Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_save_load(tmpdir):
    import os
    print(f'tempdir = {tmpdir}')
    arr_in = zeros((10, 5))
    str_in = 'this is string'
    dict_in = {'1': 1, '2': 2}
    list_in = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    compound_in = {}
    compound_in['arr'] = arr_in
    compound_in['str'] = str_in
    compound_in['dict'] = dict_in
    compound_in['list'] = list_in

    # save to a file
    save_to_file(tmpdir + '/arr.pkl', arr_in)
    save_to_file(tmpdir + '/str.pkl', str_in)
    save_to_file(tmpdir + '/dict.pkl', dict_in)
    save_to_file(tmpdir + '/list.pkl', list_in)
    save_to_file(tmpdir + '/compound.pkl', compound_in)

    # Load to a file
    arr_out = load_from_file(tmpdir + '/arr.pkl')
    str_out = load_from_file(tmpdir + '/str.pkl')
    dict_out = load_from_file(tmpdir + '/dict.pkl')
    list_out = load_from_file(tmpdir + '/list.pkl')
    compound_out = load_from_file(tmpdir + '/compound.pkl')

    #run tests
    assert array_equal(arr_in, arr_out)
    assert str_in == str_out
    assert dict_in == dict_out
    assert list_in == list_out
    assert compound_in.keys() == compound_out.keys()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generate_video_from_list_of_stats(root, lst, key='dmax_frame'):
        Generates a movie clip from a collection of stats files.

        image modification:
            - sqrt (just take a square root of images)
            - log10 (take log base 10 of images)

        root :: (string)
        lst :: (list of filenames)
        key :: (string)


        >>> from ubcs_auxiliary.multiprocessing import new_process
        >>> new_process(generate_video_from_list_of_stats,'/mnt/data/dmout_breathing_1.stats.pkl')
    from numpy import sqrt, log10, zeros, where
    import cv2
    import h5py
    import os
    from time import time, ctime
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
    roottemp, tail = os.path.split(lst[0])
    basename, extension = tail.split('.')[0], '.'.join(tail.split('.')[1:])
    vbasename = '_'.join(basename.split('_')[:-1])
    fstats = load_from_file(os.path.join(root, tail))
    width = fstats[key].shape[1]
    height = fstats[key].shape[0]
    size = (width, height)
    fps = 24
    video_filename = os.path.join(root, vbasename + f'.{key}.mp4')
    print(f'the video filename is: {video_filename}')
    video_out = cv2.VideoWriter(video_filename,
                                cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), fps, size)
    for item in lst:
        print(f'{ctime(time())} processing file {item}')
        fstats = load_from_file(os.path.join(root, item))
        for i in range(int(fstats[key].max() + 1)):
            # writing to a image array
            img = zeros((height, width, 3), dtype='uint8')
            img[:, :, 1] = (fstats[key] == i)
            if i - 1 >= 0:
                img[:, :, 0] = (fstats[key] == i - 1)
            if i + 1 < 600:
                img[:, :, 2] = (fstats[key] == i + 1)
            img = img * 254
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_mono12p_to_image():
    from lcp_video import analysis
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
    height = 2048
    width = 2448
    raw = load_from_file('lcp_video/test_data/flir_mono12p_rawdata.pkl')
    image_original = load_from_file(
    image_reconstruct = analysis.mono12p_to_image(raw, height, width).reshape(
        (2048, 2448))

    assert (image_reconstruct == image_original).all()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_spots_mask(root,data,stats_ref,stats_dark):
    from h5py import File
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
    from skimage import measure
    from numpy import where, zeros_like, bool, zeros,sqrt, ones
    from time import time
    stats_ref = load_from_file(root+'camera_8mm_Reference.stats.pkl')
    stats_dark = load_from_file(root+'/camera_8mm_Dark.stats.pkl')
    data = root + 'camera_8mm_Spray.gzip.hdf5'
    mask_filename = root + 'camera_8mm_Spray.mask.gzip.hdf5'
    M1 = stats_ref['M1']
    M2 = stats_ref['M2']
    M3 = stats_ref['M3']
    row = 3000
    col = 4096
    N_images = 600
    sigma = 6
    slit_mask = ones((row,col))
    slit_mask[:,3950:] = 0
    N_count = zeros(N_images)
    t1 = time()
    with File(data,'r') as f_data:
        with File(mask_filename,'a') as f_mask:
            N_images,row,col = (600,3000,4096)
            f_mask.create_dataset('mask', (N_images,3000,4096), dtype = 'int8', chunks = (1,3000,4096), compression = 'gzip')
            f_mask.create_dataset('blobs', (N_images,3000,4096), dtype = 'int16', chunks = (1,3000,4096), compression = 'gzip')
            images = f_data['images']
            skew_threshold = 0.3
            normal_mask = (M3 > -skew_threshold) & (M3 < skew_threshold)
            threshold = []

            for i in range(N_images):
                t0 = time()
                mask = zeros((3000,4096))
                for j in [2,3,4,5,6]:
                    if j == 2:
                        c = 2
                        c = 1
                    mask += c*(((images[i] - M1) > j*sqrt(M2))*normal_mask*slit_mask)
                blobs = measure.label(mask==6).astype('int16')
                f_mask['blobs'][i] = blobs
                f_mask['mask'][i] = mask

                print(i,time()-t0, blobs.max())
    t2 = time()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def benchmark_u12_to_16():
    #mono12packed_to_image(rawdata, height, width, mask)
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
    from time import time
    import timeit
    from numpy import array, ones, uint8
    preparation = ""
    testcode = 'data = u12_to_16(rawdata, height=height, width = width)'

    preparation += "from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file;\n"
    preparation += 'from numpy import vstack, tile, hstack, arange,reshape, vstack, tile, hstack, arange,reshape, packbits, reshape, int16, concatenate, array, ones, uint8;\n'
    preparation += "from lcp_video.analysis import u12_to_16;\n"
    preparation += f"height = 3000; width = 4096;\n"
    preparation += "rawdata = load_from_file('lcp_video/test_data/mono12p_dataset_12Mpixels.pkl');\n "

    t_full = timeit.Timer(testcode, preparation)

    print('tested code')
        "    arr = rawdata.reshape(-1,3) \n        byte_even = arr[:,0]+256*(bitwise_and(arr[:,1],15)) \n \
        byte_odd = right_shift(bitwise_and(arr[:,1],240),4) + right_shift(256*arr[:,2],4) \n \
        img = empty(height*width,dtype='int16') \n \
        img[0::2] = byte_even\n \
        img[1::2] = byte_odd\n \
        return img.reshape(height,width) \n")
    temp = array(t_full.repeat(4, 100)) / 100
        f"Full function: {round(temp.mean(),3)} +- {round(temp.std(),3)}, with min {round(temp.min(),3)} and max {round(temp.max(),3)}"

    from numpy import vstack, tile, hstack, arange, reshape, vstack, tile, hstack, arange, reshape, packbits, reshape, int16, concatenate, array, ones, uint8
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
    height = 2048
    width = 2448
    from lcp_video.analysis import mono12p_to_image
    rawdata = load_from_file('lcp_video/test_data/flir_mono12p_rawdata.pkl')
    img = load_from_file('lcp_video/test_data/flir_mono12p_image.pkl')
    data = mono12p_to_image(rawdata, height=height, width=width)

    print((data.reshape(height, width) == img).any())

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    plt.imshow(data.reshape(height, width))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def profile_mono12p_to_image():
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
    from lcp_video.analysis import mono12p_to_image
    mono12p = load_from_file('lcp_video/test_data/flir_rawdata_mono12p.pkl')
    height = 2048
    width = 2448
    data = mono12p_to_image(mono12p, height, width)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def generate_video_from_list_of_hdf5files(root, lst, stats_finame):
        Generates a movie clip from a collection of hdf5 files. The input is a list of hdf5 filenames in correct order

        image modification:
            - sqrt (just take a square root of images)
            - log10 (take log base 10 of images)

        filename :: (string)


        >>> from ubcs_auxiliary.multiprocessing import new_process
        >>> new_process(generate_video_from_hdf5file,['/mnt/data/dmout_breathing_1.data.hdf5'])
    from numpy import sqrt, log10, zeros, where
    import cv2
    import h5py
    import os
    from time import time, ctime
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
    roottemp, tail = os.path.split(lst[0])
    basename, extension = tail.split('.')[0], '.'.join(tail.split('.')[1:])
    vbasename = '_'.join(basename.split('_')[:-1])
    fdata = h5py.File(os.path.join(root, tail), 'r')
    width = fdata['image width'][()]
    height = fdata['image height'][()]
    size = (width, height)
    fps = 1 / 0.032
    stats = load_from_file(stats_finame)
    img_mean = stats['S1'] / stats['N']
    video_filename = os.path.join(root, vbasename + '.mp4')
    print(f'the video filename is: {video_filename}')
    video_out = cv2.VideoWriter(video_filename,
                                cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), fps, size)
    for item in lst:
        print(f'{ctime(time())} processing file {item}')
        fdata = h5py.File(os.path.join(root, item), 'r')
        for i in range(fdata['images'].shape[0]):
            # writing to a image array
            img = zeros((height, width, 3))
            img[:, :, 1] = fdata['images'][i] - img_mean

            if i - 1 >= 0:
                img[:, :, 0] = fdata['images'][i - 1] - img_mean
            if i + 1 < fdata['images'].shape[0]:
                img[:, :, 2] = fdata['images'][i + 1] - img_mean
            idx = where(img < 0)
            img[idx] = 0
            img = img.astype('uint8')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def stats_from_chunk(reference, sigma=6):
    """Returns mean, var, and threshold (in counts) for reference. The mean
    and var are calculated after omitting the largest and smallest values
    found for each pixel, which assumes few particles in the laser
    sheet. The threshold statistic corresponds to the specified sigma level.
    Adding 0.5 to var helps compensate for digitization error so that false
    positives in the light sheet approximately match that outside the light
    sheet. The threshold for pixels defined by 'mask' are reset to 4095, which
    ensures they won't contribute to hits."""
    from lcp_video.procedures.analysis_functions import poisson_array, dm16_mask, images_from_file, save_to_file
    from numpy import sqrt, ceil, cast, array, zeros_like
    from time import time
    from os import path
    t0 = time()
    if '.data.' in reference:
        stats_name = reference.replace('.data.hdf5', '.stats.pkl')
    if '.raw.' in reference:
        stats_name = reference.replace('.raw.hdf5', '.stats.pkl')
    if path.exists(stats_name):
        stats = load_from_file(stats_name)
        median = stats['median']
        mean = stats['mean']
        var = stats['var']
        threshold = stats['threshold']
        print('Processing {} ... please wait'.format(reference))
        # Load images and sort in place to minmimze memory footprint
        images = images_from_file(reference)
        mask = zeros_like(images[0])
        if 'dm16' in reference: mask = dm16_mask()
        # Compute median, then mean and var after omitting smallest and largest values.
        N = len(images)
        M = int(N / 2)
        median = images[M]
        mean = images[1:-1].mean(axis=0, dtype='float32')
        var = images[1:-1].var(axis=0, dtype='float32')
        # Compute std_ratio; used to rescale stdev.
        std_ratio = []
        for i in range(10000):
            dist = poisson_array(3, N, sort=True)
            std_ratio.append(dist.std() / dist[1:-1].std())
        std_ratio_mean = array(std_ratio).mean()
        # Compute threshold to nearest larger integer; recast as int16.
        threshold = ceil(mean + sigma * std_ratio_mean * sqrt(var + 0.5))
        threshold = cast['int16'](threshold) - median
        threshold[mask] = 4095
        save_to_file(stats_name, {
            'median': median,
            'mean': mean,
            'var': var,
            'threshold': threshold
    print('time to execute stats_from_chunk [s]: {:0.1f}'.format(time() - t0))
    return median, mean, var, threshold
Ejemplo n.º 9
def find_spots_sigma(filename_source,
    from numpy import zeros_like, rint, sqrt, maximum, where, ones
    from h5py import File
    from time import ctime, time
    from skimage import measure
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
    ref_dic = load_from_file(ref_dic)
    if roi_mask is None:
        roi_mask = ones((3000, 4096))
    with File(filename_source, 'r') as fs:
        if filename_destination == None:
            filename_destination = filename_source.replace(
                '.gzip.hdf5', '.mask1.hdf5')
        with File(filename_destination, 'a') as fd:
            length, width, height = fs['images'].shape
            fd.create_dataset('pixel_mask', (length, 3000, 4096),
                              chunks=(1, 3000, 4096),
            fd.create_dataset('pixel_hits', (length, ),
            fd.create_dataset('particle_mask', (length, 3000, 4096),
                              chunks=(1, 3000, 4096),
            fd.create_dataset('particle_hits', (length, ),
            M1 = (ref_dic['S1'] - ref_dic['Imax1'] -
                  ref_dic['Imin']) / (ref_dic['N'] - 2)
            sigma = sqrt(ref_dic['S2'] / ref_dic['N'] - M1**2)
            for i in range(length):
                image = fs['images'][i]
                mask = zeros_like(image)
                for j in range(2, 7):
                    if j == 2:
                        coeff = 2
                        coeff = 1
                    mask += (((image - M1) * roi_mask) > j * sigma) * coeff
                idx = where(mask == 6)
                fd['pixel_mask'][i] = mask
                enummask = measure.label(mask == 6)
                fd['particle_mask'][i] = enummask
                fd['particle_hits'][i] = enummask.max()
                fd['pixel_hits'][i] = mask[idx].sum()
Ejemplo n.º 10
def generate_mask_from_stats(root, filename):
    Generates a binary mask from a .stats. file

    image modification:
        - sqrt (just take a square root of images)
        - log10 (take log base 10 of images)

    root :: (string)
    filename :: (string)


    >>> from ubcs_auxiliary.multiprocessing import new_child_process
    >>> new_child_process(generate_mask_from_stats,'/mnt/data/', dmout_breathing_1.stats.pkl')
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
    from h5py import File
    from numpy import zeros, where
    from time import time, ctime
        f"{ctime(time())} Start creating {root+filename.split('.')[0]+'.mask.hdf5'} file"
    stats = load_from_file(root + filename)
    fdata = File(root + filename.split('.')[0] + '.data.hdf5', 'r')
    mask = zeros(fdata['images'].shape, dtype='bool')
    zhit_dic = Zhit(stats)
    hit_mask = zhit_dic[4] * stats['dmax_frame']
    for i in range(600):
        mask[i] = (hit_mask == i)
    print(f'{ctime(time())} writing .mask.hdf5')
    with File(root + filename.split('.')[0] + '.mask.hdf5', 'a') as fmask:
    print(f'{ctime(time())} Done')
Ejemplo n.º 11
def zfs_light_data_hdf5(dark_zfs_filename, light_filename, clip=2):
    from lcp_video.analysis import zinger_free_statistics
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file, save_to_file
    from numpy import ndarray
    from h5py import File
    print(f'Getting DarkData from {dark_zfs_filename}')
    print(f'Analysing LightData from {light_filename}')
    filename = light_filename.split(',')[0] + '.light_zfs'
    print(f'ZFS LightData will be saved to {filename}')
    dmean = load_from_file(dark_zfs_filename)['M1']
    with File(light_filename, 'r') as f:
        dic = zinger_free_statistics(f['images'], Dmean=dmean, clip=clip)
        save_to_file(filename, dic)
    filename_zfs = filename.split('.hdf5')[0] + '.light_zfs.hdf5'
    with File(filename_zfs, 'a') as f_new:
        for key in list(dic.keys()):
            data = dic[key]
            if type(data) is ndarray:
                f_new.create_dataset(key, data=data, compression='gzip')
                f_new.create_dataset(key, data=data)
    print(f'analysis of {light_filename} is done')
Ejemplo n.º 12
def calculate_spots_from_mask(data_filename, mask_filename, stats_filename,
    creates a catalog(table) of unique particles according to the supplied mask. The
    from time import time, ctime
    import h5py
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
    import numpy as np
    import cv2
    import os
    from lcp_video.analysis import grow_mask, get_array_piece

    temp_arr = np.zeros((21, ))
    d_file = h5py.File(data_filename, 'r')
    m_file = h5py.File(mask_filename, 'r')
    stats_data = load_from_file(stats_filename)
    M1 = (stats_data['S1'] - stats_data['Imax1'] -
          stats_data['Imin']) / (stats_data['N'] - 2)
    FFcorr = load_from_file(ffcorr_filename)['FF_corr']
    N_spots = np.sum(m_file['particle_hits'])

    head, tail = os.path.split(data_filename)
    destination_filename = os.path.join(
        tail.split('.')[0] + '.spots.gzip.hdf5')
    with h5py.File(destination_filename, 'a') as f_destination:
        f_destination.create_dataset('spots', (N_spots, 21),
        f_destination.create_dataset('spots_images', (N_spots, 31, 31),
        f_destination.create_dataset('stats file', data=stats_filename)
        f_destination.create_dataset('FFcorr file', data=ffcorr_filename)
        f_destination.create_dataset('time', data=ctime(time()))
        spot_i = 0
        for i in range(600):
                f'{ctime(time())}: processing image {i} and saving into file {f_destination}'
            spots_N = m_file['particle_hits'][i]
            enummask = m_file['particle_mask'][i]
            image = d_file['images'][i] - M1
            t = d_file['timestamp'][i]
            for j in range(spots_N):
                mask = grow_mask((enummask == (j + 1)), 2)
                img = image * mask / FFcorr
                temp_arr[0] = i
                temp_arr[1] = spot_i
                temp_arr[2] = t
                temp_arr[3] = np.max(img)
                temp_arr[4] = np.where(img == temp_arr[3])[1][0]
                temp_arr[5] = np.where(img == temp_arr[3])[0][0]
                temp_arr[6] = np.sum(mask)
                m = cv2.moments(img)
                temp_arr[7] = m['m00']
                temp_arr[8] = m['m10']
                temp_arr[9] = m['m01']
                temp_arr[10] = m['m11']
                temp_arr[11] = m['m20']
                temp_arr[12] = m['m02']
                temp_arr[13] = m['m21']
                temp_arr[14] = m['m12']
                temp_arr[15] = m['m30']
                temp_arr[16] = m['m03']
                x_mean = m['m10'] / m['m00']
                y_mean = m['m01'] / m['m00']
                x_var = (m['m20'] / m['m00']) - (m['m10'] / m['m00'])**2
                y_var = (m['m02'] / m['m00']) - (m['m01'] / m['m00'])**2
                temp_arr[17] = x_mean
                temp_arr[18] = y_mean
                temp_arr[19] = x_var
                temp_arr[20] = y_var
                spots_image = get_array_piece(img,
                f_destination['spots'][spot_i] = temp_arr
                f_destination['spots_images'][spot_i] = spots_image
                spot_i += 1
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_test_images(i=0):
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
    filename = './laue_crystallography/tests/images/holes_example1.imgpkl'
    img = load_from_file(filename)
    return img
from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
from lcp_video.analysis import mono12p_to_image
mono12p = load_from_file('lcp_video/test_data/flir_rawdata_mono12p.pkl')
height = 2048
width = 2448
data = mono12p_to_image(mono12p, height, width)
Ejemplo n.º 15
convert to (N,8) 1bit arrays

flatten the (N,8) array to (N*8,)

construct (M,12) array from (N*8,)

Step4. Sum axis 1.
import numpy as np
from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
image = load_from_file('./lcp_video/test_data/flir_image.pkl')
rawdata = load_from_file('./lcp_video/test_data/flir_rawdata.pkl')

def get_mask(length):
    from numpy import vstack, tile, hstack, arange
    b0 = 2**hstack((arange(4,12,1),arange(4)))
    b1 = 2**arange(12)
    b = vstack((b0,b1))
    bt = tile(b,(int((length/(2*1.5))),1)).astype('uint16')
    return bt

def raw_to_image(rawdata, height, witdh, mask):
    from numpy import vstack, tile, hstack, arange,reshape
    data_Nx8 = ((rawdata.reshape((-1,1)) & (2**arange(8))) != 0)
    data_N8x1 = data_Nx8.flatten()
    data_Mx12 = data_N8x1.reshape((int(rawdata.shape[0]/1.5),12))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def read_dict(filename):
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
    return load_from_file(filename)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def load_buffer(filename):
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
    data = load_from_file(filename)
Ejemplo n.º 18

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # The Record Name is specified by prefix
    prefix = 'microfludics'
    from pdb import pm
    from tempfile import gettempdir
    import logging
    logging.basicConfig(filename=gettempdir() + '/{}.log'.format(prefix),
                        format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s")

    from tempfile import gettempdir

    #For testing
    from numpy import arange
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from ubcs_auxiliary.save_load_object import load_from_file
    root = '/Users/femto-13/microfluidics_data/puck5/'
    bckg = load_from_file(root + 'bck_19.imgpkl').astype('float64')
    for i in range(19):
        bckg += load_from_file(root + f'bck_{i}.imgpkl').astype('float64')
    bckg = bckg.T / 20.0
    img1 = load_from_file(root + 'image_15.imgpkl').astype('float64').T
    data = -1 * (img1 - bckg)
    mask = analyse_array(data[:, :, 0] + data[:, :, 1] + data[:, :, 2],
                         N=[1, 2, 3])