Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setUpClass(cls):
        Create single extractor instance.

        sections = [
            "Giants hit 3 HRs to down Dodgers", "Giants 5 Dodgers 4 final",
            "Dodgers drop Game 2 against the Giants, 5-4",
            "Blue Jays 2 Red Sox 1 final",
            "Red Sox lost to the Blue Jays, 2-1",
            "Blue Jays at Red Sox is over. Score: 2-1",
            "Phillies win over the Braves, 5-0", "Phillies 5 Braves 0 final",
            "Final: Braves lose to the Phillies in the series opener, 5-0",
            "Final score: Flyers 4 Lightning 1", "Flyers 4 Lightning 1 final",
            "Flyers win 4-1"

        # Add unique id to each section to assist with qa extraction
        cls.sections = [(uid, section) for uid, section in enumerate(sections)]

        # Create embeddings model, backed by sentence-transformers & transformers
        cls.embeddings = Embeddings({

        # Create extractor instance
        cls.extractor = Extractor(cls.embeddings,
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, embeddings, db, qa):
        Creates a new report.

            embeddings: embeddings index
            db: database connection
            qa: qa model path

        # Store references to embeddings index and open database cursor
        self.embeddings = embeddings
        self.cur = db.cursor()

        # Column names
        self.names = []

        # Extractive question-answering model
        self.extractor = Extractor(self.embeddings, qa if qa else "NeuML/bert-small-cord19qa")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def testQuantize(self):
        Test qa extraction backed by a quantized model

        extractor = Extractor(self.embeddings,
                              "distilbert-base-cased-distilled-squad", True)

        question = "How many home runs?"

        answers = extractor([(question, question, question, True)], self.data)
        self.assertTrue(answers[0][1].startswith("Giants hit 3 HRs"))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def testQA(self):
        Test qa extraction

        # Create embeddings model, backed by sentence-transformers & transformers
        embeddings = Embeddings({

        # Create extractor instance
        extractor = Extractor(embeddings,

        sections = [
            "Giants hit 3 HRs to down Dodgers", "Giants 5 Dodgers 4 final",
            "Dodgers drop Game 2 against the Giants, 5-4",
            "Blue Jays 2 Red Sox 1 final",
            "Red Sox lost to the Blue Jays, 2-1",
            "Blue Jays at Red Sox is over. Score: 2-1",
            "Phillies win over the Braves, 5-0", "Phillies 5 Braves 0 final",
            "Final: Braves lose to the Phillies in the series opener, 5-0",
            "Final score: Flyers 4 Lightning 1", "Flyers 4 Lightning 1 final",
            "Flyers win 4-1"

        # Add unique id to each section to assist with qa extraction
        sections = [(uid, section) for uid, section in enumerate(sections)]

        questions = ["What team won the game?", "What was score?"]

        execute = lambda query: extractor(sections, [
            (question, query, question, False) for question in questions

        answers = execute("Red Sox - Blue Jays")
        self.assertEqual("Blue Jays", answers[0][1])
        self.assertEqual("2-1", answers[1][1])

        # Ad-hoc questions
        question = "What hockey team won?"

        answers = extractor(sections, [(question, question, question, False)])
        self.assertEqual("Flyers", answers[0][1])
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Report(object):
    Methods to build reports from a series of queries
    def __init__(self, embeddings, db, qa):
        Creates a new report.

            embeddings: embeddings index
            db: database connection
            qa: qa model path

        # Store references to embeddings index and open database cursor
        self.embeddings = embeddings
        self.cur = db.cursor()

        # Column names
        self.names = []

        # Extractive question-answering model
        self.extractor = Extractor(self.embeddings,
                                   qa if qa else "NeuML/bert-small-cord19qa")

    def build(self, queries, topn, output):
        Builds a report using a list of input queries

            queries: queries to execute
            topn: number of documents to return
            output: output I/O object

        # Default to 50 documents if not specified
        topn = topn if topn else 50

        for name, config in queries:
            query = config["query"]
            columns = config["columns"]

            # Write query string
            self.query(output, name, query)

            # Write separator

            # Query for best matches
            results = Query.search(self.embeddings, self.cur, query, topn)

            # Generate highlights section
            self.section(output, "Highlights")

            # Generate highlights
            self.highlights(output, results, int(topn / 10))

            # Separator between highlights and articles

            # Generate articles section
            self.section(output, "Articles")

            # Generate table headers
            self.headers([column["name"] for column in columns], output)

            # Generate table rows
            self.articles(output, topn, (name, query, columns), results)

            # Write section separator

    def highlights(self, output, results, topn):
        Builds a highlights section.

            output: output file
            results: search results
            topn: number of results to return

        # Extract top sections as highlights
        for highlight in Query.highlights(results, topn):
            # Get matching article
            uid = [
                article for _, _, article, text in results if text == highlight
                "SELECT Authors, Reference FROM articles WHERE id = ?", [uid])
            article = self.cur.fetchone()

            # Write out highlight row
            self.highlight(output, article, highlight)

    def articles(self, output, topn, metadata, results):
        Builds an articles section.

            output: output file
            topn: number of documents to return
            metadata: query metadata
            results: search results

        # Unpack metadata
        _, query, _ = metadata

        # Retrieve list of documents
        documents = Query.all(self.cur) if query == "*" else Query.documents(
            results, topn)

        # Collect matching rows
        rows = []

        for uid in documents:
            # Get article metadata
                "SELECT Published, Title, Reference, Publication, Source, Design, Size, Sample, Method, Entry "
                + "FROM articles WHERE id = ?", [uid])
            article = self.cur.fetchone()

            # Calculate derived fields
            calculated = self.calculate(uid, metadata)

            # Builds a row for article
            rows.append(self.buildRow(article, documents[uid], calculated))

        # Print report by published desc
        for row in sorted(rows, key=lambda x: x["Date"], reverse=True):
            # Convert row dict to list
            row = [row[column] for column in self.names]

            # Write out row
            self.writeRow(output, row)

    def calculate(self, uid, metadata):
        Builds a dict of calculated fields for a given document. This method calculates
        constant field columns and derived query columns. Derived query columns run through
        an embedding search and either run an additional QA query to extract a value or
        use the top n embedding search matches.

            uid: article id
            metadata: query metadata

            {name: value} containing derived column values

        # Parse column parameters
        fields, params = self.params(metadata)

        # Stores embedding query only and full QA column definitions
        queries, questions = [], []

        # Retrieve indexed document text for article
        sections = self.sections(uid)
        texts = [text for _, text in sections]

        for name, query, question, snippet, _, _, matches in params:
            if matches:
                queries.append((name, query, matches))
                questions.append((name, query, question, snippet))

        # Only execute embeddings queries for columns with matches set
        for name, query, matches in queries:
            # Run query
            topn = self.extractor.query([query], texts)[0]

            # Get topn text matches
            topn = [text for _, text, _ in topn][:matches]

            # Join results into String and return
            fields[name] = "\n\n".join([
                self.resolve(params, sections, uid, name, value)
                for value in topn

        # Add extraction fields
        for name, value in self.extractor(questions, texts):
            # Resolves the full value based on column parameters
            fields[name] = self.resolve(params, sections, uid, name,
                                        value) if value else ""

        return fields

    def params(self, metadata):
        Process and prepare parameters using input metadata.

            metadata: query metadata

            fields, params - constant field values, query parameters for query columns

        # Derived field values
        fields = {}

        # Query column parameters
        params = []

        # Unpack metadata
        _, _, columns = metadata

        for column in columns:
            # Constant column
            if "constant" in column:
                fields[column["name"]] = column["constant"]
            # Question-answer column
            elif "query" in column:
                # Query variable substitutions
                query = self.variables(column["query"], metadata)
                question = self.variables(
                    metadata) if "question" in column else query

                # Additional context parameters
                section = column["section"] if "section" in column else False
                surround = column["surround"] if "surround" in column else 0
                matches = column["matches"] if "matches" in column else 0
                snippet = column["snippet"] if "snippet" in column else False
                snippet = True if section or surround else snippet

                params.append((column["name"], query, question, snippet,
                               section, surround, matches))

        return fields, params

    def variables(self, value, metadata):
        Runs variable substitution for value.

            value: input value
            metadata: query metadata

            value with variable substitution

        name, query, _ = metadata

        # Cleanup name for queries
        name = name.replace("_", "").lower()
        query = query.lower()

        if value:
            value = value.replace("$NAME", name).replace("$QUERY", query)

        return value

    def sections(self, uid):
        Retrieves all sections as list for article with given uid.

            uid: article id

            list of section text elements

        # Retrieve indexed document text for article
        self.cur.execute(Index.SECTION_QUERY + " AND article = ? ORDER BY id",

        # Get list of document text sections
        sections = []
        for sid, name, text in self.cur.fetchall():
            if not name or not re.search(Index.SECTION_FILTER, name.lower()):
                sections.append((sid, text))

        return sections

    def resolve(self, params, sections, uid, name, value):
        Fully resolves a value from an extractor call.

         - If section=True, this method pull the full section text
         - If surround is specified, this method will pull the surrounding text
         - Otherwise, the original value is returned

            params: query parameters
            sections: section text
            uid: article id
            name: column name
            value: initial query value after running through extractor process

            resolved value

        # Get all column parameters
        index = [params.index(x) for x in params if x[0] == name][0]
        _, _, _, _, section, surround, _ = params[index]

        if value:
            # Find matching section
            sid = [sid for sid, text in sections if value in text]

            if sid:
                sid = sid[0]

                if section:
                    # Get full text for matching subsection
                    value = self.subsection(uid, sid)
                elif surround:
                    value = self.surround(uid, sid, surround)

        return value

    def subsection(self, uid, sid):
        Extracts all subsection text for columns with section=True.

            uid: article id
            sid: section id

            full text for matching section

            "SELECT Text FROM sections WHERE article = ? AND name = (SELECT name FROM sections WHERE id = ?)",
            [uid, sid])
        return " ".join([x[0] for x in self.cur.fetchall()])

    def surround(self, uid, sid, size):
        Extracts surrounding text for section with specified id.

            uid: article id
            sid: section id
            size: number of surrounding lines to extract from each side

            matching text with surrounding context

        self.cur.execute("SELECT Text FROM sections WHERE article = ? AND id in (SELECT id FROM sections WHERE id >= ? AND id <= ?) AND " + \
                         "name = (SELECT name FROM sections WHERE id = ?)", [uid, sid - size, sid + size, sid])

        return " ".join([x[0] for x in self.cur.fetchall()])

    def cleanup(self, outfile):
        Allow freeing or cleaning up resources.

            outfile: output file path

    def query(self, output, task, query):
        Writes query.

            output: output file
            task: task name
            query: query string

    def section(self, output, name):
        Writes a section name

            output: output file
            name: section name

    def highlight(self, output, article, highlight):
        Writes a highlight row

            output: output file
            article: article reference
            highlight: highlight text

    def headers(self, columns, output):
        Writes table headers.

            columns: column names
            output: output file

    def buildRow(self, article, sections, calculated):
        Converts a document to a table row.

            article: article
            sections: text sections for article
            calculated: calculated fields

    def writeRow(self, output, row):
        Writes a table row.

            output: output file
            row: output row

    def separator(self, output):
Ejemplo n.º 6
from txtai.embeddings import Embeddings
from txtai.extractor import Extractor

# Create embeddings model, backed by sentence-transformers & transformers
embeddings = Embeddings({

# Create extractor instance
extractor = Extractor(embeddings, "distilbert-base-cased-distilled-squad")

sections = [
    "Giants hit 3 HRs to down Dodgers", "Giants 5 Dodgers 4 final",
    "Dodgers drop Game 2 against the Giants, 5-4",
    "Blue Jays 2 Red Sox 1 final", "Red Sox lost to the Blue Jays, 2-1",
    "Blue Jays at Red Sox is over. Score: 2-1",
    "Phillies win over the Braves, 5-0", "Phillies 5 Braves 0 final",
    "Final: Braves lose to the Phillies in the series opener, 5-0",
    "Final score: Flyers 4 Lightning 1", "Flyers 4 Lightning 1 final",
    "Flyers win 4-1"

# Add unique id to each section to assist with qa extraction
sections = [(uid, section) for uid, section in enumerate(sections)]

# Ad-hoc questions
question = "What hockey team won?"