Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: ircd.py Proyecto: ojii/txircd
    def __init__(self, config, options=None):
        reactor.addSystemEventTrigger("before", "shutdown", self.cleanup)
        self.dead = False

        self.config = config
        self.version = "txircd.{}".format(__version__)
        self.created = now()
        self.token = uuid.uuid1()
        self.servers = CaseInsensitiveDictionary()
        self.users = CaseInsensitiveDictionary()
        self.whowas = CaseInsensitiveDictionary()
        self.channels = DefaultCaseInsensitiveDictionary(self.ChannelFactory)
        self.peerConnections = {}
        self.db = None
        # self.stats = None
        # self.stats_timer = LoopingCall(self.flush_stats)
        # self.stats_data = {
        #    "bytes_in": 0,
        #    "bytes_out": 0,
        #    "lines_in": 0,
        #    "lines_out": 0,
        #    "total_bytes_in": 0,
        #    "total_bytes_out": 0,
        #    "total_lines_in": 0,
        #    "total_lines_out": 0,
        #    "connections": 0,
        #    "total_connections": 0
        # }
        self.xlines = {
            "G": CaseInsensitiveDictionary(),
            "K": CaseInsensitiveDictionary(),
            "Z": CaseInsensitiveDictionary(),
            "E": CaseInsensitiveDictionary(),
            "Q": CaseInsensitiveDictionary(),
            "SHUN": CaseInsensitiveDictionary(),
        self.xline_match = {
            "G": ["{ident}@{host}", "{ident}@{ip}"],
            "K": ["{ident}@{host}", "{ident}@{ip}"],
            "Z": ["{ip}"],
            "E": ["{ident}@{host}", "{ident}@{ip}"],
            "Q": ["{nick}"],
            "SHUN": ["{ident}@{host}", "{ident}@{ip}"],

        if not options:
            options = {}
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: ircd.py Proyecto: ojii/txircd
class IRCD(Factory):
    protocol = IRCProtocol
    channel_prefixes = "#"
    types = {"user": DBUser, "server": IRCServer, "service": IRCService}
    prefix_order = "qaohv"  # Hardcoded into modes :(
    prefix_symbols = {"q": "~", "a": "&", "o": "@", "h": "%", "v": "+"}

    def __init__(self, config, options=None):
        reactor.addSystemEventTrigger("before", "shutdown", self.cleanup)
        self.dead = False

        self.config = config
        self.version = "txircd.{}".format(__version__)
        self.created = now()
        self.token = uuid.uuid1()
        self.servers = CaseInsensitiveDictionary()
        self.users = CaseInsensitiveDictionary()
        self.whowas = CaseInsensitiveDictionary()
        self.channels = DefaultCaseInsensitiveDictionary(self.ChannelFactory)
        self.peerConnections = {}
        self.db = None
        # self.stats = None
        # self.stats_timer = LoopingCall(self.flush_stats)
        # self.stats_data = {
        #    "bytes_in": 0,
        #    "bytes_out": 0,
        #    "lines_in": 0,
        #    "lines_out": 0,
        #    "total_bytes_in": 0,
        #    "total_bytes_out": 0,
        #    "total_lines_in": 0,
        #    "total_lines_out": 0,
        #    "connections": 0,
        #    "total_connections": 0
        # }
        self.xlines = {
            "G": CaseInsensitiveDictionary(),
            "K": CaseInsensitiveDictionary(),
            "Z": CaseInsensitiveDictionary(),
            "E": CaseInsensitiveDictionary(),
            "Q": CaseInsensitiveDictionary(),
            "SHUN": CaseInsensitiveDictionary(),
        self.xline_match = {
            "G": ["{ident}@{host}", "{ident}@{ip}"],
            "K": ["{ident}@{host}", "{ident}@{ip}"],
            "Z": ["{ip}"],
            "E": ["{ident}@{host}", "{ident}@{ip}"],
            "Q": ["{nick}"],
            "SHUN": ["{ident}@{host}", "{ident}@{ip}"],

        if not options:
            options = {}

        # if self.app_ip_log:
        #    try:
        #        with open(self.app_ip_log) as f:
        #            self.unique_ips = set(json.loads(f.read()))
        #            self.stats_data["total_connections"] = len(self.unique_ips)
        #    except:
        #        self.unique_ips = set()
        # else:
        #    self.unique_ips = set()

        # logfile = "{}/{}".format(self.app_log_dir,"stats")
        # if not os.path.exists(logfile):
        #    os.makedirs(logfile)
        # self.stats_log = DailyLogFile("log",logfile)
        # self.stats_timer.start(1)

    def rehash(self):
            with open(self.config) as f:
            return False
        return True

    def load_options(self, options):
        # Populate attributes with options
        for var in default_options.iterkeys():
            setattr(self, var, options[var] if var in options else default_options[var])
        # Unserialize xlines
        for key in self.xlines.iterkeys():
            self.xlines[key] = CaseInsensitiveDictionary()
            xlines = getattr(self, "server_xlines_{}".format(key.lower()), None)
            if not xlines:
            for user, data in xlines.iteritems():
                self.xlines[key][user] = {
                    "created": datetime.datetime.strptime(data["created"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                    "duration": parse_duration(data["duration"]),
                    "setter": data["setter"],
                    "reason": data["reason"],
        # Create database connection
        if self.db:
        if self.db_library:
            self.db = adbapi.ConnectionPool(
        # Turn on stats factory if needed, or shut it down if needed
        # if self.stats_enabled and not self.stats:
        #    self.stats = StatFactory()
        #    if self.stats_port_tcp:
        #        try:
        #            reactor.listenTCP(int(self.stats_port_tcp), self.stats)
        #        except:
        #            pass # Wasn't a number
        #    if self.stats_port_web:
        #        try:
        #            reactor.listenTCP(int(self.stats_port_web), SockJSFactory(self.stats))
        #        except:
        #            pass # Wasn't a number
        # elif not self.stats_enabled and self.stats:
        #    self.stats.shutdown()
        #    self.stats = None
        # Load geoip data
        # self.geo_db = pygeoip.GeoIP(self.app_geoip_database, pygeoip.MEMORY_CACHE) if self.app_geoip_database else None

    def save_options(self):
        # Serialize xlines
        for key, lines in self.xlines.iteritems():
            xlines = {}
            for user, data in lines.iteritems():
                xlines[user] = {
                    "created": str(data["created"]),
                    "duration": build_duration(data["duration"]),
                    "setter": data["setter"],
                    "reason": data["reason"],
            setattr(self, "server_xlines_{}".format(key.lower()), xlines)
        # Load old options
        options = {}
            with open(self.config) as f:
                options = yaml.safe_load(f)
            return False
        # Overwrite with the new stuff
        for var in default_options.iterkeys():
            options[var] = getattr(self, var, None)
        # Save em
            with open(self.config, "w") as f:
                yaml.dump(options, f, default_flow_style=False)
            return False
        return True

    def cleanup(self):
        # Track the disconnections so we know they get done
        deferreds = []
        # Cleanly disconnect all clients
        log.msg("Disconnecting clients...")
        for u in self.users.values():
            u.irc_QUIT(None, ["Server shutting down"])
        # Without any clients, all channels should be gone
        # But make sure the logs are closed, just in case
        log.msg("Closing logs...")
        for c in self.channels.itervalues():
        # self.stats_log.close()
        # Finally, save the config. Just in case.
        log.msg("Saving options...")
        # Return deferreds
        log.msg("Waiting on deferreds...")
        self.dead = True
        return DeferredList(deferreds)

    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
        if self.dead:
            return None
        ip = addr.host
        # self.unique_ips.add(ip)
        # self.stats_data["total_connections"] = len(self.unique_ips)
        # if self.app_ip_log:
        #    with open(self.app_ip_log,"w") as f:
        #        f.write(json.dumps(list(self.unique_ips), separators=(',',':')))
        conn = self.peerConnections.get(ip, 0)
        max = self.client_peer_exempt[ip] if ip in self.client_peer_exempt else self.client_peer_connections
        if max and conn >= max:
            return None
        # self.stats_data["connections"] += 1
        self.peerConnections[ip] = conn + 1
        return Factory.buildProtocol(self, addr)

    def unregisterProtocol(self, p):
        # self.stats_data["connections"] -= 1
        peerHost = p.transport.getPeer().host
        self.peerConnections[peerHost] -= 1
        if self.peerConnections[peerHost] == 0:
            del self.peerConnections[peerHost]

    def ChannelFactory(self, name):
        logfile = "{}/{}".format(self.app_log_dir, irc_lower(name))
        if not os.path.exists(logfile):
        c = Channel(
            {"message": None, "author": "", "created": now()},
            ChannelModes(self, None),
            DailyLogFile("log", logfile),
        c.mode.parent = c
        c.mode.combine("nt", [], name)
        return c

    def flush_stats(self):
        users = {}
        countries = {}
        uptime = now() - self.created
        for u in self.users.itervalues():
            users[u.nickname] = [u.latitude, u.longitude]
            if u.country not in countries:
                countries[u.country] = 0
            countries[u.country] += 1
        line = json.dumps(
                "io": self.stats_data,
                "users": users,
                "countries": countries,
                "uptime": "{}".format(uptime if uptime.days > 0 else "0 days, {}".format(uptime)),
            separators=(",", ":"),
        self.stats_data["bytes_in"] = 0
        self.stats_data["bytes_out"] = 0
        self.stats_data["lines_in"] = 0
        self.stats_data["lines_out"] = 0
        # if not self.stats_log.closed:
        #    self.stats_log.write(line+"\n")
        if self.stats:
            self.stats.broadcast(line + "\r\n")