = twodof.calc_twodof_model(states, pin0, dea0, times, par=char.model_par)
plot(times, T_pin, label='1pin1at')
plot(times, T_dea, label='1pdeaat')
Ejemplo n.º 6
power = dict((x[0:3], x[3]) for x in characteristics.psmc_power)
cols = 'tstart  tstop  power  pitch  simpos'.split()

pitchs = range(45, 170, 1)
settle_temps = []

for pitch in pitchs:
    states = []
    states.append((0., 500000., power[0, 1, 0], pitch, simz_hrcs))

    states = np.rec.fromrecords(states, names=cols)

    dea0 = 25.
    pin0 = 35.
    times = np.arange(states['tstart'][0], states['tstop'][-1], 10000.)

    T_pin, T_dea = twodof.calc_twodof_model(states, pin0, dea0, times,
figure(1, figsize=(5, 3.75))
plot(pitchs, settle_temps)
ylim(0, 15)
ylabel('1PDEAAT (degC)')
xlabel('Pitch (degrees)')
title('Final temp at HRC-S (FEP=0, clock=0, vid=1)')
Ejemplo n.º 7
def make_validation_plots(opt, tlm, db):
    Make validation output plots.
    :param outdir: output directory
    :param tlm: telemetry
    :param db: database handle
    :returns: list of plot info including plot file names
    outdir = opt.outdir
    states = get_states(tlm[0].date, tlm[-1].date, db)
    tlm = Ska.Numpy.add_column(tlm, "power", smoothed_power(tlm))

    T_dea0 = np.mean(tlm["1pdeaat"][:10])
    T_pin0 = np.mean(tlm["1pin1at"][:10])

    # Create array of times at which to calculate PSMC temperatures, then do it.
    logger.info("Calculating PSMC thermal model for validation")
    T_pin, T_dea = twodof.calc_twodof_model(states, T_pin0, T_dea0, tlm.date, characteristics.model_par)

    # Interpolate states onto the tlm.date grid
    state_vals = cmd_states.interpolate_states(states, tlm.date)
    pred = {
        "1pdeaat": T_dea,
        "1pin1at": T_pin,
        "aosares1": state_vals.pitch,
        "tscpos": state_vals.simpos,
        "power": state_vals.power,

    labels = {
        "1pdeaat": "Degrees (C)",
        "1pin1at": "Degrees (C)",
        "aosares1": "Pitch (degrees)",
        "tscpos": "SIM-Z (steps/1000)",
        "power": "ACIS power (watts)",

    scales = {"tscpos": 1000.0}

    fmts = {"1pdeaat": "%.2f", "1pin1at": "%.2f", "aosares1": "%.3f", "power": "%.2f", "tscpos": "%d"}

    plots = []
    logger.info("Making PSMC model validation plots and quantile table")
    quantiles = (1, 5, 16, 50, 84, 95, 99)
    # store lines of quantile table in a string and write out later
    quant_table = ""
    quant_head = ",".join(["MSID"] + ["quant%d" % x for x in quantiles])
    quant_table += quant_head + "\n"
    for fig_id, msid in enumerate(sorted(pred)):
        plot = dict(msid=msid.upper())
        fig = plt.figure(10 + fig_id, figsize=(7, 3.5))
        scale = scales.get(msid, 1.0)
        ticklocs, fig, ax = plot_cxctime(tlm.date, tlm[msid] / scale, fig=fig, fmt="-r")
        ticklocs, fig, ax = plot_cxctime(tlm.date, pred[msid] / scale, fig=fig, fmt="-b")
        ax.set_title(msid.upper() + " validation")
        filename = msid + "_valid.png"
        outfile = os.path.join(outdir, filename)
        logger.info("Writing plot file %s" % outfile)
        plot["lines"] = filename

        # Make quantiles
        diff = np.sort(tlm[msid] - pred[msid])
        quant_line = "%s" % msid
        for quant in quantiles:
            quant_val = diff[(len(diff) * quant) // 100]
            plot["quant%02d" % quant] = fmts[msid] % quant_val
            quant_line += "," + fmts[msid] % quant_val
        quant_table += quant_line + "\n"

        for histscale in ("log", "lin"):
            fig = plt.figure(20 + fig_id, figsize=(4, 3))
            ax = fig.gca()
            ax.hist(diff / scale, bins=50, log=(histscale == "log"))
            ax.set_title(msid.upper() + " residuals: data - model")
            filename = "%s_valid_hist_%s.png" % (msid, histscale)
            outfile = os.path.join(outdir, filename)
            logger.info("Writing plot file %s" % outfile)
            plot["hist" + histscale] = filename


    filename = os.path.join(outdir, "validation_quant.csv")
    logger.info("Writing quantile table %s" % filename)
    f = open(filename, "w")

    # If run_start_time is specified this is likely for regression testing
    # or other debugging.  In this case write out the full predicted and
    # telemetered dataset as a pickle.
    if opt.run_start_time:
        filename = os.path.join(outdir, "validation_data.pkl")
        logger.info("Writing validation data %s" % filename)
        f = open(filename, "w")
        pickle.dump({"pred": pred, "tlm": tlm}, f, protocol=-1)

    return plots
Ejemplo n.º 8
def make_week_predict(opt, tstart, tstop, bs_cmds, tlm, db):

    # Try to make initial state0 from cmd line options
    state0 = dict((x, getattr(opt, x)) for x in ("pitch", "simpos", "power", "T_dea", "T_pin"))
            "tstart": tstart - 30,
            "tstop": tstart,
            "datestart": DateTime(tstart - 30).date,
            "datestop": DateTime(tstart).date,

    # If cmd lines options were not fully specified then get state0 as last
    # cmd_state that starts within available telemetry.  Update with the
    # mean temperatures at the start of state0.
    if None in state0.values():
        state0 = cmd_states.get_state0(tlm[-5].date, db, datepar="datestart")
        ok = (tlm.date >= state0["tstart"] - 150) & (tlm.date <= state0["tstart"] + 150)
        state0.update({"T_dea": np.mean(tlm["1pdeaat"][ok]), "T_pin": np.mean(tlm["1pin1at"][ok])})

    logger.debug("state0 at %s is\n%s" % (DateTime(state0["tstart"]).date, pformat(state0)))

    if opt.old_cmds:
        cmds_datestart = DateTime(state0["tstop"]).date
        cmds_datestop = DateTime(bs_cmds[0]["time"]).date
        db_cmds = cmd_states.get_cmds(cmds_datestart, cmds_datestop, db)
        # Get the commands after end of state0 through first backstop command time
        cmds_datestart = state0["datestop"]
        cmds_datestop = bs_cmds[0]["date"]  # *was* DateTime(bs_cmds[0]['time']).date

        # Get timeline load segments including state0 and beyond.
        timeline_loads = db.fetchall(
            """SELECT * from timeline_loads
                                        WHERE datestop > '%s' and datestart < '%s'"""
            % (cmds_datestart, cmds_datestop)
        logger.info("Found %s timeline_loads  after %s" % (len(timeline_loads), cmds_datestart))

        # Get cmds since datestart within timeline_loads
        db_cmds = cmd_states.get_cmds(cmds_datestart, db=db, update_db=False, timeline_loads=timeline_loads)

        # Delete non-load cmds that are within the backstop time span
        # => Keep if timeline_id is not None or date < bs_cmds[0]['time']
        db_cmds = [x for x in db_cmds if (x["timeline_id"] is not None or x["time"] < bs_cmds[0]["time"])]

    logger.info("Got %d cmds from database between %s and %s" % (len(db_cmds), cmds_datestart, cmds_datestop))

    # Get the commanded states from state0 through the end of the backstop commands
    states = cmd_states.get_states(state0, db_cmds + bs_cmds)
    states[-1].datestop = bs_cmds[-1]["date"]
    states[-1].tstop = bs_cmds[-1]["time"]
        "Found %d commanded states from %s to %s" % (len(states), states[0]["datestart"], states[-1]["datestop"])

    # Add power column based on ACIS commanding in states
    states = Ska.Numpy.add_column(states, "power", get_power(states))

    # Create array of times at which to calculate PSMC temperatures, then do it.
    times = np.arange(state0["tstart"], tstop, opt.dt)
    logger.info("Calculating PSMC thermal model")
    T_pin, T_dea = twodof.calc_twodof_model(states, state0["T_pin"], state0["T_dea"], times, characteristics.model_par)

    # Make the PSMC limit check plots and data files
    plt.rc("axes", labelsize=10, titlesize=12)
    plt.rc("xtick", labelsize=10)
    plt.rc("ytick", labelsize=10)
    temps = dict(dea=T_dea, pin=T_pin)
    plots = make_check_plots(opt, states, times, temps, tstart)
    viols = make_viols(opt, states, times, temps)
    write_states(opt, states)
    write_temps(opt, times, temps)

    return dict(opt=opt, states=states, times=times, temps=temps, plots=plots, viols=viols)