Ejemplo n.º 1
    def send_membership(self, password, community, mstype):
        Send a membership document to a target community

        :param str password: The account SigningKey password
        :param community: The community target of the membership document
        :param str mstype: The type of membership demand. "IN" to join, "OUT" to leave
        self_ = Person.lookup(self.pubkey, community)
        selfcert = self_.selfcert(community)

        blockid = community.current_blockid()

        membership = Membership(PROTOCOL_VERSION, community.currency,
                                selfcert.pubkey, blockid['number'],
                                blockid['hash'], mstype, selfcert.uid,
                                selfcert.timestamp, None)
        key = SigningKey(self.salt, password)
        logging.debug("Membership : {0}".format(membership.signed_raw()))
        community.broadcast(bma.blockchain.Membership, {},
                            {'membership': membership.signed_raw()})