Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(reactor):
    # use port 9051 for system tor instances, or:
    # ep = UNIXClientEndpoint(reactor, '/var/run/tor/control')
    # ep = UNIXClientEndpoint(reactor, '/var/run/tor/control')
    ep = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, '', default_control_port())
    tor = yield txtorcon.connect(reactor, ep)
    print("Connected to {tor} via localhost:{port}".format(

    # create a web.Agent that will talk via Tor. If the socks port
    # given isn't yet configured, this will do so. It may also be
    # None, which means "the first configured SOCKSPort"
    # agent = tor.web_agent(u'9999')
    agent = tor.web_agent()
    uri = b'http://surely-this-has-not-been-registered-and-is-invalid.com'
    uri = b'https://www.torproject.org'
    uri = b'http://timaq4ygg2iegci7.onion/'  # txtorcon documentation
    print("Downloading {}".format(uri))
    resp = yield agent.request(b'GET', uri)

    print("Response has {} bytes".format(resp.length))
    body = yield readBody(resp)
    print("received body ({} bytes)".format(len(body)))
    print("{}\n[...]\n{}\n".format(body[:200], body[-200:]))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(reactor):
    # use port 9051 for system tor instances, or:
    # ep = UNIXClientEndpoint(reactor, '/var/run/tor/control')
    # ep = UNIXClientEndpoint(reactor, '/var/run/tor/control')
    ep = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, '', default_control_port())
    tor = yield txtorcon.connect(reactor, ep)
    print("Connected to {tor} via localhost:{port}".format(

    # create a web.Agent that will talk via Tor. If the socks port
    # given isn't yet configured, this will do so. It may also be
    # None, which means "the first configured SOCKSPort"
    # agent = tor.web_agent(u'9999')
    agent = tor.web_agent()
    uri = b'http://surely-this-has-not-been-registered-and-is-invalid.com'
    uri = b'https://www.torproject.org'
    uri = b'http://timaq4ygg2iegci7.onion/'  # txtorcon documentation
    print("Downloading {}".format(uri))
    resp = yield agent.request(b'GET', uri)

    print("Response has {} bytes".format(resp.length))
    body = yield readBody(resp)
    print("received body ({} bytes)".format(len(body)))
    print("{}\n[...]\n{}\n".format(body[:200], body[-200:]))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main(reactor):
    # "onion:" is for Tor Onion Services, and the only required
    # argument is the public port we advertise. You can pass
    # "controlPort=9051" for example, to connect to a system Tor
    # (accepts paths, too, e.g. "controlPort=/var/run/tor/control")
    # ep = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, "onion:80:controlPort=9151")

    # to re-create a previous hidden-service, pass the private key
    # blob you retrieved earler via port.getHost().onion_key like so:
    # ep = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, "onion:80:privateKey=<keyblob>")
    # Beware that you have to escape the ":" after RSA1024 because of
    # reasons (the endpoint syntax uses them). For this reason, you
    # can omit the "RSA1024:" part if you wish.
    # ep = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, "onion:80")

    # this one should be "nyfnesplt3f5nvn3.onion"

    ep = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, "onion:80:controlPort={port}:privateKey=RSA1024\\: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".format(port=default_control_port()))

    def on_progress(percent, tag, msg):
        print('%03d: %s' % (percent, msg))
    print("Note: descriptor upload can take several minutes")

    port = yield ep.listen(server.Site(Simple()))
    print("Site listening: {}".format(port.getHost()))
    print("Private key:\n{}".format(port.getHost().onion_key))
    yield defer.Deferred()  # wait forever
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main(reactor):
    # "onion:" is for Tor Onion Services, and the only required
    # argument is the public port we advertise. You can pass
    # "controlPort=9051" for example, to connect to a system Tor
    # (accepts paths, too, e.g. "controlPort=/var/run/tor/control")
    # ep = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, "onion:80:controlPort=9151")

    # to re-create a previous hidden-service, pass the private key
    # blob you retrieved earler via port.getHost().onion_key like so:
    # ep = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, "onion:80:privateKey=<keyblob>")
    # Beware that you have to escape the ":" after RSA1024 because of
    # reasons (the endpoint syntax uses them). For this reason, you
    # can omit the "RSA1024:" part if you wish.
    # ep = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, "onion:80")

    # this one should be "nyfnesplt3f5nvn3.onion"

    ep = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, "onion:80:controlPort={port}:privateKey=RSA1024\\:MIICWwIBAAKBgQDml0L1Btxe1QIs88mvKvcgAEd19bUorzMndfXXBbPt2y1lTjm+vGldJRCXb/RArfCb9F2q7IWL4ScuJBiUCqpKVG2aGK8yOxw4c5WKvnLW8MRf5+jAPlR3h7idBdrVGCY/9gXf9JzWfpIhMfFidM4Xq6VpzMvignss6FB6i9zhOwIDAQABAoGAXuWjVamUKabp9UwDFYbOGypiPmZ3Pp4TpErEeNBNAzdvUEDIPPnXNtEZKemWEMREwDnqDny2XSG0+SU7xDk7aQGTFxipo+NAl18QMW2XcBjWrIG5P0L9E+j58k5Nq6EEaMQ8G8X3hsnX7EwRqnJYOwUWUQ4emi6TvNScSMS251kCQQD6KJXltkSfwU3d5hOh37x3pOp4ZcpI6eKwwfgqP+1pVfOwjvXfLqLgLRf9+NtmG+cU5HRDwmf9rbJNCOE++11HAkEA6/mz/L+54NRk9tPN4vYfn969v7fz9CQndQUsTTrtArqtjg7baKts3ndagj+/itJfY6qV/OonN9XdntQXTWWGbQJAY244TmrJEfqieZ2WlhO49JFPRPWolpyoJvuiKSDpu6GXT8ky/zepM5OY4rDEe+yBR/OaJsihztn4cdgit4bvxwJAFsnZiOoXEFBSo8eWlXmBWlYPawlfxM8NBG8IdTjglKfkhNiIddZAQEe0dOmlHMnuLljV/UO7n9fGfEUtLutEDQJAC3c9gSe2of41TaZhQ+aHzQ8E9cs7fg3gXXUgWlocQK6fYq+tC0CF7dDmydShF8vI8oEcgJGhgtUAXQDwH9eD0A==".format(port=default_control_port()))

    def on_progress(percent, tag, msg):
        print('%03d: %s' % (percent, msg))

        port = yield ep.listen(server.Site(Simple()))
    except error.ConnectionRefusedError:
        print("Couldn't connect; is Tor listening on localhost:{}?".format(default_control_port()))

    print("Site listening: {}".format(port.getHost()))
    print("Private key:\n{}".format(port.getHost().onion_key))
    yield defer.Deferred()  # wait forever
def main(reactor):
    # use port 9051 for system tor instances, or:
    # ep = UNIXClientEndpoint(reactor, '/var/run/tor/control')
    ep = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, '', default_control_port())
    tor = yield txtorcon.connect(reactor, ep)
    print("Connected:", tor)

    state = yield tor.create_state()
    socks = tor.config.socks_endpoint(reactor)

    # create a custom circuit; in this case we're just letting Tor
    # decide the path but you *can* select a path (again: for advanced
    # use cases that will probably de-anonymize you)
    circ = yield state.build_circuit()
    print("Building a circuit:", circ)

    # at this point, the circuit will be "under way" but may not yet
    # be in BUILT state -- and hence usable. So, we wait.
    yield circ.when_built()
    print("Circuit is ready:", circ)

    if True:
        # create a web.Agent that will use this circuit (or fail)
        agent = circ.web_agent(reactor, socks)

        uri = 'https://www.torproject.org'
        print("Downloading {}".format(uri))
        resp = yield agent.request('GET', uri)

        print("Response has {} bytes".format(resp.length))
        body = yield readBody(resp)
        print("received body ({} bytes)".format(len(body)))
        print("{}\n[...]\n{}\n".format(body[:200], body[-200:]))

    if True:
        # make a plain TCP connection to a thing
        ep = circ.stream_via(reactor, 'torproject.org', 80)

        d = Deferred()

        class ToyWebRequestProtocol(Protocol):
            def connectionMade(self):
                print("Connected via {}".format(self.transport.getHost()))
                self.transport.write('GET http://torproject.org/ HTTP/1.1\r\n'
                                     'Host: torproject.org\r\n'

            def dataReceived(self, d):
                print("  received {} bytes".format(len(d)))

            def connectionLost(self, reason):

        proto = yield ep.connect(Factory.forProtocol(ToyWebRequestProtocol))
        yield d
        print("All done, closing the circuit")
        yield circ.close()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main(reactor):
    # use port 9051 for system tor instances, or:
    # ep = UNIXClientEndpoint(reactor, '/var/run/tor/control')
    # ep = UNIXClientEndpoint(reactor, '/var/run/tor/control')
    ep = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, '', default_control_port())
    tor = yield txtorcon.connect(reactor, ep)
    print("Connected to {tor} via localhost:{port}".format(

    # add our client-side authentication tokens for the service.
    # You can create these by running the
    # web_onion_service_ephemeral_auth.py in a separate shell and
    # using either the "alice" or "bob" token in this client.
    token = u"0GaFhnbunp0TxZuBhejhxg"  # alice's token
    onion_uri = b"FIXME.onion"

    if b'FIXME' in onion_uri:
        print("Please edit to the correct .onion URI")

    yield tor.add_onion_authentication(onion_uri, token)
        # do the Web request as with any other
        agent = tor.web_agent()
        uri = b'http://{}/'.format(onion_uri)
        print("Downloading {}".format(uri))
        resp = yield agent.request(b'GET', uri)

        print("Response has {} bytes".format(resp.length))
        body = yield readBody(resp)
        # if you're using python3, see the example that uses async
        # context-managers to do this more cleanly.
        yield tor.remove_onion_authentication(onion_uri)
def main(reactor):
    tor = yield txtorcon.connect(
        endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, "localhost", 9251),
    ep = tor.create_filesystem_onion_endpoint(80, "./test_prop224_service", version=3)

    def on_progress(percent, tag, msg):
        print('%03d: %s' % (percent, msg))
    print("Note: descriptor upload can take several minutes")

    port = yield ep.listen(server.Site(Simple()))
    print("Site listening: {}".format(port.getHost()))
    print("Private key:\n{}".format(port.getHost().onion_key))
    yield defer.Deferred()  # wait forever
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main(reactor):
    ep = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, '', default_control_port())
    # ep = UNIXClientEndpoint(reactor, '/var/run/tor/control')
    tor = yield txtorcon.connect(reactor, ep)
    print("Connected:", tor)

    resp = yield treq.get(

    print("Retrieving {} bytes".format(resp.length))
    data = yield resp.text()
    print("Got {} bytes:\n{}\n[...]{}".format(
Ejemplo n.º 9
def main(reactor):
    tor = yield txtorcon.connect(
        endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, "localhost", 9251),
    ep = tor.create_filesystem_onion_endpoint(80,

    def on_progress(percent, tag, msg):
        print('%03d: %s' % (percent, msg))

    print("Note: descriptor upload can take several minutes")

    port = yield ep.listen(server.Site(Simple()))
    print("Site listening: {}".format(port.getHost()))
    print("Private key:\n{}".format(port.getHost().onion_key))
    yield defer.Deferred()  # wait forever
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_env_var(self, fake_os):
     fake_os.environ = dict(TX_CONTROL_PORT=1234)
     p = default_control_port()
     self.assertEqual(p, 1234)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_no_env_var(self):
     p = default_control_port()
     self.assertEqual(p, 9151)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def main(reactor):
    # use port 9051 for system tor instances, or:
    # ep = UNIXClientEndpoint(reactor, '/var/run/tor/control')
    ep = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, '', default_control_port())
    tor = yield txtorcon.connect(reactor, ep)
    print("Connected:", tor)

    config = yield tor.get_config()
    state = yield tor.create_state()
    socks = config.socks_endpoint(reactor)

    # create a custom circuit; in this case we're just letting Tor
    # decide the path but you *can* select a path (again: for advanced
    # use cases that will probably de-anonymize you)
    circ = yield state.build_circuit()
    print("Building a circuit:", circ)

    # at this point, the circuit will be "under way" but may not yet
    # be in BUILT state -- and hence usable. So, we wait. (Just for
    # demo purposes: the underlying connect will wait too)
    yield circ.when_built()
    print("Circuit is ready:", circ)

    if True:
        # create a web.Agent that will use this circuit (or fail)
        agent = circ.web_agent(reactor, socks)

        uri = 'https://www.torproject.org'
        print("Downloading {}".format(uri))
        resp = yield agent.request('GET', uri)

        print("Response has {} bytes".format(resp.length))
        body = yield readBody(resp)
        print("received body ({} bytes)".format(len(body)))
        print("{}\n[...]\n{}\n".format(body[:200], body[-200:]))

    if True:
        # make a plain TCP connection to a thing
        ep = circ.stream_via(reactor, 'torproject.org', 80, config.socks_endpoint(reactor))

        d = Deferred()

        class ToyWebRequestProtocol(Protocol):

            def connectionMade(self):
                print("Connected via {}".format(self.transport.getHost()))
                    'GET http://torproject.org/ HTTP/1.1\r\n'
                    'Host: torproject.org\r\n'

            def dataReceived(self, d):
                print("  received {} bytes".format(len(d)))

            def connectionLost(self, reason):
                print("disconnected: {}".format(reason.value))

        proto = yield ep.connect(Factory.forProtocol(ToyWebRequestProtocol))
        yield d
        print("All done, closing the circuit")
        yield circ.close()
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_env_var(self, fake_os):
     fake_os.environ = dict(TX_CONTROL_PORT=1234)
     p = default_control_port()
     self.assertEqual(p, 1234)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_no_env_var(self):
     p = default_control_port()
     self.assertEqual(p, 9151)