Ejemplo n.º 1
def dWtophatkspacedR ( kR  ,R ) :

	Returns the derivative of the Fourier Transform of the real space 
	top hat window function which is 1 when r < R, and 0 otherwise with 
	respect to R. 

		kR : unit less quantity. 
		R : Radius 
		array like derivative of Wtophatkspace with respect to R

	filt = 3.0 *(  np.sin(kR) / kR  - Wtophatkspace (kR )) 
	if tu.isiterable(R):

		x = filt.transpose()/R
		#returns an array whose elesements are k values for each R
		return x.transpose()


		return  filt /R 
Ejemplo n.º 2
def drawxband(refval , 
	xlims = None, 
	color = 'gray',
	bandwidths = [-0.1,0.1], 
	ua = None ):
	draw a shaded band of color color of certain width around a single 
	reference value refval
		refval    :	float , mandatory
			scalar (single) reference value, 
			Example: refval  = 1.0
		xlims     : list of two floats, optional, defaults to None
			min and max x values through which the band will 
			be drawn
			if None, these values are set from the limits of the 
			supplied axessubplot. If axessubplots is not supplied
			this will raise an error
		color     : python color style, optional,defaults to 'gray' 
			color of the band
		bandwidths : list of two floats, optional default to [-0.1, 0.1]
			width of the band to be shaded. 
		ua	  : optional, axes.subplot object on which to draw, 
			defaults to None
			axes object to use
		axes object
	example usage:
		>>> #To use an existing axes subplot object
		>>> drawxband (refval = 60., bandwidths = [-20.,20.], color = 'green', ua = myax0)	
		>>> #No axes object is available
		>>> drawxband (refval = 60., xlims = [4., 8.] , bandwidths = [-20.,20.],color = 'green')	

	status: Tests in plot_utils main. 
		tested R. Biswas, Fri Apr 18 08:29:54 CDT 2014 


	if ua == None:  
		ua = plt.gca()
		xl ,xh = ua.get_xlim()
		if xlims == None:
			xlims = [ xl , xh ] 

	#really started this conditional statement to make it general, 
	#but have not finished, will always go to the else condition
	#in current implementation
	if xlims == None:
		if not tu.isiterable(refval):
			raise ValueError("To draw band supply either refval as numpy array or xlims over which it should be drawn")
		xvals = np.linspace(xlims[0], xlims[1],2)

			#refvals = refval *np.ones(len(xvals) 

	#plot reference value
	ua.axhline(refval,color ='k',lw =2.0)
	#draw band
	ua.fill_between (xvals , refval + bandwidths[0], refval + bandwidths[1],
		color  = color , alpha =  0.25) 

	return ua