Ejemplo n.º 1
    def actual_solution(self, Z):
        X = SpatialCoordinate(Z.mesh())
        (x, y) = X
        """ Either implement the form in the paper by Shih, Tan, Hwang and then
        use ufl to rescale, or just implement the rescaled version directly """
        f = x**4 - 2 * x**3 + x**2
        g = y**4 - y**2

        from ufl.algorithms.apply_derivatives import apply_derivatives
        df = apply_derivatives(grad(f)[0])
        dg = apply_derivatives(grad(g)[1])
        ddg = apply_derivatives(grad(dg)[1])
        dddg = apply_derivatives(grad(ddg)[1])

        F = 0.2 * x**5 - 0.5 * x**4 + (1. / 3.) * x**3
        F1 = -4 * x**6 + 12 * x**5 - 14 * x**4 + 8 * x**3 - 2 * x**2
        F2 = 0.5 * f**2
        G1 = -24 * y**5 + 8 * y**3 - 4 * y
        u = 8 * f * dg
        v = -8 * df * g
        p = (8. / self.Re) * (F * dddg + df * dg) + 64 * F2 * (g * ddg - dg**2)
        u = replace(u, {X: 0.5 * X})
        v = replace(v, {X: 0.5 * X})
        p = replace(p, {X: 0.5 * X})
        p = p - 0.25 * assemble(p * dx)
        # u = (1./4.)*(-2 + x)**2 * x**2 * y * (-2 + y**2)
        # v = -(1./4.)*x*(2 - 3*x + x**2)*y**2*(-4 + y**2)
        # p = -(1./128.)*(-2+x)**4*x**4*y**2*(8-2*y**2+y**4)+(x*y*(-15*x**3+3*x**4+10*x**2*y**2+20*(-2+y**2)-30*x*(-2+y**2)))/(5*self.Re)
        # p = p - (-(1408./33075.) + 8./(5*self.Re))
        driver = as_vector([u, v])
        return (driver, p)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def preprocess_expression(expression, complex_mode=False,
    """Imitates the compute_form_data processing pipeline.

    :arg complex_mode: Are we in complex UFL mode?
    :arg do_apply_restrictions: Propogate restrictions to terminals?

    Useful, for example, to preprocess non-scalar expressions, which
    are not and cannot be forms.
    if complex_mode:
        expression = do_comparison_check(expression)
        expression = remove_complex_nodes(expression)
    expression = apply_algebra_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_function_pullbacks(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression, preserve_geometry_types)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression, preserve_geometry_types)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    if not complex_mode:
        expression = remove_complex_nodes(expression)
    if do_apply_restrictions:
        expression = apply_restrictions(expression)
    return expression
Ejemplo n.º 3
def preprocess_expression(expression):
    """Imitates the compute_form_data processing pipeline.

    Useful, for example, to preprocess non-scalar expressions, which
    are not and cannot be forms.
    expression = apply_algebra_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_function_pullbacks(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression, preserve_geometry_types)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression, preserve_geometry_types)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    return expression
Ejemplo n.º 4
def preprocess_expression(expression):
    """Imitates the compute_form_data processing pipeline.

    Useful, for example, to preprocess non-scalar expressions, which
    are not and cannot be forms.
    expression = apply_algebra_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_function_pullbacks(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression, preserve_geometry_types)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression, preserve_geometry_types)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    return expression
Ejemplo n.º 5
def generateCode(predefined, expressions, coefficients=None, tempVars=True):
    expressions = [applyRestrictions(expand_indices(apply_derivatives(apply_algebra_lowering(expr)))) for expr in expressions]
    generator = CodeGenerator(predefined, coefficients, tempVars)
    results = map_expr_dags(generator, expressions)
    l = list(generator.using)
    return l + generator.code, results
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_literal_derivatives_are_zero():
    cell = triangle
    d = cell.geometric_dimension()

    # Literals
    one = as_ufl(1)
    two = as_ufl(2.0)
    I = Identity(d)
    E = PermutationSymbol(d)
    literals = [one, two, I]

    # Generic ruleset handles literals directly:
    for l in literals:
        for sh in [(), (d, ), (d, d + 1)]:
            assert GenericDerivativeRuleset(sh)(l) == zero(l.ufl_shape + sh)

    # Variables
    v0 = variable(one)
    v1 = variable(zero((d, )))
    v2 = variable(I)
    variables = [v0, v1, v2]

    # Test literals via apply_derivatives and variable ruleset:
    for l in literals:
        for v in variables:
            assert apply_derivatives(diff(l, v)) == zero(l.ufl_shape +

    V0 = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 0)
    V1 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, 1)
    u0 = Coefficient(V0)
    u1 = Coefficient(V1)
    v0 = TestFunction(V0)
    v1 = TestFunction(V1)
    args = [(u0, v0), (u1, v1)]

    # Test literals via apply_derivatives and variable ruleset:
    for l in literals:
        for u, v in args:
            assert apply_derivatives(derivative(l, u, v)) == zero(l.ufl_shape +

    # Test grad ruleset directly since grad(literal) is invalid:
    assert GradRuleset(d)(one) == zero((d, ))
    assert GradRuleset(d)(one) == zero((d, ))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_index_simplification_reference_grad(self):
    mesh = Mesh(VectorElement("P", quadrilateral, 1))
    i, = indices(1)
    A = as_tensor(Indexed(Jacobian(mesh), MultiIndex((i, i))), (i,))
    expr = apply_derivatives(apply_geometry_lowering(
    assert expr == ReferenceGrad(SpatialCoordinate(mesh))[0, 0]
    assert expr.ufl_free_indices == ()
    assert expr.ufl_shape == ()
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_literal_derivatives_are_zero():
    cell = triangle
    d = cell.geometric_dimension()

    # Literals
    one = as_ufl(1)
    two = as_ufl(2.0)
    I = Identity(d)
    E = PermutationSymbol(d)
    literals = [one, two, I]

    # Generic ruleset handles literals directly:
    for l in literals:
        for sh in [(), (d,), (d, d+1)]:
            assert GenericDerivativeRuleset(sh)(l) == zero(l.ufl_shape + sh)

    # Variables
    v0 = variable(one)
    v1 = variable(zero((d,)))
    v2 = variable(I)
    variables = [v0, v1, v2]

    # Test literals via apply_derivatives and variable ruleset:
    for l in literals:
        for v in variables:
            assert apply_derivatives(diff(l, v)) == zero(l.ufl_shape + v.ufl_shape)

    V0 = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 0)
    V1 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, 1)
    u0 = Coefficient(V0)
    u1 = Coefficient(V1)
    v0 = TestFunction(V0)
    v1 = TestFunction(V1)
    args = [(u0, v0), (u1, v1)]

    # Test literals via apply_derivatives and variable ruleset:
    for l in literals:
        for u, v in args:
            assert apply_derivatives(derivative(l, u, v)) == zero(l.ufl_shape + v.ufl_shape)

    # Test grad ruleset directly since grad(literal) is invalid:
    assert GradRuleset(d)(one) == zero((d,))
    assert GradRuleset(d)(one) == zero((d,))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def gatherDerivatives(form, arguments=None):
    if arguments is None:
        arguments = form.arguments()

    form = apply_derivatives(apply_algebra_lowering(form))

    gatherer = DerivativeGatherer(arguments)
    map_expr_dags(gatherer, [i.integrand() for i in form.integrals()])
    return [
        sorted(list(gatherer.derivatives[arg]), key=lambda d: len(d.ufl_shape))
        for arg in arguments
Ejemplo n.º 10
def splitForm(form, arguments=None):
    if arguments is None:
        arguments = form.arguments()

    form = applyRestrictions(form)
    form = expand_indices(apply_derivatives(apply_algebra_lowering(form)))
    form = applyRestrictions(form)

    integrals = {}
    for integral in form.integrals():
        right = splitMultiLinearExpr(integral.integrand(), arguments)
        left = integrals.get(integral.integral_type())
        if left is not None:
            right = sumTensorMaps(left, right)
        integrals[integral.integral_type()] = right

    return integrals
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: ad.py Proyecto: FEniCS/ufl
def expand_derivatives(form, **kwargs):
    """Expand all derivatives of expr.

    In the returned expression g which is mathematically
    equivalent to expr, there are no VariableDerivative
    or CoefficientDerivative objects left, and Grad
    objects have been propagated to Terminal nodes.
    # For a deprecation period (I see that dolfin-adjoint passes some
    # args here)
    if kwargs:
        warning("Deprecation: expand_derivatives no longer takes any keyword arguments")

    # Lower abstractions for tensor-algebra types into index notation
    form = apply_algebra_lowering(form)

    # Apply differentiation
    form = apply_derivatives(form)

    return form
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_apply_derivatives_doesnt_change_expression_without_derivatives():
    cell = triangle
    d = cell.geometric_dimension()
    V0 = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 0)
    V1 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, 1)

    # Literals
    z = zero((3, 2))
    one = as_ufl(1)
    two = as_ufl(2.0)
    I = Identity(d)
    literals = [z, one, two, I]

    # Geometry
    x = SpatialCoordinate(cell)
    n = FacetNormal(cell)
    volume = CellVolume(cell)
    geometry = [x, n, volume]

    # Arguments
    v0 = TestFunction(V0)
    v1 = TestFunction(V1)
    arguments = [v0, v1]

    # Coefficients
    f0 = Coefficient(V0)
    f1 = Coefficient(V1)
    coefficients = [f0, f1]

    # Expressions
    e0 = f0 + f1
    e1 = v0 * (f1 / 3 - f0**2)
    e2 = exp(sin(cos(tan(ln(x[0])))))
    expressions = [e0, e1, e2]

    # Check that all are unchanged
    for expr in literals + geometry + arguments + coefficients + expressions:
        # Note the use of "is" here instead of ==, this property
        # is important for efficiency and memory usage
        assert apply_derivatives(expr) is expr
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_apply_derivatives_doesnt_change_expression_without_derivatives():
    cell = triangle
    d = cell.geometric_dimension()
    V0 = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 0)
    V1 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, 1)

    # Literals
    z = zero((3, 2))
    one = as_ufl(1)
    two = as_ufl(2.0)
    I = Identity(d)
    literals = [z, one, two, I]

    # Geometry
    x = SpatialCoordinate(cell)
    n = FacetNormal(cell)
    volume = CellVolume(cell)
    geometry = [x, n, volume]

    # Arguments
    v0 = TestFunction(V0)
    v1 = TestFunction(V1)
    arguments = [v0, v1]

    # Coefficients
    f0 = Coefficient(V0)
    f1 = Coefficient(V1)
    coefficients = [f0, f1]

    # Expressions
    e0 = f0 + f1
    e1 = v0 * (f1/3 - f0**2)
    e2 = exp(sin(cos(tan(ln(x[0])))))
    expressions = [e0, e1, e2]

    # Check that all are unchanged
    for expr in literals + geometry + arguments + coefficients + expressions:
        # Note the use of "is" here instead of ==, this property
        # is important for efficiency and memory usage
        assert apply_derivatives(expr) is expr
Ejemplo n.º 14
def expand_derivatives(form, **kwargs):
    """Expand all derivatives of expr.

    In the returned expression g which is mathematically
    equivalent to expr, there are no VariableDerivative
    or CoefficientDerivative objects left, and Grad
    objects have been propagated to Terminal nodes.
    # For a deprecation period (I see that dolfin-adjoint passes some
    # args here)
    if kwargs:
            "Deprecation: expand_derivatives no longer takes any keyword arguments"

    # Lower abstractions for tensor-algebra types into index notation
    form = apply_algebra_lowering(form)

    # Apply differentiation
    form = apply_derivatives(form)

    return form
Ejemplo n.º 15
    # Delegate job
    # TODO here I disregard label
    lambda e, s, r: ufl_to_sympy(e.ufl_operands[0], s, r),
    # Diff and try again
    lambda e, s, r: ufl_to_sympy(apply_derivatives(e), s, r),
    # Indexing
# And now the rest
    dict((node, make_rule(rule)) for (node, rule) in (
        # Algebra
        (ufl.algebra.Sum, lambda a, b: a + b),
        (ufl.algebra.Abs, lambda a: abs(a)),
        (ufl.algebra.Division, lambda a, b: a / b),
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_grad_ruleset():
    cell = triangle
    d = cell.geometric_dimension()

    V0 = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 0)
    V1 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, 1)
    V2 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, 2)
    W0 = VectorElement("DG", cell, 0)
    W1 = VectorElement("Lagrange", cell, 1)
    W2 = VectorElement("Lagrange", cell, 2)

    # Literals
    one = as_ufl(1)
    two = as_ufl(2.0)
    I = Identity(d)
    literals = [one, two, I]

    # Geometry
    x = SpatialCoordinate(cell)
    n = FacetNormal(cell)
    volume = CellVolume(cell)
    geometry = [x, n, volume]

    # Arguments
    u0 = TestFunction(V0)
    u1 = TestFunction(V1)
    arguments = [u0, u1]

    # Coefficients
    r = Constant(cell)
    vr = VectorConstant(cell)
    f0 = Coefficient(V0)
    f1 = Coefficient(V1)
    f2 = Coefficient(V2)
    vf0 = Coefficient(W0)
    vf1 = Coefficient(W1)
    vf2 = Coefficient(W2)
    coefficients = [f0, f1, vf0, vf1]

    # Expressions
    e0 = f0 + f1
    e1 = u0 * (f1/3 - f0**2)
    e2 = exp(sin(cos(tan(ln(x[0])))))
    expressions = [e0, e1, e2]

    # Variables
    v0 = variable(one)
    v1 = variable(f1)
    v2 = variable(f0*f1)
    variables = [v0, v1, v2]

    rules = GradRuleset(d)

    # Literals
    assert rules(one) == zero((d,))
    assert rules(two) == zero((d,))
    assert rules(I) == zero((d, d, d))

    # Assumed piecewise constant geometry
    for g in [n, volume]:
        assert rules(g) == zero(g.ufl_shape + (d,))

    # Non-constant geometry
    assert rules(x) == I

    # Arguments
    for u in arguments:
        assert rules(u) == grad(u)

    # Piecewise constant coefficients (Constant)
    assert rules(r) == zero((d,))
    assert rules(vr) == zero((d, d))
    assert rules(grad(r)) == zero((d, d))
    assert rules(grad(vr)) == zero((d, d, d))

    # Piecewise constant coefficients (DG0)
    assert rules(f0) == zero((d,))
    assert rules(vf0) == zero((d, d))
    assert rules(grad(f0)) == zero((d, d))
    assert rules(grad(vf0)) == zero((d, d, d))

    # Piecewise linear coefficients
    assert rules(f1) == grad(f1)
    assert rules(vf1) == grad(vf1)
    # assert rules(grad(f1)) == zero((d,d)) # TODO: Use degree to make this work
    # assert rules(grad(vf1)) == zero((d,d,d))

    # Piecewise quadratic coefficients
    assert rules(grad(f2)) == grad(grad(f2))
    assert rules(grad(vf2)) == grad(grad(vf2))

    # Indexed coefficients
    assert renumber_indices(apply_derivatives(grad(vf2[0]))) == renumber_indices(grad(vf2)[0, :])
    assert renumber_indices(apply_derivatives(grad(vf2[1])[0])) == renumber_indices(grad(vf2)[1, 0])

    # Grad of gradually more complex expressions
    assert apply_derivatives(grad(2*f0)) == zero((d,))
    assert renumber_indices(apply_derivatives(grad(2*f1))) == renumber_indices(2*grad(f1))
    assert renumber_indices(apply_derivatives(grad(sin(f1)))) == renumber_indices(cos(f1) * grad(f1))
    assert renumber_indices(apply_derivatives(grad(cos(f1)))) == renumber_indices(-sin(f1) * grad(f1))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def compile_ufl_kernel(expression, to_pts, to_element, fs):
    import collections
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_function_pullbacks import apply_function_pullbacks
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_algebra_lowering import apply_algebra_lowering
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_derivatives import apply_derivatives
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_geometry_lowering import apply_geometry_lowering
    from ufl.algorithms import extract_arguments, extract_coefficients
    from gem import gem, impero_utils
    from tsfc import fem, ufl_utils
    from tsfc.coffee import generate as generate_coffee
    from tsfc.kernel_interface import (KernelBuilderBase,

    # Imitate the compute_form_data processing pipeline
    # Unfortunately, we cannot call compute_form_data here, since
    # we only have an expression, not a form
    expression = apply_algebra_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_function_pullbacks(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)

    # Replace coordinates (if any)
    if expression.ufl_domain():
        assert fs.mesh() == expression.ufl_domain()
        expression = ufl_utils.replace_coordinates(expression, fs.mesh().coordinates)

    if extract_arguments(expression):
        return ValueError("Cannot interpolate UFL expression with Arguments!")

    builder = KernelBuilderBase()
    args = []

    coefficients = extract_coefficients(expression)
    for i, coefficient in enumerate(coefficients):
        args.append(builder.coefficient(coefficient, "w_%d" % i))

    point_index = gem.Index(name='p')
    ir = fem.compile_ufl(expression,
    assert len(ir) == 1

    # Deal with non-scalar expressions
    tensor_indices = ()
    if fs.shape:
        tensor_indices = tuple(gem.Index() for s in fs.shape)
        ir = [gem.Indexed(ir[0], tensor_indices)]

    # Build kernel body
    return_var = gem.Variable('A', (len(to_pts),) + fs.shape)
    return_expr = gem.Indexed(return_var, (point_index,) + tensor_indices)
    impero_c = impero_utils.compile_gem([return_expr], ir, [point_index])
    body = generate_coffee(impero_c, index_names={point_index: 'p'})

    oriented = needs_cell_orientations(ir)
    if oriented:
        args.insert(0, cell_orientations_coffee_arg)

    # Build kernel
    args.insert(0, ast.Decl("double", ast.Symbol('A', rank=(len(to_pts),) + fs.shape)))
    kernel_code = builder.construct_kernel("expression_kernel", args, body)

    return op2.Kernel(kernel_code, kernel_code.name), oriented, coefficients
Ejemplo n.º 18
def compileUFL(form, patch, *args, **kwargs):
    if isinstance(form, Equation):
        form = form.lhs - form.rhs
    if not isinstance(form, Form):
        raise Exception("ufl.Form expected.")
    if len(form.arguments()) < 2:
        raise Exception("ConservationLaw model requires form with at least two arguments.")

    phi_, u_ = form.arguments()

    if phi_.ufl_function_space().scalar:
        phi = TestFunction(phi_.ufl_function_space().toVectorSpace())
        form = replace(form,{phi_:phi[0]})
        phi = phi_
    if u_.ufl_function_space().scalar:
        u = TrialFunction(u_.ufl_function_space().toVectorSpace())
        form = replace(form,{u_:u[0]})
        u = u_
    _, coeff_ = extract_arguments_and_coefficients(form)
    coeff_ = set(coeff_)

    # added for dirichlet treatment same as conservationlaw model
    dirichletBCs = [arg for arg in args if isinstance(arg, DirichletBC)]
    # remove the dirichletBCs
    arg = [arg for arg in args if not isinstance(arg, DirichletBC)]
    for dBC in dirichletBCs:
        _, coeff__ = extract_arguments_and_coefficients(dBC.ufl_value)
        coeff_ |= set(coeff__)
    if patch is not None:
        for a in patch:
                _, coeff__ = extract_arguments_and_coefficients(a)
                coeff_ |= set(coeff__)
                pass # a might be a float/int and not a ufl expression

    coeff = {c : c.toVectorCoefficient()[0] for c in coeff_ if len(c.ufl_shape) == 0 and not c.is_cellwise_constant()}
    form = replace(form,coeff)
    for bc in dirichletBCs:
        bc.ufl_value = replace(bc.ufl_value, coeff)
    if patch is not None:
        patch = [a if not isinstance(a, Expr) else replace(a,coeff) for a in patch]

    phi = form.arguments()[0]
    dimRange = phi.ufl_shape[0]

    u = form.arguments()[1]
    du = Grad(u)
    d2u = Grad(du)
    ubar = Coefficient(u.ufl_function_space())
    dubar = Grad(ubar)
    d2ubar = Grad(dubar)
    dimDomain = u.ufl_shape[0]

    x = SpatialCoordinate(form.ufl_cell())

        field = u.ufl_function_space().field
    except AttributeError:
        field = "double"

    # if exact solution is passed in subtract a(u,.) from the form
    if "exact" in kwargs:
        b = replace(form, {u: as_vector(kwargs["exact"])} )
        form = form - b

    dform = apply_derivatives(derivative(action(form, ubar), ubar, u))

    source, flux, boundarySource = splitUFLForm(form)
    linSource, linFlux, linBoundarySource = splitUFLForm(dform)
    fluxDivergence, _, _ = splitUFLForm(inner(source.as_ufl() - div(flux.as_ufl()), phi) * dx(0))

    # split linNVSource off linSource
    # linSources = splitUFL2(u, du, d2u, linSource)
    # linNVSource = linSources[2]
    # linSource = linSources[0] + linSources[1]

    if patch is not None:
        model = ConservationLawModel(dimDomain, dimRange, u, modelSignature(form,*patch,*args))
        model = ConservationLawModel(dimDomain, dimRange, u, modelSignature(form,None,*args))
    model._replaceCoeff = coeff

    model.hasNeumanBoundary = not boundarySource.is_zero()

    #expandform = expand_indices(expand_derivatives(expand_compounds(equation.lhs)))
    #if expandform == adjoint(expandform):
    #    model.symmetric = 'true'
    model.field = field

    dirichletBCs = [arg for arg in args if isinstance(arg, DirichletBC)]
    # deprecated
    # if "dirichlet" in kwargs:
    #     dirichletBCs += [DirichletBC(u.ufl_function_space(), as_vector(value), bndId) for bndId, value in kwargs["dirichlet"].items()]

    uflCoefficients = set(form.coefficients())
    for bc in dirichletBCs:
        _, c = extract_arguments_and_coefficients(bc.ufl_value)
        uflCoefficients |= set(c)
    if patch is not None:
        for a in patch:
            if isinstance(a, Expr):
                _, c = extract_arguments_and_coefficients(a)
                uflCoefficients |= set(c)

    constants = dict()
    coefficients = dict()

    for coefficient in uflCoefficients:
            name = getattr(coefficient, "name")
        except AttributeError:
            name = str(coefficient)
        if coefficient.is_cellwise_constant():
                parameter = getattr(coefficient, "parameter")
            except AttributeError:
                parameter = None
            if len(coefficient.ufl_shape) == 0:
                constants[coefficient] = model.addConstant('double', name=name, parameter=parameter)
            elif len(coefficient.ufl_shape) == 1:
                constants[coefficient] = model.addConstant('Dune::FieldVector< double, ' + str(coefficient.ufl_shape[0]) + ' >', name=name, parameter=parameter)
                Exception('Currently, only scalars and vectors are supported as constants')
            shape = coefficient.ufl_shape[0]
                coefficients[coefficient] = model.addCoefficient(
            except AttributeError:
                coefficients[coefficient] = model.addCoefficient(

    model.coefficients = coefficients
    model.constants = constants

    tempVars = kwargs.get("tempVars", True)

    predefined = {u: model.arg_u, du: model.arg_du, d2u: model.arg_d2u}
    predefined[x] = UnformattedExpression('auto', 'entity().geometry().global( Dune::Fem::coordinate( ' + model.arg_x.name + ' ) )')
    model.source = generateCode(predefined, source, tempVars=tempVars)
    model.flux = generateCode(predefined, flux, tempVars=tempVars)
    predefined.update({ubar: model.arg_ubar, dubar: model.arg_dubar, d2ubar: model.arg_d2ubar})
    model.linSource = generateCode(predefined, linSource, tempVars=tempVars)
    model.linFlux = generateCode(predefined, linFlux, tempVars=tempVars)

    # model.linNVSource = generateCode({u: arg, du: darg, d2u: d2arg, ubar: argbar, dubar: dargbar, d2ubar: d2argbar}, linNVSource, model.coefficients, tempVars)

    predefined = {u: model.arg_u}
    predefined[x] = UnformattedExpression('auto', 'entity().geometry().global( Dune::Fem::coordinate( ' + model.arg_x.name + ' ) )')
    model.alpha = generateCode(predefined, boundarySource, tempVars=tempVars)
    predefined.update({ubar: model.arg_ubar})
    model.linAlpha = generateCode(predefined, linBoundarySource, tempVars=tempVars)

    predefined = {u: model.arg_u, du: model.arg_du, d2u: model.arg_d2u}
    predefined[x] = UnformattedExpression('auto', 'entity().geometry().global( Dune::Fem::coordinate( ' + model.arg_x.name + ' ) )')
    model.fluxDivergence = generateCode(predefined, fluxDivergence, tempVars=tempVars)

    if dirichletBCs:
        model.hasDirichletBoundary = True

        predefined = {}
        predefined[x] = UnformattedExpression('auto', 'entity().geometry().global( Dune::Fem::coordinate( ' + model.arg_x.name + ' ) )')

        maxId = 0
        codeDomains = []
        bySubDomain = dict()
        neuman = []
        for bc in dirichletBCs:
            if bc.subDomain in bySubDomain:
                raise Exception('Multiply defined Dirichlet boundary for subdomain ' + str(bc.subDomain))
            if not isinstance(bc.functionSpace, (FunctionSpace, FiniteElementBase)):
                raise Exception('Function space must either be a ufl.FunctionSpace or a ufl.FiniteElement')
            if isinstance(bc.functionSpace, FunctionSpace) and (bc.functionSpace != u.ufl_function_space()):
                raise Exception('Space of trial function and dirichlet boundary function must be the same - note that boundary conditions on subspaces are not available, yet')
            if isinstance(bc.functionSpace, FiniteElementBase) and (bc.functionSpace != u.ufl_element()):
                raise Exception('Cannot handle boundary conditions on subspaces, yet')

            if isinstance(bc.value, list):
                neuman = [i for i, x in enumerate(bc.value) if x == None]
                neuman = []

            value = ExprTensor(u.ufl_shape)
            for key in value.keys():
                value[key] = Indexed(bc.ufl_value, MultiIndex(tuple(FixedIndex(k) for k in key)))
            if isinstance(bc.subDomain,int):
                bySubDomain[bc.subDomain] = value,neuman
                maxId = max(maxId, bc.subDomain)
                domain = ExprTensor(())
                for key in domain.keys():
                    domain[key] = Indexed(bc.subDomain, MultiIndex(tuple(FixedIndex(k) for k in key)))
                codeDomains.append( (value,neuman,domain) )
        defaultCode = []
        defaultCode.append(Declaration(Variable('int', 'domainId')))
        defaultCode.append(Declaration(Variable('auto', 'tmp0'),
        for i,v in enumerate(codeDomains):
            block = Block()
                    generateDirichletDomainCode(predefined, v[2], tempVars=tempVars))
            defaultCode.append('if (domainId)')
            block = UnformattedBlock()
            block.append('std::fill( dirichletComponent.begin(), dirichletComponent.end(), ' + str(maxId+i+1) + ' );')
            if len(v[1])>0:
                [block.append('dirichletComponent[' + str(c) + '] = 0;') for c in v[1]]
            block.append('return true;')

        bndId = Variable('const int', 'bndId')
        getBndId = UnformattedExpression('int', 'BoundaryIdProviderType::boundaryId( ' + model.arg_i.name + ' )')
        switch = SwitchStatement(bndId, default=defaultCode)
        for i,v in bySubDomain.items():
            code = []
            if len(v[1])>0:
                [code.append('dirichletComponent[' + str(c) + '] = 0;') for c in v[1]]
            switch.append(i, code)
        model.isDirichletIntersection = [Declaration(bndId, initializer=getBndId),
                                         UnformattedBlock('std::fill( dirichletComponent.begin(), dirichletComponent.end(), ' + bndId.name + ' );'),

        switch = SwitchStatement(model.arg_bndId, default=assign(model.arg_r, construct("RRangeType", 0)))
        for i, v in bySubDomain.items():
            switch.append(i, generateDirichletCode(predefined, v[0], tempVars=tempVars))
        for i,v in enumerate(codeDomains):
            switch.append(i+maxId+1, generateDirichletCode(predefined, v[0], tempVars=tempVars))
        model.dirichlet = [switch]

    return model
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_grad_ruleset():
    cell = triangle
    d = cell.geometric_dimension()

    V0 = FiniteElement("DG", cell, 0)
    V1 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, 1)
    V2 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, 2)
    W0 = VectorElement("DG", cell, 0)
    W1 = VectorElement("Lagrange", cell, 1)
    W2 = VectorElement("Lagrange", cell, 2)

    # Literals
    one = as_ufl(1)
    two = as_ufl(2.0)
    I = Identity(d)
    literals = [one, two, I]

    # Geometry
    x = SpatialCoordinate(cell)
    n = FacetNormal(cell)
    volume = CellVolume(cell)
    geometry = [x, n, volume]

    # Arguments
    u0 = TestFunction(V0)
    u1 = TestFunction(V1)
    arguments = [u0, u1]

    # Coefficients
    r = Constant(cell)
    vr = VectorConstant(cell)
    f0 = Coefficient(V0)
    f1 = Coefficient(V1)
    f2 = Coefficient(V2)
    vf0 = Coefficient(W0)
    vf1 = Coefficient(W1)
    vf2 = Coefficient(W2)
    coefficients = [f0, f1, vf0, vf1]

    # Expressions
    e0 = f0 + f1
    e1 = u0 * (f1 / 3 - f0**2)
    e2 = exp(sin(cos(tan(ln(x[0])))))
    expressions = [e0, e1, e2]

    # Variables
    v0 = variable(one)
    v1 = variable(f1)
    v2 = variable(f0 * f1)
    variables = [v0, v1, v2]

    rules = GradRuleset(d)

    # Literals
    assert rules(one) == zero((d, ))
    assert rules(two) == zero((d, ))
    assert rules(I) == zero((d, d, d))

    # Assumed piecewise constant geometry
    for g in [n, volume]:
        assert rules(g) == zero(g.ufl_shape + (d, ))

    # Non-constant geometry
    assert rules(x) == I

    # Arguments
    for u in arguments:
        assert rules(u) == grad(u)

    # Piecewise constant coefficients (Constant)
    assert rules(r) == zero((d, ))
    assert rules(vr) == zero((d, d))
    assert rules(grad(r)) == zero((d, d))
    assert rules(grad(vr)) == zero((d, d, d))

    # Piecewise constant coefficients (DG0)
    assert rules(f0) == zero((d, ))
    assert rules(vf0) == zero((d, d))
    assert rules(grad(f0)) == zero((d, d))
    assert rules(grad(vf0)) == zero((d, d, d))

    # Piecewise linear coefficients
    assert rules(f1) == grad(f1)
    assert rules(vf1) == grad(vf1)
    # assert rules(grad(f1)) == zero((d,d)) # TODO: Use degree to make this work
    # assert rules(grad(vf1)) == zero((d,d,d))

    # Piecewise quadratic coefficients
    assert rules(grad(f2)) == grad(grad(f2))
    assert rules(grad(vf2)) == grad(grad(vf2))

    # Indexed coefficients
    assert renumber_indices(apply_derivatives(grad(
        vf2[0]))) == renumber_indices(grad(vf2)[0, :])
    assert renumber_indices(apply_derivatives(grad(
        vf2[1])[0])) == renumber_indices(grad(vf2)[1, 0])

    # Grad of gradually more complex expressions
    assert apply_derivatives(grad(2 * f0)) == zero((d, ))
    assert renumber_indices(apply_derivatives(grad(
        2 * f1))) == renumber_indices(2 * grad(f1))
    assert renumber_indices(apply_derivatives(grad(
        sin(f1)))) == renumber_indices(cos(f1) * grad(f1))
    assert renumber_indices(apply_derivatives(grad(
        cos(f1)))) == renumber_indices(-sin(f1) * grad(f1))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def compute_form_data(form,
                      # Default arguments configured to behave the way old FFC expects it:

    # TODO: Move this to the constructor instead
    self = FormData()

    # --- Store untouched form for reference.
    # The user of FormData may get original arguments,
    # original coefficients, and form signature from this object.
    # But be aware that the set of original coefficients are not
    # the same as the ones used in the final UFC form.
    # See 'reduced_coefficients' below.
    self.original_form = form

    # --- Pass form integrands through some symbolic manipulation

    # Note: Default behaviour here will process form the way that is
    # currently expected by vanilla FFC

    # Check that the form does not try to compare complex quantities:
    # if the quantites being compared are 'provably' real, wrap them
    # with Real, otherwise throw an error.
    if complex_mode:
        form = do_comparison_check(form)

    # Lower abstractions for tensor-algebra types into index notation,
    # reducing the number of operators later algorithms and form
    # compilers need to handle
    form = apply_algebra_lowering(form)

    # After lowering to index notation, remove any complex nodes that
    # have been introduced but are not wanted when working in real mode,
    # allowing for purely real forms to be written
    if not complex_mode:
        form = remove_complex_nodes(form)

    # Apply differentiation before function pullbacks, because for
    # example coefficient derivatives are more complicated to derive
    # after coefficients are rewritten, and in particular for
    # user-defined coefficient relations it just gets too messy
    form = apply_derivatives(form)

    # strip the coordinate derivatives away from the integral as they
    # interfere with the integral grouping
    (form, coordinate_derivatives) = strip_coordinate_derivatives(form)

    # --- Group form integrals
    # TODO: Refactor this, it's rather opaque what this does
    # TODO: Is self.original_form.ufl_domains() right here?
    #       It will matter when we start including 'num_domains' in ufc form.
    form = group_form_integrals(form, self.original_form.ufl_domains())

    # attach coordinate derivatives again
    form = attach_coordinate_derivatives(form, coordinate_derivatives)

    # Estimate polynomial degree of integrands now, before applying
    # any pullbacks and geometric lowering.  Otherwise quad degrees
    # blow up horrifically.
    if do_estimate_degrees:
        form = attach_estimated_degrees(form)

    if do_apply_function_pullbacks:
        # Rewrite coefficients and arguments in terms of their
        # reference cell values with Piola transforms and symmetry
        # transforms injected where needed.
        # Decision: Not supporting grad(dolfin.Expression) without a
        #           Domain.  Current dolfin works if Expression has a
        #           cell but this should be changed to a mesh.
        form = apply_function_pullbacks(form)

    # Scale integrals to reference cell frames
    if do_apply_integral_scaling:
        form = apply_integral_scaling(form)

    # Apply default restriction to fully continuous terminals
    if do_apply_default_restrictions:
        form = apply_default_restrictions(form)

    # Lower abstractions for geometric quantities into a smaller set
    # of quantities, allowing the form compiler to deal with a smaller
    # set of types and treating geometric quantities like any other
    # expressions w.r.t. loop-invariant code motion etc.
    if do_apply_geometry_lowering:
        form = apply_geometry_lowering(form, preserve_geometry_types)

    # Apply differentiation again, because the algorithms above can
    # generate new derivatives or rewrite expressions inside
    # derivatives
    if do_apply_function_pullbacks or do_apply_geometry_lowering:
        form = apply_derivatives(form)

        # Neverending story: apply_derivatives introduces new Jinvs,
        # which needs more geometry lowering
        if do_apply_geometry_lowering:
            form = apply_geometry_lowering(form, preserve_geometry_types)
            # Lower derivatives that may have appeared
            form = apply_derivatives(form)

    form = apply_coordinate_derivatives(form)

    # Propagate restrictions to terminals
    if do_apply_restrictions:
        form = apply_restrictions(form)

    # --- Group integrals into IntegralData objects
    # Most of the heavy lifting is done above in group_form_integrals.
    self.integral_data = build_integral_data(form.integrals())

    # --- Create replacements for arguments and coefficients

    # Figure out which form coefficients each integral should enable
    for itg_data in self.integral_data:
        itg_coeffs = set()
        # Get all coefficients in integrand
        for itg in itg_data.integrals:
        # Store with IntegralData object
        itg_data.integral_coefficients = itg_coeffs

    # Figure out which coefficients from the original form are
    # actually used in any integral (Differentiation may reduce the
    # set of coefficients w.r.t. the original form)
    reduced_coefficients_set = set()
    for itg_data in self.integral_data:
    self.reduced_coefficients = sorted(reduced_coefficients_set,
                                       key=lambda c: c.count())
    self.num_coefficients = len(self.reduced_coefficients)
    self.original_coefficient_positions = [i for i, c in enumerate(self.original_form.coefficients())
                                           if c in self.reduced_coefficients]

    # Store back into integral data which form coefficients are used
    # by each integral
    for itg_data in self.integral_data:
        itg_data.enabled_coefficients = [bool(coeff in itg_data.integral_coefficients)
                                         for coeff in self.reduced_coefficients]

    # --- Collect some trivial data

    # Get rank of form from argument list (assuming not a mixed arity form)
    self.rank = len(self.original_form.arguments())

    # Extract common geometric dimension (topological is not common!)
    self.geometric_dimension = self.original_form.integrals()[0].ufl_domain().geometric_dimension()

    # --- Build mapping from old incomplete element objects to new
    # well defined elements.  This is to support the Expression
    # construct in dolfin which subclasses Coefficient but doesn't
    # provide an element, and the Constant construct that doesn't
    # provide the domain that a Coefficient is supposed to have. A
    # future design iteration in UFL/UFC/FFC/DOLFIN may allow removal
    # of this mapping with the introduction of UFL types for
    # Expression-like functions that can be evaluated in quadrature
    # points.
    self.element_replace_map = _compute_element_mapping(self.original_form)

    # Mappings from elements and coefficients that reside in form to
    # objects with canonical numbering as well as completed cells and
    # elements
    renumbered_coefficients, function_replace_map = \
    self.function_replace_map = function_replace_map

    # --- Store various lists of elements and sub elements (adds
    #     members to self)

    # --- Store number of domains for integral types
    # TODO: Group this by domain first. For now keep a backwards
    # compatible data structure.
    self.max_subdomain_ids = _compute_max_subdomain_ids(self.integral_data)

    # --- Checks

    # TODO: This is a very expensive check... Replace with something
    # faster!
    preprocessed_form = reconstruct_form_from_integral_data(self.integral_data)

    # If in real mode, remove complex nodes entirely.
    if not complex_mode:
        preprocessed_form = remove_complex_nodes(preprocessed_form)

    check_form_arity(preprocessed_form, self.original_form.arguments(), complex_mode)  # Currently testing how fast this is

    # TODO: This member is used by unit tests, change the tests to
    # remove this!
    self.preprocessed_form = preprocessed_form

    return self
Ejemplo n.º 21
def compile_ufl_kernel(expression, to_pts, to_element, fs):
    import collections
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_function_pullbacks import apply_function_pullbacks
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_algebra_lowering import apply_algebra_lowering
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_derivatives import apply_derivatives
    from ufl.algorithms.apply_geometry_lowering import apply_geometry_lowering
    from ufl.algorithms import extract_arguments, extract_coefficients
    from gem import gem, impero_utils
    from tsfc import fem, ufl_utils
    from tsfc.coffee import generate as generate_coffee
    from tsfc.kernel_interface import (KernelBuilderBase,

    # Imitate the compute_form_data processing pipeline
    # Unfortunately, we cannot call compute_form_data here, since
    # we only have an expression, not a form
    expression = apply_algebra_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_function_pullbacks(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)
    expression = apply_geometry_lowering(expression)
    expression = apply_derivatives(expression)

    # Replace coordinates (if any)
    if expression.ufl_domain():
        assert fs.mesh() == expression.ufl_domain()
        expression = ufl_utils.replace_coordinates(expression, fs.mesh().coordinates)

    if extract_arguments(expression):
        return ValueError("Cannot interpolate UFL expression with Arguments!")

    builder = KernelBuilderBase()
    args = []

    coefficients = extract_coefficients(expression)
    for i, coefficient in enumerate(coefficients):
        args.append(builder.coefficient(coefficient, "w_%d" % i))

    point_index = gem.Index(name='p')
    ir = fem.process('cell', fs.mesh().ufl_cell(), to_pts, None,
                     point_index, (), expression,
    assert len(ir) == 1

    # Deal with non-scalar expressions
    tensor_indices = ()
    if fs.shape:
        tensor_indices = tuple(gem.Index() for s in fs.shape)
        ir = [gem.Indexed(ir[0], tensor_indices)]

    # Build kernel body
    return_var = gem.Variable('A', (len(to_pts),) + fs.shape)
    return_expr = gem.Indexed(return_var, (point_index,) + tensor_indices)
    impero_c = impero_utils.compile_gem([return_expr], ir, [point_index])
    body = generate_coffee(impero_c, index_names={point_index: 'p'})

    oriented = needs_cell_orientations(ir)
    if oriented:
        args.insert(0, cell_orientations_coffee_arg)

    # Build kernel
    args.insert(0, ast.Decl("double", ast.Symbol('A', rank=(len(to_pts),) + fs.shape)))
    kernel_code = builder.construct_kernel("expression_kernel", args, body)

    return op2.Kernel(kernel_code, kernel_code.name), oriented, coefficients
Ejemplo n.º 22
def _compileUFL(integrands, form, *args, tempVars=True):
    if isinstance(form, Equation):
        form = form.lhs - form.rhs
    if not isinstance(form, Form):
        raise ValueError("ufl.Form or ufl.Equation expected.")

    # added for dirichlet treatment same as conservationlaw model
    dirichletBCs = [arg for arg in args if isinstance(arg, DirichletBC)]

    uflExpr = [form] + [bc.ufl_value for bc in dirichletBCs]
    if len(form.arguments()) < 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "Integrands model requires form with at least two arguments.")

    x = SpatialCoordinate(form.ufl_cell())
    n = FacetNormal(form.ufl_cell())

    cellVolume = CellVolume(form.ufl_cell())
    maxCellEdgeLength = MaxCellEdgeLength(form.ufl_cell())
    minCellEdgeLength = MinCellEdgeLength(form.ufl_cell())

    facetArea = FacetArea(form.ufl_cell())
    maxFacetEdgeLength = MaxFacetEdgeLength(form.ufl_cell())
    minFacetEdgeLength = MinFacetEdgeLength(form.ufl_cell())

    phi, u = form.arguments()
    ubar = Coefficient(u.ufl_function_space())

    derivatives = gatherDerivatives(form, [phi, u])

    derivatives_phi = derivatives[0]
    derivatives_u = derivatives[1]
    derivatives_ubar = map_expr_dags(Replacer({u: ubar}), derivatives_u)

        integrands.field = u.ufl_function_space().field
    except AttributeError:

    integrals = splitForm(form, [phi])

    dform = apply_derivatives(derivative(action(form, ubar), ubar, u))
    linearizedIntegrals = splitForm(dform, [phi, u])

    if not set(
            integrals.keys()) <= {'cell', 'exterior_facet', 'interior_facet'}:
        raise Exception('unknown integral encountered in ' +
                        str(set(integrals.keys())) + '.')

    if 'cell' in integrals.keys():
        arg = Variable(integrands.domainValueTuple, 'u')

        predefined = {
            derivatives_u[i]: arg[i]
            for i in range(len(derivatives_u))
        predefined[x] = integrands.spatialCoordinate('x')
        predefined[cellVolume] = integrands.cellVolume()
        predefined[maxCellEdgeLength] = maxEdgeLength(
        predefined[minCellEdgeLength] = minEdgeLength(
        integrands.predefineCoefficients(predefined, False)
        integrands.interior = generateUnaryCode(predefined,

        predefined = {
            derivatives_ubar[i]: arg[i]
            for i in range(len(derivatives_u))
        predefined[x] = integrands.spatialCoordinate('x')
        predefined[cellVolume] = integrands.cellVolume()
        predefined[maxCellEdgeLength] = maxEdgeLength(
        predefined[minCellEdgeLength] = minEdgeLength(
        integrands.predefineCoefficients(predefined, False)
        integrands.linearizedInterior = generateUnaryLinearizedCode(

    if 'exterior_facet' in integrals.keys():
        arg = Variable(integrands.domainValueTuple, 'u')

        predefined = {
            derivatives_u[i]: arg[i]
            for i in range(len(derivatives_u))
        predefined[x] = integrands.spatialCoordinate('x')
        predefined[n] = integrands.facetNormal('x')
        predefined[cellVolume] = integrands.cellVolume()
        predefined[maxCellEdgeLength] = maxEdgeLength(
        predefined[minCellEdgeLength] = minEdgeLength(
        predefined[facetArea] = integrands.facetArea()
        predefined[maxFacetEdgeLength] = maxEdgeLength(
        predefined[minFacetEdgeLength] = minEdgeLength(
        integrands.predefineCoefficients(predefined, False)
        integrands.boundary = generateUnaryCode(predefined,

        predefined = {
            derivatives_ubar[i]: arg[i]
            for i in range(len(derivatives_u))
        predefined[x] = integrands.spatialCoordinate('x')
        predefined[n] = integrands.facetNormal('x')
        predefined[cellVolume] = integrands.cellVolume()
        predefined[maxCellEdgeLength] = maxEdgeLength(
        predefined[minCellEdgeLength] = minEdgeLength(
        predefined[facetArea] = integrands.facetArea()
        predefined[maxFacetEdgeLength] = maxEdgeLength(
        predefined[minFacetEdgeLength] = minEdgeLength(
        integrands.predefineCoefficients(predefined, False)
        integrands.linearizedBoundary = generateUnaryLinearizedCode(

    if 'interior_facet' in integrals.keys():
        argIn = Variable(integrands.domainValueTuple, 'uIn')
        argOut = Variable(integrands.domainValueTuple, 'uOut')

        predefined = {
            derivatives_u[i](s): arg[i]
            for i in range(len(derivatives_u))
            for s, arg in (('+', argIn), ('-', argOut))
        predefined[x] = integrands.spatialCoordinate('xIn')
        predefined[n('+')] = integrands.facetNormal('xIn')
        predefined[cellVolume('+')] = integrands.cellVolume('Side::in')
        predefined[cellVolume('-')] = integrands.cellVolume('Side::out')
        predefined[maxCellEdgeLength('+')] = maxEdgeLength(
        predefined[maxCellEdgeLength('-')] = maxEdgeLength(
        predefined[minCellEdgeLength('+')] = minEdgeLength(
        predefined[minCellEdgeLength('-')] = minEdgeLength(
        predefined[facetArea] = integrands.facetArea()
        predefined[maxFacetEdgeLength] = maxEdgeLength(
        predefined[minFacetEdgeLength] = minEdgeLength(
        integrands.predefineCoefficients(predefined, True)
        integrands.skeleton = generateBinaryCode(predefined,

        predefined = {
            derivatives_ubar[i](s): arg[i]
            for i in range(len(derivatives_u))
            for s, arg in (('+', argIn), ('-', argOut))
        predefined[x] = integrands.spatialCoordinate('xIn')
        predefined[n('+')] = integrands.facetNormal('xIn')
        predefined[cellVolume('+')] = integrands.cellVolume('Side::in')
        predefined[cellVolume('-')] = integrands.cellVolume('Side::out')
        predefined[maxCellEdgeLength('+')] = maxEdgeLength(
        predefined[maxCellEdgeLength('-')] = maxEdgeLength(
        predefined[minCellEdgeLength('+')] = minEdgeLength(
        predefined[minCellEdgeLength('-')] = minEdgeLength(
        predefined[facetArea] = integrands.facetArea()
        predefined[maxFacetEdgeLength] = maxEdgeLength(
        predefined[minFacetEdgeLength] = minEdgeLength(
        integrands.predefineCoefficients(predefined, True)
        integrands.linearizedSkeleton = generateBinaryLinearizedCode(

    if dirichletBCs:
        integrands.hasDirichletBoundary = True

        predefined = {}
        # predefined[x] = UnformattedExpression('auto', 'entity().geometry().global( Dune::Fem::coordinate( ' + integrands.arg_x.name + ' ) )')
        predefined[x] = UnformattedExpression(
            'auto', 'intersection.geometry().center( )')
        integrands.predefineCoefficients(predefined, False)

        maxId = 0
        codeDomains = []
        bySubDomain = dict()
        neuman = []
        wholeDomain = None
        for bc in dirichletBCs:
            if bc.subDomain in bySubDomain:
                raise Exception(
                    'Multiply defined Dirichlet boundary for subdomain ' +
            if not isinstance(bc.functionSpace,
                              (FunctionSpace, FiniteElementBase)):
                raise Exception(
                    'Function space must either be a ufl.FunctionSpace or a ufl.FiniteElement'
            if isinstance(bc.functionSpace, FunctionSpace) and (
                    bc.functionSpace != u.ufl_function_space()):
                raise Exception(
                    'Space of trial function and dirichlet boundary function must be the same - note that boundary conditions on subspaces are not available, yet'
            if isinstance(bc.functionSpace, FiniteElementBase) and (
                    bc.functionSpace != u.ufl_element()):
                raise Exception(
                    'Cannot handle boundary conditions on subspaces, yet')

            if isinstance(bc.value, list):
                neuman = [i for i, x in enumerate(bc.value) if x == None]
                neuman = []

            value = ExprTensor(u.ufl_shape)
            for key in value.keys():
                value[key] = Indexed(
                    MultiIndex(tuple(FixedIndex(k) for k in key)))
            if bc.subDomain is None:
                wholeDomain = value, neuman
            elif isinstance(bc.subDomain, int):
                bySubDomain[bc.subDomain] = value, neuman
                maxId = max(maxId, bc.subDomain)
                domain = ExprTensor(())
                for key in domain.keys():
                    domain[key] = Indexed(
                        MultiIndex(tuple(FixedIndex(k) for k in key)))
                codeDomains.append((value, neuman, domain))
        defaultCode = []
        if len(codeDomains) > 0:
            defaultCode.append(Declaration(Variable('int', 'domainId')))
        # defaultCode.append(Declaration(Variable('auto', 'x'),
        #     initializer=UnformattedExpression('auto','intersection.geometry().center()')))
        for i, v in enumerate(codeDomains):
            block = Block()
            block.append('if (domainId)')
            ifBlock = UnformattedBlock()
                'std::fill( dirichletComponent.begin(), dirichletComponent.end(), '
                + str(maxId + i + 2) + ' );')
            if len(v[1]) > 0:
                    ifBlock.append('dirichletComponent[' + str(c) + '] = 0;')
                    for c in v[1]
            ifBlock.append('return true;')
        if wholeDomain is not None:
            block = UnformattedBlock()
                'std::fill( dirichletComponent.begin(), dirichletComponent.end(), '
                + str(maxId + 1) + ' );')
            if len(wholeDomain[1]) > 0:
                    block.append('dirichletComponent[' + str(c) + '] = 0;')
                    for c in wholeDomain[1]
            block.append('return true;')

        bndId = Variable('const int', 'bndId')
        getBndId = UnformattedExpression(
            'int', 'BoundaryIdProviderType::boundaryId( ' +
            integrands.arg_i.name + ' )')
        # getBndId = UnformattedExpression('int', 'boundaryIdGetter_.boundaryId( ' + integrands.arg_i.name + ' )')
        switch = SwitchStatement(bndId, default=defaultCode)
        for i, v in bySubDomain.items():
            code = []
            if len(v[1]) > 0:
                    code.append('dirichletComponent[' + str(c) + '] = 0;')
                    for c in v[1]
            switch.append(i, code)
        integrands.isDirichletIntersection = [
            Declaration(bndId, initializer=getBndId),
                'std::fill( dirichletComponent.begin(), dirichletComponent.end(), '
                + bndId.name + ' );'), switch

        predefined[x] = UnformattedExpression(
            'auto', 'entity().geometry().global( Dune::Fem::coordinate( ' +
            integrands.arg_x.name + ' ) )')
        if wholeDomain is None:
            defaultCode = assign(integrands.arg_r, construct("RRangeType", 0))
            defaultCode = generateDirichletCode(predefined,
        switch = SwitchStatement(integrands.arg_bndId, default=defaultCode)
        for i, v in bySubDomain.items():
                i, generateDirichletCode(predefined, v[0], tempVars=tempVars))
        for i, v in enumerate(codeDomains):
                i + maxId + 2,
                generateDirichletCode(predefined, v[0], tempVars=tempVars))
        integrands.dirichlet = [switch]

    return integrands
Ejemplo n.º 23
def compute_form_data(
    # Default arguments configured to behave the way old FFC expects it:

    # TODO: Move this to the constructor instead
    self = FormData()

    # --- Store untouched form for reference.
    # The user of FormData may get original arguments,
    # original coefficients, and form signature from this object.
    # But be aware that the set of original coefficients are not
    # the same as the ones used in the final UFC form.
    # See 'reduced_coefficients' below.
    self.original_form = form

    # --- Pass form integrands through some symbolic manipulation

    # Note: Default behaviour here will process form the way that is
    # currently expected by vanilla FFC

    # Lower abstractions for tensor-algebra types into index notation,
    # reducing the number of operators later algorithms and form
    # compilers need to handle
    form = apply_algebra_lowering(form)

    # Apply differentiation before function pullbacks, because for
    # example coefficient derivatives are more complicated to derive
    # after coefficients are rewritten, and in particular for
    # user-defined coefficient relations it just gets too messy
    form = apply_derivatives(form)

    # --- Group form integrals
    # TODO: Refactor this, it's rather opaque what this does
    # TODO: Is self.original_form.ufl_domains() right here?
    #       It will matter when we start including 'num_domains' in ufc form.
    form = group_form_integrals(form, self.original_form.ufl_domains())

    # Estimate polynomial degree of integrands now, before applying
    # any pullbacks and geometric lowering.  Otherwise quad degrees
    # blow up horrifically.
    if do_estimate_degrees:
        form = attach_estimated_degrees(form)

    if do_apply_function_pullbacks:
        # Rewrite coefficients and arguments in terms of their
        # reference cell values with Piola transforms and symmetry
        # transforms injected where needed.
        # Decision: Not supporting grad(dolfin.Expression) without a
        #           Domain.  Current dolfin works if Expression has a
        #           cell but this should be changed to a mesh.
        form = apply_function_pullbacks(form)

    # Scale integrals to reference cell frames
    if do_apply_integral_scaling:
        form = apply_integral_scaling(form)

    # Apply default restriction to fully continuous terminals
    if do_apply_default_restrictions:
        form = apply_default_restrictions(form)

    # Lower abstractions for geometric quantities into a smaller set
    # of quantities, allowing the form compiler to deal with a smaller
    # set of types and treating geometric quantities like any other
    # expressions w.r.t. loop-invariant code motion etc.
    if do_apply_geometry_lowering:
        form = apply_geometry_lowering(form, preserve_geometry_types)

    # Apply differentiation again, because the algorithms above can
    # generate new derivatives or rewrite expressions inside
    # derivatives
    if do_apply_function_pullbacks or do_apply_geometry_lowering:
        form = apply_derivatives(form)

        # Neverending story: apply_derivatives introduces new Jinvs,
        # which needs more geometry lowering
        if do_apply_geometry_lowering:
            form = apply_geometry_lowering(form, preserve_geometry_types)
            # Lower derivatives that may have appeared
            form = apply_derivatives(form)

    # Propagate restrictions to terminals
    if do_apply_restrictions:
        form = apply_restrictions(form)

    # --- Group integrals into IntegralData objects
    # Most of the heavy lifting is done above in group_form_integrals.
    self.integral_data = build_integral_data(form.integrals())

    # --- Create replacements for arguments and coefficients

    # Figure out which form coefficients each integral should enable
    for itg_data in self.integral_data:
        itg_coeffs = set()
        # Get all coefficients in integrand
        for itg in itg_data.integrals:
        # Store with IntegralData object
        itg_data.integral_coefficients = itg_coeffs

    # Figure out which coefficients from the original form are
    # actually used in any integral (Differentiation may reduce the
    # set of coefficients w.r.t. the original form)
    reduced_coefficients_set = set()
    for itg_data in self.integral_data:
    self.reduced_coefficients = sorted(reduced_coefficients_set,
                                       key=lambda c: c.count())
    self.num_coefficients = len(self.reduced_coefficients)
    self.original_coefficient_positions = [
        i for i, c in enumerate(self.original_form.coefficients())
        if c in self.reduced_coefficients

    # Store back into integral data which form coefficients are used
    # by each integral
    for itg_data in self.integral_data:
        itg_data.enabled_coefficients = [
            bool(coeff in itg_data.integral_coefficients)
            for coeff in self.reduced_coefficients

    # --- Collect some trivial data

    # Get rank of form from argument list (assuming not a mixed arity form)
    self.rank = len(self.original_form.arguments())

    # Extract common geometric dimension (topological is not common!)
    self.geometric_dimension = self.original_form.integrals()[0].ufl_domain(

    # --- Build mapping from old incomplete element objects to new
    # well defined elements.  This is to support the Expression
    # construct in dolfin which subclasses Coefficient but doesn't
    # provide an element, and the Constant construct that doesn't
    # provide the domain that a Coefficient is supposed to have. A
    # future design iteration in UFL/UFC/FFC/DOLFIN may allow removal
    # of this mapping with the introduction of UFL types for
    # Expression-like functions that can be evaluated in quadrature
    # points.
    self.element_replace_map = _compute_element_mapping(self.original_form)

    # Mappings from elements and coefficients that reside in form to
    # objects with canonical numbering as well as completed cells and
    # elements
    renumbered_coefficients, function_replace_map = \
    self.function_replace_map = function_replace_map

    # --- Store various lists of elements and sub elements (adds
    #     members to self)
    _compute_form_data_elements(self, self.original_form.arguments(),

    # --- Store number of domains for integral types
    # TODO: Group this by domain first. For now keep a backwards
    # compatible data structure.
    self.max_subdomain_ids = _compute_max_subdomain_ids(self.integral_data)

    # --- Checks

    # TODO: This is a very expensive check... Replace with something
    # faster!
    preprocessed_form = reconstruct_form_from_integral_data(self.integral_data)
        self.original_form.arguments())  # Currently testing how fast this is

    # TODO: This member is used by unit tests, change the tests to
    # remove this!
    self.preprocessed_form = preprocessed_form

    return self
Ejemplo n.º 24
] * dimR), name='destE')

u = TrialFunction(space)
v = TestFunction(space)
x = SpatialCoordinate(space.cell())

ubar = space.interpolate(as_vector([
    dot(x, x),
] * dimR), name="ubar")
a = (inner(0.5 * dot(u, u), v[0]) + inner(u[0] * grad(u), grad(v))) * dx
op = create.operator("galerkin", a, space)
A = linearOperator(op)
op.jacobian(ubar, A)
A(arg, destA)

da = apply_derivatives(derivative(action(a, ubar), ubar, u))
dop = create.operator("galerkin", da, space)
dop(arg, destB)
err = integrate(grid, (destA - destB)**2, 5)
# print("error=",err)
assert (err < 1e-15)

A = linearOperator(dop)
dop.jacobian(arg, A)
A(arg, destC)
err = integrate(grid, (destA - destC)**2, 5)
# print("error=",err)
assert (err < 1e-15)
