def process_queue(): """This will print all the letters in the queue and then keep processing letters as they are added to the queue. Use this block when you are printing text that the user is encoding using Morse code via the touch sensor. For example, the Printer program uses this block to continually process the user input. You can stop this block from processing text by hitting the center button on the EV3. """ def thread1(): while True: if len(variables['Queue']) > variables['QPosition']: qposition = variables['QPosition'] print_letter(variables['Queue'][qposition]) variables['QPosition'] = qposition + 1 if variables['EStop']: break def thread2(): buttons.wait((CENTER,), State.PRESSED) variables['EStop'] = True fork(thread1, thread2)
def calibrate(): initialize() motor['C'].on_for_rotations(25, -2.5) def thread1(): while True: sleep(0.25) carriage_move(0) variables['LinePosition'] = 0 sleep(0.25) line_width = variables['LineWidth'] carriage_move(line_width) variables['LinePosition'] = line_width if buttons.test((CENTER, ), State.BUMPED): break carriage_move(525) motor['C'].on_for_rotations(25, 3) def thread2(): while True: buttons.wait((UP, CENTER, DOWN), State.PRESSED) button = if button == UP: motor['C'].on_for_degrees(25, 5) elif button == DOWN: motor['C'].on_for_degrees(-25, 5) elif button == CENTER: # This is not in the EV3-G program, but is needed in order for # the program to exit, otherwise this thread keeps running. raise SystemExit fork(thread1, thread2)
def read_code(publish=None): """This block is responsible for analysing the timing between pushes of the touch sensor to convert a Morse code signal into a letter. """ # The top loop continuously measures the length of successive button # presses and builds an array of dots and dashes (shorts and longs, or 0s # and 1s) to represent the letter that is encoded. # The bottom loop waits until a length of time has passed without the # button being pressed (using the second timer, which is reset after every # button press in the top loop), indicating that coding the letter is now # complete. When that happens, the 'TranslateCode' block is called to # analyse the 'Code' array to see what letter was encoded. variables['CodeIndex'] = 0 def thread1(): while True: # Wait for the touch sensor to be depressed. When that happens # start the first timer and start playing the tone. # Wait for the touch sensor to be released. When that happens # measure how long the first timer has been on and stop playing the # tone. sensor['1'].wait(EV3TouchSensor.PRESSED) sound.play_tone(440, 1, 5, PlayType.ONCE) timer[1].reset() sensor['1'].wait(EV3TouchSensor.RELEASED) sound.stop() timer[2].reset() variables['Encoding'] = True if timer[1].elapsed_time() < 0.2: variables['CodeSignal'] = 0 else: variables['CodeSignal'] = 1 # Depending on the length of the press, we will get a 0 or 1. # Append that value to the 'Code' array. code_index = variables['CodeIndex'] variables['Code'] = write_at_index(variables['Code'], code_index, variables['CodeSignal']) variables['CodeIndex'] = code_index + 1 def thread2(): while True: if variables['Encoding']: timer[2].wait(, 0.8) variables['Encoding'] = False translate_code(not bool(publish)) variables['CodeIndex'] = 0 letter = variables['NewCharacter'] if publish and letter != -1: publish(letter) fork(thread1, thread2)
def thread1(): """Continuously process the queue of letters.""" motor['C'].on_for_rotations(50, -2.5) carriage_move(0) process_queue() carriage_move(525) def thread1_1(): motor['C'].on_for_rotations(50, 2.5) def thread1_2(): feed_out() fork(thread1_1, thread1_2)
def main(server=SERVER, me=ME, you=YOU): # init MQTT c = MQTTClient(me, server) c.set_callback(handle_message) c.connect() c.subscribe(('ev3dev-telegraph-net/' + you).encode()) topic = ('ev3dev-telegraph-net/' + me).encode() # init printer initialize() feed_in() def thread1(): """Continuously process the queue of letters.""" motor['C'].on_for_rotations(50, -2.5) carriage_move(0) process_queue() carriage_move(525) def thread1_1(): motor['C'].on_for_rotations(50, 2.5) def thread1_2(): feed_out() fork(thread1_1, thread1_2) def thread2(): """Continuously monitor the touch sensor and convert the Morse code sequence into a letter index which gets published. """ read_code(lambda l: c.publish(topic, bytes((l, )))) def thread3(): """This will wait for any MQTT messages, and add them to the letter queue via handle_message(). """ while True: try: c.wait_msg() except OSError as err: if err.args[0] == EINTR: continue raise fork(thread1, thread2, thread3)
def print_j(size): seg1 = variables['Seg1'] seg2 = variables['Seg2'] seg3 = variables['Seg3'] seg4 = variables['Seg4'] motor['A'].on_for_degrees(20, seg4) motor['A'].on_for_degrees(-20, 10) lower_pen() motor['B'].on_for_degrees(-20, seg3) motor['A+B'].on_for_degrees(-10, -10, seg1) motor['A'].on_for_degrees(-10, seg2) motor['A+B'].on_for_degrees(-10, 10, seg1) motor['B'].on_for_degrees(20, seg1) lift_pen() def thread1(): motor['B'].on_for_degrees(20, seg3) def thread2(): motor['A'].on_for_degrees(20, seg4) motor['A'].on_for_degrees(20, 10) fork(thread1, thread2)
def printer(): initialize() feed_in() def thread1(): """Continuously process the queue of letters.""" motor['C'].on_for_rotations(50, -2.5) carriage_move(0) process_queue() carriage_move(525) def thread1_1(): motor['C'].on_for_rotations(50, 2.5) def thread1_2(): feed_out() fork(thread1_1, thread1_2) def thread2(): """Continuously monitor the touch sensor and convert the Morse code sequence into a letter index which gets added to the letter queue. """ read_code() def thread3(): """This will wait for any bluetooth letter messages, and add them to the letter queue. This is only relevent if you are using 2 EV3 units to have a separate transmitter and receiver. """ while True: letter = messaging.wait_update('Letter') queue = variables['Queue'] variables['Queue'] = write_at_index(queue, len(queue), letter) fork(thread1, thread2, thread3)
def print_test_page(): """This will print a full test page. It will do an entire print process and test various parts of the program. """ # Initialize, feed in the paper, lower the pen and draw a registration # line. initialize() feed_in() motor['C'].on_for_rotations(50, -2.5) carriage_move(0) print_registration_line() # Set the test size and draw the 'Quick brown fox...' text. text_size(10) line_feed() variables['Queue'] = variables['QuickFox'] print_queue() line_feed() # Print 'Mindstorms' several times, each at a different text size and on # its own line. variables['Queue'] = variables['Mindstorms'] variables['QPosition'] = 0 print_queue() text_size(12) variables['QPosition'] = 0 print_queue() text_size(14) variables['QPosition'] = 0 print_queue() text_size(16) variables['QPosition'] = 0 print_queue() # Print the EV3 Logo. text_size(10) line_feed() print_ev3_logo(1) # Print 'JK Brickworks' and 'Keep on Building' line_feed() variables['Queue'] = variables['JKBrickworks'] variables['QPosition'] = 0 print_queue() line_feed() variables['Queue'] = variables['KeepBuilding'] variables['QPosition'] = 0 print_queue() line_feed() print_registration_line() # Move the pen back to the middle, lift it and feed out the paper. carriage_move(525) def thread1(): motor['C'].on_for_rotations(50, 2.5) def thread2(): feed_out() fork(thread1, thread2)