Ejemplo n.º 1
def run_tasks(tasks, exe, in_path, csv_names):
  """Run validator command-line on all tasks."""
  csv_count = len(csv_names)
  logs = [''] * csv_count

  # Group tasks by unique CSV index and section.
  groups = []
  csv_index = -1
  section = None
  for task in tasks:
    if task.csv_index != csv_index or task.section != section:
      csv_index = task.csv_index
      section = task.section
      groups.append((csv_index, section, []))

  for (csv_index, section, group_tasks) in groups:
    # Run validation command on all tasks in the group, splitting up the command
    # to limit the number of parameters for each run.
    status(TASK_SECTION_FORMAT % (csv_names[csv_index], section),
    cmd_args = [exe]
    for task in group_tasks:
      if len(cmd_args) >= MAX_FILES_PER_COMMAND:
        logs[csv_index] += run_command(cmd_args)
        cmd_args = [exe]
      cmd_args.append(util.join_path(in_path, task.src))
    if len(cmd_args) > 1:
      logs[csv_index] += run_command(cmd_args)

  return logs
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run_command(cmd_args):
  """Run validator command-line."""
  # Spawn the command.
  command = get_process_command(cmd_args)
  status(command, util.LOG_COLOR_DARK_CYAN)

  # TODO: This doesn't interleave stdout and stderr in the correct
  # order, and there appears to be no reasonable way to do that in Python. As a
  # work-around, we're forcing the exe to write all messages to stdout.
  code = 0
    output = subprocess.check_output(
        cmd_args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
  except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
    output = e.output
    code = e.returncode

  output = output.replace('\r', '')

  if code != 0:
    # Failure without error lines likely indicates the process crashed.
    if output:
      output += '\n'
    output += 'ERROR: Exit code %s (0x%s).' % (code, util.uhex32(code))
    if (code & 0xffffffff) == 0xc0000005:  # Windows-specific error code.
      output += ' [Access Violation]'

  return output
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    (args, unknown_args) = parse_args()
    out_path = util.norm_abspath(args.out_dir)
    if args.clean:
        return 0

    # Parse CSVs for tasks.
    (tasks, csv_names, csv_tasks) = get_csv_tasks(args.csv)
    if not tasks:
        return 1

    usd_type = args.type

    # Choose the number of concurrent conversion processes.
    process_count = get_process_count(args.processes, args.process_max,

    type_text = usd_type if usd_type else 'usda+usdz'
    status('Converting %s models to %s with %s processes.' %
           (len(tasks), type_text, process_count))

    failed_tasks = []

    in_path = util.norm_abspath(args.in_dir)

    # Output .usda, .usdz, or .usd- for both.
    ext = ('.' + usd_type) if usd_type else '.usd-'

    exe_args = unknown_args + util.split_args(args.args)
    tag_tracker = util.TagTracker()
    (_, failed_tasks, _) = run_conversion(csv_tasks, tasks, args.exe, exe_args,
                                          ext, in_path, out_path, csv_names,
                                          process_count, '', '', tag_tracker)
    if failed_tasks:
        return 1
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def generate_csv_results(in_path, out_path, golden_path, test_path, csv_name,
                         log_text, task_count, tag_tracker, nodiff,
  """Write per-CSV result text and diff."""
  tag_stats = tag_tracker.get_per_tag_stats(False)
  out_text = ('%s%s\n%s%s\nValidated %s models.%s\n') % (
      log_text, STATS_HEADER, tag_stats, SUMMARY_HEADER, task_count,

  # Write the result file to the test output directory so it's included in
  # diffs.
  result_name = csv_name + '_result.txt'
  result_path = util.join_path(test_path, result_name)
  with open(result_path, 'w') as result_file:
    result = out_text.replace(in_path, '${IN}')

  # Write the log file to the base output directory so it's not diff'ed (we
  # don't want it diff'ed because it contains full paths and can vary based
  # on input/output directories).
  log_name = csv_name + '_log.txt'
  log_path = os.path.abspath(util.join_path(out_path, log_name))
  line_header = colorize('%s.csv: ' % csv_name, util.LOG_COLOR_CYAN)
  status('%sValidated %s models.%s' %
         (line_header, task_count, tag_tracker.get_summary_suffix(True)))
  status('  Writing log to: %s' % (log_path))
  with open(log_path, 'w') as log_file:

  # Diff vs golden files.
  mismatch_count = 0
  missing_count = 0
  extra_count = 0
  if not nodiff:
    status('%sDiffing vs golden.' % (line_header))
    diffs_name = csv_name + '_diffs.txt'
    (_, mismatch_count, missing_count,
     extra_count) = diff.diff_with_golden(golden_path, test_path, out_path, [],
                                          result_name, diff_command, diffs_name)

  return (mismatch_count, missing_count, extra_count)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
  (args, _) = parse_args()
  out_path = util.norm_abspath(args.out_dir)

  # Parse CSVs for tasks.
  (tasks, csv_names, csv_tasks) = get_csv_tasks(args.csv)
  if not tasks:
    return 1

  status('Validating %s models.' % len(tasks))

  in_path = util.norm_abspath(args.in_dir)
  golden_path = util.norm_abspath(args.golden_dir)
  test_path = util.join_path(out_path, 'test')

  # Convert usda and/or usdz files.
  start_time = time.time()
  exe = args.exe
  logs = run_tasks(tasks, exe, in_path, csv_names)
  task_end_time = time.time()

  csv_count = len(csv_names)
  tag_tracker = util.TagTracker()
  csv_tag_trackers = [None] * csv_count
  for csv_index, log_text in enumerate(logs):
    csv_tag_tracker = util.TagTracker.from_output(log_text)
    csv_tag_trackers[csv_index] = csv_tag_tracker

  tag_stats = tag_tracker.get_per_tag_stats(True)

  task_delta_time = task_end_time - start_time
  tag_summary = tag_tracker.get_summary_suffix(True)
  status('Validated %s models in %.2fs.%s' %
         (len(tasks), task_delta_time, tag_summary))


  mismatch_total = 0
  missing_total = 0
  extra_total = 0

  # Write per-CSV output.
  for csv_index, csv_name in enumerate(csv_names):
    log_text = logs[csv_index]
    csv_task_count = len(csv_tasks[csv_index])
    (mismatch_count, missing_count, extra_count) = generate_csv_results(
        in_path, out_path, golden_path, test_path, csv_name, log_text,
        csv_task_count, csv_tag_trackers[csv_index], args.nodiff,
    mismatch_total += mismatch_count
    missing_total += missing_count
    extra_total += extra_count

  error_total = tag_tracker.totals[util.SEVERITY_ERROR]
  if args.summary_out:
    with open(args.summary_out, 'w') as summary_file:
          get_summary(error_total, mismatch_total, missing_total, extra_total))

  # Return exit code for use by unit tests.
  err = 0
  if error_total:
    err |= 1
  if mismatch_total or missing_total or extra_total:
    err |= 2
  return err
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main():
    (args, unknown_args) = parse_args()
    out_path = util.norm_abspath(args.out_dir)
    if args.clean:
        return 0

    # Parse CSVs for tasks.
    (tasks, csv_names, csv_tasks) = get_csv_tasks(args.csv)
    if not tasks:
        return 1

    usd_type = args.type

    # Choose the number of concurrent conversion processes.
    process_count = get_process_count(args.processes, args.process_max,

    type_text = usd_type if usd_type else 'usda+usdz'
    status('Converting %s models to %s with %s processes.' %
           (len(tasks), type_text, process_count))

    complete_tasks = []
    failed_tasks = []

    in_path = util.norm_abspath(args.in_dir)
    golden_path = util.norm_abspath(args.golden_dir)
    test_path = join_path(out_path, 'test')

    # Output .usda, .usdz, or .usd- for both.
    ext = ('.' + usd_type) if usd_type else '.usd-'

    match_total = 0
    mismatch_total = 0
    missing_total = 0
    extra_total = 0
    if args.redeploy:
        # We only deploy USDZ files.
        usd_type = 'usdz'
        complete_tasks = tasks
        exe_args = unknown_args + util.split_args(args.args)
        # Write the log file to the base output directory so it's not diff'ed (we
        # don't want it diff'ed because it contains full paths and can vary based
        # on input/output directories).
        log_path = out_path
        # Write the result file to the test output directory so it's included in
        # diffs.
        result_path = test_path
        tag_tracker = util.TagTracker()
        (complete_tasks, failed_tasks, task_delta_time) = run_conversion(
            csv_tasks, tasks, args.exe, exe_args, ext, in_path, test_path,
            csv_names, process_count, log_path, result_path, tag_tracker)

        # Do per CSV diffs.
        if not args.nodiff:
            diff_start_time = time.time()
            for csv_index, csv_name in enumerate(csv_names):
                # Diff vs golden files.
                line_header = util.colorize('%s.csv: ' % csv_name,
                status('%sDiffing vs golden.' % (line_header))
                diffs_name = csv_name + '_diffs.txt'
                result_name = csv_name + '_result.txt'
                (match_count, mismatch_count,
                 missing_count, extra_count) = diff.diff_with_golden(
                     golden_path, test_path, out_path, csv_tasks[csv_index],
                     result_name, args.diff_command, diffs_name)
                match_total += match_count
                mismatch_total += mismatch_count
                missing_total += missing_count
                extra_total += extra_count
            diff_end_time = time.time()
            status(DIFF_SUMMARY_HEADER, util.LOG_COLOR_CYAN)
            diff_delta_time = diff_end_time - diff_start_time
            tag_summary = tag_tracker.get_summary_suffix(True)
            status('Converted %s models in %.2fs. %s failed.%s' %
                   (len(complete_tasks), task_delta_time, len(failed_tasks),
            diff_summary = diff.get_summary_suffix(match_total, mismatch_total,
                                                   missing_total, extra_total)
            status('Diffed in %.2fs.%s' % (diff_delta_time, diff_summary))

    # Deploy USDZ files and index.html to local directory for upload.
    if not args.nodeploy and (not usd_type or usd_type == 'usdz'):
        changed_tasks = []
        if not args.nodiff:
            changed_tasks = diff.get_changed_tasks(complete_tasks, golden_path,
        if args.deploy_all:
            deploy_tasks = tasks
            complete_tasks = tasks
            deploy_tasks = changed_tasks
        deploy_path = util.norm_abspath(args.deploy_dir)
        deploy.copy_to_deploy_dir(deploy_tasks, in_path, test_path,
                                  deploy_path, args.deploy_gltf)
        html = deploy.generate_html(tasks, changed_tasks, args.deploy_gltf)
        html_path = join_path(deploy_path, 'index.html')
        with open(html_path, 'w') as html_file:

    if args.summary_out:
        with open(args.summary_out, 'w') as summary_file:
                get_summary(failed_tasks, mismatch_total, missing_total,

    # Return exit code for use by unit tests.
    err = 0
    if failed_tasks:
        err |= 1
    if mismatch_total or missing_total or extra_total:
        err |= 2
    return err