Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(
     request=None,           # a request in the form  (url, method, parameters_dictionary
     credentials=None,       # credentials (see credentials class)
     on_data_cb=None,        # a function to execute when data arrive
     user_agent=None,        # a user agent string to use in request
     name=None,              # a name to distinguish the instance (defaults to str(id(instance))[-4:]
     allow_retries=True,     # allows instance to perform retries
     verbose=0,              # 0 for silent mode 1 to turn curl verbose on, 2 to turn curl debug mode on
     allow_redirects=False   # if True allows automatic redirects
         self._curl_options = DotDot()
         self._vars = DotDot({'last_progress': None})
         self._last_req = DotDot()
         self._state = DotDot()  # keeps state of retries etc.
         self.on_data = on_data_cb if on_data_cb else self.on_data_default
         self.handle = None
         self.response = Response()
         self.credentials = credentials
         self.request_headers = []
         self.verbose = verbose
         self.name = name
         self.allow_retries = allow_retries
         self._allow_redirects = allow_redirects
         if request:
             self.request(request[0], request[1], request[2])
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     kwargs = DotDot(kwargs)
     self.id_user = kwargs.get('id_user')                    # defaults to None (application credentials)
     self.user_name = kwargs.get('user_name', self.id_user)  # defaults to id_user
     self.id_appl = kwargs.id_appl                           # required
     if len(list(kwargs.keys())) > 1:
         if self.id_user is None:
             self._is_appl = True
             self.OAuth = OAuth2(**kwargs)
             self._is_appl = False
             self.OAuth = OAuth1(**kwargs)
         self._id = (self.id_appl, self.id_user)
         self._id_str = "{}/{}".format(*self._id)
         raise ErrorRqCredentialsNotValid()
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, max_n=None):
     TweetsSampler.cls_clients += 1
     self.cl_number = TweetsSampler.cls_clients
     self.max_n = max_n
     self.cnt = 0
     self.cnt_last = 0
     self.dt_start = datetime.utcnow()
     self.stats = DotDot({'client': self.cl_number, 'inst': '**'})
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _eps_from_txt_file(cls, file_path):
     cls._end_points = DotDot()
     with open(file_path) as fin:
         _end_points = fin.readlines()
     _end_points = [
         i.strip().split(" ") for i in _end_points if not i.startswith("#")
     #  start with '#' allow for remarks
     for end_point in _end_points:
         cls._dict_insert_ep(end_point[1].replace(":id", "id"),
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self,
              stats_every=10000,  # output statistics every N data packets 0 or None disables
     self.data_separator = data_separator
     self.data_separator_len = len(data_separator)
     self.stats_every = stats_every
     self.stream_started = False
     self.counters = DotDot({'name': self.name[:4], 'chunks': 0,
                             'DHMS': '', 'avg_per_sec': 0,
                             'data': 0})
     super(ClientStream, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def headers(self):
     """sets (on demand and only once) and returns headers dictionary
     constructing the dictionary is not cheap - so we avoid only do it when this method is called
     :returns: the headers dictionary
     if self._headers is None:
         lh = self.headers_raw
         hl = [hdr.split(': ') for hdr in lh if hdr and not hdr.startswith('HTTP/')]
         self._headers = DotDot((header[0].lower(), header[1]) for header in hl)
         if lh:
             self._headers.status_raw = lh[0]
     return self._headers
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self,
        kwargs = DotDot(kwargs)
        if signature_type:
            signature_type = signature_type.upper()

        self.client = Client(kwargs.consumer_key,
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def _reset_retry(self):
     self._retry_counters = DotDot({
         'retries': 0,
         'bo_err_420': 60,
         'bo_err_http': 5
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def _dict_insert(cls, partial_dict, key):
     rt = partial_dict.get(key)
     if rt is None:
         partial_dict[key] = DotDot()
         rt = partial_dict[key]
     return rt
Ejemplo n.º 10
class TweetsSampler():
    tweets_sample = None
    format_stats = "|{client:6d}|{DHMS:12s}|{total_cnt:14,d}|{current_cnt:14,d}|{avg_per_sec:12,.2f}|{inst:4}|"
    format_stats_header = format_header(format_stats)
    instances = weakref.WeakSet()
    cls_dt_start = datetime.utcnow()
    cls_clients = 0
    stats_idle = DotDot({
        'client': -1,
        'total_cnt': -1,
        'current_cnt': -1,
        'avg_per_sec': -1

    def __init__(self, max_n=None):
        TweetsSampler.cls_clients += 1
        self.cl_number = TweetsSampler.cls_clients
        self.max_n = max_n
        self.cnt = 0
        self.cnt_last = 0
        self.dt_start = datetime.utcnow()
        self.stats = DotDot({'client': self.cl_number, 'inst': '**'})

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def _init_sample(cls):
        """initializes tweets_sample class variable with tweets from data
        we do it here on first instance creation to avoid side effects on sphinx documentation
        if cls.tweets_sample is None:
            with gzip.open(_PATH_TO_DATA + "tweets_sample_10000.json.gz",
                           'rb') as fin:
                cls.tweets_sample = simplejson.load(fin)
            for i in range(0, len(cls.tweets_sample)):
                cls.tweets_sample[i]['_aux'] = {'SeqGlobal': i}
            cls.tweets_sample = [
                simplejson.dumps(doc) for doc in cls.tweets_sample
            cls.tweets_sample_len = len(cls.tweets_sample)

    def report(cls):
        print cls.format_stats_header
        while True:
            dt_now = datetime.utcnow()
            tmp = (dt_now - cls.cls_dt_start).total_seconds()
            num_of_instances = len(cls.instances)
            if num_of_instances == 0:
                cls.stats_idle.DHMS = seconds_to_DHMS(tmp)
                cls.stats_idle.inst = str("%2d" % (num_of_instances))
                print cls.format_stats.format(**cls.stats_idle)
                for inst in list(cls.instances):
                    del inst
            sleep(GL_REPORT_EVERY - (num_of_instances * 0.01))

    def next(self):
        while self.max_n is None or self.cnt < self.max_n:
            self.cnt += 1
            return (self.cnt,
                    self.tweets_sample[self.cnt % self.tweets_sample_len])
        raise StopIteration()

    def report_stats(self):
        #format_stats = "|{client:6s}|{DHMS:12s}|{total_cnt:15,d}|{current_cnt:14,d}|{avg_per_sec:12,.2f}|"
        if self.cnt > 0:
            dt_now = datetime.utcnow()
            tmp = (dt_now - self.dt_start).total_seconds()
            self.stats.DHMS = seconds_to_DHMS(tmp)
            self.stats.avg_per_sec = self.cnt / tmp
            self.stats.total_cnt = self.cnt
            self.stats.current_cnt = self.cnt - self.cnt_last
            print self.format_stats.format(**self.stats)
            self.cnt_last = self.cnt

    def yield_tweets(self, max_n=None):
        format_yield = "%s" + DATA_SEPARATOR
        self.cnt = 0
        self.dt_start = datetime.utcnow()
        while max_n is None or self.cnt < self.max_n:
            self.cnt += 1
            yield format_yield % self.tweets_sample[
                self.cnt % self.tweets_sample_len], self.cnt
Ejemplo n.º 11
class Client(object):
    """this is a minimal class to execute HTTP Requests via curl/pycurl,
    for efficiency urls are NOT url encoded since it is not necessary for our use case.
    all arguments are optional

    :param tuple request: (url, method, parms) if specified request will be executed following instance creation
           see :func:`request`
    :param Credentials credentials: an instance of :class:`Credentials`
    :param function on_data_cb: a call back with a single parameter to execute when data from request are ready,
           if missing or None instance's :func:`on_data_default` will be called instead
    :param str user_agent: a user agent string to use in request header (defaults to class name + 'v '+ __version)
    :param str name: name for this instance if missing a default based on instance's id is provided see: :func:`name`
    :param bool allow_retries: if True allows instance to perform retries to recover from an error if possible (defaults to True)
    :param bool allow_redirects: if True allows automatic redirects (defaults to False)
    :param int verbose: set to 0 for silent mode 1 to turn curl verbose and progress on, 2 to turn curl debug mode on (defaults to 0)

        >>> client = Client()
        >>> response = client.request(url="https://www.yandex.com/", method='GET')
        >>> response.data
        '<!DOCTYPE html><html class="i-ua_js_no i-ua_css_standart i-ua_browser_unknown" lang="en">.......'
        >>> responce.status_http
    format_progress = "|progress |download:{:6.2f}%| upload:{:6.2f}%|"

    def __init__(
        request=None,           # a request in the form  (url, method, parameters_dictionary
        credentials=None,       # credentials (see credentials class)
        on_data_cb=None,        # a function to execute when data arrive
        user_agent=None,        # a user agent string to use in request
        name=None,              # a name to distinguish the instance (defaults to str(id(instance))[-4:]
        allow_retries=True,     # allows instance to perform retries
        verbose=0,              # 0 for silent mode 1 to turn curl verbose on, 2 to turn curl debug mode on
        allow_redirects=False   # if True allows automatic redirects
            self._curl_options = DotDot()
            self._vars = DotDot({'last_progress': None})
            self._last_req = DotDot()
            self._state = DotDot()  # keeps state of retries etc.
            self.on_data = on_data_cb if on_data_cb else self.on_data_default
            self.handle = None
            self.response = Response()
            self.credentials = credentials
            self.request_headers = []
            self.verbose = verbose
            self.name = name
            self.allow_retries = allow_retries
            self._allow_redirects = allow_redirects
            if request:
                self.request(request[0], request[1], request[2])

    def name(self):
        :returns: instance's name
        return self._name

    def name(self, name=None):
        self._name = name if name is not None else str(id(self))[-4:]

    def request_headers(self):
        :returns: current request headers
        return self._request_headers

    def request_headers(self, request_headers):
        """sets request headers
        :param list request_headers: request headers i.e:['Accept: text/html', 'Max-Forwards : 2']
        self._request_headers = request_headers

    def credentials(self):
        return self._credentials

    def credentials(self, credentials):
        '''a Credentials class instance'''
        self._credentials = credentials

    def _handle_init(self):  # @Todo any reason why we don't call it from __init__  ?
        """initializes pycurl handle, override for any special set up
        `for options details see <http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html>`_
        self.handle = pycurl.Curl()
        if self._allow_redirects is True:
            self.handle.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
        self.handle.setopt(pycurl.USERAGENT, self.user_agent)
        self.handle.setopt(pycurl.ENCODING, 'deflate, gzip')
        self.handle.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, self.handle_on_headers)
        self.handle.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, self.handle_on_write)
        self.handle.setopt(pycurl.PROGRESSFUNCTION, self.on_progress)
        self.handle.setopt(pycurl.NOPROGRESS, 0 if self.verbose else 1)
        # self.handle.setopt(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, 1)
        # self.handle.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10)
        # self.handle.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT, 50)  # defaults to 300 ?
        self.curl_verbose = 1 if self.verbose > 0 else 0
        self.curl_noprogress = 1 if self.verbose < 1 else 0     # defaults to Not verbose
        if self.verbose == 2:
            self.handle.setopt(pycurl.DEBUGFUNCTION, self.handle_on_debug)

    def _handle_init_end(self):
        """modify in descedants if additional initialization requirements"""

    def _raise(self, err_class, *args):
        """use this mechanism to raise critical exceptions
        useful to notify applications before raising the exception and maybe try a remedy in application level
        especially useful in a threading environment to notify main thread before raising
        it calls _on_exception and raises the exception only if it returns True
        LOG.exception("exception {:s}{:s}".format(err_class, args))
        if self._on_exception(err_class, *args):
            raise err_class(*args)

    def _on_exception(self, err_class, *args):
        """descendants can specify any special handling
        return True

    def handle_set(self, url, method, request_parms, multipart=False):  # multipart relevant only for POST
        :param str url: url to be used by request
        :param str method: method to be used by request
        :param dict request_parms: request's parameters
        :param boolean multipart: defaults to False, specify True for a multipart request
        :raises: KeyError: if method is not one of GET POST or HEAD
        self._last_req.parms = (url, method, request_parms, multipart)
        if self.handle is None:
        headers = [i for i in self.request_headers]  # @Note add copy of standard headers
        if self.credentials is not None:
                # although not needed if authorization type is application
                # set it any way, so credentials can be reseted on the fly
                self._last_req.url_parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url)
                self._last_req.subdomain = self._last_req.url_parsed.netloc.split('.')[0]
                headers.append('Host: %s' % (self._last_req.url_parsed.netloc))
                headers.append(self.credentials.get_oath_header(url, method, {} if multipart else request_parms))
        if method == 'GET' or method == 'HEAD':
            tmp = urllib.urlencode(request_parms)
            tmp = "%s%s%s" % (url, "?" if tmp else '', tmp)
            self.handle.setopt(pycurl.URL, tmp)
            self.handle.setopt(pycurl.HTTPGET, 1)
        elif method == 'POST':
            self.handle.setopt(pycurl.URL, url)
            if multipart:
                self.handle.setopt(pycurl.HTTPPOST, list(request_parms.items()))
                self.handle.setopt(pycurl.CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST")
                # http://pycurl.cvs.sourceforge.net/pycurl/pycurl/tests/test_post2.py?view=markup
                self.handle.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, urllib.urlencode(request_parms))
                # no need to setopt(pycurl.POST, 1) POSTFIELDS sets it to POST anyway
                # headers.append("Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64")   do we need it ?
            raise KeyError('method:[%s] is not supported' % method)
        self.handle.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, headers)

    def curl_set_option(self, option, value):
        '''used for general options like verbose, noprogress etc,
        we store values internally so we can query for option status
        `for options details see <http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html>`_
        if self.handle is not None:
            self.handle.setopt(option, value)
            self._curl_options[option] = value
            return value
            raise ErrorRq({'msg': 'pycurl handle has not been set'})

    def curl_get_option(self, option):
        return self._curl_options.get(option)

    def curl_noprogress(self):
        return self._curl_options[pycurl.NOPROGRESS]

    def curl_noprogress(self, zero_or_one):
        self.curl_set_option(pycurl.NOPROGRESS, zero_or_one)

    def curl_verbose(self):
        return self._curl_options[pycurl.VERBOSE]

    def curl_verbose(self, zero_or_one):
        self.curl_set_option(pycurl.VERBOSE, zero_or_one)

    def curl_low_speed(self):
        return (self._curl_options[pycurl.LOW_SPEED_LIMIT], self._curl_options[pycurl.LOW_SPEED_TIME])

    def curl_low_speed(self, speed_time_tuple):
        """sets low speed parameters raises curl Error pycurl.E_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT (28) if limits exceeded
        useful for discovering network connection breaks
        `see libcurl <http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME.html>`_
            - speed_time_tuple (tuple) (limit bytes, seconds)
        self.curl_set_option(pycurl.LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, speed_time_tuple[0])
        self.curl_set_option(pycurl.LOW_SPEED_TIME, speed_time_tuple[1])

    def request_abort(self):
        return self._request_abort

    def request_abort_set(self, reason_num=None, reason_msg=None):
        """Raise or reset _request_abort property
        if reason_num is not None aborts current request by returning -1 while
        on accepting data or headers
        effectively server sees an (104 Connection reset by peer) or (32 broken pipe)
        thats the only way to disconnect a connection
        its use makes more sense for streaming data connection

        :param int reason_num: None or an integer that defines the reason we want to abort current request
        :param str reason_msg: a string that describes the reason we want to abort current request

        :Usage: set it to a Not None value to abort current request
                main purpose is controlled exit from a streaming request

        self._request_abort = (None,) if reason_num is None else (-1, reason_num, reason_msg)

    def on_progress(self, *args):
        """pycurl on_progress callback gives progress statistics"""
        sm = sum(args)
        if sm != self._vars.last_progress:
            self._vars.last_progress = sm
        return None  # all callbacks should return None - otherwise aborts

    def on_progress_change(self, download_t, download_d, upload_t, upload_d):
        """called by :func:`on_progress` if it senses a change in progress (to avoid endless progress reports)"""
        upload_perc = (upload_d / upload_t) * 100 if upload_d != 0 else 0
        download_perc = (download_d / download_t) * 100 if download_t != 0 and upload_d != 0 else 0
        if upload_perc + download_perc:
            print (self.format_progress.format(download_perc, upload_perc))
        return None

    def on_request_start(self):
        '''called when a request starts override in descendants as needed'''

    def on_request_end(self):
        '''called when a request ends override in descendants as needed'''

    def on_request_error_curl(self, err):
        """default error handling, for curl (connection) Errors override method for any special handling
        `see libcurl error codes <http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html>`_
        return True to auto retry request, raise an exception or return False to abort
        if err[0] == pycurl.E_WRITE_ERROR and self._request_abort[0] is not None:  # 23
            return False    # normal termination requested by us
        raise ErrorRqCurl(err[0], err[1])

    def on_request_error_http(self, err):
        """default error handling, for HTTP Errors override method for any special handling
        return True to auto retry request, raise an exception or return False to abort
        raise ErrorRqHttp(err, self.response.status_http)

    def request(self, url, method, parms={}, multipart=False):
         .. Warning:: 
            - Currently we don't url-encode the url, clients should encode it if needed before making a call.
            - Response object returned is hot i.e a reference to client.response will be invalid
              after next request. Clients should copy it if they intend to reuse it in future.

        :param str url: requests' url
        :param str method: request
        :param dict kwargs: parameters dictionary to pass to twitter

        :return: an instance of :class:`~.Response`

        :Raises:  proper HTTP or pyCurl errors
        parms = dict_encode(parms)
        self._state.retries_curl = 0
        self._state.retries_http = 0
        retry = True
        while retry:
            self._state.retries_curl += 1
            self._state.retries_http += 1
            retry = False
            self.handle_set(url, method, parms, multipart)
            # we must call handle_set it every time to get fresh credentials
            # (Out-of-sync timestamp in case we retry after long time)
            except pycurl.error as err:
                self.response.err_curl = err
                retry = self.on_request_error_curl(err) if self.allow_retries else False
                # LOG.info("retry _SBOU =" + str(retry))
                self.response.status_http = self.handle.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE)
                if self.response.status_http > 299:
                    if self.allow_retries:
                        retry = self.on_request_error_http(self.response.status_http)
                        retry = False
        return self.response

    def _before_perform(self):

    def del_request(self, url, method, parms={}, multipart=False):
        self.handle_set(url, method, parms, multipart)
        return self._perform()

    def request_repeat(self):
        """repeat last request, override in subclasses to yield cursor results by modifying parts of pycurl options"""
        return self._perform()

    def get(self, url, request_parms={}):
        """shortcut to a GET request"""
        return self.request(url, 'GET', request_parms)

    def post(self, url, request_parms={}):
        """shortcut to a POST request"""
        return self.request(url, 'POST', request_parms)

    def head(self, url, request_parms={}):
        """shortcut to a HEAD request"""
        return self.request(url, 'HEAD', request_parms)

    def set_user_agent(self, user_agent_str=None):
        """sets user agent header string
        :param str user_agent_str: user agent string defaults class name + version
        if user_agent_str is None:
            user_agent_str = "%s v %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, __version__)
        self.user_agent = user_agent_str
        if self.handle:
            self.handle.setopt(pycurl.USERAGENT, self.user_agent)
        return user_agent_str

    def handle_on_headers(self, header_data):
        # first header is always the status line
        # last header_data is always a "\r\n"
        if len(self.response.headers_raw) == 1:
            if self.response.status_provisional is not None:
                self._state.retries_curl = 0                # successful connection
                self._state.retries_extra = 0               # extra counter provision to be used by descendants
                if self.response.status_provisional < 300:
                    self._state.retries_http = 0            # successful http status
        return self._request_abort[0]                       # disconnect if an abort

    def handle_on_write(self, data):
        """this must return None or number of bytes received else connection terminates"""
        self.response.data += data
        return None

    def on_data_default(self, data):
        """ default function to process data, i.e. return json.loads(data),
        override it or provide an on_data_cb function on init

    def handle_on_ioctl(self, ioctl, cmd):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def handle_on_debug(self, msg_type, msg_str):
        """pyCurl's handle on debug call back"""
        if msg_type == pycurl.INFOTYPE_TEXT:
        elif msg_type == pycurl.INFOTYPE_HEADER_IN:
            LOG.debug("Header From Peer: %r" % msg_str)
        elif msg_type == pycurl.INFOTYPE_HEADER_OUT:
            LOG.debug("Header Sent to Peer: %r" % msg_str)
        elif msg_type == pycurl.INFOTYPE_DATA_IN:
        elif msg_type == pycurl.INFOTYPE_DATA_OUT:

    def handle_reset(self):
        if self.handle:

    def handle_close(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'handle') and self.handle:
            self.handle = None

    def __del__(self):