Ejemplo n.º 1
    def growL1Cache(self, sp, cacheL1, cacheL2, assigned):
        This method tries to enlarge L1 cache.

        If for some reason the number of deployed services (Counting all, ACTIVE
        and PREPARING, assigned, L1 and L2) is over max allowed service deployments,
        this method will not grow the L1 cache
        logger.debug("Growing L1 cache creating a new service for {0}".format(sp))
        # First, we try to assign from L2 cache
        if cacheL2 > 0:
            valid = None
            with transaction.atomic():
                for n in sp.cachedUserServices().select_for_update().filter(UserServiceManager.getCacheStateFilter(services.UserDeployment.L2_CACHE)).order_by('creation_date'):
                    if n.needsOsManager():
                        if State.isUsable(n.state) is False or State.isUsable(n.os_state):
                            valid = n
                        valid = n

            if valid is not None:
            UserServiceManager.manager().createCacheFor(sp.activePublication(), services.UserDeployment.L1_CACHE)
        except MaxServicesReachedException as e:
            log.doLog(sp, log.ERROR, 'Max number of services reached for this service', log.INTERNAL)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def cancel(self):
        Asks the UserServiceManager to cancel the current operation of this user deployed service.
        from uds.core.managers.UserServiceManager import UserServiceManager

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def process(self, userService, msg, data, options):
        We understand this messages:
        * msg = info, data = None. Get information about name of machine (or domain, in derived WinDomainOsManager class), old method
        * msg = information, data = None. Get information about name of machine (or domain, in derived WinDomainOsManager class), new method
        * msg = logon, data = Username, Informs that the username has logged in inside the machine
        * msg = logoff, data = Username, Informs that the username has logged out of the machine
        * msg = ready, data = None, Informs machine ready to be used
            "Invoked LinuxOsManager for {0} with params: {1},{2}".format(
                userService, msg, data))
        # We get from storage the name for this userService. If no name, we try to assign a new one
        ret = "ok"
        notifyReady = False
        doRemove = False
        state = userService.os_state

        # Old "info" state, will be removed in a near future
        if msg == "info":
            ret = self.infoVal(userService)
            state = State.PREPARING
        elif msg == "information":
            ret = self.infoValue(userService)
            state = State.PREPARING
        elif msg == "log":
            self.doLog(userService, data, log.ACTOR)
        elif msg == "login":
            self.loggedIn(userService, data, False)
            ip, hostname = userService.getConnectionSource()
            deadLine = userService.deployed_service.getDeadline()
            ret = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format(ip, hostname,
                                         0 if deadLine is None else deadLine)
        elif msg == "logout":
            self.loggedOut(userService, data, False)
            if userService.in_use == False and self._onLogout == 'remove':
                doRemove = True
        elif msg == "ip":
            # This ocurss on main loop inside machine, so userService is usable
            state = State.USABLE
            self.notifyIp(userService.unique_id, userService, data)
        elif msg == "ready":
            state = State.USABLE
            notifyReady = True
            self.notifyIp(userService.unique_id, userService, data)


        # If notifyReady is not true, save state, let UserServiceManager do it for us else
        if doRemove is True:
            if notifyReady is False:
                    userService, '')
        logger.debug('Returning {0}'.format(ret))
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def process(self, userService, msg, data, options=None):
        We understand this messages:
        * msg = info, data = None. Get information about name of machine (or domain, in derived WinDomainOsManager class), old method
        * msg = information, data = None. Get information about name of machine (or domain, in derived WinDomainOsManager class), new method
        * msg = logon, data = Username, Informs that the username has logged in inside the machine
        * msg = logoff, data = Username, Informs that the username has logged out of the machine
        * msg = ready, data = None, Informs machine ready to be used
        logger.info("Invoked LinuxOsManager for {0} with params: {1},{2}".format(userService, msg, data))
        # We get from storage the name for this userService. If no name, we try to assign a new one
        ret = "ok"
        notifyReady = False
        doRemove = False
        state = userService.os_state
        if msg in ('ready', 'ip'):
            if not isinstance(data, dict):  # Old actors, previous to 2.5, convert it information..
                data = {
                    'ips': [v.split('=') for v in data.split(',')],
                    'hostname': userService.friendly_name

        # Old "info" state, will be removed in a near future
        if msg == "info":
            ret = self.infoVal(userService)
            state = State.PREPARING
        elif msg == "information":
            ret = self.infoValue(userService)
            state = State.PREPARING
        elif msg == "log":
            self.doLog(userService, data, log.ACTOR)
        elif msg == "login":
            self.loggedIn(userService, data)
            ip, hostname = userService.getConnectionSource()
            deadLine = userService.deployed_service.getDeadline()
            ret = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format(ip, hostname, 0 if deadLine is None else deadLine)
        elif msg == "logout":
            self.loggedOut(userService, data)
            doRemove = self.isRemovableOnLogout(userService)
        elif msg == "ip":
            # This ocurss on main loop inside machine, so userService is usable
            state = State.USABLE
            self.notifyIp(userService.unique_id, userService, data)
        elif msg == "ready":
            state = State.USABLE
            notifyReady = True
            self.notifyIp(userService.unique_id, userService, data)


        # If notifyReady is not true, save state, let UserServiceManager do it for us else
        if doRemove is True:
            if notifyReady:
                UserServiceManager.manager().notifyReadyFromOsManager(userService, '')
        logger.debug('Returning {0}'.format(ret))
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def process(self, service, msg, data, options):
        We understand this messages:
        * msg = info, data = None. Get information about name of machine (or domain, in derived WinDomainOsManager class) (old method)
        * msg = information, data = None. Get information about name of machine (or domain, in derived WinDomainOsManager class) (new method)
        * msg = logon, data = Username, Informs that the username has logged in inside the machine
        * msg = logoff, data = Username, Informs that the username has logged out of the machine
        * msg = ready, data = None, Informs machine ready to be used
        logger.info("Invoked WindowsOsManager for {0} with params: {1},{2}".format(service, msg, data))
        # We get from storage the name for this service. If no name, we try to assign a new one
        ret = "ok"
        notifyReady = False
        doRemove = False
        state = service.os_state
        if msg == "info":
            ret = self.infoVal(service)
            state = State.PREPARING
        elif msg == "information":
            ret = self.infoValue(service)
            state = State.PREPARING
        elif msg == "log":
            self.doLog(service, data, log.ACTOR)
        elif msg == "logon" or msg == 'login':
            if '\\' not in data:
                self.loggedIn(service, data, False)
            # We get the service logged hostname & ip and returns this
            ip, hostname = service.getConnectionSource()
            ret = "{0}\t{1}".format(ip, hostname)
        elif msg == "logoff" or msg == 'logout':
            self.loggedOut(service, data, False)
            if self._onLogout == 'remove':
                doRemove = True
        elif msg == "ip":
            # This ocurss on main loop inside machine, so service is usable
            state = State.USABLE
            self.notifyIp(service.unique_id, service, data)
        elif msg == "ready":
            state = State.USABLE
            notifyReady = True
            self.notifyIp(service.unique_id, service, data)


        # If notifyReady is not true, save state, let UserServiceManager do it for us else
        if doRemove is True:
            if notifyReady is False:
                logger.debug('Notifying ready')
                UserServiceManager.manager().notifyReadyFromOsManager(service, '')
        logger.debug('Returning {} to {} message'.format(ret, msg))
        if options is not None and options.get('scramble', True) is False:
            return ret
        return scrambleMsg(ret)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def moveToLevel(self, cacheLevel):
        Moves cache items betwen levels, managed directly

            cacheLevel: New cache level to put object in
        from uds.core.managers.UserServiceManager import UserServiceManager
        UserServiceManager.manager().moveToLevel(self, cacheLevel)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def run(self):
     removeFrom = getSqlDatetime() - timedelta(seconds=10)  # We keep at least 10 seconds the machine before removing it, so we avoid connections errors
     removables = UserService.objects.filter(state=State.REMOVABLE, state_date__lt=removeFrom,
     for us in removables:
         except Exception:
             logger.exception('Exception invoking remove user service {}'.format(us))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def moveToLevel(self, cacheLevel):
        Moves cache items betwen levels, managed directly

            cacheLevel: New cache level to put object in
        from uds.core.managers.UserServiceManager import UserServiceManager
        UserServiceManager.manager().moveToLevel(self, cacheLevel)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def getService(request, idService, idTransport, doTest=True):
    kind, idService = idService[0], idService[1:]

    logger.debug('Kind of service: {0}, idService: {1}'.format(kind, idService))
    if kind == 'A':  # This is an assigned service
        logger.debug('Getting A service {}'.format(idService))
        ads = UserService.objects.get(uuid=idService)
        ds = DeployedService.objects.get(uuid=idService)
        # We first do a sanity check for this, if the user has access to this service
        # If it fails, will raise an exception
        # Now we have to locate an instance of the service, so we can assign it to user.
        ads = UserServiceManager.manager().getAssignationForUser(ds, request.user)

    if ads.isInMaintenance() is True:
        raise ServiceInMaintenanceMode()

    logger.debug('Found service: {0}'.format(ads))
    trans = Transport.objects.get(uuid=idTransport)

    # Ensures that the transport is allowed for this service
    if trans not in ads.deployed_service.transports.all():
        raise InvalidServiceException()

    # If transport is not available for the request IP...
    if trans.validForIp(request.ip) is False:
        raise InvalidServiceException()

    if doTest is False:
        return (None, ads, None, trans, None)

    # Test if the service is ready
    if ads.isReady():
        log.doLog(ads, log.INFO, "User {0} from {1} has initiated access".format(request.user.name, request.ip), log.WEB)
        # If ready, show transport for this service, if also ready ofc
        iads = ads.getInstance()
        ip = iads.getIp()
        events.addEvent(ads.deployed_service, events.ET_ACCESS, username=request.user.name, srcip=request.ip, dstip=ip, uniqueid=ads.unique_id)
        if ip is not None:
            itrans = trans.getInstance()
            if itrans.isAvailableFor(ip):
                ads.setConnectionSource(request.ip, 'unknown')
                log.doLog(ads, log.INFO, "User service ready", log.WEB)
                UserServiceManager.manager().notifyPreconnect(ads, itrans.processedUser(ads, request.user), itrans.protocol)
                return (ip, ads, iads, trans, itrans)
                log.doLog(ads, log.WARN, "User service is not accessible (ip {0})".format(ip), log.TRANSPORT)
                logger.debug('Transport is not ready for user service {0}'.format(ads))
            logger.debug('Ip not available from user service {0}'.format(ads))
        log.doLog(ads, log.WARN, "User {0} from {1} tried to access, but machine was not ready".format(request.user.name, request.ip), log.WEB)

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def run(self):
     removeFrom = getSqlDatetime() - timedelta(
     )  # We keep at least 30 seconds the machine before removing it, so we avoid connections errors
     removables = UserService.objects.filter(
     for us in removables:
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def process(self, service, msg, data, options):
        We understand this messages:
        * msg = info, data = None. Get information about name of machine (or domain, in derived WinDomainOsManager class), old method
        * msg = information, data = None. Get information about name of machine (or domain, in derived WinDomainOsManager class), new method
        * msg = logon, data = Username, Informs that the username has logged in inside the machine
        * msg = logoff, data = Username, Informs that the username has logged out of the machine
        * msg = ready, data = None, Informs machine ready to be used
        logger.info("Invoked LinuxOsManager for {0} with params: {1},{2}".format(service, msg, data))
        # We get from storage the name for this service. If no name, we try to assign a new one
        ret = "ok"
        notifyReady = False
        doRemove = False
        state = service.os_state

        # Old "info" state, will be removed in a near future
        if msg == "info":
            ret = self.infoVal(service)
            state = State.PREPARING
        elif msg == "information":
            ret = self.infoValue(service)
            state = State.PREPARING
        elif msg == "log":
            self.doLog(service, data, log.ACTOR)
        elif msg == "login":
            self.loggedIn(service, data, False)
        elif msg == "logout":
            self.loggedOut(service, data, False)
            if self._onLogout == 'remove':
                doRemove = True
        elif msg == "ip":
            # This ocurss on main loop inside machine, so service is usable
            state = State.USABLE
            self.notifyIp(service.unique_id, service, data)
        elif msg == "ready":
            state = State.USABLE
            notifyReady = True
            self.notifyIp(service.unique_id, service, data)


        # If notifyReady is not true, save state, let UserServiceManager do it for us else
        if doRemove is True:
            if notifyReady is False:
                UserServiceManager.manager().notifyReadyFromOsManager(service, '')
        logger.debug('Returning {0}'.format(ret))
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def growL2Cache(self, sp, cacheL1, cacheL2, assigned):
        Tries to grow L2 cache of service.

        If for some reason the number of deployed services (Counting all, ACTIVE
        and PREPARING, assigned, L1 and L2) is over max allowed service deployments,
        this method will not grow the L1 cache
        logger.debug("Growing L2 cache creating a new service for {0}".format(sp))
            UserServiceManager.manager().createCacheFor(sp.activePublication(), services.UserDeployment.L2_CACHE)
        except MaxServicesReachedException as e:
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def setInUse(self, state):
        Set the "in_use" flag for this user deployed service

            state: State to set to the "in_use" flag of this record

        :note: If the state is Fase (set to not in use), a check for removal of this deployed service is launched.
        from uds.core.managers.UserServiceManager import UserServiceManager
        self.in_use = state
        self.in_use_date = getSqlDatetime()
        if state is False:  # Service released, check y we should mark it for removal
            # If our publication is not current, mark this for removal
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def setInUse(self, state):
        Set the "in_use" flag for this user deployed service

            state: State to set to the "in_use" flag of this record

        :note: If the state is Fase (set to not in use), a check for removal of this deployed service is launched.
        from uds.core.managers.UserServiceManager import UserServiceManager
        self.in_use = state
        self.in_use_date = getSqlDatetime()
        if state is False:  # Service released, check y we should mark it for removal
            # If our publication is not current, mark this for removal
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def growL2Cache(self, sp, cacheL1, cacheL2, assigned):
        Tries to grow L2 cache of service.

        If for some reason the number of deployed services (Counting all, ACTIVE
        and PREPARING, assigned, L1 and L2) is over max allowed service deployments,
        this method will not grow the L1 cache
            "Growing L2 cache creating a new service for {0}".format(sp))
                sp.activePublication(), services.UserDeployment.L2_CACHE)
        except MaxServicesReachedError as e:
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def isReady(self):
     Returns if this service is ready (not preparing or marked for removal)
     # Call to isReady of the instance
     from uds.core.managers.UserServiceManager import UserServiceManager
     return UserServiceManager.manager().isReady(self)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def isReady(self):
     Returns if this service is ready (not preparing or marked for removal)
     # Call to isReady of the instance
     from uds.core.managers.UserServiceManager import UserServiceManager
     return UserServiceManager.manager().isReady(self)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def serviceList(self):
        # We look for services for this authenticator groups. User is logged in in just 1 authenticator, so his groups must coincide with those assigned to ds
        groups = list(self._user.getGroups())
        availServices = DeployedService.getDeployedServicesForGroups(groups)
        availUserServices = UserService.getUserAssignedServices(self._user)

        # Extract required data to show to user
        services = []
        # Select assigned user services
        for svr in availUserServices:
            # Skip maintenance services...
            trans = []
            for t in svr.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
                if t.validForIp(self._request.ip) and t.getType(
                    trans.append({'id': t.uuid, 'name': t.name})

                'id': 'A' + svr.uuid,
                'name': svr['name'],
                'transports': trans,
                'maintenance': svr.isInMaintenance(),
                'in_use': svr.in_use


        # Now generic user service
        for svr in availServices:
            trans = []
            for t in svr.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
                if t.validForIp(self._request.ip) and t.getType(
                    trans.append({'id': t.uuid, 'name': t.name})

            # Locate if user service has any already assigned user service for this
            ads = UserServiceManager.manager().getExistingAssignationForUser(
                svr, self._user)
            if ads is None:
                in_use = False
                in_use = ads.in_use

                'id': 'F' + svr.uuid,
                'name': svr.name,
                'transports': trans,
                'maintenance': svr.isInMaintenance(),
                'in_use': in_use

        logger.debug('Services: {0}'.format(services))

        services = sorted(services, key=lambda s: s['name'].upper())

        return Connection.result(result=services)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def growL1Cache(self, sp, cacheL1, cacheL2, assigned):
        This method tries to enlarge L1 cache.

        If for some reason the number of deployed services (Counting all, ACTIVE
        and PREPARING, assigned, L1 and L2) is over max allowed service deployments,
        this method will not grow the L1 cache
            "Growing L1 cache creating a new service for {0}".format(sp))
        # First, we try to assign from L2 cache
        if cacheL2 > 0:
            valid = None
            with transaction.atomic():
                for n in sp.cachedUserServices().select_for_update().filter(
                    if n.needsOsManager():
                        if State.isUsable(n.state) is False or State.isUsable(
                            valid = n
                        valid = n

            if valid is not None:
                sp.activePublication(), services.UserDeployment.L1_CACHE)
        except MaxServicesReachedError as e:
            log.doLog(sp, log.ERROR,
                      'Max number of services reached for this service',
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def setInUse(self, state):
        Set the "in_use" flag for this user deployed service

            state: State to set to the "in_use" flag of this record

        :note: If the state is Fase (set to not in use), a check for removal of this deployed service is launched.
        from uds.core.managers.UserServiceManager import UserServiceManager
        self.in_use = state
        self.in_use_date = getSqlDatetime()
        self.save(update_fields=['in_use', 'in_use_date'])

        # Start/stop accounting
        if state is True:

        if state is False:  # Service released, check y we should mark it for removal
            # If our publication is not current, mark this for removal
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def serviceList(self):
        # We look for services for this authenticator groups. User is logged in in just 1 authenticator, so his groups must coincide with those assigned to ds
        groups = list(self._user.getGroups())
        availServices = DeployedService.getDeployedServicesForGroups(groups)
        availUserServices = UserService.getUserAssignedServices(self._user)

        # Extract required data to show to user
        services = []
        # Select assigned user services
        for svr in availUserServices:
            # Skip maintenance services...
            trans = []
            for t in svr.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
                typeTrans = t.getType()
                if t.validForIp(self._request.ip) and t.getType().providesConnetionInfo():
                    trans.append({'id': t.uuid, 'name': t.name, 'needsJava': t.getType().needsJava})
            services.append({'id': 'A' + svr.uuid,
                             'name': svr['name'],
                             'transports': trans,
                             'maintenance': svr.deployed_service.service.provider.maintenance_mode,
                             'in_use': svr.in_use})


        # Now generic user service
        for svr in availServices:
            trans = []
            for t in svr.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
                if t.validForIp(self._request.ip) and t.getType().providesConnetionInfo():
                    typeTrans = t.getType()
                    trans.append({'id': t.uuid, 'name': t.name, 'needsJava': typeTrans.needsJava})

            # Locate if user service has any already assigned user service for this
            ads = UserServiceManager.manager().getExistingAssignationForUser(svr, self._user)
            if ads is None:
                in_use = False
                in_use = ads.in_use

            services.append({'id': 'F' + svr.uuid,
                             'name': svr.name,
                             'transports': trans,
                             'maintenance': svr.service.provider.maintenance_mode,
                             'in_use': in_use})

        logger.debug('Services: {0}'.format(services))

        services = sorted(services, key=lambda s: s['name'].upper())

        return Connection.result(result=services)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def setInUse(self, state):
        Set the "in_use" flag for this user deployed service

            state: State to set to the "in_use" flag of this record

        :note: If the state is Fase (set to not in use), a check for removal of this deployed service is launched.
        from uds.core.managers.UserServiceManager import UserServiceManager
        self.in_use = state
        self.in_use_date = getSqlDatetime()
        self.save(update_fields=['in_use', 'in_use_date'])

        # Start/stop accounting
        if state is True:

        if state is False:  # Service released, check y we should mark it for removal
            # If our publication is not current, mark this for removal
Ejemplo n.º 23
def index(request):
    Renders the main page.
    :param request: http request
    if request.session.get('ticket') == '1':
        return webLogout(request)

    # Session data
    os = request.os

    # We look for services for this authenticator groups. User is logged in in just 1 authenticator, so his groups must coincide with those assigned to ds
    groups = list(request.user.getGroups())
    availServices = DeployedService.getDeployedServicesForGroups(groups)
    availUserServices = UserService.getUserAssignedServices(request.user)

    # Information for administrators
    nets = ''
    validTrans = ''

    logger.debug('OS: {0}'.format(os['OS']))

    if request.user.isStaff():
        nets = ','.join([n.name for n in Network.networksFor(request.ip)])
        tt = []
        for t in Transport.objects.all():
            if t.validForIp(request.ip):
        validTrans = ','.join(tt)

    # Extract required data to show to user
    services = []
    # Select assigned user services (manually assigned)
    for svr in availUserServices:
        trans = []
        for t in svr.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
            typeTrans = t.getType()
            if t.validForIp(request.ip) and typeTrans.supportsOs(os['OS']) and t.validForOs(os['OS']):
                if typeTrans.ownLink is True:
                    link = reverse('TransportOwnLink', args=('A' + svr.uuid, t.uuid))
                    link = html.udsAccessLink(request, 'A' + svr.uuid, t.uuid)
                        'id': t.uuid,
                        'name': t.name,
                        'link': link

        servicePool = svr.deployed_service

        if servicePool.image is not None:
            imageId = servicePool.image.uuid
            imageId = 'x'  # Invalid

        # Extract app group
        group = servicePool.servicesPoolGroup if servicePool.servicesPoolGroup is not None else ServicesPoolGroup.default().as_dict

            'id': 'A' + svr.uuid,
            'name': servicePool.name,
            'visual_name': servicePool.visual_name,
            'description': servicePool.comments,
            'group': group,
            'transports': trans,
            'imageId': imageId,
            'show_transports': servicePool.show_transports,
            'allow_users_remove': servicePool.allow_users_remove,
            'maintenance': servicePool.isInMaintenance(),
            'not_accesible': not servicePool.isAccessAllowed(),
            'in_use': svr.in_use,
            'to_be_replaced': False,  # Manually assigned will not be autoremoved never
            'comments': servicePool.comments,


    # Now generic user service
    for svr in availServices:
        trans = []
        for t in svr.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
            typeTrans = t.getType()
            if typeTrans is None:  # This may happen if we "remove" a transport type but we have a transport of that kind on DB
            if t.validForIp(request.ip) and typeTrans.supportsOs(os['OS']) and t.validForOs(os['OS']):
                if typeTrans.ownLink is True:
                    link = reverse('TransportOwnLink', args=('F' + svr.uuid, t.uuid))
                    link = html.udsAccessLink(request, 'F' + svr.uuid, t.uuid)
                        'id': t.uuid,
                        'name': t.name,
                        'link': link
        if svr.image is not None:
            imageId = svr.image.uuid
            imageId = 'x'

        # Locate if user service has any already assigned user service for this
        ads = UserServiceManager.manager().getExistingAssignationForUser(svr, request.user)
        if ads is None:
            in_use = False
            in_use = ads.in_use

        group = svr.servicesPoolGroup.as_dict if svr.servicesPoolGroup is not None else ServicesPoolGroup.default().as_dict

        tbr = svr.toBeReplaced()
        if tbr is not None:
            tbr = formats.date_format(tbr, "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT")
            tbrt = ugettext('This service is about to be replaced by a new version. Please, close the session before {} and save all your work to avoid loosing it.').format(tbr)
            tbrt = ''

            'id': 'F' + svr.uuid,
            'name': svr.name,
            'visual_name': svr.visual_name,
            'description': svr.comments,
            'group': group,
            'transports': trans,
            'imageId': imageId,
            'show_transports': svr.show_transports,
            'allow_users_remove': svr.allow_users_remove,
            'maintenance': svr.isInMaintenance(),
            'not_accesible': not svr.isAccessAllowed(),
            'in_use': in_use,
            'to_be_replaced': tbr,
            'to_be_replaced_text': tbrt,
            'comments': svr.comments,

    logger.debug('Services: {0}'.format(services))

    services = sorted(services, key=lambda s: s['name'].upper())

    autorun = False
    if len(services) == 1 and GlobalConfig.AUTORUN_SERVICE.getBool(True) and len(services[0]['transports']) > 0:
        if request.session.get('autorunDone', '0') == '0':
            request.session['autorunDone'] = '1'
            autorun = True
            # return redirect('uds.web.views.service', idService=services[0]['id'], idTransport=services[0]['transports'][0]['id'])

    # List of services groups
    allGroups = [v for v in sorted([ser['group'] for ser in services], key=lambda s: s['priority'])]
    # Now remove duplicates
    groups = []
    already = []
    for g in allGroups:
        if g['name'] not in already:

    logger.debug('Groups: {}'.format(groups))

    response = render(
            'groups': groups,
            'services': services,
            'ip': request.ip,
            'nets': nets,
            'transports': validTrans,
            'autorun': autorun
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def process(self, userService, msg, data, options=None):
        We understand this messages:
        * msg = info, data = None. Get information about name of machine (or domain, in derived WinDomainOsManager class) (old method)
        * msg = information, data = None. Get information about name of machine (or domain, in derived WinDomainOsManager class) (new method)
        * msg = logon, data = Username, Informs that the username has logged in inside the machine
        * msg = logoff, data = Username, Informs that the username has logged out of the machine
        * msg = ready, data = None, Informs machine ready to be used
        logger.info("Invoked WindowsOsManager for {0} with params: {1},{2}".format(userService, msg, data))

        if msg in ('ready', 'ip'):
            if not isinstance(data, dict):  # Old actors, previous to 2.5, convert it information..
                data = {
                    'ips': [v.split('=') for v in data.split(',')],
                    'hostname': userService.friendly_name

        # We get from storage the name for this userService. If no name, we try to assign a new one
        ret = "ok"
        notifyReady = False
        doRemove = False
        state = userService.os_state
        if msg == "info":
            ret = self.infoVal(userService)
            state = State.PREPARING
        elif msg == "information":
            ret = self.infoValue(userService)
            state = State.PREPARING
        elif msg == "log":
            self.doLog(userService, data, log.ACTOR)
        elif msg == "logon" or msg == 'login':
            if '\\' not in data:
                self.loggedIn(userService, data, False)
            # We get the userService logged hostname & ip and returns this
            ip, hostname = userService.getConnectionSource()
            deadLine = userService.deployed_service.getDeadline()
            if userService.getProperty('actor_version', '0.0.0') >= '2.0.0':
                ret = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format(ip, hostname, 0 if deadLine is None else deadLine)
                ret = "{0}\t{1}".format(ip, hostname)
        elif msg == "logoff" or msg == 'logout':
            self.loggedOut(userService, data, False)
            if userService.in_use == False and self._onLogout == 'remove':
                doRemove = True
        elif msg == "ip":
            # This ocurss on main loop inside machine, so userService is usable
            state = State.USABLE
            self.notifyIp(userService.unique_id, userService, data)
        elif msg == "ready":
            state = State.USABLE
            notifyReady = True
            self.notifyIp(userService.unique_id, userService, data)
            self.readyReceived(userService, data)


        # If notifyReady is not true, save state, let UserServiceManager do it for us else
        if doRemove is True:
            if notifyReady is False:
                logger.debug('Notifying ready')
                UserServiceManager.manager().notifyReadyFromOsManager(userService, '')
        logger.debug('Returning {} to {} message'.format(ret, msg))
        if options is not None and options.get('scramble', True) is False:
            return ret
        return scrambleMsg(ret)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def getServicesData(request):
    # Session data
    os = request.os

    # We look for services for this authenticator groups. User is logged in in just 1 authenticator, so his groups must coincide with those assigned to ds
    groups = list(request.user.getGroups())
    availServices = DeployedService.getDeployedServicesForGroups(groups)
    availMetas = MetaPool.getForGroups(groups)

    # Information for administrators
    nets = ''
    validTrans = ''

    logger.debug('OS: {0}'.format(os['OS']))

    if request.user.isStaff():
        nets = ','.join([n.name for n in Network.networksFor(request.ip)])
        tt = []
        for t in Transport.objects.all():
            if t.validForIp(request.ip):
        validTrans = ','.join(tt)

    logger.debug('Checking meta pools: %s', availMetas)
    services = []
    # Add meta pools data first
    for meta in availMetas:
        # Check that we have access to at least one transport on some of its children
        hasUsablePools = False
        in_use = False
        for pool in meta.pools.all():
            # if pool.isInMaintenance():
            #    continue
            for t in pool.transports.all():
                typeTrans = t.getType()
                if t.getType() and t.validForIp(request.ip) and typeTrans.supportsOs(os['OS']) and t.validForOs(os['OS']):
                    hasUsablePools = True

            if not in_use:
                assignedUserService = UserServiceManager.manager().getExistingAssignationForUser(pool, request.user)
                if assignedUserService:
                    in_use = assignedUserService.in_use

            # Stop when 1 usable pool is found
            if hasUsablePools:

        # If no usable pools, this is not visible
        if hasUsablePools:
            group = meta.servicesPoolGroup.as_dict if meta.servicesPoolGroup else ServicesPoolGroup.default().as_dict

                'id': 'M' + meta.uuid,
                'name': meta.name,
                'visual_name': meta.visual_name,
                'description': meta.comments,
                'group': group,
                'transports': [{
                    'id': 'meta',
                    'name': 'meta',
                    'link': html.udsMetaLink(request, 'M' + meta.uuid),
                    'priority': 0
                'imageId': meta.image and meta.image.uuid or 'x',
                'show_transports': False,
                'allow_users_remove': False,
                'allow_users_reset': False,
                'maintenance': meta.isInMaintenance(),
                'not_accesible': not meta.isAccessAllowed(),
                'in_use': in_use,
                'to_be_replaced': None,
                'to_be_replaced_text': '',

    # Now generic user service
    for svr in availServices:
        # Skip pools that are part of meta pools
        if svr.is_meta:

        trans = []
        for t in svr.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
            typeTrans = t.getType()
            if typeTrans is None:  # This may happen if we "remove" a transport type but we have a transport of that kind on DB
            if t.validForIp(request.ip) and typeTrans.supportsOs(os['OS']) and t.validForOs(os['OS']):
                if typeTrans.ownLink is True:
                    link = reverse('TransportOwnLink', args=('F' + svr.uuid, t.uuid))
                    link = html.udsAccessLink(request, 'F' + svr.uuid, t.uuid)
                        'id': t.uuid,
                        'name': t.name,
                        'link': link,
                        'priority': t.priority

        # If empty transports, do not include it on list
        if not trans:

        if svr.image is not None:
            imageId = svr.image.uuid
            imageId = 'x'

        # Locate if user service has any already assigned user service for this
        ads = UserServiceManager.manager().getExistingAssignationForUser(svr, request.user)
        if ads is None:
            in_use = False
            in_use = ads.in_use

        group = svr.servicesPoolGroup.as_dict if svr.servicesPoolGroup else ServicesPoolGroup.default().as_dict

        tbr = svr.toBeReplaced(request.user)
        if tbr:
            tbr = formats.date_format(tbr, "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT")
            tbrt = ugettext('This service is about to be replaced by a new version. Please, close the session before {} and save all your work to avoid loosing it.').format(tbr)
            tbrt = ''

            'id': 'F' + svr.uuid,
            'name': svr.name,
            'visual_name': svr.visual_name,
            'description': svr.comments,
            'group': group,
            'transports': trans,
            'imageId': imageId,
            'show_transports': svr.show_transports,
            'allow_users_remove': svr.allow_users_remove,
            'allow_users_reset': svr.allow_users_reset,
            'maintenance': svr.isInMaintenance(),
            'not_accesible': not svr.isAccessAllowed(),
            'in_use': in_use,
            'to_be_replaced': tbr,
            'to_be_replaced_text': tbrt,

    logger.debug('Services: {0}'.format(services))

    # Sort services and remove services with no transports...
    services = [s for s in sorted(services, key=lambda s: s['name'].upper()) if len(s['transports']) > 0]

    autorun = False
    if len(services) == 1 and GlobalConfig.AUTORUN_SERVICE.getBool(True) and len(services[0]['transports']) > 0:
        if request.session.get('autorunDone', '0') == '0':
            request.session['autorunDone'] = '1'
            autorun = True
            # return redirect('uds.web.views.service', idService=services[0]['id'], idTransport=services[0]['transports'][0]['id'])

    return {
            'services': services,
            'ip': request.ip,
            'nets': nets,
            'transports': validTrans,
            'autorun': autorun
Ejemplo n.º 26
def index(request):
    Renders the main page.
    :param request: http request
    # Session data
    os = request.os

    # We look for services for this authenticator groups. User is logged in in just 1 authenticator, so his groups must coincide with those assigned to ds
    groups = list(request.user.getGroups())
    availServices = DeployedService.getDeployedServicesForGroups(groups)
    availUserServices = UserService.getUserAssignedServices(request.user)

    # Information for administrators
    nets = ''
    validTrans = ''

    logger.debug('OS: {0}'.format(os['OS']))

    if request.user.isStaff():
        nets = ','.join([n.name for n in Network.networksFor(request.ip)])
        tt = []
        for t in Transport.objects.all():
            if t.validForIp(request.ip):
        validTrans = ','.join(tt)

    # Extract required data to show to user
    services = []
    # Select assigned user services
    for svr in availUserServices:
        trans = []
        for t in svr.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
            typeTrans = t.getType()
            if t.validForIp(request.ip) and typeTrans.supportsOs(os['OS']):
                if typeTrans.ownLink is True:
                    link = reverse('TransportOwnLink',
                                   args=('A' + svr.uuid, t.uuid))
                    link = html.udsAccessLink(request, 'A' + svr.uuid, t.uuid)
                trans.append({'id': t.uuid, 'name': t.name, 'link': link})
        if svr.deployed_service.image is not None:
            imageId = svr.deployed_service.image.uuid
            imageId = 'x'  # Invalid

            'id': 'A' + svr.uuid,
            'name': svr['name'],
            'transports': trans,
            'imageId': imageId,
            'show_transports': svr.deployed_service.show_transports,
            'in_use': svr.in_use,


    # Now generic user service
    for svr in availServices:
        # Generate ticket

        trans = []
        for t in svr.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
            typeTrans = t.getType()
            if t.validForIp(request.ip) and typeTrans.supportsOs(os['OS']):
                if typeTrans.ownLink is True:
                    link = reverse('TransportOwnLink',
                                   args=('F' + svr.uuid, t.uuid))
                    link = html.udsAccessLink(request, 'F' + svr.uuid, t.uuid)
                trans.append({'id': t.uuid, 'name': t.name, 'link': link})
        if svr.image is not None:
            imageId = svr.image.uuid
            imageId = 'x'

        # Locate if user service has any already assigned user service for this
        ads = UserServiceManager.manager().getExistingAssignationForUser(
            svr, request.user)
        if ads is None:
            in_use = False
            in_use = ads.in_use

            'id': 'F' + svr.uuid,
            'name': svr.name,
            'transports': trans,
            'imageId': imageId,
            'show_transports': svr.show_transports,
            'maintenance': svr.service.provider.maintenance_mode,
            'in_use': in_use,

    logger.debug('Services: {0}'.format(services))

    services = sorted(services, key=lambda s: s['name'].upper())

    if len(services) == 1 and GlobalConfig.AUTORUN_SERVICE.get(
            True) == '1' and len(services[0]['transports']) > 0:
        if request.session.get('autorunDone', '0') == '0':
            request.session['autorunDone'] = '1'
            # TODO: Make this to redirect to uds link directly
            return redirect('uds.web.views.service',

    response = render_to_response(theme.template('index.html'), {
        'services': services,
        'ip': request.ip,
        'nets': nets,
        'transports': validTrans,
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 27
def index(request):
    Renders the main page.
    :param request: http request
    # Session data
    os = request.os

    # We look for services for this authenticator groups. User is logged in in just 1 authenticator, so his groups must coincide with those assigned to ds
    groups = list(request.user.getGroups())
    availServices = DeployedService.getDeployedServicesForGroups(groups)
    availUserServices = UserService.getUserAssignedServices(request.user)

    # Information for administrators
    nets = ''
    validTrans = ''

    logger.debug('OS: {0}'.format(os['OS']))

    if request.user.isStaff():
        nets = ','.join([n.name for n in Network.networksFor(request.ip)])
        tt = []
        for t in Transport.objects.all():
            if t.validForIp(request.ip):
        validTrans = ','.join(tt)

    # Extract required data to show to user
    services = []
    # Select assigned user services
    for svr in availUserServices:
        trans = []
        for t in svr.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
            typeTrans = t.getType()
            if t.validForIp(request.ip) and typeTrans.supportsOs(os['OS']):
                if typeTrans.ownLink is True:
                    link = reverse('TransportOwnLink', args=('A' + svr.uuid, t.uuid))
                    link = html.udsAccessLink(request, 'A' + svr.uuid, t.uuid)
                        'id': t.uuid,
                        'name': t.name,
                        'link': link
        if svr.deployed_service.image is not None:
            imageId = svr.deployed_service.image.uuid
            imageId = 'x'  # Invalid

            'id': 'A' + svr.uuid,
            'name': svr['name'],
            'transports': trans,
            'imageId': imageId,
            'show_transports': svr.deployed_service.show_transports,
            'maintenance': svr.deployed_service.service.provider.maintenance_mode,
            'in_use': svr.in_use,


    # Now generic user service
    for svr in availServices:
        # Generate ticket

        trans = []
        for t in svr.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
            typeTrans = t.getType()
            if t.validForIp(request.ip) and typeTrans.supportsOs(os['OS']):
                if typeTrans.ownLink is True:
                    link = reverse('TransportOwnLink', args=('F' + svr.uuid, t.uuid))
                    link = html.udsAccessLink(request, 'F' + svr.uuid, t.uuid)
                        'id': t.uuid,
                        'name': t.name,
                        'link': link
        if svr.image is not None:
            imageId = svr.image.uuid
            imageId = 'x'

        # Locate if user service has any already assigned user service for this
        ads = UserServiceManager.manager().getExistingAssignationForUser(svr, request.user)
        if ads is None:
            in_use = False
            in_use = ads.in_use

            'id': 'F' + svr.uuid,
            'name': svr.name,
            'transports': trans,
            'imageId': imageId,
            'show_transports': svr.show_transports,
            'maintenance': svr.service.provider.maintenance_mode,
            'in_use': in_use,

    logger.debug('Services: {0}'.format(services))

    services = sorted(services, key=lambda s: s['name'].upper())

    if len(services) == 1 and GlobalConfig.AUTORUN_SERVICE.get(True) == '1' and len(services[0]['transports']) > 0:
        if request.session.get('autorunDone', '0') == '0':
            request.session['autorunDone'] = '1'
            # TODO: Make this to redirect to uds link directly
            return redirect('uds.web.views.service', idService=services[0]['id'], idTransport=services[0]['transports'][0]['id'])

    response = render_to_response(
            'services': services,
            'ip': request.ip,
            'nets': nets,
            'transports': validTrans,
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def servicesPoolsNeedingCacheUpdate(self):
        # State filter for cached and inAssigned objects
        # First we get all deployed services that could need cache generation
        # We start filtering out the deployed services that do not need caching at all.
        whichNeedsCaching = DeployedService.objects.filter(
            Q(initial_srvs__gte=0) | Q(cache_l1_srvs__gte=0)).filter(

        # We will get the one that proportionally needs more cache
        servicesPools = []
        for sp in whichNeedsCaching:
            sp.userServices.update()  # Cleans cached queries
            # If this deployedService don't have a publication active and needs it, ignore it
            spServiceInstance = sp.service.getInstance()

            if sp.activePublication(
            ) is None and spServiceInstance.publicationType is not None:
                    '{} Needs publication but do not have one, cache test ignored'
            # If it has any running publication, do not generate cache anymore
            if sp.publications.filter(state=State.PREPARING).count() > 0:
                    'Stopped cache generation for deployed service with publication running: {0}'

            if sp.isRestrained():

            # Get data related to actual state of cache
            inCacheL1 = sp.cachedUserServices().filter(
            inCacheL2 = sp.cachedUserServices().filter(
            inAssigned = sp.assignedUserServices().filter(
            # if we bypasses max cache, we will reduce it in first place. This is so because this will free resources on service provider
                "Examining {0} with {1} in cache L1 and {2} in cache L2, {3} inAssigned"
                .format(sp, inCacheL1, inCacheL2, inAssigned))
            totalL1Assigned = inCacheL1 + inAssigned
            # We have more than we want
            if totalL1Assigned > sp.max_srvs:
                logger.debug('We have more services than max configured')
                servicesPools.append((sp, inCacheL1, inCacheL2, inAssigned))
            # We have more in L1 cache than needed
            if totalL1Assigned > sp.initial_srvs and inCacheL1 > sp.cache_l1_srvs:
                    'We have more services in cache L1 than configured')
                servicesPools.append((sp, inCacheL1, inCacheL2, inAssigned))

            # If we have more in L2 cache than needed, decrease L2 cache, but int this case, we continue checking cause L2 cache removal
            # has less priority than l1 creations or removals, but higher. In this case, we will simply take last l2 oversized found and reduce it
            if inCacheL2 > sp.cache_l2_srvs:
                    'We have more services in L2 cache than configured, decreasing it'
                servicesPools.append((sp, inCacheL1, inCacheL2, inAssigned))

            # If this service don't allows more starting user services, continue
            if UserServiceManager.manager(
            ).canInitiateServiceFromDeployedService(sp) is False:
                    'This provider has the max allowed starting services running: {0}'

            # If wee need to grow l2 cache, annotate it
            # Whe check this before checking the total, because the l2 cache is independent of max services or l1 cache.
            # It reflects a value that must be keeped in cache for futre fast use.
            if inCacheL2 < sp.cache_l2_srvs:
                logger.debug('Needs to grow L2 cache for {}'.format(sp))
                servicesPools.append((sp, inCacheL1, inCacheL2, inAssigned))

            # We skip it if already at max
            if totalL1Assigned == sp.max_srvs:

            if totalL1Assigned < sp.initial_srvs or inCacheL1 < sp.cache_l1_srvs:
                logger.debug('Needs to grow L1 cache for {}'.format(sp))
                servicesPools.append((sp, inCacheL1, inCacheL2, inAssigned))

        # We also return calculated values so we can reuse then
        return servicesPools
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def connection(self, doNotCheck=False):
        kind, idService = self._args[0][0], self._args[0][1:]
        idTransport = self._args[1]

        logger.debug('Type: {}, Service: {}, Transport: {}'.format(
            kind, idService, idTransport))

            logger.debug('Kind of service: {0}, idService: {1}'.format(
                kind, idService))
            if kind == 'A':  # This is an assigned service
                ads = UserService.objects.get(uuid=processUuid(idService))
                ds = DeployedService.objects.get(uuid=processUuid(idService))
                # We first do a sanity check for this, if the user has access to this service
                # If it fails, will raise an exception
                # Now we have to locate an instance of the service, so we can assign it to user.
                ads = UserServiceManager.manager().getAssignationForUser(
                    ds, self._user)

            if ads.isInMaintenance() is True:
                return Connection.result(error='Service in maintenance')

            logger.debug('Found service: {0}'.format(ads))
            trans = Transport.objects.get(uuid=processUuid(idTransport))

            if trans.validForIp(self._request.ip) is False:
                return Connection.result(error='Access denied')

            # Test if the service is ready
            if doNotCheck or ads.isReady():
                    ads, log.INFO,
                    "User {0} from {1} has initiated access".format(
                        self._user.name, self._request.ip), log.WEB)
                # If ready, show transport for this service, if also ready ofc
                iads = ads.getInstance()
                ip = iads.getIp()
                logger.debug('IP: {}'.format(ip))
                if ip is not None:
                    itrans = trans.getInstance()
                    if itrans.providesConnetionInfo() and (
                            doNotCheck or itrans.isAvailableFor(ads, ip)):
                        ads.setConnectionSource(self._request.ip, 'unknown')
                        log.doLog(ads, log.INFO,
                                  "User service ready, rendering transport",

                        ci = {
                            'username': '',
                            'password': '',
                            'domain': '',
                            'protocol': 'unknown',
                            'ip': ip
                            itrans.getConnectionInfo(ads, self._user,

                            ads, itrans.processedUser(ads, self._user),

                        return Connection.result(result=ci)
                            ads, log.WARN,
                            "User service is not accessible by REST (ip {0})".
                            format(ip), log.TRANSPORT)
                            'Transport {} is not accesible for user service {} from {}'
                            .format(trans, ads, self._request.ip))
                        logger.debug("{}, {}".format(
                            itrans.isAvailableFor(ads, ip)))
                        'Ip not available from user service {0}'.format(ads))
                    ads, log.WARN,
                    "User {0} from {1} tried to access, but service was not ready"
                    .format(self._user.name, self._request.ip), log.WEB)
            # Not ready, show message and return to this page in a while
            return Connection.result(error='Service not ready')
        except Exception as e:
            return Connection.result(error=six.text_type(e))
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def servicesPoolsNeedingCacheUpdate(self):
        # State filter for cached and inAssigned objects
        # First we get all deployed services that could need cache generation
        # We start filtering out the deployed services that do not need caching at all.
        whichNeedsCaching = DeployedService.objects.filter(Q(initial_srvs__gte=0) | Q(cache_l1_srvs__gte=0)).filter(max_srvs__gt=0, state=State.ACTIVE,

        # We will get the one that proportionally needs more cache
        servicesPools = []
        for sp in whichNeedsCaching:
            sp.userServices.update()  # Cleans cached queries
            # If this deployedService don't have a publication active and needs it, ignore it
            if sp.activePublication() is None and sp.service.getInstance().publicationType is not None:
                logger.debug('Needs publication but do not have one, cache test ignored')
            # If it has any running publication, do not generate cache anymore
            if sp.publications.filter(state=State.PREPARING).count() > 0:
                logger.debug('Stopped cache generation for deployed service with publication running: {0}'.format(sp))

            if sp.isRestrained():

            # Get data related to actual state of cache
            inCacheL1 = sp.cachedUserServices().filter(UserServiceManager.getCacheStateFilter(services.UserDeployment.L1_CACHE)).count()
            inCacheL2 = sp.cachedUserServices().filter(UserServiceManager.getCacheStateFilter(services.UserDeployment.L2_CACHE)).count()
            inAssigned = sp.assignedUserServices().filter(UserServiceManager.getStateFilter()).count()
            # if we bypasses max cache, we will reduce it in first place. This is so because this will free resources on service provider
            logger.debug("Examining {0} with {1} in cache L1 and {2} in cache L2, {3} inAssigned".format(
                         sp, inCacheL1, inCacheL2, inAssigned))
            totalL1Assigned = inCacheL1 + inAssigned
            # We have more than we want
            if totalL1Assigned > sp.max_srvs:
                logger.debug('We have more services than max configured')
                servicesPools.append((sp, inCacheL1, inCacheL2, inAssigned))
            # We have more in L1 cache than needed
            if totalL1Assigned > sp.initial_srvs and inCacheL1 > sp.cache_l1_srvs:
                logger.debug('We have more services in cache L1 than configured')
                servicesPools.append((sp, inCacheL1, inCacheL2, inAssigned))

            # If we have more in L2 cache than needed, decrease L2 cache, but int this case, we continue checking cause L2 cache removal
            # has less priority than l1 creations or removals, but higher. In this case, we will simply take last l2 oversized found and reduce it
            if inCacheL2 > sp.cache_l2_srvs:
                logger.debug('We have more services in L2 cache than configured, decreasing it')
                servicesPools.append((sp, inCacheL1, inCacheL2, inAssigned))

            # If this service don't allows more starting user services, continue
            if UserServiceManager.manager().canInitiateServiceFromDeployedService(sp) is False:
                logger.debug('This provider has the max allowed starting services running: {0}'.format(sp))

            # If wee need to grow l2 cache, annotate it
            # Whe check this before checking the total, because the l2 cache is independent of max services or l1 cache.
            # It reflects a value that must be keeped in cache for futre fast use.
            if inCacheL2 < sp.cache_l2_srvs:
                logger.debug('Needs to grow L2 cache for {}'.format(sp))
                servicesPools.append((sp, inCacheL1, inCacheL2, inAssigned))

            # We skip it if already at max
            if totalL1Assigned == sp.max_srvs:

            if totalL1Assigned < sp.initial_srvs or inCacheL1 < sp.cache_l1_srvs:
                logger.debug('Needs to grow L1 cache for {}'.format(sp))
                servicesPools.append((sp, inCacheL1, inCacheL2, inAssigned))

        # We also return calculated values so we can reuse then
        return servicesPools
Ejemplo n.º 31
def getServicesData(request):
    # Session data
    os = request.os

    # We look for services for this authenticator groups. User is logged in in just 1 authenticator, so his groups must coincide with those assigned to ds
    groups = list(request.user.getGroups())
    availServices = DeployedService.getDeployedServicesForGroups(groups)
    availMetas = MetaPool.getForGroups(groups)

    # Information for administrators
    nets = ''
    validTrans = ''

    logger.debug('OS: {0}'.format(os['OS']))

    if request.user.isStaff():
        nets = ','.join([n.name for n in Network.networksFor(request.ip)])
        tt = []
        for t in Transport.objects.all():
            if t.validForIp(request.ip):
        validTrans = ','.join(tt)

    logger.debug('Checking meta pools: %s', availMetas)
    services = []
    # Add meta pools data first
    for meta in availMetas:
        # Check that we have access to at least one transport on some of its children
        hasUsablePools = False
        in_use = False
        for pool in meta.pools.all():
            # if pool.isInMaintenance():
            #    continue
            for t in pool.transports.all():
                typeTrans = t.getType()
                if t.getType() and t.validForIp(
                        request.ip) and typeTrans.supportsOs(
                            os['OS']) and t.validForOs(os['OS']):
                    hasUsablePools = True

            if not in_use:
                assignedUserService = UserServiceManager.manager(
                ).getExistingAssignationForUser(pool, request.user)
                if assignedUserService:
                    in_use = assignedUserService.in_use

            # Stop when 1 usable pool is found
            if hasUsablePools:

        # If no usable pools, this is not visible
        if hasUsablePools:
            group = meta.servicesPoolGroup.as_dict if meta.servicesPoolGroup else ServicesPoolGroup.default(

                'M' + meta.uuid,
                'transports': [{
                    html.udsMetaLink(request, 'M' + meta.uuid),
                meta.image and meta.image.uuid or 'x',
                not meta.isAccessAllowed(),

    # Now generic user service
    for svr in availServices:
        # Skip pools that are part of meta pools
        if svr.is_meta:

        trans = []
        for t in svr.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
            typeTrans = t.getType()
            if typeTrans is None:  # This may happen if we "remove" a transport type but we have a transport of that kind on DB
            if t.validForIp(request.ip) and typeTrans.supportsOs(
                    os['OS']) and t.validForOs(os['OS']):
                if typeTrans.ownLink is True:
                    link = reverse('TransportOwnLink',
                                   args=('F' + svr.uuid, t.uuid))
                    link = html.udsAccessLink(request, 'F' + svr.uuid, t.uuid)
                    'id': t.uuid,
                    'name': t.name,
                    'link': link,
                    'priority': t.priority

        # If empty transports, do not include it on list
        if not trans:

        if svr.image is not None:
            imageId = svr.image.uuid
            imageId = 'x'

        # Locate if user service has any already assigned user service for this
        ads = UserServiceManager.manager().getExistingAssignationForUser(
            svr, request.user)
        if ads is None:
            in_use = False
            in_use = ads.in_use

        group = svr.servicesPoolGroup.as_dict if svr.servicesPoolGroup else ServicesPoolGroup.default(

        tbr = svr.toBeReplaced(request.user)
        if tbr:
            tbr = formats.date_format(tbr, "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT")
            tbrt = ugettext(
                'This service is about to be replaced by a new version. Please, close the session before {} and save all your work to avoid loosing it.'
            tbrt = ''

            'id': 'F' + svr.uuid,
            'name': svr.name,
            'visual_name': svr.visual_name,
            'description': svr.comments,
            'group': group,
            'transports': trans,
            'imageId': imageId,
            'show_transports': svr.show_transports,
            'allow_users_remove': svr.allow_users_remove,
            'allow_users_reset': svr.allow_users_reset,
            'maintenance': svr.isInMaintenance(),
            'not_accesible': not svr.isAccessAllowed(),
            'in_use': in_use,
            'to_be_replaced': tbr,
            'to_be_replaced_text': tbrt,

    logger.debug('Services: {0}'.format(services))

    # Sort services and remove services with no transports...
    services = [
        s for s in sorted(services, key=lambda s: s['name'].upper())
        if len(s['transports']) > 0

    autorun = False
    if len(services) == 1 and GlobalConfig.AUTORUN_SERVICE.getBool(
            True) and len(services[0]['transports']) > 0:
        if request.session.get('autorunDone', '0') == '0':
            request.session['autorunDone'] = '1'
            autorun = True
            # return redirect('uds.web.views.service', idService=services[0]['id'], idTransport=services[0]['transports'][0]['id'])

    return {
        'services': services,
        'ip': request.ip,
        'nets': nets,
        'transports': validTrans,
        'autorun': autorun
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def process(self, service, msg, data, options):
        We understand this messages:
        * msg = info, data = None. Get information about name of machine (or domain, in derived WinDomainOsManager class) (old method)
        * msg = information, data = None. Get information about name of machine (or domain, in derived WinDomainOsManager class) (new method)
        * msg = logon, data = Username, Informs that the username has logged in inside the machine
        * msg = logoff, data = Username, Informs that the username has logged out of the machine
        * msg = ready, data = None, Informs machine ready to be used
            "Invoked WindowsOsManager for {0} with params: {1},{2}".format(
                service, msg, data))
        # We get from storage the name for this service. If no name, we try to assign a new one
        ret = "ok"
        notifyReady = False
        doRemove = False
        state = service.os_state
        if msg == "info":
            ret = self.infoVal(service)
            state = State.PREPARING
        elif msg == "information":
            ret = self.infoValue(service)
            state = State.PREPARING
        elif msg == "log":
            self.doLog(service, data, log.ACTOR)
        elif msg == "logon" or msg == 'login':
            if '\\' not in data:
                self.loggedIn(service, data, False)
            # We get the service logged hostname & ip and returns this
            ip, hostname = service.getConnectionSource()
            ret = "{0}\t{1}".format(ip, hostname)
        elif msg == "logoff" or msg == 'logout':
            self.loggedOut(service, data, False)
            if self._onLogout == 'remove':
                doRemove = True
        elif msg == "ip":
            # This ocurss on main loop inside machine, so service is usable
            state = State.USABLE
            self.notifyIp(service.unique_id, service, data)
        elif msg == "ready":
            state = State.USABLE
            notifyReady = True
            self.notifyIp(service.unique_id, service, data)


        # If notifyReady is not true, save state, let UserServiceManager do it for us else
        if doRemove is True:
            if notifyReady is False:
                logger.debug('Notifying ready')
                    service, '')
        logger.debug('Returning {} to {} message'.format(ret, msg))
        if options is not None and options.get('scramble', True) is False:
            return ret
        return scrambleMsg(ret)
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def process(self, userService, msg, data, options=None):
        We understand this messages:
        * msg = info, data = None. Get information about name of machine (or domain, in derived WinDomainOsManager class) (old method)
        * msg = information, data = None. Get information about name of machine (or domain, in derived WinDomainOsManager class) (new method)
        * msg = logon, data = Username, Informs that the username has logged in inside the machine
        * msg = logoff, data = Username, Informs that the username has logged out of the machine
        * msg = ready, data = None, Informs machine ready to be used
            "Invoked WindowsOsManager for {0} with params: {1},{2}".format(
                userService, msg, data))

        if msg in ('ready', 'ip'):
            if not isinstance(
                    data, dict
            ):  # Old actors, previous to 2.5, convert it information..
                data = {
                    'ips': [v.split('=') for v in data.split(',')],
                    'hostname': userService.friendly_name

        # We get from storage the name for this userService. If no name, we try to assign a new one
        ret = "ok"
        notifyReady = False
        doRemove = False
        state = userService.os_state
        if msg == "info":
            ret = self.infoVal(userService)
            state = State.PREPARING
        elif msg == "information":
            ret = self.infoValue(userService)
            state = State.PREPARING
        elif msg == "log":
            self.doLog(userService, data, log.ACTOR)
        elif msg == "logon" or msg == 'login':
            if '\\' not in data:
                self.loggedIn(userService, data)
            # We get the userService logged hostname & ip and returns this
            ip, hostname = userService.getConnectionSource()
            deadLine = userService.deployed_service.getDeadline()
            if userService.getProperty('actor_version', '0.0.0') >= '2.0.0':
                ret = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format(
                    ip, hostname, 0 if deadLine is None else deadLine)
                ret = "{0}\t{1}".format(ip, hostname)
        elif msg == "logoff" or msg == 'logout':
            self.loggedOut(userService, data)
            doRemove = self.isRemovableOnLogout(userService)
        elif msg == "ip":
            # This ocurss on main loop inside machine, so userService is usable
            state = State.USABLE
            self.notifyIp(userService.unique_id, userService, data)
        elif msg == "ready":
            state = State.USABLE
            notifyReady = True
            self.notifyIp(userService.unique_id, userService, data)
            self.readyReceived(userService, data)


        # If notifyReady is not true, save state, let UserServiceManager do it for us else
        if doRemove is True:
            if notifyReady is False:
                    'in_use', 'in_use_date', 'os_state', 'state', 'data'
                logger.debug('Notifying ready')
                    userService, '')
        logger.debug('Returning {} to {} message'.format(ret, msg))
        if options is not None and options.get('scramble', True) is False:
            return ret
        return scrambleMsg(ret)
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def cancel(self):
     Asks the UserServiceManager to cancel the current operation of this user deployed service.
     from uds.core.managers.UserServiceManager import UserServiceManager
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def connection(self, doNotCheck=False):
        kind, idService = self._args[0][0], self._args[0][1:]
        idTransport = self._args[1]

        logger.debug('Type: {}, Service: {}, Transport: {}'.format(kind, idService, idTransport))

            logger.debug('Kind of service: {0}, idService: {1}'.format(kind, idService))
            if kind == 'A':  # This is an assigned service
                ads = UserService.objects.get(uuid=processUuid(idService))
                ds = DeployedService.objects.get(uuid=processUuid(idService))
                # We first do a sanity check for this, if the user has access to this service
                # If it fails, will raise an exception
                # Now we have to locate an instance of the service, so we can assign it to user.
                ads = UserServiceManager.manager().getAssignationForUser(ds, self._user)

            if ads.isInMaintenance() is True:
                return Connection.result(error='Service in maintenance')

            logger.debug('Found service: {0}'.format(ads))
            trans = Transport.objects.get(uuid=processUuid(idTransport))

            if trans.validForIp(self._request.ip) is False:
                return Connection.result(error='Access denied')

            # Test if the service is ready
            if doNotCheck or ads.isReady():
                log.doLog(ads, log.INFO, "User {0} from {1} has initiated access".format(self._user.name, self._request.ip), log.WEB)
                # If ready, show transport for this service, if also ready ofc
                iads = ads.getInstance()
                ip = iads.getIp()
                logger.debug('IP: {}'.format(ip))
                events.addEvent(ads.deployed_service, events.ET_ACCESS, username=self._user.name, srcip=self._request.ip, dstip=ip, uniqueid=ads.unique_id)
                if ip is not None:
                    itrans = trans.getInstance()
                    if itrans.providesConnetionInfo() and (doNotCheck or itrans.isAvailableFor(ads, ip)):
                        ads.setConnectionSource(self._request.ip, 'unknown')
                        log.doLog(ads, log.INFO, "User service ready, rendering transport", log.WEB)

                        ci = {
                            'username': '',
                            'password': '',
                            'domain': '',
                            'protocol': 'unknown',
                            'ip': ip
                        ci.update(itrans.getConnectionInfo(ads, self._user, 'UNKNOWN'))

                        UserServiceManager.manager().notifyPreconnect(ads, itrans.processedUser(ads, self._user), itrans.protocol)

                        return Connection.result(result=ci)
                        log.doLog(ads, log.WARN, "User service is not accessible by REST (ip {0})".format(ip), log.TRANSPORT)
                        logger.debug('Transport {} is not accesible for user service {} from {}'.format(trans, ads, self._request.ip))
                        logger.debug("{}, {}".format(itrans.providesConnetionInfo(), itrans.isAvailableFor(ads, ip)))
                    logger.debug('Ip not available from user service {0}'.format(ads))
                log.doLog(ads, log.WARN, "User {0} from {1} tried to access, but service was not ready".format(self._user.name, self._request.ip), log.WEB)
            # Not ready, show message and return to this page in a while
            return Connection.result(error='Service not ready')
        except Exception as e:
            return Connection.result(error=six.text_type(e))
Ejemplo n.º 36
def index(request):
    Renders the main page.
    :param request: http request
    if request.session.get('ticket') == '1':
        return webLogout(request)

    # Session data
    os = request.os

    # We look for services for this authenticator groups. User is logged in in just 1 authenticator, so his groups must coincide with those assigned to ds
    groups = list(request.user.getGroups())
    availServices = DeployedService.getDeployedServicesForGroups(groups)
    availUserServices = UserService.getUserAssignedServices(request.user)

    # Information for administrators
    nets = ''
    validTrans = ''

    logger.debug('OS: {0}'.format(os['OS']))

    if request.user.isStaff():
        nets = ','.join([n.name for n in Network.networksFor(request.ip)])
        tt = []
        for t in Transport.objects.all():
            if t.validForIp(request.ip):
        validTrans = ','.join(tt)

    # Extract required data to show to user
    services = []
    # Select assigned user services (manually assigned)
    for svr in availUserServices:
        trans = []
        for t in svr.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
            typeTrans = t.getType()
            if t.validForIp(request.ip) and typeTrans.supportsOs(
                    os['OS']) and t.validForOs(os['OS']):
                if typeTrans.ownLink is True:
                    link = reverse('TransportOwnLink',
                                   args=('A' + svr.uuid, t.uuid))
                    link = html.udsAccessLink(request, 'A' + svr.uuid, t.uuid)
                trans.append({'id': t.uuid, 'name': t.name, 'link': link})

        servicePool = svr.deployed_service

        if servicePool.image is not None:
            imageId = servicePool.image.uuid
            imageId = 'x'  # Invalid

        # Extract app group
        group = servicePool.servicesPoolGroup if servicePool.servicesPoolGroup is not None else ServicesPoolGroup.default(

            'id': 'A' + svr.uuid,
            'name': servicePool.name,
            'visual_name': servicePool.visual_name,
            'description': servicePool.comments,
            'group': group,
            'transports': trans,
            'imageId': imageId,
            'show_transports': servicePool.show_transports,
            'allow_users_remove': servicePool.allow_users_remove,
            'allow_users_reset': servicePool.allow_users_reset,
            'maintenance': servicePool.isInMaintenance(),
            'not_accesible': not servicePool.isAccessAllowed(),
            'in_use': svr.in_use,
            False,  # Manually assigned will not be autoremoved never
            'comments': servicePool.comments,


    # Now generic user service
    for svr in availServices:
        trans = []
        for t in svr.transports.all().order_by('priority'):
            typeTrans = t.getType()
            if typeTrans is None:  # This may happen if we "remove" a transport type but we have a transport of that kind on DB
            if t.validForIp(request.ip) and typeTrans.supportsOs(
                    os['OS']) and t.validForOs(os['OS']):
                if typeTrans.ownLink is True:
                    link = reverse('TransportOwnLink',
                                   args=('F' + svr.uuid, t.uuid))
                    link = html.udsAccessLink(request, 'F' + svr.uuid, t.uuid)
                trans.append({'id': t.uuid, 'name': t.name, 'link': link})
        if svr.image is not None:
            imageId = svr.image.uuid
            imageId = 'x'

        # Locate if user service has any already assigned user service for this
        ads = UserServiceManager.manager().getExistingAssignationForUser(
            svr, request.user)
        if ads is None:
            in_use = False
            in_use = ads.in_use

        group = svr.servicesPoolGroup.as_dict if svr.servicesPoolGroup is not None else ServicesPoolGroup.default(

        tbr = svr.toBeReplaced()
        if tbr is not None:
            tbr = formats.date_format(tbr, "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT")
            tbrt = ugettext(
                'This service is about to be replaced by a new version. Please, close the session before {} and save all your work to avoid loosing it.'
            tbrt = ''

            'id': 'F' + svr.uuid,
            'name': svr.name,
            'visual_name': svr.visual_name,
            'description': svr.comments,
            'group': group,
            'transports': trans,
            'imageId': imageId,
            'show_transports': svr.show_transports,
            'allow_users_remove': svr.allow_users_remove,
            'allow_users_reset': svr.allow_users_reset,
            'maintenance': svr.isInMaintenance(),
            'not_accesible': not svr.isAccessAllowed(),
            'in_use': in_use,
            'to_be_replaced': tbr,
            'to_be_replaced_text': tbrt,
            'comments': svr.comments,

    logger.debug('Services: {0}'.format(services))

    services = sorted(services, key=lambda s: s['name'].upper())

    autorun = False
    if len(services) == 1 and GlobalConfig.AUTORUN_SERVICE.getBool(
            True) and len(services[0]['transports']) > 0:
        if request.session.get('autorunDone', '0') == '0':
            request.session['autorunDone'] = '1'
            autorun = True
            # return redirect('uds.web.views.service', idService=services[0]['id'], idTransport=services[0]['transports'][0]['id'])

    # List of services groups
    allGroups = [
        v for v in sorted([ser['group'] for ser in services],
                          key=lambda s: s['priority'])
    # Now remove duplicates
    groups = []
    already = []
    for g in allGroups:
        if g['name'] not in already:

    logger.debug('Groups: {}'.format(groups))

    response = render(
        request, theme.template('index.html'), {
            'groups': groups,
            'services': services,
            'ip': request.ip,
            'nets': nets,
            'transports': validTrans,
            'autorun': autorun
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 37
def getService(request, idService, idTransport, doTest=True):
    kind, idService = idService[0], idService[1:]

    logger.debug('Kind of service: {0}, idService: {1}'.format(
        kind, idService))
    if kind == 'A':  # This is an assigned service
        logger.debug('Getting A service {}'.format(idService))
        ads = UserService.objects.get(uuid=idService)
        ds = DeployedService.objects.get(uuid=idService)
        # We first do a sanity check for this, if the user has access to this service
        # If it fails, will raise an exception
        # Now we have to locate an instance of the service, so we can assign it to user.
        ads = UserServiceManager.manager().getAssignationForUser(
            ds, request.user)

    if ads.isInMaintenance() is True:
        raise ServiceInMaintenanceMode()

    logger.debug('Found service: {0}'.format(ads))
    trans = Transport.objects.get(uuid=idTransport)

    # Ensures that the transport is allowed for this service
    if trans not in ads.deployed_service.transports.all():
        raise InvalidServiceException()

    # If transport is not available for the request IP...
    if trans.validForIp(request.ip) is False:
        raise InvalidServiceException()

    if doTest is False:
        return (None, ads, None, trans, None)

    # Test if the service is ready
    if ads.isReady():
            ads, log.INFO, "User {0} from {1} has initiated access".format(
                request.user.name, request.ip), log.WEB)
        # If ready, show transport for this service, if also ready ofc
        iads = ads.getInstance()
        ip = iads.getIp()
        if ip is not None:
            itrans = trans.getInstance()
            if itrans.isAvailableFor(ip):
                ads.setConnectionSource(request.ip, 'unknown')
                log.doLog(ads, log.INFO, "User service ready", log.WEB)
                    ads, itrans.processedUser(ads, request.user),
                return (ip, ads, iads, trans, itrans)
                log.doLog(ads, log.WARN,
                          "User service is not accessible (ip {0})".format(ip),
                    'Transport is not ready for user service {0}'.format(ads))
            logger.debug('Ip not available from user service {0}'.format(ads))
            ads, log.WARN,
            "User {0} from {1} tried to access, but machine was not ready".
            format(request.user.name, request.ip), log.WEB)

    return None