Ejemplo n.º 1
class CONFIDENCE(object):
    UNKNOWN = None
    GUESSING = 1
    NOT_SURE = 2

    INT_TO_CODE = ub.odict([
        (ABSOLUTELY_SURE, 'absolutely_sure'),
        (PRETTY_SURE, 'pretty_sure'),
        (NOT_SURE, 'not_sure'),
        (GUESSING, 'guessing'),
        (UNKNOWN, 'unspecified'),

    INT_TO_NICE = ub.odict([
        (ABSOLUTELY_SURE, 'Doubtless'),
        (PRETTY_SURE, 'Sure'),
        (NOT_SURE, 'Unsure'),
        (GUESSING, 'Guessing'),
        (UNKNOWN, 'Unspecified'),

    CODE_TO_NICE = ub.map_keys(INT_TO_CODE, INT_TO_NICE)
    CODE_TO_INT = ub.invert_dict(INT_TO_CODE)
    NICE_TO_CODE = ub.invert_dict(CODE_TO_NICE)
    NICE_TO_INT = ub.invert_dict(INT_TO_NICE)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class QUAL(object):
    GOOD = 4
    OK = 3
    POOR = 2
    JUNK = 1
    UNKNOWN = None

    INT_TO_CODE = ub.odict([
        (EXCELLENT, 'excellent'),
        (GOOD, 'good'),
        (OK, 'ok'),
        (POOR, 'poor'),
        (JUNK, 'junk'),
        (UNKNOWN, 'unspecified'),

    INT_TO_NICE = ub.odict([
        (EXCELLENT, 'Excellent'),
        (GOOD, 'Good'),
        (OK, 'OK'),
        (POOR, 'Poor'),
        (JUNK, 'Junk'),
        (UNKNOWN, 'Unspecified'),

    CODE_TO_NICE = ub.map_keys(INT_TO_CODE, INT_TO_NICE)
    CODE_TO_INT = ub.invert_dict(INT_TO_CODE)
    NICE_TO_CODE = ub.invert_dict(CODE_TO_NICE)
    NICE_TO_INT = ub.invert_dict(INT_TO_NICE)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    mapper0, mapper2, cats2 = define_fine_challenge_categories()
    mapper0, mapper1, cats1 = define_coarse_challenge_categories()


    assert all([k == v for k, v in mapper2.items()])
    assert not all([k != v for k, v in mapper1.items()])

    raw_to_fine_cat = {k: mapper2[v] for k, v in mapper0.items()}
    raw_to_coarse_cat = {k: mapper1[v] for k, v in mapper0.items()}

    fine_to_coarse_cat = {}
    fine_to_raws = ub.invert_dict(mapper0, 0)
    for fine, raws in fine_to_raws.items():
        for raw in raws:
            coarse = raw_to_coarse_cat[raw]
            fine_to_coarse_cat[fine] = coarse

    print(ub.repr2(ub.invert_dict(raw_to_fine_cat, False)))
    print(ub.repr2(ub.invert_dict(raw_to_coarse_cat, False)))

    # Write a python file that contains coarse mappings
    text = ub.codeblock(
        """ autogenerated file defining the viame challenge 2018 categories """

        class FineGrainedChallenge(object):
            raw_to_cat = {raw_to_fine_cat}
            heirarchy = {cats2}

        class CoarseChallenge(object):
            raw_to_cat = {raw_to_coarse_cat}
            fine_to_cat = {fine_to_coarse_cat}
            heirarchy = {cats1}
    import autopep8
    pep8_options = {}
    new_text = autopep8.fix_code(text, pep8_options)
    # print(new_text)
    ub.writeto(join(dirname(viame_wrangler.__file__), 'mappings.py'), new_text)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class EVIDENCE_DECISION(object):
    Enumerated types of review codes and texts

        Unreviewed: Not comparared yet.
        nomatch: Visually comparable and the different
        match: Visually comparable and the same
        notcomp: Not comparable means it is actually impossible to determine.
        unknown: means that it was reviewed, but we just can't figure it out.
    NEGATIVE = 0
    POSITIVE = 1
    UNKNOWN = 3

    INT_TO_CODE = ub.odict([
        # (POSITIVE       , 'match'),
        # (NEGATIVE       , 'nomatch'),
        # (INCOMPARABLE   , 'notcomp'),
        # (POSITIVE       , 'positive'),
        # (NEGATIVE       , 'negative'),
        # (INCOMPARABLE   , 'incomparable'),
        # (UNKNOWN        , 'unknown'),
        # (UNREVIEWED     , 'unreviewed'),
        (POSITIVE, 'POSTV'),
        (NEGATIVE, 'NEGTV'),
        (UNKNOWN, 'UNKWN'),
        (UNREVIEWED, 'UNREV'),

    INT_TO_NICE = ub.odict([
        (POSITIVE, 'Positive'),
        (NEGATIVE, 'Negative'),
        (INCOMPARABLE, 'Incomparable'),
        (UNKNOWN, 'Unknown'),
        (UNREVIEWED, 'Unreviewed'),

    CODE_TO_NICE = ub.map_keys(INT_TO_CODE, INT_TO_NICE)
    CODE_TO_INT = ub.invert_dict(INT_TO_CODE)
    NICE_TO_CODE = ub.invert_dict(CODE_TO_NICE)
    NICE_TO_INT = ub.invert_dict(INT_TO_NICE)

Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _build_index(self):
        """ construct lookup tables """
        # Most of the categories should have been given integer ids
        max_id = max(
                     nx.get_node_attributes(self.graph, 'id').values()))
        # Fill in id-values for any node that doesn't have one
        node_to_id = {}
        for node, attrs in sorted(self.graph.nodes.items()):
            node_to_id[node] = attrs.get('id', max_id + 1)
            max_id = max(max_id, node_to_id[node])
        id_to_node = ub.invert_dict(node_to_id)

        # Compress ids into a flat index space (sorted by node ids)
        idx_to_node = ub.argsort(node_to_id)
        node_to_idx = {node: idx for idx, node in enumerate(idx_to_node)}

        # Find the sets of nodes that need to be softmax-ed together
        node_groups = list(traverse_siblings(self.graph))
        idx_groups = [
            sorted([node_to_idx[n] for n in group]) for group in node_groups

        # Set instance attributes
        self.id_to_node = id_to_node
        self.node_to_id = node_to_id
        self.idx_to_node = idx_to_node
        self.node_to_idx = node_to_idx
        self.idx_groups = idx_groups
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, coco_dset):
        self.dset = coco_dset

        self.label_names = sorted(self.dset.name_to_cat,
                                  key=lambda n: self.dset.name_to_cat[n]['id'])
        self._class_to_ind = ub.invert_dict(dict(enumerate(self.label_names)))
        self.base_size = np.array([416, 416])

        self.num_images = len(self.dset.imgs)

        self.num_classes = len(self.label_names)
            self.input_id = ub.hash_data(self.dset.dataset)
        except TypeError:
            self.input_id = ub.hash_data(ub.repr2(self.dset.dataset, nl=0))
        # self.input_id = os.path.basename(self.coco_fpath)

        if False:
            # setup heirarchy
            import networkx as nx
            g = nx.DiGraph()
            for cat in self.dset.cats.values():
                if 'supercategory' in cat:
                    g.add_edge(cat['supercategory'], cat['name'])
            for key, val in g.adj.items():
                print('node = {!r}'.format(key))
                print('    * neighbs = {!r}'.format(list(val)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(verif, infr):
     verif.rng = np.random.RandomState(4033913)
     verif.dummy_params = {
         NEGTV: {'mean': .2, 'std': .25},
         POSTV: {'mean': .85, 'std': .2},
         INCMP: {'mean': .15, 'std': .1},
     verif.infr = infr
     verif.orig_nodes = set(infr.aids)
     verif.orig_labels = infr.get_node_attrs('orig_name_label')
     verif.orig_groups = ub.invert_dict(verif.orig_labels, False)
     verif.orig_groups = ub.map_vals(set, verif.orig_groups)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class META_DECISION(object):
    Enumerated types of review codes and texts

        unreviewed: we dont have a meta decision
        same: we know this is the same animal through non-visual means
        diff: we know this is the different animal through non-visual means

        >>> assert hasattr(META_DECISION, 'CODE')
        >>> assert hasattr(META_DECISION, 'NICE')
        >>> code2 = META_DECISION.CODE.NULL
        >>> assert code1 == code2
        >>> nice2 = META_DECISION.NICE.NULL
        >>> assert nice1 == nice2
    NULL = None
    DIFF = 0
    SAME = 1
    INT_TO_CODE = ub.odict([
        (NULL, 'null'),
        (DIFF, 'diff'),
        (SAME, 'same'),
    INT_TO_NICE = ub.odict([
        (NULL, 'NULL'),
        (DIFF, 'Different'),
        (SAME, 'Same'),
    CODE_TO_NICE = ub.map_keys(INT_TO_CODE, INT_TO_NICE)
    CODE_TO_INT = ub.invert_dict(INT_TO_CODE)
    NICE_TO_CODE = ub.invert_dict(CODE_TO_NICE)
    NICE_TO_INT = ub.invert_dict(INT_TO_NICE)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def seq_to_tree(subseq, open_to_close, toks):
    open_to_tok = ub.invert_dict(toks)
    subtree = nx.OrderedDiGraph()
    stack = []
    for token in subseq:
        if token in open_to_close:
            node = open_to_tok[token]
            if stack:
                parent = open_to_tok[stack[-1]]
                subtree.add_edge(parent, node)
            if not stack:
                raise Exception
            prev_open = stack.pop()
            want_close = open_to_close[prev_open]
            if token != want_close:
                raise Exception
    return subtree
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def set_labelnames(task, labelnames, ignore_labelnames=[], alias={}):
        task.labelnames = list(labelnames)
        task.labelname_alias = alias
        task.ignore_labelnames = ignore_labelnames

        # Remove aliased classes
        for k in alias.keys():
            if k in task.labelnames:

        # Assign an integer label to each labelname
        task.labelname_to_id = ub.invert_dict(dict(enumerate(task.labelnames)))

        # Map aliased classes to a different label
        for k, v in alias.items():
            task.labelname_to_id[k] = task.labelname_to_id[v]

        task.ignore_labelnames = ignore_labelnames
        task.ignore_labels = np.array(
            list(ub.take(task.labelname_to_id, task.ignore_labelnames)))

        task.labels = np.arange(len(task.labelnames))
        task.relevant_labels = np.setdiff1d(task.labels, task.ignore_labels)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, devkit_dpath=None, split='train', years=[2007, 2012]):
        if devkit_dpath is None:
            # ub.expandpath('~/data/VOC/VOCdevkit')
            devkit_dpath = self.ensure_voc_data(years=years)

        self.devkit_dpath = devkit_dpath
        self.years = years

        # determine train / test splits
        self.gpaths = []
        self.apaths = []
        if split == 'test':
            assert 2007 in years, 'test set is hacked to be only 2007'
            gps, aps = self._read_split_paths('test', 2007)
            self.gpaths += gps
            self.apaths += aps
            for year in sorted(years):
                gps, aps = self._read_split_paths(split, year)
                self.gpaths += gps
                self.apaths += aps

        self.label_names = ('aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bottle',
                            'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable',
                            'dog', 'horse', 'motorbike', 'person',
                            'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'sofa', 'train',
        self._class_to_ind = ub.invert_dict(dict(enumerate(self.label_names)))
        self.base_wh = [416, 416]

        self.num_classes = len(self.label_names)

        import os
        hashid = ub.hash_data(list(map(os.path.basename, self.gpaths)))
        yearid = '_'.join(map(str, years))
        self.input_id = 'voc_{}_{}_{}'.format(yearid, split, hashid)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def do_fine_graine_level_sets(self, mapping):

    inverted = ub.invert_dict(mapping, False)
    for sup, subs in inverted.items():
        print('sup = {!r}'.format(sup))
        for sub in subs:
            if sub in self.name_to_cat:
                cat = self.name_to_cat[sub]
                n = len(self.cid_to_aids[cat['id']])
                if n:
                    print('  * {} = {}'.format(sub, n))

    mapping = get_coarse_mapping()
    inverted = ub.invert_dict(mapping, False)

    fine_grained_map = {}

    custom_fine_grained_map = {v: k for k, vs in {
        'unidentified roundfish': [
            'unidentified roundfish',
            'unidentified roundfish (less than half)',
            'unknown roundfish'
            'Rockfish Unid.'

        'unidentified sebastomus': [
            'unknown sebastomus',
            'unknown rockfish',
            'Thornyhead Unid.',
            'Hexagrammidae sp.',

        'prickleback': [

        'Flatfish Unid.': [
            'Flatfish Unid.',
            'unknown flatfish',
    }.items() for v in vs}

    catnames = [cat['name'] for cat in self.cats.values()]
    catnames = list(mapping.keys())

    for name in catnames:
        # normalize the name
        norm = normalize_name(name)
        fine_grained_map[name] = norm

    fine_grained_level_set = ub.invert_dict(fine_grained_map, False)

    for sup, subs in inverted.items():
        print('* COARSE-CLASS = {!r}'.format(sup))
        for norm in sorted(set([normalize_name(sub) for sub in subs])):
            raws = fine_grained_level_set.get(norm, [])
            if raws:
                print('    * fine-class = {!r}'.format(norm))
                if len(raws) > 1:
                    # or list(raws)[0] != norm:
                    print(ub.indent('* raw-classes = {}'.format(ub.repr2(raws, nl=1)), ' ' * 8))

    import networkx as nx
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    for norm in fine_grained_map.values():

    for sup, subs in inverted.items():
        for norm in sorted(set([normalize_name(sub) for sub in subs])):
            G.add_edge(norm, sup)
    if False:
        import plottool as pt
        pt.show_nx(G, layoutkw=dict(prog='neato'), arrow_width=.1, sep=10)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def maximum_common_ordered_tree_embedding(tree1, tree2, node_affinity='auto'):
    Finds the maximum common subtree-embedding between two ordered trees.

    A tree S is an embedded subtree of T if it can be obtained from T by a
    series of edge contractions.

    Note this produces a subtree embedding, which is not necessarilly a
    subgraph isomorphism (although a subgraph isomorphism is also an

    The maximum common embedded subtree problem can be solved in in
    `O(n1 * n2 * min(d1, l1) * min(d2, l2))` time on ordered trees with n1 and
    n2 nodes, of depth d1 and d2 and with l1 and l2 leaves, respectively

    Implements algorithm described in [1]_.

        On the Maximum Common Embedded Subtree Problem for Ordered Trees


        Exact algorithms for computing the tree edit distance between unordered trees - https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/271538/1-s2.0-S0304397510X00299/1-s2.0-S0304397510005463/main.pdf ?

        Tree Edit Distance and Common Subtrees - https://upcommons.upc.edu/bitstream/handle/2117/97554/R02-20.pdf

        A Survey on Tree Edit Distance and Related Problems - https://grfia.dlsi.ua.es/ml/algorithms/references/editsurvey_bille.pdf


        tree1 (nx.OrderedDiGraph): first ordered tree
        tree2 (nx.OrderedDiGraph): second ordered tree
        node_affinity (callable): function

        >>> from netharn.initializers._nx_extensions import *  # NOQA
        >>> from netharn.initializers._nx_extensions import _lcs, _print_forest
        >>> def random_ordered_tree(n, seed=None):
        >>>     tree = nx.dfs_tree(nx.random_tree(n, seed=seed))
        >>>     otree = nx.OrderedDiGraph()
        >>>     otree.add_edges_from(tree.edges)
        >>>     return otree
        >>> tree1 = random_ordered_tree(10, seed=1)
        >>> tree2 = random_ordered_tree(10, seed=2)
        >>> print('tree1')
        >>> _print_forest(tree1)
        >>> print('tree2')
        >>> _print_forest(tree2)

        >>> embedding1, embedding2 = maximum_common_ordered_tree_embedding(tree1, tree2 )
        >>> print('embedding1')
        >>> _print_forest(embedding1)
        >>> print('embedding2')
        >>> _print_forest(embedding2)
    if not (isinstance(tree1, nx.OrderedDiGraph) and nx.is_forest(tree1)):
        raise nx.NetworkXNotImplemented(
            'only implemented for directed ordered trees')
    if not (isinstance(tree1, nx.OrderedDiGraph) and nx.is_forest(tree2)):
        raise nx.NetworkXNotImplemented(
            'only implemented for directed ordered trees')

    # Convert the trees to balanced sequences
    sequence1, open_to_close, toks = tree_to_seq(tree1,
    sequence2, open_to_close, toks = tree_to_seq(tree2, open_to_close, toks)
    seq1 = sequence1
    seq2 = sequence2

    open_to_tok = ub.invert_dict(toks)

    # Solve the longest common balanced sequence problem
    best, value = longest_common_balanced_sequence(seq1,
    subseq1, subseq2 = best

    # Convert the subsequence back into a tree
    embedding1 = seq_to_tree(subseq1, open_to_close, toks)
    embedding2 = seq_to_tree(subseq2, open_to_close, toks)
    return embedding1, embedding2
Ejemplo n.º 14
def maximum_common_ordered_subtree_isomorphism(tree1,
    Isomorphic version of `maximum_common_ordered_tree_embedding`.

        xdoctest -m /home/joncrall/code/netharn/netharn/initializers/_nx_extensions.py maximum_common_ordered_subtree_isomorphism:1 --profile && cat profile_output.txt

        >>> from netharn.initializers._nx_extensions import *  # NOQA
        >>> from netharn.initializers._nx_extensions import _lcs, _print_forest
        >>> def random_ordered_tree(n, seed=None):
        >>>     tree = nx.dfs_tree(nx.random_tree(n, seed=seed))
        >>>     otree = nx.OrderedDiGraph()
        >>>     otree.add_edges_from(tree.edges)
        >>>     return otree
        >>> tree1 = random_ordered_tree(10, seed=3)
        >>> tree2 = random_ordered_tree(10, seed=2)
        >>> tree1.add_edges_from(tree2.edges, weight=1)
        >>> tree1 = nx.minimum_spanning_arborescence(tree1)
        >>> tree2.add_edges_from(tree1.edges, weight=1)
        >>> tree2 = nx.minimum_spanning_arborescence(tree2)

        >>> tree1.remove_edge(4, 7)
        >>> tree1.remove_edge(4, 9)
        >>> tree1.add_edge(4, 10)
        >>> tree1.add_edge(10, 7)
        >>> tree1.add_edge(10, 9)
        >>> #tree1.add_edges_from([(9, 11), (11, 12), (12, 13), (13, 14)])
        >>> #tree2.add_edges_from([(9, 11), (11, 12), (12, 13), (13, 14)])
        >>> tree1.add_edges_from([(9, 11), (11, 12)])
        >>> tree2.add_edges_from([(9, 11), (11, 12)])
        >>> tree2.add_edge(100, 0)
        >>> tree1.add_edge(102, 100)
        >>> tree1.add_edge(100, 101)
        >>> tree1.add_edge(101, 0)
        >>> tree1.add_edge(5, 201)
        >>> tree1.add_edge(5, 202)
        >>> tree1.add_edge(5, 203)
        >>> tree1.add_edge(201, 2000)
        >>> tree1.add_edge(2000, 2001)
        >>> tree1.add_edge(2001, 2002)
        >>> tree1.add_edge(2002, 2003)

        >>> tree2.add_edge(5, 202)
        >>> tree2.add_edge(5, 203)
        >>> tree2.add_edge(5, 201)
        >>> tree2.add_edge(201, 2000)
        >>> tree2.add_edge(2000, 2001)
        >>> tree2.add_edge(2001, 2002)
        >>> tree2.add_edge(2002, 2003)

        >>> print('-----')
        >>> print('tree1')
        >>> _print_forest(tree1)
        >>> print('tree2')
        >>> _print_forest(tree2)

        >>> subtree1, subtree2 = maximum_common_ordered_subtree_isomorphism(tree1, tree2 )
        >>> print('-----')
        >>> print('subtree1')
        >>> _print_forest(subtree1)
        >>> print('subtree2')
        >>> _print_forest(subtree2)

        >>> embedding1, embedding2 = maximum_common_ordered_tree_embedding(tree1, tree2)
        >>> print('-----')
        >>> print('embedding1')
        >>> _print_forest(embedding1)
        >>> print('embedding2')
        >>> _print_forest(embedding2)

        >>> if 0:
        >>>     ti = timerit.Timerit(6, bestof=2, verbose=2)
        >>>     for timer in ti.reset('isomorphism'):
        >>>         with timer:
        >>>             maximum_common_ordered_subtree_isomorphism(tree1, tree2 )
        >>>     for timer in ti.reset('embedding'):
        >>>         with timer:
        >>>             maximum_common_ordered_tree_embedding(tree1, tree2 )

        >>> from networkx import isomorphism
        >>> assert isomorphism.DiGraphMatcher(tree1, subtree1).subgraph_is_isomorphic()
        >>> assert isomorphism.DiGraphMatcher(tree2, subtree2).subgraph_is_isomorphic()

        >>> list(isomorphism.DiGraphMatcher(tree1, tree2).subgraph_isomorphisms_iter())
        >>> list(isomorphism.DiGraphMatcher(tree1, tree2).subgraph_monomorphisms_iter())

        >>> list(isomorphism.DiGraphMatcher(subtree1, subtree2).subgraph_isomorphisms_iter())
        >>> list(isomorphism.DiGraphMatcher(tree1, subtree1).subgraph_isomorphisms_iter())
        >>> list(isomorphism.DiGraphMatcher(tree2, subtree2).subgraph_isomorphisms_iter())

        >>> from netharn.initializers._nx_extensions import *  # NOQA
        >>> from netharn.initializers._nx_extensions import _lcs, _print_forest
        >>> def random_ordered_tree(n, seed=None):
        >>>     if n > 0:
        >>>         tree = nx.dfs_tree(nx.random_tree(n, seed=seed))
        >>>     otree = nx.OrderedDiGraph()
        >>>     if n > 0:
        >>>         otree.add_edges_from(tree.edges)
        >>>     return otree
        >>> import random
        >>> rng = random.Random(90269698983701724775426457020022)
        >>> num = 1000
        >>> def _gen_seeds(num):
        >>>     for _ in range(num):
        >>>         yield (rng.randint(0, 50), rng.randint(0, 50), rng.randint(0, 2 ** 64), rng.randint(0, 2 ** 64))
        >>> for n1, n2, s1, s2 in ub.ProgIter(_gen_seeds(num=num), total=num, verbose=3):
        >>>     tree1 = random_ordered_tree(n1, seed=s1)
        >>>     tree2 = random_ordered_tree(n2, seed=s2)
        >>>     #print('-----')
        >>>     #print('tree1')
        >>>     #_print_forest(tree1)
        >>>     #print('tree2')
        >>>     #_print_forest(tree2)
        >>>     subtree1, subtree2 = maximum_common_ordered_subtree_isomorphism(tree1, tree2, node_affinity='auto')
        >>>     #print('-----')
        >>>     #print('subtree1')
        >>>     #_print_forest(subtree1)
        >>>     #print('subtree2')
        >>>     #_print_forest(subtree2)
        >>>     from networkx import isomorphism
        >>>     assert isomorphism.DiGraphMatcher(tree1, subtree1).subgraph_is_isomorphic()
        >>>     assert isomorphism.DiGraphMatcher(tree2, subtree2).subgraph_is_isomorphic()

        if not (isinstance(tree1, nx.OrderedDiGraph) and nx.is_forest(tree1)):
            raise nx.NetworkXNotImplemented(
                'only implemented for directed ordered trees')
        if not (isinstance(tree1, nx.OrderedDiGraph) and nx.is_forest(tree2)):
            raise nx.NetworkXNotImplemented(
                'only implemented for directed ordered trees')
    except nx.NetworkXPointlessConcept:
        subtree1 = nx.OrderedDiGraph()
        subtree2 = nx.OrderedDiGraph()
        return subtree1, subtree2

    # Convert the trees to balanced sequences
    sequence1, open_to_close, toks = tree_to_seq(tree1,
    sequence2, open_to_close, toks = tree_to_seq(tree2,
    seq1 = sequence1
    seq2 = sequence2

    open_to_tok = ub.invert_dict(toks)

    # Solve the longest common balanced sequence problem
    best, value = longest_common_isomorphic_sequence(
    subseq1, subseq2 = best

    # Convert the subsequence back into a tree
    subtree1 = seq_to_tree(subseq1, open_to_close, toks)
    subtree2 = seq_to_tree(subseq2, open_to_close, toks)
    return subtree1, subtree2
Ejemplo n.º 15
def named_large_number(num, prefix='auto', precision=2):

        >>> import sys, ubelt
        >>> sys.path.append(ubelt.expandpath('~/misc/notes'))
        >>> from password_model import *  # NOQA
        >>> import random
        >>> rng = random.Random(0)
        >>> lines = []
        >>> test_mags = (list(range(-10, 3 * 22)) + [3 * 100, 3 * 101, 3 * 102])
        >>> # test_mags = list(range(-1, 3 * 5))
        >>> for mag in test_mags:
        >>>     coef = rng.random()
        >>>     for coef in [1.0, 1.1]:
        >>>         num = coef * (10 ** mag)
        >>>         text = named_large_number(num)
        >>>         line = 'text@{:3d}: {}'.format(mag, text)
        >>>         lines.append(line)
        >>> print('lines = {}'.format(ub.repr2(lines, nl=1), align=' '))
    magnitude_to_prefix = {
        3 * 0: '',
        3 * 1: 'thousand',
        3 * 2: 'million',
        3 * 3: 'billion',
        3 * 4: 'trillion',
        3 * 5: 'quadrillion',
        3 * 6: 'quintillion',
        3 * 7: 'sextillion',
        3 * 8: 'septillion',
        3 * 9: 'octillion',
        3 * 10: 'nonillion',
        3 * 11: 'decillion',
        3 * 12: 'undecillion',
        3 * 13: 'duodectillion',
        3 * 14: 'tredecillion',
        3 * 15: 'quattuor-decillion',
        3 * 16: 'quindecillion',
        3 * 17: 'sexdecillion',
        3 * 18: 'septendecillion',
        3 * 19: 'octodecillion',
        3 * 20: 'novemdecillion',
        3 * 21: 'vigintillion',
        3 * 101: 'centillion',
    prefix_to_magintude = ub.invert_dict(magnitude_to_prefix)

    num_mag = math.log(abs(float(num) + 1), 10)
    if prefix == 'auto':
        chosen_prefix = ''
        for cand_mag, cand_prefix in magnitude_to_prefix.items():
            if num_mag >= (cand_mag):
                chosen_prefix = cand_prefix
        prefix = chosen_prefix
    mag = prefix_to_magintude[prefix]

    coeff = num / (10**mag)
    coef_repr = ub.repr2(float(coeff), precision=precision)
    text = coef_repr + ' ' + prefix
    return text
Ejemplo n.º 16
def 字典_交换健值(dict_, 唯一值=True):
    data = ub.invert_dict(dict_, unique_vals=唯一值)
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 17
class VIEW(object):
    categorical viewpoint using the faces of a Rhombicuboctahedron

    UNKNOWN = None
    R = 1
    FR = 2
    F = 3
    FL = 4
    L = 5
    BL = 6
    B = 7
    BR = 8

    U = 9
    UF = 10
    UB = 11
    UL = 12
    UR = 13
    UFL = 14
    UFR = 15
    UBL = 16
    UBR = 17

    D = 18
    DF = 19
    DB = 20
    DL = 21
    DR = 22
    DFL = 23
    DFR = 24
    DBL = 25
    DBR = 26

    INT_TO_CODE = ub.odict([
        (UNKNOWN, 'unknown'),
        (R, 'right'),
        (FR, 'frontright'),
        (F, 'front'),
        (FL, 'frontleft'),
        (L, 'left'),
        (BL, 'backleft'),
        (B, 'back'),
        (BR, 'backright'),
        (U, 'up'),
        (UF, 'upfront'),
        (UB, 'upback'),
        (UL, 'upleft'),
        (UR, 'upright'),
        (UFL, 'upfrontleft'),
        (UFR, 'upfrontright'),
        (UBL, 'upbackleft'),
        (UBR, 'upbackright'),
        (D, 'down'),
        (DF, 'downfront'),
        (DB, 'downback'),
        (DL, 'downleft'),
        (DR, 'downright'),
        (DFL, 'downfrontleft'),
        (DFR, 'downfrontright'),
        (DBL, 'downbackleft'),
        (DBR, 'downbackright'),

    INT_TO_NICE = ub.odict([
        (UNKNOWN, 'Unknown'),
        (R, 'Right'),
        (FR, 'Front-Right'),
        (F, 'Front'),
        (FL, 'Front-Left'),
        (L, 'Left'),
        (BL, 'Back-Left'),
        (B, 'Back'),
        (BR, 'Back-Right'),
        (U, 'Up'),
        (UF, 'Up-Front'),
        (UB, 'Up-Back'),
        (UL, 'Up-Left'),
        (UR, 'Up-Right'),
        (UFL, 'Up-Front-Left'),
        (UFR, 'Up-Front-Right'),
        (UBL, 'Up-Back-Left'),
        (UBR, 'Up-Back-Right'),
        (D, 'Down'),
        (DF, 'Down-Front'),
        (DB, 'Down-Back'),
        (DL, 'Down-Left'),
        (DR, 'Down-Right'),
        (DFL, 'Down-Front-Left'),
        (DFR, 'Down-Front-Right'),
        (DBL, 'Down-Back-Left'),
        (DBR, 'Down-Back-Right'),

    CODE_TO_NICE = ub.map_keys(INT_TO_CODE, INT_TO_NICE)
    CODE_TO_INT = ub.invert_dict(INT_TO_CODE)
    NICE_TO_CODE = ub.invert_dict(CODE_TO_NICE)
    NICE_TO_INT = ub.invert_dict(INT_TO_NICE)

    DIST = {
        # DIST 0 PAIRS
        (B, B): 0,
        (BL, BL): 0,
        (BR, BR): 0,
        (D, D): 0,
        (DB, DB): 0,
        (DBL, DBL): 0,
        (DBR, DBR): 0,
        (DF, DF): 0,
        (DFL, DFL): 0,
        (DFR, DFR): 0,
        (DL, DL): 0,
        (DR, DR): 0,
        (F, F): 0,
        (FL, FL): 0,
        (FR, FR): 0,
        (L, L): 0,
        (R, R): 0,
        (U, U): 0,
        (UB, UB): 0,
        (UBL, UBL): 0,
        (UBR, UBR): 0,
        (UF, UF): 0,
        (UFL, UFL): 0,
        (UFR, UFR): 0,
        (UL, UL): 0,
        (UR, UR): 0,

        # DIST 1 PAIRS
        (B, BL): 1,
        (B, BR): 1,
        (B, DB): 1,
        (B, DBL): 1,
        (B, DBR): 1,
        (B, UB): 1,
        (B, UBL): 1,
        (B, UBR): 1,
        (BL, DBL): 1,
        (BL, L): 1,
        (BL, UBL): 1,
        (BR, DBR): 1,
        (BR, R): 1,
        (BR, UBR): 1,
        (D, DB): 1,
        (D, DBL): 1,
        (D, DBR): 1,
        (D, DF): 1,
        (D, DFL): 1,
        (D, DFR): 1,
        (D, DL): 1,
        (D, DR): 1,
        (DB, DBL): 1,
        (DB, DBR): 1,
        (DBL, DL): 1,
        (DBL, L): 1,
        (DBR, DR): 1,
        (DBR, R): 1,
        (DF, DFL): 1,
        (DF, DFR): 1,
        (DF, F): 1,
        (DFL, DL): 1,
        (DFL, F): 1,
        (DFL, FL): 1,
        (DFL, L): 1,
        (DFR, DR): 1,
        (DFR, F): 1,
        (DFR, FR): 1,
        (DFR, R): 1,
        (DL, L): 1,
        (DR, R): 1,
        (F, FL): 1,
        (F, FR): 1,
        (F, UF): 1,
        (F, UFL): 1,
        (F, UFR): 1,
        (FL, L): 1,
        (FL, UFL): 1,
        (FR, R): 1,
        (FR, UFR): 1,
        (L, UBL): 1,
        (L, UFL): 1,
        (L, UL): 1,
        (R, UBR): 1,
        (R, UFR): 1,
        (R, UR): 1,
        (U, UB): 1,
        (U, UBL): 1,
        (U, UBR): 1,
        (U, UF): 1,
        (U, UFL): 1,
        (U, UFR): 1,
        (U, UL): 1,
        (U, UR): 1,
        (UB, UBL): 1,
        (UB, UBR): 1,
        (UBL, UL): 1,
        (UBR, UR): 1,
        (UF, UFL): 1,
        (UF, UFR): 1,
        (UFL, UL): 1,
        (UFR, UR): 1,

        # DIST 2 PAIRS
        (B, D): 2,
        (B, DL): 2,
        (B, DR): 2,
        (B, L): 2,
        (B, R): 2,
        (B, U): 2,
        (B, UL): 2,
        (B, UR): 2,
        (BL, BR): 2,
        (BL, D): 2,
        (BL, DB): 2,
        (BL, DBR): 2,
        (BL, DFL): 2,
        (BL, DL): 2,
        (BL, FL): 2,
        (BL, U): 2,
        (BL, UB): 2,
        (BL, UBR): 2,
        (BL, UFL): 2,
        (BL, UL): 2,
        (BR, D): 2,
        (BR, DB): 2,
        (BR, DBL): 2,
        (BR, DFR): 2,
        (BR, DR): 2,
        (BR, FR): 2,
        (BR, U): 2,
        (BR, UB): 2,
        (BR, UBL): 2,
        (BR, UFR): 2,
        (BR, UR): 2,
        (D, F): 2,
        (D, FL): 2,
        (D, FR): 2,
        (D, L): 2,
        (D, R): 2,
        (DB, DF): 2,
        (DB, DFL): 2,
        (DB, DFR): 2,
        (DB, DL): 2,
        (DB, DR): 2,
        (DB, L): 2,
        (DB, R): 2,
        (DB, UB): 2,
        (DB, UBL): 2,
        (DB, UBR): 2,
        (DBL, DBR): 2,
        (DBL, DF): 2,
        (DBL, DFL): 2,
        (DBL, DFR): 2,
        (DBL, DR): 2,
        (DBL, FL): 2,
        (DBL, UB): 2,
        (DBL, UBL): 2,
        (DBL, UBR): 2,
        (DBL, UFL): 2,
        (DBL, UL): 2,
        (DBR, DF): 2,
        (DBR, DFL): 2,
        (DBR, DFR): 2,
        (DBR, DL): 2,
        (DBR, FR): 2,
        (DBR, UB): 2,
        (DBR, UBL): 2,
        (DBR, UBR): 2,
        (DBR, UFR): 2,
        (DBR, UR): 2,
        (DF, DL): 2,
        (DF, DR): 2,
        (DF, FL): 2,
        (DF, FR): 2,
        (DF, L): 2,
        (DF, R): 2,
        (DF, UF): 2,
        (DF, UFL): 2,
        (DF, UFR): 2,
        (DFL, DFR): 2,
        (DFL, DR): 2,
        (DFL, FR): 2,
        (DFL, UBL): 2,
        (DFL, UF): 2,
        (DFL, UFL): 2,
        (DFL, UFR): 2,
        (DFL, UL): 2,
        (DFR, DL): 2,
        (DFR, FL): 2,
        (DFR, UBR): 2,
        (DFR, UF): 2,
        (DFR, UFL): 2,
        (DFR, UFR): 2,
        (DFR, UR): 2,
        (DL, DR): 2,
        (DL, F): 2,
        (DL, FL): 2,
        (DL, UBL): 2,
        (DL, UFL): 2,
        (DL, UL): 2,
        (DR, F): 2,
        (DR, FR): 2,
        (DR, UBR): 2,
        (DR, UFR): 2,
        (DR, UR): 2,
        (F, L): 2,
        (F, R): 2,
        (F, U): 2,
        (F, UL): 2,
        (F, UR): 2,
        (FL, FR): 2,
        (FL, U): 2,
        (FL, UBL): 2,
        (FL, UF): 2,
        (FL, UFR): 2,
        (FL, UL): 2,
        (FR, U): 2,
        (FR, UBR): 2,
        (FR, UF): 2,
        (FR, UFL): 2,
        (FR, UR): 2,
        (L, U): 2,
        (L, UB): 2,
        (L, UF): 2,
        (R, U): 2,
        (R, UB): 2,
        (R, UF): 2,
        (UB, UF): 2,
        (UB, UFL): 2,
        (UB, UFR): 2,
        (UB, UL): 2,
        (UB, UR): 2,
        (UBL, UBR): 2,
        (UBL, UF): 2,
        (UBL, UFL): 2,
        (UBL, UFR): 2,
        (UBL, UR): 2,
        (UBR, UF): 2,
        (UBR, UFL): 2,
        (UBR, UFR): 2,
        (UBR, UL): 2,
        (UF, UL): 2,
        (UF, UR): 2,
        (UFL, UFR): 2,
        (UFL, UR): 2,
        (UFR, UL): 2,
        (UL, UR): 2,

        # DIST 3 PAIRS
        (B, DF): 3,
        (B, DFL): 3,
        (B, DFR): 3,
        (B, FL): 3,
        (B, FR): 3,
        (B, UF): 3,
        (B, UFL): 3,
        (B, UFR): 3,
        (BL, DF): 3,
        (BL, DFR): 3,
        (BL, DR): 3,
        (BL, F): 3,
        (BL, R): 3,
        (BL, UF): 3,
        (BL, UFR): 3,
        (BL, UR): 3,
        (BR, DF): 3,
        (BR, DFL): 3,
        (BR, DL): 3,
        (BR, F): 3,
        (BR, L): 3,
        (BR, UF): 3,
        (BR, UFL): 3,
        (BR, UL): 3,
        (D, UB): 3,
        (D, UBL): 3,
        (D, UBR): 3,
        (D, UF): 3,
        (D, UFL): 3,
        (D, UFR): 3,
        (D, UL): 3,
        (D, UR): 3,
        (DB, F): 3,
        (DB, FL): 3,
        (DB, FR): 3,
        (DB, U): 3,
        (DB, UFL): 3,
        (DB, UFR): 3,
        (DB, UL): 3,
        (DB, UR): 3,
        (DBL, F): 3,
        (DBL, FR): 3,
        (DBL, R): 3,
        (DBL, U): 3,
        (DBL, UF): 3,
        (DBL, UR): 3,
        (DBR, F): 3,
        (DBR, FL): 3,
        (DBR, L): 3,
        (DBR, U): 3,
        (DBR, UF): 3,
        (DBR, UL): 3,
        (DF, U): 3,
        (DF, UBL): 3,
        (DF, UBR): 3,
        (DF, UL): 3,
        (DF, UR): 3,
        (DFL, R): 3,
        (DFL, U): 3,
        (DFL, UB): 3,
        (DFL, UR): 3,
        (DFR, L): 3,
        (DFR, U): 3,
        (DFR, UB): 3,
        (DFR, UL): 3,
        (DL, FR): 3,
        (DL, R): 3,
        (DL, U): 3,
        (DL, UB): 3,
        (DL, UBR): 3,
        (DL, UF): 3,
        (DL, UFR): 3,
        (DR, FL): 3,
        (DR, L): 3,
        (DR, U): 3,
        (DR, UB): 3,
        (DR, UBL): 3,
        (DR, UF): 3,
        (DR, UFL): 3,
        (F, UB): 3,
        (F, UBL): 3,
        (F, UBR): 3,
        (FL, R): 3,
        (FL, UB): 3,
        (FL, UBR): 3,
        (FL, UR): 3,
        (FR, L): 3,
        (FR, UB): 3,
        (FR, UBL): 3,
        (FR, UL): 3,
        (L, UBR): 3,
        (L, UFR): 3,
        (L, UR): 3,
        (R, UBL): 3,
        (R, UFL): 3,
        (R, UL): 3,

        # DIST 4 PAIRS
        (B, F): 4,
        (BL, FR): 4,
        (BR, FL): 4,
        (D, U): 4,
        (DB, UF): 4,
        (DBL, UFR): 4,
        (DBR, UFL): 4,
        (DF, UB): 4,
        (DFL, UBR): 4,
        (DFR, UBL): 4,
        (DL, UR): 4,
        (DR, UL): 4,
        (L, R): 4,

        (B, UNKNOWN): None,
        (BL, UNKNOWN): None,
        (BR, UNKNOWN): None,
        (D, UNKNOWN): None,
        (DB, UNKNOWN): None,
        (DBL, UNKNOWN): None,
        (DBR, UNKNOWN): None,
        (DF, UNKNOWN): None,
        (DFL, UNKNOWN): None,
        (DFR, UNKNOWN): None,
        (DL, UNKNOWN): None,
        (DR, UNKNOWN): None,
        (F, UNKNOWN): None,
        (FL, UNKNOWN): None,
        (FR, UNKNOWN): None,
        (L, UNKNOWN): None,
        (R, UNKNOWN): None,
        (U, UNKNOWN): None,
        (UB, UNKNOWN): None,
        (UBL, UNKNOWN): None,
        (UBR, UNKNOWN): None,
        (UF, UNKNOWN): None,
        (UFL, UNKNOWN): None,
        (UFR, UNKNOWN): None,
        (UL, UNKNOWN): None,
        (UNKNOWN, B): None,
        (UNKNOWN, BL): None,
        (UNKNOWN, BR): None,
        (UNKNOWN, D): None,
        (UNKNOWN, DB): None,
        (UNKNOWN, DBL): None,
        (UNKNOWN, DBR): None,
        (UNKNOWN, DF): None,
        (UNKNOWN, DFL): None,
        (UNKNOWN, DFR): None,
        (UNKNOWN, DL): None,
        (UNKNOWN, DR): None,
        (UNKNOWN, F): None,
        (UNKNOWN, FL): None,
        (UNKNOWN, FR): None,
        (UNKNOWN, L): None,
        (UNKNOWN, R): None,
        (UNKNOWN, U): None,
        (UNKNOWN, UB): None,
        (UNKNOWN, UBL): None,
        (UNKNOWN, UBR): None,
        (UNKNOWN, UF): None,
        (UNKNOWN, UFL): None,
        (UNKNOWN, UFR): None,
        (UNKNOWN, UL): None,
        (UNKNOWN, UR): None,
        (UR, UNKNOWN): None,
        (UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN): None,
    # make distance symmetric
    for (f1, f2), d in list(DIST.items()):
        DIST[(f2, f1)] = d
Ejemplo n.º 18
def main():
    import kwplot
    plt = kwplot.autoplt()
    sns = kwplot.autosns()

    alias = {
        '3090': 'nvctrl GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 1 temp',
        '1080ti': 'nvctrl GeForce RTX 3090 0 temp',
        # 'cpu': 'lmsensor coretemp-isa-0000 Package id 0',

    all_df = read_psensor_log()
    unique_rawdevs = all_df.device.unique()
    for rawdev in unique_rawdevs:
        cpu_prefix = 'lmsensor coretemp-isa'
        if rawdev.startswith(cpu_prefix):
            suffix = rawdev[len(cpu_prefix):].split(' ', 1)[1].strip()
            alias['CPU ' + suffix] = rawdev
        if 'nvctrl' in rawdev and 'temp' in rawdev:
            alias['GPU ' + rawdev[7:-5]] = rawdev

    mapper = ub.invert_dict(alias)

    all_df['device'] = all_df['device'].apply(lambda x: mapper.get(x, None))
    all_df = all_df[all_df['device'].apply(lambda x: x is not None)]

    hours = int(ub.argval('--hours', default=48))

    delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=hours)
    min_time = datetime.datetime.now() - delta
    is_recent = all_df.datetime > min_time
    recent_df = all_df[is_recent]

    chosen = recent_df
    # chosen = all_df

    if 0:

        pivtbl = recent_df.pivot('unix_timestamp', 'device', 'temp')
        pivtbl = pivtbl.sort_index()
        smoothed_rows = []
        for window_idxs in ub.iter_window(list(range(len(pivtbl))), size=10):
            window = pivtbl.iloc[list(window_idxs)]
            max_val = window.max(axis=0, skipna=True)
            for k, v in max_val.to_dict().items():
                    'unix_timestamp': window.index[1],
                    'device': k,
                    'temp': v,

        max_extra = pd.DataFrame(smoothed_rows)

        df = recent_df.copy()
        df['device'] = df['device'].apply(lambda x: 'Core'
                                          if x.startswith('Core') else x)
        df['time'] = df['unix_timestamp'].apply(

    # sns.lineplot(data=chosen, x='unix_timestamp', y='temp', hue='device')

    for xx, (sess, group) in enumerate(chosen.groupby('session_x')):
        # ax.cla()
        ax = plt.gca()
                     legend=xx == 0)

    ax.set_ylim(0, 100)
    plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=10)

    # import matplotlib as mpl
    # Draw shutdown time as black lines
    end_times = []
    for sx, group in chosen.groupby('session_x'):
        shutdown_time = group['unix_timestamp'].max()

    for shutdown_time in sorted(end_times)[:-1]:
        ax.plot((shutdown_time, shutdown_time), [0, 100], color='k')

    # ci_df = pd.concat([max_extra, recent_df])
    # ci_df['device'] = ci_df['device'].apply(lambda x: 'Core' if x.startswith('Core') else x)
    # sns.lineplot(data=ci_df, x='unix_timestamp', y='temp', hue='device')

    # from matplotlib.dates import date2num
    # all_df['date_ord'] = all_df['datetime'].map(lambda a: date2num(a))

    # sns.lineplot(data=pt)
    # sns.lineplot(data=recent_df, x='unix_timestamp', y='temp', hue='device')
    # sns.regplot(data=recent_df, x='unix_timestamp', y='temp', hue='device')