RT = line['RT'] if len(line['ans'])>1: ans = line['ans'][1:] if cond.id[0] == 'M': cond_nums = (onset, RT, ans) if cond.id[0] == 'L': cond_nums = (onset, RT) cond.onsets.append(cond_nums) last_run = run_name for subrun in subruns: if 'L' in subrun.id: lm = 'lrn' if 'M' in subrun.id: lm = 'mem' outpath = uf.buildtree(root, [lm, subrun.subid, subrun.runid]) out = open(os.path.join(outpath, 'conds.txt'), 'w') out.write('\n'.join([cond.id for cond in subrun.conds])) out.close() for cond in subrun.conds: cond.onsets = sorted(cond.onsets, key=lambda tup:float(tup[0])) cond_out = open(os.path.join(outpath, cond.id + '.txt'), 'w') cond_out.write('\n'.join([str(onset[0]) for onset in cond.onsets])) cond_out.close() RT_out = open(os.path.join(outpath, cond.id + '_RT.txt'), 'w') RT_out.write('\n'.join([str(onset[1]) for onset in cond.onsets])) RT_out.close() if cond.id[0] == 'M': ans_out = open(os.path.join(outpath, cond.id + '_ans.txt'), 'w') ans_out.write('\n'.join([str(onset[2]) for onset in cond.onsets]))
from __future__ import with_statement import os, csv, shutil,tarfile, uf, dcm_ops dest_root = '/ifs/scratch/pimri/soccog/test_working' dst_path_lst = ['7648', 'run1L4'] uf.buildtree(dest_root, dst_path_lst) uf.copytree('/ifs/scratch/pimri/soccog/old/SocCog_Raw_Data_By_Exam_Number/3310/E3310_e161637/s167370_1904_s6', '/ifs/scratch/pimri/soccog/test_working/7648/run1L4') t = tarfile.open(os.path.join('/ifs/scratch/pimri/soccog/test_working/7648/run1L4','MRDC_files.tar.gz'), 'r') t.extractall('/ifs/scratch/pimri/soccog/test_working/7648/run1L4') for f in os.listdir('/ifs/scratch/pimri/soccog/test_working/7648/run1L4'): if 'MRDC' in f and 'gz' not in f: old = os.path.join('/ifs/scratch/pimri/soccog/test_working/7648/run1L4', f) new = os.path.join('/ifs/scratch/pimri/soccog/test_working/7648/run1L4', f + '.dcm') os.rename(old, new) qsub_cnv_out = dcm_ops.cnv_dcm('/ifs/scratch/pimri/soccog/test_working/7648/run1L4', '7648_run1L4', '/ifs/scratch/pimri/soccog/scripts/mastersort/scripts_dir/cnv') #qsub_cln_out = dcm_ops.cnv_dcm('/ifs/scratch/pimri/soccog/test_working/7648/run1L4', '7648_run1L4', '/ifs/scratch/pimri/soccog/scripts/mastersort/scripts_dir/cln')
ser_dir = ser_dir.replace(' ', '') ser_id = subj_id + '_' + ser_name src_path = os.path.join(src_root, exam, ex_dir, ser_dir) notes = line['Notes'] if 'anat' in ser_name: if 'best' in notes: dst_path_lst = [subj_id, 'anat'] else: dst_path_lst = [subj_id, 'spare_anat', ser_name] if 'run' in ser_name: dst_path_lst = [subj_id, 'func', ser_name] ###COPY RAW DIRECTORY TO NEW DIR, SORTED BY SUBJECT### dst_path = uf.buildtree(dst_root, dst_path_lst) uf.copytree(src_path, dst_path) logline['CopiedRaw'] = dst_path ###UNTAR FILES### t = tarfile.open(os.path.join(dst_path,'MRDC_files.tar.gz'), 'r') t.extractall(dst_path) #cmd = 'tar -xvzf MRDC_files.tar.gz' #res = subprocess.check_output(cmd,cwd=dst_path,shell=True) files = [f for f in os.listdir(dst_path) if f[0] == 'i'] logline['Extracted'] = 'Extracted_' + str(len(files)) + '_files_' + os.path.join(dst_path, files[0])