Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(reactor):
    # create an etcd client
    etcd = Client(reactor)

    # retrieve etcd cluster status
    status = yield etcd.status()

    # callback invoked for every change
    def on_change(kv):
        print('on_change: {}'.format(kv))

    # start watching on given keys or key sets
    # when the key sets overlap, the callback might get called multiple
    # times, once for each key set matching an event
    keys = [KeySet(b'mykey2', b'mykey5'), KeySet(b'mykey', prefix=True)]
    d = etcd.watch(keys, on_change)

    # stop after 10 seconds
    print('watching for 1s ..')
    yield txaio.sleep(1)

    etcd.set(b'mykey10', b'Test')

    print('watching for 3s ..')
    yield txaio.sleep(3)

Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(reactor):
    etcd = Client(reactor, u'http://localhost:2379')

    # set key-value
    etcd.set(b'foo', os.urandom(8))

    # set key-value, return revision including previous value
    revision = yield etcd.set(b'foo', os.urandom(8), return_previous=True)
    print('previous:', revision.previous)

    # set values on keys
    for i in range(10):
        etcd.set('mykey{}'.format(i).encode(), os.urandom(8))

    # get value by key
    for key in [b'mykey1', KeySet(b'mykey1'), b'mykey13']:
        result = yield etcd.get(key)
        if result.kvs:
            kv = result.kvs[0]
            print('key {} not found!'.format(key))

    # iterate over keys in range
    result = yield etcd.get(KeySet(b'mykey1', b'mykey5'))
    print('KV pairs for range:')
    for kv in result.kvs:

    # iterate over keys with given prefix
    result = yield etcd.get(KeySet(b'mykey', prefix=True))
    print('KV pairs for prefix:')
    for kv in result.kvs:

    # delete a single key
    deleted = yield etcd.delete(b'mykey0')
    print('deleted {} key-value pairs'.format(deleted.deleted))

    # delete non-existing key
    deleted = yield etcd.delete(os.urandom(8))
    print('deleted {} key-value pairs'.format(deleted.deleted))

    # delete a key range
    deleted = yield etcd.delete(KeySet(b'mykey2', b'mykey7'))
    print('deleted {} key-value pairs'.format(deleted.deleted))

    # delete a key set defined by prefix and return deleted key-value pairs
    deleted = yield etcd.delete(KeySet(b'mykey', prefix=True),
    print('deleted {} key-value pairs:'.format(deleted.deleted))
    for d in deleted.previous:
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _list(self, key):
     err = None
     list = []
     resp = yield self.client.get(KeySet(key, prefix=True))
     if resp.kvs is not None and len(resp.kvs) > 0:
         for kv in resp.kvs:
             list.append(KVPair(kv.key, kv.value, kv.mod_revision))
     returnValue((list, err))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _op_with_retry(self, operation, key, value, timeout, *args, **kw):
        err = None
        result = None
        if type(key) == str:
            key = bytes(key)
        if value is not None:
            value = bytes(value)
        while True:
                if operation == 'GET':
                    result = yield self._get(key)
                elif operation == 'LIST':
                    result, err = yield self._list(key)
                elif operation == 'PUT':
                    # Put returns an object of type Revision
                    result = yield self.client.set(key, value, **kw)
                elif operation == 'DELETE':
                    # Delete returns an object of type Deleted
                    result = yield self.client.delete(key)
                elif operation == 'RESERVE':
                    result, err = yield self._reserve(key, value, **kw)
                elif operation == 'RENEW':
                    result, err = yield self._renew_reservation(key)
                elif operation == 'RELEASE':
                    result, err = yield self._release_reservation(key)
                elif operation == 'RELEASE-ALL':
                    err = yield self._release_all_reservations()
                elif operation == 'WATCH':
                    for name, val in kw.items():
                        if name == 'callback':
                            callback = val
                    result = self.client.watch([KeySet(key, prefix=True)],
            except ConnectionRefusedError as ex:
                log.error('comms-exception', ex=ex)
                yield self._backoff('etcd-not-up')
            except Exception as ex:
                log.error('etcd-exception', ex=ex)
                err = ex

            if timeout > 0 and self.retry_time > timeout:
                err = 'operation-timed-out'
            if err is not None:

        returnValue((result, err))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __validate(self):
        if type(self._key) == six.binary_type:
            if self._range_end:
                self._key = KeySet(self._key, range_end=self._range_end)
                self._key = KeySet(self._key)
        elif isinstance(self._key, KeySet):
            raise TypeError(
                'key must either be bytes or a KeySet object, not {}'.format(type(self._key)))

        if self._key.type == KeySet._SINGLE:
            self._range_end = None
        elif self._key.type == KeySet._PREFIX:
            self._range_end = _increment_last_byte(self._key.key)
        elif self._key.type == KeySet._RANGE:
            self._range_end = self._key.range_end
            raise Exception('logic error')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main(reactor):

    etcd = Client(reactor)

    # Example 1
    for val in [b'val1', b'val2']:

        yield etcd.set(b'test1', val)

        txn = Transaction(
                # compute conjunction of all terms to
                # determine "success" vs "failure"
                CompValue(b'test1', '==', b'val1')
                # if true ("success"), run these ops
                OpSet(b'test1', b'val2'),
                OpSet(b'test2', b'success')
                # if not true ("failure"), run these ops
                OpSet(b'test2', b'failure'),

            result = yield etcd.submit(txn)
        except Failed as failed:
            print('transaction FAILED:')
            for response in failed.responses:
            print('transaction SUCCESS:')
            for response in result.responses:

        for key in [b'test1', b'test2']:
            value = yield etcd.get(key)
            print('{}: {}'.format(key, value))

    # Example 2
    rev = yield etcd.set(b'mykey1', os.urandom(8))

    result = yield etcd.get(b'mykey1')
    kv = result.kvs[0]

    for version in [kv.version, kv.version - 1]:
        txn = Transaction(
                # value equality comparison
                CompValue(b'mykey1', '==', kv.value),

                # version, and different comparison operators
                CompVersion(b'mykey1', '==', version),
                CompVersion(b'mykey1', '!=', version + 1),
                CompVersion(b'mykey1', '<', version + 1),
                CompVersion(b'mykey1', '>', version - 1),

                # created revision comparison
                CompCreated(b'mykey1', '==', kv.create_revision),

                # modified revision comparison
                CompModified(b'mykey1', '==', kv.mod_revision),
                OpSet(b'mykey2', b'success'),
                OpSet(b'mykey3', os.urandom(8))
                OpSet(b'mykey2', b'failure'),
                OpSet(b'mykey3', os.urandom(8))

            result = yield etcd.submit(txn)
        except Failed as failed:
            print('transaction FAILED:')
            for response in failed.responses:
            print('transaction SUCCESS:')
            for response in result.responses:

        result = yield etcd.get(KeySet(b'mykey2', b'mykey4'))
        for kv in result.kvs:
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _start_watching(self, keys, on_watch, filters, start_revision, return_previous):
        data = []
        headers = dict()
        url = ENDPOINT_WATCH.format(self._url).encode()

        # create watches for all key prefixes
        for key in keys:
            if type(key) == six.binary_type:
                key = KeySet(key)
            elif isinstance(key, KeySet):
                raise TypeError('key must be binary string or KeySet, not {}'.format(type(key)))

            if key.type == KeySet._SINGLE:
                range_end = None
            elif key.type == KeySet._PREFIX:
                range_end = _increment_last_byte(key.key)
            elif key.type == KeySet._RANGE:
                range_end = key.range_end
                raise Exception('logic error')

            obj = {
                'create_request': {
                    u'start_revision': start_revision,
                    u'key': base64.b64encode(key.key).decode(),

                    # range_end is the end of the range [key, range_end) to watch.
                    # If range_end is not given,\nonly the key argument is watched.
                    # If range_end is equal to '\\0', all keys greater than nor equal
                    # to the key argument are watched. If the range_end is one bit
                    # larger than the given key,\nthen all keys with the prefix (the
                    # given key) will be watched.

                    # progress_notify is set so that the etcd server will periodically
                    # send a WatchResponse with\nno events to the new watcher if there
                    # are no recent events. It is useful when clients wish to recover
                    # a disconnected watcher starting from a recent known revision.
                    # The etcd server may decide how often it will send notifications
                    # based on current load.
                    u'progress_notify': True,
            if range_end:
                obj[u'create_request'][u'range_end'] = base64.b64encode(range_end).decode()

            if filters:
                obj[u'create_request'][u'filters'] = filters

            if return_previous:
                # If prev_kv is set, created watcher gets the previous KV
                # before the event happens.
                # If the previous KV is already compacted, nothing will be
                # returned.
                obj[u'create_request'][u'prev_kv'] = True


        data = b'\n'.join(data)

        # HTTP/POST request in one go, but response is streaming ..
        d = self._agent.request(b'POST', url, Headers(headers), _BufferedSender(data))

        def handle_response(response):
            if response.code == 200:
                done = Deferred()
                response.deliverBody(_StreamingReceiver(on_watch, done))
                return done
                raise Exception('unexpected response status {}'.format(response.code))

        def handle_error(err):
            self.log.warn('could not start watching on etcd: {error}', error=err.value)
            return err

        d.addCallbacks(handle_response, handle_error)
        return d
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def delete(self, key, return_previous=None, timeout=None):
        Delete value(s) from etcd.

        :param key: key is the first key to delete in the range.
        :type key: bytes or instance of :class:`txaioetcd.KeySet`

        :param return_previous: If enabled, return the deleted key-value pairs
        :type return_previous: bool or None

        :param timeout: Request timeout in seconds.
        :type timeout: int

        :returns: Deletion info
        :rtype: instance of :class:`txaioetcd.Deleted`
        if type(key) == six.binary_type:
            key = KeySet(key)
        elif isinstance(key, KeySet):
            raise TypeError('key must either be bytes or a KeySet object, not {}'.format(type(key)))

        if return_previous is not None and type(return_previous) != bool:
            raise TypeError('return_previous must be bool, not {}'.format(type(return_previous)))

        if key.type == KeySet._SINGLE:
            range_end = None
        elif key.type == KeySet._PREFIX:
            range_end = _increment_last_byte(key.key)
        elif key.type == KeySet._RANGE:
            range_end = key.range_end
            raise Exception('logic error')

        url = u'{}/v3alpha/kv/deleterange'.format(self._url).encode()
        obj = {
            u'key': base64.b64encode(key.key).decode(),
        if range_end:
            # range_end is the key following the last key to delete
            # for the range [key, range_end).
            # If range_end is not given, the range is defined to contain only
            # the key argument.
            # If range_end is one bit larger than the given key, then the range
            # is all keys with the prefix (the given key).
            # If range_end is '\\0', the range is all keys greater
            # than or equal to the key argument.
            obj[u'range_end'] = base64.b64encode(range_end).decode()

        if return_previous:
            # If prev_kv is set, etcd gets the previous key-value pairs
            # before deleting it.
            # The previous key-value pairs will be returned in the
            # delete response.
            obj[u'prev_kv'] = True

        data = json.dumps(obj).encode('utf8')

        response = yield treq.post(url, data, headers=self._REQ_HEADERS, timeout=(timeout or self._timeout))
        obj = yield treq.json_content(response)

        deleted = Deleted._parse(obj)

Ejemplo n.º 9
    def get(self,
        Range gets the keys in the range from the key-value store.

        :param key: key is the first key for the range. If range_end is not given,
            the request only looks up key.
        :type key: bytes

        :param range_end: range_end is the upper bound on the requested range
            [key, range_end). If range_end is ``\\0``, the range is all keys ``\u003e=`` key.
            If the range_end is one bit larger than the given key, then the range requests
            get the all keys with the prefix (the given key). If both key and range_end
            are ``\\0``, then range requests returns all keys.
        :type range_end: bytes

        :param prefix: If set, and no range_end is given, compute range_end from key prefix.
        :type prefix: bool

        :param count_only: count_only when set returns only the count of the keys in the range.
        :type count_only: bool

        :param keys_only: keys_only when set returns only the keys and not the values.
        :type keys_only: bool

        :param limit: limit is a limit on the number of keys returned for the request.
        :type limit: int

        :param max_create_revision: max_create_revision is the upper bound for returned
            key create revisions; all keys with greater create revisions will be filtered away.
        :type max_create_revision: int

        :param max_mod_revision: max_mod_revision is the upper bound for returned key
            mod revisions; all keys with greater mod revisions will be filtered away.
        :type max_mod_revision: int

        :param min_create_revision: min_create_revision is the lower bound for returned
            key create revisions; all keys with lesser create trevisions will be filtered away.
        :type min_create_revision: int

        :param min_mod_revision: min_mod_revision is the lower bound for returned key
            mod revisions; all keys with lesser mod revisions will be filtered away.
        :type min_min_revision: int

        :param revision: revision is the point-in-time of the key-value store to use for the
            range. If revision is less or equal to zero, the range is over the newest
            key-value store. If the revision has been compacted, ErrCompacted is returned as
            a response.
        :type revision: int

        :param serializable: serializable sets the range request to use serializable
            member-local reads. Range requests are linearizable by default; linearizable
            requests have higher latency and lower throughput than serializable requests
            but reflect the current consensus of the cluster. For better performance, in
            exchange for possible stale reads, a serializable range request is served
            locally without needing to reach consensus with other nodes in the cluster.
        :type serializable: bool

        :param sort_order: Sort order for returned KVs,
            one of :class:`txaioetcd.OpGet.SORT_ORDERS`.
        :type sort_order: str

        :param sort_target: Sort target for sorting returned KVs,
            one of :class:`txaioetcd.OpGet.SORT_TARGETS`.
        :type sort_taget: str or None

        :param timeout: Request timeout in seconds.
        :type timeout: int or None
        if type(key) == six.binary_type:
            if range_end:
                key = KeySet(key, range_end=range_end)
                key = KeySet(key)
        elif isinstance(key, KeySet):
            raise TypeError('key must either be bytes or a KeySet object, not {}'.format(type(key)))

        if key.type == KeySet._SINGLE:
            range_end = None
        elif key.type == KeySet._PREFIX:
            range_end = _increment_last_byte(key.key)
        elif key.type == KeySet._RANGE:
            range_end = key.range_end
            raise Exception('logic error')

        url = u'{}/v3alpha/kv/range'.format(self._url).encode()
        obj = {
            u'key': base64.b64encode(key.key).decode()
        if range_end:
            obj[u'range_end'] = base64.b64encode(range_end).decode()

        data = json.dumps(obj).encode('utf8')

        response = yield treq.post(url, data, headers=self._REQ_HEADERS, timeout=(timeout or self._timeout))
        obj = yield treq.json_content(response)

        result = Range._parse(obj)
        # count = int(obj.get(u'count', 0))

Ejemplo n.º 10
def main(reactor):
    if True:
        with TemporaryDirectory() as dbpath:
            print('Using temporary directory {} for database'.format(dbpath))

            schema = MySchema()

            with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:
                # write records into zlmdb
                with db.begin(write=True) as txn:
                    for i in range(10):
                        key = 'key{}'.format(i)
                        value = 'value{}'.format(random.randint(0, 1000))
                        schema.samples[txn, key] = value

                # read records from zlmdb
                with db.begin() as txn:
                    for i in range(10):
                        key = 'key{}'.format(i)
                        value = schema.samples[txn, key]
                        print('key={} : value={}'.format(key, value))

    if True:
        # etcd database
        etcd = Client(reactor)
        status = yield etcd.status()

        # zlmdb database
        schema = MySchema()
        dbpath = '/tmp/.test-zlmdb'

        with zlmdb.Database(dbpath) as db:
            print('zlmdb open on {}'.format(dbpath))

            # check current record count
            with db.begin() as txn:
                cnt = schema.samples.count(txn)
                print('currently {} rows in table'.format(cnt))

            # watch changes in etcd and write to local zlmdb
            def on_change(kv):
                key = kv.key.decode()
                value = kv.value.decode()
                with db.begin(write=True) as txn:
                    schema.samples[txn, key] = value
                    'on_change received from etcd and written to zlmdb: key={} value={}'
                    .format(key, value))

            # start watching for etcd changes ..
            ks = [KeySet('k'.encode(), prefix=True)]
            d = etcd.watch(ks, on_change)

            print('watching for 1s ..')
            yield txaio.sleep(1)

            # loop every 1s and write a key-value in etcd directly
            for i in range(5):
                print('watching for 1s ..')
                yield txaio.sleep(1)

                key = 'key{}'.format(i).encode()
                value = 'value{}'.format(random.randint(0, 1000)).encode()

                etcd.set(key, value)

            # cancel our watch

            yield util.sleep(1)

            # check current record count
            with db.begin() as txn:
                cnt = schema.samples.count(txn)
                print('currently {} rows in table'.format(cnt))

            yield util.sleep(1)