Ejemplo n.º 1
class ProcessManager:
    _process_chk = typchk.Checker({
        'id': int,

    def __init__(self, client):
        self._client = client

    def list(self, id=None):
        List all running process (the ones that were started by the core itself)

        :param id: optional ID for the process to list
        args = {'id': id}
        return self._client.json('process.list', args)

    def kill(self, id):
        Kill a process with given id

        :WARNING: beware of what u kill, if u killed redis for example core0 or coreX won't be reachable

        :param id: process id to kill
        args = {'id': id}
        return self._client.json('process.kill', args)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class KvmManager:
    _create_chk = typchk.Checker({
        'name': str,
        'image': str,
        'cpu': int,
        'memory': int,
        'bridge': typchk.Or(str, typchk.IsNone()),

    _destroy_chk = typchk.Checker({
        'name': str,

    def __init__(self, client):
        self._client = client

    def create(self, name, image, cpu=2, memory=512, bridge=None):
        args = {
            'name': name,
            'image': image,
            'cpu': cpu,
            'memory': memory,
            'bridge': bridge,

        self._client.sync('kvm.create', args)

    def destroy(self, name):
        args = {
            'name': name,

        self._client.sync('kvm.destroy', args)

    def list(self):
        return self._client.json('kvm.list', {})
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ZerotierManager:
    _network_chk = typchk.Checker({
        'network': str,

    def __init__(self, client):
        self._client = client

    def join(self, network):
        args = {'network': network}
        response = self._client.raw('zerotier.join', args)
        result = response.get()

        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to join zerotier network: %s',

    def leave(self, network):
        args = {'network': network}
        response = self._client.raw('zerotier.leave', args)
        result = response.get()

        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to leave zerotier network: %s',

    def list(self):
        response = self._client.raw('zerotier.list', {})
        result = response.get()

        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to join zerotier network: %s',

        data = result.data.strip()
        if data == '':
            return []

        return json.loads(data)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ContainerClient(BaseClient):
    _raw_chk = typchk.Checker({
        'container': int,
        'command': {
            'command': str,
            'arguments': typchk.Any(),

    def __init__(self, client, container):

        self._client = client
        self._container = container

    def raw(self, command, arguments):
        args = {
            'container': self._container,
            'command': {
                'command': command,
                'arguments': arguments,

        #check input

        response = self._client.raw('corex.dispatch', args)

        result = response.get()
        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to dispatch command to container: %s' %

        cmd_id = json.loads(result.data)
        return self._client.response_for(cmd_id)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class BtrfsManager:
    _create_chk = typchk.Checker({
        typchk.Enum("raid0", "raid1", "raid5", "raid6", "raid10", "dup",
                    "single", ""),
        typchk.Enum("raid0", "raid1", "raid5", "raid6", "raid10", "dup",
                    "single", ""),
        'devices': [str],

    _subvol_chk = typchk.Checker({
        'path': str,

    def __init__(self, client):
        self._client = client

    def list(self):
        List all btrfs filesystem
        result = self._client.raw('btrfs.list', {}).get()

        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to list btrfs: %s' % result.stderr)

        if result.level != 20:  # 20 is JSON output.
            raise RuntimeError('invalid response type from btrfs.list command')

        return json.loads(result.data)

    def create(self, label, devices, metadata_profile="", data_profile=""):
        Create a btrfs filesystem with the given label, devices, and profiles
        :param label: name/label
        :param devices : array of devices (under /dev)
        :metadata_profile: raid0, raid1, raid5, raid6, raid10, dup or single
        :data_profile: same as metadata profile
        args = {
            'label': label,
            'metadata': metadata_profile,
            'data': data_profile,
            'devices': devices


        result = self._client.raw('btrfs.create', args).get()

        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to create btrfs FS %s' % result.data)

    def subvol_create(self, path):
        Create a btrfs subvolume in the specified path
        :param path: path to create
        args = {'path': path}
        result = self._client.raw('btrfs.subvol_create', args).get()

        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to create btrfs subvolume %s' %

    def subvol_list(self, path):
        List a btrfs subvolume in the specified path
        :param path: path to be listed
        result = self._client.raw('btrfs.subvol_list', {'path': path}).get()

        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to list btrfs subvolume %s' %

        if result.level != 20:  # 20 is JSON output.
            raise RuntimeError(
                'invalid response type from btrfs.subvol_list command')

        return json.loads(result.data)

    def subvol_delete(self, path):
        Delete a btrfs subvolume in the specified path
        :param path: path to delete
        args = {'path': path}


        result = self._client.raw('btrfs.subvol_delete', args).get()

        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to list btrfs subvolume %s' %
Ejemplo n.º 6
class DiskManager:
    _mktable_chk = typchk.Checker({
        typchk.Enum('aix', 'amiga', 'bsd', 'dvh', 'gpt', 'mac', 'msdos',
                    'pc98', 'sun', 'loop')

    _mkpart_chk = typchk.Checker({
        typchk.Or(int, str),
        typchk.Or(int, str),
        typchk.Enum('primary', 'logical', 'extended'),

    _rmpart_chk = typchk.Checker({
        'disk': str,
        'number': int,

    _mount_chk = typchk.Checker({
        'options': str,
        'source': str,
        'target': str,

    _umount_chk = typchk.Checker({
        'source': str,

    def __init__(self, client):
        self._client = client

    def list(self):
        List available block devices
        response = self._client.raw('disk.list', {})

        result = response.get()

        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to list disks: %s' % result.stderr)

        if result.level != 20:  # 20 is JSON output.
            raise RuntimeError('invalid response type from disk.list command')

        data = result.data.strip()
        if data:
            return json.loads(data)
            return {}

    def mktable(self, disk, table_type='gpt'):
        Make partition table on block device.
        :param disk: Full device path like /dev/sda
        :param table_type: Partition table type as accepted by parted
        args = {
            'disk': disk,
            'table_type': table_type,


        response = self._client.raw('disk.mktable', args)

        result = response.get()

        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to create table: %s' % result.stderr)

    def mkpart(self, disk, start, end, part_type='primary'):
        Make partition on disk
        :param disk: Full device path like /dev/sda
        :param start: partition start as accepted by parted mkpart
        :param end: partition end as accepted by parted mkpart
        :param part_type: partition type as accepted by parted mkpart
        args = {
            'disk': disk,
            'start': start,
            'end': end,
            'part_type': part_type,


        response = self._client.raw('disk.mkpart', args)

        result = response.get()

        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to create partition: %s' %

    def rmpart(self, disk, number):
        Remove partion from disk
        :param disk: Full device path like /dev/sda
        :param number: Partition number (starting from 1)
        args = {
            'disk': disk,
            'number': number,


        response = self._client.raw('disk.rmpart', args)

        result = response.get()

        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to remove partition: %s' %

    def mount(self, source, target, options=[]):
        Mount partion on target
        :param source: Full partition path like /dev/sda1
        :param target: Mount point
        :param options: Optional mount options

        if len(options) == 0:
            options = ['auto']

        args = {
            'options': ','.join(options),
            'source': source,
            'target': target,

        response = self._client.raw('disk.mount', args)

        result = response.get()

        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to mount partition: %s' % result.stderr)

    def umount(self, source):
        Unmount partion
        :param source: Full partition path like /dev/sda1

        args = {
            'source': source,

        response = self._client.raw('disk.umount', args)

        result = response.get()

        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to umount partition: %s' %
Ejemplo n.º 7
class BridgeManager:
    _bridge_create_chk = typchk.Checker({
        'name': str,
        'hwaddr': str,
        'network': {
            'mode': typchk.Or(typchk.Enum('static', 'dnsmasq'),
            'nat': bool,
            'settings': typchk.Map(str, str),

    _bridge_delete_chk = typchk.Checker({
        'name': str,

    def __init__(self, client):
        self._client = client

    def create(self, name, hwaddr=None, network=None, nat=False, settings={}):
        Create a bridge with the given name, hwaddr and networking setup
        :param name: name of the bridge (must be unique)
        :param hwaddr: MAC address of the bridge. If none, a one will be created for u
        :param network: Networking mode, options are none, static, and dnsmasq
        :param nat: If true, SNAT will be enabled on this bridge.
        :param settings: Networking setting, depending on the selected mode.
                            no settings, bridge won't get any ip settings
                            settings={'cidr': 'ip/net'}
                            bridge will get assigned the given IP address
                            settings={'cidr': 'ip/net', 'start': 'ip', 'end': 'ip'}
                            bridge will get assigned the ip in cidr
                            and each running container that is attached to this IP will get
                            IP from the start/end range. Netmask of the range is the netmask
                            part of the provided cidr.
                            if nat is true, SNAT rules will be automatically added in the firewall.
        args = {
            'name': name,
            'hwaddr': hwaddr,
            'network': {
                'mode': network,
                'nat': nat,
                'settings': settings,


        response = self._client.raw('bridge.create', args)

        result = response.get()
        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to create bridge %s' % result.data)

        return json.loads(result.data)

    def list(self):
        response = self._client.raw('bridge.list', {})

        result = response.get()
        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to list bridges: %s' % result.data)

        return json.loads(result.data)

    def delete(self, bridge):
        args = {
            'name': bridge,


        response = self._client.raw('bridge.delete', args)

        result = response.get()
        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to list delete: %s' % result.data)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class ContainerManager:
    _create_chk = typchk.Checker({
        typchk.Or(typchk.Map(str, str), typchk.IsNone()),
        'network': {
            'zerotier': typchk.Or(str, typchk.IsNone()),
            'bridge': typchk.Or(
                [typchk.Length([str], 2)],
                typchk.IsNone()),  # list of tuples each of length 2 or None
        typchk.Or(typchk.Map(int, int), typchk.IsNone()),
        typchk.Or(str, typchk.IsNone()),

    _terminate_chk = typchk.Checker({'container': int})

    def __init__(self, client):
        self._client = client

    def create(self,
        Creater a new container with the given root plist, mount points and
        zerotier id, and connected to the given bridges
        :param root_url: The root filesystem plist
        :param mount: a dict with {host_source: container_target} mount points.
                      where host_source directory must exists.
                      host_source can be a url to a plist to mount.
        :param zerotier: An optional zerotier netowrk ID to join
        :param bridge: A list of tuples as ('bridge_name': 'network_setup')
                       where :network_setup: can be one of the following
                       '' or 'none':
                            no IP is gonna be set on the link
                            Run `udhcpc` on the container link, of course this will
                            only work if the `bridge` is created with `dnsmasq` networking
                            Assign static IP to the link

                        `bridge=[('br0', ''), ('br1', 'dhcp')]`
        :param port: A dict of host_port: container_port pairs
                        `port={8080: 80, 7000:7000}`
        :param hostname: Specific hostname you want to give to the container.
                         if None it will automatically be set to core-x,
                         x beeing the ID of the container

        args = {
            'root': root_url,
            'mount': mount,
            'network': {
                'zerotier': zerotier,
                'bridge': bridge,
            'port': port,
            'hostname': hostname,

        #validate input

        response = self._client.raw('corex.create', args)

        result = response.get()
        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to create container %s' % result.data)

        return json.loads(result.data)

    def list(self):
        response = self._client.raw('corex.list', {})

        result = response.get()
        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to list containers: %s' % result.data)

        return json.loads(result.data)

    def terminate(self, container):
        args = {
            'container': container,
        response = self._client.raw('corex.terminate', args)

        result = response.get()
        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('failed to terminate container: %s' %

    def client(self, container):
        return ContainerClient(self._client, container)
Ejemplo n.º 9
class BaseClient:
    _system_chk = typchk.Checker({
        'args': [str],
        typchk.Or(typchk.Map(str, str), typchk.IsNone()),

    _bash_chk = typchk.Checker({
        'stdin': str,

    def __init__(self):
        self._info = InfoManager(self)
        self._process = ProcessManager(self)

    def info(self):
        return self._info

    def process(self):
        return self._process

    def raw(self, command, arguments):
        Implements the low level command call, this needs to build the command structure
        and push it on the correct queue.

        :return: Response object
        raise NotImplemented()

    def sync(self, command, arguments):
        Same as self.raw except it do a response.get() waiting for the command execution to finish and reads the result

        :return: Result object
        response = self.raw(command, arguments)

        result = response.get()
        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('invalid response: %s' % result.state, result)

        return result

    def json(self, command, arguments):
        Same as self.sync except it assumes the returned result is json, and loads the payload of the return object

        :Return: Data
        result = self.sync(command, arguments)
        if result.level != 20:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'invalid result level, expecting json(20) got (%d)' %

        return json.loads(result.data)

    def ping(self):
        response = self.raw('core.ping', {})

        result = response.get()
        if result.state != 'SUCCESS':
            raise RuntimeError('invalid response: %s' % result.state)

        return json.loads(result.data)

    def system(self, command, dir='', stdin='', env=None):
        parts = shlex.split(command)
        if len(parts) == 0:
            raise ValueError('invalid command')

        args = {
            'name': parts[0],
            'args': parts[1:],
            'dir': dir,
            'stdin': stdin,
            'env': env,

        response = self.raw(command='core.system', arguments=args)

        return response

    def bash(self, command):
        args = {
            'stdin': command,
        response = self.raw(command='bash', arguments=args)

        return response