Ejemplo n.º 1
def addCustomType( newcls, parentClsName=None, **kwargs ):
	""" Add a custom class to this module - it will be handled like a native type
	:param newcls: new class object if metaclass is None, otherwise string name of the
		type name to be created by your metaclass
	:param parentClsName: if metaclass is set, the parentclass name ( of a class existing
		in the nodeTypeTree ( see /maya/cache/nodeHierarchy.html )
		Otherwise, if unset, the parentclassname will be extracted from the newcls object
	:param kwargs:
		 * force_creation: 
				if True, default False, the class type will be created immediately. This
				can be useful if you wish to use the type for comparison, possibly before it is first being
				queried by the system. The latter case would bind the StandinClass instead of the actual type.
	:raise KeyError: if the parentClsName does not exist"""
	newclsname = newcls
	newclsobj = None
	parentname = parentClsName
	if not isinstance( newcls, basestring ):
		newclsname = newcls.__name__
		newclsobj = newcls
		if not parentClsName:
			parentname = newcls.__bases__[0].__name__

	# add to hierarchy tree
	typ._addCustomType( globals(), parentname, newclsname, **kwargs )

	# add the class to our module if required
	if newclsobj:
		setattr( _thismodule, newclsname, newclsobj )
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def plugin_loaded(self, pluginName):
		"""Retrieve plugin information from a plugin named ``pluginName``, which is 
		assumed to be loaded.
		Currently the nodetypes found are added to the node-type tree to make them available.
		The plugin author is free to add specialized types to the tree afterwards, overwriting 
		the default ones.
		We loosely determine the inheritance by differentiating them into types suggested
		by MFn::kPlugin<Name>Node"""
		import base		# needs late import, TODO: reorganize modules
		self.log.debug("plugin '%s' loaded" % pluginName)
		type_names = cmds.pluginInfo(pluginName, q=1, dependNode=1) or list()
		self[pluginName] = type_names
		# register types in the system if possible
		dgmod = api.MDGModifier()
		dagmod = api.MDagModifier()
		transobj = None
		nt = globals()
		for tn in type_names:
			tnc = capitalize(tn)
			if tnc in nt:
				self.log.debug("Skipped type %s as it did already exist in module" % tnc)
			# END skip existing node types ( probably user created )
			# get the type id- first try depend node, then dag node. Never actually
			# create the nodes in the scene, created MObjects will be discarded
			# once the modifiers go out of scope
			apitype = None
				apitype = dgmod.createNode(tn).apiType()
			except RuntimeError:
					# most plugin dag nodes require a transform to be created
					# We create a dummy for the dagmod, otherwise it would create
					# it for us and return the parent transform instead, which 
					# has no child officially yet as its not part of the dag
					# ( so we cannot query the child from there ).
					if transobj is None:
						transobj = dagmod.createNode("transform")
					# END assure we have parent 
					apitype = dagmod.createNode(tn, transobj).apiType()
				except RuntimeError:
					self.log.error("Failed to retrieve apitype of node type %s - skipped" % tnc)
				# END dag exception handling
			# END dg exception handling 
			parentclsname = base._plugin_type_to_node_type_name.get(apitype, 'Unknown')
			typ._addCustomType( nt, parentclsname, tnc, force_creation=True )
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def plugin_loaded(self, pluginName, _may_spawn_callbacks=True):
     """Retrieve plugin information from a plugin named ``pluginName``, which is 
     assumed to be loaded.
     Currently the nodetypes found are added to the node-type tree to make them available.
     The plugin author is free to add specialized types to the tree afterwards, overwriting 
     the default ones.
     We loosely determine the inheritance by differentiating them into types suggested
     by MFn::kPlugin<Name>Node"""
     import base     # needs late import, TODO: reorganize modules
     self.log.debug("plugin '%s' loaded" % pluginName)
     type_names = cmds.pluginInfo(pluginName, q=1, dependNode=1) or list()
     self[pluginName] = type_names
     # register types in the system if possible
     dgmod = api.MDGModifier()
     dagmod = api.MDagModifier()
     transobj = None
     if _may_spawn_callbacks and (api.MFileIO.isOpeningFile() or api.MFileIO.isReadingFile()):
         messages = list()
         if api.MFileIO.isOpeningFile():
         elif api.MFileIO.isReadingFile():
             # when reading files (import + ref), the nodes seem to stay (tested in maya 2012)
             # therefore we delay the update until after the fact
             # recheck after import or reference
             messages.extend((api.MSceneMessage.kAfterImport, api.MSceneMessage.kAfterReference))
         #end handle messages
         plugin_info = [pluginName]
         for message in messages:
             info = list()
             info.append(api.MSceneMessage.addCallback(message, self._post_read_or_open_cb, info))
         #end for each message to create
     #end if we are allowed to spawn callbacks (because we are not called by one)
     nt = globals()
     for tn in type_names:
         tnc = capitalize(tn)
         if tnc in nt:
             self.log.debug("Skipped type %s as it did already exist in module" % tnc)
         # END skip existing node types ( probably user created )
         # get the type id- first try depend node, then dag node. Never actually
         # create the nodes in the scene, created MObjects will be discarded
         # once the modifiers go out of scope
         # NOTE: Actually, this is not true ! During file loading, its clearly visible
         # that the nodes stay, may it be dg nodes or dag nodes. This of course dumps 
         # quite a lot of data in case the MR plugin gets loaded.
         apitype = None
             apitype = dgmod.createNode(tn).apiType()
         except RuntimeError:
                 # most plugin dag nodes require a transform to be created
                 # We create a dummy for the dagmod, otherwise it would create
                 # it for us and return the parent transform instead, which 
                 # has no child officially yet as its not part of the dag
                 # ( so we cannot query the child from there ).
                 if transobj is None:
                     transobj = dagmod.createNode("transform")
                 # END assure we have parent 
                 apitype = dagmod.createNode(tn, transobj).apiType()
             except RuntimeError:
                 self.log.error("Failed to retrieve apitype of node type %s - skipped" % tnc)
             # END dag exception handling
         # END dg exception handling 
         parentclsname = base._plugin_type_to_node_type_name.get(apitype, 'Unknown')
         typ._addCustomType( nt, parentclsname, tnc, force_creation=True )