Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_serialize_invalid_mapper_type():
    class Foo(Structure):
        i = Integer

    with raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        serialize(Foo(i=1), mapper=[1, 2])
    assert 'Mapper must be a mapping' in str(excinfo.value)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_serialize_set_err():
    class Foo(Structure):
        a = Set()

    foo = Foo(a={1, 2, 3})
    with raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
    assert "a: Serialization unsupported for set, tuple" in str(excinfo.value)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_serialize_with_mapper_error():
    def my_func():

    class Foo(Structure):
        function = Function
        i = Integer

    foo = Foo(function=my_func, i=1)
    mapper = {'function': 5, 'i': FunctionCall(func=lambda x: x + 5)}
    with raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        serialize(foo, mapper=mapper)
    assert 'mapper must have a FunctionCall or a string' in str(excinfo.value)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_serializable_serialize_and_deserialize_of_a_non_serializable_value():
    from datetime import datetime

    class Foo(Structure):
        d = DateTime
        i = Integer

    atime = datetime(2020, 1, 30, 5, 35, 35)
    foo = Foo(d=atime, i=3, x=atime)
    with raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    # this is to cater to Python 3.6
    assert "x: cannot serialize value" in str(excinfo.value)
    assert "not JSON serializable" in str(excinfo.value)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_date_alternative_format_serialization():
    class Example(Structure):
        d = DateString(date_format="%Y%m%d")
        i = Integer

    e = Example(d="19900530", i=5)
    assert deserialize_structure(Example, serialize(e)) == e
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_string_field_wrapper_not_compact():
    class Foo(Structure):
        st = String
        _additionalProperties = False

    foo = Foo(st='abcde')
    assert serialize(foo, compact=False) == {'st': 'abcde'}
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_serializable_deserialize():
    class MySerializable(SerializableField):
        def __init__(self, *args, some_param="xxx", **kwargs):
            self._some_param = some_param
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        def deserialize(self, value):
            return {
                "my custom deserialization: {}, {}".format(
                    self._some_param, str(value))

        def serialize(self, value):
            return 123

    class Foo(Structure):
        d = Array[MySerializable(some_param="abcde")]
        i = Integer

    deserialized = deserialize_structure(Foo, {
        'd': ["191204", "191205"],
        'i': 3

    assert deserialized == Foo(i=3,
                                   'my custom deserialization: abcde, 191204'
                               }, {
                                   'my custom deserialization: abcde, 191205'

    assert serialize(deserialized) == {'d': [123, 123], 'i': 3}
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_set_field_wrapper_compact():
    class Foo(Structure):
        s = Array[AnyOf[String, Number]]
        _additionalProperties = False

    foo = Foo(s=['abcde', 234])
    assert serialize(foo, compact=True) == ['abcde', 234]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_serialize_with_deep_mapper():
    class Foo(Structure):
        a = String
        i = Integer

    class Bar(Structure):
        foo = Foo
        array = Array

    class Example(Structure):
        bar = Bar
        number = Integer

    example = Example(number=1,
                      bar=Bar(foo=Foo(a="string", i=5), array=[1, 2]))
    mapper = {
        'bar._mapper': {
            'foo._mapper': {
                "i": FunctionCall(func=lambda x: x * 2)
    serialized = serialize(example, mapper=mapper)
    assert serialized == \
               "number": 1,
                       "foo": {
                           "a": "string",
                           "i": 10
                       "array": [1, 2]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_deserialize_deque():
    class Example(Structure):
        d = Deque[Array]

    original = {'d': [[1, 2], [3, 4]]}
    deserialized = deserialize_structure(Example, original)
    assert deserialized == Example(d=deque([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))
    assert serialize(deserialized) == original
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_some_empty_fields():
    class Foo(Structure):
        a = Integer
        b = String
        _required = []

    foo = Foo(a=5)
    assert serialize(foo) == {'a': 5}
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_null_fields():
    class Foo(Structure):
        a = Integer
        b = String
        _required = []

    foo = Foo(a=5, c=None)
    assert serialize(foo) == {'a': 5}
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_serialize_with_mapper_to_different_keys():
    class Foo(Structure):
        a = String
        i = Integer

    foo = Foo(a='string', i=1)
    mapper = {'a': 'aaa', 'i': 'iii'}
    assert serialize(foo, mapper=mapper) == {'aaa': 'string', 'iii': 1}
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_serialize_non_typedpy_attribute():
    class Foo(Structure):
        a = String
        i = Integer

    foo = Foo(a='a', i=1)
    foo.x = {'x': 1, 's': 'abc'}
    assert serialize(foo)['x'] == {'x': 1, 's': 'abc'}
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_serialize_with_anything_field():
    class Foo(Structure):
        m = Map[String, Anything]

    original = {'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': 1}

    foo = Foo(m=original)
    assert serialize(foo.m) == original
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_serialize_map():
    class Foo(Structure):
        m1 = Map[String, Anything]
        m2 = Map
        i = Integer

    foo = Foo(m1={'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': 1}, m2={1: 2, 'x': 'b'}, i=5)
    serialized = serialize(foo)
    assert serialized['m1'] == {'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': 1}
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_serialize_with_mapper_with_function_with_args():
    class Foo(Structure):
        f = Float
        i = Integer

    foo = Foo(f=5.5, i=999)
    mapper = {
        'f': FunctionCall(func=lambda f: [int(f)], args=['i']),
        'i': FunctionCall(func=lambda x: str(x), args=['f'])
    assert serialize(foo, mapper=mapper) == {'f': [999], 'i': '5.5'}
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_serialize_enum_field_directly():
    class Values(enum.Enum):
        ABC = enum.auto()
        DEF = enum.auto()
        GHI = enum.auto()

    class Foo(Structure):
        arr = Array[Enum[Values]]

    foo = Foo(arr=[Values.ABC, Values.DEF])
    assert serialize(foo.arr[0]) == 'ABC'
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_serialize_map_without_any_type_definition():
    class Bar(Structure):
        m = Map()
        a = Integer

    original = Bar(a=3, m={'abc': Bar(a=2, m={"x": "xx"}), 'bcd': 2})
    serialized = serialize(original)
    pickled = pickle.dumps(serialized)
    assert type(serialized['m']) == dict
    assert type(serialized['m']['abc']) == dict
    assert type(serialized['m']['abc']['m']) == dict
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_serialize_with_mapper_with_function_converting_types():
    class Foo(Structure):
        num = Float
        i = Integer

    foo = Foo(num=5.5, i=999)
    mapper = {
        'num': FunctionCall(func=lambda f: [int(f)]),
        'i': FunctionCall(func=lambda x: str(x))
    assert serialize(foo, mapper=mapper) == {'num': [5], 'i': '999'}
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_serialize_with_mapper_to_different_keys_in_array():
    class Foo(Structure):
        a = String
        i = Integer

    class Bar(Structure):
        wrapped = Array[Foo]

    bar = Bar(wrapped=[Foo(a='string1', i=1), Foo(a='string2', i=2)])
    mapper = {'wrapped._mapper': {'a': 'aaa', 'i': 'iii'}, 'wrapped': 'other'}
    serialized = serialize(bar, mapper=mapper)
    assert serialized == \
           {'other': [{'aaa': 'string1', 'iii': 1}, {'aaa': 'string2', 'iii': 2}]}
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_serializable_serialize_and_deserialize():
    from datetime import date

    class Foo(Structure):
        d = Array[DateField(date_format="%y%m%d")]
        i = Integer

    foo = Foo(d=[date(2019, 12, 4), "191205"], i=3)
    serialized = serialize(foo)
    assert serialized == {'d': ["191204", "191205"], 'i': 3}

    deserialized = deserialize_structure(Foo, serialized)
    assert deserialized == Foo(i=3, d=[date(2019, 12, 4), date(2019, 12, 5)])
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_pickle_with_map_without_any_type_definition():
    class Bar(Structure):
        m = Map()
        a = Integer

    original = Bar(a=3, m={'abc': Bar(a=2, m={"x": "xx"}), 'bcd': 2})
    serialized = serialize(original)
    unpickeled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(serialized))
    deserialized = Deserializer(target_class=Bar).deserialize(unpickeled)
    # there is no info on the fact that deserialized.m['abc'] should be converted to a Bar instance, so
    # we convert it to a simple dict, to make it straight forward to compare
    original.m['abc'] = Serializer(original.m['abc']).serialize()
    assert deserialized == original
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_serialize_with_mapper_with_functions():
    def my_func():

    class Foo(Structure):
        function = Function
        i = Integer

    foo = Foo(function=my_func, i=1)
    mapper = {
        'function': FunctionCall(func=lambda f: f.__name__),
        'i': FunctionCall(func=lambda x: x + 5)
    assert serialize(foo, mapper=mapper) == {'function': 'my_func', 'i': 6}
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_serialization_with_implicit_wrappers_best_effort_can_work():
    class SimplePoint:
        x: int
        y: int

    class Foo(Structure):
        points = Array[SimplePoint]

    foo = Foo(points=[SimplePoint(1, 2), SimplePoint(2, 3)])
    serialized = serialize(foo)
    assert serialized['points'][0] == {"x": 1, "y": 2}
    deserialized = deserialize_structure(Foo, serialized)
    assert deserialized == foo
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_serializable_serialize_and_deserialize2():
    from datetime import datetime

    class Foo(Structure):
        d = Array[DateTime]
        i = Integer

    atime = datetime(2020, 1, 30, 5, 35, 35)
    atime_as_string = atime.strftime('%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S')
    foo = Foo(d=[atime, "01/30/20 05:35:35"], i=3)
    serialized = serialize(foo)
    assert serialized == {'d': [atime_as_string, '01/30/20 05:35:35'], 'i': 3}

    deserialized = deserialize_structure(Foo, serialized)
    assert str(deserialized) == str(
        Foo(i=3, d=[atime, datetime(2020, 1, 30, 5, 35, 35)]))
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_successful_deserialization_and_serialization_with_many_types1():
    original = {
        'anything': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
        'complex_allof': {
            'name': 'john',
            'ssid': '123'
        'array': [10, 7],
        'any': [{
            'name': 'john',
            'ssid': '123'
        'embedded': {
            'a1': 8,
            'a2': 0.5
        'people': [{
            'name': 'john',
            'ssid': '123'
        'simplestruct': {
            'name': 'danny'
        'array_of_one_of': [{
            'a1': 8,
            'a2': 0.5
        }, 0.5, 4, {
            'name': 'john',
            'ssid': '123'
    deserialized: Example = deserialize_structure(Example, original)
    deserialized.anything = Person(name="abc", ssid="123123123123123123")

    serialized = serialize(deserialized)
    original['anything'] = {'name': 'abc', 'ssid': '123123123123123123'}
    assert serialized == original
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_successful_deserialization_and_serialization_with_many_types():
    original = {
        'anything': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
        'complex_allof': {
            'name': 'john',
            'ssid': '123'
        'array': [10, 7],
        'any': [{
            'name': 'john',
            'ssid': '123'
        'embedded': {
            'a1': 8,
            'a2': 0.5
        'people': [{
            'name': 'john',
            'ssid': '123'
        'simplestruct': {
            'name': 'danny'
        'array_of_one_of': [{
            'a1': 8,
            'a2': 0.5
        }, 0.5, 4, {
            'name': 'john',
            'ssid': '123'

    serialized = serialize(deserialize_structure(Example, original))
    sorted_serialized = OrderedDict(sorted(serialized.items()))
    sorted_original = OrderedDict(sorted(original.items()))

    assert sorted_serialized == sorted_original
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_successful_deserialization_with_many_types():
    source = {
        'i': 5,
        's': 'test',
        'array': [10, 7],
        'embedded': {
            'a1': 8,
            'a2': 0.5
        'simplestruct': {
            'name': 'danny'
        'all': 5,
        'enum': 3
    example = deserialize_structure(Example, source)
    result = serialize(example)
    assert result == source
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_serialize_with_deep_mapper_camel_case():
    class Foo(Structure):
        a = String
        i_num = Integer
        c_d = Integer

    class Bar(Structure):
        foo_bar = Foo
        array_one = Array

    class Example(Structure):
        bar = Bar
        number = Integer

    example = Example(number=1,
                      bar=Bar(foo_bar=Foo(a="string", i_num=5, c_d=2),
                              array_one=[1, 2]))
    mapper = {
        'bar._mapper': {
            'foo_bar._mapper': {
                "c_d": "cccc",
                "i_num": FunctionCall(func=lambda x: x * 2)
    serialized = serialize(example, mapper=mapper, camel_case_convert=True)
    assert serialized == \
               "number": 1,
                       "fooBar": {
                           "a": "string",
                           "iNum": 10,
                           "cccc": 2
                       "arrayOne": [1, 2]