Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_null_ops(self):
     for script in [
         [types.Five(), types.Zero(), types.Add()],
         [types.Zero(), types.Five(), types.Add()],
         [types.Five(), types.Zero(), types.Sub()],
         self._do_test('OP_5', script)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def replace_shortcut_ops(instructions):
    """Replace opcodes with a corresponding shortcut form."""
    optimizations = []
    # Replace division by 2.
    # OP_2 OP_DIV -> OP_2DIV
    optimizations.append(([types.Two(), types.Div()], lambda values: [types.Div2()]))
    # Replace subtraction by 1.
    # OP_1 OP_SUB -> OP_1SUB
    optimizations.append(([types.One(), types.Sub()], lambda values: [types.Sub1()]))
    # Replace 1 * -1 with -1.
    optimizations.append(([types.One(), types.Negate()], lambda values: [types.NegativeOne()]))
    # Replace addition by 1.
    # OP_1 OP_ADD -> OP_1ADD
    for permutation in permutations([types.Push(), types.One()]) + permutations([types.SmallIntOpCode(), types.One()]):
        idx = 0 if not isinstance(permutation[0], types.One) else 1
        optimizations.append((permutation + [types.Add()], lambda values, idx=idx: [values[idx], types.Add1()]))
    optimizations.append(([types.Assumption(), types.One(), types.Add()], lambda values: [values[0], types.Add1()]))
    # Replace multiplication by 2.
    # OP_2 OP_MUL -> OP_2MUL
    for permutation in permutations([types.Push(), types.Two()]) + permutations([types.SmallIntOpCode(), types.Two()]):
        idx = 0 if not isinstance(permutation[0], types.Two) else 1
        optimizations.append((permutation + [types.Mul()], lambda values, idx=idx: [values[idx], types.Mul2()]))
    optimizations.append(([types.Assumption(), types.Two(), types.Mul()], lambda values: [values[0], types.Mul2()]))

    for template, callback in optimizations:
        instructions.replace_template(template, callback, strict=False)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_shortcut_ops(self):
        for script in [
            [types.Five(), types.One(), types.Add()],
            [types.One(), types.Five(), types.Add()],
            self._do_test('OP_5 OP_1ADD', script)

        self._do_test('OP_1ADD', [types.Assumption('testItem'), types.One(), types.Add()])

        script = [types.Five(), types.One(), types.Sub()]
        self._do_test('OP_5 OP_1SUB', script)

        for script in [
            [types.Five(), types.Two(), types.Mul()],
            [types.Two(), types.Five(), types.Mul()],
            self._do_test('OP_5 OP_2MUL', script)

        self._do_test('OP_2MUL', [types.Assumption('testItem'), types.Two(), types.Mul()])

        script = [types.Five(), types.Two(), types.Div()]
        self._do_test('OP_5 OP_2DIV', script)

        script = [types.Five(), types.One(), types.Negate()]
        self._do_test('OP_5 OP_1NEGATE', script)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_assume_to_pick_or_roll(self):
        script = [types.Five(), types.Assumption('testItem'), types.Add()]
        self._do_test('OP_5 OP_ADD', script)

        script = [types.Five(), types.Five(), types.Assumption('testItem'), types.Add()]
        self._do_test('OP_5 OP_5 OP_2 OP_ROLL OP_ADD', script)

        script = [types.Five(), types.Five(), types.Assumption('testItem'), types.Add(), types.Assumption('testItem')]
        self._do_test('OP_5 OP_5 OP_2 OP_PICK OP_ADD OP_2 OP_ROLL', script)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def shorten_commutative_operations(instructions):
    """Remove ops that change the order of commutative operations."""
    optimizations = []
    for op in [types.Add(), types.Mul(), types.BoolAnd(), types.BoolOr(),
               types.NumEqual(), types.NumEqualVerify(), types.NumNotEqual(),
               types.Min(), types.Max(),
               types.And(), types.Or(), types.Xor(), types.Equal(), types.EqualVerify(),
        template = [types.Swap(), op]
        optimizations.append((template, lambda values: values[1:]))

    for template, callback in optimizations:
        instructions.replace_template(template, callback)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def replace_null_ops(instructions):
    """Replace operations that do nothing."""
    # Remove subtraction by 0.
    # OP_0 OP_SUB -> _
    optimizations = [([types.Zero(), types.Sub()], lambda values: [])]
    # Remove addition by 0.
    # OP_0 OP_ADD -> _
    for permutation in permutations([None, types.Zero()]):
        idx = 0 if permutation[0] is None else 1
        optimizations.append((permutation + [types.Add()], lambda values, idx=idx: [values[idx]]))

    for template, callback in optimizations:
        instructions.replace_template(template, callback)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_implicit_assume(self):
     script = [types.Assumption('testItem'), types.Five(), types.Add()]
     self._do_test('OP_5 OP_ADD', script)